Volume 75 Nos 11 & 12 December 2016 In this issue: DST AWARD FOR SALT KBO OCCULTATION PRIVATE OBSERVATORIES IN SOUTH AFRICA COLLOQUIA AND SEMINARS SKY DELIGHTS EDITORIAL Mr Case Rijsdijk (Editor, MNASSA ) BOARD Mr Auke Slotegraaf (Editor, Sky Guide Africa South ) Mr Christian Hettlage (Webmaster) Mr James Smith (Web Manager) Prof M.W. Feast (Member, University of Cape Town) Prof B. Warner (Member, University of Cape Town) MNASSA Mr Case Rijs dijk (Editor, MNASSA ) PRODUCTION Dr Ian Glass (Assistant Editor) Vacant (Book Review Editor) Willie Koorts (Consultant) EDITORIAL MNASSA, PO Box 9, Observatory 7935, South Africa ADDRESSES Email:
[email protected] Web Manager:
[email protected] MNASSA Download Page: www.mnassa.org.za SUBSCRIPTIONS MNASSA is available for free download on the Internet ADVERTISING Advertisements may be placed in MNASSA at the following rates per insertion: full page R400, half page R200, quarter page R100. Small advertisements R2 per word. Enquiries should be sent to the editor at
[email protected] CONTRIBUTIONS MNASSA mainly serves the Southern African astronomical community. Articles may be submitted by members of this community or by those with strong connections. Else they should deal with matters of direct interest to the community . MNASSA is published on the first day of every second month and articles are due one month before the publication date. RECOGNITION Articles from MNASSA appear in the NASA/ADS data system. Cover picture: Anthony Barry Jones, ASSA stalwart, who died 23 November 2016. A full obituary will appear in the next edition of MNASSA. mnassa Vol 75 Nos 11 & 12 December 2016 Editorial There was a time when enthusiastic, passionate and dedicated amateur astronomers, with modest, often ‘home-made’, equipment could contribute to ‘real’ astronomy through the discovery of Comets, Novae, SNe, work for the Minor Planet Centre, MPC and contribute to the American Association of Variable Star Observers, AAVSO.