
FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 137 FIR/S137 (Distribution restrictei) SAST - Hawlcsbill 5,31(07)017,01

bk)PSIS OF BIOLOGICAL DA N THE HAWKS LL TURTL Eretmoch1ys 1mb icata (Liae 17) PrepaLed ry W.N. Witzell


This series of documents, issued by FAO, CSIRO, INP and NMFS, contains comprehensive reviews of present knowledge on and stocks of aquatic organisms of present or potential economic interest. The Fishery Resources and Environment Division of FAO is responsible for the overall coordination of the series. The primary purpose of this series is to make existing information readily available to fishery scientists according to a standard pattern, and by so doing also to draw attention to gaps in knowledge. It is hoped that synopses in this series will be useful to other scientists initiating investigations of the species concerned or of related ones, as a means of exchange of knowledge among those already working on the species, and as the basis for comparative study of fisheries resources. They will be brought up to date from time to time as further information becomes available. The documents of this Series are issued under the following titles:

Symbol FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. FIR/S SI RO Fisheries Synopsis No. D FO/S I NP Sinopsis sobre la Pesca N° IN P/S NM FS Fisheries Synopsis No. NMFSIS

Synopses in the series are compiled according to a standard outline described in Fib/Si Rev. 1(1965). FAO, CSIRO, INP and NMFS are working to secure the cooperation of other organizations and of individual scientists in drafting synopses on species about which they have knowledge, and welcome offers of help in this task. Additions and corrections to synopses already issued will also be most welcome. Comments on individual synopses and requests for information should be addressed to the coordinators and editors of the issuing organizations, and suggestions regarding the expansion or modification of the outline to FAO:

FAO: CSIRO: Fishery Resources and Environment Division CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography Marine Resources Service Box 21 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Cronulla, N.S.W. 2230 Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome, Italy

INP: NM FS Instituto Nacional de Pesca Scientific Publications Office Subsecretaria de Pesca National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Secretaría de Pesca 1107 N.E. 45th Street Secretaría de Industria y Comercio Seattle, WA. 98105, USA Carmona y Valle 101-403 México 7, D.F.

Consolidated lists of species or groups covered by synopses issued to date or in preparation will be issued from time to time. Requests for copies of synopses should be addressed to the issuing organization. The following synopses in this series have been issued since January 1981:

FIRIS128 Synopsis of biological data on the western rock lobster, Panu/irus cygnus George, 1962 - B.F. PHILLIPS, G,R. MORGAN and C.M. AUSTIN 1980

NMFSIS124 Synopsis of biological data on frigate tuna, Aux is thazard, and bullet tuna, A. rochei - R.N. UCHIDA 1981

NM FS/S1 27 Synopsis of biological data on the swordfish, Xiphias gladius Linnaeus - B.J. PALKO, G.L. BEARDSLEY and W.J. RICHARDS 1981

NMFSIS13O Synopsis of biological data on dolphinfishes, Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus and Coryphaena equise/is Linnaeus - J.B. POLKS, G.L. BEARDSLEY, and W.J. RICHARDS 1982

FI R/Si 31 Exposé synoptique des données biologiques sur Heterotis nioticus (Cuvier, 1829) J. MOREAU 1982

FIR/S132 Exposé synoptique des données biologiques sur Lates nioticus (Linnaeus, 1762) J. MOREAU 1982

FIR/8129 Exposé synoptique des données biologiques sur les mérous, Epinephe/us aeneus and E. guaza de l'océan Atlantique et de la Méditerranée - J. BRUSLE inpreparation

NMFS/S133 Synopsis of biological data on grunts, Haemu/on auro/ineatum and H. plum/en - G.H. DARCY in press

NM FSIS1 34 Synopsis on biological data of the pigfish, Orthopristis chrysoptera - G.H. DARCY in press

FI R/S135 Synopsis ofbiologicaldata on the grass carp Ctenopharyngodon ide/Ia (Cuvier and Valenciennes, 7844) - J.V. SHIREMAN and C.R. SMITH in press

NMFS/S136 Synopsis on biological data on skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus po/amis (Linnaeus, 1758) - W.M. MATSUMOTO, R.A. SKILLMAN and A.E. DIZON in press FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 137 FIR/S137 (Distribution restricted) SAST - Hawksbill turtle - 5,31 (07) 017,01


Prepared by

W.N. Witzell US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Fisheries Center 75 Beach Drive Miami, 33149 USA



This review is the first attempt to collate and synopsize the existing fragments of hawksbill data which are scattered throughout a myriad of published and unpublished reports. In to address all pertinent categories of data, this review follows the FAO species synopsis format pre- pared by Rosa, Jr (1965).

The hawksbill has been harvested for centuries for its meat and its beautiful mottled carapace scutes, called " shell". However, hawksbills appear to be dwindling rapidly over much of their range due to overexploitation and habitat destruction. The world-wide scientific and conservation community has therefore declared the hawksbill an ,

The basic biology and population dynamics of the hawksbill turtle, needed by resource managers, is poorly understood. The hawksbill is an elusive , diffusely nesting over extended nesting seasons on scattered tropical beaches throughout its range. They may be ubiquitous in shallow waters surrounding tropical reefs but are not often seen, and the females are generally very rapid nesters, making them difficult to study. They are opportunistic omnivores with little apparent tendency to migrate great distances en masse, Also, the hawksbill turtle, unlike many marine , apparently consists of many separate populations that mate and nest independently at site specific locations. These factors combined illustrate the complexity of formulating rational management strategies.


This synopsis compiles and reviews the scattered information on the identity, distribution, life history, populations, exploitation, protection, management and mariculture potential of the hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766), harvested for centuries for its meat and carapace scutes,

Distribution For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows: Author FAO Fisheries Department Witzell, W,N., Synopsis of biological FAO Regional Fisheries Officers 1983 data on the hawksbill turtle, Regional Fisheries Councils and Eretmochelys imbricata Commissions (Linnaeus, 1766). FAO . Selector SM Synop., (l37):78 p.

The designations employed and the presentation of material in thia publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization oftheUnitedNationsconcerningthelegal statua of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

M-42 ISBN 92-.5.'..101356X

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© FAO 1983 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle




1.1 Nomenclati.ire i

1.1.1 Valid name 1 1.1.2 Synonymy 1

1.2 i

1.2.1 Affinities i 1.2.2 Taxonomie status I 1.2.3 i 1.2.4 Standard common names 3 1.2.5 Definition of size categories 3

1.3 Morphology 3

1.3.1 External/internal morphology and colouration 3

1.3.2 Cytomorphology - 7 1.3,3 Protein composition and specificity 8


2.1 Total Area 8 2.2 Differential Distribution 16

2.2.1Hatchiings 16 2.2.2 Juveniles, subadults and adults 16

2.3 Determinants of Distributional Changes 16 2.4 Hybridization 16


3.1 Reproduction 16

3.1.1Sexuality 16 3.1.2Maturity 16 3,1.3 Mating 17 3.1.4Fertilization 18 3.1.5 Gonads'2/ 3,1.6Nesting process 18 3.1.7 Eggs 21

3.2Embryonic and Hatching Phase 25

3.2.1Embryonic phase 25 3.2.2Hatchling phase 26

3.3 Juvenile, Subadult and Adult Phase 28

3.3.1Longevity 28 3.3.2 Hardiness 28 3.3.3 Competitors 30 3,3.4Predators 30 3.3,5 Parasites and commensals 30

3.4 Nutrition and Growth 35

3,4.1 Feeding 35 3.4.2 Food 35 3.4.3 Growth rate 35 3.4.4 Metabolism iv FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle


3,5 Behaviour 43

3.5.1 Migrations and local movements 43 3.5,2 Schooling 43 3.5.3 Responses to stimuli 43


4.1 Structure 44

4.1,1 Sex ratioLl' 4,1.2Age composition 44 4,1.3 Size composition 44.

4.2 Abundance and Density 44

4.2.1 Average abundance and density 44 4.2.2 Changes in abundance and density 45

4.3 Natality and Recruitment 45

4,3.1 Reproduction rates .45 4.3.2 Factors affecting reproduction 45 4.3.3 Recruitment'

4.4 Mortality 45

4.4,1Mortality ratesL/ 4,4.2Factors causing or affecting mortality 45

4.5 Dynamics of Population 46 4,6 The Population in the Community and the Ecosystem 46


5.1 Fishing Equipment and Methods 46 5.2 Fishing Areas 48 5.3 Fishing Seasons 48 5.4 Fishing Operations and Results 48


6.1 Regulatory Measures 50 6.2 Management Strategies 51 6,3 Artificial Stocking 51



1/ No information available FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 1

1. IDENTITY Ahrenfeldt (1954) provided an early syno- nymy and discussed the confusion caused by 1.1 Nomenclature Linnaeus who apparently misnamed the hawksbill instead of the more appropriate Caretta, 1.1.1 Valid name 1.2 Taxonomy Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766) 1.2.1 Affinities 1.1.2 Synonymy (modified from Deraniyagala, 1939; Mertens - Suprageneric and Wermuth, 1955; Loveridge Phylum Chordata and Williams, 1957; and Subphylum Vertebrata Wermuth and Mertens, 1961) Superclass Tetropoda Class Reptilia Testudo imbricata Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., Subclass Anapsida ed. 12, 1766, p, 350: American and Order Testudinata Asiatic Seas (restricted to Suborder Bermuda Islands by Smith and Taylor, Superfamily Chelonioidae Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 1950a. a3.(II) Family (8) :315) - Generic Eretmochelys (from Chelonia imbricata Schweigger, Prodr. Loveridge and Williams, 1957) Mon, Chel., 1812, p, 291 Caretta Ritgen (not of Rafinesque: 1814) Caretta imbricata Merrem, Syst. Amph. 1828: Nova Acta Acad. Leop. Carol. 14, 1820, p. 19 p. 270. : Testudo imbricata Linnaeus (by monotypy) Chelonia pseudo-mydas Lesson, In Belanger, Voy, Indies-Orient,, Zool., Eretrnochelys Fitzinger, 1843: Syst. 1834, p. 299: (restricted Rept., p. 30. Type: T. imbricata to Bermuda Islands by Smith and Taylor, Linnaeus (by monotypy) Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. l95Ob. 199:16) Herpysmostes Gistel 1868: Die Lurche Chelonia pseudo-caretta Lesson, In Europa, p. 145. Type: T. imbricata Belanger, Voy. Indies-Orient., Zool., Linnaeus (f ide Mertens, 1936: 1834, p. 302: Atlantic Ocean (restricted Senckenbergiana, 18, p. 75) to Bermuda Islands by Smith and Taylor, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus, l95Ob. 199:16) Onychochelys Gray, 1873: Proc. Zool. Soc, Lond., p. 397, Figures l-2. Type: Caretta bissa Riippell, Neue Wirbelth, O. kraussi.Gray T. imbricata Linnaeus Fauna Abyss., Ainphib., 1835, p. 4, y monotypy) pl, ii: - Generic Eretmochelys imbricata Fitzinger, Syst. Eretmochelys monotypic, see speci- Rept. 1843, p. 30: American Seas fic diagnosis. (restricted to Bermuda Islands by Smith and Taylor, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. l95Ob. - Specific 199: 17) Diagnosis: two pairs of prefrontal Eretmochelys Agassiz, Contr. Nat. scales; dorsal scutes conspicuously imbricate Bist. Mus. U.S., 1, 1857, p. 382: Indian (except in very young or very old ); and Pacific oceans (res thcted to , four pairs of lateral scutes, anterior pair Straits Settlements by Smith and Taylor, not touching precentral scute; two claws on Bull. U.S. Nat].. Mus, 1950a, 199:17) each ; head compressed; mouth -like (Figure 1). Detailed de.scriptions are found Caretta squamosa Girard, U.S. Explor. in Taylor (1921, 1970), Deraniyagala (1930, Exped. 1838-1842, Herp., 1858, p. 442, 1939), Le Poulain (1941), Bourret (1941), Carr pl. xxx, Figures 1-7: Sulu Seas and (1942), Loveridge and Williams (1957), Villiers (1958), Marquez (1970) and Hughes (1974).

Caretta rostrata Girard, U.S. Explor. 1.2,2 Taxonomic status Exped. 1838-1842, Herp., 1858, p. 446, The hawksbill turtle is a morpho-species. pl. xxx, Figures 8-13: Fiji Islands 1,2.3 Subspecies Chelone imbricata Strauch, Cheloxq. Stud., 1862, p. 181 Agassiz (1857) described an Atlantic, E. imbricata, and a Pacific, E. squamata, Onchochelys kraussi Gray, Proc. Zool. hawksbill species based on differences in the Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 398, Figures l-2: arrangement of carapace keels and body shape. Atlantic Ocean off French Guyana The young of both species were similar 2 FIR/S137Hawksbillturtle

Figure 1 Juvenilehawksbjllturtle (from Brongersma, 1968) FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 3

(heart-shaped), but the Atlantic species 1.2.4 Standard common names became more elliptical with age while the Pacific species remained heart-shaped. Hawksbill turtle, tortoise shell turtle Deraniyagala (1939) could not distinguish (English); tortue caret (French); tortuga de separate Atlantic and Indo-Pacific species carey (Spanish); taimai (Japanese). after examining illustrations, literature, and corresponding with various museums concerning 1,2.5 Definition of size categories carapace osteology. Schmidt (1945) was dis- appointed that sea turtle taxonomy was in Size categories for hawksbill turtles are such an unsatisfactory state due to the unwar- defined as follows: ranted tendency to separate Atlantic, Indo- Pacific and eastern Pacific species in each hatchling - freshly hatched turtle with genus and concluded that an adequate compari- umbilical scar, to 8 cm; son of hawksbill specimens of all size classes from all three regions was needed. Carr juvenile - umbilical scar absent, 9-33 cm (1952) stated that the keel characters (approximately one-half carapace length described by Agassiz (1857) were unreliable of reproductively mature female); because they are subject to variation dependant upon individual age and sex. Carr subadult - carapace length, 34-65 cm; and Cl952) then proposed a subspecific designation based on coloration and carapace shape. The adult - reproductively mature, 66+ cm. Atlantic hawksbill, E. i. impricata (Linnaeus), is reportedly less black on the dorsal surface of the flippers and head, and the carapace is 1.3 Morphology more straight-sided and narrowly tapered posteriorly. The Indo-Pacific subspecies, 1.3.1 External/internal morphology E. i. squamata Agassiz, is reportedly solid and colouration black on the dorsal surface of the flippers and head, and the carapace is more heart- General hawksbill morphology is described shaped. In two publications, in , in Deraniyagala (1930, 1939, 1953); Carr (1952); SecretarTa de Industria y Comercio (1966) and Rebel (1974); Hughes (1974), and is illustrated See section 1.2.1. in Marquez (1970), these characters are also in Stejneger (1904, 1907). used to describe Mexican Atlantic and Pacific hawksbill subspecies. The hawksbill turtle subspecific designa- tions, which are discussed in section colouration and carapace morpho- Variations in these characters cast doubt are based on upon the validity of the subspecific designa- logy. Consequently, the major references con- tions. The carapace outline of Sri Lankan taining morphometric data, colour descriptions hawksbills changes with age from heart-shaped and photographs are given in this section, as to more elongate (Deraniyagala, 1939), and well as the geographic locations and size Roze (1955) reported that Venezuelan hawks- classes of the turtles involved. bills were basically heart-shaped, although shape varied with age. Hirth and Carr (1970) Morphometric measurements of hawksbills found no clear departure from colouration or are presented in the following sources: body form between Gulf of Aden and Deraniyagala (1930, 1939, 1953), Sri Lanka, turtles, and Hughes (1974) reported western hatchlings, juveniles, subadults and adults; Indian Ocean and eastern Atlantic stocks Carr, Hirth and Ogren (1966), , mixed around the , thereby hatchlings, adult males and females; providing further evidence against the sub- Pritchard (1966), Guyana, adult females; specific taxonomic separation. Smith and Hirth and Carr (1970), South Yemen, adult females; Frazier (1971), , subadults; Taylor (1950a), and more recently Hughes Japanese Tortoise Shell Association (1973), (1974), were unable to separate hawksbill sub- species based on colouration and morphology. (Singapore?) and , juveniles Also, Loveridge and Williams (1957) deferred and subadults (with some morphometric analy- sis); Hughes (1974), , juveniles from identifying any subspecies and Frazier (1971) suggested that the subspecific designa- and subadults (with morphometric analysis and tion be dropped. However, Pritchard (1979) length:weight relationship); McKeown (1977), stated that the eastern Pacific populations Solomon Islands, adult females; McElroy and Alexander (1979), Solomon Islands, juveniles, are darker and smaller than the Atlantic popu- lations, and he believed that there are several subadults, adults (length:weight relationships undescribed subspecies of both in different only); Uchida (1979, 1980), Indonesia,juveniles, subadults and adults (length:weight relation- parts of the world. The apparent variations. in colour and morphology between nesting popu- ship and some morphometric analysis). See lations, and individuals of different age and section 3.4.3. sex within these populations, may account for the original subspecific designation (see The hawksbill's carapace undergoes unique section 1.3). Morphometric, electrophoretic morphological changes with age, as described by Deraniyagala (1939): and serologic studies are lacking for proper the carapace is population comparisons. cordate in outline with juxtaposed scutes in very young turtles, beginning to imbricate 4 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle when about 5 cm long (carapace length); scutes (there being no clear departure in colouration fully imbricated at about 15 cm and the mar- from the Caribbean populations), and the ginals strongly serrate at 28.5 cm; scutes colouration of nesting populations in the juxtaposed and carapace more elongate, subovate Gulf of Aden and Solomon Islands was also found in outline, marginals less serrate at about to be variable (Hirth and Latif, 1980; Vaughan, 74 cm. 1981). Fryer (1911) reported that hawksbills remaining in Aldabra were always coated An account of Samoan hatchling, juvenile with a layer of mud which prevented the shell and adult colouration is as follows (Witzell from developing dark markings, and Hornell and Banner, 1980): neonate colouration is (1927) and Stoddart and Wright (1967) also uniform, variations are generally noticed believed that there was a resident light- when the turtles are about five months old; coloured population in Aldabra and Cosmoledo the carapace and the top of the head and neck . are tan; the sides and bottom of the head and neck, including the beak, are dark grey; the Photographs illustrating general morpho- dorsal and ventral sides of the fore flippers logy and colour patterns of hawksbill turtles are grey with a whitish fringe around the are presented in the following sources: posterior edge; the dorsal and ventral sides Schmidt (1916), Virgin Islands, dorsal of of the hind flippers and plastron are dark hatchlings; Taylor (1921), the , grey with two whitish ridges posteriorly on dorsal, ventral, anterodorsal and postero- the plastron. Juvenile colouration is often ventral of juveniles; Deraniyagala (1939, 1953), variable, particularly the carapace, which Sri Lanka, dorsal and ventral of juveniles, ranges from light brown to black with varying dorsal and anterodorsal of adult females; Carr amounts of distinct yellow streaks and (1952), Pacific Honduras, dorsolateral and blotches; the head and dorsal flipper scala- lateral of adult females, ventral of juveniles; tion is black with whitish margins and the Villiers (1958, 1962), West Africa, dorso- plastron is whitish with many brown blotches; lateral and lateral of head of subadults, and the ventral side of the flippers has scattered (1958) dorsal and ventral of juveniles; Carr, black scales. The carapace in adult turtles Mirth and Ogren (1966), Costa Rica, dorsal of is dark brown with faint yellow streaks and hatchlings, dorsolateral of juveniles, ventral, blotches; the scales on the dorsal side of the anterior and posterior of adult females; Taylor flippers and head are dark brown to black with (1970), the Philippines, anterodorsal, postero- yellow margins; the ventral side of the flip- ventral and dorsal ofjuveniles; Hughes (1971), pers and the plastron are pale yellow, with Mozambique, dorsal of juveniles; Bustard (1972), scattered dark scales on the flippers. Australia, dorsolateral and dorsoanterior of juveniles; Janssen (1972), Suriname, anterior Colour descriptions of hawksbills are and lateral of adult females; Carr and Main presented in the following sources: (1973), Australia, dorsal of juveniles; Hughes Deraniyagala (1930, 1939), Sri Lanka, hatch- (1974), South Africa, dorsal of carapace and linge, juueniles, subadults and adult females; lateral of head; Heang (1975), Malaysia, dorso- Carr (1952), Atlantic, hatchlings and turtles lateral of juveniles and anterodorsal of adult of unknown age, Pacific coast of Honduras, females; Schulz (1975), Suriname, dorsolateral young and adult females; Villiers (1958), and anterodorsal of head of adult females; Senegal, juveniles and adults; Minton (1966), Hughes (1976), , dorsal of juveniles; Pakistan, juveniles; Mirth and Carr (1970), Pritchard (1977), Micronesia, ventral of South Yemen, hatchlings and adult females; juveniles; Pritchard (1979), eastern Pacific, Hughes (1974), South Africa, juveniles, sub- anterodorsal of juveniles; Pritchard (l979a), adults and adults; McKeown (1977), Solomon Grand Cayman, dorsolateral of juveniles, and Islands, adults; Mirth and Latif (1980) , Galapagos, ventral and lateral of head; adult females; Vaughan (1981), Solomon Islands, Witzell and Banner (1980), Samoa, dorsal of hatchlings, juveniles and adults. hatchlings, dorsolateral of juveniles, dorsal and ventral of adult males, dorsal and lateral of head of adult males. Hawksbill turtle colouration is apparently highly variable and may be due to either Anatomical studies of the hawksbill are genetic or environmental factors. Adult hawks- not only incomplete, but are often confusing bills in the Solomon Islands become blacker because of changes in terminology. Also, many with age according to McKeown (1977), and of the publications have been overlooked over Frazier (1971) reported that the dorsal scala- the decades because they have been difficult tion of the juveniles, subadults and adults to locate and translate into English. The observed at Aldabra was black. Juvenile first attempt at general was made by colouration is highly variable in South Africa Hoffmann (1890), who described the systematics (Hughes, 1974) and Samoa (Witzell and Banner, and general anatomy of turtles, with some 1980). Carapace colouration of hawksbills on particular comments on the hawksbill. He individual Torres Straits Islands was found to illustrated the bones of the skull, flipper be homogeneous in pigmentation and pattern but and hyoid apparatus, as well as the neck and differed markedly from island to island (Carr posterior musculature, urogenital area, nose, and Main, 1973; Bustard, 1979). Mirth and upper eye, and histological sections of ribs, Carr (1970) reported that there was no speciaL costal plate, plastron and spine. colour trend in eastern Pacific hawksbills FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 5

Aspects of hawksbill skeletal anatomy are by the contraction of the Serratus magnus described and illustrated in numerous publica- anteriorly and the Obliquus abdominis pos- tions. Bellairs (1970) illustrated the hawks- teriorly, and expiration by the joint action bill bony skeleton (Figure 2) and briefly dis- of the Transversus abdominis posteriorly and cussed some general chelonian skeletal charac- the Diaphragmaticus anteriorly (George and teristics. Hoffstetter and Gasc (1969) Shah, 1959, a, 1962). Certain back and abdomi- described and illustrated hawksbill vertebrae nal muscles are illustrated by Rathke (1848), and provided an extensive review of chelonian Hawksbill jaw musculature and innervation have vertebral literature. The structure of the been studied and illustrated by Lakjer (1926) hyoid apparatus is described by Siebenrock and studied by Poglayen-Neuwall (1953) and (1899) and Fiirbringer (l922), and is reviewed Schumacher (1956, a). Also, Schumacher (1973) by Schumacher (1973). In a series of articles, described indetail the jaw and laryngeal mus- Fuchs (1920, a, b, c) described the ossifica- culature with the associated innervations and tion of the cranial endoskeletonin sea turtles, provided an extensive review of previous with appropriate comments on the hawksbill. studies. Further studies on hawksbill cranial Skull structure is described and illustrated nerves are by Fuse (1920), Fuchs (1933) and in detail by Feuer (1970) and illustrated by Soliman (1964), who described and illustrated Temminck and Schlegel (1838), Boulenger (1889, the cranial nerves in detail and provided a 1890), Deraniyagala (1939) and Carr (1952), literature review on the subject. and photographed dorsally and ventrally by Villiers (1958). Carapace and plastron ossi- The internal relief of the hawksbill fication (Figure 3) are described and illus- turtle digestive tract was described by trated by Deraniyagala (1939, 1953), Jacobshagen (1920), described and illustrated Mlynarski (1961) and Bellairs (1970a). In by Pernkopf and Lehner (1937), and is rede- addition, there are several papers dealing scribed and reviewed by Parsons and Camaron with fossil chelonians which present some (1977). They described the esophagus as being aspects of hawksbill skeletal anatomy while lined with long, conical, cornified papillae discussing phylogenetic relationships. which project posteriorly and the duodenum as Zangerl (1953, 1958, 1980) studied the morpho- a complex network of transverse and longitudi- logy and phylogeny of Oligocene and recent sea nal folds. The histology of the stomach turtles and provides an extensive review of musculature is described by Luppa (1977); the the subject, including detailed osteological tunica muscularis is smooth muscle consisting descriptions and illustrations of the follow- of two layers, the inner one being circular ing selected hawksbill anatomical features: and the outer one longitudinal, the thickness fore limb, hind limb, skull, carapace, decreasing in the direction of the pyloris. plastron, humerus, and an X-ray of an entire According to Smith and James (1958), cloacal juvenile specimen. Zangerl and Turnbull bursae, which function as respiratory orgáns (1955) discussed the significance of the during hibernation in some , are morphology of the sea turtle, absent in hawksbills. grandaeva (Leidy) and the related Oligocene sea turtle, melii, The nasal cavities of hawksbill turtles in determining the phylogeny of the modern sea have been described and illustrated by Fuchs turtle genera, also presenting various aspects (1907, 1911, 1915). In a series of exhaustive of hawksbill skeletal anatomy. Mlynarski articles on the chelonian nasal cavity and (1959) found some anatomical similaritíes associated glands, Parsons (1958, 1959, 1968, between the Oligocene cheloniid 1970) described and illustrated the generally knorri (Gray) and modern hawks- single choanal papilla as varying in shape, bills, specifically the suprapygale and the but usually as a stiff thorn-like structure hypoplastron. projecting medially into the choana. Parsons discussed its possible function as either a Aspects of hawksbill turtle musculature special sensory organ or to prevent food from and associated nerve innervations are described entering the nasal cavities. Based on nasal and illustrated in numerous publications. morphology, specifically the increasing Sieglbauer (1909) described the musculature complexity of the regio intermedialis and the and innervation of the limbs, and Kriegler comparative reduction of the regio olfactoria, (1961) described and illustrated the pelvic Parsons arranged the following sea turtle limb musculature and innervations. The genera in order of increasing adaptation to hawksbill pectoral limb musculature is the aquatic environment: Celonia, Caretta, described and illustrated by Shah and Patel Eretmochelys and Dermochelys. See section 3.2.1. (1964), and Walker (1973) provided an exten- sive review and discussion of the locomotor Underwood (1970) described and reviewed apparatus, illustrating the osteological previous studies on the reptilian eye, and structure of the rear foot. George and Shah reported (with illustrations) that hawskbills (1959, a) and Shah (1962) described and have 12 scleral ossicles in a scleral ring, illustrated the respiratory mechanism in hawks- which has a denticulate periphery with irregu- bills, and suggested that differences in this lar overlapping borders and a ciliary body mechanism between terrestrial, semi-aquatic with 66 ciliary p±ocesses. and aquatic species (hawksbills) illustrate possible evolutionary lines through adaptive The urogenital apparatus and associated radiation. Hawksbill inspiration is controlled organs of a female hawksbill turtle have been 6 FIR/S137 Hawksbíll turtle

ra i nt centr rad

Figure 2 Bony skeleton of the hawksbill turtle: acr - acromion process of scapula; centr - centrale; cor - coracoid; fe - femur; fi fibula; fib - fibulare (calcaneum); fon - fontanelle in bony carapace; h - humerus; il - ilium; mt - intermedium; is - ischium; mc - metacarpals; mt - metatarsals; n - neural bony plates; pe - peripheral plates; pi - pisiform; pl - pleural plates; pm - proneural (nuchal) plate; pu - pubis; ra - radius; rad - radiale; rh - rib head; rl - first dorsal rib; sc - scapula; sri - sacral ribs; ti - tibia; tib+ - tibiale fused with other elements (astragalus); ul - ulna; ulm - ulnare; I, V - digits (from Bellairs, 1970) FIR/Sl37 Hawksbill turtle 7

e b Figure 3 Carapace and plastron ossification of the hawksbill turtle: (a) carapace of subadult; (b) carapace of mature female (X 1/6); (c) plastron of mature female (X 1/6); black = vacuities (from Deraniyagala, 1953) described and illustrated by Schmidtgen (1907). horizontal plane. The leading edge of the Zug (1966) reviewed penial morphology and the blade is inclined anteroventrally on the down- systematic relationships of cryptodiran turtles, stroke and anterodorsally on the upstroke, and concluding that all genera of Cheloniidae are the blade tip usually inscribes a figure 8. similar in structure: a single TJ--shaped fold The downstroke is the main propulsive stroke, forms the glands, this fold appearing to be an but some propulsive components are generated enlarged continuation of the seminal ridge, on the upstroke. The rear flippers extend with a single seminal groove that terminates posteriorly beyond the edge of the shell, close on the inner surface of the fold, and no to the horizontal plane and act as rudders and observed sinuses; the genitalia of an immature elevators. hawksbill is illustrated. 1.3.2 Cytomorphology Sapsford (1978) examined the hawksbill pulmonary artery, finding the presence of a Dujarric de la Riviere, Fine and Eyquem sphincter muscle distal to the origin of the (1954) studied the hetero-agglutination of Ductus botalli, and postulated that right to hawksbill turtle sera combined with sera of left intra-cardiac blood shunts occur during Chelonia mydas and several species of domestic diving which may aid in thermal regulation. mammals. Frair (1977) reported that the fol- lowing Atlantic hawsbill red blood cell para- Walker (1971) illustrated and described meters are correlated with the increase of the anatomy and swimming dynamics of hawks- carapace length; increase in packed cell volume, bills and found them to be similar to other decrease in red cell counts and an increase in sea turtles. They swim by moving the blade red cell size and volume. Frair (1977a) also of the pectoral flipper up and down along ä reported red blood cell packed volumes, sizes line inclined from 40° to 70° from the and numbers (Table I).

Table I

Red blood cell parameters of Atlantic hawksbill turtles (modified from Frair, 1977a)

Packed cell volume Length/Width Red cell count (cui3/lOO cm3) (pm) (1mm3 x l0)

Mean 28.1 ± 1.2 22.6 ± 0.3/14.8 ± 0.3 421 ± 41 Range 17-42 16.5-28.0/9.6-19.5 366-478

Sample 25 13 6 8 FIR/Sl37 Hawksbill turtle

Owens and Ruiz (1980) described new differences when compared to turtle fat from methods of obtaining blood and cerebrospinal other species. A high unsaturated acid con- fluid from hawksbills via the paired dorsal tent is reportedly typical of marine species, cervical sinuses and through the foramen but the hawksbill's decrease in unsaturated magnum into the brain's fourth ventrical with- C8 cid content and increase in amounts of out causing stress or damage to the . higher unsaturated acids of C20, C22 andC2 were found to be different from other turtles The hawksbill karyotype is 56 chromosomes and were attributed to species differences, (Bickham, 1979) which are nearly identical to diet differences, or both, between wild and those of Chelonia mydas and Caretta caretta; captive specimens. no sex chromosomes were identified. An analysis of hawksbill turtle eggs in 1.3.3 Protein composition and Indonesia shbwed the following percentages: specificity protein, 22.02%; fat, 16.43%; fibre, 0%; ash, 3.03%; and water, 59.34% (Suwelo, 1971). The serum protein concentration of an immature Atlantic hawksbill turtle was 1,9% 2. DISTRIBUTION (Frair, 1964). Further serological studies by Frair (1969) suggested the hawksbills' close 2.1 Total Area affinity with the other sea turtle genera, and found that sera stored as sterile liquid lost Hawksbill turtles are circumtropical, about a third of their reactivity after ten generally inhabiting coastal reefs, bays, years of cold storage. Continued serological estuaries and lagoons in the tropical and tests by Frair (1979, a) showed a close affinity subtropical Atlantic, Pacific and Indian between hawksbill, Caretta, and Lepidochelys Oceans. The hawksbill is perhaps the most turtles. Chen, Mao and Ling (1980), in tropical of all marine turtles. The major another study of the evolutionary relation- nesting and foraging areas are located ships of turtles, calculated the immunological between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, distances among albumins and estimated that with the exception of the popu- the divergence time for the hawksbill genus to lations, although turtles are occasionally be 29 million years. seen out to 300 latitude, with strays extending into colder waters. Specific Lysine/histidine ratio analysis of nesting locations are díscussedinsection3.l, Atlantic hawksbill and Chelonia mydas carapace listed in Table II, and delineated in scute material showed a significant genetic Figure 4. Non-nesting range extensions are difference between these genera (Hendrickson, many, and a brief summary by ocean follows. Wood and Young, 1977). After further analysis, Hendrickson (1979) found no particular strong Distributional information on hawksbills variations in amino acid ratios between west in the eastern and mid-Atlantic Ocean is Atlantic, west Pacific and Indian Oceans hawks- scarce. Brongersma (1967, 1972) confirmed a bills. Although some variations were probably stray hawksbill from the European coast of caused by diet, Hendrickson concluded that the English Channel, and Loveridge and there was either within-group heterogeneity or Williams (1957) have recorded hawksbills from that there were no significant differences the following localities in Africa: between local populations. Mauritania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Cameroon, Gabon and South Africa. The carapace scutes of "tortoise-shell" Hawksbills have also been recorded from: fame are composed of keratin, the physical Morocco (Bons, 1972); Mauritania (Maigret, properties of which were discussed by Smith 1975); Senegal (Cadenat, 1949, 1957; (1958), Hoepli (1965) and Webster (1972); Villiers, 1958, 1962; Maigret, 1975, 1977, refractive índex is 1.55, specific gravity is 1978); Gambia (Brongersma, 1981); Ghana 1.29 and hardness is 2.5 on Moh's scale. (Irvine, 1947; Anon., 1971); Togo (Villiers, Baden and Maderson (1970) used standard his- 1958); Cameroon (Nieden, 1910; Brongersma, tological and X-ray diffraction techniques to 1981); Angola (Hughes, Huntley and Wearnç, examine the types of fibrous protein layers 1973); South Africa (Hughes, 1974). Island produced by axnniote epidermal cells and found localities include Madeira (Maul, 1948; that the hawksbill shell showed a feather-type Brongersma, 1968), Cape Verde Islands pattern, while scales from the rest of the (Loveridge and Williams, 1957; Schleich, body showed a feather-type on the outer sur- 1979), Ascension Island (Loveridge and face and an alpha-type in the hinge region; Williams, 1957; Carr and Stancyk, 1975; an arrangement resulting in a more pliable Mortimer, l98l) and Saint Helena (Brongersma, tissue and hence greater skin flexibility. 1971). Hawksbills are collected at sea from The X-ray diffraction pattern showed a distinct the "H.M.S. CHALLENGER" 350 mi west of the 4.15 reflection oriented on the meridian in Azores Islands, 25 mi west of Cape Saint the alpha-layer. Vincent, Portugal and half way between Cape Saint Vincent and Madeira (Murray, 1895). Body fat composition of a wild A definitive work On hawksbill distribution Indian Ocean hawksbill turtle was found by in the eastern Atlantic Ocean is by Pathak and Dey (1956) to have significant Brongersma (1981). Nesting locations and nesting seasons(parentheses of hawksbill indicate turtles reported major nesting months) Table II Eastern Atlantic Ocean Nesting location J F N A N Nesting season J J A S O N D Sources LiberiaGulf of Guinea X X X X ButtikoferEisentrautGreef (1885); (1964)(1884, Loveridge 1890); andBrongersma Williams (1981) (1957); Western Atlantic OceanUnited States Florida X X X X X Carman (1883, 1884); True (1893); Audubon (1926); Mexico X X X X X X X ComercioCarrLundDe Sola (1978)(1952); (1935);(1966); Hxico, Carr,Ramos Secretaria Birth(1974); and Marquez deOgren Industria (1966);(1976, ya, Belize BàconHildebrandCorporation1978); (1975, Caribbean (1981); 1981);(1980) BaconConservation Caribbean (1981) Conservation Corporation (1980); HondurasGuatemala CaribbeanBaconCorporation (1975, Conservation 1981);(1980) Caribbean Corporation Conservation (1980); X (X X) X X CaribbeanNietschmannBacon(1972); ConservationBacon (1971, (1975, 1972, Corporation1981); a, b); Carr Rainey (1980)and Stancykand Pritchard (1975); (1981) PanamaCosta Rica X (X X) XX X X X CartCarrCarr, (1956);and Birth Stancyk andDuke Ogren (1975);(1967); (1966); Carr,Rainey BaconCart and and(1975,Pritchard Meylan 1981); (1972);(1978) X X X X X X X ParsonsTovar(1975); (1973); (1956); Caribbean Bacon Medem Conservation(1975, (1962); 1981); Kaufmann Corporation Carr (1966,and Stancyk (1980)1967, ConservationTufts1971, (1973); 1972, Corporation 1975);Bacon (1975);Rainey (1980) andBullis Pritchard (1978); (1972); Caribbean '.0 Nesting location Nesting season Table II (continued) Sources W. Atlantic Ocean (continued) J F M A XM X XJ XA S O N D Larrea (1948); Roze (1955, 1964); Donoso-Barros Guyana X X X X X X PritchardBaconConservation(1964); (1975, (1966, Flores1981); Corporation 1969a, (1969); Buitrago b); (1980)CaidwellBacon (1980); (1975, and Caribbean Rathjen1981); (1969); Suriname X X X (X X X) Schulz(1968a); (1975)(1969, Pritchard1971, a, 1975,(1969a); 1981); Bacon Brongersma (1975, 1981) TheFrench Bahamas Guyana X X X X X X X X X X X NyePritchard(1980);1981); (1887); Fretey(1969,Bacon Caribbean (1976); (1981)1971); Conservation FreteySchulz and(1971); LescureCorporation Bacon (.1976,1979) (1975, CubaTurks andCaicos Islands MartinezBaconCaribbeanand (1981) Stancyk(1948); Conservation (1975) Ubeda (1973); Corporation Bacon (.1980); (1975); Carr JamaicaCayman Is lands X X X X X Lewis (1940); Bacon (1975, 1981) X RossThompsonCorporationCarr (1980);Caribbean and (1945); Stancyk (1980) Caldwell (1975); Conservation (.1961); Caribbean CorporationBacon Conservation (1975, (.1980) 1981); X X X X X (X) X X X CarrWilcoxand and WildlifeWiewandt(1904); Stancyk Service(1976);Schmidt (.1975); (1978);.Carr(1916); Thurston (.1977, BaconDodd (.1976); 1978); (1978)(1975, ThurstonU.S. 1981); Fish BarbudaVirgin Islands X X X X X X ConservationSchmidtCato,(.1976); (1916);Prochaska Dodd Corporation (1978);Bacon and (1975,Pritchard Towle (1980) 1981);(1q78); (1978) Philibosian Caribbean Table II (continued) Nesting location J F M A M Nesting season J J A S O N D Sources W. Atlantic Ocean (continued)AntMontserrat i gua BaconCato, (1975)Prochaska and Pritchard (1978) DominicaGuade loupe X X X X X X BaconKermarrec(l98O) (1975, (1976); 1981) Caribbean Conservation Corporation Bacon (1981) SaintMartinique Lucía X X XX XX XX XX XX XX X Cato,Kermarrec(1980); Prochaska Bacon(1976); (1981)and Caribbean Pritchard Conservation (1978); Caribbean Corporation Saint Vincent X X X X X X X CaribbeanConservation(1981) Conservation Corporation Corporation (1980); Bacon (1980); (1981) Bacon GrenadaGrenadines X X X X X X X ConservationCarrCorporation (1952);and Stancyk (1980); CorporationBacon (1975); (1975,Bacon (1980); Caribbean(1981)1981); GoodwinCaribbean Conservation (.1980, 1981) Eastern Pacific OceanTrinidad and X XX X X X X X X StejnegerCarr (1954); (.1899); Bacon Narquez(1971, 1975,(1970); 1981) Casas (1971) HondurasMexicoEl Salvador X X X X X X CorneliusCarr (1952); (.1981) Cornelius (1981) NicaraguaCosta Rica CorneliusNietschmann (.1981) (1975); Cornelius (1981) EcuadorPanama (Mainland) X (X) X X XX H X X X X X X GreenCornelius and Ortiz-Crespo (1981) (.1981) Table II (continued) Nesting location J F M A M Nesting season J J A S O N D Sources E. Pacific Ocean (continued)EasterEcuador Is (Galapagos land Is.) Pritchard (1981)(l97la) Central Pacific OceanUnited States Hawai i Sakuda (1969); Balazs (1978, 1981); Shomura (1979) Trust Territories Pacificof the Islands X X X X (X X X X X) X X X HendricksonofNakajima the Pacific (1920); (.1972); Islands Fukada McVey (.1957); (.1965); (1972); Helfman Trust Marshall Territories(1968); (.1975); Line Is lands (Micrones ja) BaïazsPritchard(1979); (1978); (1977,McCoy Shoiura(1981) 1978, l98la);(1979) Dodd (.1978); Shomura WesternTokelau IslandsSamoa (X X) XX XX X WitzellHirth (1971, (1972, a); 1974); Balazs Witzell (1978, and 1981) Banner (1980) FijiAmerican Samoa X X X X X X X BustardDoddGraeffe (1978); (.1873);(1970); Balass RajSachet (.1976);(1981) (.1954); Pritchard Hirth (.1971, (.1981) a); FrenchCookKingdom Islands Polynesia of Tonga (X X) X X X SouthBalazsMirth (1971,Pacific(1981) a); Commission Wilkinson (1979) (1979); Pritchard (.1981) NewSolomon Hebrides Islands XX) X X (X X X X) X (X X X X AlexanderSouthPritchardMcKeown Pacific (.1977); (.1981);(.1979); Commission McElroy VaughanPritchard and(.1979); (1981) (1981)Alexander McElroy (1979); and Western Pacific OceanDemocraticChina Kmnpuchea X X X X X LeChu-Chien Poulain (.1981) (.1941) Table II (continued) Nesting location J F M A M Nesting season J J A S O N D Sources W. Pacific Ocean (continued) X) X (X X) X (X Penyapol (1958) ThailandMalay s ja (X X X X X) X (X X X X X) X X HarrissonBanks(1966); (1937); (1964,Balasingam Hendrickson 1969); (1969); Hendrickson and De Alfred Silva and (1961);(1968, Balasinganì 1969, a, b, Indones ja X X X X) X X X X X (X X X SuwelloTow1971, and Moli(1971);1981); (1981) Heang Japanese (1975); Tortoise Uchida Shell (1979, Association 1980); 1979,(1981)(1979);(1973); 1980); KajiharaUchida Sumertha (1979, and andtîchida 1980); Sukarma (1974); Polunin (.1977); Suniertha and NacKinnonSumertha (1976, PhilippinesJapan Ryukyu Islands X X X XX X (X X X)X X X X X X SealeNishiwakiHendrickson (1911); (1981) (1965); Domantay Robles (.1952-53); (1975); JapaneseUchida andTortoise Papua New Guinea X X X X X X X X X PapuaAlcalaConservationShell New(1980); Association Guinea, De(1978); CelisMinistry (1973); Spring(.1981) of Negeri (.1981)Environment and Tow and (1977); Australi a X X X X X X X X X X X X LupusBustard(1979) (1978, (1971, 1980, 1972, 1981); a, 1973); Kowarsky Carr and CapelleMain (1973); Indian Ocean India X X X X X (X X X X X) X X Raj (1927); Whitaker (1977); Bhaskar (.1978, 1979); IranBurma X X X X WalczakRarKar and and Bhaskar Kinunen (1981) (.1971); Anderson (1979); Saudi Arabia(Persian Gulf) X X X X Ross and BaiwaniBarwani (1981) Nesting location J F M A M Nesting saason J J A Table II (contiìmed)S O N B Sources Indian Ocean (continued)QatarOman X X (X) X X X X Ross and(1981); Barwani Ross (1981) and Barwani (1981) YemenSudan X X X X X X HirtEMooreHirth and and CarrLatif Balzarotti (1970); (1980); (1976); Ross Ross and andAnon. Barwani Barwani (1977); (1981) (1981) EthiopiaYemenSomalía X XY X X FrazierRuppellBirth and (1975)(1835) Carr (1970); Ross and Barwani (1981) MozambiqueKenyaTanzania HughesFrazierFrazier (.1971,(1975, (.1975 1974)1981) 1976, 1981) NalagasyMalflvesSriLanka Republic X) X X X X (X HughesColtoriDcraniyagaia (1973, (.1977); 1974,(1939, Shakeeb' 1981); 1953); (1980) FtazierCaer (.1952) (1975, a) Oceatic Island Goup5(Chagos, )ComoCocos, res, )) X X X X X X WrightHornell(1979),1976,(1976); (1967) a,(1927); Carnett1979, Salm ; Gihon-Hi1ia, (1976);and 1981); Fra4ter CariteitHughes (1950); (1979) (1978);(1974); Stoddard SheppardDiathond and Frazier (1971, 1974, 1975, a, FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle

90° 120° 1500 1800 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° 30° 60° 60°



90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0°

Figure 4 Documented nesting locations of the hawksbll turtle

Mediterranean records of hawksbill Hardy and McDiarmid, 1969; Cliffton, Cornego turtles are scarce, ranging from France and Felger, 1981), and south along the Central (Mourgue, 1909; Angel, 1946) to the eastern and South American coasts (Cornelius, 1981), coast (Gruvel, 1931; Sella, 1981; Wermuth and to Colombia and (Green and Ortiz-Crespo, Mertens, 1961). 1981), (Carr, 1952; Brown and Brown, 1981), and Chile (Yanez, 1951). Oceanic island In the western Atlantic Ocean, hawksbills records in the eastern Pacific list the hawks- have been recorded as strays from Cape Cod, bills from the Revillagigedo Islands in the Massachusetçs (Sumner, 1909; Sumner, Osburn north (Marquez, 1965), the equatorial and Cole, 1911; Bleakney, 1965; Lazell, 1980) Galapagos Islands (Pritchard, 1971a, b; and from Virginia (Musick, 1979). Hawksbills Honegger, 1972; Green and Ortiz-Crespo, 1981), are occasionally found in North Carolina and Easter Island in the south (Garman, 1908; (True, 1887; Schwartz, 1961, 1976), but are Pritchard, 1981). The hawksbill is recorded rarely encountered in Georgia waters (De Sola in the northern central Pacific from the and Abrains, 1933; Hillestad, Richardson and southern Hawaiian (Tinker, 1941; Wi],liamson, 1978) and Bermuda (Garman, 1884). Oliver and Shaw, 1953; Balazs, 1977, 1978, Hawksbills were once reported to nest fre- 1981) and from the Sea of Japan in the west quently in Florida (Garman, 1883, 1884; True, (Stejneger, 1907; Nishimura and Yasuda, 1967; 1893; Audubon, 1926; De Sola, 1935), but are Ijchida and Nishiwaki, 1981), south along the now only very rare nesters, although they are mainland (Gee, 1929-30; Pope, 1934, 1935; still occasionally seen (Caribbean Conservation Chu-Chien, 1981) and Formosa (Swinhoe, 1863), Corporation, 1980). However, they are uncom- through Indonesia (Japanese Tortoise Shell mon in the northern (Smith, Association, 1973; KaLjihara and Uchida, 1974; 1954; Neck, 1978; Hildebrand, 1981). Hawks- Tichida, 1979, 1980), to (McCann, bills are common throughout the southern 1966) and Tasmania (Green, 1971). The hawks- Gulf of Mexico, , northern bill is also found throughout the many island South America, and reports are reviewed by groups of the central Pacific region Bacon (1975, 1981) and Caribbean Conservation (South Pacific Commission, 1979). Virtually Corporation (1980). Although once reported to all tropical Pacific island groups support nest infrequently in French Guyana (Pritchard, populations of foraging hawksbills. 1969, a, 1971), hawksbills have apparently stopped nesting and have become rare visitors The hawksbill is reported in the northern (Fretey, 1976; Fretey and Lescure, 1976, 1979). Indian Ocean from Burma (Theobald, 1868), The southern end of their range is northern Pakistan (Minton, 1966; Khan and Mirza, 1976), (Goeldi, 1905; Luederwaldt, 1926; Froes, the Persian Gulf (Khalaf, 1959; Anderson, 1957; Menezes, 1972). In the Pacific Ocean, 1979), the Red Sea (Flower, 1933; Anon., 1977; hawksbills have been reported in the eastern Hirth and Latif, 1980; Sella, 1981), and Pacific from the Gulf of California as far as extending southerly to South Africa (Hughes, 29° north (Caldwell, 1962; Aschman, 1966), Bass and Mentis, 1967; Hughes, 1970, 197la, throughout the northwestern states of Mexico 1974). The hawksbill is also found throughout (Duellman, 1961; Marquez, 1965; Mxico, the many oceanic island groups in the Secretaria de Industria y Comercio, 1966; Indian Ocean (Frazier, 1974, 1975a, 1976a; 16 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle

Hughes, 1974; Diamond, 1976). Major reviews concluded from limited tagging evidence that of hawksbill distribution in the Indian Ocean hawksbílls tended to exhíbít localized move- are by Kar and Bhaskar (1981), Ross and ments in the Seychelles and Philippines, Barwani (1981) and Frazier (1981). respectively. See section 3.5.1

2.2 Differential Distribution 2.3 Determinants of Distributional Changes 2.2.1 Hatchlings Hawksbill distribution is centred around There is very little information regarding coral reefs, tropical water temperatures limit hatchiing distribution, though it is suspected dispersal of hatchlings, juveniles, subadults that they passively migrate with the prevailing and adutts. Reproductive migrations of oceanic currents (Carr, Mirth and Ogren, 1966). unknown distance from feeding areas to nesting Hornell (1927) reported that a reliable wit- beaches are suspected to occur at unknown ness had seen hatchling hawksbills drifting in intervals. See sections 2.1, 2.2, 3.1.6 and masses of floating weed miles from 3.5,1. land, At least some hatchlings may remain on the reefs close to their natal beaches 2.4 Hybridization (Schmidt, 1916; Sumertha, 1976; Shomura, 1979; Tjchida, 1979, 1980; Witzell and Banner, 1980). Turtle fishermen in the Cayman Islands, interviewed by Lewis (1940), said that a 2.2.2 Juveniles, subadults and hybrid cross between Eretmochelys and Caretta, adults called a "McQueggie", was commonly seen in Central American waters. The fishermen were The distribution of hawksbills is sure such a hybrid existed because they had generally centered around caroline reefs near often seen and captured Eretmochelys males the nesting beaches (Hornell, 1927; Mirth and which were copulating with Caretta females. Carr, 1970; Frazier, 1971; Japanese Tortoise However, Carr (1967) identified several Shell Association, 1973; McKeown, 1977; "McQueggies" as recognizable turtle species Caribbean Conservation Corporation, 1980; and not as hybrids, stating that most of the Witzell and Banner, 1980), These nesting folklore had no substance. Hendrickson (1980) areas, and the associated nesting seasons, are reported seeing at the Cayman Turtle Farm what delineated in Figure 4 and summarized in he considered were clearly the results of a Table II. Although the adults are generally hybrid cross between Chelonia mydas and seen in the proximity of the nesting areas E. imbricata. These turtles, hatched from a year-round, they are often more abundant batch of wild eggs imported from Suriname, during the nesting season (Voeltzkow, 1897; showed wide gradations and mixes of characters Carr, Mirth and Ogren, 1966; Frazier, 1971; between the two species and ís the first Bhaskar, 1978; Witzell and Banner, 1980). report of intergeneric mating involving hawks- bills. Evidence suggests that some hawksbill turtles may be fairly sedentary, and others 3. BIONOMICS AND LIFE HISTORY may migrate considerable distances. A resident hawksbill population existed in 3.1 Reproduction Aldabra lagoon, where local turtles could be distinguished by their unusual light colour, 3.1.1 Sexuality which was presumably due to a layer of mud covering the carapaces (Fryer, 1911; Hornell, Hawksbills are heterosexual with sexual 1927). Carr, Mirth and Ogren (.1966) thought dimorphism being evident in the adults. Adult that the prevalence of on males have a long, thick tail that extends Costa Rican adults attested to a relatively well beyond the posterior margin of the sedentary life. However, they also presented carapace, long, heavy claws, and a soft, con- circumstantial evidence of limited migratory cave plastron. Also, Deraniyagala (1939) and travel, which is updated by Carr and Stancyk Marquez (1970) reported that males have more (.1975). Carr (1977) provided evidence by intense pigmentation than females. Adult sonic tagging that juveniles are fairly seden- females have a short tail that does not extend tary on Puerto Rican reefs. Tagging evidence appreciably beyond the hind margin of the in the Solomon Islands showed the hawksbill to carapace, shorter, thinner claws, and a be generally parochial, although some long harder, less concave plastron. Sexual dis- distance movements were observed (McKeown, tinction of hatchlings, juveniles and sub- 1977; McElroy and Alexander, 1979; Vaughan, adults is not possible by external examination, 1981). Kowarsky and Capelle (1979) reported but only through dissection, histological tag returns of two pond-reared juvenile hawks- examination, or radioimmunological tests. bills from New Guinea. The turtles were released in the Torres Straits approximately 3.1.2Maturity 83 km and 70 km away, and were recaptured after being free for 151 and 204 days, Carr (1952) reported that Caribbean hawks- respectively (see Table XIX). Garnett bills may be sexually mature at about three (1978), Frazier (in press) and Alcala (1980) years of age when they are about 13.4 kg. FIR/s137 Hawksbill turtle 17

This weight estimate was revised by Carr, Bustard (1979) reported age to maturity Hirth and Ogren (1966) to 35.7 kg with no cor- to be 3-4 years under favourable rearing con- responding age. Harrison (1963) felt that ditions in Australia, and Witzell (1980) indi- three turtles raised in Sarawak for 4 years cated that captive Samoan hawksbills may reach appeared to be fully grown at a mean size and maturity at about 3.5-4.5 years of age. weight of 49.5 cm and 12.8 kg, respectively. The sizes of reproductively active turtles may Age and size at maturity are apparently be helpful when determining age to maturity, quite variable between nesting populations; especially if hawksbills essentially stop there are also differences between sexes and growing after reaching maturity, as occurs in individuals within breeding populations other marine turtle species (Carr and Goodman, (Witzell, 1980). These various size dif- 1970; Hughes, 1974). However, measurements ferences of different nesting populations are and weights of mature turtles, particularly illustrated in Table III. See section 3.4.3. males, are scarce. Carapace length measure- ments of three adult Costa Rican males 3.1.3 Mating averaged 80.2 cm with a range of 79.3-81.3 cm (Cart, Mirth and Ogren, 1966). The mean and Mating occurs on the surface in the range sizes and weights of 17 adult male hawks- shallow waters adjacent to the nesting beaches bills from eastern Nicaragua are: 77.8 cm (Carr, 1954; Caldwell and Rathjen, 1969; Carr (71.4-85.0 cm); 53,4 kg (50.0-65.7 kg) and Stancyk, 1975; Carr, Cart and Meylan, (Nietschmann, l972b). Sizes and weights of 1978). During copulation, the male uses the nesting hawksbills vary considerably and are long heavy claws and tail, aided by the soft, présented in Tables III and IV, respectively. concave plastron, to cling tightly to the

Table III

Carapace lengths of nesting hawksbill turtlesJ

Location Mean Range N Source

Atlantic Ocean

Nicaragua 76.5 62,5-87.0 32 Nietschmann (l972a) Costa Rica 83.1 7k.9-91 .k 62 Carr, Hirth & Ogren (1966)

Colon'. i 90. b ,O_95.&21 k Tufts (1973)

Guyana 83.8 80.O-".9 23 Pritchard (1969)

Puerto Rico 77.6 67.1-85.6 k Thurston & Wiewandt (1976)

Pacific Ocean

Wéstern 68.6 60.0-73.5 7 Witzell & Banner (1980)

Solorin Islands 80. 68.0-93.0 85 McKeown (1977)

Soloran Islands 8k. 6'6O.095,5'2' ¿13 Vaughan (1981)

Australia 76. k 71.6-82.7 10 Limpus(1980)

Indian Ocean

Seychelles 89.ShI 83.0-91 .5i' 9 Diamond(1976)

Sudan 66,0 53,3-73.7 ¿12 Hirth & Latif (1980) South Ye 69 .k 63.5-72.k 15 Hirth & Carr (1970)

73,3 60.0-83.0 ¿18 Ross (1981)

a/ Straight carapace length in centimetres unless otherwise noted

bi Curved carapace length 18 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle

Table IV

Weights of nesting hawksbill turtles (kg)

Location Mean Range N Source

Atlantic Ocean Nicaragua 54.2 27.2-86.2 32 Nietschmann (l972a)

Puerto Rico 68.4 60.5-76.3 2 Thurston and Wiewandt (1976)

Pacific Ocean Solomon Islands 66,3 41.8-77.3 40 McKeown (1977)

Solomon Islands 57.8 36 . O-72. 5 43 Vaughan (1981)

Aus t rai i a 49.5 45.5-55-O 8 Limpus (1980)

Indían Ocean

Democratic Yemen 43.2 35.3-50.0 15 Birth and Carr (1970)

carapace of the female. The maies are very much larger, with less obstructions, finer active at this time and may pursue females to sand and less vegetation than typical hawks- the beach; copulation may last several hours. bill beaches. In these areas, interspecific The copulating turtles appear to be preoc- nesting habitat is often divided temporally, cupied with the procreative process, and show spatially, or both. Carr, Hirth and Ogren little response to external stimuli until (1966) and Frazier (1979) discussed this copulation is complete. Several males may niche division for Costa Rican and show interest in the same female at the same Indian Ocean nesting Chelonia mydas and time, indicating a polyandrous breeding hawksbill turtles. Additional hawksbill popu- behaviour. lations, clearly illustrating interspecific niche division, are described in the following 3.1.4 Fertilization sources: Hornell (1927), Stoddart and Wright (1967), Birth and Carr (1970), Japanese Fertilization is internai. Tortoise Shell Association (1973), Sumertha (1980) and Ross (1981). According to 3.1.6Nesting process McElroy and Alexander (1979) and Vaughan (1981), however, there is little or no niche Beach description: I-Iawksbills generally separation between nesting hawksbills and prefer to nest on small, isolated beaches, Chelonia mydas in the Solomon Islands. these frequently beingon offshore cays, around the world (Figure 4). An exception is Nesting season: The nesting season for the less-shy turtle population in the hawksbills varies considerably according to Solomon Islands (McElroy and Alexander, 1979). geographic location (Table II). Nesting The nesting beaches often have barrier reefs seasons often coincide with local rainy seasons with coral and/or rock outcrops, rock and when wind velocity drops (Penyapol, 1958, Gulf shell debris, fine to course sand, and thick of Thailand; Harrison, 1969, ; Birth and vegetation. Hawksbills have shown a tendency Carr, 1970, Gulf of Aden; Bhaskar, 1978, to nest amongst the thick vegetation at the Lakshadweep Islands; Schulz, 1975, Suriname; rear of the beach platform (Mortimer, 1981). Diamond, 1976, Seychelles Islands; Garnett, Descriptions of some representative hawksbill 1978, Seychelles Islands; Frazier, 1979, nesting beaches are found in the following Seychelles Islands; Witzell and Banner, 1980, sources: Birth and Carr (1970), Democratic Samoa). Nietschmann (1972b) reported that Yemen; Heang (1975), Malaysia; Diamond (1976), hawksbills in eastern Nicaragua nested during Seychelles Islands; McKeown (1977) and Vaughan the rainy season, but observed that nesting (1981), Solomon Islands; Hirth and Latif also coincided with high wind velocities and (1980), Sudan; Witzell and Banner (1980), rough seas. Hawksbill turtles in the Solomon Samoa; Sumertha (1980), Indonesia; Ross (1981), Islands were reported to nest during the calm . Photographs of "typical" hawksbill and monsoon seasons, with heavy rain occurring nesting beaches are found in Bustard (1970), during both periods (Vaughan, 1981). Diamond Witzell (1974), Heang (1975) and Diamond (1976), Garnett (1978) and Frazier (1979) sug- (1976). gested that the rain may help consolidate the excavation of the egg chamber, but Harrisson Hawksbills occasionally nest in areas (1969) believed that the low hatching success supporting other nesting species of marine of hawksbills in Sabah was due to heavy rain- turtles, but these beaches are generally fall during the nesting/rainy season. The FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 19 prevailing trade winds usually abate during Nesting site selection is apparently a this period and the seas around the nesting complicated process involving many factors. beaches become calm, thereby permitting copu- Garnett (1978) found that hawksbílls in the lation and reef passage free from heavy surf. Seychelles avoided exposed reefs as well as Also, nest deStruction and beach erosion due areàs of beach rock and steep slopes when to large wave surges are at a minimum. landing, usually nesting on stable sections Deraniyagala (1939) speculated that there are of beach under vegetation (preferably two peaks in the year-round nesting and two Scaevola t accada). different nesting areas in Sri Lanka, depending on which of the two seasønal monsoons are in Nesting: A general description of hawks- progress. The same nesting patterns were also bill oviposition from a single indivídual found in the (Penyapol, 1958). nesting in Sri Lanka, lasting 1.75 h, is pre- sented by Deraniyagala (1930, 1939). The Hawksbills have been reported to nest in nesting process of hawksbills observed in the western central Atlantic Ocean every month eastern Nicaragua lasted about I h of the year. However, most nestiag takes (Nietschmann, l972b). Carr, Birth and Ogren place April through September. The only (1966) illustrated and described in detail accounts of nesting seasons in the eastern the nesting process of Costa Rican hawksbills, Atlantic (Greef, 1884; Eisentraut, 1964) state which lasts about 2 h. This process is that nesting occurs in the Gulf of Guinea divided into ten stages and is synopsized as November through February. follows:

The major nesting months in the islands Landfall, stranding and emergence from of the central Pacific Ocean extend September surf: The turtle is wary and will through February and year-round in the western rapidly return to the sea if disturbed Pacific (Solomon Islands, Philippines, by light or movement. The turtle presses Indonesia, ), with different her muzzle against the sand, then lifts peak months, depending on exact location. her head to peer about the beach, a process that usually lasts through the The nesting season in the Indian' Ocean traversal up the beach until the nest also varies considerably, with ldcal aberra- site is selected. tions. In the Seychelles Islands, nesting occurs July through May with November 'dhrough Travel from surf to high beach: The gait February as peak months. Nesting takes place up the beach is generally by diagonal in March in the Red Sea and April through June limbs working together, with occasional in the Persian Gulf. simultaheous movements of paired legs when tired. Behaviour: Hawksbills are solitary nesters throughout their range, except for the Selection of nest site: When dry sand nesting aggregation that Bustard (1972, a, is reached, the turtle presses her 1973, 1974,) reported in the TortesStraits. muzzle to the ground more frequently and Hawksbills have been reported to nest during starts to make trial sweeps with the fore the daytime in the Seychelles (Fryer, 1911; flippers, The route to the nesting site Diamond, 1976; Garnett, 1978; Fraziêi, l98l) is not always direct and may involve and China (Chu-Chien, 1981), predominantly at considerable zigzags. night-time in the Torres Straits (Butard, 1979), Solomon Islands (Vaughan, 1981) Red Se Clearing the site and excavating the (Birth and Latir, 1980), and alwhys'atHnight body pit: When a nest site is selected in Costa Rica (Carr, Hirth and Ogren, 16'6), thturtle makes a few sweeps with its Solomon IslandS (McKeown, 1977), Samoa fore flippers, used singly, to clear the (Witzell' and Banner, l980).and Oma (Ross, site of debris. The hind feet, working 1981). Based on interviews with i'od.àl fisher- alternatívely, and alternating with the men in Indonesia, the Japanese Tortoise Shell front flippers, also begin to clear the Assocìation (1973) reported that hawksbills site, possibly shifting the turtle nest only at night in heavily populated. areas several inches in any direction. This but during the day in uninhabited areas. process may or may not result in a shal- low body pit. After several minutes the Hawksbills have shown a tendèncy to fore flippers stop and thehindfeet emerge t'o nest on a ricing tide (Nietschmanñ, begin to scoop out the nest cavity under 1972b; McKeown, 1977; Garnett, 1978; Ross, the tail, 1981), and although Diamond (1976) found no significant correlation between nesting and Excavation of the egg cavity: The hind tides, Garnett (1978) found that sigùificantly feet continue to work alternatively to more hawksbills nest. during periods of neap di the flask-shaped hole. The edge of tides. Also, McKeown (:1977> fòund mp relation- the foot is pressed to the ground, curled ship between position and brightness of the to scoo out the sand, them lifted and moon and stars, or the degree of cloùd cover, swung laterally to deposit the sand rain, or wind on nesting., several inches out from the hind margin of the shell. 'As this sand is dropped, 20 FIR/Sl37 Hawksbill turtle

the rested foot snaps forward, throwing attempts per turtle occur in the Seychelles sand from beside the hole to the front turtles as the nesting season progresses, and and side, and then repeats the process. Limpus (1980) attributed the many unsuccess- ful nesting attempts on certain Australian Oviposition: When the cavity is finished rookeries to coarse beach shingle. the hind feet rest palm down several inches on each side of the hole, the tail Multiple nesting: Local inhabitants is dropped into the cavity, the cloacal around the world, amateur naturalists, and opening is everted slightly, and egg even some scientists, have reported that the extrusion begins. The eggs are generally hawksbill turtle nests every two weeks in the extruded in twos and threes. As the nesting season, an exception being the 20-day eggs emerge, the hind feet curl and the interval reported in Schmidt (1916). Recent head and neck are retracted and bent down, studies have shown this renesting interval to returning to the extended horizontal be variable, however, tending more toward a position on the sand between extrusions. three-week interval. The renesting interval Mocus is frequently secreted between the observed from the tag returns of five turtles egg extrusions. in eastern Nicaragua indicated an interval of 18.5 ± 2.4 days (Nietschmann, l972b). Tagging Filling nest: Filling the egg cavity data in Costa Rica (Carr and Stancyk, 1975) begins immediately after the last egg has have shown that these hawksbills renest after been laid; the hind feet then alternately 19 days once or twice a season. Results of scoop sand from beside the hole and carry similar tagging studies in the Seychelles it over and dump it in the opening. The (Diamond, 1976) indicated that these turtles tail is repeatedly thrust into the filling renest four times per nesting season at 15-18 cavity and eventually this filling is day intervals, although Garnett and Frazier interrupted from time to time by the l979) report only three clutches per season kneading of the sand fill with the for the same population. Further studies on leading edges of the hind feet. Seychelles turtles by Garnett (1978) confirmed the 15-16 day renesting interval. The mean Filling the body pit and concealing the interval of tagged hawksbills renesting in site: The front flippers begin throwing the Solomon Islands was 18 days (McKeown, sand backward, at first alternately, then 1977) and 24.5 days (Vaughan, 1981), the together, and the pressing action of the turtles nesting two times per season hind feet is converted into kicking (McElroy and Alexander, 1979). Ross (1981) strokes. This slowly propels the turtle reported that Oman hawksbills renest at an forward, obliterating the nest and leaving unknown interval two-three times per season. a broad zone of disturbed sand. Reriesting turtles generally return to Return to the sea: The turtle rapidly the same beach, often to within several metres returns to the sea using the diagonal of their previous nests. Carr and Main (1973), foot gait, stopping momentarily to press Carr and Stancyk (1975) and Bustard (1979) con- her muzzle to the sand and peer about. cluded from observations on colouration, carapace morphology and shell thickness of Traversal of the surf: The turtle quickly Torres Straits hawksbills that these indi- disappears through the surf. vidual nesting populations mate and nest faithfully at the same location, even though Minor differences of nesting behaviour the nesting islands are only a few kilometres were found between the Costa Rican hawksbills apart. Diamond (1976) and Garnett (1978) and those found in the Gulf of Aden (Mirth and found that although Seychelles hawksbills Carr, 1970), the Red Sea (Mirth and Latif, show a strong tendency to return to the same 1980) and Gulf of Oman (Ross, 1981). Diamond area to renest, some may renest on nearby (1976) reported that the 2.5 h nesting islands. McKeown (1977) and McElroy and behaviour of the Seychelles hawksbill is Alexander (1979) suspected that the low tag- similar to that of Chelonia mydas described by return rate in the Solomon Islands may support Hendrickson (l958),and McKeown (1977) reported the local belief that hawksbills are some- that the nesting behaviour of the times opportunistic nesters. Solomon Island hawksbills and Chelonia mydas is also similar. The dífferences of nesting There is evidence that some of the hawks- behaviour in these cases are characteristic bills may nest more than one season, on a between the two genera as compared by 2-3 year cycle, although the majority of Harrisson (1965) and Carr, Mirth and Ogren turtles apparently only nest once (Hughes, (1966), and reviewed by Ehrenfeld (1979), Carr l98la). See section 3.5.1. (1981) and Hendrickson (1981), Hawksbill turtle nesting behaviour and Several large hawksbill populations have biology is reviewed by Mirth (1980) and shown an unexplained tendency toward aborted Ehrhart (19.81). nesting attempts (Diamond, 1976; McKeown, 1977; Mirth and Latif, 1980). Garnett and Frazier (1979) reported that fewer unsuccessful nesting FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 21

3.1.7 Eggs

Fresh hawksbill turtle eggs are white and Rawksbill clutch incubation periods and spherical with soft, papery shells coated with hatching success, including natural and trans- a mucilaginous secretion. This coating is planted clutches, have been recorded for absorbed after several hours and the shell several turtle populations. The incubation then takes on a parchment-like texture. periods for different hawksbill populations (Table IX) are fairly consistent, each clutch Abnormal eggs, in the form of small yolk- being subject to individual variation less lumps, were found in every nest observed depending on clutch size and prevailing in the Gulf of Aden (Birth ánd Carr, 1970), weather conditions (Bustard, 1972; McKeown, Red Sea (Birth and Latif, 1980) and 1977; Witzell and Banner, 1980). The incu- Gulf of Oman (Ross, 1981; Ross and Barwani, bation period was found to be significantly 1981). Carr, Hirth and Ogren (1966) reported related to clutch size in the Seychelles, that a variable number of these yolkless lumps larger clutches incubating faster than small may be found in Costa Rican nests (also a few clutches (Garnett, 1978). The length of the slightly elongate abnormal eggs), Witzell and clutch incubation period was reportedly Banner (1980) found these lumps occasionally longer, accompanied with lower percent in Samoa, and Limpus (1980) rarely found them emergence rates, in clutches laid during the in Australia. peak nesting months in the Solomon Islands (Vaughan, 1981). The htchíng success of Hawksbill clutch parameters, such as various hawksbill populations is summarized clutch depth, egg size, and number of eggs in Table X. Witzell and Banner (1980) opened per clutch, have been recorded for numerous the unhatched eggs to determine success of turtle populations. Depths to the top and fertilization and found that 23 percent of bottom of the egg mass were recorded from the eggs showed no detectable development. Costa Rica and Western Samoa (Table V). Also, Raj (1976) suggested that the variations of the egg diameters and weights from nesting hatching success rates were attributed to the populations around the world have been sum- different methods of collecting, transporting marized in Tables VI and VII, respectively. and incubation, Experimenting with trans- The egg mass depths are comparatively uniform planted eggs in Fiji, Raj (1976) found that a and the egg sizes almost identical; however, high percentage hatching success is possible the number of eggs per clutch (Table VIII) on transplanted nests of different ages as varies considerably and may be correlated long as the eggs are not rotated or physically with female size. Birth (1980) reviewed shocked. hawksbill nesting biology and found a direct relationship between mean clutch size and The nest temperature of a clutch incu- mean carapace length of nesting hawksbills bated in a Fijian laboratory increased 5°C from six populations. Ross (1981) suggested over ambient air temperature (Raj, 1976), that the small clutch sizes of Oman hawksbills Temperatures of incubating hawksbill clutches may be due to a seasonal cold water upwelling in Samoa averaged an increase of 3.6°C over which inhibits turtle growth and the ability ambient sand temperatures at equal depth and to store energy for large clutch sizes. On were influenced by prevailing weather con- the other hand, McKeown (1977) believed that ditions. Long periods of rain during the there is no apparent correlation between early developmental stages prolonged hatching clutch size and turtle size in the (Witzell and Banner, 1980). Goodwin (1981) Solomon Islands due to the large variation found that natural nests had higher tempera- in clutch sizes. GametE (1978) found no tures and greater temperature ranges than distinct correlation between clutch size and transplanted nests in Grenada, metabolic heat turtle size, concluding that there were pro- accounting for an increase of as much as bably a wide variety of factors influencing 2.2°C. the clutch size.

Table V

Depths to top and bottom of hawksbíll turtle nests (cm)

Location Mean Range N Source

Depths of top of nests

Costa Rica 25,4 22.8-30,5 4 Carr, Birth & Ogren (1966) Western Samoa 26.9 11.0-36.5 23 Witzell & Banner (1980)

Depths to bottom of nests

Costa Rica 43.2 43.2-44.4 4 Carr, Hirth & Ogren (1966)

Western Samoa 46,2 34. 5-54. 9 23 Witzell & Banner (1980) 22 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle Table VI

Diameters of hawksbill turtle eggs (cm)

Location Rarge Ncí Ne/ Source

Atlantic Ocean

Mexico 3.6 12 Frquez(1970)

Costa Rica 3.8 3,5=11,2 5 200 ('arr, Mirth & Ogren(1966)

Guyana 3.6-11.0 Pritchard(1969)

Virgin Islands 3,9_11,0 i Schmidt(1916)

Pacific Ocean

Micronesia 3.3-3.6 Nakajima(192O); Fukada (1965) Western Sana 3)4 3)4-3.6 23 235 Witzell & Banner(1980)

Philippines 3.1=3.5 1 Alcala (1980)

Australia 3.6 3.3=3.9 7 70 Li4ît.u5(1980)

Indonesia 3.6 3.3-3.9 20 Sumertha(1979)

Indian Ocean

Sri Lanka 3.6 3,5-3.8 1 19 Deraniyagala(1939)

India 3.3=3.8 5 Bhaskar(1979)

Sudan 11.0 3.7.J4.2 2 20 Hirth & Latif(1980)

South Yii 11.0 3.8-11.5 1 Hirth & Carr(1970)

g/ Clutch sample size

kí Egg sample size

Table VII

Weights of hawksbill turtle eggs (g)

Location fan Range Nc.' Ne' Source

Pacific Ocean

Micronesia 23.0 - Nakajima(1920); Fukada (1965)

Philippines 20.0-22.0 1 Alcala(1980)

Australia 26,11 22.5-30.5 6 60 Limpus(1980)

Indonesia 211.2 20.0-31.6 20 Sumertha(1979)

Indian Ocean

Sri Lanka 26.7 26.2-27.6 1 5 Deraniyagala(1939)

ßí Clutch sample size

bJ Egg sample size FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 23

Table VIII

Numbers of haksbill turtle eggs/nest

Location Mean Range N Source

Atlantic Ocean

Costa Rica 161.1 53-206 57 Carr, Hirth & Ogren (1966)

Guyana 158,1 139-176 7 Pritchard(1969)

Surinan. 146.0 112-179 13 Schulz (1975) Puerto Rico 124.0 11I-134 2 Thurston & Wiewandt(1976) Grenada 118.6 54-178 36 Goodwin(1980, 1981) Pacific Ocean

Micronesia 104.5 63-151 4 Nakajin (1920); Fukada(1965) Western Sana 149.5 60-219 23 Witzell & Banner(1980) Fiji 116.8 68-168 8 Raj(1976) So1ornIslands 137.5 75-250 175 McKeown(1977) Solonìn Islands 151.0 37-234 198 Vaughan(1981)

Philippines 121.6 112-130 3 Aleala(1980) Australia 1117 G2-142 29 Limpus (1980)

Sabah 128 128 1 De Silva(1969)

laysia 121.5 80-163 2 Heang(1975)

Gulf ofThailand 115.3 22k Penyapol(1958)

Indian Ocean

Sri Lanka 126.5 115-138 2 Deranlyagala(1930, 1932)

Seychelles 182.0 160-242 9 Diaar,nd(1976)

Seychelles 163.4 46 Garnett(1978)

India 135.7 96-177 8 Bhaskar(1979) Sudan 73.2 32-1 17 26 Hirth & Latif(1980)-'

SouthYem 81.2 69-99 5 Hirth & Carr(197O)-J

Oman 97.2 75-118' 9 Ross (1981)

al See also Hirth (1980) 24 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle Table IX Incubation periods of hawksbill turtle nestsi

Location Mean Range N Source

Atlantic Ocean ÌvlXico, Secretaria de Mexico (S) 60.0 Industria y Comercio (1966) Costa Rica (T) 58.6 57..7l4 13 Carr, Hirth & Ogren (1966)

Grenada (T) 75.0 65-82 311 Goodwin(1980, 1981)

Pacific Ocean

Western Samoa (T) 62.0 59-70 23 Witzell & Banner(1980)

Fiji (T) 63.0 61-66 11 Rai(1976)

Solorixn Islands (u) 64.11 ¿13-90 17I MeKeowri(1977)

Solonxxi Islands (S) 66.5 '19-91 198 Vaughan(1981)

Indian Ocean

Sri Lanka (T) 62.5 60-65 2 Deraniyagala(1930, 1932)

Seychelles (U) 62.0 56-79 31 Diamond(1976) Seychelles (S) 59.8 50 Garnett(1978)

a/ Incubation period is defined as the interval,between egg-laying and hatchiing emergence: S = status of nests unreported; T transplanted nests; - U = undisturbed nests

Table X

Percentage of hawksbill turtle eggs resulting in emerged hatchlinga&./

Location Mean T Range. T N Source

Atlantic Ocean

Costa Rica (T) 116,7 12-80 9 Carr, Hirth&Ogren (1966)

Grenada (U) 62.2 0-94.1 22 Goodwin(1980, 1981)

Grenada (T) 55.9 1,I-92.5 9 Goodwin(1980, 1981)

Pacific Ocean

Western Samoa (T) 71,1 35,1491.8 23 Witzell & Banner(1980)

Fiji (T) 89.2 76.2-100 8 Raj(1976)

Fiji (U) 80.2 Raj(1976)

Soloimn Islands (u) 811.3 57.0-100 179 McKen(1977)

Solcan Islands (S) 81.7 30.0-100 225 Vaughan(1981)

Australia (u) 91.0 - 18 L m'us (1980)

Sabch (T) 117.3 De Silva(1969)

Melaysla (T) 147,9 Heang(1975)

Indian Ocean

India (U) 96.9 Bhaakar(1979)

Seychelles (S) 86,0 (1976)

.a/ S = status of nests unreported; T = transplanted nests; U = undisturbed nests FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 25

Ackerman (1980) believed that the gas Age = 13 days. Curved length 8 mm. exchange of hawksbill eggs should follow a pat- Head and tail flexed toward. each other. tern similar to Chelonia mydas in that the gas Joints of elbow and knee defined; limbs exchange of an incubating clutch, necessary for with end plates. Carapace outline forms embryonic growth and hatching success, creates a thick lateral fold. Ectodermalbranchial gas partial pressure gradients between the grooves represented by a precervical centre and periphery of the clutch and between sulcus. Neck thick and short. Snout the clutch and the surrounding beach. nearly touching heart-liver mass, which is almost in middle of length. Eyes Documented on hawksbill eggs is globose. Tail thick and elongate. limited. Diamond (1976) and Garnett (1978) found that in the Seychelles, ghost , Age 21 days. Curved length 13 mm. Ocypode spp. (mainly 0. ceratophthalmus), Length of carapace = 9.5 mm. No ecto- entered many nests to eat eggs, completely dermal branchial grooves. Embryo very destroying some nests. Egg predation by thick set, head enlarged and flexed onto Ocypode spp. and hermit crabs, Coenobita spp., cardiac area; Columella auris forms a was reported in 19 percent of the hawksbill tympanic prominence, Carapace outline nests laid in the Solomon Islands, completely complete both anteriorly and posteriorly. destroying about 3.5 percent (Vaughan, 1981). Digits discernible, tail coiled, Embryo Nest destruction by monitor (Varanus sp.) recognizable as a testudinate. was reported from Kampuchea (Le Poulain, l941) Australia (Linpus, 1980), and the Adaman and Age = 28 days. Length of carapace = 11 mm, Nicobar Islands of India (Bhaskar, 1979; Kar width 6 mm; width of vertebral scute = and Bhaskar, 1981). Domantay (1953) also found 4 Turn; width of costal scute = 3 mm; monitors, dogs and ghost crabs preying on length of head = 8 mm, depth= 7 mm, width hawksbill nests in the Philippines. Possible at eyes = 7 mm; length of tail = 5 mum. egg predation by , rats, pigs and dogs Embryo unpigmented except for eyes. Head was reported in the literature but is not dis- flexed onto chest; tail cylindrical in cussed here because of its speculative nature. section, except for a dorsal ridge, Nest destruction by crabs or other animals was curved toward plastron and with a penul- not seen in the Red Sea (Hirth and Latif, 1980), timate kink. Eyelid annular and Samoa (Witzell and Banner, 1980) and Oman (Ross, undeveloped. Eyes very prominent, making 1981) though potential predators were often head wider than carapace. Rudiments of abundant. sclerotic plates present. Columella auris f oms a strong prominence. Lower jaw The possibility of hawksbill nest destruc- shorter than upper. A lateral fold tion caused by overcrowded ne'-g beaches is extends along neck. Carapace scutes discussed by the Japanese Tortoise Shell discernible, the vertebrals wider than Association (1973), and McElroy and Alexander costals, each scute raised into a pro- (1979), but only documented from the Seychelles minence. No plastral scutes recognizable. (Garnett, 1978) and Solomon Islands (Vaughan, Fore limbs longer than hind limbs; digits 1981). Helfman (1968) reported hawksbill nest discernible on all limbs, the inner digit destruction in Micronesia from water-logged of each projecting beyond the margin of nests filled with roots, and by accidental the flipper; specific characters have excavations by incubator (Megapode sp.) commenced. and land crabs. Accidental excavation of hawks- bill nests by nesting Megapodius freycinet has Age = 38 days. Head length = 16 mm, also been reported in the Solomon Islands, as width = 11 mum; carapace length = 30 mm, well as a 15-percent nest loss due to storms, width = 22 mm; plastral length = 19 mm; high tides and sand displacement (Vaughan, 1981). length of fore limb = 21 mm, length of hind limb = 14 mum. Carapace with five 3.2 Embryonic and Hatchling Phase well defined ridges; plastron with four. Pholidosis and pigmentation complete. 3.2.1 Embryonic phase Limbs with two claws on anterior pair; sometimes three on each of the hind ones Embryological studies on the hawksbill are when the third claw is vestigial. Genital limited. Deraniyagala (1939) described the prominence partially retracted; animal general aspects of hawksbill embryological commencing to flex over yolk. Frontal development in a series of stages as follows: scale black; frontoparietal with a dif- fuse dark outline and continued posteriorly (a) Age = 6 days. Curved length = 8 mm. as a dark vertebral band along neck and Embryo open ventrally from below heart- carapace. With the exception of the liver mass. Nasal cavities, eyes and otic marginals the carapace scutes are out- capsules formed. A pineal prominence on lined in black.Dorsal is light red. head. Ectodermal branchial grooves well Margin of carapace and posterior margin defined and four in number. Maxillary of limbs white. Nuchal a uniform light process f orms a short peduncle. Limbs red. Two feebly enlarged dark gular form prominences. Allantois bifid and scales, Throat dark. Plastron darkening, globose, Tail short, thick, and projects especially anteriorly, its ridges pale over end of body. gray. 26 FIR/Sl37 Hawksbill turtle

(f) From 38 days until hatching, an incuba- Seychelles (Garnett, 1978) and Western Samoa tion period of 64 days, the embryo is (Witzell and Banner, 1980). Mrosovsky (1968) flexed over the yolk, the line of flexute found that hatchling activity was inhibited being between the plastral and abdominal by temperatures above 28.5°C and, therefore, scutes. The fore flippers cover the mar- the hatchlings emerged at night when sand ginal scutes with their posterior edges, temperatures cooled. He postulated that this the hind flippers are either crossed or nocturnal emergence keeps the turtles from placed edge to edge and cover the yolk. desiccating in the intense heat on the beach Strength of pholidosis, scutation and and aids in avoiding terrestrial and airborne pigmentation intensified, and ventrally predators. Hatchlings emerged in the late the animal is uniformally black. afternoons when shadows lowered sand tempera- tures to about 19°C according to Witzell and Early hawksbill embryonic development, Banner (1980). particularly the formation of the aninion, is illustrated and described by Melouk (1949, Upon emergence, hatchlings orient photo- 1953). He found that the hawksbill differed tropically (Deraniyagala, 1930, 1939; Carr, from other chelonians studied, approaching Mirth and Ogren, 1966; De Silva, 1969), which the highly specialized birds, by the pro- is presumed to be an innate behaviour to jection of the head and anterior body region guide them to the sea (Carr, Hirth and Ogren, above the blastoderm early in the development, 1966). Mrosovsky (1970, 1972) found this the later appearance of the cephalic fold of orientation is an uncomplicated type of tropic the amnion, and the relation between it and reaction, and Philibosian (1976) observed the tail fold at the time of amnion closure. - that hatchlings can become disoriented by The hawksbill's general embryology has been artificial light sources, which result in described and illustrated (Figure 5) by mortality from automobiles. Voeltzkow (1903), and further embryological work on the skull has been described and The hatchlings undergo a frenzy of illustrated in a series of articles by Fuchs activity lasting several hours after emergence, (1907, 1911, 1915), Parsons (1959, 1970) occasionally all stopping simultaneously to discussed these earlier embryological studies rest for several seconds (Deraniyagala, 1930, in an extensive review of the subject, 1939), This frenzy is presumably a survival reprinting several figures from Voeltzkow mechanism whereby newly emerged hatchlings can (1903) and Fuchs (1915). Also, Fuchs (1931, rapidly escape the violent, predator-infested, 1933) described and illustrated the develop- shoreline environment to the relative safety ment of certain organs and nerves in the head of the open ocean. The hatchlings initially region of hawksbill embryos and hatchlings. swim by simultaneous strokes of the fore flippers and diving is reportedly difficult Goodwin (1981) noted that the greatest due to the presence of buoyant egg yolk embryological mortality in natural and trans- material. Carr (1981), in discussing sea planted nests was in the first half of turtle hatchlings in general (presumably development. including hawksbills), described how the hatchlings traverse the surf zone by diving 3,2.2 Hatchling phase under incoming breakers and riding the under- tow from the preceding wave seaward. Hatchling hawksbills, like other sea turtle genera, move the buried egg chamber to Hawksbill hatchling mortality is high, the surface en masse by periodic outbursts of resulting from physical hardships and pre- group thrashing, which scrapes sand from the dation. Hatchlings were unable to dig their top and sides of the egg chamber, building way out of the nest through heavy soil up the chamber floor until it reaches the (Diamond, 1976) or root masses (Limpus, 1980), surface (Raj, 1976; Carr, 1981). The length and emergences above ground during the day may and frequency of the periodic thrashing out- lead to immediate immobilization (Carr, Hirth bursts are dependent upon the diffusion rate and Ogren, 1966), rapidly followéd by death of oxygen through the sand to the hatchlings by desiccation (Diamond, 1976).Documented (Raj, 1976). This oxygen diffusion rate may predation on hatchling hawksbills by identified influence the time interval from hatchling to predators is scarce (Table XI). Whilehigh emergence above ground; this interval was mortality undoubtedly occurs due to many found to be six days in Fiji (Raj, 1976) and species of predators, most authors assume two days in the Seychelles (Diamond, 1976). mortality from crabs, dogs, birds, fish and . Countershading, for protection Hawksbill hatchlings in the Seychelles against oceanic predators, is absent in were reported to predominately emerge above hatchling hawksbills (Bustard, 1976). ground at night in several small batches 4-6 days after hatching (Diamond, 1976), and Because there is no behavioural infor- Philibosian (1976) reported what appears to nation on hawksbill hatchli-ngs once they be multiple early evening emergences in the enter the surf zone, information from Virgin Islands, However, hatchlings have captive turtles is of particular interest, been reported to emerge together explosively Captive hatchlirgs attempted to dive when in the late afternoon and evening in the stimulated by sharp vibrations through the FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 27


T L-.-- / TL'

-,--- i A --2 ----3 T 4


Figure 5 Embryonic development of the hawksbill turtle: 1 - ventral of early embryo (x 9112); 2 - ventral of slightly older embryo (X 9/2); 3 - lateral of embryo about eight days old (x 7); 4 - lateral of embryo about ten days old (X lO); 5 - lateral of embryo about 14-20 days old (X 6); 6 - lateral of embryo 24 days old (X 5); 7 - lateral of embryo 35 days old (X 5). A = auricularhillock; AL = allantois; FF = fore flipper; HF = hind flipper; - nasal lacuna; T = tympanic protuberance; TL tail; l-4 = branchial pouches; I-IV = branchial arches (from Voeltzkow, 1903) 28 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle

Table XI

Predators of hatchliiig hawksbill turtles

Predator Source

Ghost Crabs (0cype app,) Diannd (1976); Garnett (1978);

Bhaskar (1979)

Sharks (Carcharhinus app.) Graffe (1873)

Black.=Tipped Reef (C. spallanzani) Trust Territories of the Pacific

Islands (1957); Witzell & Banner

(1980); Vaughan(1981)

Red Snapper (Lut,janus sebae) Vaughan (1981)

Sooty Gu11.(Larus hemprichii) !bore & Balzarotti (1976)

Pearly-Eyed Thrasher (rgarops Í'uscatus) Thurston & Wiendt (1976)

Rats (Rattus app.) Bhaskar (1979); Kai' & Bhaskar


water (Deraniyagala, 1930, 1939); De Silva, 3.3 Juvenile, Subadult and Adult Phase 1969; Goodwin, 1981); presumably this is the functioning of the innate mechanism described 3.3.1 Longevity by Carr (1981) which enables hatchlings to dive under oncoming surf. Captive hatchlings There are no documented longevity in Sri Lanka began nibbling seaweed two days estimates for wild hawksbill turtles, although after emergence, readily accepting chopped there is the alleged record, summarized by fish when offered (Deraniyagala, 1930, 1939), Loveridge and Williams (1957) or 32 years and Diamond (1976) found captive Seychelles quoted by Gadow (1901), and traced to Tennant hatchlings begin feeding when four days old. (1861), who quoted Bennet (1843), who followed Captive Florida hatchlings rested at night it back to 1826 and 1794 (Flower, 1925, where with their fôre flippers folded backward on full references of preceding citations will be top of the carapace and hind flippers with- found). Long-term tagging studies of adult drawn (Parrish, 1958). females in Costa Rica have shown the maximum time span between first and last observations Hawksbill hatchling abnormalities have to be of six years (Carr and Stancyk, 1975). been observed at several locations. Aberrant See section 3.4.3. carapace lamination was found in two hatch- lings from northeastern (Grant, 1956), An aquarium specimen in Berlin was and Deraniyagala (1930, 1939, 1953) observed reported by Flower (1937) to be 15 yèars, that carapace scute variations in Sri Lankan 7 months, 28 days old and still alive. hatchlings resulted from eggs laid by a mori- Bourlire (1946> estimated the usual longevity bund senile turtle. Goodwin (1981) reported at 7-8 years, with an observed maximum of that 4 percent of the turtles,hatched in trans- 15 years (probably Flower's). planted nests and 1.2 percent, hatched in natural nests in Grenada, had morphological 3.3.2 Hardiness abnormalities carapace asymmetry, mal- occlusion of jaws, eyes and limbs that were Schwartz (1961) stated that the hawksbíll degenerate, missing or misplaced. Abnormal is a hardy species. This is apparently true scale and scute structures were commonly seen only within the preferred circumtropical habi- in the Solomon IslandsVaughan, 1981). tat zones, which it actively seeks when water temperatures drop, while wandering subtropical Hatchling sizes and weights, like the areas. eggs, are very similar in all populations studied (Tables XII and XIII). Although specimens can be easily reared in captivity, they are prone to bacterial and fungal infections if water quality deteriorates (Deraniyagala, l-939; Kaufmann, 1967, 1972,1975; FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 29 Table XII

Sizes of hateblinghawksbillturtles (cm)

Carapace Carapace Plastron Head Location length width length width Source

Atlantic Ocean

Costa Rica Carr, Hirth&Ogren (1966)

Mean '4,2 3.1 3.14 1.11 Range 3.914.6 2.7-3.5 3.1-3.7 1.14-1.5

Saiiple ii 141 111 '41

Colombia Kaufthann(1975) Mean '4.2 3.0 3.2

Range 3.9140 2.8-3.2 3,0_3.11

Sanpie 25 25 25

Suriname Pritchard(1969)


Range I.1-11.3 2.8-3.2 3.3-3.6

'ii. le 10 10 10

Grenada Goodwin(1981)

Mean 4.11 3.1 3.3 1.5 Range 4.2..14.5 2.9-3.3 3,1-3.11 1.14-1.5

le 319 319 319 319


Western Witzell & Banner (1980)

Mean 3,9 3.0 3.3 1,11 Range 3.8-11.1 3.0-3.2 3.2-3.11 1.3..1.11

Sanple 235 235 235 235 IndianOcean

Sri Lanka Deraniyagala(1932)

Mean 3.9 3.0 Range 3.9-11.0 - 3.0-3.1

le 3 3 South Yeni Hirth & Carr(1970)

Mean 14.2 3.2 3.2 1.11


fl.i 30 FIR/S137 llawksbill turtle

Table XIII

Weights of hatchiing hawksbill turtles (g)

Location Mean Range N Source

Atlantic Ocean

Colombia 15 .I 13.6-16.9 25 Kaufnnn (1972, 1975)

Grenada 17.5 16.3-18.5 319 Goodwin (1981)

Pacific Ocean

Micronesia 13.0 Nakajiina (1920); Fukada (1965)

Solomon Islands 13.5 McKecMn (1977)

Solomon Islands 13.2 120 Vaughan (1981)

Philippines 8.0-11.O 1k Alcala (1980)

Australia 1k .6 12.5-16.0 11 Limpus (1980)

Micronesia 12,3 10 M3Vey (1972)

Sabah 11,1! 10.7-12 .k De Silva (196gb)

Indian Ocean

Sri Lanka 1k .6 2 Deraniyagala (1939)

Japanese Tortoise Shell Association, 1973; and them, the turtles presumably being too large McKeown, 1977). See section 7. (Bustard, 1979). vaughan (1981) reported that 24 percent of the nesting hawksbills in the 3.3.3 Competitors Solomon Islands had predator damage, predation being so common that Japanese tuna longline The hawksbill is generally an oppor- fishermen Cut open shark stomachs to look for tunistic omnivore (see section 3.4), foragíng . over a wide range of reef niches (see section 2.2) with apparently no serious The behavioural defense of an adult hawks- competitors. Competition with bill turtle against a is described other marine turtles for nesting sites is by Vaughan (1981). Apparently, just before the minimal and is discussed in section 3.1. shark attacked, the turtle rotated its body so that the carapace was perpendicular to the 3.3.4 Predators angle of attack, and the shark was therefore unable to close its jaws on the hardsurface. Predation on hawksbills by carnivorous The turtle did not attempt to escape between fish is undoubtedly high, though documented attacks and the shark eventually lost interest cases are scarce. Cadenat (1957) reported and left. that hawksbills are frequently found in the stomachs of tiger sharks (Galeocerdo arcticus 3.3.5Parasites and commensals G. cuvier) of West Africa, and Villiers (1958) stated that Cadenat found four hawksbill Published information containing species skulls in the stomach of a tiger shark of parasites, diseases and conimensals is (G. cuvier). Randall (1967) found the incomplete; identified species are presented remains of a juvenile in the stomach of a in Tables XIV and XV. Numerous parasites and 155-kg grouper (Epinephelus itaj ara) from the commensals have been reported from West Indies, and Pritchard (1977,, 1978, l981a) Atlantic Ocean hawksbills. Murray (1895) reported that hawksbill remains were found in reported encruseing barnacles as well as com- the stomachs of six crôcodiles mensal nudibranchs and crabs from ocean- (Crocodylus porosus) out of 300 stomachs captured hawksbills in the Atlantic. Carr, examined in Micronesia. Juvenile turtles at Hirth and Ogren (1966) noticed that the shells least 15-cmcarapace length released on the of Costa Rican turtles are often encrusted beach in Australia attracted black-tipped with large barnacles and , suggesting reef sharks (Carcharhìnus spallanzani); these that this is evidence of a sedentary life, and sharks inspected the turtles but did not eat Pritchard (1969) found most nesting hawksbills F1R1S137 Hawksbìll turtle 31 Table XIV Parasites and commensals reported from hawksbill turtles (see text for references)

KIngdom - Plantae

Phylum Sohizs oophyta

Family - Etenobacteriaceae

Salmonella regent

Phylum - Cyanophyta

Family - Ccillatoriaceae

Mlorocoleus lyngbyacais

Oscillatorla lutea

Spirulina subsala

Schizothrlx caleicola

SchS.zothrix tenerrima

Family - tophysalIdaceae

&tophysalIs con ferta

Entophysalis duesta

Family - throococcaoeae

Anacystis dliuidiata

Family - Rivulariaceae

Calothrlx crustacea

Phylum - thlorophyta

Family -. thaetophoraceae

Ochiochaete ferox

Phaesophila dendroides

Pilinia sp.

Pseudoprthgshelmia sp.

Family - Cladophoraceae

Cladophora crystalllna


ly - Bryopsidaceae

Bryopsis peinata

ly - IJ].vaceae

EnteromDrpha clathrata 32 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle

Table XIV (continued)

Phylum - Rhodophyta

Family Acrochaetiaceae

Acroohaetiuui catenulatum

Acrochaetiuxn daviesil

Acrcchaetium robustum

Acrochaetium sp. (2)

Family Ceramiaceae

Ceramluin gracillimum

Ceramium serpis

Family Bangiaceae

Erythrotrichia earnea

Coniotrichum elegans

Family Corallinaceae

Fosliella sp.

Melobesia sp,

Family Rhodomelaceae

Herposiphonia tenella


Family Gelidiaceae

Gelidiella sp.

Phyluni -Phaeophyta

Family - Ectocarpaceae

Ectocarpus irregularis

Ectocarpus mitchellae

Ectocax'pus rhodochortorio ides

Family - Sphacelariaceae

Sphacelarià turc igera

Sphacelaria novae-holland iae

Sphacelaria tribuloides FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 33

Table XIV (continued)

Kingdom - Ani1ia

Phylum - P.rthropla

Family Coronulldae

Qielonibla testudiriarla

Chelonibla caretta

Platylepas hexastylos

Platylepas decorata

Tubiciñella chelonlae

Stephanolepas muricata

Family - Lepadidae

Lepas anatifera

Conchoderna sp.

Family - Podocerldae

Podocerus chelonophilus

Family -.

Planes minutus

Family - Cancridae

Men ippe mercenar la

Phylum -

Family - Aeolidae

Aeolis sp.

in Guyana also have large barnacles on their Steinbeck and Rickette (1941) found evidence shells. A study of late Tertiary and of barnacles and hydroi,ds on the carapace of Pleistocene turtle barnacles, some of which an individual hawksbill subadult from the infect hawksbills, is presented by Ross (1963). Gulf of California, and Carr (1952) illustrated Several species of worms, usually trematodes, the susceptibility of Pacific hawksbills to have been reported from the alimentary tract encrusting barnacles in several photographs of of Atlantic hawksbills by Manter (1954), specimens from the Bay of Fonseca, Honduras. Caballero (1962), Carr and Stancyk (1975) and An adult dead specimen found in had Hartog (1980). The most complete trematode several large barnacles and unidentified epi- study to date in the Atlantic is by Fischthal sodic algae on the carapace, plastron and f lip- and Acholonu (1976), who reported finding ten pers (Ealazs, 1977). Barnacles and algae are families, 20 genera and 28 species of frequently found encrusted on turtles from the digenetic trematodes from 14 turtles. Also, Solomon Islands (McKeown, 1977; Vaughan, 1981) Chevreux and Page (1925) reported amphipods and Australia (Cogger and Lindner, 1969; from the base of the tail and flippers, and Bustard, 1976). The most definitive work to Clark (1965) reported finding on one individual date on barnacles in the Indo-Pacific area was a possible parasitic . by Monroe and Limpus (1979), who described 17 species of barnacles from five species of Numerous parasites and commensals have sea turtles (including hawksbill) in Australian been reported from Pacific Ocean hawksbills. waters, providing a summary of previous 34 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle

Table XV

Trematode worms reported, from hawksbill turtles (see text for references)

Pronocephalidae ngIod ietyidae

Pleurogonlus laterouterus Octanglum sagitta

Pleurogcnlus llnearls Octangium travassosi

Pleurogon lus longibursatus Octanglum microrehis

Pleurogcrilus ozakil Angiodletyum posterovitellatum

Pleurogonius puertor leensis Pachypsolldae

Pleurogon lus solidus Pachypsolus puertorleensis

Pleurogonlus trigonocephalus Pachypsolus ovalls

Cricephalus albus Plaglorchiidae

Cricocephalus americanus Enod lotren redue turn

Cricocepha lus megastoiis Styphlotreua solltarlum

Glyph ieephalus latus Rhytldodldae

Glyphicephalus lobatus Rhytidodes gelatlnosus

Epibathra stenobursata Rhytldodes md leus

Pyelosoniim pterorch Is Calycod ldae

Diaschtstorehls pandus Calycodes caboro.joensis

Metacetabulum invaginatuin Telorehildae

Med ioperus macrophallus Orchldasn n.hlorchls

Aderiogaster ser laus Para' his tomidae

Spirorehlidae Sohlz - in.histoniim seleroporum

Arnphiorehis caboro,joensis Gorgoderldae

nuhlorchls o.hlorchls Plesiochorus eymbIforinis

Leared lus orientalls

Hapalotreon synorehls

taxonomic studies on the subject and a key for Numerous parasites and commensals have their identification. Heang (1975) published been reported from Indian Ocean hawksbills. a photograph of an individual hawksbill from According to Deraniyagala (1930, 1932, 1939), Malaysia that had many barnacles on the head a nesting female hawksbill in Sri Lanka had and carapace, and in Indonesia, hawksbills as encrusting barnacles on the shell and flippers. small as 12.5 cm showed traces of He said that these turtles often become infestation (Japanese Tortoise Shell covered with algae and that even specimens as Association, 1973), Oguro (1936) described small as 29 cm are subject to cirripede several species of trematodes from hawksbills infestation, Hírth and Carr (1970) found that captured in Japanese waters. Cribb (1969) most adult hawksbil].s in the. Gulf of Aden were identified four classes, 26 genera and encrusted with barnacles on both the carapace 30 species of algae from an Australian hawks- and plastron and about half i'ier also bill. encrusted on the head and flippers.Frazier (.197 1) observed that specimens at Aldabra Atoll FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 35 in the Seychelles were much less encrusted this turtle was principally a diurnal feeder, than Chelonia mydas; one juvenile had red feeding at night only when electric lights encrusting algae and two other juveniles had illuminated the tank. Harrisson (1965) green algae. Diamond (1976) reported that observed that captive juvenile hawksbills used nesting turtles at Cousin Island were often their fore flippers extensively for rasping encrusted with at least some type of barnacle, food. Adult specimens,kept in large public pink or green algae, or brown filamentous aquaria, moved to about 10 cm from a morsel of algae. Ross (1981) found that most nesting food and thrust their heads forward to snap it hawksbills in Oman had barnacles on the up, the food masticated and worked to their carapace, also observing many juveniles and throats by repeatedly opening the mouth and subadults encrusted with barnacles, bryozoans, thrusting the head forward (Parrish, 1958). and algae. Descriptions of some species of encrusting barnacles on Indian Ocean hawks- 3.4.2 Food bills are given by Nilsson-Cantell (1932) and Daniel (1962). Several species of trematodes Little is known about the diet of wild are described from hawksbills captured in juvenile, subadult and adult turtles and Indian waters by Simha and Chattopadhyaya nothing is known about the diet of wild hatch- (1969) and Chattopadhyaya (1972). Keymr, lings. Varying amounts of both plant and Ridealgh and Fretwell (1968) described a new animal matter are often found in hawksbill species of Salmonella bacteria from an adult stomachs. Food items from gut content analysis male hawksbill captured in Aden, of wild turtles (Tables XVI and XVII) indicate the hawksbill's opportunistic feeding 3.4 Nutrition and Growth behaviour, with possibly a preference for benthic invertebrates. However, Hartog (1980) 3.4.1 Feeding found large quantities of both and undigested plant matter in the alimentary tract The hawksbill turtle appears to be an of a juvenile specimen in the eastern Atlantic omnivorous scavenger, its narrow, sharp beak and concluded that hawksbills were , being an excellent adaptation for foraging with no, or a very limited, ability to break among coral crevices. Also, the smooth or down cellulose or lignine. slightly serrated lower jaw and lack of strongly elevated ridges on the upper jaw An interesting aspect of the gut content reflect the hawksbill's adaptations for omni- analyses, particularly by Carr and Stancyk vority (Mahmoud and Klicka, 1979). (1975), was the presence of large amounts of non-biologicalmaterials such as stones, shell, McElroy and Alexander (1979) found that, mud and pieces of plastic; raising intriguing although hawksbill and Chelonìa mydas turtles questions as tp the nature of the hawksbill's largely overlap habitats, their feeding areas feeding mechanism. were spatially separated, the hawksbill pre- ferring to forage the outer edge of fringing Captive specimens will feed on a wide reefs and deep lagoons. variety of fish, invertebrates and plants (see section 7), Information on the feeding behaviour of hawksbills is scarce and is limited to obser- 3.4.3 Growth rate vations on captive specimens. Deraniyagala (1930, 1939) reported that two-day old captive Age and growth studies of the hawksbill hatchlings nibbled pieces of seaweed and also have generally been limited to speculation and seized chopped fish, which they tore into to sporadic measurements of captive turtles at bite-sized pieces using their front flippers. known age over short time periods. Schmidt Several of these hatchlings starved because of (1916) speculated, based on limited data, that their inability to dive deep enough to retrieve hawksbills jn the Virgin Islands grew to about the fish from the bottom of the tank, due to 4-5 cm in the first autumn, 7-8 cm in the the presence of buoyant egg yolk material. winter, 10 cm in the spring, and 20 cm in the Witzell (personal observations) observed that second autumn. Villiers (1958) felt that the captive Western Samoan hatchlings were hawksbills were fast growers, obtaining 15 cm always diurnal feeders, becoming inactive at in five-six months and 40 cm in three years. night. Deraniyagala (1939) reported that a More recently, Bustard (1973) found that cap-'. captive turtle of unspecified size immediately tive reared Australian turtles could attain seized small crabs placed in the tank, but the lengths between 23 cm and 30.5 cm within a turtle manoeuvred for a position from which it year. Based on length frequency distributions seized large crabs when they moved, thereby of juveniles captured for stuffing, Kajihara avoiding Ineir claws. He also observed that and Uchida (1974) and Uchida (1979) felt that 36 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle Table XVI

Food identified from haw1sbill turtle stomachs

Location Food Source

Atlantic Ocean

Salvage Islands Hartog (1980)

juvenile Coelenterata (Pineuonia sulcata;

Velella velella; algal hydroid;

Siphonophora; Hydro (Ir.usae)

- algae (Stypopodiuin zonale; Sa.rgassum

vulgare; Dictyota sp.; Cyanophyta

- Gastropoda (Littorina striata;

¡znyclina pfeifferi; Janthina sp.)

- Cephalopoia (Taonius pavo; Histioteuthis

sp.; Oegopsida)

- spsr tes (2 species)

- spider crab (Inachus sp.)

- sea urchin

- stones

- plastic

Ascension Island Carr & Stancyk (1975)

adults e (Ircinia fasiculata) Carr, Hirth & Ogren Costa Rica (1966)

adult - sp sr e (probably gibberosa)

adult - sp. e (probably )

- ectoprocts (Ainthia; Steganoporella;

calcareous species)

- hydroid (like Sertularla)

- sea urchin spines

Pacific Ocean

}gda1ena Bay Steinbeck & Rloketts (1941)

subwìult crab (Pleuroncodes planipes)

Honduras Carr (1952)

2 spec rove fruit

i spec ve leaves -dead-k FIR/S137 Hawksbjll turtle 37 Table XVI (continued)

Location Food Source

Haii Balazs (1977) adult female - spcge (3 kinds) New Zealand McCann (1966) adult - barnacles - oephalopeds Velel].a Salpa - Spirula (probably dead in association with the barnacles) Philippines Alcala (1980) 2 speaimis sea grass - sperlges brown algae (Echeuna; Codium) Australia Li.us (1979) subadults, adults- ascidians - other encrusting anirn1. - algae

Formosa Swinhoe (1863) juvenile algae - shell - black stone Indian Ocean Sri Lanka Deranlyagala (1930, 1939) adult feDEle - algae coral gastropOEls adult fenmle - ascidian Seychelles Hornell (1927) adults - Sargazso weed Seychelles Frazier (1971) adult female - Seychelles Fryer (1911) adults - algae

Oman Ross (1981) 2 specimens - sponge South Yen Hirth & Cax'r (1970) adult fe - green algae 38 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle

Table XVII

Food identified from the stomachs of 29 Costa Rican hawksbill turtles captured between mid-July and early Ocitober (from Carr and Stancykl975)-í

Males with Females with Unsexed % of turtles % of all Food item with food in turtles No. No. No. gut (20) (29)

Bottom onterial li 36.14 5 38.14 2 140 55.0 37.9

Terrestrial plant material i 36.14 5 38.14 1 20 50.0 34,5 Plastic and ,ria;,rede litter 2 18.2 2 15.3 0 20.0 13.8

Unidentifiable natter 1 9.1 1 7.7 0 10.0 6.9

the algae - Sax' s m 2 18.2 1 7,7 0 - 15.0 10.3 me losp-we 17.2

Thalassla sp. 2 18.2 2 15.3 1 20 25.0 17.2

Syringcxllumsp. 1 9.1 0 0 5.0 3.5 Porlfera 95.0 65.5

Deip la

Poec iloscieriria 1 9.1 0 0 5.0 3.5

Epipolasida 0 1 7.7 5.0 3.5

Ha ma 1 9.1 1 7.7 0 10.0 6.9

thondrilla nacula 0 1 7.7 0 5.0 3.5

other 1 9.1 0 0 5.0 3.5 Qioristida 90.0 62.1

Craniella sp. 0 1 7.7 0 5.0 3,5

la gibberosa 10 90.9 14 30.7 lI 80 90.0 62.1

other 14 36.14 1 7.7 0 25.0 17.2 Coelenterata

Octocorallia 1 9.1 0 1 30 10.0 6.9

Hydroz 0 2 15.3 1 20 15,0 10.3

Bryoz 35.0 214.1

Schizoperella sp. 1 9.1 0 0 5.0 3.5

Hip*.,criyiasp, 1 9.1 0 0 5.0 3.5

other 2 18.2 1 7.7 2 140 25.0 17.2

al The parasites (trematodes) found by Carr and Stancyk in the hawksbill stomaches are not included in this table FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 39

Table XVII (continued)

Males with Females with Unsexed of turtles f of all Food item with food in turtles No No. z No. f gut (20) (29)

tbllusca 35.0 211.1 Pelecypcxla 36I 7.7 0 25.0 17,2

Gastrop«Ia 2 18.2 1 7.7 1 20 20.0 13.8 Scaphopoda

Inta11um 1aqutuni 1 9.1 0 0 5.0 3.5 Urochordata Ascidiacca 70.0

Styela sp. 7 63.6 30.7 3 60 70.0 118.3

other 2 18.2 1 7.7 0 15.0 10.3

ha. ty 1 9.1 7 53.8 1 20 I5.0 31.0

wild hawksbills grew to about 20 cm in one bone, and the number of layers only indicated year, 35-40 cm in two years and 60-65 cm in the minimum estimate of age because of bone three years. The values of the captive age resorption and the wearing down of keratin. and growth studies plotted in Figures 6 and 7 indicate rapid growth. However, these studies Other growth parameters are the were frequently plagued with small sample length:weight relationships presented by Hughes sizes (sometimes a single individual), poor (1974), McElroy and Alexander (1979) and tJchida rearing conditions, overfeeding and disease. (1979, 1980) fbr hawksbill populations in Because of these problems, growth studies of South Africa, Solomon Islands and Indonesia, captive animals do not necessarily represent respectively (Table XVIII). natural growth rates. A review and discussion of hawksbill age and growth studies was pre- Morphometric analysis of hawksbills was sented by Witzell (1980). A von Bertalanffy presented by Witzell (1980) for the mean growth equation was also presented by Witzell monthly values of captives in Samoa, and data (1980), who suggested that this type of analy- are supplied by Hughes (1974: Figures 24-26) sis may be more useful if properly designed and TJchida (1980: Figure 4) for the morpho- captive studies are conducted (Table XVIII). metric regression analysis of African and Indonesian specimens (Table XX). The methods Based on recaptures of tagged Australian of analysis of these growth and morphometric turtles, Limpus (1979) found that hawksbill data have been standardized whenever possible growth rates were similar to those of for comparison (Tables XVIII and XX). Witzell Chelonia mydas and Caretta caretta. Kowarsky (1980) urged uniform analysis of morphometric and Capelle (1979) found that two tagged pond- data for population coulparisons by analysis of reared hawksbill juveniles in northern covariance techniques. Morphometrics of wild Australia also grew well in the wild. The turtles, generally adult females, are not all results of both tagging studies are summarized included for discussion in this section because in Table XIX. of the limited size range of specimens usually Tmeasured (see section 1.3). Studies involving the analysis of annular striations in hawksbill hard-parts is a 3.4.4Metabolism promising field of study. Distinct bands, pos- sibly representing annual growth, have been There are no published data on hawksbill reported on the carapace lamina in Hwaiian turtle metabolic rates, although the normal hawksbills (Balazs, 1977). Hohn and Frazier range between sleep and active swimming must (1979) found conspicuous growth layers in a be great. variety of bones, scutes and keratin in all sizes of hawksbills examined. The number of Dautzler and Holmes (1974) described the these layers was related to shell size, except salt glands as substantially large organs that the number in Iceratin may exceed that in located ìn the orbit, consisting of branching 40 FIR/Sl37 Hawksbill turtle

50 A e 45 000 o0

O e 40 0

* X * o O 35 * O ** O

20 * -LICHIDA (1980) o ¡ALCALA (1980) * 15 x 0 WITZELL (1980) o ° DIAM0IID (1976) (AUFMANN (196Z1972,1975j 10 orjcvEy (1972) NARRISSON (1963) 4

10 15 20 25 30 354045 50 AGE (MONTHS) Figure 6 Growth rate (length) of captive hawksbill turtles



* X * X




o 0

ALCALA (1980) McKEOWN (1977) oDAM0ND (1876) KAUFMANN (1967,1972,1975) oÑCVEY(1972)


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 &GL! (MoNTHs) Figure 7 Growth rate (weight) of captive hawksbill turtles TabLdXVIII Parameter Growth equations of hawksbill turtlesi N Living class/Size Source stern - Equation r status Witzell (1980) So1oinAge-Groth(. ths) Islands (cm) L 53.211 (1....1.8258e.O2O3St) captive H,J,S McElroy & Alexander (1979) Weight-Length(kg) (cm) W 0.000108L30278 90 0.99 wild J,S,A Weight-Length(kg) (cnn) W 0.0001111.3.018 118 0.96 wild J,S Weight-. (kg) (an) :th W : 0.0069911L2.077 112 0.79 wild Af Age-Weight(days) (g) W = 18.17e000911t 0.99 captive H,J Weight-Indonesia W: 0.000115L2.63 82 0.99 captive J,S Uchida (i980)-1 (kg) Africa (an) :th Hughes (19711) Weight-LengthSouth (kg) (cs) W = 0.0007L2.63 23 wild J,S,A cibial LogHWeight = hatchlings;linear = total regression weight;J = juveniles; of length Uchida =S (1980)straight converted line carapace to power length curve for comparative purposes subadults; Af = adults (females); A = adults (both sexes) 42 FIR/Sl37 Hawksbill turtle

Table XIX

Growth results from hawksbill turtle tag and recapture studies in Australia

Initial Length Months Growth rate length increment Source free cnVmonth (cm) (cm)

curved carapace us (1979)

81 118 6.5 0.135

67 17 2.5 0.1117 straight carapace Kowarsky & Capelle (1979)

25.11 5 0.820

22.9 6,5 11.6 0.707

Table XX

Morphometric relationships between selected hawksbill body parameters and carapace length (straight line measurements in cm)

Relationship to Size Parameter N Source carapace length (CL) r2 class-/ Western Witzen (ig8o)i

pace Width Y 1.1473 + 0.7214X 10 0.99 H,J,S %CL y = 81.191 - 0.092x 10 0.58 H,J,S Plastron Y =1.11116 + 0.693X 10 0.99 H,J,S

%CL Y = 81.133 - 0.148x 10 0.92 H,J,S

d Width Y 0.775 + 0.135X 10 0.99 H,J,S

%CL Y = 140,1118 - 6.56 logX 10 0,86 H,J,S

Eye Width Y 0.11011 + 0.35X 10 0.97 H,J,S

%cL Y 111.871 - 2.70 LogX 10 0.90 H,J,S Indonesia Uchida (1980)í e T'idth Y =1,380 + 0.73X 82 0.97 J,S Plastron tth Y =0.390 + 0.76X 82 0.97 J,S th Africa s (19711)1 pace Width Y =2.871 + 0.7:;X 32 0.96 J,S,A

Plastron mtth Y = -1.751 + 0.8511X 19 0.98 J,SA Head Width Y =1.003 + 0.128X 20 0.98 J,S,A, al H = hatchlings; J = juveniles; S = subadults; A = adults (both sexes) bi Sample size is 10 data points representing mean values of several turtles c/ Data for regression analysis extrapolated from Hughes (1974: Figures 24-26) and Uchida (1980; Table 1) FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 43

tubules radiating from central ducts that open tagged in the Solomon Islands was recaptured to the exterior by a short duct in the pos- in Papua New Guinea. The results of the hawks- terior corner of each eye. Under natural con- bill tagging studies in the Solomon Islands ditions, the salt glands function intermit- were updated by Vaughan (1981) who concluded tently, in conjunction with the kidneys, most that at least some nesting turtles may migrate commonly in response to food and seawater long distances. Kowarsky and Capelle (1979) ingestion. It is possible that turtles may reported that two pond-reared juvenile hawks- drink sea water to gain sodium as a vehicle bills, tagged in northern Australia, were for the extrarenal excretion of potassium in recaptured in Papua New Guinea. De Silva f oòd, Furthermore, extrarenal excretion of (1981) reported that one hawksbill turtle, sodium in a salt-loaded turtle may be tagged in Sabah, was recaptured in the influenced by adrenocortical hormones. Philippines after averaging 18 km/day for 713 km. In the Philippines, two tagged hawks- Birth (1962) measured cloacal tempe- bills were recovered locally within 1.5 months tures of two Caribbean hawksbills, shortly from the release dates (Alcala, 1980). In the after the turtles laid eggs, and found that Indian Ocean, hawksbill tagging studies have their body temperatures differed little from been limited to the Seychelles, where turtles, ambient sea temperature. tagged at Cousin Island, had all been recap- tured a short distance away (Garnett, 1978; 3.5 Behaviour Frazier, in press).

3.5.1 Migrations and local movements Long-term tagging studies have shown that some hawksbills exhibit cyclic reproductive One of the classic cases of homing and migrations. Costa Rican studies have produced migration is that of a hawksbill allegedly some eyidence that suggests that there is a tagged with a brass ring in 1794 which three-year renesting migration for some of reportedly revisited the sane site in these turtles, Garnett (1978) and De Silva Sri Lanka for 32 consecutive years (discussed (1981) also reported limited tagging evidence in Flower, 1925, and Loveridge and Williams, which indicates a two-three year renesting 1957). cycle for some of the turtles, Hughes (l98la) reviewed worldwide tag and recapture data as Hawksbill tagging studies are incomplete, evidence of nesting cycles, concluding that but results have produced evidence of both most turtles only nest once because of scant long- and short-distance movements. In the return data. Atlantic Ocean, hawksbill tagging studies have generally been limited to Central America Maylan (1981) reviewed worldwide hawks- and adjacent areas. Carr, Birth and Ogren bill migratory behaviour from tag and recap- (1966), updated by Carr and Stancyk (1975), ture data and concluded that there was not saw no clear-cut reproductive migratory pat- enough evidence to determine the degree to tern in Costa Rican hawksbills. However, which hawksbills migrate. (See also sec- they presented circumstantial evidence tion 2.2.2.) (mainly tagging results) that limited adult migratory travel may occur from the nesting 3.5,2 Schooling beach to banks offshore Costa Rica and to Nicaraguan cays b-y some segment of the nesting Hawksbill turtles appear to be solitary population. Nietschmann (l972b) reported that animals that do not form into behaviourly three adult females, tagged in eastern similar schools" or "flotillas" in the clas- Nicaragua, were recaptured on nesting beaches, sical sense. However, they may form local two nearby and one in Jamaica. He also concentrations or what amounts to aggregations reported that an adult male, also tagged in near nesting beaches during the breeding Nicaragua, was later recaptured in Panama. season. The only extant breeding aggregation Pritchard (1969, 1976) obtained one short- was reported by Bustard (1972, a, 1973, 1974) distance tag return in a small tagging study in the Torres Straits. Breeding aggregations in Guyana, and Thurston (1976) thought that may have been fairly common in other major repeated sightings of individual turtles in undisturbed nesting areas, such as Puerto Rico suggested residency. Solomon Islands (McElroy and Alexander, 1979).

In the Pacific Ocean, hawksbill tagging 3.5.3 Responses to stimuli studies have been limited to several western Pacific locations, A taggìng study in the The hawksbill turtle has been called an Solomon Islands had 2-3 percent recaptures, aggressive and pugnacious species (Schwartz, all within 30 mi and six months of release, 1961), an unfair accusation considering that suggesting a fairly non-migratory population this behaviour apparently refers to individuals (McKeown, 1977). Based on a hypothetical that were just harpooned, netted, or otherwise population model of these Solomon Islands molested in their natural environment, True hawksbills, McElroy and Alexander (1979) (1893) reported that United States fishermen believe that a significant number may migrate had to be careful because captured hawksbills to feed elsewhere. Meylan (1981) and bit severely, inflicting painful wounds, and Pritchard (1981) reported that an individual Deraniyagala (1930, 1939) found that hawksbills 44 FIR/Sl37 Hawksbill turtle defended themselves by biting with vigorous to 10 minutes. However, at night the turtles snaps in Sri Lanka. Caribbean turtles also surfaced every 35-45 minutes. After periods snap and bite furiously (Carr, 1952) when cap- of activity or short-term submergences turtles tured and must be subdued with clubs before would surface for a single breath, but would being boated, as illustrated by the harpooned take 5-11 breaths at intervals of 5 seconds to specimen in Carr, Hirth and Ogren (1966), and 3 minutes, if they stayed down longer than Carr (1967). In Malagasy, Loveridge and 10-15 minutes. Home ranges were observed for Williams (1957) found that fishermen protect swimming, resting and sleeping activities, the their fragile craft from considerable damage degree and duration varies with individuals. by holding out a piece of wood for harpooned There were four basic resting positions: full hawksbills to fasten their jaws into. juvenile - with the fore flippers positioned on the carapace and the hind flippers When laying eggs, female hawksbills are held close together; semi-juvenile - with the docile in Sri Lanka (Deraniyagala, 1939), in fore flippers extended laterally and the hind Costa Rica (Carr, Hirth and Ogren, 1966) and flippers held close together; semi-juvenile - in Guyana (Pritchard, 1969). with the fore flippers positioned flat on the carapace and the hind flippers extended While hawksbills spend some of their time laterally; spread-eagle - (most common) with either resting or sleeping wedged into coral all four flippers extended laterally.During or rock ledges, usually at night. Bacon and rest periods, the head was usually wedged into Maliphant (1971) reported several "dormitory" a crevice and the turtle remained alert with areas in Trinidad, and specimens have commonly open eyes. Sleeping with eyes closed began been seen resting in Indonesia and the soon after sundown and turtles were never seen Philippine Islands (Japanese Tortoise Shell resting or sleeping on the surface. Association, 1973; Alcala, 1980). Sleeping hawksbills have been commonly seen in eastern 4. POPULATION Nicaragua (Nietschmann, 1971), Puerto Rico (Carr, 1977), Micronesia (Faulkner, 1978) and 4.1 Structure the Solomon Islands (McKeown, 1977; Vaughan, 1981). 4.1.2Age composítion

Captive West African specimens of There is no information available on the unknown size were said to be touchy, irascible age compositions of hawksbíll turtle popula- and viciously attacked and bit all other tions. Estimates of age to maturity of captive animals, even their own species (Villiers, specimens range from 3 to 4.5 years and are 1958, 1962). Juveniles kept in Sarawak were presented in section 3.1.2; maximum age is dis- reported to quarrel over food but were other- cussed in section 3.3.1. wise amiable (Harrisson, 1965). They were reported to be cannibalistic in Indonesian 4.1.3 Size composition culture ponds (Japanese Tortoise Shell Association, 1973). Uchida (1980) also There is no information available on the reported that large numbers of hatchlings size composition of hawksbill populations. and juveniles, reared in Indonesia, suffered Size ranges of nesting females vary con- bite wounds on their flippers. Hornell ciderably between populations (Table III) and (1927), McVey (1972) and Carr and Main (1973) various growth parameters are discussed in found that young hawksbills could be raised section 3.4.3 and presented in tables 18 and 20. in captivity in the Seychelles and South Pacific, but must be of similar size and not 4.2 Abundance and Density be overcrowded to mitigate injuries due to their aggressiveness. Some comparisons of 4.2.1 Average abundance and density general captive behaviòur patterns of juvenileIndonesianhawksbill, Chelonia mydas The average abundance and density of and Caretta caretta turtles are given by hawksbill turtles throughout the oceans are Harrisson (1965). unknown, although it is generally accepted that most nesting populations are declining Observations on captive adult hawksbills due to overexploitation (see section 5) and may reflect some behaviour patterns of wild nesting habitat destruction (see section 4.3.2). turtles. Published observations are limited Possible exceptions are the seemingly large to those of Parrish (1958) who observed that and stable populations in Yemen (Hirth and adult specimens,kept in large public aquaria Carr, 1970), northeastern Australia (Bustard, with fish and other turtle species, were 1972, a, 1973, 1974; Limpus, 1980), the generally docile, with one observed fight over Red Sea (Hirth and Latif, 1980) and Oman food and the customary bite when regaining a (Ross, 1981). favourite resting place. Locomotion observed was either by swimming or by crawling (using The numbers of reproductively active alternatinglimbs) and vigorous scratching on female turtles for various nesting hawksbill debris was seen on numerous occasions. Resting populations have been estimated by scientists turtles surfaced for air every 10-56 minutes, see pertinent references in section 3), but and active turtles surfaced every 30 seconds these numbers are not discussed here because FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 45 of their apparent unreliability and dynamic hawksbills may be due to the presence of a nature. Estimation of population sizes of cold upwelling along the coast, the cold water nesting females by aerial surveys is difficult, inhibiting overall turtle growth and the since tracks in the sand are short-lived and ability to store sufficient energy for large difficult to see, and hawksbill nests are egg clutches (Ross, 1981), often obscured by beach vegetation (Meylan, 198 la) General environmental factors prevailing during the nesting season (monsoons, tempe- 4.2.2 Changes in abundance and rature, rain and wave surge), as well as spe- density cific environmental factors affecting nesting emergence (tide, moon phase and time of day), Although hawksbills are often seen year- all affect hawksbill reproduction and are round on reefs adjacent to nesting beaches, discussed in section 3.1.6. Factors affecting there are some changes in abundance and den- incubation period and nest success (rain, sity apparently due to reproductive movements predators, interspecific and intraspecific (see sections 2.2, 2.3 and 3.1.6). There may nest destruction) also affect reproductive also be natural population fluctuations due to success and are discussed in section 3.1.7. annual reproductive success rates. However, in most areas, there is a general decline in Female hawksbill turtles are disturbed hawksbill numbers due to habitat destruction by light and moving shadows (persons, (see section 4.3.2) and increasing harvesting animals, trees) in the early stages of pressure (see section 5). The relative nesting; these disturbed animals rapidly status of hawksbill populations around the return to the sea (Carr, Birth and Ogren, world is reported in Bj3rndal (1981). 1966; Birth and Carr, 1970; Diamond, 1976; McKeown, 1977; Birth and Latif, 1980). This 4.3 Natality and Recruitment avoidance behaviour becomes evident in areas where the human population has moved near 4.3.1Reproduction rates nesting sites and built residences, resorts, military installations, airports and highways. The parameters affecting the reproductive Witham (1981) described the disruption of sea rate of the hawksbill turtle appear to vary turtle nesting habitat through such human between nesting populations (see section 3). influences as increased construction (domes- However, a range of 209-313 hatchlings/female/ tic, commercial and recreational), artificial season has been estimated in Table XXI from , physical barriers and vehicular reproductive data in section 3.This range of traffic. He recommended mitigating manage- reproductive rate (209-313 hatchlings/female/ ment strategies such as transplanting eggs, season) is an overall estimate and is some- shielding lights, removing barriers and what higher than the figures estimated by restricting beach construction and use. Birth (1980) for Costa Rica and the Seychelles (77-189, respectively). This is undoubtedly 4.4 Mortality due to the larger sample sizes used for the reproductive parameters in estimating the 4.4.2 Factors causing or overall reproductive rate in Table XXI. affecting mortality

4.3.2 Factors affecting reproduction Hawksbil 1 hatchlings are reportedly preyed upon by various species of crabs and The relatively small mean adult female fish, although other animals, such as birds, sizes and small clutch sizes of Yemen and Oman dogs, lizards, cats, are also undoubtedly

Table XXI

Mean reproductive rate of hawksbill turtles (data from tables 8 and 10, and section 3).J

Mean Range N

Clutch size 129 73-163 9 Z eggs resulting in emerged hatchlings 81 71-91 4 Clutches/season 2-3 1-4 5

Hatchlings/femaleiseason = 209-313

al Mean figures for clutch size and percent eggs resulting in emerged hatchlings are weighted means of the means of popu- lations with samples of 10 or more. The ranges are the ranges of the individual population means, and N is the number of populations with lO or more samples 46 FIR/Sl37 Hawksbill turtle responsible for extensive hatchiing mortality organisms (section 3.4). Although hawksbills (see section 3.3.2). Starvation of hatchlings share their neritic habitat with several other in oceanic environments, devoid of edible species of sea turtles, as well as a myriad neuston, is an unknown and possibly large of , there are no known serious competi- mortality factor. tors (section 3.2.3).

Juvenile, subadult and adult hawksbills Hawksbill turtles are generally solitary are preyed upon by large groupers, sharks and nesters, rapidly laying eggs on isolated (see section 3.3.4). Also indi- beaches; they have a tendency to renest two- viduals may stray into suboptimal environ- three times in a season on the same beach, ments, become stunned by low water tempera- although some may renest on adjacent beaches. tures and, eventually, die from thermal shock Hawksbills frequently nest on the same beaches or starvation. These turtles are generally as other species of marine turtles, but the range extensions (see section 2,1). actual nesting habitat is often divided either temporally or spatially; intergeneric mating Directed fishing mortality of juveniles, is rare (section 2.4). subadults and adult hawksbills in most loca- tions is extensive (see section 5). Hawksbill eggs and hatchlings are eaten by a variety of predators (sections 3.1.7 and Hawksbill turtles (predominantly 3.2.2), while juveniles, subadultsand adults juveniles) are occasionally taken incidentally appear to be preyed upon predominantly by as a by-catch in other fisheries: Sumner sharks (section 3.3.4).

(1909), Sumner, Osburn and Cole (1911) , and De Sola and Abrams (1933) found specimens in Hawksbill populations are generally. pound nets on the eastern United States coast; declining due to overexploitation (section 5.4) Irvine (1947) found hawksbills in fishing nets and nesting habitat destruction (section 4.3.2). in West Africa; Hughes (1969) reported a speci- Also, the effects of destruction, men from a shark net in southern Africa; through pollution and construction, which Nietschmann (1972a, b) reported that hawks- reduces available foraging habitat, are bills were frequently found suffocated in unknown. shrimp trawis in eastern Nicaragua; Jones and Fernando (1973) reported that hawksbills are 5. EXPLOITATION occasionally captured in fish gillnets in India; Balazs (1977) found a specimen in a 5.1 Fishing Equipment and Methods gillnet in Hawaii; Bullis and Druinmond (1978) reported several captured in bottom trawls There are several basic methods of cap- along the southeast coast of the United States; turing hawksbill turtles used throughout the many are reportedly taken in shrimp trawls in world, and these methods are used for the the western Atlantic and Caribbean (Caribbean other sea turtle species as well. There are Conservation Corporation, 1980), and in the many modifications to these methods eastern Pacific (Cornelius, 1981; Creen and and gear which are indigenous to local customs Ortiz-Crespo, 1981) Hillestad et al., (1981) and several methods, or a combination of reviewed the worldwide incidental capture of methods, may be utilized. Generally, the tra- sea turtles. ditional fishing methods of harpoon, grapnel and remora are being replaced by the more 4.5 Dynamics of Population efficient synthetic gillnets. The temperament of captured hawksbills is often pugnacious There are no population models available and fishermen must take precautions to avoid for hawksbill turtles due to the lack of known personal injury or excessive gear damage (see biological parameters necessary for the appro- section 3.5.3). priate calculations. However, McElroy and Alexander (1979) presented a hypothetical Turtle turning: This is the method of population model for hawksbills in the turning over female turtles when they crawl Solomon Islands, based on assumptions, which onto the beach to nest. This method is prac- showed that there was a 1.17 percent ticed throughout the hawksbill nesting range probability of producing a nesting female from as the major harvesting technique. No special the total number of hatchlings produced in a gear is involved, although sometimes a stick nesting season. is used for leverage. Because this methods selectively harvests reproductively active 4.6 The Population in the Community females, it is possibly the largest single and the Ecosystem factor in reducing hawksbill populations.

The hawksbill turtle is a large circum- Harpoon: This method is one of the tropical marine which appears to exist oldest methods of capturing hawksbills, in separate breeding populations (section 3.1). although it is being replaced by the more The hawksbill predominantly inhabits insular efficient gillnet in many parts of the world, coral reefs, banks, lagoons, and estuaries A harpoon consists of a wooden pole 4-5 m long adjacent to the nesting areas (section 2).It with a 2-6 cm detachable steel point that has is an omnivore, feeding on a wide variety of a strongline attached. When the turtle is FIR/Sl37 Hawksbill turtle 47 struck, the point becomes embedded in the cara- unanchored during the day by either surrounding pace and the fishermen then pull the turtle observed turtles or by off exits to into the boat after tiring it out. Turtles lagoons which hawksbills frequent. captured this way are particularly pugnacious and must be subdued with a club (see sec- An interesting netting method used ín tion 3.5.3). This method requires time the Cayman Islands, called a turtle trap, is patience and considerable skill, as the turtle described as a 1.5-in diameter iron ring with must be found and struck before becoming an attached net bag which is dropped over alarmed and escaping. Copulating turtles are foraging hawksbills (Thompson, 1947). particularly susceptible to harpoon fishing because of their apparent preoccupation with Various netting techniques for hawksbill mating. turtles have been used in the following locations: Various harpooning techniques for hawks- bill turtles have been used in the following Atlantic Ocean: Nye (1887), True (1887), locations: Wilcox (1904), Schmidt (1916), Audubon (1926), Babcock (1937), Thompson (1945), Atlantic Ocean: De Bran (1773 Tide Villiers (1958), Carranza (1962), Marquez De Vorsey, 1971), Bard (1855), Garman (1965, 1976), Duke (1967), Nietschmann (1884), Nye (1887), Audubon (1926), (1971, 1972, a, 1974), Cardona and Rua Babcock (1937), Villiers (1958), Carranza (1972), Ramos (1974), Thurston and (1962), Marquez (1965, 1976), Craig Wiewandt (1976), Carr (1977), Ross (1980). (1966), Carr, Birth and Ogren (1966), Nietschmann (1971, 1972, a, 1974), Pacific Ocean: Seale (1911), Le Poulain Cardona and Rua (1972), Tovar (1973), (1941), Trust Territories of the Pacific Ross (1980). Islands (1957), Pritchard (1977),McElroy and Alexander (1979), Onorio (1979), Pita Pacific Ocean: Seale (1911), McCarthy (1979), Spring (1979), Alcala (1980), (1955, Trust Territories of the Pacific Uchida (1980), Vaughan (1981). Islands (1957) Pritchard (1977), Spring Indian Ocean: Deraniyagala (1939), (1979, 1981a), Onorio (1979), Uchida Valliappan and Pushparaj (1973), Jones (1979, 1980), Cliffton, Cornego and and Fernando (1973), Hughes (1973), Felger (1981), Kowarsky (1981), Vaughan Shantharam (1975), Spring (l98la), (1981) Frazier (198la). Indian Ocean: Hornell (1927), Illustrations of netting gear are found Deraniyagala (1939), Loveridge and in the following sources: Kuriyan (1950), Williams (1957), Frazier (1974, 198la), Craig (1966), Travis (1967). Garnett (1978), Kar and Bhaskar (1981). Diving: This method has several vari- Illustrations of harpoon gear are found ations in techniques and gear. The fishermen in the following sources: Caldwell (1963>, may catch hawksbills by hand by either jumping Japanese Tortoise Shell Association (1973), off a moving boat, onto the carapace of a Hughes (1973, 1976) and IJchída (1979). surfaced turtle or by skin diving, which is particularly effective at night when the Net: There are two types of net used to turtles are sleeping under coral ledges in capture hawksbill turtles, the gillnet and shallow water. Spear guns and slings are the seine. The gillnet mesh is constructed becoming more popular, and are also more pro- of tree bark fibre, coconut fibre, cotton ductive at night. Juvenile and subadult twines nylon, or monofilament; the head rope turtles are more likely to be captured by is held afloat with wood,.bamboo or plastic divers because large, thrashing adults are floats and the foot rope is held down with difficult to handle in the water, Unfortu- lead, stone or scrap iron. These gillnets nately, speared adult turtles may escape to range in length from 15 m to 180 in long by become killed by sharks or they may eventually 3-4 m wide, with a mesh size ranging from die elsewhere from their wounds. A diving 10 cm to 40 cm. In the Caribbean area, wooden technique, apparently endemic to Japan's decoys simulating female turtles are sometimes Ryukyu Islands, involves the use of 6-m bamboo tied to the head rope to attract males. The poles which have short pieces of steel rod at nets, anchored near reef areas where hawks- the tip; a fish hook is wired to the steel bills abound, are left to fish overnight. A tip and heavy line is tied to the eye of the single boat may set many nets in a single hook. The diver then hooks a turtle in the night, completely covering a reef. Sometimes neck, the pole slips out of the tip and floats these nets are not anchored overnight but are to the surface, and the turtle is pulled in set near reefs during the day and turtles are on the attached line (Hendrickson, 1965), A driven into them by boats or swimmers. They similar technique was introduced into are also used to surround turtles seen Micronesia by the Imperial Japanese Armed foraging on reefs during the day. Seines are Forces during World War II. An interesting constructed similarly to gillnets but have diving technique to locate turtles is used by finer mesh sizes and are usually fished natives in the Palau District of Micronesia, 48 FIR/Sl37 Hawksbill turtle whereby experienced divers seek hollows under Grapnel turtling techniques have been the coral where turtles frequently rest. A described in the following sources:Nye wooden stick with a line attached is wedged (1887), Bahamas; Seale (1911), Philippines; into the middle of the entrance. When a turtle Hughes (1973), ; Frazier (l981a), enters the hollow, it dislodges the stick which Kenya, floats to the surface and is seen by the:f±sher- men from their canoes (Trust Territories of the Illustrations of grapnel gear are found Pacific Islands, 1957). in the following source: Travis (1967), Somalia, Various diving techniques have been used in the following locations: 5.2 Fishing Areas

Atlantic Ocean: True (1887), Marquez Hawksbills are fished throughout their (1965, 1976), Nietschmann (1971, 1972a), tropical distribution (see section 2.1 and Cardona and Rua (1972), Ramos (1974) Figure 4), most being captured on reefs, Thurston and Wiewandt (1976), Carr (1977), banks and in lagoons adjacent to nesting Ross (1980). beaches. Gillnets are fished in lagoon chan- nels and passages between reefs, and Pacific Ocean: McCarthy (1955), Trust harpooning for copulating turtles eneral1y Territories of the Pacific Islands (1957), takes place in deeper water in freut of nesting Japanese Tortoise Shell Association beaches. Diving, particularly at night for (1973), Pritchard (1977), McKeown (1977), sleeping turtles, takes place on the shallow McElroy and Alexander (1979), Onorio reef slopes facing deep oceanic depths. (1979) , Pita (1979), Alcala (1980), Spring (1979, 1981a), Kowarsky (1981), 5.3 Fishing Seasons Vaughan (1981), Hawksbill turtles are opportunistically Indian Ocean: Hughes (1976), Garnett harvested year-round wherever encountered. (1978), Kar and Bhaskar (1981). However, the majority of adult turtles are captured during the reproductive aggregations Remora : This is a very old method of at the nesting beaches during the nesting turtle fishing practiced for centuries by season, the time of which varíes with location natives around the world and was first (Table 2). At this time, copulating and described from Cuba by Columbus in 1494. The nesting turtles are less wary, making them technique used is to fasten a line to the more susceptible to harvesting techniques. caudal peduncle of a remora (family Echeneidae) by a metal ring, band or simply a knot; the 5.4 Fishing Operations and Results remora is then thrown overboard in the vicinity of a turtle, The fish then adheres to the Hawksbill meat is generally eaten through- turtle by the suction disc and is then pulled out its range, although the meat is of tén to the boat, The remoras are kept alive in reported to be of poor quality, being dark and pens or canoes filled with sea water, and oily with a strong flavour. In spite of this, they are well taken care of by the fishermen hawksbill meat is preferred over that of other who fish them frequently and keep them for sea turtles at Cayman Brac, San Andres and long periods of time. Presently, this method Old Providence Islands in the Caribbean Sea is rarely used, since more productive (Lewis, 1940; Thompson, 1947; Carr, 1956). techniques have been introduced, The hawksbill is reportedly poisonous in many areas throughout its range, but often without Remore turtling has been described in documented cases. In many instances the the following sources De Sola (1932), hawksbill has been accused of being poisonous, Caribbean; Deraniyagala (1939), Sri Lanka; possibly because of its strong flavour, which McCarthy (1955), Australia; Travis (1967), Carr (1956) believes to vary according to Somalia; Hughes (1973), Madagascar; Frazier diet, (l98la), Kenya, Yemen, Hawksbills are not eaten, or are reluc- Illustrations of remora turtling are tantly eatenbecause of their reputed found in Gudger (1919, a, b). in the following locations: Gulf of Guinea (Greef, 1884), Australia (Musgrave and Grapnel: These devices are made from Whitley, 1926; Bustard, 1972), Sri Lanka weighted fish hooks or curved, sharpened (Deraniyagala, 1933), Gulf of Siam (Le Poulain, steel rods which are securely fastened to a 1941), Colombia (Dunn, 1945), India (Acharji, central post, upon which a rope is fastened. 1950; Shantharam, 1975), Mauritius (Jones, The grapnel is dragged to the turtle, which 1956), New Guinea (Brongersma, 1958), Mexico is seen on the shallow ocean bottom, and is (Del Torro, 1960), West Africa (Villiers, quickly jerked upwards when the hooks pass 1962), Seychelles (Frazier, 1971), Mauritius underneath it. The hooks thus, become (Hughes, 1973, 1976), Senegal (Villiers, 1958; embedded in the soft plastron or limb and the Maigret 1977), Sudan (Hirth and Latif, 1980), turtle is then pulled to the surface. Oman (Ross, 1981), FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 49

Documented cases of hawksbill turtle poi- Also, in the Solomon Islands, hawksbills that soning are relatively rare, having been have unusually pale plastrons and short- reported from the following locations: Taiwan straight intestines are believed to be poi- (Kinugasa and Suzuki, 1940), Gilbert Islands sonous and are not eaten (Vaughan, 1981). (Cooper, 1964; Onorio, 1979), Ryukyu Islands (Hashimoto et al., 1969; Hashimoto, 1979), Deraniyagala (1930, 1939) reported that Philippines (Ronquillo and Caces-Borja, 1960), if a toxic hawksbill should be eaten, the Australia (Kowarsky, 1981), Solomon Islands resulting sickness supposedly could be cured (Vaughan, 1981), New Guinea (Romeyn and by dosing the patient with soup made from the Haneveld, 1956; Spring, 1981, a), Sri Lanka carapace and plastron of Chelonia mydas. (Deraniyagala, 1930, 1939), India (Valliappan and Pushparaj, 1973). Pillai et al., (1962) Hawksbill eggs are eaten wherever and described in detail the clinical and patho- whenever found, apparently without any ill logical findings (including photomicrographs effects, being an important protein source of affected epithelial, muscular, liver, (see section 1.3.3) in many lesser-developed kidney and heart tissues) of 130 cases of villages. Calipee is also prepared for con- hawksbill poisonings in India. sumption in many parts of the world, and the oil and fat are commonly used for cooking. Halstead (1978) reviewed the cases of turtle poisonings, summarizing all pertinent The hawksbill turtle is most famous for information. He found that poisoning was the horny scutes called "tortoise shell", seasonally sporadic with a geographically which are obtained from the carapace. There intermittent distribution, and could result are 13 large and 25 small scutes on a turtle, from eating either the meat, fat, viscera or and each scute has, when cleaned and polished, blood. Symptoms generally appear from within a rich brown mottling on a yellowish- a few hours to several days, depending upon translucent background.There are several amount ingested and the person. Major symp- different grades of shell depending on general toms are: Nausea, vertigo, vomiting, colouration, the darker shell having the lowest diarrhea, severe gastric pain, sweating, cold- demand and the lighter coloured or "blond' ness of the extremities, and a dry, burning shells being the most often preferred. sensation of lips, mouth and throat. Articles such as dishes, knives, forks and Additionally, the tongue develops a white spoons have been fashioned from hawksbill coating with tiny pustules,Land victims may scutes since pre-historic man. However, the suffer from headaches and general lethargy. beauty of these scutes was quickly realized Halstead describes these clinical, as well as by affluent personages, and the manufacture the pathological, characteristics in detail. of luxury items, such as the following, began: There are no antidotes, consequently treatment hair pins, combs, rings, nose rings, earrings, is symptomatic. The overall case fatality necklaces, brooches, fans, belts, miniature rate is 28 percent, with the oldest and the animals, inlayed furniture, and (more recently) youngest persons reportedly being more eyeglass frames, cuff-links, tie tacks, susceptible. Prevention is difficult, since buttons, snuff boxes, jewelery boxes, trays, toxic turtles are impossible to differentiate model pagodas and model ships. The hawksbill from non-poisonous turtles, the best method turtle shell industry has thrived through the being to feed a sample to a dog or cat and ages, dating back to ancient Greece, Rome and wait at least 24 h. The origin of the toxin Egypt (Deraniyagala, 1939; Smith, 1958; is unknown, but it is believed to be caused Parsons, 1962; Schafer, 1962; Hughes, 1970; by ingestion of poisonous algae, Hirth and Latif, 1980), European treasure and even sea (Deraniyagala 1930, 1939; ships returning from the New World were laden Le Poulain, 1941; Loveridge, 1946; Pillai with turtle shell (Anon,, 1980). Babcock et al., 1962; Villiers, 1962; Vaughan, 1981). (1940) presented a brief historical summary of the tortoise shell industry, as well as a Indigenous people have attempted to state-of-the-arts profile, in the mid-twentieth identify toxic hawksbills by an interesting century United States and Parsons (1972) gave variety of methods. In Sri Lanka the fisher- an excellent historical account of the world- men offer bits of raw liver to crows - if wide trade in hawksbill turtle shell, rejected, the turtle is discarded; also, poisonous flesh reportedly turns greenish if Methods of scute removal are universally mixed with slaked lime (Deraniyagala, 1930, similar, the scutes being removed from the 1939, 1953). Fishermen in India believe that body carapace when the turtle is either dead the blood of toxic turtles thickens on a knife or alive, More than one method may be used blade, and that a drop of blood on the skin in any one location. The scutes on the cara- will itch and become inflamed. They also pace of a dead turtle are loosened when believe, like the fishermen of Sri Lanka, either placed in hot water (Seale, 1911; that lime changes toxic meat greenish in Hornell, 1927; Deraniyagala, 1939; Loveridge, colour (Valliappan and Pushparaj, 1973). 1946; Mxico, Secretaria de Industria y Fishermen of the Suarkin Archipelago of Sudan Comercio, 1966; Hughes, 1971) or buried in choose a man who neither smokes nor drinks the sthid for a week or two (Saale, 1911; alcohol to taste the liver - if "evil-tasting", Deraniyagala, 1939; Loveridge, 1946; Travis, the meat is discarded (Hirth and Latif, 1980). 1967; Ubeda, 1973). Removing scutes from 50 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle

live animals is accomplished by passinga leprosy are the same (Trust Territory of the over the carapace or by suspending the Pacific Islands, 1957). In pre-Christian turtle upside down over a fire (Bard, 1855; Satawal, the hawksbill was considered sacred Shelford, 1917; Deraniyagala, 1939; Loveridge, (McCoy, 1974), and hawksbills in the 1946; Larrea, 1948; Domantay, 1952-53; Roze, Gilbert Islands are family totems and, as such, 1955; Parsons, 1956; Hirth and Carr, 1970; are considered sacred (Cooper, 1964; Onorio, Moore and Balzarotti, 1976), These turtles 1979). Spring (l98la) described the special are released alive and are believed to socio-economic significance that sea turtles regenerate new scutes, although they are (including hawksbills) have in Papua New Guinea, reportedly thinner than the original scutes. and some of the traditional rules and rituals Deraniyagala (1939) provided evidence that associated with the turtle . scute regeneration takes place, and TJchida (1980) reported the capture of several speci- National catch statistics for hawksbill mens with thin, regenerated scutes. turtles usually reflect the amount of shell produced; items such as stuffed juveniles, The amount of shell from each adult leather, jewelery, are not traceable to the turtle varies with age and size from 1 kg to country of origin. Japan is the largest 6 kg; the average weight reported from importer of stuffed hawksbills and shell, 12 sources in the literature is 3.3 kg.Scute turtles traditionally being a sign of good yield between nesting populations probably luck and longevity; the largest supplies come also varies due to the differences of mean from Panama, Cuba, Indonesia, Singapore, sizes of nesting turtles (Table III).Also, Philippines, Kenya, Tanzania, Nicaragua and there are unsubstantiated reports in the the Cayman Islands (Uchida, 1977). Summaries older hawksbill literature that the female of national statistics are available from the turtles have much thicker carapace scutes following countries: Philippines (Seale, 1917; than the males. Dornantay, 1968; De Celis, 1981), Seychelles (Frazier, 1971), Madagascar (Hughes, 1973), The scutes are cleaned and then cut into Mexico (Ramos, 1974; Marquez, 1974, 1976), the proper sizes and shapes with a fine-tooth Solomon Islands (McKeown, 1977; Vaughan, 1981), saw. Additional shaping is done by first Japan (Uchida, 1977, imports only), Indonesia softening the shell ìn hot water and then (Polunin and Sumertha, 1981). Regional import- moulding it into the desired shape. Several export statistics are presented for Indonesia scutes may be joined together by clamping (Japanese Tortoise Shell Association, 1973; them together and immersing them in hot water. Kajahira and Uchida, 1974), and the western Also, the sawdust shavings of the scutes are central Atlantic Ocean (Rebel, 1974). heated and then moulded into desired articles. Additionally, world-wide statistics, broken Care is taken with the shell, however, because down by country, are presented by Cato, it darkens and opaques under excessive heat. Prochaska and Pritchard (1978) and Mack, Descriptions of working shell are found in Duplaix and Wells (1981). the followíng sources: Dumeril and Bibron (1835), Vìlliers (1958), Pufahl (1915), 6. PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT Tressler and Lemon (1951), Smith (1958), Krefft (1962) and Webster (1972), 6.1 Regulatory Measures

Whole carapaces of juveniles and some Dating back to the nineteenth century, the adults are cleaned, polished and sold for literature contains many articles calling for wall hangings, and juvenile turtles are also conservation legislation and/or artificial stuffed and sold as tourist souvenirs, Other hatching and rearing programmes in areas where products from harvested hawksbills include hawksbill populations have been depleted due leather, oil, perfume and cosmetics. to overexploitation. Also, regulatory measures have recently been imposed on the capture and Hawksbills of all sizes appear to be marketing of hawksbills in many nations in universally harvested whenever found (see all order to maintain healthy and stable breeding references in this section), and this has led populations. Because these laws are numerous to drastic world-wide population decreases and often complex, they are not individually (Carre 1969), with the populations from discussed here.Legislation to protect against Australia and the Arabian Peninsula as excep- nesting habitat destruction is, however, tions. Mackey (1980) and King (1981) almost non-existent at this time,Major legis- described the overexploitation situation that lative actions involving hawksbills are world-wide hawskbill populations now face. described for the following locations: Australia (Bustard, 1969), Sabah (De Silva, Many ancìent beliefs have surrounded the 1969, a), Ghana (Anon., 1971), Sri Lanka hawksbill turtle, particularly in the tropical (Anon., 1972), Seychelles (Frazier, 1974, Pacific islands, The scutes were used for l979a; Salm, 1976). There is also the medicinal purposes in Hawaii (Balazs, 1977), United States Endangered Species Act of 1973 and for ceremonial "womens money" in Palau which makes it unlawful to take, import or (I{elfman, 1968). In Yap, it is believed that export hawksbill turtles or products. Regula- burning a hawksbill shell causes leprosy, tory measures for many nations in the western hence the word for hawksbill turtle and central Atlantic Ocean are summarized by Rebel FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 51

(1974), Bacon (1975, 1981) and Caribbean nesting beach habitats and forage habitats; Conservation Corporation (1980); additional this method consists of such elements as regulations for sea turtles in various restricted beach construction and usage, the countries around the world may be found in clearing of beach obstacles such as rocks and Pritchard (1969b), IUCN (1969, 1971), Hirth vegetation, and the restriction of reef (1971b) and Bjrndal (1981). blasting and dredge and fill operations. In egg hatcheries, transplanted eggs are incu- The reduction of hawksbill populations bated in artificial nests and the hatchlíngs around the world, due to overexploitation, has immediately released at sea; thereby reducing prompted the International Union for egg and hatchling mortality from tides, man Conservation and Natural Resources to list the and beach predators. Head-starting is the hawksbill turtle an endangered species (IUCN, rearing of hatchling turtles incubated in egg 1968, 1970, 1975). An international agreement hatcheries for periods of several months to a prohibiting members from commercially exporting year or more before their release in the wild. or importing any sea turtle products was drawn This procedure reduces hatchling mortality up and signed by many nations at the from beach and oceanic predators. Trans- Convention on International Trade in plantation consists of transplanting either Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora eggs or newly emerged hatchlings to beaches (CITES) (IUCN, 1973), Carr and Maylan (1980) where it is hoped they will imprint on the felt that, because of the recent large beach and return as adults to nest. This is importation figures of hawksbill shell, the probably the least effective management stra- only hope for the survival of the hawksbill tegy, because of the apparent failures of all species is through effective enforcement of such projects. Protective legislation may be CITES. an integral part of, or may influence all sea turtle management strategies; the effective- Enforcement of these various national and ness being dependent upon the enforceability international regulatory measures is difficult, of the legislation. Regulating international and hawksbills of all sizes are often har- trade of sea turtle products by multilateral vested wherever and whenever encountered agreements hopefully will reduce the market because local police forces may be logisti- for sea turtle products, and subsequently cally unable or unwilling to enforce legis- lower the directed harvesting effort. Cear lation concerning local turtle fisheries. The development to reduce the number of sea complicated legal aspects of national and turtles caught incidentally in other fisheries, international sea turtle conservation legis- particularly the shrimp trawl fishery, has lation is presented by Navid (1981), and the proceeded in the United States with satisfac- myriad problems of law enforcement are dis- tory results (NOAA/NMFS, 1981).Theeffeotive- cussed by Cornez (1981) and Bavin (1981), ness of these gear developments on a global basis is dependent upon the availability of 6.2 Management Strategies these developments to other nations, and their willingness to use them. Effective public The survival situation of the overexploi- education to promote conservation awareness ted world-wide hawksbill turtle populations is for sound resource management is possibly the somewhat tenuous. Carr (1972) and Carr and most important, yet most overlooked, sea Meylan (1980) felt that the hawksbill's soli- turtle management' tool, particularly in 'les- tary nesting on small scattered beaches made ser developed nations. However, all turtle it impossible to adequately protect nesting conservation efforts are negated if the local turtles and nesting habitat. However, in people do not respond positively to sound, spite of several outlined conservation culturally sensitive public education pro- problems, Hendrickson (1981) felt that the grammes. The advantages and disadvantages of hawksbill may be the most likely species of the sea turtle management strategies listed sea turtle to survive because of its scattered, above are discussed in detail by Dodd (1978, opportunistic nesting behaviour. Carr and 1981), Pritchard (1980, 198lb), Ehrenfeld Stancyk (1975) believed that the species must (1981), Reichart (1981) and, Shabica (1981). be regarded as being composed of many indi- Descriptions of conservation strategies vidual breeding/nesting populations (such as adopted in various countries are presented in appears to exist at Torres Strait) in order Bjrndal (1981). to be effectively managed, arguing that genetically distinct demes could otherwise be 6.3 Artificial Stocking overlooked before they are eradicated. Artificial stocking is thought to reduce Sea turtle conservation strategies are predation on eggs, hatchlings and juveniles, varied, generally revolving around one or more there being two basic methods used: of the following elements: habitat protectionl improvement, egg hatcheries, head-starting, egg hatcheries, the transplanting of transplantation, protective legislation, regu- eggs to artificial nests for incubation lation of international trade, gear develop- and subsequent immediate release of the ment to reduce incidental mortality in other hatchlings, and fisheries, and improved public education. Habitat protectionJimprovement pertains to head-starting, the retention of turtles for períods up to a year before release. 52 FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle

Hawksbill eggs are transplanted to egg jellyfish, occasionally nibbling at algae or hatcheries for incubation in Sabah (De Silva, sea grasses. However, reared turtles grow 1968, 1969, a, b, 1971; IJchida, 1979, 1980), faster on a high protein diet and are usually and Grenada (Goodwin, 1980, 1981). Head- fed chopped fish, McVey (1972) reported a starting projects have been reported from the food conversion ratio of 3:1 in young captive following locations: Micronesia (Trust Micronesian hawksbills fed fish. Territories of the Pacific Islands, 1957; NcVey, 1972; inon., l972a; Pritchard, 1977), The behaviour of hawksbills reared in Western Samoa (Witzell, 1972, 1974), captivity is often aggresive; they frequently Solomon Islands (Vaughan, 1981), Australia bite each other, particularly during feeding (Bustard, 1973, 1974; Carr and Main, 1973; (see section 3.5.3). The frequency of biting Tjchida, 1974). The methods, foods and is probably related to the stocking density diseases involved in head-starting hawksbill and the feeding method; increased biting turtles are similar to those for turtles reared occurs in overcrowded conditions with for eventual harvest (see section 7), Artifi- localized feeding. cial stocking by these methods has been criti- cized by some biologists who argue that cer- Disease is a common problem with most tain biological parameters, such as clutch sex rearing operations, generally being aggravated ratio and imprinting behaviour, may be unnatu- by poor water circulation and by the wounds rally affected, and that these techniques have resulting from the continual flipper nipping. not been proven to be effective. See also The most common malady is a highly infectious, section 6.2, fatal, fungus-like disease which erodes the eyes, neck and wounded flippers. Turtles 7. MARICULTURE raised in crowded tanks under poor rearing conditions can quickly become infected, suf- Hatchling hawksbills are reared in cap- fering massive mortalities in only a few days t.ivity for several months in order to supply (Hòrnell, 1927). This is a very rapidly juvenile turtles for stuffing as curios, and developing pathogen which has been success- they are also raised for several years to pro- fully treated in the early stages by topical vide scutes for tortoise shell,Some of the application of gentian violet. Carr and Main rearing projects, particularly in Micronesia (1973) also noted abnormal posterior buoyancy and Australia, were designed to head-start a accompanied by cloacal swelling, and high small percentage of juvenile turtles for con- nematode infestation originating from the servation purposes. The major rearing pro- spotted herring food source. jects have been described in the following sources: Le Poulain (1941), Trust Territories llawksbill turtles, reared in fairly of the Pacific Islands (1957), Japanese stagnant or shallow water, may become covered Tortoise Shell Association (1973), Carr and with algae. Although not considered patho- Main (1973), Uchida (1974, 1979, 1980), genic, this algae could be deleterious to the Sumertha (1976). In addition, Smart (1973) overall health of the turtles and is often studied the oranization, management and scrubbed off on a regular basis. marketing prospects of the Australian farming venture described by Carr and Main (1973). It is believed that hawksbills will develop lighter coloured (hence more valuable) The turtles are generally reared in small shells if raised in relative darkness in concrete ponds; wooden, plastic, or metal covered pens (Le Poulain, 1941), or that tanks; or sections of fenced-off lagoon, or rearing in fresh water will enhance the shell estuarine areas, Water exchange is by pump, colour (Brown, 1908; Japanese Tortoise Shell bucket or tidal flow, depending on the type Association, 1973). of holding pen and the affluence of the farmer. The rearing pens are often partially shaded Although it appears that hawksbill from intense,.direct sunlight to reduce algal turtles can be successfully raised in cap- growth. tivity, optimal rearing conditions, such as stocking density, holding structure size and Captive hawksbill turtles will eat almost construction, water exchange rate, feeding any kind of fish, mollusc or , as rate and disease control are not known. well as some varieties of sea urchins and FIR/S137 Hawksbill turtle 53


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