Patented Dec. 10, 1940 2,224,814 UNITED‘ STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,224,814 ELECTROLYTIC PRODUCTION OF METALS ' Harvey N. Gilbert, Niagara Falls, N. Y., assignor to E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Wil mington, Del., a corporation of Delaware No Drawing. Application August 25, 1938, Serial No. 226,747 .4 Claims. (01. 204-105) I substantially pure metals, including the alkali This invention relates to the production of metals, by a process which involves the ‘elec metals from metal salts and more particularly to trolysis ‘of aqueous solutions with a mercury a method of producing substantially pure metals cathode. A further object is to provide an im _ by methods which involve electrolysis of aqueous proved method for recovering substantially pure .5 5 salt solutions using mercury as a cathode and re alkali metal from dilute alkali metal amalgams covering metals from the resulting amalgams. obtained by electrolysis. Another object is to This is a continuation in part of my copending provide an improved method for separating mer application Serial No. 109,129, ?led November cury from a dilute alkali metal amalgam to ob 4, 1936. tain a concentrated amalgam. Other objects will 10 10 The art of electrolyzing alkali metal salt solu be apparent from the following description of my ‘ tions, using mercury as a cathode to obtain alkali invention. , metal amalgam is a comparatively old one. The above objects are obtained in accordance 1' Heretofore this method of electrolysis has been with the present invention by providing a dilute used only in the production of caustic alkalies l5 and similar processes, wherein the amalgam is liquidabout alkali1% of metalthe amalgamated amalgam, containing metal, cooling less than the 15 reacted to produce alkali metal compounds.
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