EO/00/8/A EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMITTEE AGENDA 8TH Meeting, 2000 (Session 1) Monday 20 March, 2000 The committee will meet at 1pm in the Chamber, Assembly Hall, the Mound, Edinburgh 1. Consideration of Questions (in private): The committee will consider questions for witnesses. 2. Item to be taken in private: The convener will move that item 4 be taken in private. 3. Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Bill: The committee will take evidence at Stage 1 on the general principles of the Bill from— Patrick Rowlink and Ann Stewart of Keep the Clause campaign; Morag Alexander of the Equal Opportunities Commission; Tim Hopkins of the Equality Network; Brian Dempsey of Outright Scotland; Strathclyde lesbian, gay and bisexual youth group; Scottish Parents Inquiry. 4. Review of evidence: The committee will review evidence. *********************** EO/00/8/A The following papers are attached: Equal Opportunities Commission response to the Scottish Executive consultation document ‘Standards in Public Life’ Martin Verity Clerk to the Committee Room G.11 Committee Chambers 85211 email
[email protected] Equal Opportunities Committee, 2.45pm, 20th March 2000 Details of Witnesses Judith Mackinlay is a member of Edinburgh Lesbian Mothers Group and through that, the Lesbian Mothers Network in Scotland. She has a five year old daughter. She teaches in primary school. Paul Nicholls is a 16 year old member of Strathclyde Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth Group. He has been attending the group for a year and a half, and has gained friendship and support which was unavailable at his school. School was a hostile and threatening environment for Paul, due to the homophobic attitudes, which most teachers ignored.