. ...-..*-' a,-»\y ; . r .•-;•;>' ..•.,>.»•-•->*•- • » ;--•->.--*:'*-.>" OH 10 STATS aUSEUSl. LIBRARY. 15TH & -HIUH ST. Columbus Youngsters Gird For Big Soap Box Derby Sunday, & COLUMBUS, OHIO The Women And Their Victims In Fatal Gun Play On E. Side ROSA BOGGS OSCAR RORIKSOM KATHERINE BAKER JAMES BAKER JR. IP I PRINTED IN THE OHIO COLUMBUS Office Ah THE PEOPLE'S 430 E. Long St GEORGE DELOACHE Jr. is shown as he put the flalshlag touches CA. 1-4586 CHAMPION to his racer at his home, 1857 E. Richmond av., Tuesday. He Is the Columbus, Ohio son ot Mr. and Mrs. George DeLoache Sr., and attends Franklin SENTINEL HtVAITING THE GI N tor the take off la the by ts sponsored by Coiuinbus tfayoees, WLW-C Jr. High school. He attends St. Philips Episcopal church and his -v • ii HI • i Jail Greater Columbus Soap Bos Derby at the new aad tha local Chevrolet dealers. There frill be hobby is building models of planes, etc He is spoasored by Trot­ < Freeway, south of E. Fifth a v.. at 8:15 Sunday, a huge parade before the races and awards fol­ ters Hot Rod Club. la Richard Smith, 14, soa of Mr. and Mrs. Har­ lowing the event. Winners will participate In VOL. 14, No. 6 THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 20 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO old L. Smith. 1715 Clifton av. Sponsored by BAC, tbe finals at Akron in August te determine the be is a student at Franklin Jr. High school and national winner.—All Photos By Pierce aad attends Bethany Presbyteriaa church. The Der­ Son. THE OHIO SENTINEL WOMEN'S BLAZING ths Cleveland Browns team but went on to make the All-Pro squad on another team, is Jimmy Hill, the St. Louis Cardinals great cor­ ner linebacker, ti-nmie came to the Browns as an offensive back candidate in 1852 from the campus THURSDAY. JULY 12, 1962 of San Huston College. Ho was re­ leased and played semi-pro ball for the St. Louis Knights. In 1955, Ktr.tu.4ftU Uiuu. 15, son ot Mr. and Mrs. tk E. Gill. IMS Hawt­ GUNS KILL 2 MEN he went to the Cards as a free Slory On Page 3 horne av., waa caught by Tha Sentinel leasmaa as he put the fla­ -^mmm-- *?*smmmmr- | ... agent and made the team as a SPORTS GLEANINGS defensive back. Since then he lshlag touches to bis speedy auto. He attends Franklin Jr. High made the league's All-Pro team sosool aad St. Philips Lutheran church. He likes tncael plans, boats, By BILL BELL • Sports Editor two years. •to., and all sports. He is spoasored by Columbus Leadership Coo- 9 BOTH PITTSBURGH and fjteeeee. Philadelphia are claiming the hon­ 9 AMONG the tan stars in the NaUonal League All-Stars' S-l vic­ or of being the home of the first tory over the American League were Roberto Clemente of the Pirates, aepia woman bowier lo become a with three hits; the Dodgers' Maury Wills, whose brilliant base running member of the Professional Wo­ aided him in scoring the two runs which were the winner's margin of Eddie Saunders men Bowlers Ass'n. The PWBA is victory: and the brilliant fielding of Willie Mays who robbed Roger composed of the top women bow­ Maris of a homer with a running one hand catch in the sixth inning. lers in the association and mem­ Had WUlle missed the catch, the bership is only by invitation trom • homer would have driven in three blnson-Moyer fight was given top a member. runs. Instead, it drove in one run billing. Pittsburgh says that Miss Lousie as a sacrifice fly. 9 8AM TIDMORE, former Ohio Fulton is the first and the City of Juan Marchial of the Giants was State end, has impressed the .S-- ' the winning pitcher. Cleveland Browns* coaches with • Brotherly Love says that Mrs. # DAVEY MOORE, the feather­ his speed. Sum, who is attending Sadie Dixon Is the pioneer. weight champion of the world the Browns' early season train­ All that we know is that both picked himself up a quick 87.800 ing camp for quarterbacks and ladies are members and both or them are great bowlers from their Of WVKO Firing Monday night In the Los Angeles rookies players who will play in Arena knocking out Mario Diaz ot the All-Star game, ran the 40 records. Mrs, Dixon is the 1960-61 Mexico with one punch in the se­ yards sprint ln 4.9 seconds which Pennsylvania state champion. Story On Page 3 cond round of their scheduled ten Is really moving tor a lineman Miss Fulton placed third In tho 1961 round bout. Davey ls the first and weighing 220 lbs. State bowling tournament only world champion to make Co­ Tbe Browns hope that Sam will- tf LEE WHJUAMS has signed lumbus his home, although old be the answer to one of their line- his 1982 contract with the Colum­ 9 timers tells us that Jack Johnson backing problems. Sam has never bus Capitols In the United Foot­ at one time had a training camp been a linebacker. He played dc-. ball League. The Capitols is the Negro Golfers Hit Publinx 'Jim Crow HAROLD BRAZIL, 15, soa of Mr. and Mra. Robert <..*. Watson, outside the city on W. Crwd sL tensive end at Ohio State and ln new name of the Columbus Colts. The once great Ray Robinson high school he was a great of­ 9 THE WINDSOR Terrace Re­ 1TS9 Ctlttoa av.. Is shown working on his entry. He is a former stu­ SCENE OF A TRAGEDY at 443 X. 18th st., where Sirs. Katav fought on the same card with fensive end, who won fame as a creation Center playground ran dent at Franklin Jr. High school aad will enter Bishop Hartley in Slory On Page 2 eritte Baker fired a fatal shot luto her hu»band. James Jr., Turn- Moore and lost the decision to pass catcher. •way with the Columbus Recrea­ the fall. His bobby is building model equipment and he attends St. day night, after be slapped her around and threatened her. Story ft* years old Phil Moyer. The i'.a-i Another lad who could not make tion Centers Joseph's CathedraL He is spoasored by Tyler Drug Stores. oa page's. • MWalaa* > fir** feViajfo wi»n J&w .'<• • • • - ••;••.- THURSDAY, JUIY 19, 1962 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 2 THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 THE OHIO SENTINEI PACE 3 Inquiring Women's Blazing Guns Kill Two Bold Eastside Men In Assaults Photographer By LES BRADBARRY in Ohio Penitentiary. j resisting if he would take the wheel unttl July 28. She wa» released police her husband had beaten her Two men who dared challenge According to William H. Brooks, and drive to another spot. When under (500 bond. many times since their marriage By TED COLEMAN JR. tho wits ot two women In separate counsel for Mrs. Boggs, she told | Robinson moved to the driver's THE OTHER slaying took place in 1937. She told Pll. James Wat­ The Ohio Sentinel's Inquiring situations, met death by blazing him she had come to Columbus I *cat. Mrs. Boggs slid Into the pas- at 445 N. 18lh St., where Mrs. son, first officer on the scene, that Photographer visited the Windsor guns on the Eastside within hours witwiwhi neher cnuurechildren anda a woman ij aengesenger'i s sinside oti tnthe vvehicle< , where Katherino Baker, 35, said she shot her husband had slapped her Terrace area of Columbus this of each other, earlier this week. friend who has a son In University she seized a revolv<e r from the her husband after he slopped her around. She said she shot him as week to get the reactions of var­ The first tragedy involved Mrs. hospital, scheduled for surgery, glove compartment ian d tired at around. he stood in the front door shak­ ious citizens on an Important ques­ Rosa Boggs, 40. 3927 Borden st., Site said she was staying at the least two shots at her attacker. Her mate, James Baker, 30, was ing his fist, threatening to kill her. tion. Next week, he may visit your Cincinnati, a comely mother of St. Clair hotel. She said she then pushed hi rn also found face down, straddling Sitting In a living room rocking area, watch tor him. two, who was accused of fatally DETECTIVES said she gave the from the car and fled for help. tho open doorway on the front chair, she told Watson, upon his shooting Oscar Pete Robinson, 41, While she was gone, police an­ porch, when police arrived. H* 9 QUESTION—What do think following account of the shooting. arrival. "I shot him—there he is." 247 N. Garfield av., as they sat swered a call concerning a man was shot once in the left side. about job opportunties for Neg­ Unfamiliar with Columbus Watson found the rifle propped ln her automobile, early Tuesday found lying fare down In the street The victim was released from roes in Columbus? streets, she supposedly headed for against the wall bi the kitchen. morning. Robinson's brother's home, she on Fifth st. rvter Mt. Vernon. At j Columbus workhouse last Friday When he asked her if she needed 0 ANDREW €. RADCUFF, APPARENTLY unaware that drove, according to his directions, first It was believed Robinson had after serving a sentence for as­ anything, she replied, "Just give automobile agency, 1208 Huber Robinson had a police record of to the N.'ftth st. and Mt. Vernon been struck by a hit and run sault and battery against his wife.
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