MILaNo foR MaNageMeNT aNd uRbaN poLIcy ceNTeR foR New yoRk cITy affaIRs The Race foR MayoR campaign Roundtable 2005 Tuesday, November 29, 2005 The Race foR MayoR: caMpaIgN RouNdTabLe 2005 was made possible thanks to the generous support of: beRNaRd L. schwartz and The dysoN fouNdaTIoN Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy extends our sincere thanks to all the participants who lent their voices, experiences and perspectives to The Race for Mayor and made the day’s discussions so insightful and provocative. We would especially like to thank Mark Halperin and David Chalian of ABC News, without whose political expertise, moderating skills and leadership the roundtable would not have been possible. In addition, we would like to thank Mia Lipsit of the Center for New York City Affairs for her work in planning and producing the event, along with her Milano colleagues Louis Dorff, David Howe, Daliz Peréz-Cabezas, Josh Wachs and Andrew White for their contributions of time, expertise and effort. Extra thanks also to Andrew White and Barbara Solow of the Center for New York City Affairs for their expert assistance in editing the transcript. This publication is available on the web at: For further information or to obtain copies of this report, please contact: Center for New York City Affairs Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy 72 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011 tel 212 229 5418 / 212 229 5335 fax
[email protected] Mayor Bloomberg cover photo by Edward Reed, courtesy of the NYC Office of the Mayor.