6 CFU 31 AUGUST 2020 | 11 SEPTEMBER 2020 FINAL DAY | 11 SEPTEMBER 2020 FIFTH LECTURE | 11 SEPTEMBER 2020 VIRTUAL EVENT PHYSICAL EVENT Microsoft Teams + Laboratorio Aperto Piacenza h18.00 https://bit.ly/32xq4IX Ex Chiesa del Carmine James Corner 13.30 - DESIGN AND TOPIC INTRODUCTION (Founder and CEO of Presentation of the Scientific board invited guests, James Corner Field who will comment all the projects Operations) 14.00 - ATELIER 01 James Corner is Founder and CEO of James Corner Field Hope Strode, Federico De Molfetta Operations, based in New York City, San Francisco, Philadelphia, London and Shenzhen. James has devoted the Waiting for the Po past 30 years to advancing the field of landscape architecture and urbanism, primarily through his leadership on high-visibility, complex urban projects around the world, 15.00 - ATELIER 02 as well as through teaching, public speaking and writing. Marco Navarra Important urban public realm projects include New York’s highly-acclaimed High Line; Chicago’s Navy Pier; Seattle’s Future Planetary Ruins Central Waterfront; London’s South Park at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park; Hong Kong’s Victoria Dockside; and Shenzhen’s new city of Qianhai, a new coastal city for 3 16.00 - ATELIER 03 million people. Valerio Morabito Mapping ideas, Designing places website:https://www.fieldoperations.net/home.html 18.00 - LECTURE - JAMES CORNER 19.30 - APERITIVOvirtual and in Piacenza 20.30 - FINAL CEREMONY Greetings from academic and City's Authorities JOIN US:www.landscapeofflimits.com | MAILUS:
[email protected] PROMOTED BY: ORGANIZED BY: PARTNER SCHOOLS: PATRONAGE OF: Sara Protasoni [Direction] Chiara Locardi, Michele Roda, Sara Anna Sapone COMUNE PROVINCIA DI [Coordination] DI PIACENZA PIACENZA Marco Mareggi, Andrea Oldani, Matteo Poli COLLABORATION WITH: [Executive Board] Laboratorio Aperto di Piacenza – Anna Solimando [Registration Office] ORDINE DEGLI Ex Chiesa del Carmine MEDIA PARTNER: ARCHITETTI, PIANIFICATORI, PAESAGGISTI E CONSERVATORI DELLA PROVINCIA DI PIACENZA.