7KHDWUH/LJKWLQJ :LQWHU 6DPSOH([DP)LUVW4XL] 6DPSOH([DP6HFRQG4XL] /HFWXUH7RSLFV_'HVLJQ3URMHFWV :RUNVKHHWV_/LJKWLQJ/LQNV Instructor: /DUU\:LOG, Assistant Professor of Theatre Office: JFAC 124A Phone: 626-2513 Office Hours: 2pm to 3pm, Monday through Friday E-mail address:
[email protected] Course objective: To provide the student with a fundamental knowledge of the history, principles, procedures and techniques of theatrical stage lighting. Text: 7KHDWULFDO'HVLJQDQG3URGXFWLRQ $Q,QWURGXFWLRQWR6FHQH'HVLJQDQG&RQVWUXFWLRQ/LJKWLQJ6RXQG &RVWXPHDQG0DNHXS (4th edition) by J. Michael Gillette. (Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company. 2000). Supplemental material: $%LEOLRJUDSK\RI6HOHFWHG/LJKWLQJ/LWHUDWXUH -HDQ5RVHQWKDO$3KRWR(VVD\RQ/LJKW 7KH/LJKW/DE Class Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00am to 12:15pm in JC 129. Lecture Topics: x %ULHI+LVWRU\RI6WDJH/LJKWLQJ x /LJKWLQJDQGWKH&RPSXWHU x 7KH)XQFWLRQVDQG4XDOLWLHVRI/LJKW x &RORULQ/LJKW x 0RGHOLQJZLWK/LJKW x /LJKW3ORW/LVWVDQG6FKHGXOHV x /LJKWLQJ,QVWUXPHQWV(OOLSVRLGDO5HIOHFWRU6SRWOLJKW x )UHVQHO/HQV6SRWOLJKW x 3$5FDQ x )ROORZ6SRW x (OOLSVRLGDO5HIOHFWRU)ORRGOLJKW %RUGHU/LJKW x )LUVW/LWWOH4XL] x &RQWURO6\VWHPV x (OHFWULFDO7KHRU\DQG3UDFWLFH x $Q$SSURDFKWR/LJKWLQJ'HVLJQ x Lighting the Musical x /LJKWLQJWKH$UHQDDQG7KUXVW6WDJH x /LJKWLQJWKH'DQFH x Concert Lighting Paper Projects... x &UHDWLQJD/LJKWLQJ&RPSRVLWLRQZLWK9LUWXDO/LJKW/DE x 'HYHORSLQJD5HSHUWRU\/LJKW3ORW x 7KH)LQDO3URMHFW WorkSheets x *HO:RUNVKHHW x %HDP:ULJKW:RUN6KHHW x ,QVWUXPHQW&KRLFH:RUNVKHHW Each student is expected to... 1. $WWHQG a performance (or dress rehearsal) of both 7KH%XQJOHU (February 19 - 22) and 7KH/DUDPLH3URMHFW (April 23 - 26), 2. Demonstrate his/her ability to IRFXV a Fresnel lens spotlight, 3. )RFXV and VKXWWHU an Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight, 4. Create a SDWFK and H[HFXWH a series of Qs on the MainStage (6WUDQG0DQWUL[0;) console, 5.