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1.0 2 0 18 1.25 I 4 I6 DOCUMENT RESUNE ED 169 159 UD 619 2't1 TITLE 4 National Conterence on Health Policy, Planning, anal Financing the Future of Health Care for Blacxs in America. NCHSR Research Proceedings Series. INSTITUTION National Center for Health S,rvices 1esearch (DHEW/PHS), Hyattsville, Md. EEPORT NO DHEW-PHS-79-3228 EUB DATE Sep -78 NOTE 299p.; Proceedings of a conf4xence held at Shoreham Americana Hotel (Washingtpn, D.C., octoPer 28-29, 1977) FD RS PRICE MF01/PC12 Plus Postage. CESCRIPTORS Administrative Personnl; Administrator Education; *Adminisrator Role; Black Community; *Blacks; *Decision Making; Financial Needs; Financial Support; *Health Needs; *Health Occupations; *Health Serviceg; Public Policy;_ Workshops ',ABSTRACT The conference 'reported on in this document provided a forum for identificatiod, discussion, and recommendation ot alternative policies and approaches to the involvement of blacKs in the health decisionmakinq process in the United. States. Recorded and .summarized are discussions which were held regarding the state ot health policy in America, formulation of public policy, process of implementation, the black administrator in the health policy_ arena, and problems and issues in the financing of health care. Also recorded are reports of the workshops which were conducted on national health insurance, cost containment strategies and their effects on current patterns of health care delivery, effecting health .planning strategies in the black community, and the improvement ot, health services for the black community through alternative aeaitn financing schemes: Recommendations developed in the four workshops are presented in a closing report.Conference participants and current National Center for Health Services Research publications are listed. (Author/EB) **************************************************************** ****** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatle,canbe ma e 0 'from the original document. *i********************************************************************* RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS SERIES A National Conference on Health Policy, Planning, and Financing the Future of Health Care for Blacks in America itriri,it--;ho,rrt.111) Art,,r .1,1.i Vt1.1trtrrrtton t) l)Ltr ,t)t.r xp,ir)r1 A',..), oli. In t:11vrt-;prInk;t.4.1r.4411,1. ;.)r(, oedloq vvt,rt,....irL>orted !no N.itIon.ii tor kitoilth h thr.),i,e1 PHEW P r'f,(1 U S DEPARTMF MT OF NELTH EDUCATION WELFARE NATION AL INSTITUTE Of EDUCATION DEPARTMENT HEAL AND VJ Lf AHE RI IN ,..F Punk,: titrd thSr>nor f F.A',, A-,...f,EPP.-*$ N.VICC)1.11 Cntk, t;;,r pt.sto,r 4,()%. :AT ON I ' ff, . Nr ,Ar 044 ,,P,N,ONS P REP PE- L4-1EW Put-'k ation No (PHS, NATION/CENTER FOR, IlEALTII SERVICES RfSEARCII R CII /IR(Jj'14:\;CS SrR The Research Pr,,deeedirio ,erie8 is published by the National Center for Ilea Ith Services Research (N('IISR) to extend the availability of new research announced conferences, symposia and seminars sponsored or supported by NCHSR.In 'addition to the papers given at key meetings, publications in this series include discussion and responses when- ' t ever possible. The series is intended to help meet the in-formationneeds of health services providers and others who require direct access to concepts and ideas evolving front the ex..hangcof research results. AL3ST RACY :\..arrorral Coulerertce or; Health Policy, Plarirririj; ark, rirtaricirN the I utorc ot Health Care for /iLicks in ..Itnerica EXPAND ASSOCIATES, INC. This conference provided .r forum for identification, discussion,,and recommendation of alternative policies and approaches to the involvement of blacks in the health aecision- making process in the' United States.Discussions were held regarding the State of Health Policy in America; Formulajion of Public Policy:Process of Implementation; The Black Administrator in the Health Policy Arena: and Problems and Issues in the Financing of Health Care. Workshops were conducted on National Health Insurance; Cost Containment Strategies and their Effects on Current Patterns of Health Care Delivery; Effecting Health Planning Strategics in the Black Community; and the Improvement of Health Services for the Black Community through Alternative Health, Financing Schemes. The recornr»crida-2 tions developed in the lout workshops have been presented to the appropriate committees of Congress and administrative officials for consideration in the development of future health legislation. PREFACE It has been well documented that blacks in America suffer appretiably from a . \s, lack of adequate health care. This (ondition continues to eist despite the large sums that have been allocated for improvements in rile natio11.Slle.11(11 care delivery system. Most of these funds have gone into.impioved technology, ind have not contribu- ted substantially to improved health tare for black Americans and other minority groups. In an Attonirt to coordinate care .1CtiVitle!.; iii America, the National health Planning and Resources Development Act of1974 (PI, 95641)was emicted. This act, which establishes guidelines for a, hteving aklequare health can' for 'all segments of the American population, still has an uphill battle in accomplishing its intent. One of its shoptcomini.:,,s occurs,at the local Health Systems Agency level, where the input of blacks is limited.II the intent of this law is to be achieved, then a national policy which will assure the input of blacks .111,1 other minority groups must heestablished'and adhered to. Also of significance to black Americans are issues concerning the adoption of a national health insurance model. There has been and still is debate among those con- ,corned With the care s?at US of blacks, whether or not the mechanism for financing such .1 scheme will be respOnsive to.all segments of the Atiltfit:311 population. Because the'issues of policy, planning, and financing heatth care for blacks have been in the forefront over the past few years, Expand Associates, Inc. decided to convene a conference in 1977 that would address these concerns and serve as an initial effort to obtain increased involvement of blacks at the policy ineking level. The di'scussions con- tained within this document represent the proceedings from this important conference. and have been prepared as a record of the thinking of the participants and presenters On the various conference topics. The format for these proceedliTs hasbeen adopted foe your optimum reading convenjence,ipach panel presentation begins a summary of the session,followed by 'questions and answers front the paint iratir,.The 1,2,t of each' presenter follows the question and answer session. Hie dinin.i speech ofI)r. ItoSchneider and the hincldeon speech of Dr. Therman Evans sepaiatc the pioceeilingS of the plenary sessions from those of the wot kshops. During t he conference, emit workshop wasassigned specific objectives related to its topic, and charged with makingieionimend.itions 'relateit'Jo those objectives. The recommendations frontallLour of the wordssliors have been svnthesired todecrease overlap, dhl have been presented to the appropriate committeesof Congress and adminis- trative offictars, in hopes that they willhe considered in the development of futurehealth legislation. These summarized recommendations appearprior to thf workshop reports. The specific recommendations from theworkshops, however, appe,ar ilt the toxts front the respective .sessions. 'None of theserecommendations contain implementationstratc gies. Such strategies might be worked outthrough the consortium or black health lobby which was proposed by two of the workshop groupsand supported by the entire body during the closing plenarysession. Each workshop reportincludes its objectives, a summary. mil text ofthe participant interaction. and know- As thesepUtti t:(11110,N ,11Vread, itis hoped that an increased awareness , ledge of the future of livalaicare' forblacksin Americawill result. It. is further hoped that such inforIllat1011 will spur' thoseconcerned with the St.IttiN of healthcarefor blacks to contact theircongressional rep,resentatives regarding the need tohave greater input by blacks at the polies and planning levels, ifhealth careconditions for all segments of the population are to improve. Grateful acknowledgementis due to Ms.. Myrtisilliams of the National Center for Health Services Research, whoserved' as+roject Cficer for the preparation of this document.Her productive. su.z,,estions assistedgreatly ih the preparation of this report. Reid E, Jackson, II, Ed'.D. FOREWORD TIIIS011ferCilk..'0, illtllli,lIII dill,Pt:Ilt V,1101111,1Q. 111,1I 'NMI, Hi (ui .1 111:1:1,1 tOl it1 1,101/1(lii1 ('alt' for 11141.q.'.%III 1111(.111, .1, NA.P. Oil%Cill.11lilil.11,OiPC111 tnti1tht. Atitift'S1tt1111 Mint 11),ItIoll 11.1(1t)11,k1 111,,111.1111, C 1)1 and 01111 table access to Ls and otliet meth, imilersqled populations undor such a program. Ihisponsors believe thatifany signitii ant illipim.enient 11OA °CCM- 111the !Walt sit 11,1t1011 '01 blaCkS, this, t)( 101h. lktill. prObICIIIS, MUM 1,1,11Va greater roleiiisi1.,1r1I114ICgltilat IVC 1t1I1to1)1 t)N. lilt'totilk' .Illt11011*/.1t li,)11, implementation, and planning ot health progiams.Participants included administrators and providers from hot government ivatc si.ctot s onsiiincy rcprk:,,untat ivesand rc.ff., seining both die operational arch is in health policy. As part. ofits commitment to a-tivellciiciitiralw thelIcyclopincnt..- of . health serviccs r.csearch, the National l'e,titer tot Health Service, I(scarcli is llistril)titingilly