TIDES Theof TIME Published by the OXFORD DOCTOR WHO SOCIETY • Trinity Term 2017 • Number 39 THE ONLY WAY IS MONDAS The Cybermen within CATHAY SOCIETY Is the Doctor a jellyfish? Ashildr: How Me? Peladon poetry AI in SMILE Fan studies: recognition Ood The TIDES of TIME Number 39 † Trinity Term 2017 Contents 1 Cover illustration Sam Sheppard 3 Editorial – Sadness of a Sontaran? Matthew Kilburn 4 Nostalgia: 1997. The Eight Doctors discovered James Ashworth 6 The End of the Universe William Shaw 11 St Luke’s, St Luke, and the Doctor Matthew Kilburn 12 Xenobiology 1: Time Lords James Ashworth 16 Maximizing Smiliness. Machine learning in Smile Louise Dennis 19 The Problem of Ashildr/Me James Baillie 21 Fiction – How Sister Peren Came to Karn Matthew Kilburn 32 Xenobiology 2: Adipose James Ashworth 35 Poetry – Snakedance William Shaw 36 From the Roof of the World to the Great Capital Katrin Thier 49 Poetry – The Curse of Peladon William Shaw 50 Fiction – A Stone’s Throw, part one John Salway 53 Eclosure of the Cybermen Matthew Kilburn 56 Xenobiology 3: Ood James Ashworth 57 Ood for Thought Tom Marshall 58 Women’s Work Melissa Beattie 65 Poetry – Haikus William Shaw 66 Xenobiology: Further Reading James Ashworth Editor Matthew Kilburn Editorial address
[email protected] Editorial assistance from Ian Bayley, James Ashworth, Melissa Beattie, William Shaw Thanks to Georgia Harper, Sam Sheppard and to Ella Holden, who commissioned several articles included in this issue. This issue was largely typeset in Alegreya and Alegreya Sans, designed by Juan Pablo del Peral, but with selective use of Minion Pro, Libre Baskerville, Junicode, Della Robbia , Twentieth Century, Futura Light Condensed Bold and Futura Extra Black Condensed.