The October Election of the Boys' School
doubt bnt that they will do so, as it seldom happens that an THE OCTOBER ELECTION OF THE East Lancashire case is put forward that does not receive BOYS' SCHOOL. fche attention of the Provincial organization, in its turn. Northumberland's two cases are Nos. 8 and 48 respec- ESUMING onr review of the candidates seeking dependent I) tively. No. 8, George Cannon, is an only child L admittance to the Boys' School who will compete at on a widowed mother, aud now appeals, for the third time, the election^,on the 12th of next month, we now come to with a total of 16 votes brought forward from tbe two con- the Provincial cases. Of these, Hampshire and the Isle of tests in which he has already taken a part. His father Wight is answerable for four of those remaining on the was an initiate of the St. Peter's Lodge, No. 481, sub- list, two of them being fresh candidates and the others now scribing thereto for thirteen years, close up to tbe time of making a second application. No. 24, Tom Edgar Gooch , his decease, in November 1881. We hope it may be pos- is one of the new cases : he has a sister in the Girls' sible for his fellow members to do something for this child ; School, and is one of four children dependent on the after so long an association with a Lodge he should be well mother. His father was a member of the Hengist Lodge, remembered in the district. No. 48, Charles Wren Lim- No.
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