Peace Day, 21 September

Peace Day ToolKit CONTENTS

2 Purpose of this document

3 - 4 Peace Day

5 - 6 – Objective, Goal, Campaigns and Timeline

7 - 8 Frequently Asked Questions

9 - 15 Your Peace Day Event

- Ideas - Fundraising - Promotion - Online resources

16 - 17 Checklist

18 - 19 Get in touch

Purpose of this document

This document has been designed by Peace One Day to support you in your efforts to raise awareness of Peace Day and provide you with ideas, tools and tips on how to plan and promote your Peace Day event or activity

2 Peace Day

What is Peace Day?

In September 2001, The Resolution 55/282 declared the 21 September each year as the International Day of Peace and an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence. It is a day to inspire the next generation to become the peace makers of the future, inspiring positive action to take place in their homes, schools and communities. Peace Day changes behaviour and encourages everyone to act peacefully everyday throughout the year, so any action on Peace Day helps manifest support for community peace building around the world.

Why is important to celebrate Peace Day?

By promoting the day and what it stands for through our actions, we encourage more people to take action for peace in their own lives, positively impacting on the lives of others. We are part of a movement towards a culture of peace and tolerance in the family, in schools, in the workplace, in the community and ultimately in society at large.

How can I use Peace Day as a platform to promote my own work?

Peace Day provides a unique platform for people from all sectors of society to unite. It is a window of opportunity to magnify the impact of your work by being part of a global network working for one common goal. Through the widespread use of social media on that day your work and initiatives can be brought into the spotlight or used to share with like-minded organisations both nationally and internationally.

3 How many people know about and act on Peace Day?

A 2015 report estimated that 1.5 billion people were exposed to the Peace Day message, 709 million people (10% of the world’s population) became aware of the day and of those, an estimated 13 million people behaved more peacefully as a result. Click here for full details.

For inspirational examples of Peace Day events in 2015 visit:

4 Timeline:

1999 Filmmaker launches non- 2006 Peace One Day launches first free education profit Peace One Day to establish an annual resources supporting teachers and young day of global ceasefire and non-violence people to explore peace related issues and with a fixed date and document the process. develop Peace Day activities.

1999 Gilley travels the world to build support 2007 Mission to Afghanistan with Peace One Day - 2001 for the day from all sectors of society, from ambassador results in all parties world leaders to school children and those involved in the conflict respecting Peace affected by conflict. Day, leading to the vaccination against polio of 1.4 million children. United Nations announces 70% reduction in violence on 2001 Gilley’s efforts result in member states of the day. the United Nations unanimously adopting 21 September as an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence – Peace Day. 2008 Gilley’s multi-award-winning documentary The Day After Peace is released, charting his journey up to and including Afghanistan 2002 First annual Peace One Day Celebration 2007. Gilley and Law return to Afghanistan. - 2006 on Peace Day 2002 in ; building foundations of Peace One Day Campaigns in Education, Music, Film, Sport, Dance, Art and Online; building high-level support from governments, inter- and non-governmental organisations, schools, universities, unions and corporations.

5 2009 Peace One Day free education resources 2014 Tens of thousands gathered at Goma go online in the six official languages International Airport for a Peace One Day of the United Nations. Peace Day Polio concert headlined by RnB star and local vaccinations in Afghanistan total 4.5 million stars, and broadcast globally. Millions of since 2007. people took part in humanitarian activities. 10,000 people participated in a procession in Tijuana, Mexico a city hit by drug and 2010 Peace One Day wins Carnegie-Wateler Peace gang related violence; and hundreds played Prize in the Peace Palace in The Hague. football at one of Rio De Janeiro’s most dangerous slums, to name a few. 2011 The launch of Peace One Day Coalitions at the O2 Arena London. 2015 Thousands of young people celebrated Peace Day, 21 September at the Peace One 2012 Peace One Day concert in Derry- Day Youth Celebration in Kigali, Londonderry launches London 2012 along with stars of the African music industry Cultural Olympiad. concert and key African youth organizations. Over on Peace Day with Sir with 6000 other Peace Day activities take place YouTube global broadcast. McKinsey and globally on the day. Co. report estimates 280 million people aware of Peace Day 2012, with around 5.6 million people behaving more peacefully.

2013 Peace One Day’s 11th major concert at the Peace Palace in The Hague with 24-hour YouTube global broadcast involving 18 live feeds from 16 countries. An estimated 470 million people aware of Peace Day, with approximately 8 million of those people behaving more peacefully.

Visit for more information on what is happening for Peace Day 2016.

6 Peace One Day Frequently Asked Questions

What difference does a day make?

To build a house you start with one brick; to build peace you start with one day. If we can get the world together on Peace Day, 21 September, we can show that it peace is possible and sets the precedent for two days of peace and then three and so on. Peace Day is a window of opportunity for us to unite and magnify the impact of all of our efforts towards building peace - one day at a time.

How will Peace One Day support us in organising our Peace Day events?

Peace One Day works to build a diverse network around the world of organisations and individuals to encourage action on Peace Day 21 September. By empowering this network and sharing stories, assets and resources we hope to equip each member with the tools to reach out to their community, partners, funders and networks to spread the message of Peace Day further than before. Peace One Day shares content every day to inspire and encourage more people to get involved, and we can assist everyone taking action on the day to promote their activities.

Peace One Day provides resources including toolkits (such as this one), how-to guides and marketing materials, where you can find ideas on how to organize and promote your Peace Day activity. Resources can be found by visiting or by clicking here to contact one of the Peace One Day team members.

I would love to do something for Peace Day but I am struggling with funds, what can I do?

Unfortunately, Peace One Day is not in a position to directly fund third party organisations or projects, though Question 2 above outlines other ways we can support your Peace Day activity. A way you can source funding for your activities may be to approach local companies and businesses to see if they would like to sponsor your event; as they are part of the local community they may be interested in any work that brings their community - and consumer base - together. Alternatively there may be international donor organisations working in your area that you may be able to research and approach.

A list of suggested funding organisations can be found on Page 10 of this document.

7 Do I have to organise my event on the 21 September or can we also organise it on another day?

Our experience tells us that events organised on Peace Day, 21 September have the maximum impact. However, we understand that it may not always be possible for activities to take place on the day itself.

If your event takes place near to 21 September, but not on the day itself, please remember to tell participants that Peace Day is 21 September, so that they become aware of Peace Day and are encouraged to attend or organise an event on 21 September.

Can I share pictures/report of my event with Peace One Day?

We would love to receive photos, videos and reports from your event.

We promote as much content as we can through our social media channels. In this way we tell our global support base about the impact of Peace Day. Every photo, video or report that we receive helps us tell this story and inspire others. Please note that when you send us your material, in doing so you give us permission to use it in all media (for example documentary films, website, television programmes and any other Peace One Day communications) to promote the objectives of Peace One Day without restriction.

Is there a local Peace One Day representative I can contact?

Our team is based in London, United Kingdom. You can contact us on email at [email protected], or on the phone at: +44 208 334 9900.

Can I use Peace One Day’s logo?

You are welcome to use our ‘in support of’ Peace One Day logo which you can download here. You can contact a Peace One Day representative here [email protected] for advice on how best to use it.

8 Peace One Day Your Peace Day Event


Your Peace Day event can focus on any topic you believe to be relevant to you and your community. Using the diagram below, try to link the activities on the right with the topics on the left:

Conflict Art Resolution

Equality (gender, faith, Pray for Peace race)

Gender based violence Film screening

Respect One Day One Dance

Education & Youth empowerment Walk for Peace

Intercultural cooperation

One Day One Goal


Peace meal Teamwork

Set for peace Anti-bullying

Workshops Sustainability

9 How to raise funds for your Peace Day event

Peace One Day is a non-profit organisation and is unfortunately unable to fund any Peace Day activities. We very much understand the chanllenges of organising events with limited time and finances and are very grateful for your efforts. Whether large or small, all events and activities make a positive contribution towards raising awareness of Peace Day.

Fundraising Ideas

Bake sale Sponsored run/ cycle/swim

Quiz night 2016 Olympics sweepstake



Film screening

10 External funding

Please note the following list of links is for your guidance only and it is not exhaustive. Peace One Day does not offically support or sponsor your application(s) and should not be cited in this way. Peace One Day can not be held responsible for the outcome of your application

General Grants Women

• National Endowment for Democracy (NED) • Filia die Frauen Stiftung • Open Society Foundations (OSF) • African Women’s Development Fund • World Federation of United Nations Associations • FRIDA – The Young Feminist Fund • Addressing Root Causes Fund • Global Fund For Women • African Development Foundation • Mama Cash • Comic Relief • MATCH International Women’s Fund • Human Rights Small Grants Scheme • The Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund • L’Agence Française de Développement • The Lutheran World Federation • MAC Aids Fund Film • Samuel Rubin Foundation • Wallace Global Fund • Ford Foundation – JustFilms Grants

11 Acknowledgment Letter

Although Peace One Day is unable to officially support funding applications for your Peace Day event, we are happy to provide a letter explaining what Peace Day is and acknowledging your activity or event as a response to the invitation from the General Assembly of the United Nations to “individuals to commemorate, in an appropriate manner, the International Day of Peace, including through education and public awareness”.

If you would like us to provide an acknowledgement letter please let us know here: [email protected].

Tips on how to promote your event

Use social media to promote your event

Here are some suggested social media templates for Facebook, Google Plus or Twitter that can be shared with your network. They are a mixture of promoting Peace Day and your particular event. These are suggestions only and we recommend that you edit the posts to suit your organisation’s tone of voice.

Twitter - Suggested Tweets

• Who will you make peace with on #PeaceDay, 21 September? • Join us on #PeaceDay, 21 September as we bring the local community together for a special event: LINK to your website or event page

• Help us celebrate #PeaceDay by coming to our special community event on 21 September: LINK to your website or event page.

• #PeaceDay, 21 September is about individuals, families, friends and communities coming together in the name of peace.

• Who Will You Make Peace With? #PeaceDay, 21 September a day of global ceasefire and non-violence. • #PeaceDay, 21 September is the starting point to a more peaceful & sustainable world.

#PeaceDay #21Sept

12 Facebook and Google Plus - Suggested posts:

• Peace Day, 21 September is about individuals coming together – it’s about reducing all forms of violence: in our homes, schools, places of work and local communities. Please join us in celebrating #PeaceDay at (details of your event) (link of your Facebook event/website link to the event).

• Peace Day, 21 September is an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence. Share the message with your friends, family and community and unite in the name of peace. Please join us in celebrating #PeaceDay at (details of your event) (link of your Facebook event/website link to the event).

• Who Will You Make Peace With? If we come together for Peace Day, 21 September we can contribute to a more peaceful and sustainable world. Awareness of Peace Day creates action, and that action saves lives. Please join us in celebrating #PeaceDay at (details of your event) (link of your Facebook event/website link to the event).

• 21 September is Peace Day and to celebrate we are joining the @PeaceOneDay movement by holding a special event. (details about your event here and how to register to attend or some other call to action).

• To celebrate Peace Day, 21 September we are bringing the community together with a special event. (details about your event here and how to register to attend or some other call to action). Will you be joining us to help build peace one day at a time?

For more promotional resources download our PR pack here

13 Create Promotional Materials

Below is a list of suggested promotional materials for your event/activity:

Poster Banner

Flyer T-shirt

Wristbands Neckerchiefs Caps


Flags Pin badges

You can find some templates and other materials to help you plan, organise and promote your event (Banners, Posters, Flyers, In support logo, Tool kits, How to guides and Films) on the Peace One Day website HERE.

14 Involve local media | press

Use Google, local knowledge and networking to create a media outreach list of the local and national media outlets in your country that cover stories like your Peace Day event. Think about your local television stations, radio stations, daily and weekly newspapers, weekly and monthly magazines, as well as blogs and journalists on Twitter and groups on LinkedIn.




J’aimerai vous inviter à prendre part à notre activité de la Journée de la Paix [NOMMER L’ACTIVITE]. Dear [NAME OF JOURNALIST/MEDIA REPRESENTATIVE], Vous le savez peut-être déjà, la Journée International de la Paix a été adoptée à l’unanimité par tous I would like to invite you to take part in our Peace Day event [NAME ACTIVITY]. As you may be les états membres des Nations Unies en septembre 2001. La Résolution 55/282 des Nations Unies aware, the International Peace Day was unanimously adopted by all United Nations member states déclare le 21 septembre, chaque année, une Journée Internationale de la Paix et une journée de st cessez le feu mondial et de non-violence. En tant qu’organisation travaillant avec des jeunes [OU in September 2001. United Nations Resolution 55/282 declares the 21 September each year as the International Day of Peace and a day of global ceasefire and non-violence. FEMMES ?] nous sommes convaincus qu’il est de notre devoir de marquer la Journée de la Paix, non seulement pour aider à répandre notre message mais aussi pour inspirer une nouvelle génération This is the only day of peace the world has, and this is why we must mark it every year. As an d’artisans de la paix et galvaniser un changement de comportement au sein même de nos organisation working with young people [OR WOMEN etc?] we believe that it is our duty to observe communautés, écoles et familles. Peace Day, not only to spread awareness but also to inspire a new generation of peace builders and manifest behavioural change right at the heart of our communities, schools and families. Afin que cette journée atteigne son but ; devenir une journée de cessez-le-feu et de non-violence, nous devons tous y participer. Pour cette raison, votre présence nous aidera grandement à To make sure this day does become what it was intended to be, a day of ceasefire and non-violence, transmettre ce message de paix si important et mieux faire connaitre la Journée. we must all participate. Therefore, your presence at our event would greatly help us spread this En promouvant cette journée et ce qu’elle représente à travers nos actions, nous inciterons de plus important message of peace and raise awareness of the day. en plus de personnes à agir pour la paix dans leurs propres vies et dans celle des autres. Nous By promoting the day and what it stands for through our actions, we will encourage more people to évoluerons vers une culture de paix et de tolérance dans nos familles, nos écoles, nos lieux de take action for peace in their own lives and in that of others. We will move towards a culture of travail, nos communautés et fondamentalement dans notre société. peace and tolerance in the family, in schools, in the workplace, in the community and ultimately in Je vous remercie d’avance pour votre temps et considération. Je me réjouis à la perspective de society. recevoir votre réponse. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Bien à vous,



French Version (Media) English Version (Media)

Invite local Government & local stakeholders

Invite local government officials, stakeholders, other NGOs to become involved, attend or help spread the word to their networks. Document your journey by taking pictures and/or videos throughout the year and send them to Peace One Day so we can use them to inspire others



Dear [NAME OF GOV Representative], Cher/ère [NOM DU Représentant] It is my privilege to write to you to invite you to take part in our Peace Day event [NAME ACTIVITY]. As you may be aware, the International Peace Day was unanimously adopted by all United Nations J’ai l’immense privilège de vous écrire pour vous inviter à notre célébration de la Journée de la Paix member states in September 2001. United Nations Resolution 55/282 declares the 21st September [NOMMER L’ACTIVITE]. Vous le savez peut-être déjà, la Journée International de la Paix a été each year as the International Day of Peace and a day of global ceasefire and non-violence. adoptée à l’unanimité par tous les états membres des Nations Unies en septembre 2001. La Résolution 55/282 des Nations Unies déclare le 21 septembre, chaque année, une Journée This is the only day of peace the world has, and this is why we must mark it every year. As an Internationale de la Paix et une journée de cessez le feu mondial et de non-violence. organisation working with young people [OR WOMEN etc?] we believe that it is our duty to observe Peace Day, not only to spread awareness but also to inspire a new generation of peace builders and En tant qu’organisation travaillant avec des jeunes [OU FEMMES ?] nous sommes convaincus qu’il galvanize behavioural change right at the heart of our communities, schools and families. est de notre devoir de marquer la Journée de la Paix, non seulement pour aider à répandre notre message mais aussi pour inspirer une nouvelle génération d’artisans de la paix et galvaniser un In 2001, alongside the other UN member states, our country endorsed and adopted the day. I feel it changement de comportement au sein même de nos communautés, écoles et familles. is time that we honour this bold step by uniting to manifest action on the 21 September. To make En 2001, aux côtés d’autres états membres des Nations Unies, nous avons signé une résolution sure this day does become what it was intended to be, a day of ceasefire and non-violence, we must adoptant cette journée. J’estime qu’il est temps que nous honorions cette mesure audacieuse en se all participate. Therefore, we encourage our leaders as well as all sectors of society to reiterate and rassemblant pour manifester en actions notre dévouement à la cause de la paix le 21 septembre. express their support not only through joining actions like ours but also through creating their own Afin que cette journée atteigne son but ; devenir une journée de cessez le feu et de non-violence, initiatives. We would be honoured if you were able to dedicate some of your precious time to attend nous devons tous y participer. Pour cette raison, nous encourageons nos dirigeants ainsi que tous les our celebration of Peace Day this year. secteurs de notre société à réitérer leur soutien pour la cause de la paix en s’unissant non seulement à des actions comme la notre mais aussi à lancer leurs propres initiatives. Nous serions honorés si By promoting the day and what it stands for through our actions, we will encourage more people to vous pouviez dédier un peu de votre temps précieux à notre célébration de la Journée de la Paix take action for peace in their own lives and in that of others we will move towards a culture of peace cette année. and tolerance in the family, in schools, in the workplace, in the community and ultimately in society. En promouvant cette journée et ce qu’elle représente à travers nos actions, nous inciterons de plus Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. en plus de personnes à agir pour la paix dans leurs propres vies et dans celle des autres. Nous évoluerons vers une culture de paix et de tolérance dans nos familles, nos écoles, nos lieux de

travail, nos communautés et fondamentalement dans notre société.

Respectfully Yours, Je vous remercie de l'attention que vous avez accordée à mon souhait.

[NAME/ORGANISATION] Veuillez agréer à mes salutations les plus sincères,


English Version (GOV) French Version (GOV)

15 Peace One Day Checklist

Two months before Peace

Finalise your Peace Day plans

• Structure your activities • Think about who you will involve in your activity (performers, speakers, schools, universities, etc.) • Develop material and outline technical needs (stage, equipment, lights, costumes, etc) • Establish your promotional strategy (social media, promotional materials, regular media, etc)

Secure venue for your event

Let Peace One Day know about your Peace Day plans here

One month before to Peace Day

Start sending invitations (general attendees, media & VIPs i.e. government officials)

Create Facebook event and other social media promotional materials

Confirm all who are involved in your event (i.e. speakers or performers, caterers, volunteers)

Confirm the venue

If you have any promotional materials, order and print them (Flyers, posters, banners, etc)

Update Peace One Day on your Peace Day plans and developments here

16 One week before Peace Day

Distribute your promotional materials (flyers, posters)

Send a reminder to all invitees and update your Facebook event

Continue social media promotion across all channels – encourage your participants to use social media to promote their involvement

Confirm the attendance of media, government officials and other key stakeholders

Make sure everything is ready for the event (venue, food, refreshments, artists / speakers/performers)

During and after Peace Day

Collect footage – hire or assign a photographer to take photographs and/or video footage of the event.

Make sure your social media platforms are updated with the correct information and photos from your event.

Let Peace One Day know how your event went and send pictures/videos wherever possible.


17 Peace One Day Get in touch

Get in touch and follow Peace One Day social media

For behind the scenes content, follow @PeaceOneDay on Twitter

Use the hashtags #PeaceDay and #21Sept

Visit and like our Facebook page:

We have a wealth of great videos for you to view on our PEACE ONE DAY YouTube Channel that is updated regularly: SOCIAL MEDIA

Visit and ‘+1’ our Google+ page by following this link:

Follow @jeremygilleypod and tag your photos with #PeaceDay.

18 Peace One Day Get in touch

General information: [email protected]

Education: [email protected]

Music and dance: [email protected]

Sports: [email protected]

Faith: [email protected]

Phone: +44 20 8334 9900


Twitter: @JeremyGilley

19 Thank you for your support Peace Day, 21 September