LEARNING FROM COVID-19: A 23-Nation Comparative Study of COVID-19 Response, with Lessons for the Future of Public Health Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard University)1 Stephen Hilgartner (Cornell University) Wilmot James (Columbia University)2 Lyal White (University of Johannesburg) January 2021 1 Corresponding author: Sheila Jasanoff, PhD., Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies and Director, Program on Program on Science, Technology and Society, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 79 John F. Kennedy Street Cambridge MA 02138,
[email protected]. 2 Corresponding author: Wilmot James PhD, Center for Pandemic Research, Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP), Columbia University, 509B International Affairs Building, 420 W 118th Street, New York City NY10027,
[email protected]. INTRODUCTION A central puzzle of COVID-19 is why some nations have contained the virus almost completely while others have struggled to prevent multiple waves of community transmission. Equally puzzling is why many nations with evolved resources to combat a pandemic have fared worse than countries with fewer resources. A further paradox is why the virus has produced such different political and economic repercussions in nations with similar systems of government and demographics. In sum, confronted with the same phenomenon -- a pandemic caused by a novel virus -- we need to ask why countries have diverged so significantly. They differ in what they perceived as the most important problem to address, what resources they mobilized to tackle it, how much political buy-in they achieved, and to what extent they ultimately contained the disease and its economic fallout. ● The cumulative confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people in the US was 1,837 times greater than in Taiwan.