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OH 10 STATS aUSEUSl. LIBRARY. 15TH & -HIUH ST. Columbus Youngsters Gird For Big Soap Box Derby Sunday, & COLUMBUS, OHIO

The Women And Their Victims In Fatal Gun Play On E. Side

ROSA BOGGS OSCAR RORIKSOM KATHERINE BAKER JAMES BAKER JR. IP I PRINTED IN THE OHIO COLUMBUS Office Ah THE PEOPLE'S 430 E. Long St GEORGE DELOACHE Jr. is shown as he put the flalshlag touches CA. 1-4586 CHAMPION to his racer at his home, 1857 E. Richmond av., Tuesday. He Is the Columbus, Ohio son ot Mr. and Mrs. George DeLoache Sr., and attends Franklin SENTINEL HtVAITING THE GI N tor the take off la the by ts sponsored by Coiuinbus tfayoees, WLW-C Jr. High school. He attends St. Philips Episcopal church and his -v • ii HI • i Jail Greater Columbus Soap Bos Derby at the new aad tha local Chevrolet dealers. There frill be hobby is building models of planes, etc He is spoasored by Trot­ < Freeway, south of E. Fifth a v.. at 8:15 Sunday, a huge parade before the races and awards fol­ ters Hot Rod Club. la Richard Smith, 14, soa of Mr. and Mrs. Har­ lowing the event. Winners will participate In VOL. 14, No. 6 THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 20 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO old L. Smith. 1715 Clifton av. Sponsored by BAC, tbe finals at Akron in August te determine the be is a student at Franklin Jr. High school and national winner.—All Photos By Pierce aad attends Bethany Presbyteriaa church. The Der­ Son. THE OHIO SENTINEL WOMEN'S BLAZING

ths Browns team but went on to make the All-Pro squad on another team, is Jimmy Hill, the St. Louis Cardinals great cor­ ner linebacker, ti-nmie came to the Browns as an offensive back candidate in 1852 from the campus THURSDAY. JULY 12, 1962 of San Huston College. Ho was re­ leased and played semi-pro ball for the St. Louis Knights. In 1955, Ktr.tu.4ftU Uiuu. 15, son ot Mr. and Mrs. tk E. Gill. IMS Hawt­ GUNS KILL 2 MEN he went to the Cards as a free Slory On Page 3 horne av., waa caught by Tha Sentinel leasmaa as he put the fla­ -^mmm-- *?*smmmmr- | ... agent and made the team as a SPORTS GLEANINGS . Since then he lshlag touches to bis speedy auto. He attends Franklin Jr. High made the league's All-Pro team sosool aad St. Philips Lutheran church. He likes tncael plans, boats, By BILL BELL • Sports Editor two years. •to., and all sports. He is spoasored by Columbus Leadership Coo- 9 BOTH PITTSBURGH and fjteeeee. Philadelphia are claiming the hon­ 9 AMONG the tan stars in the NaUonal League All-Stars' S-l vic­ or of being the home of the first tory over the American League were Roberto Clemente of the Pirates, aepia woman bowier lo become a with three hits; the Dodgers' Maury Wills, whose brilliant base running member of the Professional Wo­ aided him in scoring the two runs which were the winner's margin of Eddie Saunders men Bowlers Ass'n. The PWBA is victory: and the brilliant fielding of Willie Mays who robbed Roger composed of the top women bow­ Maris of a homer with a running one hand catch in the sixth inning. lers in the association and mem­ Had WUlle missed the catch, the bership is only by invitation trom • homer would have driven in three blnson-Moyer fight was given top a member. runs. Instead, it drove in one run billing. Pittsburgh says that Miss Lousie as a sacrifice fly. 9 8AM TIDMORE, former Ohio Fulton is the first and the City of Juan Marchial of the Giants was State end, has impressed the .S-- ' the winning pitcher. * coaches with • Brotherly Love says that Mrs. # DAVEY MOORE, the feather­ his speed. Sum, who is attending Sadie Dixon Is the pioneer. weight champion of the world the Browns' early season train­ All that we know is that both picked himself up a quick 87.800 ing camp for and ladies are members and both or them are great bowlers from their Of WVKO Firing Monday night In the Los Angeles rookies players who will play in Arena knocking out Mario Diaz ot the All-Star game, ran the 40 records. Mrs, Dixon is the 1960-61 Mexico with one punch in the se­ yards sprint ln 4.9 seconds which Pennsylvania state champion. Story On Page 3 cond round of their scheduled ten Is really moving tor a lineman Miss Fulton placed third In tho 1961 round bout. Davey ls the first and weighing 220 lbs. State bowling tournament only world champion to make Co­ Tbe Browns hope that Sam will- tf LEE WHJUAMS has signed lumbus his home, although old be the answer to one of their line- his 1982 contract with the Colum­ 9 timers tells us that Jack Johnson backing problems. Sam has never bus Capitols In the United Foot­ at one time had a training camp been a linebacker. He played dc-. ball League. The Capitols is the Negro Golfers Hit Publinx 'Jim Crow HAROLD BRAZIL, 15, soa of Mr. and Mra. Robert <..*. Watson, outside the city on W. Crwd sL tensive end at Ohio State and ln new name of the Columbus Colts. The once great Ray Robinson high school he was a great of­ 9 THE WINDSOR Terrace Re­ 1TS9 Ctlttoa av.. Is shown working on his entry. He is a former stu­ SCENE OF A TRAGEDY at 443 X. 18th st., where Sirs. Katav fought on the same card with fensive end, who won fame as a creation Center playground ran dent at Franklin Jr. High school aad will enter Bishop Hartley in Slory On Page 2 eritte Baker fired a fatal shot luto her hu»band. James Jr., Turn- Moore and lost the decision to pass catcher. •way with the Columbus Recrea­ the fall. His bobby is building model equipment and he attends St. day night, after be slapped her around and threatened her. Story ft* years old Phil Moyer. The i'.a-i Another lad who could not make tion Centers Joseph's CathedraL He is spoasored by Tyler Drug Stores. oa page's. . • MWalaa* > fir** feViajfo wi»n J&w .'<• • • • - ••;••.- THURSDAY, JUIY 19, 1962 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 2 THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 THE OHIO SENTINEI PACE 3 Inquiring Women's Blazing Guns Kill Two Bold Eastside Men In Assaults Photographer By LES BRADBARRY in Ohio Penitentiary. j resisting if he would take the wheel unttl July 28. She wa» released police her husband had beaten her Two men who dared challenge According to William H. Brooks, and drive to another spot. When under (500 bond. many times since their marriage By TED COLEMAN JR. tho wits ot two women In separate counsel for Mrs. Boggs, she told | Robinson moved to the driver's THE OTHER slaying took place in 1937. She told Pll. James Wat­ The Ohio Sentinel's Inquiring situations, met death by blazing him she had come to Columbus I *cat. Mrs. Boggs slid Into the pas- at 445 N. 18lh St., where Mrs. son, first officer on the scene, that Photographer visited the Windsor guns on the Eastside within hours witwiwhi hener cnuurechildren anda a woman ij aengesenger'i s sinside oti tnthe vvehicle< , where Katherino Baker, 35, said she shot her husband had slapped her Terrace area of Columbus this of each other, earlier this week. friend who has a son In University she seized a revolv- want the company to carry on a Things have changed since that ed that a publinx tournament is trained you must know somebody." pened at that time. program that did not shows signs time. A conversation with the Oak­ open to players of public golf State Convention of the order. 9 JULIA HARRIS, unemploy­ of Incoming a financial sucess.'* Under the guidance of Com­ ed, 1353 Brooks: Things arc not POLICE CHIEF George Scholer. EDDIE SAUNDERS hurst Country clob where the fin­ courses. Members or private and after receiving a letter from De­ Saunders will celebrate his ltth als of the state publinx is to be mander William A. Saunders, ol very good. There Eddie Saunders, well known Country clubs are supposedly not tective Grodell telling of the Liqu­ year with WVKO In November. be held revealed that the Colum­ the Bloce Post, headquarters ; l s discrimina­ disc Jockey at Radio-WVKO, in a to be participants. As we have the or Board action and suggestion, His Sunday program is listened to bus players would have to con­ for the convention has been set j tion. Therefore, statement to The Sentinel this situation in Columbus, one man wrote to Liquor Board Chairman by a widespread audience and is tact Paul Tulga before they arc up in the Recreation Room of the j even if he is ed­ week, emphatically denied that he picks those players whom he Creed J.J Lester accusing Sacha­ one of the most popular aired from able to get Invitations to play in a Litchfield Hotel. ucated, he can had been fired from employment wishes to invite and all of the other row of being "abusive, accusing local stations to the Negro market. public tournament for the places get a good job at the station, as reported by a golfers are forgotten. How one THE CONVENTION will begin : and caustic in a humiliating tir­ A telephone call to WVKO last that have been alkrted Columbus. because of his local newspaper, last week. man can tabulate the scores of the on Thursday afternoon when de- ade." week, revealed that Saunders was How Mr. Tulga dictates as to public players is a thing that Is color." legates from posts and auxiliaries The rumor spread rapidly j out of town on a trip to Bowling which players are to represent the very puzzling. Are some of them j aj) over Ohio begin arriving here j © PAUL P. SHEARER. E. On receiving the letter. Liquor throughout the city and many tele- Green. Ky. but would return in members ot private courses and and registration will begin. Mound st. Juvenile center, lives at Board Chairman Lester was said phone calls were made to the , time for his Sunday broadcast. Ho country clubs? THE OHIO 5EHT1KEL 054 E. 13th av.: to have called Chief Scholer an station and Eastside newspaper' 8'ioke of Uie rumors over the at IN view of the fact that such a Late Thursday afternoon, the «Tt depends on "unmitigated liar." Chief Scholer L. M. Shaw. General Manager; various Departmental Committees I offices, to check on the report\ that time aod denied them. Edmund B. Paxton, President; situation exists, this writer was what level © t was scheduled to write Lester an­ Theodore I* Coleman. Editor-in- shocked when he saw a picture of will meet. Full official sessions qualification you other letter complaining about be­ Chief; Annie R. Moore, Business State Auditor James Rhodes with of the state convention will begin have. There Is ing called "a liar" but meanwhile Manager. officials of publinx. Friday and continue Saturday and plenty' ot work Chairman lister said he did not COKE'S m>-83 OFFICERS:—Treasurer A. D. Moore of Miami, According to an authoritative Sunday. for skilled and remember having done so. "How­ Established June l, 1949. Pub­ >atioi>.il Director James Farmer ot New York, NaUonal Chairman source, Auditor Rhodes was in­ semi-skilled workers In most any ever, I might have," he added. lished each week at 430-32 E. Long AS AN additional part of the

i Lair^7»rjff>ji*i i)jf(i t



Don't forget to Instruct your Pictured oa this page are samples of what yoa can expect when you come lo our Nickel Day Celebration this year at Gooding's Zoo children ta swim only ln super­ Park on Saturday, Angus! 25. vised areas. Don't go swimming alone. The YMCA and YWCA ac- quatic instructors are on hand to Instruct beginners and advanced and Intermediate swimmers. Many churches are encouraging parents to please send your child­ ren to Daily Vacation Bible School. 9 YOUTH night will be obser­ ved July 30 at Bethany BapUst Church during the fourth annual convention which convenes July 18-22. Theme "Christians the Light of the World. Music will be fur­ nished by the Young People and Cherub choirs. Panel discussion- Christian Youth the Light of the World. Moderator: Mrs. Helen Se­ ATLANTA LIFE PBEXV OONTaUBUTES saee company In the wnrld tfcat la owned aad PAT HUNT ward. Panel members: Miss Joyce $10,000 To NAACP—Harold a gtrfeklaad, NAACP controlled by Negress will Am —th toward the Hughes, James Morgan, Jr., Clif­ field secretary of Oie Obte Conference of goal ef this great organisettaa af obtaining first - 9 PARENTS: The months of ford Tyree. Other highlights-Men's Branches, is shewn preheating aa early ropy daes eUtseasMp aad nsjonl eppwtaalty nadee July and August are crowded wtth of the NAACP release te Bebert J. Handle, night-guest speaker. Rev. H. W. the law for minions of minority group members special events on the playgrounds. district manager of'the Columbus, Ohio, arc* Patterson, minister of Mt. Car­ has beea made possible by the millions ef peliey *D 9 A LITTLE TIP: Cooperation Officers of the Columbus branch Council. of the NAACP Youth Council are VILLAGE PHARMACY JAIL j BAIL is the medium through whirl, all Patricia Isbell, pres.; William Rol­ great aceonaplishmeats are attain­ 1271 Mt. Vernon Ave. 7 lins, vice pres.; Wanda Lowe, Moke Your SUMMER ed, sec'y: Nathaniel Mitchell, treas.; "Mr. Frccdwn ' UNFORGETTABLY FORMAL! REGISTRATION COUPON CASLOW S MARKET BILL GARRETT Ohio Sentinel 1130 E. Long St. CARRIERS CAN WIN BONDSMAN Circulation Department B end B CARRYOUT DAVIS' BARBERSHOP FUN 430 £. Long Street •SILVER DOLLARS !!! GAMES gits E. Fifth Are. (Next Doer Te Shepard Market) 1002 E. long St. COMPLETE BARBER SERVICE Columbus, Ohio •FREE RIDES !!! Q. 2-H81 Monday thru Friday t A.M. 'til 1 P.M. CApital 14586 •FREE LUNCHES !!! Saturday 9 A.M. 'til S P.M. Richard Davis, Prop. _ It Tears Erperleaee SIGN ME UP NOW Let us take care of all your for­ 22nd ANNIVERSARY SAIE •OTT. . FROLIC ENJOY MUSIC IN AIR-CONniTHlNED— mal needs . . . Renting is the I want to Join The Sentinel Outdoor Salesmen's Club. I want to register RIDES modern way to formal elegance. now so I can qualify to attend the Sent inel's Anniversary Celebration at Good­ DOUBLE BUCKEYE STAMPS CAMEL BELL Latest Styles ing's Zoo Pail: Nickel Day. WINE latest Plaids, Batiks ond GET THE GIFT OF YOUR CHOICE FOOD rental* Name Age BEER WHISKEY Latest Accessories Address «______Low Economical Cost B C I i FURNITURE COMPANY 1111 K. MAIN ST. j*^. FOOD a City Zone AWARDS IS Is & It PARK IN REAR Csmet Bett mB Uv*mtt Ton Ts^afr DANIEL BOONE «*• "Live" Performances WT I agree to get the required nniuber of regular home delivery customers. 2531 CLEVELAND AVE. AM. 2-4*300 EDDIE SIMON S J.AZZ CO.MBO CLEANERS Monday thrrn Friday it A. M. Til t P. M. e y 8 t rt 921 St. Clair Are. CL. t-tS15 Saturday JO A. M. Til 9:29 P. M. Os^l*^..ne^ 2^ * * " *TNIte Os~P»*yg:gtA.it.Tmt:St * «**! " A. BL TBI ttSM •tee Patrick, Mgr- .•^A9h

( i"auama^ir rtoar-^rF"—r*r•—•~---^»^»«>^"-^^*-'< •" -•'•' "' - "*'•••' •' .' • '"""•

THURSDAY, JULY ' 19. 1941 THURSDAY, JUIY 1». 1961 PAGi 6 THE OHIO SENTINEI THI OHIO PAGE 7, Race Church Role In Community Politics DONT MISTS By ALBERT M. HAKINS . ing approximately 31,000 persons. Exec. Sec'y, later-Ward Council Potentially the church is a very 9 NEGRO thinking is thinking powerful institution. It has the Ne­ under the pressures and conflicts gro masses organized and could to which the Negro is subjected. line them up solidly behind any >»• 61st ANNUAL Negro political and social think­ program. On the whole the church­ ing does not have much connec­ es in Columbus have been passive tion with the broader community in their approach toward bringing and national problem. ALBERT M. HAWKINS about political and social reforms. To an American Negro there is The Negro church has been lagg­ little point in having definite opini­ organizations, and through the pro­ ing ideologically too. While for a ons about the nation and the per use of our press. long time the protest has been world. To an extent this is true of 9 THE PRIMARY functions of rising within the community, the JfcyLJviS the little fellow everywhere in a the church, school, political organi­ church has remained conservative big complex world. Negroes are zations, and the press, are to train and accommodating. Its other denied indentlflcation with the Negroes for concerted action, and worldly outlook is Itself an expres­ EQUAL JOa OPPOBTIJNirv is pledged by Rodney G. Gets, community and national groups to bring them together for a com­ sion of political fatalism. Although exec, vice pres. ef American Machine nod Foundry Co., as he signs to a much larger degree. mon cause. These institutions pro­ I have met ministers who are ac­ aa agreement pledging equal employment opportunities without re­ To them political and social spe­ vide the means by which Negro tive in the work for progress and gard to race, creed, color or national origin during a ceremony at culation, therefore, moves in a sp­ leaders can reach and attempt to betterment of Columbus, I have the White House. This signing was viewed by Mce President *1obn- here of unreality and futility. In­ improve the Negro's problems. found that progressive ministers «on nt left. President Kennedy nnd I-alx.r Secretary Arthur -I. Gold­ The minister should be the ack­ PICNIC stead of organized popular theori­ arc still an exception. berg. Representatives of 30 other big defence contractors also sign­ nowledged local leader. In Colum­ es or ideas, there is in the Negro 9 THE CHURCH must take its ed agreements to eliminate Job discrim inn tion. The program was bus the minister has chosen lo world only a fluid mass of all sorts rightful place In the community, originated by the President's Committee on Equal Job Opportunity. take a conservative stand on poli­ UNDER IHE AUSPICES OF ot beginnings ot thoughts. along with the schools, politics, tics. In so doing he has largely O NEGROES are so destitute of and the press. Churches can Ignored the practical problems of power In this American society, change the entire thinking of the American Tobacco (o. Names Supervisor the Negroes' fate in the communi­ MUSKINGUM VALLEY LODGE No. 82 thnt it is rational tor them to re­ Negro in Coh'mbus. NEW YORK—The appointment. sales supervisors across the coun- strict their efforts to what Is nea­ ty. «f John W. Edghlll to the post ol try who. in turn, direct the activi- In the south, many ministers These institutions together can rest home. Negro thinking is al­ engage in the registration drive*; ttjsid sales supervisor has been an- j ties of sales representatives in ma- most completely determined by- hnve become the political leaders I. B. P. 0. E. W: ndunced by the American Tobacco j jor market areas. of their communities. They have Instruct the electorate that they white opionions, negatively and must change their address at the Company. In his new position, Mr. j A former-arts and rrafts direc- positively. We do not formulnte the created a solid bloc within con­ Edghill WiU coordinate the work of j tor tor the Harlem YMCA and gregations, and become potent fac­ Board of Elections whea they move issues to be discussed or debated: from one precinct to another; urge the Harlem Boys Club, Mr. Edg- these are set for them by the ma­ tors ln the power structure of ZANESVIUE, OHIO them to become active In political hill had been widely known as a jority race. their community. The minister has JULY SPECIALS organizations, whether it be De­ FROM professional boxer holding 'ama­ Negroes should attempt to de­ opened the door tor the Negro; so­ teur flyweight and bantamweight cially, politically, economically mocrat or Republican; give finan­ velop thnt type of political and cial aid and support to all civic championships and the welter­ social culture which ts ideal in any j »nd educationally. In Columbus, weight title for Central and South endeavors; and by all means democratic community. There j the Negro church and minister VOTE EVERY ELECTION. THURSDAY GORDON'S America. have remained independent must be radicals, liberals, and 9 IT MUST NEVER be forgotten 9 THE NEGRO CHURCH is the Active in a number of sports conservatives. He must select the that the church Is fundamentally oldest and in membership, by far I and civic organizations, the to- front where h* wants to take his an expression of the community Hardware j hacco company executive also the strongest of all Negro organi­ stand. Our younger generation Itself. When the community chan­ serves as Asst. Grand Commis- zations. Approximately 39.3 per 864 E. Main St. CI.2-2018 must be scrupulously taught and ges, the church must also change. Open Daily S A.M. to 8 P.M. ; sioner of the Dept. of Veterans forever guided by the leaders in cent of the Negroes in Columbus AUGUST 2nd The church must be a part of the i Affairs for 1BPOEW. are members of some church, be- Brooms 97c our churches, schools, political force that is moving the Columbus Mops *9c Negro onward in their struggle for Fnns *57.95 np Minnow Buckets $1.89 first class citizenship. The increas­ Zebco Rod A Reel S6.8S Ohio Atl'y-Gen. Asks College Ban On Housing Bias ing education of the masses is V Garden Ho*e-_30* ... S2.98 making them demand more from An historic conference was call­ plan was proposed to be pursued Wall Pnint «-*» Gal. housing at state universities in their church. Out vide Paint $1.99 Gal. ed hy Attorney General Mark,*Mc- Ohio. by state universities that have not The Franklin County Board of FREE DELIVERY | Elroy to discuss the problem of MeELROY met with presidents already adopted such a policy: Elections is located at 410 S. High racial discrimination in off-campus of Ohio University, Bowling Green BUCKEYE LAKE PARK 1. An offical statement by the State University, and Miami Uni­ St.. CA. 8-5531. You can register board of trustees prohibiting dis­ versity, members of his staff, and and change your address from now crimination by reason of race, until Sept. 28. Whether your choice "the playground of Ohio" representatives of the NAACP and color, creed, religion or national the Ohio Civil Rights Commission. of party Is Democrat or Republi­ origin on the part of any landlord It was pointed out that state uni­ can, please register now and voto whose accommodations are listed versity approval or registering of Nov. 6. on the official university registry housing accomodations owned by STARTING AT 10 JUL of rooming houses, apartments, TOM'S BOHTOH SUG'S landlords who discriminate because FAMILY & FRIENDS REUNION ON PICNIC of race, color, creed or national etc. IC POINT | BARBER SHOP origin, is stale action that is ag­ 2. Publication of this policy to BARBER SHOP NEW LOCATION! 331 N. 20th St ainst the public policy of the State landlords and to students. EVERYBODY INVITED TO JOIN IN THE FUN 766 E. LONG ST. of Ohio and unconstitutional under Complete Barber Service Complete Barber Service 3. Positive enforcement by the Frl. S to 7 Sat 8 to « Barbers: Sag Rohnao. the equal protection clause ot the ^8 9 ltth amendment to the Constitu­ requirement of a pledge not to BRING THE ENTIRE FAMILY AND A FULL PICNIC BASKET & PLAN Leonard Thomas, Prop. William E. Stewart BARBER WANTED tion of the United States. discriminate, to be signed by a John Wesley Jenkins, Barber TO STAY ALL DAY AND HAVE YOURSELF A REAL TIME ON A GOOD OLD FASHIONED GET TOCETHER OLDTIMER landlord before his accommodation Barbers Wasted Mr. McElroy emphasized that as (All US FOR Haley's Barber Shop chief law enforcement officer of is listed. 1502 ML Vemon Are. Ohio, and as legal advisor to the 4. Delisting of any and all ac­ FULL MEASURE universities, it is his duty to ad­ WHALEY Complete Tonsoriai Service commodations of a landlord, who, Of PROTECTION BARBER SHOP Floyd W Saunders Barber vise the state universities that they ALL RIDES IN THE PARK 10c Eagcoe Haley. Prop. must comply with the equal pro­ upon complaint of a Student, is Does the present day AM E. LONO ST. shown to discriminate, In any one Complete Barbei Service tection clause of the nth amend­ value of your property Barbers: BROGSDALE'S ment. of his rooming houses, apartments, outweigh your fire in­ 10 til THRU THE DAY & AU EVENING 10 (rase Tnrnet A Rata Jones BARBER SHOP THE FOLLOWINa four step etc surance coverage? If DELUXE FACIALS so your loss could be WILLIS U'tlALEf, Prop. •SI E. LONG ST. Comptete Barber Service TRAIN TO BE A BARBER substantial. Better Facial* and Scalp Treatment* check JOHNSON'S A Specialty FOR •MM. ELKS BALL IB CRYSTAL BALLROOM BARBER SHOP PIERCE'S SSS 9. ut Ate. Earl Hood Wea. Women aod Childrea't BARBER SHOP ENROLLMENT INFORMATION DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF HUNTINGTON'S FINEST BAND - 'THE P.4RUAMENT$" A SENSATION IN MUSIC Bali Cuttfg Compirt# Barber Service CAU, WRITE, VISIT Insurance Agency Hours: 7:30 A. M. 2.S9 P. M Don .Mitchell, Barber BIG TWIST CONTEST - D*ANCING ROM 9 P.M. until 1 /LM. $1.50 per person. $2.50 per couple. Sat 7:38 A M. To S P M Bennie Brogsdale. Frop OHIO STATE BARBER COLLEGE. INC 976 E. Long CL. 24211 CLOSED WEDNESDAY 834 E. LONG ST. Member (Short Waiting Period) Mt Veraoa Ave. District 197 HIGH ST. COLUMBUS 13, OHIO Improvement Association FUN & ENTERTAINMENT GALORE AWAITS EVERYONE! THURSDAY, JUIY 19, 1962 PAGE • THE OHIO SENTINEI THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 THE OHIO SENTINEI PAGE 9 2nd Community THE SOCIAL SCENE Music Festival By I.OVIK B. CARTER

The program committee of Se­ At «:30 p.m., July 14. at As­ Hawthorne pk. She received many coast to const and will always be cond Community Church, 229 S. bury Methodist church. Miss lovely gifts at both showers. remembered as an outstanding Highland. Is sponsoring a Summer 9 AN ENJOYABLE picnic was Christian Bishop who has served Women Festival of Music, Friday July 20, Jane Pace became the bride ol Robert Lewis Quinichett. The cere­ held recenUy at Sandy Beach the Methodist Church for many at «:00 p. m.. In the Hicks Audi­ mony was performed by Rev. W. •.Pleasant Hills). Those participat­ years. torium of Mt. Olivet BapUst ing in the fun and frolic were Church. H. McCallum. The bride is the Mrs. Harley S. Manuel and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mr. and Mrs. James Kent, Mr. daughter have been visiting her It is a festival of great variety. William Pace. Sr.. Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Robinson, Mr. and mother in Huntington, W. Vs., who Some of the participants are, Vi­ Quinichett is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and family, is on the sick list. Mrs. Joseph Quinichett, Urban­ Mr. Roman Johnson, Jerry Robin­ vian Wnlker, coloratura soprano, crest. son tPittsburgh. Ps.), Robert and Mrs. Kenneth Allen is home Sharron Patterson, Delia Gentry, If GIVEN in marriage by her Ronda Reed. from the hospital. Also Mrs. Rag- Mrs. Cunningham, Rhenetta Davis, father, the bride wore a gown ot The Paul Turners left Colum­ land Reld, school teacher, after Carlene Rose, Thelma and Mar­ imported silk over silk with beaut­ bus in gay spirit, headed for Buf­ a short illness, from Grant hospi­ garet Lowery, H. Beecher Hicks iful trimmings. The floor length falo, N. N., Canada and many tal. William (Bill) Carter has al­ Jr., Authur State, Quintet of Apo­ gown ended in a wide train. Her other exciting areas. Straw hats so been rclensed from Grant hos­ stolic Church of Christ. Minerva Illusion bouffant veil was attach­ were in order for the kids and pital. Park E. U. B. Quartet, Men's ed to a pillbox crown. Mother Edith, also. O SPEAKING of advances in Chorus of Apostolic Church and Bridesmaids were Misses Imo- Mrs. Carl Basnett has been very medical science, CITIZENS, dont others. They represent such chur­ gene Ingram and Marchell Pace. busy this summer with her child­ forget to take your sabln oral vac­ They wore afternoon length cor­ ren, Jeffrey and Carl. Mrs. Bas­ ches as Caldwell Temple. Mt. Oli­ cine. The sabin vaccine will not al silk organza dresses. Miss nett has taken trips to many vet Baptist. Apostolic, Shiloh Bap­ only make a person Immune, but Sherry McGhee was the beautiful places, including Pittsburgh, Pa. tist, and the Carter school of Mus­ will also almost guarantee that he flower girl. and parts of Kentucky. Jeffrey is is. "GYPSY", A HJCNUCF PLAYERS* productioa starring Betty be obtained at the Columbus Urban League, 107 N. Monroe av. will not be a carrier. This vaccine currently enrolled at University Hutton, v,ill he sponsored by the Urban League Gutid. MUs Huttoa CI. H-9.,29. Left to right: Mrs. Peter Howard. Mra. Mattie llenson. Edward Quinichett served as can be taken by all age groups school for sis weeks of training Rev. Normal Crosby Is pastor of will portray Gypsy Rose Lee In this colorful play opening July 31, Mrs. Sober Stahl, chniu.. and Mrs. John l.ogan discuss plaaa for the 'best man. Ushers were John D. (2 months-up). "*• < Seabury, Kenneth Penn. Johnny and Carl ls home from Western the Second Community Church. 8:30 p.m. at Veterans Memorial. Tickets are BOW oa sale and may Gnild-sponaored production of "liyp^y." and Russell Pace, Jr. Reserve, Hudson, Ohio. Immediately following the cere­ ® MRS. FRANK ALEXANDER mony, a reception was held at is all ready to embark on her Mrs. LV. Booth Class No. 31 Sets 5th Garden Party llonkas Party Home. The couple secret vacation. Deputy Dir. Ethel Payne, Speaker will reside in Columbus after a Mrs. Thelma McCaRum, out­ Will Speak At Members of Sunday School Class given the various projects of tho short honeymoon. standing woman world traveler No. 31 of St. Paul AME church class throughout the year. 9 BRIDAL showers galore!!!! for the Methodist Church, will be are presenting an afternoon of fel­ At Party For Democratic Wives Indies from various churches In Jane Evelyn Pace ls setting the engaged to teach at Baker Uni­ Union Grove lowship at their Fifth Annual Gar- versity, Baldwin, Kansas. Title of Invitationi have been extended accorded honorees for their years I announced that a round of social ; den Party Sunday. July 22. the city will assist as hostesses. pace when it comes to exquisite The 11th Annual Women's Day her course will be "The Christian to more than 27 wives of Demo­ of service to the Democratic par­ , events «-ill fill ihe weekend horns. Pupils and teachers of the Carter bridal showers. . . .The Wesleyan will be observed at Union Grove The garden party, to be held Service Guild of Asbury Metho­ Mission on the Rim of East Asia." cratic leaders throughout Ohio to ty as they worked alongside their ' A lavish cocktail party, hosted by ; School of Music will render the Baptist Church. Sunday, July 22, on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ dist church gave a lovely shower 9 TEENAGER with great ta­ attend the Eleanor Roosevelt husbands in their respective com­ | Thomas Fergusiin. Columbus can­ j program. Mrs. Robert Dixon is J with Mrs. 1* V. Booth, wife of for Jane at 253 Woodland av. lent!! Robert (Bobby) Blades will club's second annual garden pat­ munities. didate for statu treasurer, will he mund Paxton. 1581 Hawthorne pk.. j gen. chmn. of the party and Willis Rev. L. V. Booth, pastor of Zion Jane has been a faithful member be dancing and singing with the ty Sunday, July 22, 4-7 p.m. AMONG HONOREES invited , held Saturday evening: for the hon- from 4 to 7 p.m.. ls a token of I Brown Jr. is co-chmn. Class No. of the Guild. The evening was Kenley Players at Vets Memorial. j Baptist Church, Cincinnati, speak­ The outstanding affair will be are Mesdames Chj'les Catr, Har­ I orees. On Sunday, Robert W. Swe- ! MB, AND MRS. ROBERT LEE DAYI8 appreciation for the fine support 31 teacher is Elijah Rutledge. filled with fun. delicious food and We salute this youngster with ing. She will speak from the theme, held in the formally arranged gar­ vey Johnston, J..hn Holly, Reuben i eney, Cleveland candidate for >>sVarnaTK>aaVrMr*s^^ a special ballet dance by Patricia such unusual talent. "Tbe Keys to the Kingdom.'* den ot Industrial Commission Payne, Merle McCurdy, Theodore state attonrey general, will host a Carter and Leslie Blades. Mrs. Civic news-the NAACP is stiU Chmn. Att'y J. Maynard Dicker* Williams, l.ee Jackson, Carl brunch in the home of Att'y Mary Don't put it off any longer! Subscribe to Tbe Ohio Mrs. Cora Greenhow will direct Charles' Weston served as mistress collecting memberships. Let all of Delores Tibbs Repeats son. 1471 Fair av. Stokes, Cleveland: Russell Carter. Spivey Durham. Arthur Fisher, Don Crfwfdtd, C. Sentinel today! $6.50 a year. of ceremonies. Mrs. Clifford Rich­ us help this fine organisation. Dr. the special Women's Day chorus Mrs. Bertha Watts, club piesi- J. McLin Sr., Robert- BlacM-um. COMMITTEE responsibilities as­ mond ls president of the organiza­ Jaime Smith-e-Incas Is the presi­ accompanied by Mrs. Fern Harris dent, announced that Mrs, Ethel Payne, deputy field director, Dem­ Dayton; John Elands. William signed to Insure success of this tion. She also created the bride's dent. 1 snd Miss Josephine Pride. Vows With Robert Davis Brooks. Russell M. Jones, Colum­ annual affair ai? as follav/s: Tic­ gown. Other members enjoying 9 THE NAACP reports that the Beauty and dignity reigned at | Given in marriage by her father, ocratic National Convention. Wash­ bus; Clay Hunter. Canton; J'. D. kets. Mrs. Naomi Harris; pro­ the gala shower were Mesdames new Woolco store seems to have At 7:30 p.m., a panel discussion the wedding of Miss Delores Irene j the bride was beautiful in a floor ington, D.C.. will be guest speaker. MiddU brooks. Manxfte'rt: Theo­ Tina Lewis. Mary Boyer, Mary an employment policy based on will be presented based on the Tibbs and Mr. Robert Lee Davis, length gown of ChantiUy lace and Members and friends of the club gram, Att'y Mary S. Durham. H1EHT PACKERS dore Berry, Wiillim McCullough, Louise James. Esther Safford, merit. theme, Mrs. Booth, the guest when the couple repeated nuptial net tulle, styled with long sleeves, anticipate with enthusiasm the Mrs. Mary O. Jonet, Mrs. Gerai­ Bessie Sandford and Mrs. Thelma vows at Christ Memorial Baptist naming ot "Democratic Women Cincinnati; Virginia Dickerson, Atty. John Bowen's father pass­ speaker, will summarize the dis­ fitted basque bodice and scalloped dine Nix; publicity. Mrs. Ann B. McCallum. Mrs. Pace, Jane's mo­ church. Rev. L. H. Johnson ©ftic- of the Year" as an added not.* of Youngstown: Odessa Doneghy, ed recenUy in Atlanta. Ga. Our neckline. The bouffant skirt of Walker; refreshments. Mrs, John ther, was also present. cussion. iated. surprise to a well planned pro- Toledo; Cut vis Rhyne. Alliance. OUTLET sincere sympathy goes out to John ChantiUy lace was supported with Mrs. S. M. Burko, gen. chmn., Pullins; hostesses, Mi*s Ruth Miss Carolyn B. Sanford held and Jean and family. Bishop John Mrs. Hattie Taylor, chmn., Mrs. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. yards of frothy net tulle. grrm. Special recognition will be Jones; telephone. Mis. Maitie and Mrs. Harold Tibbs, 1120 Mea- a linen shower for Jane at 1617 W. Bowen was well loved from Daisy Scales, co-chmn., Mrs. Mar­ The shoulder-length veil of the 317$. FIFTH ST. - HALF BLOCK SOUTH Of MAM dowdale, and the groom is the son Ratliff. bride fell from a tiara of lace, garet Sinkford, program chmn., of Mr. and Mra. Bennie Davis, pearls and crystal droplets. Mrs. Rhenetbl Da\i* will IK» or- BULK PORK and Rev. P. D. Hale, pastor. 2220 Ruskin. POSHED Summer Cottons get a MISS MARVA DAWSON was j-anist for the ott MIL. HI. maid of honor, and Rosemarie Ho­ Refreshing Lift from SAUSAGE Ib. 29c Bulk Lard 6 - 79c well, sister of the bride, was mat­ FABR1-SHEEN DRYCLEANING! Mra, Mrs. Johnson Visit Parents ron of honor. Bridesmaids were: New Volunteer 4 Ib. $1.10 Capture tbe treohmeoo . . . eoolmras Mr. and Mrs. Horace Johnson Joseph Lester. Miss Jackie Duggar, Pat Sawyer, IMHIHal'IWAI HUH I'lilll) IIIIIMHIIIimWIIIHM . . . criapaes* of summer In your of Topeka, Kan. were visitors re­ They were also feted by Mr. Seona Knight and Clara Broadnax, Skintona Mrs. David White. 520 Franklin SLICED cottons. Give them Swan's miracle all wearing full ballerina length CHEESE &m cenUy of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. James Murrell, 603 Gil­ av., Is a new volunteer for Aid Fkbri-Sheea Phi* drydeatiiag care. Lester, 772 Grove St., parents of bert av., Mrs. Frances Bailey and nylon chiffon gowns with a molded You'll be amasea) at the diflerear* for the Aged. She ls a "friendly Mrs, Johnson. They also visited Jay HoUis. bodice In pastel colors. lightens, brightens skin BACON Ib. 39c in the colors . . . the way yanr e*8- vistor," visiting elderly shut-ins. tons keep their freshly pressed ap­ friends in New York, and Chillico- Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Thomas al­ The bride is a graduate of East 3 Ib. $1.15 SOLID PRINTS pearance laager. the, where they were guests of so helped to make their stay High school. Mrs. White was referred to the pleasant. A barbecue party was Mr. snd Mrs. Marvin Ramey. Charles Richard Dawson was r.i •'•*• agency by United Community given in their honor by Mr. and Mrs. Ramey is a sister of Mrs. best man. Ushers were Leroy O* Mrs. William Lester ot Columbus. Council, a United Appeal service. OLEO 51 90c Johnson. Tbe Johnsons were ac­ Banner, Wolly Long, Bruce Terry SPARE RIB ,39c companied by their children, Car­ and Raymond Kerns. olyn, Gloria, Theresa and Carl. 'Pig In Poke* Sale Junior bridesmaids were Rosa The "Lay Star" Church of God in Price. Mrs. Lester Givens, Janice BILL'S - While In Columbus, they were HAMBURGER Christ, 681 E. Third av., is spon­ Tibbs, Brenda Starks and Regina 00 lavishly entertained at a house sor a "Pig in a Poke" Sale start­ Staiks. Flower girl was Andria UPHOLSTERY BEEF LIVER Mlianed party given by Mr. and Mrs. J. ing at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 21. I Cherry and Mark Howell served M. Johnson. Among those present Fun, surprises and bargains are j as ringbcarer. 892 E.Long St. of 17th BOLOGNA '•"*«•> 3 .1 were: Mr. and Mrs. William Ho­ predicted. The public ls also In- J Immediately following the cere- JULY SPECIAL vlted to attend a free "Pig in a I mony. a reception was held at the Reduction on All Furniture 33 STORES AU OVER TOWN OPEN FROM 7:30 AM well, Mr. and Mrs. William Les­ Poke" Social at 7:30 p.m. Fun. j church. Upholstered in the Finest Friday ond Saturday 8 A. M. to 3 P. M ter, Mr. and Mrs. Herb McNeil, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE food and fellowship are on the I The couple are honeymooning in or Materials Monday thru Thursday 8 A. M to 7 ?. h\„ Mr. and Mrs. Oilie Stepioe, Miss menu. Rev. WlUlam W. Carson Is ; Spokane, Wash.; where they will ftUnufadur«r» of Poum'i fte/ijamol/'lha Jar with tha Star" ''BUTCH" BANGERT - Manager j Marva Smith and Mr. and Mrs. minister. [make their home. CI. 3-4336 '•K7%''77*-'.''77< mmmy , itftis'^i!":'"*;.-:'ss; i • «f« ::-<.t;-v,a'-;V.f."/.:,

... -. .-.- , „ ,


normal and already prices have if you like sweet tender coca. Musicians Ass'n Stts Mamage Set For Young Couple Named Mid-East Area Chmn. dropped to fairly low levels. FREEZING AND Low temperature and the shor­ CANNING IS HEBE Scholarship Mrs. Beverly Cox, f7i Kimball Av. school. Her daughter, Beverly After thorough study of needs test possible handling time are # IF YOU plan to freeze corn Garden Party of the community and the pro­ pi chosen for a top Job In this isT. "musts" in order to get sweet for out-of-season use, late July and Columbus Branch No. 1 of the year's United Appeal campaign, In getting set, Mrs. Cox ls re­ grams of the U-A agencies, the corn from the field to the kitchen August Is the time to do it. Quali­ Nat'l Ass'n of Musicians Inc.. is will serve as Mid-East area chmn. cruiting volunteer workers and United Appeal Citizens Screening hi top quality. To do this, up-to- ty Is then at Its best and the price sponsoring their annual Scholar­ Her appointment this week by urges all help-minded people to Committee has set this year's date growers pick the corn at day­ the lowest. ship Garden Party and Interna­ Mrs. Raymond P. Overturf, chmn. contact her at home. campaign goal at $3,785,510. break—the cool part of the day tional Tea on Sunday, July 29, THE NEXT sis weeks is the of the Residential Division, marks —while the dew Is still on the corn. from 4 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of (Marketing Informs tion (or period when many fruits and ve­ a vital step in plans for the faU It is hurried to the packing ahed Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dc- Agriculture" getables are at their best for freez­ campaign. The U-A county-wide and thoroughly cooled with ice I/>ache, 15* Sherbourne dr. Estaoafcm Service In ing and canning. If you would like door-to-door drive is conducted by water—known as hydrocooling. Students from foreign countries, Franklin County) help on preservation methods, the this division. This cools the kernel as well aa dressed In their native clothes will following free bulletins are av­ J the cob Interior, helping to main­ act as hostesses, A musical pro. Opportunity to support *4 com­ THIS WEEK LOOK FOB: Y<*e**A9am-liomegrorm aweet corn, tain sugar content. To keep tha ailable from Cooperative Extension munity agencies, providing a wide gram will be rendered. tomatoes, green beans, cabbage, cucumbers, summer squash. Fruits— temperature down the corn is then Service. Room *17, Old Post Office, variety of health, welfare, and Mrs. Viola Boyer, gen. chmn., Peaches, watermelons, cantaloupes, seedless grapes, blueberries. packed 'ft .Ice for its trip to market. Columbus 15, Phone 22 cm. Ex­ youth services is at U-A campaign Arnold Graves, co-chmn., Mrs. Protein Foods—Fryers, grade A medium eggs, beet "special, hams tension 454: Vivian Walker, pres. of Branch 1, time. The U-A extends a helping .» PROGRESSIVE retailers are and picnics, dairy products. Mrs. Gladys Farrow, sec'y. The hand to community neighbors as anxious that you like the corn you 9 FREEZING and Using Vege­ IT'S HOMEGROWN SWEET public is Invited. well as next door. buy, so they keep it in refrigerated tables. Fruits and Prepared Foods, CORN TIME AGAIN roasting ears of the season. Sweet cases or in Iced display bins. They Ohio Slate University. A COLONEL for two years in 9 VOC CAN put the water on corn Is in large supply now with are aware that the transformation U-A campaigns, Mrs. Cox denotes to boil and get ready for the best local growers in volume produc­ 9 HOME CANNING of Fruits BRENDA TOstCM WALTER rKNif IV of sugar into starch is rapid at Mrs. Ilomcmakei most of her free time to helping tion. Late varieties, which are and Vegetables, U.S.DA. A beautiful bridal shower was buffet supper was served and others. She is a member of Sec­ generally considered to be more room or outdoor temperture. You Would You Like to Test FREE Products? held for ihe charm'flg Brenda games were played during the de­ ond Baptist church, National Ass'o have a choice in making your pur­ flavorful, are being harvested. The You can, by offering your lightful evening. Several goest* chases from a retailer who handles Fisher at the home of Mrs. Cal­ of Negro Musicians, Urban Lea­ SKINNY? season is several days earlier than opinions on products for a vin Tidmore, 3M Fairwood av., were awarded prizes. IT lH—j. aa* aaa* anrir corn In this manner; we wish gue and the PTA board at 10th wsltfct bacaaaa or poo* RESERVE national consumer research Friday, Jury IS. Those in st tendance were Mes­ apaatite or po»r aatiaa more ot them did! firm! You'll also have a habit*, tak* WATSON. Mlfllalt Mat 1 Miss Fisher wUl wed Mr. Waller dames William Drew, £m •»>* Car­ Futs oa pouadj aad NOW FOR chance to state your likes more, the hostess; Vernon Tones, Now it's up lo you-once you've ter, Eddie Thunnan Beatrice of firm «oli WHITE HOUSE, INC little gift from time to time. lovely and useful gifts A delicious aioaal ratoacb, Beloetyoar *kodo ftrwai need only 3-4 minutes in boiling «3M> INDIANOLA AVE. SEND FOR YOUR APPLI- oolar chart on oaUkdo of aacfa TiaCapack- CATION NOW! P.O. BOX •«*. At atsaashl oa aroarantaa of aata» water; large sized ones a minute AM. 3-3152 HU. t-9395 WATE-ON atcttoa or parcaaaaenta rafaadad. or two longer, but don't overcook 31.1, TOLEDO, OltlO. SENTINEL ITCCOMMENDED BEAUTY SALONS Save 5c-Del Monte FRUIT with coupon FASHIONETTA BEAUTY BAR STTLETTB BEAUT* SALON SSS E. LONG ST. CA. Ittl ML Veraoa CL. BUSS Complete Beaaty Senrk* Complete beauty .service Opes.: Gertrude McElroy, Katherine Gunnell. Specializing in Hair Cutting r.ilera Tetttgrem, Bcrfccrt Sellers, LarHtae RaSla ad. and Styling . Lateatta Brady, Bars Oeod. Evelyn MaBrseaa. Grace McCoy, Mary Francis Smith and Locy at Lucille Collins, Elenara Friare Griffith, Oprs. Booths For Beat Evenings by appointment Ida Mae Griffin and Dorothy PREMIES BEAUTY 5 MON t Bryant, Owners Cocktail 4 *-" 49 1748 Greenw»y Ate. CL. S-Sfll T.LLEEN'S Save 7c - Del Monfe Hair Styling - Manicure . Hair Coloring . Hair-Cutting Beottte Shoppm PINEAPPLE Hair Straight Permanent* • Processing . Facials AH Phases ot Beauty Culture GRAPEFRUIT Drink WImfm Cosidenia Hsrrls, Mgr.-Prep. 047 ML Vernoa Ave. CL 2-9tA4 Serve 6c - HalveMs oorr SliceSlicesi - Dal Monte Worth ti, toward* purchase et Operators! Lola Patrick. Sarah Boyd Helve* Give**, ttaaa Wright, Arthllla Logaa, Mgr. POUR No. 303 cant Mary Stiasoa Cling Peaches 1M&'$ BEAUTY SHOP Open Monday thr» Saturday Save 12c-Del Monte Cream SryW Del Monte FRUIT COCKTAIL Coo*|leW Beaaty 8enrlre- -Hstv Xtvling snd Scalp Treatment good tiira Sat.. July tt. IMt Prop. Ima Johnson, VOGUE BEAUTY SALON Golden Cora Kroger Columbux \Yw. Stores. Oprs. Virginia* Vote, Geaeva Miles, Peggy Jacksea SSS St. Clair Are. CL. SmSS Opea Dattj 9 A. 9S. te S F. SL 1*4 E. Fifth Ava. Save 11c-Del Monte AX. l-tt5C BB. 9-81*5 ONE PINEAPPLE Joyce Jaatoaa* — ^ .. — Live Better for Legs • BEAUTY HEIGHT HOUSE of GLAMOUR Domta WUsaa, Operatara DOZEN ORANGE Drink 991 ML Veraoa Ave, 195 ML Veraoa AT. CL. S-531) Ida Speight, Prop. U.S. Government Inspect ad for Whofetomeness - FRESH FRYING CL. g-Ull OL. 2-691* Complete Beaaty Tom lea Experienced Operator Wanted Complete Beauty Service Gair Styttag—Hate Cnttiai No Appointment Necessary Prop Mattle Warrea Taraei BREASTS lb. 49c Operators: Optrataia: data CaldweU. 6SAVHY "113r LEMONS Mattie DartaM Majors, Alnteda Mary Louisa Gripper, Joaa M. Scott: Clara Rogers. Mgr. Turner, Aaale Kate Dixon COiFFUM SHOP OPERATORS WANTED with purchase of LEGS & THIGHS 11SJ E. Leag SL CU 24899 «, 39c UTTLE WiQ stop you from wishing Large 00 OX. Anchor Hocking DORA'S CLASSIC HOUSE ol BEAUTY upon a star to be lovelier than Hair StyUng • Specialty yoa are. Our beauty care Is WINGS g, 19c Beauty Salon 948 ML Vernoa CL. t-SZU tops. Come ln or call for the ut­ Save 6c-Del Monro Complete Beaaty Service Aaaa flail* mas. Prop. most in complete beauty ear*. LEMONADE Chicken Private Braad label cosmetics 14 ot. •"NEW L "4.TION" Leola Simpson,' Millie WiagfWM Peggy Houstoa. Betes If Baaflna on sale at all times. Our Make­ 183 N. Central Ave BR 4-85-SJ bottles Old Smokehouse Short Shank Operators up Artist wIU help you. Tomato Catsup 2 39c Dora P. Moore, Pr«p. Operators: Addl© Kefly* Lillie PITCHER Save 24c - Kroger Nash, Mamie lihane, Alma UIU'J BEAUTY SHOP Vendetta Wright, Mgr. Smoked Picnics JUST A MERE 954 E. Long St. OPERATOB8 WANTED Frozen Lemonade 51 49c BEAUTY SALON Shop Phaaei 252-9409 for Save 10c-Kraft 6-8 lbs. Home Pfaoae: 25J-&M7 only 345 N. 20m Sf. — CL 2-3370 Complete Beauty Service DEADLINE FOI PLACING Ice Cream Whole c Complete Beauty Service Hair Styling A Specialty COPY IN THE SENTINa Swiss Cheese 59c Sally Nolan, Aaaa Fleaafd, Lab* Jaraeaa. Mgr. Save 5c - all flavor* Ib. Zeraite White, Operators BEAUTY DIRECTORY IS 1917 Joyce Ave CA. 1-5121 Betty Stepter, Edaa Tarrant, 12 NOON ON MONDAY Tfoitiens 29 133 Elgetha t\»rrin*rfon, Owaat Operatara •*aW 69 Clapps »»»<» Baby Foods 3 *• 25c THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 /AGE 12 THE OHIO SENTTNEL THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 THB OHIO SENTINEL PAGE If THE ROUNDUP EDITORIALS [ Mass Demonstration In Albany, Ga. ALBANY, GA.—Fifty Negro citizens of Albany, Georgia, were ar­ rested as they attempted to march peacefully to Uie City llaU to pray for the City of Albany and the injustice perpetrated against Dr. Martin Lutiier King, Jr., Dr. Ralph AbernaUiy and Eddie Jackson. The demon­ stration grew out an early morning prayer service held at tht Shiloh BapUst Church( led by Dr. W. G. Anderson, president of the Albany With What We Fight Movement. Dr. Anderson charged Ihe group to "march to the City Hall as did the children of Israel under Joshua and pray that Uie walls of • IT HAS BEEN SAID that Peaceful Truth Based On segregation come tumbling down." Rev. Robert Alfred of Albany nnd Right is fhe armament of the Lord. Dr. C. K. Steele. Vice President of the Southern Christian Leadership The forces of Peace, and the restraint and the understand­ Conference and leader ot Uie Tallahassee Bus Protest, led the prayer ing which slowly but surely come about on both sides as a re­ pilgrimage. sult of it are becoming a factor in both international and intra­ national affairs in the world today, more potent than the strong­ 4 New Medics In U. S. Public Health Hospitals est armaments including nuclear weapons. WASHINGTON—Four Negro physicians and one dentist are among Russia, like the Hitler Nazi's of World War II, so often the ninety medical nnd dental June graduates awarded internships in does not move into a nation with armaments in the manner in Uie U.S. Public Hcnlth Service hospitals. Thoy have been given the r«nk of Assistant Surgeons and Assistant Dental Surgeon In the Pub­ MILEAGE TO THE MOON and part of the similarly tremendous amount of cargo a total ef which big nations bearing down on little ones precipitated World lic Hcnlth Service Commissioned Corps. They are Drs. Leo Donald way bach each year travel the 12 pickup trucks, 240,000 mile* yearly as part of the S91st Trans­ War I. Often "peaceful" propaganda did the trick and scores Stuart, Margaret Jane Claytor Young, Joseph Evan Sutton Jr., Lysle 4 station wagons, one wrecker, and a half-ton portation Squadron's motor pool. The outfit has of areas of the world came under Russian or Nazi domination Shirland Follelte. Jr., and James Rodney Sparks. These doctors have truck at Locabourae AFB, regularly dispatched nicknamed the ground motor vehicle fleet, Ita without the firing of a single shot. * been assigned to the Division of Hospitals in the Bureau of Medical by S/Sjjt. Arthur W. Mitchell, above. Tbe fleet "space taxis." Services a division which administers much of the direct medical Is used to haul some 123,000 passengers and a • SUCH CONQUESTS, however, were not permanently care In Uie Public Health Service—with 12 general hospitals providing < lasting. To be genuine, along with Peace, however, there must comprehensive medicnl, surgical, dental nnd allied health services: 23 come Truth Based on Right. Truthfully, if the new situation is outpatient clinics, two neuropsychiatry hospitals and a hospital for not for the betterment of all concerned or is not Right for the the treatment of leprosy. dignity of all men, then armaments have to be brought in to Jackie In Defense Of LABOR'S DENIAL OF JOBS TO NEGROES IN THE "SHOW PUCE OF hold such gains, because there is really no such thing as "peace­ Atlanta Uie Gives $10,000 To NAACP ful" propaganda (The Big Lie), there is only Peaceful Truth DEMOCRACY" ATLANTA—The NAACP and Its Atlanta branch received contri­ Robinson Based on Right. butions of SSOOO each from Norris Herndon, Dresident of the Atlanta Pee Wee Reese th£= Today, the U.S. under President Kennedy organizes Peace Life Insurance Company. Announcement of the "contributions and pre­ be/ JACK/e /ZOB/A/SOA/ Corps to take the avowed Truthful Peace Based on Right mes­ sentation of the checks on behalf of Mr. Herndon were made by ths Rev. Witlinm Holmes Borders, pastor of AUanta's famed Wheat oJLuciud eJLea sage of the U.S. to all parts of the globe. If our tool is Peace­ Street Baptist Church, at a mass meeting during the 53rd snnual •J. J -S. M ful Truth Based On Right, we are safe. If it is merely Peace­ NAACP convention. The gifts were accepted with thanks by NAACP (EDITORS NOTE: Former • IN BOSTON, during a game, want to use his bowling alloy. We there were some players on the 2S ful Propaganda, then the U.S., too, will have to follow our Executive Secretary Roy Wilkins on behalf of the National Office and Brookhty Dodgers star, Pee are saying simply that we hope a bench of the opposing team who tragic mistake hasn't been made 9 NATIONS are Judged..n part signs to the contrary, walk away should continue for tt might deter Peace Corps units with armed forces. by the Rev. Samuel Williams, president of the Atlanta branch, on be­ Wee Reese, announces games hnd heard how Pee Wee had ac­ and an injustice none against u by their literacy and, taking this from the car with one aim, and liquor heads from driving. One half of Uie branch. for tbe National League Cin­ cepted me as teammate and friend. guy whom we have found to be 100 Into consideration, our nation that would be to get back before judicial act is to suspend the li­ • SPEAKING AT the recent NAACP Convention in At­ cinnati Reds team over WLW- They knew that he had played golf percent in the past. cense for a long Ume. lanta, Ga., Nobel Peace Prize winner, Dr. Ralph Bunche, stres­ »,-j-uio be able to boast of a very the police would pass by. That is C on TV and on WLW-Radio, with mc and Wendell Smith of high literacy—slnci every Mate why 1 think most motorists Just sed that Peace in the world is as important to us as, and should We become much concerned, at # I BELIEVE that Illiterate both of which are heard or the Pittsburgh Courier on a golf and • community A>J verts free pub­can't read. "No parking" between times, about the tendency of some bunch of traffic sign violators be a part of the Passive Resistance, or Peaceful Truth Based On course where people were probab­ lic «ducution. -I have cor.ie to a such and such an hour means no­ seen in Columbus and Cincin­ of our own people who come to should have their Ucenses lifted Rights drive of Negroes and underprivileged of all races, for ly shocked to see Negroes. These sad conclusion tha; our li'era^y thing. They can't read those signs. nati.) hurried conclusions about whites for a long time. I beUeve that full first class citizenship in the South, in Northern and West­ players decldied to heckle Reese as ' ery low, I do not allude to the who have a strong record by work­ 9 THERE IS the famous sign those persons who carry around about being a white Soutiierner byndreds of thoutant's who do ern parts of the U.S., in South Africa and in other countties and 9 A FEW DAYS AGO. from ing in our Interest. The other night, "no parking at any Ume," but pockets full of unpaid traffic Uc­ willing to fraternize with a Negro. know reading and wrttln.r, st.ch continents. Louisville, Ky., It was announced for instance, Mrs. Robinson and who cares as long as the rule kets should lose their licenses for • ONE OF THEM caUed out * as some of my fellow soldiers that Pec Wee Reese, the former ihe writer were guests at the Ed can be violated, with the only they are the illiterate bums who sneering demand whether Reese d..fng World War ll v. no asked Brooklyn Dodger captain, had Sullivan party celebrating Ed's thought of obeying being because pay no attention to police signs. and 1 were going to have dinner me to read their letters from home quit under fire as a candidate for fourteenth anniversary ns * major Uie police might happen along? They stop and double park in front together after the game. Another bc« i use tivir ev>< hurt or tiieir Crucial Test membership on the Citizens Hu­ television star. We were there in And, nine times out of ten, their of a store, much too lazy to drive shouted jceringly that Reese's X'r„ers were too s ire to write. man Rights Commission. Accord­ the midst of a star-studded crowd, violations warrant traffic Uckets down the street a quarter of a "grandpappy" would cut off his I speak of thai vast facade of • THE Revs. Martin Luther King and Ralph D. Aberna- ing to newspaper reports, Reese having a fine time. Ed sent for us with a set ice stipulated. block to an open parking space mint julep when he learned his ir>'torl&ts ai».. i tiw streets who thy, outstanding and outspoken Negro ministers who have was criticized because he operates to join him. his family and some and walk back to the store. grandson was socializing with a Is nor every notice the police postt. I have heard drivers brag about or has a connection with—a bow- of the country's most important been leading the nonviolent movement against discrimination Negro. These signs are Just so much street having a pocket full of traffic They are the ones who park near ing alley which bars Negroes. people—at his own table. He did'nt d't&sing or '.fcti >.o.ie poles litter Uckets and indifferently declare and segregation in the South, were released from the Albany, Pee Wee ignored the riding for fire plugs and at crossings with Ga., jail last week, but not because they wanted out. In spite As firmly as this writer ls op­ do it to be an exhibititionist. He because mot-v. *«* pay so little that they would have to pay them no thought as to why they posed to any and all forms of a while. Then, as the bench jock­ did it quite naturally because he heed to them. To be sure, the some day. Who, but a very Ignor­ shouldn't, their only concern be­ of their protests, they were given their freedom after an un­ segregation, this news disturbs us eys really got loud, he did a sim­ wanted to. We don't mention it young motorists can read, for th»ir ant man, would pile up an extra ing that passing police officers known Negro paid their fines, totaling $356, according to a deeply. For, in our book. Pec Wee ple and significant thing. He walk­ as a matter.of bragging nor did *pockets gcnc;*.il'y hold comic books financial burden on himseU via don't notice the violaUons. There report from that area. Reese is and has been a decent, ed over to me and put his arm we accept it as some personal tri- or some flam'-p,? live stories nnd minor traffic violaUons? is a sensible reason'for every traf­ courageous guy who knew how to around my shoulder. We talked bute. We accepted lt as just an« the same molunrfs can read di­ fic sign and regulaUon, and cer­ An authoritative source reported Monday morning that stand up and speak out on the race for a minute. Neither one of us, to other gracious sign of Uie kind vorce news but on conpliance with 9 AH, BUT some of those min­ tainly the deterrent to violating Rev. King announced he would continue demonstrations in issue where and when It counted. this day, remembers what we of guy Ed Sullivan is. We couldn't traffic regulations—Uiey cannot or violations have brought on maj­ Uie sign or regulation should not Albany unless the authorities there would drop the charges 9 VERY FEW people knew as were talking about. We do know help shuddering once as we recall­ read at all. or disasters. In our Near Eastside, what we were saying to the agita­ motorists have the bad practice of be merely dodging Uie police. against 737 persons arrested with them for parading in the we do the kind of courage of ed that some pretty careless char­ 9 ONE DAI' last week a young tors and to the world. W'e were not only double parking but triple which Pec Wee Reese Is capable. ges were thrown in Sullivan's di­ child dashed out of a grocery 9 THERE WAS a cartoon of a streets, last December. This is a crucial test. saying that we were teammates parking. If a driver sees a girl We can safely say that one of the rection recently, accusing him of store and started across an alley young girl driving a convcrltble These courageous ministers and their followers have de­ —white man from Uie South and or some one on the street whom great contributions to our own racial prejudice in his show, one way. I caught him and held on up a crowded street with both Negro from California by the way he knows, she walks to the car monstrated to the world that they are willing to make great personal fight to integrate major of the most democratic shows on because 1 happened to have no­ hands and eyes occupied with her ot Georgia. We were saying that and there is a long conversation sacrifices in the battle for first class citizenship for all, regard­ league baseball was made by Ree­ the networks. ticed a young motorists speeding all the sneers meant nothing. while traffic might, pile up a block lip stick smear, instead of on the less of race, color or creed. se. Of his own will, Reese chose towards Uie main street up the behind. If other motorists blow wheel and the road, and the car­ HEAT TRANSFER, the subject tha tkept Astronaut Scott Carpen­ to become our partner during the Pee Wee didn't only show this • WE KEEP hollering for one alley. The car crashed the their horns, the car Just stands for toon caption read: "Not a brain • IT is a shame that any segment of Americans should ter from winning his college degree, will receive the attention of a trying experiences of those early kind of courage in public. He and world—and for integration andj pedestrian crosswalk at a spite and, the driver is very in­ cell working." I think a lot of have to go to such lengths to obtain what is rightfully theirs. large group ot scientists and engineers from educational institu­ daya. I havs spent hours discussing the racial Justice. And we should. But good clip and the driver yelled sulted at their insistence. motorists have none to work. But time marches on and with it the non-violent movement. tions, and industry at a forthcoming four-day conference ia Houston, kind of problems he faced when we must learn that we have to at the boy that he "had belter We shall never forget an Incid­ From all indications, Columbus will be put to a similar Texas. Shown here is Durward Archer of Humble OU aad Refining ent in Boston at the very beginn­ he was a youngster in the South, give out as well as receive. We watch that stuff." But I thought If a driver is involved In an ac­ There is an either/or phrases in observing the prejudiced attitudes must give friendship and under­ cars were supposed to approach test on its race relations front. CORE, another non violent or­ Co., selected as a member of a panel of experts to discuss one ot ing of our major league career. cident and is found to have been every punitive directive of Uie the conference topics. The fifth National Heat-Traasfer Confer­ It is difficult, these days, when of family and friends. He has told standing if we are to get friend­ an alley crossing slowly and drinking, he is handled very se­ court and I am beginning to think ganization, announced a program against firms accused of dis­ me how this caused conflicts in ship and understanding in return. with cauUon. If it had not been ence, to be held August *-*, is jointly sponsored by the American there are Negroes In virtuaUy aU verely by the police. Maybe that that the full force of the "either/ criminating against applicants because of race. InsUtute of Chemical Engineers and the American Society of Mec­ the Uneups, to realize how bitter him because he never could feel And we have got to give it, not tor me noUcing Uie whole situa­ policy haa merit but Uie wisdom that a man should be Judged or" might bring out Uie reading hanical Engineers. A graduate of Howard University and formerly the opposition was against a Negro only to each other, but also to our tion, the kid may have been kill­ is questionable, for how many hu­ We hope the accused will be courageous enough to accept e futility member ot Tennessee A.&L State University, Nashvttle, ballplayer—opposition on the part merely by the color of his skin. white brothers who have demon­ ed or broken up badly by the car. man beings consciously know that ability of some of our motorists. the challenge and correct their evil, race-banning ways. aad South Carolina State College, Orangeburg, Mr. Archer now of the public, Uie front offices of • WE ARE NOT defending pee strated their willingness to stand So often I have watched drivers they have had too much to be a The signs are there and someone These groups should not have to demonstrate for such a lives at Teaaeck, N.J. He is a senior engineer at the Bayway Refin­ the ball clubs and the players Wee Reese if he it guilty of dis­ up and be counted when the racist parte cars, In spile of aQ kinds ot safe driver? However, th« policy ought to pay attention to them. reason in the South or in the North. ery el Humble OU, located ia Linden, N.J. themselves. criminating against Negroes who chips are down.

• «•-,— ..... ,*• T»- m <•+*« im**Mn**v*mam8 mm*m*mmf*en'i If*, tmiwa^jsj/lgf^ THURSDAY, JULY 19. 1962 PAGE 14 THB OHIO SENTTNH THURSDAY, JUIY 19, 196* THI OHIO PAGE 15 WEEKLY MEDITATION Bapt Gen. Ass'n BTU Meets 2nd h C j#*,*/K IJMla'UIIIIIHIaWiWaWI^ Simttays-LommiUcc Heads Elected # "What shall wa thea say ta in her quavering voice interrupted t "* i ir these things? If Oed Is for us, who the speaker with this challenging; The executive board of the Co­ be held at Shiloh Baptist Church. caa be against asT" (Romaas question. "Is God dead?" lumbus Baptist Training Union Rev. R, R. Asburn, of Sandusky, "ft* U n will meet on the second Sunday of 8:11). 9 THE DAYS ln which we are O., has been reelected chmn. of each month at the Ohio Baptist «*vW-nu 1 tlit^ ^••^ 9 LAST SUNDAY morning lt living are dark. Great forces of the 1963 Pastors Retreat to be was my privilege to teach tho evil seem to be In control. But i( General- Ass'n Building, 48 N. held at Ebenezer Baptist Church. Sunday-school lesson which was in the midst of the rush and de­ Farkwood av. at 3 p. m. Rev. W. A. Page, president of the on the prophet Habakkuk. In chap­ vastation of things we can say. Rev. Samuel J. .lackson, pastor Ohio Baptist General Ass'n, has ter 1:4 we hear God is saying to over and over again. "God Is not of Naomi Baptist Church, Pome- been named a member of the bo­ Are You The Lucky Winner... the Prophet that. "The Just shall dead! God Is not dead!", we shall roy, O., and First Baptist Church, ard at large. live by his faith." These words find a new faith, and a new hope* Rutland, O., is chmn. ot the pub­ were good for the people ln that that will give us courage to go on. licity and scholarship committee. day, but they are much better for This be so. then, let us say with Rev. W. C. Thomas, Dayton, O., Mta Vernon AME DAVID ALVCN BYNUM was 9 yean aU Sa­ Go-Oar from his father, owner and operator ef the Christians In these days. Paul: "If God be for us, who can is 1982 chmn. of Ohio State Ass'n's turday, July I-. Hla parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cay University Auto Sales. Out of towa guests wer* In the blackest days of the Civil be against us? Christian!, hold to annual Pastors Retreat which will Willing Workers K. ity num. helped David entertain many charm­ Deris and Michael Scott of Marlon, O., aad War, when, for a time It appear­ God's unchanging hands. ing little- ladles and geaUemea at a delightful Jrunnir- Jeanefer and Jimmy Scott of Athens, ed that the cause of the Union birthday party. There were enterialntng aad O. Other lavited friends included Jocelyn Browa, OUR PRAYER might be lost, a speaker was ad­ j osack Baptist In Presentation educational movies, supervised gamea, aad a Bryan Harris, BUI Brooks, Jr., Kimberly M*- delicious out-door barbecue, consisting af David's *e», Rhonda Brown, Lisa and Paulette Turner, dressing an assemblage. As he 9 ETERNAL GOD, grant to us. Hosack held its annual Men's favorite foods: hamburgers aad trench frlea, a Beverly aad Angela l.»«-ey, Ernest aad Erie spoke of the foreboding, that lay we pray, that sense of Thy pre­ Day last Sunday. Ward Hill, a At a special presentation service beautiful birthday cake with Ice cream aad par­ Newkirk, Kay Ethel Bell, Keith Crable aad ahead, his words cast a deepening sence and that confidence, through member of Union Grove Baptist at ihe parsonage on Sunday, July ty favors. David received many lovely aad use­ Geae Waugh. gloom over the audience. Sudden­ faith In the ultimate triumph of Church and a pre-med student at S, the Willing Workers Club of ful gifts, bat was particularly captivated with m ly, from among a crowd in the right, which is in Jesus Christ. In Ohio State University, was prin­ Mt. Vemon AME Church present­ rear of the group, a little woman, His name and to His glory. Amen. cipal speaker. He spoke on the ed the chattel mortgage on a named Sojourner Truth, arose, and —REV. L SIMPSON. subject: "Pressing On." The fol­ French Provincial breakfront to Simpson Family Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Brogdon of Mt. lowing were guest school teachers Vernon AME Church. It had been for Men's Day: Mr. Mayes of At Bethany, slug. 5 signed by Mrs. Lillian Warren, Gospel Circuit Friendship, Mr. Thomas ot Sec­ Under aaeplees at the Beth- project chmn., Mrs. Ruby Collins, ond Baptist, Mr. Johnson of Trin­ aay Baptist Church building Shiloh Church Notes pres.; and Mr. P. Marguerite De­ ity, and Mr. Cook of Clair Metho­ fund, the Simpson Family Ge»- laney, co-chmn. dist. The Evangelistic Unit will con­ at New Bethlehem Baptist Church pel Singers frera Philadelphia, , A buffet-style repast was served duct regular worship services at Sunday, July 22, 781 St. Clair av. By KATHERINE E. HAYNES Baptist Church. The evening will Benjamin Thomas ot Second Pa., will appear ia concert at by Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Brogdon Home Echo Nursing Home, 215 Rev. Beasly Patrick ls tha pastor. Mrs. W. H. McCaUuro, chair­ climax wtth a Fellowship hour. Baptist reviewed the Sunday Bethany Baptist Church. 4th at the parsonage, 162S Richmond. Hamilton av., Sunday, July 22, be­ Rev. Kee will be speaking that man of Library Service, supply­ School lesson. av. aad Sth st, at 4 p.m. oa © DELEGATES from Shiloh 9 OTHEB officers of the Will­ ginning at 2 p.m. Rev. Cleophus afternoon at the Refuge Baptist ing books and magazines to mis­ wIU attend the Slate Sunday 9 ENDKB sponsorship of the Sunday, Aug. 8. ing Workers Club are: Mrs Anna Kee will deliver the message. Bro. Church under auspices of the Dea­ sionaries and deaconess and chair­ School and BTU Congress conven­ Evening Star Missionary Society The program will he free to Rapp. vice pres*. JJJrs. Lelia Gay, Aiden Dennis will be in charge. cons Board. He will be accompan­ man ot work ln Foreign Fields, ing in Akron, O. The Rev. J. Ash­ at 3:30 p.m. on July 29. Mrs. Lydia Mrs. Ernestine Toiliver, Mrs. treas.; Mrs. Magnolia Newsom, ied by the Shining Light Singers will be the speaker for the "Chris­ burn, Jr. will be the presiding of­ Burke, a member of Second Bap­ 9 MRS. THELMA KEE led de­ ing wiU he takea. CAN YOU IDENTIFY yourself la the cireled ficatton, visit the Pierce Studio aad claim j our rec. sec'y; Mrs. Mable Barnett, and the Myers Choir. Rev. R. F. tmas in July" program July », ficer ot this body. tist, will present her slides on her votional exercises at May Jo's photo above. If aa, yarn are entitled to a heaotS- orchid. Mra. Charles W. Beat, S0S4-D Maryland asst. rec. sec'y; Mrs. Henrietta Hairston Is pastor. at 1 p.m. This service wOl con­ The Men's Usher Board will African tour. She has toured five Nursing Home last Sunday. Rev. ful orchid from the florist establishment at av., was winner of last weeh's church orchid. Thomas, corr. sec'y; Mrs. Pauline The Second Anniversary of the clude a day long project to aid serve their Annual Breakfast, Sun­ countries in Africa and is also a Kee spoke on the subject. "Carry Pierce and Soa, 823 E. Loag st. The picture was She attends shiloh Baptist Church. Her ho»- Couch, tin. sec'y; Mrs. Marie Lee, Freeman Gospel Singers, of which Miss Veriene Farmer, Missionary day, Aug. 19, at 7 a.m. Alex Fields teacher in the Columbus school On.'* Deacon Ray Mitchell and Lee's Human Hair taken as the groap came out of Centenary Meth­ owos Bell TV Service.—Pierce and Soa Photo. chaplain; Mrs. Johnie Tucker, pro­ the Rev. Cleophus Kee is manager, in Africa sponsored by the Shiloh is pres. • system. Refreshments will be other guests offered remarks. odist church, Sunday. Same *X To prove inilcnU- gram chmn.; and Mrs. Grace will be celebrated Aug. 3-8 at Jer­ Black, Off-Black, Browa. The Eastern Union Ass'n will served. Dark Brown. Light Br ewe Metchem, co-chmn. Rev. Cleophus Kee will be guest usalem Baptist Church, 834 Tay­ hold thflr annual session In Mans­ Circle C will meet Thursday. Genuine Imported Human Members are: Charles Warren speaker at the morning services lor av. Mrs. Lillie Holmes, pres. field, O. July 19, at S p.m. al the home of Hair. Don't be fooled by Columbus BTU Slates Three Affairs and Mesdames Mary E. Durham, the word "Human-Like." Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lynch, 812 School and BTU Congress Day" The Ladies Usher Board will Flora Scott, Elizabeth Scot*, Zndle Get the real tiring at Lee's The Columbus BapUst Training E. Mithoff st Services ln Columbus Churches will be furnished by the various serve dinners at the church Aug. Angel, Mattie Banks. Mildred —Your official Import Oat Union, of which the Rev. Ralph SPECIAL congratualatlons are RIEDER'S HAROWftRE—27N. Nelson Rd. s,?Hi; i lex *\ * let. Call CL. 3-1816. Mall choirs of the city. Rev. J. C Dav­ 25. Mrs. Annie Woodruff, treas. Brown, Thelma Bryant, Lftha Caldwell Temple AME Zion Bridges is president, has an agen­ extended to David H. Phillips, a orders filled promptly is U pastor ot Bethel BapUst and Mra. Frankie McGee, pres. Gelton. Grace Green, Mvrtle Hnm- FREE PARKING Worship and fellowship wiih purpose at Caldwell Temple AafE da of three outstanding affairs member of Hosack and a student Church, 945 N. Monroe av., where lllon, Mary Hicks. Ida Hood, Ma­ Zion, 925 Bryden Rd. J. Dallas Jenkins, minlrter. Church school, which wiU be held within little • ROYAL AIDS Circle W«t of Ohio State University for be­ LOVABLE ••SO a. m. Morning worship, ll a. m. Christian Endeaver, 6:30 the affair will be held on July rie McMorris, Mary Mullins, P.ec- Page Boy more than a month. They Include meet at the home of Mrs. Helen ing one of the IB cadets to receive cie Nutter, Margaret Kor.lnsnn, p. m. Evening worship. 8 p. m. Midweek Praise, Wednesday, 8 24. At the event, Rev. Fred Lane, WOK-END SPECIALS Chignon SPECIAL p. m. The Capital City's Temple of Methodism. Ohio State Sunday School and Byrd, 423 Hamilton av., Friday awards at graduation services, Fri­ Eliza Spriggs, Inell Ware. Ch-rles associate minister of Gallliee Bap­ Friday and Saturday, July 20th- 21st BTU Congress Day at Bethel Bap­ July 27. Cookies will be packed for day, July 13, at Lockbourne Air Warren and honorary members, Cay Street Baptist Ust Church will discuss a topic tist Church on July 24, the annual some of the Senior Citizens of Ute Force Base. Mrs. Margaret Chase and Mrs. Pk-aie Kxteaeioa Forks—Wiener Roasters For The Spiritual Refreshing Pause. Come To THE GAY ST. BAP­ and the Columbus BTU delegate Aad Hamburger GrDtea @ 19c ea. er 2/25e outing at the Carl Peterson Place, church. Carrie Paster. TIST CHURCH. 498 E. Gay St.. Cor. of Gay St. and Washington will give a report on the BTU con­ Regular 29c aad 35c Valuta Ave., U. G. Campbell. Minister. Sunday Church School—9:15 a. m. 5201 Harrlsburg Pike on Aug. 12, Regular Worship—10:35 a. m. Communion services each first Sun­ and the annual Youth Day at vention held July 16 ln Akron. CHURCH PEWS 8 Ft. Whit*- lave Metal Meaa. Tapes (Q) 48c day. Special senices upon announcement. Christ Memorial Baptist Church Eugene Crawford of Refuge Bap­ Regular 79c Value on Aug. 28. All of the events will COUJHBUS Ust Church will be program chair­ Pulpit All Metal Decorator Type Waate Baabeta (3) St.19 Mt. Olivet Baptist start at 2 p.m. MASON'S man of Youth Day at Christ Mem­ •>(, Qt. Base—Regular 81 M Value Visit next Sunday at Mt. Olivet Baptist, 428 E. Main St. **Nn Music for "Ohio Slate Sunday orial BapUst Church, 100 N. SOth St. FUKERM DIRECTOBY Furniture ORTOMETtfSTS and $1W Creed Bat Christ." H. Beecher Hicks, minister. The Church At .# Bmdgi*l Terms* JEWELERS Adjustable Metal Ironing Board* (Q 85.88 Study. 9 a. m. The Church At Worship, 10:43 a. m. BapUst Train­ Regular $6.95 and SI.its Value • UP ing Union, (p.m. The Church At Worship, 7:30 p. m. MRS. D. A. WHITTAKEB l» Ask EYES EXAMINED AND SONS, INC Used P GLASSES FITTED These Items Oa Display Ia Our South Wiaataw STYLE Second Community Church FUNERAL HOWE WATCH REPAIRING DIGG'S 129 E. Loag St. CL. 8*549 •r SHOP II, in, »T ,3 ritnm C (La*t t**M l"*» Reasonable Prices Tor a message and fellowship that lifts. Instructs. Inspires and nWUHryiUR JtaiHlJ \m* ISSS 18)11 MT VERNON AV*. challenges, worship with Second Community Chun*. 266 S. High­ Satisfaction Guaranteed HOT V. St. RIEDER'S HARDWARE uvea Frt * SaL Nights land Ave. Church School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 10:49 WILLIAMS AND McNABS Waal 773 t LONG ST. CA.4-2S13 a. m. Rev. Normal C. Crosby. Minister. SPECIAL MORTUARY, INC Second Baptist FUNERAL HOME St8 E. Loag St. CL S4SSI You're always welcome at Second Baptist. 186 N. 17th St. C. F. SCALP Jenkins, minister. Church school, 9:13 a. m. Morning worship, C. D WHITE AND SONS 10:15 a. m. Evening worship, 7 p. m. COLUMBUS* MOST FAMOUS BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE RESTAURANT FUNERAL HOME Shiloh Baptist OIL UU ML Veraoa Ava. OL. S4SM MEETING PLACE FOR THE BIG NAME STARS Come to ShUoh Baptist. Hamilton at Mt Vernon Aves. James W. Parrish, minister. Radio broadcast (WBNS). 8:15 a. m. Church Beautiful, Luxurious Hair may be yours by using Diggs CROSBY FUNERAL school (children may be left with competent mothers during wor­ Special Scalp Oil. Stops dry itchy scalp aad railing hair. Ask HOME ship). 9 a. m. Church At Worship, ll a. m. Continued Church school for small children, ll a. m. JBaptist Training Union, « p. m. tor Diggs Special Scalp OIL an original Doctor's formula pre­ "The House of SIZHJN6 SlfAI$»ma CHICKBI^SaFOOD Friendly Service" Evening worship, 7:30 p. m. Music by five choirs. pared with Lanolin. For a soft, natural press ask for Diggs Ol DslartshU raaaa Tha Clock ... 14 Hoars EvotfAftj All Purpose Hair Oil or a good hair conditioner ask for Diggs 1973 E. Loag SL OL. 2-10*22 Union Grove Baptist Bergamot Hair Conditioner at your favorite Drug Store or BROOKS FUNERAL WATCH FOR BUSINESS LUNCHEON AND OTHtt MONEY-SAVINO SPECIALS Beauty Shop. If your cosmetics counter cannot supply you Church At Worship, 10:45 a. m. and 7:S0 p. m. Nursery for babies HOME INC Phale D. Hale, minister. Church school for all ages, 9 a. m write direct to: and pre-school children while you worship. Junior church with 1108 E. Loag St. CL. S-1411 planned worship on tbe level ot chUdren through age of 12 at 10:4* and dining room a. m. BTU for all ages, 6 p. m. Personal and family counseling DIGGS BARBER & BEAUTY SUPPLIES by appointment The Above List Includes novelty food bar 3548 Montgomery Rd. — Cinc.nuaii, Ohio Members Of Tha Columbus 741 e.teng jf. a) hamilton Funeral Ass'n

:*«»«»«a lewn '•'• >-*y ? '*2 y'-^ Kc •

PAGE 16 THE OHIO SENTINa THURSDAY. JULY 19, 1962 THURSDAY, JUIY 19, 1962 THE OHIO SENTINli. PAGI 17 'Bye Bye Birdie'Has All-Star Cast; Nile Beat Including Singer Andy Williams By WILUAM "BUBBLES** BOLLOWAT Oii-i of the brightest stars In tht> Amusementsentertainmen t galaxy, Andy Willi. short-dress, wig-wearing compan­ »"i", a handsome young singer CONTINUE** FBOM PAGE li ions twlstlngly take a seat. "Blow t :•' Bfsemtmemm*sWmSBmm *MaHa1aail I mmt i I ••*.w**y->i??ymmmtr!*\^^ with a voice as warm as his dis­ "Sweet Nancy" and saves a frac­ Man, Blow" says Joe, and the arming smile, stars with Salma tion of the money for the com­ band plays on. Diamond, in the Kenley Players* poser, and his estate after death. 9 SWITCHING over sprightly production ot the rnuslcalKwnedy Mite Beat comes Mary, the waitress, who "Bye Bye Birdie" at Veterans Me­ All of this, and more, must come By WILUAM "111 Hlil.b" IIOM.OWAY ain't made a Up all night, and morial from Tuesday, July 24 out of that bottle ot beer that you through Sunday evening, July 29. ao proudly ordered. and can't steal nothin' neither, 9 LET'S SUPPOSE you were 'cause the boss Is Mill there. 9 HAS IT ever occurred to you be more, for this particular group. Evening performances ara at the proud owner of a Columbus Mary—"HI, Joe, what you gwln- how really tough it is to operate Now, tho owner must advertise, 8:30 and Saturday and Sttnday nitcry that offered entertainment na have?" a successful night club* Let's ex­ In order for you to know that the matinecs at 2:45. each night, and the following hap­ Joe—"Oh, ain't nothin to it. What plore some ot the lesser known very fine group is appearing there. Tha all-star cast for "Bye Bye pened, as it so often does, in some you gwlnna have?" facts. so you can slap on another $100. Birdie" Includes Carmen Alvarez form, to 28 percent of the local "Are you gonna order," asks First, the club owner that trlei We now find ourselves at a mund who starred In the Broadway pro­ clubs. Mary again. to supply y-u with a band, singer figure of $800, and all we've got duction and played Anita in "West "No, we're Jus' waiting on Mac," and dancing, for instance, like ls music and advertising. Side Story" on Broadway; Richard It's a slow, rainly night; the replies Joe, who is still chewing the 502 Club which features the Tone «•• rii**i«tis" .. •.- • 502 ST. CUIR AVE. COLUMBUS, OHIO *-£* not tamper with gin of '&& such distinctive dryness and flavour. Try it soon PRESENTS in a tangy Gin A Tonic TUES. (lirca£!i SUK. JUIY 17 7Z or Tom Collins. You'll THE DICK SHELTON COMBO see why, summer and winter. Cordon's Cin Ozzie and Harriet featuring is the biggest seller in "-">*# England, America, and * Nelson ** DARRELL i EUBANKS 4 indeed — the world1 81 $737 also nvattable In BELL TELEVISIO•"" N t/5 qt. •Pint economy "A size 3Cod e SOail Code 308C "Marriage-Go-Booif NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT 1068 MT. VERNON AVE Code No. 308F (1 Deer East at M'tuie losrat MI e« ion ttuiui vttiu •*>***£ um-nrtoiif. ^YUTAIBOT* GIGANTIC Cameo Theatre) ««mwcwco.uB..uw«.«.'.«ocvctor'j.JA Dependable and Guaranteed Television ANDY WILLIAMS Selma Diamond SUNDAY MATINEE 8P.M. Serriee A TREAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THE FABULOUS "BYE.BYE. BIRDIE" 10 f 50 5 HY-UTES Still holding iheir own m THE PREVIEW LOUNGE, "" - 9 an I ^f - w*i>~THURS.. FRI^SATSU!^ 165 E. Long St., FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Join ihe weekend n L I SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MATINEE AT 2 45 The crowds Friday and Sunday, 9 P. M. 'til 2:30 A. M., Saturday, 9 P. M. *til •at Oa-MJV UNUT fUTitJ. VrTi *IM0»U. AUD., COttJtttUS 0H«O CAFE SOCIETY Proudly Pre»enfs CAU CA 4-4247 \o ut.,. 10 r * m0>u ttmvajK>wi mio -m > » BARTON 4 SELBY TRIO 1 A. M. and enjoy our good food. Liquor and beer are also served. 90th ond Mt. Vemon FOE CHOICE SEATS Make Reservations £arly! PAGI It THI OHIO THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 THI OHIO PAGI 19 "5-77 77v-^'~jW"*""""•^• j PATRONTZB Hawks Sign First 'Philadelphia Story'At OSU p:^y NAACP Boycott Forces Savanah Team To Squirm SENTINEL ADVERTISERS SAVANNAH, Ga.—Threats that according to W.W. Law, Georgia ball game in Charleston last year Five Draft Choices ft> the White Sox farm team In Savan­ State NAACP president and lea­ Negroes protested segregated ar­ Indians Sef 'Family The St. Louis Hawks lost no •• : Wr '^@l * ^^^fi .,^^M i nah may leave the city If support der of a highly effective boycott rangements. "Though the Chicago j Stadium Until This Saturday Bgv . 1 *3 ttme In signing their five college i-'aHiPS^^Vv 1 docs not inoreaso has drawn criti­ against the team. Cardinals housed their players Day/ Sunday, July 29 draft choices. rimjvDELrinAa STORY 2-a* to nmke her decisions for her, If • cal fire from a local white dally, '•The paper stated In an editorial separately," Brown said, "Coach CLEVELAND—One of the an­ •'The Philadelphia Story," Phi-. a magazine reporter called "Mike" tiySHBSl^il that it does not like the kind of Ewbank of the Baltimore Colts nual highlights of the Cleveland These include: 8-9 Zelmo Beaty hadn't Invaded th* realm of this Hr lip Berry's sophisticated comedy ; ^**E"S5^ ultimatums tho Savannah owner­ insisted on Integrated housing of Indians' home season—FAMILY of Praire View College: e-3 Bob "godness." Until Mike comes J •,->•> which was one ot Broadway's most ~^*^j Warren lahr ship has been issuing and sug­ the Colt players at the Castle Pin- DAY—has been set for Sunday, j Duffy ot Colgate U.; 6-8 Charles along to topple Tracy from her • * - #i - hilarious hits, dramatic attraction fm W- *' gested that perhaps the team had ckney Motel. All plyaers are to­ July 29, when the Tribe meets the Hardnctt, Gramhllng College; 6-4 thorne of self-righteousness and at OSU's Stadium Theatre, began T>': AM •'-••.' better take a walk." gether." surprising Minnesota Twins in a set out to teach her some regard To Broadcast Jerry Grote, Loyola of Los Ange. Tuesday, July 17. and will run Savanna}) Negroes are boycot­ Law stated that a Savannah law­ doubleheader. £. lea, and 6-3 Charlie Vaughn, South­ for man frailty. Tracy hadn't 7^0- ^Ka*^H ting the Sally League games in yer, Julius Fine, who, according through Saturday. July 21. Browns' Games As has been the custom for the even been capable of choosing the protest against segregation of the to Law, "made most of his money ern Illinois U. RENEE BUSHMAN is seen in Wmmm\ 3,uki<.-