Pac Newsletter Active January 2018
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Newsletter of the Popular Astronomy Club JANUARY 2018 President’s Corner January 2018 I would also like to acknowledge the contribu- tions of Lee Farrar who served as your club’s It’s hard to believe it, but we are newsletter editor for seventeen years. During beginning another new year. I his tenure, Lee did a great job documenting trust you all had a Merry Christ- the club’s activities and publishing a well- mas and a Happy New Year organized narrative of your club’s history. celebration with friends and When Lee retired last year we were very fortu- family. The holidays are defi- nate that Terry Dufek volunteered to take on nitely a time to give thanks and the newsletter. Terry has done a fantastic job celebrate. Let me say “thank filling the void left by Lee when he retired as you” to all of you who attended newsletter editor, and I want to thank him for the December club meeting and stepping in and developing a “new” monthly Alan Sheidler voted for the slate of candidates newsletter. for officers in your club. I would like to especially thank Adam Beals and Bryan Raser who served The holidays are also a time to think of the fu- two year stints as your vice president and treas- ture. What will 2018 bring? Who knows? But urer, respectively. Replacing these gentlemen are it certainly will bring challenges and opportuni- Dino Milani as the new VP and Dale Hachtel as ties. 2018 will be a time of continuing PAC’s Treasurer. Be sure to congratulate them and give regular public outreach events such as Niabi them your support in the coming year. Though observing sessions, library programs and oth- Adam is stepping down as VP he will be continu- ers. But in addition, 2018 will be a time of ing as the club webmaster and facebook man- planning and preparation for NCRAL 2019 ager. Continuing in their current positions are which the AL has asked PAC to host in the Rusty Case as Observatory Director, Terry Dufek spring of 2019. I believe we are following the as your Secretary, Roy Gustafson as the club’s direction of PAC’s founder and first president, Astronomical League Correspondent (ALCOR) Carl Gamble, who once said "The diffusion of and me as your President. Let me also acknowl- knowledge can be placed secondary only to edge Wayland Bauer as your past president, who discovery. There is a shortage of interpreters; has faithfully served on your club’s board and and in my small way, I feel I am able to serve been a guiding light, steady hand and good friend as one of those interpreters." Astronomy was to me as I have attempted to serve as your cur- his hobby and he founded PAC to disseminate rent president. Let me also thank you all for sup- knowledge of astronomy to the public. Serving porting the club by attending meetings, doing pro- as host for NCRAL 2019 is indeed a challenge, grams, writing newspaper articles, attending club but NCRAL conventions are a great opportu- observing sessions, helping at public outreach nity for PAC to disseminate astronomical events, and supporting the club with donations of knowledge, network with local clubs and uni- money and time to support everything your club versities and to showcase the Quad Cities to does. NCRAL attendees from around the Midwest. (Continued in next column) (Continued on next page) 1 (Continued from previous page) 2019 is the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, which was undoubtedly one of the most daring voyages of discovery ever embarked upon. Let’s not forget however there have been other voyages of dis- covery such as Columbus’ trek to the new world. These voyages, whether by sea or in space, were made possible by tremendous advances in sci- ence, technology, and navigation. Astronomy was at the core of these advances. Today, we find ourselves at the dawning of a new age of discov- ery. Gravitational waves, exo-planets, manned missions to Mars, and much more. I would like to propose the following theme for our NCRAL 2019 convention: “Astronomical Voyages of Discovery: 2018 PAC OFFICERS Past, Present and Future”. Let me know your thoughts on this theme. Also, be thinking of ways PRESIDENT - Alan Sheidler 3528 56th Street you can volunteer to help plan and make NCRAL Court, Moline, IL, 61265 Phone: (309) 797- 2019 the best convention since the last time PAC 3120; Email: [email protected] hosted in 1986! Keep looking up. Al Sheidler VICE PRESIDENT – Dino Milani 2317 29 1/2 Street, Rock Island, IA, 61201 Phone: (309) 269-4735 ; Email: [email protected] CONTENTS SECRETARY - Terry Dufek 2812 W. 65th Street, Davenport, IA, 52806 Phone: (563) 386-3509; Email: [email protected] Page TREASURER – Dale Hachtel 1617 Elm Shore 1 Presidents Corner Drive, Port Byron Illinois, 61275 Phone: (614) 2 Index /Officers List 935-5748; Email: [email protected] 3 Announcements/ Info 4 Thank you letter from Niabi 5 2018 Messier Marathon / ALCOR – Roy E. Gustafson 11 Deer Run Eastern Iowa Star Party Road, Orion, IL, 61273 Phone: (309)526-3592; 6 PAC Elections Email: [email protected] 7 M36 The Pinwheel Cluster 8 Mars– Jupiter Conjunction DIRECTOR OF OBSERVATORIES - Rusty 9 Quadrantids Meteor Shower Case 2123 W. 16th Street, Davenport, IA, 10 Upcoming Events 52804 Phone: (563) 349-2444 Email: rusty- 11 Astronomical Events Calendar/ [email protected] The Planets 12-15 NASA Space Place PAST PRESIDENT - Wayland Bauer 3256 16-17 Space News Links Pleasant Drive, Bettendorf, IA., 52722 Phone: 18 Sky Software (563) 332-4032 Email: [email protected] 19-29 Paul Castle Observing Session NEWSLETTER EDITOR - Terry Dufek 2812 30 PAC Business Meeting W. 65th Street, Davenport, IA, 52806 Phone: 31 Treasurers Report (563) 386-3509; Email: [email protected] 32 Membership Renewal Form 2 Craig Cox Joel Carter WELCOME! Terry Dufek Mike & Helen Haney Cindy Pippert YES! We have John Weber openings for….. THANK YOU! CONSTELLATION REPORTS September, 2018 NEWSPAPER ARTICLES NCRAL 2018 June, August, Event date: September, October, Fri May 4, 2018 & Sat May 5, 2018 November, December 2018 Location of event: Lodge at Leathem Smith (If you have need some ideas, 1640 Memorial Drive we can help– It isn‘t as hard as Sturgeon Bay , WI 54235 it looks) North Central Region of the Astro- PAC MONTHLY nomical League annual convention PRESENTATIONS presented by the Door Peninsula As- November 2018 tronomical Society in Door County, Wisconsin. Please contact Al or Dino if Interested ALCON 2018 Event date: Wed Jul 11, 2018 - Sat Jul 14, 2018 SUBMISSIONS Location of event: If you have an article or photos to HILTON MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL submit or items of interest, AIRPORT MALL OF AMERICA we encourage you to send them in 3800 American Bldd. E by the 25th of the month. Links to Bloomington , MN 55425 stories are welcome also. 3 Popular Astronomy Club [email protected] Dear Popular Astronomy Club, Please accept my sincerest thanks for your kind gift of $100.00 to the Niabi Zoological Park. Your generous support helps us to fulfill the Zoo’s mission to connect the community with the natural world through conservation leadership and engaging educational experiences. We will put your gift to immediate use, as we get ready to accept our two newest species here at Niabi: Pampas cats, and Dwarf caiman! Thank you again for your continued support. And please, visit us often to see what a difference your support makes. Sincerely Lee Jackson Lee Jackson Director Niabi Zoological Park 4 2018 Messier Marathon / Eastern Iowa Star Party The Quad Cities Astronomical Society holds 2 major Amateur Astronomy events annually... the first being the March Messier Marathon, and the second being the Eastern Iowa Star Party, generally held in September. Both events are geared toward the amateur astronomer attendees pursuing their own interests in the hobby... friends and family are always welcome, keeping in mind that even though there are many social aspects to the event, the event is primarily for each astronomer to increase their skill set and have a bit of comradery with fellow astronomers. We try to supply munchies and beverages... and the events are held at the St. Ambrose Menke Observatory adjacent to the Wapsi River Educational and Environmental Center just outside of Dixon, Iowa 2018 Messier Marathon 03/16-18/18 – QCAS Messier Marathon at the Menke Observatory.... No real specifics... we have a few nights... based on weather... get together and do Mess ier objects.... Some like Ken can do critical observing... some like me, can just see how many we can get in a single night... You can work toward an AL certificate (ask for full requirements and details) or use full computerized GoTo... You can do visual or AP... We do the marathon this time of year because the Messier objects are more readily avail able... what better way for an amateur astronomer to celebrate! Oh... and of course munchies and hot beverages! 2018 Eastern Iowa Star Party 09/07-09/18 – Eastern Iowa Star Party at the Menke Observatory... For 2018, we have extended our invitations from 4 or 5 clubs, to about 17 clubs... we can only handle about 50 guests, so first registered first reserved... We have secured two excellent speakers so far... Dr. Paul Sipiera and Dr. Jennifer Ander son! Dr. S will be discussing space rocks, and bringing for display part of his incredibly large collection... Keeping on topic, Dr. A specializes in the damage space rocks can do, and will talk on Impact Craters. Dr. A gave a similar talk at the 2017 Astronomical League NCRAL event..