K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous)

Annual Quality Assurance Report 2014-15

Vidyanagar, Vidyavihar (East), Mumbai – 400 077 http://www.somaiya.edu/vidyavihar/


The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC

All NAAC accredited institutions will submit an annual self-reviewed progress report to NAAC, through its IQAC. The report is to detail the tangible results achieved in key areas, specifically identified by the institutional IQAC at the beginning of the academic year. The AQAR will detail the results of the perspective plan worked out by the IQAC. (Note: The AQAR period would be the Academic Year. For example, July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013)

Part – A 1. Details of the Institution

1.1 Name of the Institution K J Somaiya College of Arts & Commerce (Autonomous)

1.2 Address Line 1 Vidyanagar

Vidyavihar East Address Line 2

Mumbai City/Town

Maharashtra State

Pin Code 400 077

[email protected] Institution e-mail address

Contact Nos. 022‐20122915

Dr (Mrs) Sudha. Y. Vyas Name of the Head of the


Tel. No. with STD Code: 022 ‐20122915

Mobile: 09867411341


Dr. Satish Pandey Name of the IQAC Co-ordinator:

Mobile: 09820385705

[email protected] IQAC e-mail address:

1.3 NAAC Track ID (For ex. MHCOGN 18879) MHCOGN10683

1.4 NAAC Executive Committee No. & Date: EC/53/RAR/04-Dated 04.09.2010 (For Example EC/32/A&A/143 dated 3-5-2004. This EC no. is available in the right corner- bottom of your institution’s Accreditation Certificate)

http://www.somaiya.edu/vidyavihar/kjsac 1.5 Website address:

Web-link of the AQAR: http://www.somaiya.edu/vidyavihar/kjsac

1.6 Accreditation Details

Year of Validity Sl. No. Cycle Grade CGPA Accreditation Period 1 1st Cycle B 2003 05 2 2nd Cycle A 3.27 2010 05 3 3rd Cycle 4 4th Cycle

1.7 Date of Establishment of IQAC : 04-09-2004

2014-15 1.8 AQAR for the year (for example 2010-11)


1.9 Details of the previous year’s AQAR submitted to NAAC after the latest Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC ((for example AQAR 2010-11submitted to NAAC on 12-10-2011)

i. AQAR ______(DD/MM/YYYY)4 ii. AQAR______(DD/MM/YYYY) iii. AQAR______(DD/MM/YYYY) iv. AQAR_13/08/13___Online AQAR sent on 13th Aug.2013 (DD/MM/YYYY) v. AQAR

1.10 Institutional Status

University State  Central Deemed Private

Affiliated College Yes  No

Constituent College Yes No 

Autonomous college of UGC Yes No 

Regulatory Agency approved Institution Yes No 


Type of Institution Co-education  Men Women

Urban  Rural Tribal

Financial Status Grant-in-aid  UGC 2(f)  UGC 12B 

Grant-in-aid + Self Financing Totally Self-financing 

1.11 Type of Faculty/Programme

Arts  Science Commerce  Law PEI (Phys Edu)

TEI (Edu) Engineering Health Science Management

Others (Specify) NIL


1.12 Name of the Affiliating University (for the Colleges) University of Mumbai

1.13 Special status conferred by Central/ State Government-- UGC/CSIR/DST/DBT/ICMR etc

Autonomy by State/Central Govt. / University 

University with Potential for Excellence UGC-CPE

DST Star Scheme UGC-CE

UGC-Special Assistance Programme DST-FIST

UGC-Innovative PG programmes Any other (Specify) Linguistic Minority

UGC-COP Programmes

2. IQAC Composition and Activities

09 2.1 No. of Teachers 02 2.2 No. of Administrative/Technical staff

2.3 No. of students 02

2.4 No. of Management representatives 03

2.5 No. of Alumni 02

2. 6 No. of any other stakeholder and 02 community representatives

2.7 No. of Employers/ Industrialists NIL

2.8 No. of other External Experts 04


2.9 Total No. of members 24

2.10 No. of IQAC meetings held TWO

2.11 No. of meetings with various stakeholders: No. 02 Faculty 

Non-Teaching Staff Students 02 Alumni 01 Others 01

2.12 Has IQAC received any funding from UGC during the year? Yes  No RS.300000/- If yes, mention the amount

2.13 Seminars and Conferences (only quality related)

(i) No. of Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops/Symposia organized by the IQAC

Total Nos. 1 International National State 1 Institution Level

(ii) Themes Role of Academic audit and Documentation for NAAC 2.14 Significant Activities and contributions made by IQAC A special notice board is maintained with theme “Together Everyone achieves More”, Highlight the news related to Quality Enhancement

2.15 Plan of Action by IQAC/Outcome

The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards quality enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year *

Plan of Action Achievements

Academic Programmes -10 Academic Programmes -10

Value Added Programmes-02 Value Added Programmes-02

Skill Oriented Programmes -09 Skill Oriented Programmes -09

Staff Development Programme -05 Staff Development Programme -05

Interdepartmental Co-op Programmes -05 Interdepartmental Co-op Programmes -05

* Attach the Academic Calendar of the year as Annexure.


2.15 Whether the AQAR was placed in statutory body Yes  No

Management Syndicate Any other body

Provide the details of the action taken


Part – B Criterion – I

1. Curricular Aspects

1.1 Details about Academic Programmes Number of value Number of Number of Number of Level of the added / Career existing programmes added self-financing Programme Oriented Programmes during the year programmes programmes PhD 03 PG 01 UG 06 04 02 PG Diploma Advanced Diploma Diploma Certificate 04 Others Total 10 04 02

Interdisciplinary Innovative

1.2 (i) Flexibility of the Curriculum: CBCS/Core/Elective option / Open options (ii) Pattern of programmes:

Pattern Number of programmes

Semester 



1.3 Feedback from stakeholders* Alumni Parents Employers Students  (On all aspects)

 6

Mode of feedback : Online Manual Co-operating schools (for PEI)

*Please provide an analysis of the feedback in the Annexure

1.4 Whether there is any revision/update of regulation or syllabi, if yes, mention their salient aspects.

First, Second and Third Year ‐ BA/ B.Com Syllabi Revised

1.5 Any new Department/Centre introduced during the year. If yes, give details. NIL

Criterion – II

2. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

Total Asst. Professors Associate Professors Professors Others 2.1 Total No. of permanent faculty 48 39 14 Nil Nil

2.2 No. of permanent faculty with Ph.D. 16

2.3 No. of Faculty Positions Asst. Associate Professors Others Total Professors Professors Recruited (R) and Vacant (V) during the year R V R V R V R V R V 06 04 6 4

2.4 No. of Guest and Visiting faculty and Temporary faculty 32

2.5 Faculty participation in conferences and symposia:

No. of Faculty International level National level State level Attended 03 10 25 Presented papers 25 26 06 Resource Persons 02 04 19

2.6 Innovative processes adopted by the institution in Teaching and Learning:

Power Point Presentations, OHP, Educational Films, Cartographic References and Use of Maps, Industrial Visits, Visits to Heritage Sites and Visit to Prominent Libraries, Educational Exhibitions, Poster making, Case Studies, News paper reports, Group Discussion, and Educational games.

2.7 Total No. of actual teaching days 180


during this academic year

2.8 Examination/ Evaluation Reforms initiated by Masking and Coding the Institution (for example: Open Book Examination, Bar Coding, Double Valuation, Photocopy, Online Multiple Choice Questions)

2.9 No. of faculty members involved in curriculum 48 restructuring/revision/syllabus development as member of Board of Study/Faculty/Curriculum Development workshop

2.10 Average percentage of attendance of students 77%

2.11 Course/Programme wise distribution of pass percentage :

Total no. of Title of the Division students Programme appeared Distinction % I % II % III % Pass % TY B.Com 957 70 483 312 90.28% TYBA 167 07 31 69 64.07% TYBFM 56 - 20 24 78.51% TYBMS 110 - 70 24 90.00% TYBBI 119 - 59 50 91.60% TYBMM 52 - 24 22 88.46% MCOM-II 55 - 01 31 58.18%

2.12 How does IQAC Contribute/Monitor/Evaluate the Teaching & Learning processes:

Through direct contact with the students and by obtaining their feedback

2.13 Initiatives undertaken towards faculty development

Number of faculty Faculty / Staff Development Programmes benefitted Refresher courses 07 UGC – Faculty Improvement Programme 02 HRD Programmes Orientation Programmes 04 Faculty exchange programme Staff training conducted by the university


Staff training conducted by other institutions 11 Summer / Winter schools, Workshops, etc. 06 Others --- Soft skills

2.14 Details of Administrative and Technical staff

Category Number of Number of Number of Number of Permanent Vacant permanent positions filled Employees Positions positions filled temporarily during the Year Administrative Staff 57 09 Technical Staff 03

Criterion – III

3. Research, Consultancy and Extension

3.1 Initiatives of the IQAC in Sensitizing/Promoting Research Climate in the institution

Teachers are encouraged to apply for minor/major research projects. Procedure of application is explained in staff meetings. Also notices are put up on the notice board regarding these projects.

3.2 Details regarding major projects

Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted Number Nil Nil __ __ Outlay in Rs. Lakhs Nil ______

3.3 Details regarding Minor Projects

Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted Number 02 05 07 02 Outlay in Rs. Lakhs Rs.1,75,000 Rs. 1,15,000 Rs. 1,53,000 Rs. 60,000

3.4 Details on research publications

International National Others Peer Review Journals 14 08 __ Non-Peer Review Journals 07 24 --- e-Journals 02 ------Conference proceedings ---- 21 ---

3.5 Details on Impact factor of publications:

1.34- ______9 3.2 Range Average h-index Nos. in SCOPUS

3.6 Research funds sanctioned and received from various funding agencies, industry and other organisations

Duration Name of the Total grant Received Nature of the Project Year funding Agency sanctioned Major projects ------University of Mumbai/Deccan Rs. Minor Projects One year Rs. 1,75,000 College 1,53,000 University Interdisciplinary Projects ------Industry sponsored ------University of Projects sponsored by the Mumbai/Deccan Rs. One year Rs. 1,75,000 University/ College College 1,53,000 University TA/DA as TA/DA as Somaiya Students research projects One year per per (other than compulsory by the University) Management requirement requirement Any other(Specify) ------Total

3.7 No. of books published i) With ISBN No. 06 Chapters in Edited Books 07

ii) Without ISBN No. 02 3.8 No. of University Departments receiving funds from


DPE DBT Scheme/funds

3.9 For colleges Autonomy  CPE DBT Star Scheme

INSPIRE CE Any Other (specify)

3.10 Revenue generated through consultancy



Level International National State University College

Number ---- 01 ------

Sponsoring Gujrati agencies Lekhak Mandal

3.11 No. of conferences organized by the Institution

3.12 No. of faculty served as experts, chairpersons or resource persons 19

3.13 No. of collaborations International ‐‐‐ National 09 Any other 02

3.14 No. of linkages created during this year ‐‐‐ 3.15 Total budget for research for current year in lakhs :

From Funding agency Rs.1 , 75 , 000 From Management of University/College 90 , 000

Total Rs. 2,65,000 3.16 No. of patents received this year NIL

Type of Patent Number Applied National Granted Applied International Granted Applied Commercialised Granted

3.17 No. of research awards/ recognitions received by faculty and research fellows Of the institute in the year

Total International National State University Dist College

08 01 02 01 03 __ 01

3.18 No. of faculty from the Institution 05 who are Ph. D. Guides and students registered under them 16

3.19 No. of Ph.D. awarded by faculty from the Institution ‐‐‐


3.20 No. of Research scholars receiving the Fellowships (Newly enrolled + existing ones)

JRF __ SRF __ Project Fellows __ Any other ‐‐‐

3.21 No. of students Participated in NSS events:

University level 49 State level 01

National level International level __ __

3.22 No. of students participated in NCC events:

University level __ State level 30 National level International level 15 __

3.23 No. of Awards won in NSS:

University level __ State level __

National level International level __ __

3.24 No. of Awards won in NCC:

University level __ State level __

National level International level __ __ 3.25 No. of Extension activities organized 21 06 11 University forum College forum

NCC 09 NSS 07 Any other 02

3.26 Major Activities during the year in the sphere of extension activities and Institutional Social Responsibility

 Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan  Blood Donation


Criterion – IV 4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1 Details of increase in infrastructure facilities:

Facilities Existing Newly created Source of Total Fund Campus area 60 Acres ----- __ ----- Class rooms 25234 ----- __ ----- sq.feet

Laboratories (IT Lab) 900 sq.feet ----- __ -----

Seminar Halls 02 ----- __ -----

No. of important equipments ------__ ----- purchased (≥ 1-0 lakh) during the current year. Value of the equipment purchased 210,67,727 21,82,086 Admission 23,249,813 during the year (Rs. in Lakhs) fee

Others ------__ -----

4.2 Computerization of administration and library

Software of the Brain Storming Co. International Pvt.Ltd. used in student admission and student records

Administrative procedure – HR Software

Finalisation of Accounts – Tally Software

4.3 Library services:

Existing Newly added Total No. Value No. Value No. Value Text Books 15000 app --- 2152 196032.5 17152

Reference 52738 --- 1190 595848.5 53928 Books e-Books Nil --- Nil --- Nil ---

Journals 120 --- 45 146416 120

e-Journals 19 Free 19 Free 19 Free

Digital EBSCO 200,000 EBSCO 43328 EBSCO 243328 Database


CD & Video CD-1140 409,636.90 CD-371 18721 CD-1511 428357.9

Others VIDEO-86 6360 ------VIDEO-86 6360 (specify)

4.4 Technology up gradation (overall)

Total Computer Browsing Computer Depart- Internet Office Others Computers Labs Centres Centres ments

Existing 155 105 ( 2 labs) 128 2 __ 21 15 14

Added ______

Total 155 ______

4.5 Computer, Internet access, training to teachers and students and any other programme for technology up gradation (Networking, e-Governance etc.)

Teachers Given Training to feed Internal Marks in Laptop

4.6 Amount spent on maintenance in lakhs: i) ICT 1, 14,549 ii) Campus Infrastructure and facilities 51, 44,000 iii) Equipments 2,182086 iv) Others 1,227,580

86, 68,215Total:


PCriterion – V 5. Student Support and Progression

5.1 Contribution of IQAC in enhancing awareness about Student Support Services

Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit and Gujrathi language depts organized book exhibition on “women literature” on 1st December 2015.

2. Support and progression to enhance awareness was organised by Economics and Gandhian studies.

5.2 Efforts made by the institution for tracking the progression

Feedback was taken on register. So also oral feedback was taken from students on book exhibition.

5.3 (a) Total Number of students UG PG Ph. D. Others

4730 99 16 -

(b) No. of students outside the state 42

(c) No. of international students 02

No % No % 2204 45.49 2641 54.50 Men Women

Last Year This Year

General SC ST OBC Physically Total General SC ST OBC Physically Total Challenge Challenged d 3371 280 17 290 03 3961 4355 202 21 261 06 4845

Demand ratio Dropout 6%

5.4 Details of student support mechanism for coaching for competitive examinations (If any)


No. of students beneficiaries: 06


5.5 No. of students qualified in these examinations NIL

NET ‐‐‐‐ SET/SLET ‐‐‐‐ GATE ‐‐‐‐ CAT ‐‐‐‐

IAS/IPS etc ‐‐‐‐ State PSC ‐‐‐‐ UPSC ‐‐‐‐ Others 02

5.6 Details of student counselling and career guidance

8 Programme were held by counselling and guidance cell .

3 Programme by economics dept.

1 Programme by Gandhian studies

Three Programmes were organised in Career Guidance

No. of students benefited 500

5.7 Details of campus placement

On campus Off Campus Number of Number of Students Number of Number of Students Placed Organizations Participated Students Placed Visited 30 120 85

5.8 Details of gender sensitization programmes

Marathi Prabodhan held “Residential Training Programme and held a “Sakhi Marathon for studies to create gender sensitization.

5.9 Students Activities

5.9.1 No. of students participated in Sports, Games and other events

State/ University level ‐‐ National level 01 International level 02

No. of students participated in cultural events

06 State/ University level National level 02 International level ‐‐‐


5.9.2 No. of medals /awards won by students in Sports, Games and other events

Sports : State/ University level ‐‐ National level 01 International level 02

Cultural: State/ University level 05 National level __ International level __

5.10 Scholarships and Financial Support

Number of Amount (Rs) students Financial support from institution 22 21687 Financial support from government -- Financial support from other sources 31 107750 Number of students who received International/ National recognitions 5.11 Student organised / initiatives

Fairs : State/ University level __ National level _ _ International level __

Exhibition: State/ University level __ National level _ _ International level __

5.12 No. of social initiatives undertaken by the students NIL

5.13 Major grievances of students (if any) redressed: NIL


Criterion – VI

6. Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1 State the Vision and Mission of the institution

Our Vision:

 To empower a cross-section of the society through excellent education based on a sound value system.

Our Mission:

 To impart qualitative and valuable services in the field of Education to all those who need it most.  To attain Community and Social development through Education  To aim at overall personality development of the students through Curricular, Co curricular, and Extra-curricular activities.

6.2 Does the Institution has a management Information System

YES, MIS is in place

6.3 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following:

6.3.1 Curriculum Development

Board of studies look in to the framing of syllabi every year approved by academic council/Board.

6.3.2 Teaching and Learning

 New reference books are introduced to the students. Library stores books in vernacular

languages as well as e-books in English subject and E-Journals, EB-Data based

6.3.3 Examination and Evaluation

Credit Based Grading System (Semester wise) is followed and grades are allotted as per marks scored.

6.3.4 Research and Development

Teachers and students are encouraged to write research projects/papers.


6.3.5 Library, ICT and physical infrastructure / instrumentation

Library system in the whole campus is linked (LAN). Computers and internet facility is provided.

6.3.6 Human Resource Management

The teaching staff members has shown upward mobility in enhancing their academic profile like Ph.D, M.B.A, OC,RC and many more way and non teaching staff showing their knowledge with the example of publication of poetry collections, admission in P.G. courses and completion of library science course.

6.3.7 Faculty and Staff recruitment

University and state government rules are followed for faculty recruitment. Entrance exams are conducted for

non teaching staff recruitment.

6.3.8 Industry Interaction / Collaboration

More than 30 companies visited our campus for student placement since 2012-13. They are also helping us to held

workshop on various areas for the benefit of the students.

6.3.9 Admission of Students

Online admission as per the university rules for linguistic minority Status College


6.4 Welfare schemes for

Teaching Rs. 1000 paid to all permanent staff members as assistance for FOR ALL personal library (80% amount given by college) First aid and Non Rs. 1000 paid to all permanent staff members as assistance medical teaching assistance

Students Staff Concession, Tuition Fee waiver for students opting Gujarati at FYBA level Scholarship for student opting 6 papers at TYBA in Sanskrit language.

6.5 Total corpus fund generated

6.6 Whether annual financial audit has been done Yes No

6.7 Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) have been done?

Audit Type External Internal Yes/No Agency Yes/No Authority Academic NO NO Administrative NO NO

6.8. Does the University/ Autonomous College declare results within 30 days?

For UG Programmes Yes No √ For PG Programmes Yes No √ 6.9 What efforts are made by the University/ Autonomous College for Examination Reforms?

Semester cum credit based system has been introduced.

Masking and coding of answer books.

6.10 What efforts are made by the University to promote autonomy in the affiliated/constituent colleges?

Seminars and workshops are held regularly in college.


6.11 Activities and support from the Alumni Association

In the month of January a major event named Gyan Yagna is conducted in our campus and full one day programme is conducted by alumni. This year alumni

meet organised by our college in the month of Feb. 2015. Alumni members are contributing as judges, guest speakers etc to motivate current year students.

6.12 Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association

Regular meetings are conducted and feedback is obtained

6.13 Development programmes for support staff

Sports event for support staff

6.14 Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly

Annual magazine of the college is made online to save paper. Every year celebration takes place on world environment day to create

awareness. Ozone friendly tulsi plants are grown near the library in pots. This year waste material management system has been created in the campus.


Criterion – VII

7. Innovations and Best Practices

7.1 Innovations introduced during this academic year which have created a positive impact on the functioning of the institution. Give details.

 KAVITA KATTA -Marathi Dept. introduced this platform for students to learn appreciation of Poetry and also to share/discuss their own poems.

 DRUSHTI FILM CLUB: Organized Grand Film Festival with screenings of internationally renowned films. They screened 21 films across 3 venues and also held 1 Exhibition, 2 competitions and 2 workshops, which benefited total 450 participants.

 EKATVA- This event aims at integration of students of various institutes in the campus. Students were asked to set up stalls and sell various SELF-MADE items like Greeting Cards, decorative items, eatables etc. and the funds collected were donated to the NGO ,"Help A Child" . Various competitions relating to Fine Arts and Gaming like Umbrella Printing and Hat Designing were organized.

 Gujarati department organized Navrang and Navras to give deep knowledge of different moods of literature by showing clippings and drama presentation on the eve of Gujarati Matrubhasa Din.

 Gujarati Department participated in National level Gujarati Ekanki Natya Spardha on 20th May 2015 by Maharashtra Rajya Gujarati Sahitya Academy. Shri. Kavit Pandya , noted Director taught the students various techniques of Bhavai drama through a Workshop.

7.2 Provide the Action Taken Report (ATR) based on the plan of action decided upon at the beginning of the year

Most of the activities were carried out according to plan.

7.3 Give two Best Practices of the institution (please see the format in the NAAC Self-study Manuals)

 GOLD and SILVER MEDALS for Best Students in the name of Padma Bhushan Shri K.J. Somaiya and Smt. Sakarben Somaiya are given every year at the Annual Prize Distribution Function.  Mega Medical Check up and Awareness camps were organized with the help of K J Somaiya Hospital and Research Centre, Raheja Hospital and Kohinoor Hospital in January every year in our GYANYAGNA event. This event is a month long event covering Spiritual, Cultural and Para-Medical Activities and is being hosted since 26 years. This Event benefits the STAFF, STUDENTS and COMMUNITY.


*Provide the details in annexure (annexure need to be numbered as i, ii,iii)

7.4 Contribution to environmental awareness / protection

 Gujarati Department organized a field trip to Nandigram (Valsad) to experience the ADIVASI CULTURE and their Activities and also interacted with well known author and Adivasi Activist Kundanika Kapadiya .

 Tree plantation was carried out at Munda Dongar, Thane on 7th July, 2014 by our NSS unit. NSS volunteers participated in World environment day, World Yoga Day, Crowd Controlling requirements, and in special camps like AVHAN (Disaster Management Camp), Youth for Sustainable Development Camp.

 BASELINE SURVEY IN TRIBAL AREA like GHADANE. The survey was conducted to know about water conservation and more than 30 households were visited.

7.5 Whether e n v i r o n m e n t a l audit was conducted? Yes √ No

7.6 Any o t h e r relevant i n f o r m a t i o n the institution wishes to add. (for example SWOT Analysis)

 Internal SWOT Analysis is carried out.

 BIOMETRIC SYSTEM is installed in college to check Punctuality of Teaching / Non-Teaching staff.

 Kalidas SabhaGruh- our Air-Conditioned Auditorium offered FREE for senior citizen activities.

 An Activity , “RashtraKavi Maithili Sharan Gupt Ashubhashan Spardha” is held by Hindi Dept. since last 50 years.

 College sends students as young Critics for MAMI international film festival, since 2011. MAMI stands for Mumbai Academy of Moving Images.

 In addition to above mentioned contribution by NSS volunteers for environment awareness, NSS volunteers also contributed in Blood Donation camp, Literacy Project ( teaching school and slum children the English language (Chalo English Sikhaye), Voter awareness programme, Addiction Eradication programme, Help a child survey , Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan, Road Safety, Save Electricity and Notebook making programmes. A seven day residential camp at Nareshwadi- Dhundhalwadi, Dahanu had special talks on Social media, Yoga, Meditation, Andhashradha Nirmulan , Wild-life , Dental Health etc. Volunteers carried out


various street plays at various tribal/rural places on themes like HIV/AIDS awareness, Child marriage, and Child education. Volunteers also visited Rubber factory and understood process of making rubber from plant.

8. Plans of institution for next year

Planning to start

 Certificate course in Basic English Language Proficiency.  Certificate course in Advance English Language Proficiency.  Diploma in Translation Studies.  Banking Correspondent and Business Facilitator from NSDC.  Certificate Course in Gujarati Journalism.


Annexure I

ACADEMIC CALENDER - 2014-15 2014

5th June World Enviornment Day

7-18th June AVHAN (Disaster Management Camp)

9th June Reopening of the Degree College

11th June S.Y.B.A./B.Com. & T.Y.B.A./B.Com. Regular lectures to begin.

23rd June Streetplay On Addiction Eradication

1st July Principal’s Address to F.Y.B.A.

1st July Principal’s Address to F.Y.B.COM. (Div. A, B, C & D)

1st July Principal’s Address to F.Y.B.Com. (Div. E, F, G, H & I)

7th July (Tree Plantation) Munda Dongar

14th July Addiction Eradication (Rally &Workshop)

22nd July Cultural Forum Inauguration

29th July Ramzaan Id

30th July Inauguration of Gujarati Sahitya Mandal and Publication of Handwritten Magazine Spandan

1st Aug- NSS Orientation

1st Aug. Area Project Orientation

1st Aug. IYF (International Youth Fellowship)

4th Aug. Hindi Parisabha Inauguration

2nd Aug. Inauguration of English Athenaeum – Talk by Eminent Poet William Wolak on Emerging Contours of Contemporary Poetry

6th Aug. Hiroshima & Nagasaki Day

6th Aug. HIV/AIDS: Video Screening & Discussion

6th Aug. Anti-Ragging Video Screening

11th Aug. RRC Membership Drive

14th Aug. Meditation Session


15th Aug. Independence Day – Flag Hoisting

18th Aug. Holiday – Parsi New Year

August Holiday - Raksha Bandhan

16-20 Aug LTP Camp

23rd Aug. Navarang and Navras- Gujarati Dept.

25-27th Aug. Workshop on Writing Skills- Gujarati Dept.

27th Aug. Meeting for Crowd Controlling Activity

29th Aug. Holiday – Ganesh Chaturthi

5th Sept. Teachers Day Celebration

19th Sept. Eakatva- Cultural Fest of Somaiya Campus

8th Sept. Crowd Controlling Activity

29th Sept. Cleanliness Drive

2nd Oct. Holiday - Jayanti

2nd Oct. Bhajan Sandhya

3rd Oct. Dassera

4th Oct. Term End & ATKT/ Examination begin for

F.Y.B.A/.B.Com. & S.Y.B.A./B.Com.

6th Oct. Bakari-Id

23rd Oct. Holiday - Diwali – Laxmi Puja

24th Oct. Holiday - Diwali – Balipratipada

18th Oct. Diwali Vacation

9th Nov.

4th Nov. Kavi Sammelan –Gujarati Dept.

4th Nov. Muharum

6th Nov. Holiday – Gurunanak Jayanti

9th Nov. Interaction Program with Prof. Devraj and pro-vice-chancellor Mr.Naresh Chandra with Principals of various colleges regarding higher education and UGC related problems

10th Nov. College re-opens after Diwali Vacation


11th Nov. Declaration of Term End Test/ATKT Exams results of

F.Y.B.A./B.Com. and S.Y.B.A./B.Com.

20th Nov. Blood Donation

27th Nov. Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan Seminar

29th Nov. Gender Sensitization Marathon

3-4th Dec. Inter-Collegiate Essay Writing, Abhinaya Spardha and Antakshari Spardha: Gujarati Department

3rd Dec. Book Exhibition on Women Literature organized by Language Depts.

3rd Dec. Rashtrakavi Maithilisharan Gupt Intercollegiate Aashubhashan spardha by Hindi Dept.

4th Dec. Premhand Kathakathan Sparrdha by Hindi Dept.

5th -Dec. HIV/AIDS Awareness Rally

6th Dec. Sanskar Bharati Workshop: Gujarati Dept.

6th Dec. Dr.Vinay Nandi, B.M.M. coordinator spoke on Techniques of Cinema and film making14 & 16 with IQAC, Library, December, 2013 Department of History along with Departments of Gujarati and Marathi Organized Book Exhibition in Library.

17-19th Dec. Intra and Inter Collegiate Cultural Fest Hooner

23rd Dec. Parents Day Meeting

24th Dec. General Knowledge Test for All Round Best Student selection

Cultural Activities, Hooner, Udaan, Ehasas & Prize Distribution

26th Dec.- 7th Jan. 2015 Winter Break


8th January College re-opens after Winter Break

12th Jan. World Youth Day

15th Jan Kite Festival

17th Jan. One Day Workshop on Madhyakalin Sahitya and Sant Sahitya: Gujarati Dept

22nd Jan Interaction with International Author Madhurai

24th Jan. T.Y.B.A./B.Com. Preliminary Examination


24th Jan. Annual Convocation Ceremony

26th Jan. Republic Day – Flag Hoisting

1st February Minithon

1st Feb. A.T.K.T. Exams

4th Feb. Intercollegiate Speech Competition in Collaboration with Hindustani Prachar Sabha

5th Feb Save Electricity Project

17th Feb. Mahashivratri

1st March F.Y., S.Y B.A./B.Com. Term End Test.

6th March Holiday – Holi

21st March, Holiday – Gudi Padva

3rd April Holiday – Good Friday

14th April, Holiday - Ambedkar Jayanti

30th April, Last working day

The college administration reserves the right to change the above calendar.


Annexure II

Participation in Conferences, Symposia and Seminars\ Workshops

Name of Dept Date Details of the State/ Venue/Host Theme/Title of the Faculty Seminar National/ paper International

Dr. Satyawan Eng. 11th& Third World Intrnl Pune Canadian Aboriginal S 12th Sept. Literature Literature RaoHanegave 2014 Higher Education and Research Soc.

Dr. Satyawan Eng. 2nd& 3rd Teaching English National Dhule Use of ICT in Teaching S Feb. English RaoHanegave 2015

Sachin Eng. 12th and Organised by higher Intrnl Pune Fourth World Literature Narwade 13thsept education and 2014 research society

Amruta Eng. 30th-31st UGC sponsored Intrnl New Arts Title – Gandhian Gangan January Interdisciplinary, ,Commerce Whirlwind &Genesis of 2015 Intrnl Conference on & Science Indian English Novel : A Significance of College Kaleidoscopic Mahatma Gandhi’s ,Wardha Perspective Methodology in 21st Century’

Amruta Engli 7thFeb One Day National A.E.Kalsekar Title – The Modernist Gangan sh 2015 Multidisciplinary Degree Saga : An Assessment of National Conference College , Poetry of Arun Kolatkar on ‘Recent Trends Mumbra and Dilip Chitre in Education , Thane Research and Management’

Dr. Mrunal Sansk 26th Feb “Shastrashikshane National K. J. Techniques in teaching Bhatt rit 15. Navacarah” Somaiya Vedic Svara Rastriya Samskrit Samsthan

Dr. Mrunal Sansk 13th Dec. Workshop “Role of K. J Somaiya Bhatt rit 14 Acedamic Audit & College of Documentation for Arts & Com. NAAC

Dr. Sudha Gujar 19-21 Gujarati Sahitya National Indore Gujarati Bhashani Avati Vyas ati Dec 2014 Parishad Kaal


Dr. Veena Marat 6 Oct 1. seminar Kamala िहदं ी किवतेतील Sanekar hi college, 2014 state Kolhapur िलगभावाचीं

30 Jan Rajrshee अिभयक्ती Marat 2015 Shahu 2.National hi College

Seminar Kolhapur ‘लॉग आऊट’ मधील

Kalina, मानस कलोळ 16 Feb University of

2015 3.Symposia Mumbai (University of Mumbai &Govt of शासनाया डॉ. नागनाथ Maharashtra) कोापले सिमतीया

मसुयावरील चचार्सत्र (िशक्षण)

Abhijit Marat 25th History of Hundred National Changu Kana Idea Of Indian Cinema. Deshpande hi January years of Indian Thakur 2015 Cinema Arts,Commer ce and Science College, New Panvel

Dr. Satish Hindi 9Aug.20 Rashtriya Asmita ke National R.J. College, Presided one session Pandey 14 deep: Kavi Pradeep Ghatkopar

Dr. Satish Hindi 14th Quality State Rizvi Participation Pandey Enhancement in College, Aug. Higher Education through NAAC Bandra 2014 Mumbai

Dr. Satish Hindi 12-13t 1980 ke bad ke National Bhausaheb Chaired Session -2 Pandey Dec. Hindi Sahitya men Nene College Gram Jivan ke Pen, Raigad 2014 Vividh Ayam

Dr. Satish Hindi 23-24 Samkalin Hindi National SIES Chaired Session -3 Pandey Feb 2015 Kahani: Vichar, College, Vinyas aur Sarokar Sion, Mumbai-22

Dr. Satish Hindi 13 March Bharatiya Kavya National SNDT Chaired Session -2 Pandey 2015 Shastra Ki University Prasangikata Churchgate

Dr. Satish Hindi 16th Jayshankar Prasad National Hindi Dept. Pralay Ki Chhaya: Svatantrya Ki Lalasa ka


Pandey March University of Kavya Mumbai 2015

Dr. Chandra Econ 19th and / UGC sponsored National D.B.F.Dayan ‘Gandhiji and Sustainable Purkayastha omics 20th National Conference and College Development’ Septemb of Arts and er 2014 Science, Solapur, Maharashtra.

Dr. Chandra Econ 13th and / UGC sponsored National Shri “Social Dimensions of Purkayastha omics 14th National Conference Vijaysinha Feminism” Novemb Yadav Arts er, 2014 and Science College, Kolhapur, Maharashtra.

Dr. Chandra Econ on 10th I.C.S.S.R. (W.R.C.) National R.A.Podar ‘Sustainable Purkayastha omics January, sponsored National College of Development’. 2015 Seminar Commerce and Economics, Mumbai

Dr. Chandra Econ 21st and RDA’S 15th Intrnl Intrnl Pondicherry “Advances and Purkayastha omics 22nd Conference (India Challenges of the Textile Novemb Industry in Global and er 2014 Was Indian Economy” adjudged for the Best Paper Award.

Dr. Chandra Econ 6th VISHIST School of Intrnl VIPSAR, ‘Gandhian Concept of Purkayastha omics Decembe Management’s 3rd Indore Inclusive and Sustainable r, 2014 Intrnl Conference Development’.

Dr. Chandra Econ 20th International Intrnl Lala Sustainable Development Purkayastha omics Decembe Association of Lajpatrai r 2014 Academicians and College of Researchers Commerce and Economics , Mumbai

Mrs.Jayshree Econ 11-10- “Women in Intrnl K.C.Law “Side Effects of the K. Kotak omics 2014 Globalised Conference College, Globalisation:Poverty and , Era”.Power point Churchgate Human Trafficking” presentation and ISBN-978-93-83072-58-


and paper published in 3. ISBN-978-93- 83072-58-3. Invite Magazine d as a memb er of WDC

Mrs.Jayshree Econ 20-12- “Globalisation Intrnl Lala Lajpat “Second Face of K. Kotak omics 2014 Transformation” Conference Rai College Globalisation: Power point of Commerce Explotation of Workers presentation and and by MNCs-ISSN-2249- paper published in Economics, ISBN Magazine Mahalaxmi, 7463 Mumbai-34 Impact factor-


Shubhangi Econ 7th Feb National Kalsekarcolle An overview of exchange Patil omics 2015 ge rate movement of Rupee vis-à-vis US Dollar

Mr. Mahendra Econ 9TH and Multidisciplinary Intrnl Karkhanis An Analysis of NPA Mishra omics 10th Jan Seminar College of under SHG-BLP since 2015 Arts and 2008-2014 Commerce

Mr. Mahendra Econ 7th Feb Multidisciplinary National A.E.Kalsekar Saving, Investment and Mishra omics 2015 Seminar College of Economic growth in India Arts Science and Commerce

Ms. Rohini Socio 21st Conference National Lala Human Rights Fadte logy February, Lajpatrai Education” 2015 College of Commerce and Economics

Dr.Hemali Histor 30-31 Interdisciplinary Intrnl New Arts, Satya: Gandhian and Jain Sanghavi y January, Conference Commerce & Perspectives 2015 Science College, Wardha

Sonal Psych 13th Workshop State K.J.Somaiya Role of Academic Audit Jambhekar ology Decembe c & Documentation r 2014 College of Arts &



Dr. Atish Psych 18th Future Intrnl Hotel Cognitive workload in ology Sept.201 Air Traffic Managers. Taukari 4 Air Holiday Traffic Inn,

Manage-ment. Mumbai

Dr. Atish Psych 21st New chapters in Intrnl Hotel Ashok, Executive functioning in ology Indian Air Traffic Air Traffic Managers. Taukari Oct. Manage-ment. New Delhi. 2014 ATC Guild

Dr. Mangala S. Math 22/11/ One-day workshop State K.P.B. NA Deshpande emati 2014 organised by Hinduja cs/ Hinduja College and College of B.O.S , University commerce statist of Mumbai on ics revised syllabus and paper pattern of semester VI of T.Y.BCom.

Dr. Mangala S. Math 02/3/201 One day exploratory State-level V. G. Vaze NA Deshpande emati 5 workshop on quality College in cs/ circle and graduate collaboration attributes with quality statist assurance ics cell of University of Mumbai

Rajesh.K Maths 22/11/14 Syllabus revision One Day Hinduja Workshop College

Rajesh.K Maths 9/01/15 “Emerging issues in UGC Mahatma “Six-Sigma- A tool for to industry and service Sponsored Night Degree Evaluation in Highr 10/01/15 sector; A global National College, Education Scenario” Conference Chembur

Rajesh.K Maths 7/2/15 “Recent Trends in National Kalsekar “Issues in ICT Education” Education, Research Conference College, an d Management” Mumbra

Rajesh.K Maths 24/2/15 10th SIMSR Global Intrnl SIMSR , M-Commerce: A study and Marketing Conference Vidyavihar towards Analyzing and 25/2/15 Conference Understanding Mobile Marketing Programmes and Linking with Consumer Buying



Rajesh.K Maths 07/3/15 “Skill Development: Intrnl D.A.V A syudy of Mathematical The Key to Conference College, Skilla of students at the Economic Bhandup under graduate level- Prosperity”

Mahesh Gopal Math 22/11/ One-day workshop State K.P.B. NA Dravid emati 2014 organised by Hinduja cs/ Hinduja College and College of B.O.S , University commerce statist of Mumbai on ics revised syllabus and paper pattern of semester VI of T.Y.BCom.

Mahesh Gopal Math 02/3/201 One day exploratory State V.G.Vaze NA Dravid emati 5 workshop on quality College in cs/ circle and graduate collaboration attributes with quality statist assurance ics cell of University of Mumbai

Prof. V.S. Com 7/03/201 Soft Skills Intrnl Ramanand “Soft Skill Training – A Pande merce 5 Arya D.A.V Method of Improving College Originations Productivity”

Dr Mahalaxmi Com 30 June Board of Studies State Ramanand Revised Syllabus of Krishnan merce 2014 (Commerce), Arya DAV Commerce – T Y B Com MumbaiUniversity College, Mumbai

Dr Mahalaxmi Com 21 Nov Emerging Trends in Ntnl Dnyanasadha Prospects and Challenges Krishnan merce 2014 Banking, Commerce na College & of Innovation in the and Insurance – Anand Banking Sector Opportunities, Vishwa Challenges and Gurukul Strategies College, Thane

Dr Mahalaxmi Com 21 and Advances and Intrnl Research Consumer Perceptions of Krishnan merce 22 Nov Challenges in Development Multi-utility Shopping 2014 Global Business, Association Malls in Mumbai Management, & Research Economics, Tourism Development and Information Research Technology Foundation,



In collaboration with

Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Jaipur

Dr Mahalaxmi Com 13 Dec Role of Academic Work-shop K J Somaiya Role of Academic Audit Krishnan merce 2014 Audit and College of and Documentation for Documentation for Arts and NAAC NAAC Commerce

Dr Mahalaxmi Com 20 Jan Global Business Intrnl University Consumer Perception and Krishnan merce 2015 Finance and Department Behaviour towards Leadership, of Online Shopping Challenges and Commerce, Opportunities University of Mumbai

Dr. Com 24 Jan Emergence of India Intrnl NCRD’s Importance of Digital Mahalaxmi merce 2015 as a Global Sterling Marketing Krishnan Economy: Institute of Challenges and Management Opportunities Studies in associaltion with Shri Jagdishprasa d Jhabarmal Tibrewala University

Dr Mahalaxmi Com 7 March Skill Development – Intrnl RamanandAr Scaling Up Skills for Krishnan merce 2015 The Key to yaDAVColle Increasing E-Banking Economic ge, Mumbai Usage Prosperity

Dr Mahalaxmi Com 7 March Skill Development – Intrnl Ramanand Employee Retention – A Krishnan merce 2015 The Key to Arya DAV Study on the Challenges Economic College, faced in Retraining Prosperity Mumbai Talented Workforce

Dr. Deelip Com 21st Nov, Emerging trends in Ntnl Dnyanasadha Corporate social Palsapure merce 2014 Banking, commerce na College responsibilities and social and insurance and Anand enterprises creating social opportunities, Vishwa value challenges and Gurukul

strategies College, Thane (East)


Mrs. Sonali B. Com 21st Nov, Emerging trends in Ntnl Dnyanasadha Changing work culture in Deogirikar merce 2014 Banking, commerce na College Indian Railways and job and insurance and Anand satisfaction levels with opportunities, Vishwa reference to Mumbai

challenges and Gurukul division

strategies College,

Thane (east)

Mrs. Sonali B. Com. 2nd to 4th The 2nd Youth Crisis Intrnl International Indian Railways: Deogirikar Feb, Talk Youth exploring the journey for 2014 Fellowship, Centuries Thailand

Mrs. Sonali B. Com. 7th Feb, Recent trends in National E.Kalsekar Deogirikar 2015 Education, Research Degree and Management College of Arts, Science and


Jasmine Rai Com 7th Feb. Recent trends in Ntnl A.E.Kalsekar The Effect of Outsourcing merce 2015 Education, Research Degree Human Resource on and Management” College of Organizational Arts, Performance Commerce and Science in collaboration with Research Dimensions

Jasmine Rai Com 30th and UGC Gandhi Gandhian Principle of merce 31st Jan. Sponsored Study Centre Trusteeship – Its 2015 Two days New Arts, Significance in Modern Intrnl Commerce Society Conference And Science College, Wardha

Jasmine Rai Com 9th and “Emerging Issues In UGC Mahatma Outsourcing : A Strategic merce 10th Jan. Industry and Service Sponsored Night Degree Tool for Growth of 2015 Sector: A Global Two days College of Service Sector In India Scenario” National Arts and Conference Commerce

Jasmine Rai Com 13th Role of Academic workshop K. J. Participated merce Decembe Audit and Somaiya r 2014 Documentation for College of Arts and


NAAC Commerce

Jasmine Rai Com 12th Aug. Outsourcing: Boon UGC VES College Outsourcing – Financial merce 2014 or Bane Sponsored of Arts, Savings or Compromise One day State Science and on Ethics level Semina Commerce

Shobha Bennet Com 16th and Blue Ocean Strategy Management Guru Nanak Blue Ocean Strategy Mathew merce 17th Development Institute of March,20 Programme Management 15 Studies

Shobha Bennet Com 7th “Skill Development: One Day Ramanand “Soft Skill Training – A Mathew merce March,20 The Key to Intrnl Arya D.A.V Method of Improving 15 Economic Conference College Originations Prosperity” Productivity”

Shobha Bennet Com 24th and 10th SIMSAR Two days K.J. Somaiya “ A study on the College Mathew merce 25th Feb. Global Marketing Intrnl Institute of Student’s Perception of 2015 Conference Conference Management Social Marketing in Studies and Mumbai” Research, Vidyavihar

Shobha Bennet Com 20th India Calling - A One Day DTSS “A study on the Mathew merce February, world of Intrnl College of effectiveness of 2015 opportunities Conference Commerce consumer response to (Initiate, Integrate, jointly with Digital Marketing” Innovate) University of Mumbai

Shobha Bennet Com 20th “Emerging Trends Intrnl Public Night “ A study on factors Mathew merce January,2 in Banking, Conference Degree affecting customer 015 Financial services College satisfaction of Life and Insurance Insurance in Mumbai” (BFSI)

Shobha Bennet Com 13th Role of Academic workshop K. J. Participated Mathew merce Decembe Audit and Somaiya r 2014 Documentation for College of NAAC Arts and Commerce

Shobha Bennet Com 12th Aug. Outsourcing: Boon UGC VES College Outsourcing – A Method Mathew merce 2014 or Bane Sponsored of Arts, to utilize college teachers One day State Science and for quality teaching and level Seminar Commerce research

Mrs. Monika Busin 27th Emerging trends in National G.J.Advani Participated R. Sawant ess Corporate Social Law College, Law Sep 2014 Responsibility- Bandra, issues and Mumbai challenges


Mrs. Monika Busin 13th “Role of Academic National K. J. Participated. R. Sawant ess Decembe Audit And Somaiya Arts Law r 2014 Documentation For And NAAC” Commerce

Mrs.MonikaR. Busin 22nd and Role of Governance, National K. J. Participated. Sawant ess 23rd Leadership and Somaiya Law decembe Management in Science And r2014 Institutional Quality Commerce Improvement"

Mrs.MonikaR. Busin 9th and “Emerging Issues in National Mahatma Presented Sawant ess 10th Industry and Service Night Degree Law January Sector; A Global College of 2015 Scenario” Arts and Commerce

Mr.Sandip Busin 13th&14th “Reporting of National Manikchand Participated and ess Sept.201 judicial and Pahade Law presented. D.Yadav 5 legislative College, Law proceedings by Aurangabad. Media”

Mr.Sandip Busin 31st Re-visiting National National Department Participated ess January,2 Judicial consultation of Law, D.Yadav 015 Appointment university of Law Commission Mumbai.

Mr.Sandip Busin 5th “Syllabus of workshop Narsee Participated. ess February S.Y.B.Com and Monjee D.Yadav 2015 Inclusion of college of Law Companies Act commerce

2013 in S.Y.B.Com and Syllabus economics, Vile Parle, Mumbai.

Mr.Sandip Busin 28th Role of NGO’s in National Adarsh Participated and ess February Nation Building College of presented. D.Yadav 2015 Arts and Law commerce

Mr.Sandip Busin 31st “Re-visiting Workshop University of Participated D.Yadav ess January Mumbai 2015 Judicial Law Appointments commission”


Mr.Sandip Busin 5th “Syllabus of Workshop Narsee Participated. D.Yadav ess February S.Y.B.Com and Monjee 2015 Inclusion of College of Law Companies Act Commerce 2013 in S.Y.B.Com and Syllabus” Economics

Mr.Sandip Busin 28th Role of NGO’s in National Adarsh Participated and ess February Nation Building College of Presented D.Yadav 2015 Arts and Law commerce

Anil B. Librar 14 march Changing Role of National Nagpur Role of Librarian in Gaware y & 2015 Library and Library Confercence Changing environment Infor Professionals matio towards n economically Scien bacword society ce

Anil B. Librar 24th Changing role of One day Yashwnatrao Changing Role of Library y & Library National Chavan Professionals in ICT Gaware Infor March Professionals in ICT Conference Mahavidyala Environment Towards matio Environment ya,Pachwad Information Literacy 2015 n organized by Scien Yashwnatrao ce Chavan Mahavidyalaya, Pachwad

Nileshkumar Acco 01/03/20 Income Accruing Western India New Agarwal untan 14 and Arising in India Regional SNDT,Bhuri cy Council – ben,Cama Ghatkopar Lane,Ghatko & Study Circle par–West Com merce

Nileshkumar Acco 08/03/20 Recent Western India New Agarwal untan 14 Pronouncements On Regional SNDT,Bhuri cy Direct & Indirect Council – ben,Cama Tax Ghatkopar Lane,Ghatko & Study Circle par–West Com merce

Nileshkumar A/C 22/03/20 Recnet Amendments Western India New Agarwal 14 Under Bank Audit Regional SNDT,Bhuri & & Its Issues Council – ben,Cama Com. Ghatkopar Lane,Ghatko Study Circle par–West Study Circle


Nileshkumar A/C 03/05/20 Programme on IFRS Western India New Agarwal & 14 - for young members Regional SNDT,Bhuri Com. 31/05/20 Council – ben,Cama 14 Ghatkopar Lane,Ghatko Study Circle par–West

Nileshkumar Acco 17/05/20 Basics of Western India New Agarwal untan 14 International Regional SNDT,Bhuri cy Taxation Council – ben,Cama Ghatkopar Lane,Ghatko & Study Circle par–West Com merce

Nileshkumar Acco 24/05/20 Opportunities for Western India New Agarwal untan 14 CAs in Business Regional SNDT,Bhuri cy Restructuring and Council – ben,Cama SME Models Ghatkopar Lane,Ghatko & Study Circle par–West Com merce

Nileshkumar Acco 02/08/20 Important Clauses & Western India New Agarwal untan 14 E-Filling of Tax Regional SNDT,Bhuri cy Audit Report Council – ben,Cama Ghatkopar Lane,Ghatko & Study Circle par–West Com merce

Nileshkumar Acco 16/08/20 Maharashtra State Western India New Agarwal untan 14 Budget Regional SNDT,Bhuri cy Council ben,Cama Ghatkopar Lane,Ghatko & Study Circle par–West Com merce

Nileshkumar Acco 22/11/20 Seminar on Code of Western India New Agarwal untan 14 Ethics for Chartered Regional SNDT,Bhuri cy Accountants Council ben,Cama Ghatkopar Lane,Ghatko & Study Circle par–West Com merce

Annexure III

Faculty Participation in Refresher and Orientation Courses


Name of Faculty Department Dates Organizer

Dr. Satyawan S English 2/12/2014 to Dr. BAM University Aurnagabad RaoHanegave (Refresher) 22/12/2014

MeeraVenkatesh English (Orientation 14.09.11 to 12.10.11 UGC Academic Staff College, Univ. Course) of Mumbai

SachinNarwade English 28th Jan 2015 to 24th Feb UGC Academic Staff College, 2015 Mumbai University (Orientation Course)

Mahendra Mishra Economics 3rd Sept 2014 To 30th Sept Bharathiar University, Tamilnadu 2014 (Orientation Course)

Atish Taukari Psychology 5-11 March, 2014 Academic Staff College,

(Refresher) Mumbai University

Shobha Bennet Commerce October 28,2014 to University Grants Commission Mathew (Orientation Course) November 25,2014 Academic Staff College, University of Mumbai

Smt. Sonali D Commerce 9.2.2015 to 28.2.2015 ASC Mumbai at R A Podar College


Smt. Ketaki A. Ketkar Accountancy 9.2.2015 to 28.2.2015 ASC Mumbai at R A Podar College


Shubhangi Patil Economics 10 to 30th October 2014 University of Hyderabad


Sandeep Kulkarni EVS Dept. 9th Dec – 30th Dec, 2014 Academic Staff College Mumbai (Refresher Course) University

Anil B.Gaware Library & 11th Feb 2015 To 3rd Nagpur University, Nagpur Information Science March 2015



Annexure IV

Research Publications

Name of Depar Name of the Nationa Peer reviewed e- Confere ISSN Im Faculty tment paper published l/ Jour nce pa /Non Peer nal proceedi ct Interna Reviewed ngs Fa tional Journal cto r

Dr. Sudha Gujara Suresh Joshini Intrnl Peer reviewed 2229- Vyas ti Nutan Varta 385X Vibhavna

Dr. Sudha Gujara KanayalalMunsi Ntnl Peer reviewed 2229- Vyas ti ni Naval katha 385X

Rajesh. K Maths Six sigma: A Ntnl Peer reviewed ------tool for evaluative in higher education

Rajesh. K Maths Issues in ICT Ntnl Peer reviewed ISSN education 0976- 8564

Rajesh. K Maths A study towards Intrnl Peer reviewed --- ISBN:9 Analyzing and 78-81- understanding 7039- mobile 292-7 marketing programmes and linking with consumer online buying behaviour

Rajesh. K Maths A study of Intrnl Peer reviewed --- ISSN- mathematical 2319- skills of students 7935 at the under graduate level

Prof. V.S. Com. “Soft Skill Intrnl Conferen ISSN23 2.1 Pande Training – A ce 10 – 63 Method of Proceedi 7935 2 Improving ngs Originations Productivity”

Dr. Com. Investing in the Intrnl Peer Reviewed ISSN 1.8 Mahalaxmi Indian Stock Journal 2277- 65 Market in the International


Krishnan Emerging Journal of 8179 1 Scenario Scientific Research Vol 3, No.5, June 2014

Dr. Com. Service Quality Intrnl Peer Reviewed ISSN Mahalaxmi Assessment of Journal Indian 2231- Krishnan Munnar - Tourist Journal of 6655 Expectations and Research Perceptions Vol 4, No.1 Jan-Jun 2014

Dr. Com. Green Intrnl Green ISBN Mahalaxmi Marketing: Marketin 978-93- Krishnan Sectoral g: Issues 5104- Evaluation and and 483-3 Revamping Perspecti Strategies ves May 2014

Dr. Com. A study on work Intrnl Sustainin ISBN Mahalaxmi life balance of g growth 978-93- Krishnan college teachers in the era 5142- in Mumbai of Global 532-8 competiti Mar on 2014

Dr. Com. Prospects and Intrnl Emerging Trends ISBN MahalaxmiK Challenges of in Banking, 81 – rishnan Innovation in the Commerce and 89217 – Banking Sector Insurance – 14 – 6 Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies

DrMahalax Comm Importance of Emergence of ISSN mi Krishnan erce Digital India as a Global 2231 – Marketing Economy: 1475 Challenges and Vol.8Iss Opportunities ue 1 Jan 2015

DrMahalax Com. Consumer Intrnl Peer Reviewed ISSN mi Krishnan Perceptions of Journal Research 2277 Multi-Utility Indian Journal of 3304Vo Shopping Malls Management l.3No.2, in Mumbai April 2014 – Sep



Dr. Com. Scaling Up Skills Ntnl Peer Reviewed ISSN Im Mahalaxmi for Increasing E- Tactful 2319- pac Krishnan Banking Usage Management 7935Ma t Research Journal r 2015 Fa cto r 2.1 63 2

Dr. Com. Employee Ntnl Peer Reviewed ISSN Im MahalaxmiK Retention – A Tactful 2319- pac rishnan Study on the Management 7935Ma t Challenges faced Research Journal r 2015 Fa in Retraining cto Talented r Workforce 2.1 63 2

Mrs. Sonali Com. Changing work Ntnl Nil Nil UGC ISBN Nil B. culture in Indian sponsore 81- Deogirikar Railways and job d one 89217- satisfaction day 04-6

levels with conferen reference to ce on Mumbai division Emergin g trends Indian Railways: in exploring the Banking journey for commerc

Centuries e and insurance opportun ities, challenge s and strategies

Mrs. Sonali Com. Nationa Nil Nil A. E. B. l Kalsekar Deogirikar College of Arts, Commer

ce and science


Soft Skill ------Conferen ISSN23 2.1 Training – A ce 10 - 63 Shobha Comm Method of proceedi 7935 2 Bennet erce improving ngs (UI Mathew Organisational F) Productivity

A study on the ConferenISBN:9 College ce 78-81- Shobha Student’s proceedi 7039- Bennet Com. Perception of ngs 292-7 Mathew Social Marketing in Mumbai

A study on ConferenISBN Shobha factors affecting ce 978-93- Bennet Com. customer proceedi 83072- Mathew satisfaction in ngs 68-2 Life Insurance

Outsourcing – A ConferenISBN method to utilize ce NO- Shobha college teachers proceedi 978-81- Bennet Com. for quality ngs 923044- Mathew teaching and 2-7 research

The Effect of ConferenISSN09 Outsourcing ce 76-8564 Human Resource proceedi Jasmine Rai Com. on ngs& Organizational Research Performance Dimensi ons

Gandhian ConferenISBN Principle of ce NO- Jasmine Rai Com. Trusteeship – Its proceedi 978-81- Significance in ngs 909640- Modern Society 7-4

Outsourcing : A Conferen Strategic Tool ce Jasmine Rai Com. for Growth of proceedi Service Sector In ngs India awaited

Outsourcing – ConferenISBN Financial ce NO- Jasmine Rai Com. Savings or proceedi 978-81- Compromise on ngs 923044- Ethics 2-7


Dr. Chandra Econo “Advances and Intrnl Peer Reviewed - - ISSN Purkayastha mics Challenges in the 2231- Textile Industry 6655 in the Global and Indian Economy”.

Dr. Chandra Econo “Financial Intrnl Peer Reviewed - - ISSN Purkayastha mics Inclusion Tools For Direct 0975- Benefit Transfer 1351, To The Urban Poor”.

Dr. Chandra Eco. Gandhian Intrnl Peer reviewed - Yes ISSN 1.3 Purkayastha concept of 2249- 40 Sustainable 7463 9 Development

Dr. Chandra Eco. Growth and Nationa Peer Reviewed ISSN Purkayastha Progress of l MSCB and DCCB in Maharashtra

JayshreeKot Eco. “Second Face of Intrnl Vol iv 2249- 1.3 ak Globalisation: Confere 40 Explotation of nce Issue 6.Feb 2015 7463 9 Workers by MNCs

ShubhangiPa Econo An overview of Nationa Yes 0976- No til mics exchange rate l 8564 movement of Rupee vis-à-vis US Dollar

Mr. Econo An Analysis of Intrnl Peer Reviewed - - ISSN 1.3 Mahendra mics NPA under 40 Mishra SHG-BLP since 2249- 9 2008-2014 7463

Mr. Econo Glimpses of Intrnl Peer Reviewed - - ISSN 3.1 Mahendra mics Economic 2230- 56 Mishra Growth and its 7850 0( Impact on UI Poverty F), Reduction

MR. Econo Saving, Nationa Non peer - Yes ISSN -- Mahendra mics Investment and l reviewed 0976- Mishra Economic 8564 growth in India


Sunil Econo Growth and Nationa The Maharashtra 0025- - mics Performance of l Co-Operative 0430 B. District Central Quarterly, pp 1-7 Co-operative June Chandanshiv Banks in 2014 e Maharashtra

Sunil Econo Performance of Nationa 21 and 22 mics MGNREG l January 2015 B. Scheme in Seminar Maharashtra on Chandanshiv e

Mrs.Monika Busine “Education with Nationa In R.Sawant ss reference to l process Transgender Law

Mrs.Monika Busine Role of NGO: Nationa In R.Sawant ss for Sexual l process Minority Law

Mr.SandipD. Busine Right to freedom Nationa 978-81- Yadav ss Law of press and role l 923531- of judiciary in 0-4 India: A socio legal study.

Mr.SandipD. Busine NGO: Origin, Nationa Yadav ss Law Need and l working.

Mr.SandipD. Busine Freedom of State 978-81- Yadav ss Law Press: Lifeline of 930233- Democracy 1-0

Mr.SandipD. Busine Role of Intrnl Nationa 978-93- Yadav ss Law Laws for the l 85021- protection of 38-1 human rights

Dr. Eng. Reflections of Intrnl Peer Reviewed E- - 2321- 3.2 Satyawan S Globalisation Jour 9432 Rao and Socio- nal Hanegave Economic Culture of Contemporary Mumbai in AravindAdiga’s Novel ‘The Last


Man in Tower’- Pg. 198-205

AmrutaGang Englis Gandhian Intrnl Peer reviewed NA ISBN- an h Whirlwind 978-81- &Genesis of 909640- Indian English 7-4 Novel : A Kaleidoscopic Perspective

AmrutaGang Englis The Modernist Ntnl Peer reviewed NA ISSN- an h Saga : An 0976- Assessment of 8564 Poetry of Arun Kolatkar and Dilip Chitre

Dr.HemaliSa Histor Jain Diaspora at Intrnl Peer reviewed N.A. ISSN 2.0 nghavi y U.K. and U.S.A. 15 Asian Academic Research Journal of multidicilplinary

Dr. Hemali Hist. Satya: Gandhian Intrnl Peer reviewed N.A. Interdisci ISSN N. Sanghavi and Jain plinary A. Perspectives Conferen ce on Significa nce of Mahatma Gandhi’s Methodo logy in 21 st Century

Dr. Satish Hindi SvatantryottarGr Ntnl Non Peer ISSN- - Pandey aminJivan: Reviewed 2394- SarokaraurAstha Journal 2266 keUpanyas Conference Proceeding

Dr. Satish Hindi Vikas, Ntnl Non Peer ISSN225 - Pandey Adhigrahan,aurA Reviewed 0-2335 digramUpakhyan Journal Sameecheen

July-Dec 2014

Dr. Satish .Hindi Samakaleen Ntnl Non Peer ISSN225 - Hindi Reviewed


Pandey KavitaAurBachc Journal 0-2335 he Sameecheen Jan- June 2015

Dr. Veena Marathi Log out Madhil Ntnl - - yes - - Sanekar Manas Kallol

Milind Saraf Bankin Positive impacts Intrnl ISSN g & of 2249- Insura Implementation 7463 nce of GST

M-Banking – A Intrnl Awaited need of the day

Details of Books Published

Name of Faculty Department Name of the book published ISBN

Dr. Sudha Vyas Gujarati Pannalal Patel ni VaartaShrusti E-book

Mr. Mahendra Mishra Economics Text Book For F.Y.BMMSem I, 2014 ISBN-978-93- 5124-826-8 Himalaya Publication, Mumbai

Mr. Mahendra Mishra Economics Text Book For T.Y.B. Com Sem V, 2014-15 ISBN-978-93- 5142-761-2 Himalaya Publication, Mumbai

Mr. Mahendra Mishra Economics Text Book For T.Y.B.Com Sem VI, 2014-15 ISBN-978-93- Himalaya Publication, Mumbai 5202-230-4

Dr. Veena Sanekar Marathi KathanatmakSahityaSwarup –Sankalpana-Pravas ------

Mr. Sandeep Gupta BFM Debt Markets Auditing ISBN 978-93- 82612-53-7 BAF Vipul Publication, Mumbai

Mr. Milind Saraf Banking & Financial Reporting & Analysis 978-93-5142- Insurance 962-3 Himalaya Publication, Mumbai

Mr. MilindSaraf Banking & Security Analysis & Portfolio Mangement 978-93-5142- Insurance 963-0 Himalaya Publication, Mumbai


Chapters in Edited Books

Name of Faculty Depart Name of the book published and chapter details ISBN ment

Dr. Chandra Eco “Changing Dimensions of Emerging Business ISBN Purkayastha Enterprises” , Edited by ShekharUpadhyay, 13::978-93- TripdaRawal, Ashish Mehta, Published by Shroff 5110-859-7- Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., , chapter 1

Sunil B. Eco Study of Sustainability in Agriculture Development, ISBN-978-0- Sept. 2014 published by DBF College of Arts and 9921545-9-2 Chandanshive Science, Solapur

Dr. Satish Pandey Hindi Samkalin Hindi Kahani: Sarokar Aur Vimarsh, Ed. Dr. 978-93- ShyamsundarPandey, Bazarvadaur Aajki Hindi Kahani, 80669-47-2 GyanPrakashan, Kanpur-208021, 1994 .

Dr. Satish Pandey Hindi Sudhakar Mishra, Ed. Dr. RatankumarPandey and 978-81- Others, Sudhakar Mishra Ki KavyaChetana, 908665-1-4 AnimeshPrakashan, Mumbai-22, November 2014.

Dr. SatishPandey Hindi Hindi Atmkathayen: SandarbhAurPrakriti, Ed. Dr. 978-93- ShyamsundarPandey, StreeJivankaBahuparateeyaKavya: 80669-49-6 GudiyaBhitarGudiya, GyanPrakashan, Kanpur-208021, 1994

Dr. SatishPandey Hindi BhumandalikaranAur Hindi, Ed. DrShitala Prasad 978-93- Dubey, Vaishwikaran, Vikas, Visthapan, AurSamkalin 80788-34-0 Hindi Kavita, ShailajaPrakashan, Kanpur, 2015.

Dr. Veena Sanekar Marathi Edited a special issue language & literature of Jan ------2014 of ‘RUCHI’ by Granthali

Annexure V

Our Faculties Invited as Recourse Persons/ Guest Speakers

Name of the faculty Department Purpose and Place

Dr. SudhaVyas Gujarati Attending the interviews as an expert in Gujarati. – B.D. Arts College Ahmedabad ()

Dr. SudhaVyas Gujarati Invited as Chief Guest at SNDT University Convocation Function 2014

Dr. SudhaVyas Gujarati As a Chief Guest – C.M.Suthar High School – Modasa (Gujarat)

AbhijitDeshpande Marathi Interviewing actress Sonali Kulkarni at Nirzar Film Society, Nagpur on 14th June 2014.


AbhijitDeshpande Marathi Conducted one day workshop on Gender and Cinema for NGO-MAVA at Devlali,Nashik on 9thAugust 2014.

AbhijitDeshpande Marathi Lecture on How to Read a Film at T K Tope Night College, Parel - Mumbai on 24thAugust 2014

AbhijitDeshpande Marathi Lecture on Careers in Marathi at M D College, Parel -Mumbai on 28thAugust 2014

AbhijitDeshpande Marathi Lecture on History of Cinema at NFAI, Pune on 17thSeptember 2014

AbhijitDeshpande Marathi Worked as a Judge for State level Literary Awards by Govt. of Maharashtra during October 2014

AbhijitDeshpande Marathi Conducted sessions on Film Appreciation at BAMU, Aurangabad during 1st to 3rd November 2014

AbhijitDeshpande Marathi Conducted a session on Male Gaze in Cinema during Refresher Course by Philosophy Dept. Mumbai University on 5thDecember 2014

AbhijitDeshpande Marathi One of the Panelists in MaTaMaifalProgramme by Maharashtra Times on 21st December 2014

AbhijitDeshpande Marathi Judge for intercollegiate Short Film CompititionatRuia College, Matunga-Mumbai on 17th Jan 2015

AbhijitDeshpande Marathi Judge for regional level Elocution competition organized by Loksatta on 27th Jan 2015

SandeepKulkarni EVS Conducted meditation session for Model English School students at Dombivli.

Rajesh. K Mathematics As a Resource person for – a workshop on “Research Methodology for Social Sciences”

DrMahalaxmi Commerce Invited as Chairperson at the Intrnl Conference “Emerging Trends in Krishnan Banking, Commerce and Insurance: Opportunities, Challenges & Strategies” organized by DnyansadhanaCollege, Thane (Arts, Commerce & Science) November 2014

DrMahalaxmi Commerce Invited as Subject Expert for conducting interviews of PhD candidates at Krishnan the DAVCollege, Bhandup on 2nd December 2014

Dr. Mahalaxmi Commerce Invited as Chairperson at the International Conference “Emergence of Krishnan India as Global Economy: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by NCRD’s Sterling Institute of Management Studies January 2015

Prof V S Pande Commerce February 14 – Appointed as subject expert at Gyansadhana college on the Selection Panel

Prof V S Pande Commerce July 14 - Appointed as subject expert for GolwalaCollege on the Selection Panel


Prof V S Pande Commerce July 14 – Appointed as subject expert at BNNCollege, Bhiwandi on the Selection Panel

Prof V S Pande Commerce Appointed as Subject expert for conducting viva – voce for MCom students at Vikas College

Prof. V.S. Pande Commerce Appointed as subject expert at Mehta College for placement of teachers 23 Feb 15 Prof V S Pande Commerce Convener Chairman Local Inquiry Committee at Swami HansmooniMaharaj Degree College of Commerce, Ulhasnagar on 6th April 2015

Shobha Mathew Commerce Invited as Resource person for guest lecture on Personality Development at Fr. Agnel Technical Education Complex, Private Industrial Training Institute, Vashi on 6th August, 2014

Shobha Mathew Commerce Invited as Resource person for guest lecture on Motivation at Fr. Agnel Technical Education Complex, Private Industrial Training Institute, Vashi on 6th August, 2014

Mrs.MonikaR.Sawant Business Selection for Assistant Professor in subject of law at Law K.J.Somaiya Science and Commerce

Dr. Satyawan S English 1. Resource Person: International Conference on Third World Literature, RaoHanegave Organized by HERSO, BalewadiInteratinal Stadium Pune on 11th and 12th Sept. 2014

2. Resource Person: National Workshop on Soft Skills Organised by Maratha ShikshanPrasarakMandal’s College of Arts and Commerce, Nasik on 5th Jan. 2015

3.Resource Person: National Conference on Innovative Teaching Methods organized by North Maharashtra teachers association Jalgaon on 2nd and 3rd Feb. 2015

MeeraVenkatesh English To deliver Expert’s Lecture of Paper XVIII, Drama and Theatre for Department students of TYBA, English at SonubhauBaswant College of Arts and Commerce, Shahapur, Thane on 07.03.15

MeeraVenkatesh English Subject Expert on the Interview Panel to select candidate for the post of Department Asst. Professor, Communication Skills, in K.J.Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai on 13th June 2014 .

Dr.HemaliSanghavi History talk show on Gandhijika Paryavaran Prativichar on 30 May, 2014.

Dr.HemaliSanghavi History Review of book titled ‘Understanding India – Cultural Influences on Indian Television Commercials’ posted on web journal esocialsciences.com

SonalJambhekar Psychology Revision of TYBCOM syllabus

AtishTaukari Psychology 1.Talk on ‘Counseling Skills for Teachers’, K.J.Somaiya College.


AtishTaukari Psychology 2. Talk on ‘Human Psychology for Youth’, AryaSamaj, Ghatkoper

AtishTaukari Psychology 3. Talk on ‘The need of Educating Beyond the Text’,VIVA College.

AtishTaukari Psychology 4. Inauguration of VIVA Institute of Behavioral Enhancement.

AtishTaukari Psychology 5.Invited Speaker by Uran Medical Association for Camp, Uran

Dr. Satish Pandey Hindi VC Nominee, Subject Expert in Hindi at Siddharth College of Arts, Sc. and Com. on 9.10.2014

Dr. Satish Pandey Hindi VC Nominee, Subject Expert in Hindi at Kirti College, Dadar, on 14.10.2014

Dr. Satish Pandey Hindi VC Nominee, Subject Expert in Hindi at R. J. College, Ghatkopar, on 28.1.2015

Dr. SatishPandey Hindi Subject Expert for selection of Assistant Professor in Hindi at SIES College of Arts, Sc. and Com. on 8.4.2015

Dr. Satish Pandey Hindi Member of Local Inquiry Committee for recognition of Ph.D. centre at PatangraoKadam College, Pen, on 20.11.2014

Dr. SatishPandey Hindi Member of LIC for recognition & continuation of Ph.D. centre at G.N.Khalsa College on 31.01.2015

Dr. Satish Pandey Hindi Member of LIC for continuation & extension of Affiliation at T.K.Tope Arts & Commerce Night College, Parel, on 20.12.2014

Dr. SatishPandey Hindi Member of LIC for continuation & extension of Affiliation at MahadevD.Chaughule College, Bhiwandi, on 30.01.2015

Dr. Satish Pandey Hindi Guidance lecture for T.Y.B.A. (Hindi Paper-V) at Birla College, Kalyan, on 02.02.2015

Dr. SatishPandey Hindi Guidance lecture for M.A.-Part II (Hindi Paper IV) at Joshi Bedekar College, Thane, on 31.03.2015

Dr. SatishPandey Hindi Radio Talk on the subject ‘SahityaaurRashtriyata’ broadcasted on 06.06.2014 by All India Radio

Dr. SatishPandey Hindi Radio Talk on the subject ‘LokSahityaaurKahaavatein’ broadcasted on 11.03.2015 by All India Radio

Dr. SatishPandey Hindi Member of Peer Review Team of Research Journal ‘Research Imprint’ published by P.N.Doshi College, Ghatkopar

Dr. SatishPandey Hindi External Referee for Viva-Voce for Ph.D. Degree at Shivaji University, Kolhapur conducted on 12.08.2014

Dr. Veena Sanekar Marathi ‘Challenges Before Marathi Schools’

Invited as speaker 5 July 2014

(Marathi Bhashasanrakshanvavikassanstha, Dadar)


Invited to give lecture on Indira sant’s literature by Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad, Thane.

Invited as speaker by Matrubhasha Sanwardhan Sabha

6 Feb 2015

On 26 March 2015 invited to give lecture on poetry of ‘’ by Veer Savarkar library, Thane.

Dr. Chandra Economics Subject Expert for conducting viva for M Com (Finance and Accounts) Purkayastha at SIES College of Commerce and Economics, Sion east, Mumbai

Dr. Suguna Rao Sociology Placement interview at RJ College on 28th Jan, 2015

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Resourse person for Lecture at MA on ThravadaMeditation.

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Expert for TYBA Paper VII semester V worked as Examiner at Mumbai University

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Expert for TYBA Paper VIII semester V worked as Examiner at Mumbai University

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Expert for TYBA Paper IX semester V worked as Examiner at Mumbai University

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Expert for FYBA Paper I worked as Examiner at IDOL Mumbai University

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Subject Expert for MA worked as Examiner/ Moderator at SNDT University, Juhu.

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Expert for TYBA Paper VII semester VI worked as Examiner at Mumbai University

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Expert for TYBA Paper VIII semester VI worked as Examiner at Mumbai University

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Expert for TYBA Paper IX semester VI worked as Examiner at Mumbai University

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Resource Person at AIR for the Talk on 28-05-14

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Resource Person at AIR for the Talk on 28-11-14

Dr. Mrunal Bhatt Sanskrit Resource Person at AIR for the Talk on 5-03-15

HareshParpiani BFM 1. Participated as a Panel Member is Sindhi Annual All India Department meeting for discussing the improvement of Sindhi language and its usage particularly by younger generation at C.H.M. College Ulhasnagar 2. One of committee panel member of I.C.W.A.-Centre KalyanDombivli to discuss the adherence of new GST Tax Scheme .


Annexure VI

Eminent Faculties Visited our College as Resource Person/Guest Speakers

Name of visiting Department Institution to which Date Purpose faculty resource person belongs Prof. William Wolak English Bill Patterson University, Aug 02, 2014 Delivered a lecture on the topic— Wayne, New Jersey, US “Emerging Trends in Contemporary Poetry”. Prof. Swati Bhalerao Sanskrit Joshi & Bedekar College of 8th Feb.15 Guest Lecture “some Sanskrit Arts Sci. & Com. Poetry & Prose” Prof. Shakuntala Sanskrit Dept. of Mumbai, Uni. Of 8th Feb.15 Guest Lecture “Vedanta” Gawade Mumbai Prof. Vaishali Dabke Sanskrit K.J. Somani College of Arts 30th March Guest Lecture “Brahmasutra & Com. Shankarbhasya” Dr.Ashwin Sawant Sanskrit Ayurvedacharya 8th Feb.15 Guest Lecture on “Sushruta: The father of surgery Dr. Ambadan Gujarati Saurashtra University 17-01-2015 Lecture on Lok Sahitya – Rohadiya Sansodhan aane Sajjata Dr. Balwant Jani Gujarati Saurashtra University 17-01-2015 Lecture on Sant Sahitya nu Satya aane Saundarya Dr. Deelip Zaveri Gujarati Mumbai University 04-11-2014 Lecture on Gujarati kavita ma Ramayan aane Mahabharat Kavi Shri. Madhurai Gujarati Intrnl Author 22-01-2015 Question Answer session in context to Novel & Drama Sudhir Shah & Gujarati 8-03-2014 Kakasaheb Kalelkar Pravas Yatra Sangeeta Joshi Bipin Ashar Gujarati Saurashtra University 23-02-2015 Lecture on Gujarati Novel with Social Relevance Mahendra Parmar Gujarati Bhavnagar University 22-02-2015 Gujarati Natak prof. meerakulkarni Marathi K. J. Somaiya Jr. College of 14 Nov Guidance lecture on Arts & Commerce 2014 Story telling Shradha Gujar Marathi Alumni 30 Jan Lecture & presentation on baba 2015 Amte & anandwan on the occasion of Baba Amte birth century year

Padmaja Kulkarni Marathi Khalsa College, Matunga 27 Feb Lecture & presentation on Vari- a 2015 tradition of Maharashtra


Annexure VII

Major and Minor Research Projects

Name of Department Name of the Duration Ongoing/ Funding Amount Faculty project agency sanctioned Year Submitted

Debadatta Mathematics Some properties 2013-2014 Submitted in University Rs. 35,000 Roy and Statistics of normality in July 2014 of Mumbai Chaudhuri point set topology via generalizations of zero and prezero sets.

Meera English Essentials of One year Submitted in University Rs 25,000. Venkatesh Department Grammar: A July 2013 of Mumbai hand-book for students of first year of undergraduate level

Sandeep EVS “ Study of water 6 months ongoing Mumbai Rs. Kulkarni quality University parameters of 25, 000/- Tera Village lake”

Shobha Commerce “The influence of 2014 -2015 Ongoing University Rs.25,000/- Bennet peer pressure on of Mumbai Mathew buying behavior of College Students in Mumbai”

Dr.Hemali History Contribution of 2014-2015 Ongoing University 25,000/- Sanghavi the Jains to the of Mumbai Cultural life of Bombay (1900- 2000)

Dr. Hindi Ecological One Year Ongoing University Rs. 35000/- SatishPandey Challenges and of Mumbai Contemporary Hindi Poetry

Vinay Nandy BMM Warli Medicine Ongoing Deccan 5000 /- College University


Annexure VIII

List of Innovation and Best Practices


Our college which has Linguistic Minority Status has been re-accredited and awarded “A” grade with a CGPA score of 3.27 by NAAC in the month of September 2010. The following is a LIST of BEST PRACTICES of our college:- i. We start every function in our college with our campus prayer ii. Since July 2011- Biometric system of attendance installed in our college for teaching and non-teaching staff. iii. Mega Medical Check up and Awareness camps organized in January every year in our Annual Gyanyagna event. This event is a month long event covering Spiritual, Cultural and Para-medical activities hosted since 25 years. iv. K.J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce Employees Co-operative Credit Society Ltd has ‘A’ Grade rating. v. Non teaching staff has shown upward mobility in enhancing their knowledge for e.g. publication of poetry collections, admission in M.Com course etc. vi. The College teaching and non teaching staffs shows spirit of unity by celebrating different festivals. vii. Two Medals for Best Students in the name of Padma Bhushan Shri K.J. Somaiya and Smt. Sakarben Somaiya are given every year at Annual Prize Distribution Function. viii. Endowment Prizes are given every year. ix. All academic subject-toppers are felicitated with medals and certificates. x. Scholar Card given to meritorious students in Library, Library Best Book Reader Prize is also given. xi. Book Bank Scheme is Library in collaboration with Lions Club of Ghatkopar. xii. Gymkhana Equipments donated by Lions Club of Ghatkopar. xiii. Book Scheme for Teaching and Non Teaching Staff. xiv. Fee-concessions are given for children of teaching and non-teaching staff. xv. Value-Education classes held. Gita Jayanti Competition held every year. xvi. The new renovated Kalidas Sabhagraha(earlier Prayer Hall) has been given to the community around Ghatkopar.


xvii. Teaching plans are prepared by the faculties before commencement of every academic year for effective completion of the Syllabi, a Diary is provided to every staff member. xviii. Special IQAC Notice Board in the college highlights the achievements of students, teaching and Non-teaching staff, Days like National Girl Child Day 24th Jan, 22nd March World Water Day etc are also highlighted. xix. On the occasion of Makar Sankrant a programme is organized every year on Kite Flying in our Campus ground wherein Senior Citizens participate enthusiastically. xx. Modern tools of educational technology are being used to achieve higher standards and greater creativity. xxi. Through street plays, student’s presentation, visits to rural areas during visits , participation in debates , elocution ,essay , singing and other competitions, college magazine, etc, the students are given an opportunity to develop their skills and thereby their performance is also assessed by the teachers. xxii. Fees Concession to Students offering Gujarati Subject in T.Y.B.A. xxiii. A Lady Doctor available twice a week for health check up of Teaching, Non Teaching and Students, free of cost.