lI£i\1io Hl<; EAilr1VIK~<; r£WAOVIK~<; ETOIpla<; TO~. XXXX, Bulletm of the Geological Society of Greece vol. XXXX, 2007 2007 Proceedings of Ihe 11 th InLernational Congress, Athens, May, npOKTlKQ 11°' 1IlE9vou<; Luv£opiou, A9~vo, MOlo<; 2007 2007 MORPHOTECTONICS OF THE PSATHOPYRGOS ACTIVE FAULT, WESTERN CORINTH RIFT, CENTRAL GREECE 2 3 Tsimi Ch.t, Ganas A.I, Soulakellis N. , Kairis 0. , and Valmis S.3 1 Institute ofGeodynamics, National Observatory ofAthens, 11810 Athens, Greece
[email protected],gr 1 Department ofGeography, University ofthe Aegean, University Hill, 81100 Mytilene, Greece 3 Agricultural University ofAthens, Jera Odos 75, 11855 Athens, Greece Abstract The study area is located on the western part of the Gulf of Corinth which is considered as a paradigm ofan active rift system in Greece, This rift was formed by normal slip on big faults which extend the crust of the Earth in the N-S direction. The mOlphotectonic indices (hypsometric curve, hypsometric integral, drainage basin asymmetry, ratio of valley floor width to valley height) have been estimated using the 20-m digital elevation model of this area and the ARC software. The normalfaults ofthe study area have been extracted by use ofa DEMmosaic of20 m pixel size, satellite images from Landsat 7 ETM+ and SRTM 90m. Our results highlight the recent activity ofthe Psathopyrgos normalfault on the basis ofa series ofmorphotectonic evidence and suggest the existence ofa single fault segment for a distance of 16 km. Key words: MOIphotectonics, Corinth rift, Psathopyrgos, active faults. n.EpiAr)4H l H 7rE;PlOxf; /ldsTlJC; c:iVo.L aTO (jVT/KO 6xpo TOV KOplvelOxoiJ avoiY/l(J.TOI;.