Library Directions: Volume 13, No. 2 a newsletter of the Spring 2003 University of Washington Libraries Library Directions is produced two times a year Letter from the Director by UW Libraries staff. Inquiries concerning content should be sent to: Library Directions All books are rare books. —Ivan Doig (2002) University of Washington Libraries Box 352900 In Ivan Doig’s compelling essay in this issue of Library Directions, he Seattle, WA 98195-2900 (206) 543-1760 reminds us that “all books are rare books.” We run the risk of losing (
[email protected]) the lore, the curiosity, and uniqueness of each author’s insights if we Paul Constantine, Managing Editor Susan Kemp, Editor, Photographer don’t adequately preserve and make accessible the range of human Diana Johnson, Mark Kelly, Stephanie Lamson, eff ort through our libraries. Just as all books are rare books, all digital Mary Mathiason, Mary Whiting, Copy Editors publications are potentially rare publications. We run the same risk of Library Directions is available online at seeing digital scholarship evaporate if we don’t archive and preserve Several sources are used for mailing labels. Please pass the new and evolving forms of publication. multiple copies on to others or return the labels of the unwanted copies to Library Directions. Addresses containing UW campus box numbers were obtained from the HEPPS database and corrections should On March 9-11, the University Libraries hosted a retreat on digital scholarship. Made possible be sent to your departmental payroll coordinator. through the generous funding of the Andrew W.