SHMOS 5779


PARSHAH INSIGHTS And these are the names of Bnai Yisroel who came to He (Moshe) went out the next day and behold! two Hebrew men were fighting. He said to the wicked one, “Why Mitzrayim… (1, 1) would you strike your fellow?” He replied, “Who made you Although He counted them by their names during their lifetime, a man, a ruler, and a judge over us?” (2, 13 & 14) He counted them again after they died, to make known how They were intent on killing one another. (Shmos Rabba 1, 29) precious they are to Him, because they are compared to the stars. (Rashi) One who is running after a fellow Jew to kill him, anyone may kill the chaser. ( 73a) What is the endearing quality of stars? Doson and Avirom asked Moshe, “Who made you a man, a ruler, If I am not for myself who will be for me. (Pirkei Avos 1, 14) and a judge over us?” implies that in order for Moshe to kill any What is the meaning of the Mishna that “a person needs to be for of them, he needed to be some sort of judge. Why couldn't Moshe himself?” Is a person supposed to be selfish, with directing most have done this as a regular person who is permitted to kill a of his focus on helping himself? person who is chasing after another person to kill him?. Chaim Volozhiner zt’l (Nefesh HaChaim 1, 4) teaches that The Yad Rama (Sanhedrin 72a) maintains that the following a person should not say, 'of what purpose is my life, what power requirement is necessary for one to be classified as a rodef do I have to effect anything.' Rather, a person should know that (chaser). Although a person chasing another person is termed a the deeds of each individual are never lost. In fact, they ascend chaser, however, the 'chasee' must not be a chaser at the same to the highest heavens to effect the world. time. Therefore, if the 'chasee' is also chasing at that time, neither receives the title of ‘chaser’ - with neither of them being killed. With this premise, the Sfas Emes explains the above Mishna. Every person has his own unique purpose in life. If a person Since Doson and Avirom were trying to kill each other (Medrash would think that he does not have much to offer, he would mentioned above) at the time Moshe killed the Egyptian, they inadvertently cause the destruction of the world. Hashem created were not qualified to be called a rodef (chaser). Therefore, the a world where everyone has what to offer and an opportunity to only way to kill them was through a court case. That is the reason benefit the world. If a person is only for himself and does not they asked Moshe 'who appointed you as a judge.' assist to where only he has the ability, who will fill that void? TABL E TALK

We can now understand Rashi. Rav Yechiel Tukitchinski zt’l PARSHA DILEMMA calculates the number of stars in the heavens (based on ) And it happened during those many days, and the King of as over a trillion stars. Yet the posuk says, “He counts the number Mitzrayim died, and Bnai Yisroel moaned from the work… (2, of stars, for each one He assigns a name” (Tehilim 147, 4). Each 23) and every star has its own name and own purpose. If even one star would decide not to function, it would cause a devastating If the King died, Bnai Yisroel should be happy - maybe their bad effect the on earth, as each and every star has its special job. decrees and enslavement would end. Why did they now moan from their work? This is what Hashem was trying to show. Each star is special and has its own unique name, even though they number more than a Furthermore, how did the King die during those 'many' days, if a trillion. So too, each Jew is unique and special to Hashem. No person can only die on one day? Furthermore, Dovid was not one should think that they have nothing to add and no need to called, ‘the King’ on the day he died, (Melochim 1, 2, 1). Why perform. was Pharaoh?

L’ZECHER NISHMAS MARAS RIVKA TOBEH DEVORA BAS R’ CHAIM YOSEF MEIR A”H MRS. TOBY SALAMON A’’H BY SAM & RUTHIE SALAMON & FAMILY WHO AM I ? When word spread about the new 's opinion on this organization, many people who viewed that institution favorably 1. I caused swallowing approached the Rov and challenged him, “You are supposed to 2. For the first I was ninety nine 3. I am eight be the Rov of the city, not of a narrow minded segment of it.” 4. I was missed in the desert The Rov responded, “It is correct that I must be the Rov of the Last week’s clues: My admittance caused my admittance, I have whole city, but my first obligation is to adhere to Hashem's the staff, I do not have a mane, I caused thanksgiving tenets. A person may not sidestep Hashem's demands in order to Answer: Yehuda placate people. I must pay attention to what the holds dear and its values even if it means compromising my Rabbinic Congratulations to: Kiss Family, Yechezkel Schulgasser, career.” Noach Ehrlich, Esti Ehrlich, Yerachmiel Diamond WHO AM I ? BULLETIN BOARD M A Z E L T O V 1 I am not Hashem’s daughter 2 I had far reaching effects Rabbi and Mrs. Yerachmiel Becker on the Bar Mitzva of Yehuda 3 My conversion caused salvation Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Freund 4 I went to the river Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Horowitz on the birth of a girl Last week’s clues: We are the blessing, We were swapped, We are two of twelve, We has wicked children. Mr. and Mrs. Akiva Pearlman on the Bar Mitzva of Yakov

Answer: Ephraim and Menashe. Mr. and Mrs. Akiva Shawel on the Bar Mitzva of Ari Mr. Harry Schuster Congratulations to: Shmuely Davidovich, Yochai Yares, Kiss

Family, Yechezkel Schulgasser, Noach Ehrlich, Esti Ehrlich, Mr. and Mrs. Yakov Smilowitz on the engagement of Shira Yerachmiel Diamond Mr. and Mrs. Evenchik on the Bar Mitzva of Zecharia

TORAH RIDDLE What is hinted to in the first posuk of the Parsha? Pirchei 1-2 Grade: 3:15-3:55 at Yavne (Downstairs) Last week’s riddle and answer: Why are called Yehudim, 3-4 Grade: No Pirchei why not Shimonim etc.? 5-6 Grade: No Pirchei 7-8 Grade: 3:50 Seder at Yavne (Upstairs)

Answer: Since Yehuda admitted to the story with Tamar, he merited that Jews should be called in his name. Bnos K: Kaila & Hudi Fishbane – 2415 Laurelhurst Congratulations to: Yochai Yares 1: Miri Glatzer – 2584 Milton 2: Chana Weiss – 2441 Laurelhurst Please send “Who Am I” and “Torah Riddle” answers to 3: Chaya Mushka Friedman – 23608 Ranch [email protected] by next Wed. 4: Ahuva Malcmacher – 4298 University Pkwy and be entered in a raffle for an amazing SPY GEAR – ULTRA RANGE WALKIE TALKIE Motsai Shabbos Learning For the months of Teves/Shevat. Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai: 7:00 – 8:00 The answers will IY”H appear in next week’s issue Zichron Chaim: 7:00 – 8:00 Alexander Beis Medrash: 7:30 – 8:30 A GLIMPSE OF GREATNESS

Shortly before Rosh Hashono, Rav Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik replaced his father, Rav Chaim Soloveitchik, as Rov of the city FRIDAY NIGHT LEARNING PROGRAM of Brisk. People were curious how their new young Rov would The Kollel Bais Medrash will be open conduct himself. On Rosh Hashono, hundreds of people came to for men and boys to come and learn. bask in the glory of the Rov's davening. Cholent by Freshko. Learning: 8:00 Cholent: 9:15 The Rov was called up to the Torah for the second aliya (Levi). As he approached the bima, he heard the person who had been called up for pledging money to a cause with views RECEIVE ‘ONEG SHABBOS’ BY EMAIL contrary to true Torah values. Shocked at what he heard, the Rov If you would like to receive the Oneg Shabbos each week by declared, “Even on Rosh Hashono you want to sin and cause email, please subscribe online at, others to sin?” or email [email protected].