Representativity and Coherence of Mpa Networks: Concepts and Applicability to the Mediterranean Sea Reprezentativnost in Skladno
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VARSTVO NARAVE, Supl. 1 (2011) 31 REPRESENTATIVITY AND COHERENCE OF MPA NETWORKS: CONCEPTS AND APPLICABILITY TO THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA REPREZENTATIVNOST IN SKLADNOST MREŽ MORSKIH ZAVAROVANIH OBMOČIJ: KONCEPTI IN NJIHOVA UPORABNOST V SREDOZEMSKEM MORJU Chedly RAIS Key words: Mediterranean MPAs, ecological representativity, MPA network coherence Ključne besede: sredozemska morska zavarovana območja (MPA-ji), ekološka reprezentativnost, skladnost mrež MPA-jev ABSTRACT The establishment of MPAs is still being implemented in many Mediterranean countries in an opportunistic way without ecological planning, since MPAs were created to preserve individual sites, but not within the framework of a national or regional strategy that aims to ensure conservation for all types of habitats. Therefore, the existing network of Mediterranean MPAs is not representative of all the Mediterranean habitats. The issue of improving the representativity of the MPA networks at the national and regional levels is relevant not only for the Mediterranean, but it has emerged at the beginning of this century as a global concern. In this context, the Parties to CBD adopted in 2004 the Program of Work on Protected Areas, whose aim is to establish and maintain national and regional systems of MPAs that are comprehensive, effectively managed, and ecologically representative. A survey conducted in 2009 concluded that most of the Mediterranean habitat types are not adequately represented in MPAs and that although 80% of the species listed in the Annexes to the SPA and biodiversity Protocol are recorded in the Mediterranean MPAs, thirty one species are not listed in any of the Mediterranean MPAs. Several initiatives were undertaken to assess the representativity of MPAs in the Mediterranean or to identify gaps in the coverage of habitats and species. However, a regional assessment, using commonly agreed criteria and reference list of Habitats, is still needed. IZVLEČEK Morska zavarovana območja (MPA-ji) se v mnogih sredozemskih državah še vedno ustanavljajo oportunistično, se pravi brez ekološkega načrtovanja, saj nastajajo z namenom, da se zaščitijo posamezne lokalitete, vendar ne v okviru nacionalne ali regionalne strategije, ki si prizadeva zavarovati vse tipe habitatov. To pomeni, da obstoječa mreža sredozemskih MPA-jev ni reprezentativna za vse sredozemske habitate. Vprašanje izboljšanja reprezentativnosti mrež MPA-jev na nacionalni in regionalni ravni ne zadeva le Sredozemlja, saj se je začelo zastavljati že v začetku tega stoletja kot globalna skrb. V tem kontekstu so podpisnice Konvencije o biotski pestrosti leta 2004 sprejele Program dela v zavarovanih območjih, katerega namen je osnovati in vzdrževati nacionalne in regionalne sisteme MPA-jev, ki so vseobsegajoči, učinkovito upravljani in ekološko reprezentativni. 32 Chedly Rais: Representativity and coherence of MPA networks: ... S popisom, opravljenim leta 2009, je bilo ugotovljeno, da večina sredozemskih habitatnih tipov ni ustrezno zastopana v MPA-jih in da 31 vrst ni na seznamu sredozemskih MPA-jev kljub dejstvu, da je bilo 80 % vrst, naštetih v aneksih v Protokolu o posebnih območjih varstva in biodiverziteti, zabeleženih v sredozemskih MPA-jih. V Sredozemlju je bilo sproženih že več pobud z namenom, da bi ocenili reprezentativnost MPA-jev ali identificirali vrzeli v pokrivanju habitatov in vrst v tem delu sveta. Vendar pa je še vedno potrebna regionalna ocena z uporabo splošno sprejetih kriterijev in referenčnih seznamov habitatov. 1. INTRODUCTION Creating Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is among the main tools used to preserve the components of the marine biodiversity, including sensitive or threatened species, habitats and other ecological features of the marine environment. In the Mediterranean, the first MPA was created at the beginning of the sixties. At that time and during the following two decades, there was no real planning for MPAs, since these were created to preserve individual sites, but not within the framework of a national or regional strategy that aims to ensure conservation for all types of habitats. In many Mediterranean countries, the establishment of MPAs is still implemented in an opportunistic way without ecological planning. A recent assessment made by RAC/SPA (May, 2010) of the ecological status and pressures to Mediterranean marine and coastal biodiversity concluded that “the existing MPAs are not representative of all the Mediterranean habitats: the present situation of Mediterranean MPAs is neither representative nor consistent”. The issue of improving the representativity of the MPA networks at the national and regional levels is relevant not only for the Mediterranean, but it has emerged at the beginning of this century as a global concern. In this context, the Parties to CBD adopted in 2004 the Program of Work on Protected Areas whose aim is to establish and maintain national and regional systems of MPAs that are comprehensive, effectively managed, and ecologically representative. The Parties committed them selves to achieve this objective by 2010 for the terrestrial areas and by 2012 for the marine areas. The assessment of the representativity of an MPA network at a given spatial scale consists in analysing the extent to which important ecological features of the marine environment are sufficiently represented within the network. It is a gap analysis to identify absent and/or underrepresented elements that make the biological diversity of the considered area. The gap analysis should also take into account the efficiency of the protection and of the management system of the network constituting MPAs. Assessing the representativity of the Mediterranean Network of MPAs could be done through assessments at sub-regional scales to cover portions of the Mediterranean Sea identified using agreed criteria such as the CBD criteria for the establishment of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs). However, the overall Mediterranean assessment would be achieved only if the sub-regional approach covered the whole Mediterranean using common assessment criteria and reference list of Habitats. The classification of Habitats and the relevant lists of reference of habitats developed for the EU Natura 2000 initiative and the reference list of marine habitats adopted under the Barcelona Convention are appropriate VARSTVO NARAVE, Supl. 1 (2011) 33 references for assessing the representativity of the MPA networks in the Mediterranean. In the Mediterranean, the first MPA was created at the beginning of the sixties and the total number of MPAs declared by the Mediterranean countries has evolved to reach, in 2009, 158 Marine Protected Areas (MPA) located in 18 countries (Figure 1). A full list of these MPAs is provided in Annex 1 to this document. Figure 1: Number of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Countries (Source: RAC/SPA databases 2009) Slika 1: Število MPA-jev v sredozemskih državah (vir: RAC/SPA databases 2009) Under the Barcelona Convention1, the Mediterranean countries are committed to protect, preserve and manage in a sustainable and environmentally sound way the areas that are of particular natural or cultural value. However, in many Mediterranean countries, the establishment of MPAs is done on an opportunistic way without ecological planning, since MPAs are usually created to preserve individual sites, but not within the framework of a national or regional strategy that aims to ensure conservation for all types of habitats. 1 21 Mediterranean riparian countries and the EC are Parties to the Barcelona Convention (Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean) 34 Chedly Rais: Representativity and coherence of MPA networks: ... 2. THE CONCEPT OF REPRESENTATIVITY OF THE PROTECTED AREA SYSTEMS The representativity of systems of protected areas emerged as an issue of priority importance for the conservation of the Planet’s biodiversity by the beginning of this century. Its importance was highlighted by several assessments of the effectiveness of protected area systems that stressed the under-representation of many ecosystems and habitat types in the existing protected areas. For the marine environment, representativity is one of required network properties and components to establish a representative network of MPAs, as defined within the framework of the CBD. These are: – ecological and biological significance of the area forming the network – representativity – connectivity – replicated ecological features – adequate and viable sites Representativity is “captured in a network when it consists of areas representing the different biogeographical subdivisions of the global oceans and regional seas that reasonably reflect the full range of ecosystems, including the biotic and habitat diversity of those marine ecosystems” (CBD, 2007). At the regional level, a system of protected areas could be considered representative of the ecological features of the region when all the ecosystem and habitat types recorded in the region are adequately covered by protected areas. A recent survey was conducted in 2009 to assess the extent to which the most significant Mediterranean marine habitat types are represented in the existing Mediterranean MPAs (Rais 2009). The survey assessed the presence of the types of habitats appearing in the reference list of benthic habitats adopted by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention for the identification at national level of sites of conservation interest. The results of