147 Abortion
Index Abel-Smith, Brian, 147, 155 events imparting impetus to, The Poor and the Poorest (published 121–2, 131–2, 133, 137 1965), 147 forms of action of, 21–2, 118, Abortion Act (1967), 53, 72, 80, 88, 134–6, 138–40, 188–9, 215 90, 92 motivations of, 121–4, 130, 183 Abortion Law Reform Association political involvement of, 138, 142 (ALRA), 9–10, 72, 77, 87–9, spread of, 90, 98–9, 140–2, 143 92 structures and organisation of, 99, Abortion Law Reformed (‘official’ 213 ALRA account of the Abortion tactics employed in, 21–3, 129, 205 Act), 90 Adam Smith Institute, 14 constructed meaning of sexuality Addaction, 164, 166, 173 and gender (1930s to 1970s), Advisory Council on the Misuse of 78–9 Drugs, 170 founding and early years of, 80–5 affluence, 5, 6–7, 17, 183, 191, 218 In Desperation: Letters Sent to the Africa Bureau, 119, 127n.26, 132 Abortion Law Association aid and development charities, 217 (publication), 90 Airport Watch, 215 and legislation, 86, 92 ALARM (ad hoc campaign rights of women as individuals, 78, coalition), 213 92 Albany Trust, 97, 98 ‘social clause’ strategy, 90–1 Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 abortion, 9, 53, 62, 71–2, 182, 193, Alfie (British film), 89 245 Ali, Tariq, 187 advocacy, 79–80, 86–7 Allen, Elizabeth, 122 backstreet, 80, 89–90 Allied Powers/Allies, 41–2 and health issues, 89 Almond, A., 253 law reform, 83, 85–6, 89–92 Alternative Trade Organisations legal, 72, 77, 78, 80–3, 86–9, 90, (ATOs), 222, 229–33, 237 91, 92 Amandla (ANC cultural group), 141 political support for, 78, 86 Amnesty International (founded reform,
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