Lucky Dime Oil Co.S Lands
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. vw?v-,'-,V',-- 'v 'fM,-t- f5 v' ..- - i. j.V4-;- - ! - '45-"'-- r- tiji""' rM''-Mssf-.s.-- ?r ir 1 T 4 THE REPUBLIC SUNDAY. MAY. 12. 1901. Oil BASEBALL COMMENT-AVERA- GES TO DATE. In the Heart of the Beaumont Fields --jama v. 'DESERTION OF PITCHERS LAJOIE LEADS ALL FELT IN NATIONAL LEAGUE. THE GREAT HITTERS. Lucky Dime Oil Co.s Lands. of League Philadelphia Club Has Contract Weakened Many Clubs Success of Cincinnati Tin IJifr Captain the American Junipers Doing Well. Over SI. Louis Attributed to Number 'Seven." Broken AH Batting Records Heidrick Is Chances for a Fortune in the Lucky Dime Oil Co. in Most Companies, Intent batting records of the two The league batting averages to One Other and WRITTEN KOlt THD SVXDVY TtEPl'KMC enoueji to take the heart out of the bravest The American Thai wholft.dc desertion of the National to jump into tin- - box on Instant notice when rlsal major leagues, complete up to lat show- - Napoleon Lajole as leader with the the opponents are anywhere Trom lour to percentage or .000, 8 lyague by many Rood pitchers who have Thursday, will afford the cranks much ma- extraordinary acquired or- slv runs In the lead, dudhnfi' could twenty-seve- n joined In the American cond-divislon a'.as by rapping out hits in eleven MAP vnriou. teams win lrcim clubs, and those terial tor gossip and rumination. It Is OUR PROVES IT. ganization has been folt liy federal ot the victories go as far towartl winning the pen-x:n- games. Buck Freeman Is second, and the combina- yucee-- the batting In the Na- tcamp In the heretofore major as ac;nlnpt or Pitts- eMent that late Kelster third. Thirty-si- x In burg. unlamented tion this uprlne. Nearly eerj team the tional will aeiage lighter this season than .30(1 8fc k men are hitting or better. The club National League seems to ho u little wt-.i- figures up A problem of the in the American if the to date batting In the pitching department. Thla In the About tile mosL insteiious figures are much heavier than thoso baseball season with St. I.ouls fans is the accepted as any of the National team-- . Lnjole's club lead natural order of things should leave them can be criterion. v-:-- si- t- an wonderful suceccs of Cincinnati against the with .343, and six of the clubs with the same relatlu strength a they local team. The Heds. In two werle", won Sam Strang, tho New York third base- light arc ,. (.' possessed last searon. but going on the six games, tied one and lost one. The over the .300 line. - - man. Is the tempomry batting leader of the basis of the playing- thus far It has not: and Heds can hardlv be counted as a heavy- Skopec, Charlie Comiskey's oung Look Fortunes Pittsburg, which had the strongest pitching hitting aggregation. Pittsburg will average Natioiml with a percentage of .450. lends the pltchera with four vic- better with the stick. And though the Cin- tories. ranks corps last I ear, and has lost but one box guns Herman Long comes second, and Ununett Emll Frisk second. Moor, cinnati team seemed hitting great the pitcher who, was to have been artist, 'Waudell, who was released to Chi- in tho two series with the St. Louis club, it Heldrlrk ranks third with .42. Heidrick taken cago, so failed to prove the ad- not high average In the by St. Louis, has won two games out pf has far did make 'as an lias muile more hits than any other plajer three. vantage, although the Pirates have been eight games as did Mr. Donovan and his in the league, or, for that matter, than Will strong of late, and If figures count pl.icri. The total average of the Heds In The American League figures: at comlns any man In leagues. Thirty-fiv- e . for an thing, wIU be within touching dis- the eight games was .ITS. while the St. othnr both InUlviilnnl Ilattina-- Lout- - team totaled .20 with the stick, by National leaguers are hitting .300 or bet- I'layern. o. AB. It. 11. SH. SB. Tct tance of the pennant all through the present is consid Mm no means a low aerae when It with six St. Jolr. Ath It .eoo campaign. ered how many poor batters among the ter, Louis plners in the num- Irrrraan, Hoton 10 .ico Brooklyn Is probably the heaviest loser, in games pulled down ber. Chllils's record of .333, con- Kelier, Halt II .414 pitchers were the and all things 11 Chicago suffered no bit by the the figures. Is Utilliim, Boston... .429 though small sidered, one of the most creditable' In the KUil.i. Ath.i 11 .417 Our Map. Be loss of Griffith, Callahan and ttarvin. Phil- St Louis got seven more "idfe hits than Hemphill. Boston.. les"S lot. St. Louis leads In club batting with i .417 adelphia, was injured considerably when the Reds in the light iiiitfs or than truss, Ath 11 .3SS unu hit to pnme more. But more start- a percentngo of .303, Chicago I 12 three of its pitchers were Induced to desert, the second and Klbrlllelu. .385 ing still are the figures which are placed Pittsburg third. The Cardinals excel ltncl"n, Ath II .SfiO each one of whom won more than half of In column, probably cood place also Hartman, Chicago.. 11 .377 the last a 1,12 hl"s games 1900. um is well in long hits, wiili extra bases to 12J anana. Chicago 5 .373 In tor them, It that they should be Jackson. Taking the pitchers individually. It will overlooked at tlmts. Cincinnati made twenty-- for Cincinnati. Sam Crawford ranks as the Halt. .171 We Made Mil .371 '. six naldron. be seen Vihat has been dono to the arious errors in the two series and St. best Individual slugger, Chicago . .370 ,si seven less, With Hartzel Second and Mertr. pltchlns departments in the National )lii made tr nineteen. Heidrick IVrriM. Boston .S6.I a total of seven mere hits and seven less third. l!lllert. Mil .363 League. JIcGinnity, who led the Leasue errors, the St. Louis, team could win but Young Matthewson of New York leads the 1'arrell. Wash .VI last j ear with 23 games won and only 9 one game out ot eight. Setn Is usually Anderson, Mil W .21 was single loss, wh'lo o Pitchers with four straight wins, Dineeii, Diingon. Wash 45 .V lost, tho severest counted as a lucky number, but it seems Dillon. Det Nops, 3 won 4 lost, and Howell be the mysterious "hoodoo" which the Cin Ljevcr and Harper ranking next with three 3t .Til Are with and Hallman. Mil i: .316 the S team certainly possesses on St. apiece. 44 with 6 won and lobt. did more to injure cinnati the letories In the subjoined table de- Duff), Mil .311 M Vp r vCf the pennant chances ot year's cham- Louisans. tails of runs, hits, buses Ilurrrtt. Detroit... 56 .359 i. l" last Ad-le- the-- an- on balls and strike 1 men, especially McGln-nlt- y, to two peculiar eens i" Wlllluiua. Bait... .333 pions. Those three other one. St. failed to w In seven outs hae been gUen to all pitchers who Iui:e, Chicago .. 42 333 hardly replaced on such short Just Mil 51 can be times. And the seventh game was given officiated In three or more games so .333 notice, oven by great developer cf far this Burke. Mil 41 .333 such a to the Heds only by an oversight of Um- Hoy, S3 -- seuson, the others simply figuring in Chicago .321 crackerjacks as Ned Ilanlon. pire Emslie, who failed to give decision the .I Bound Day a percentage Dowel. Boston .32i Chicago Is without tho services of GrirGlh, according to the rules of the National column: Ia Chance. Cleie... SI .314 who won 14 ouj, 27 games last year; Cal- league. Two ot the games were taken by The National League figures: ltnnlln. Bait 41 .313 of k. 52 lahan, who won 13 and lost 1C, but who in- Cincinnati with seven runs; one with twice . Clee .91S seen. In the tie game St. Louis had the Individual Hatting-- Parent, Boston t) .30G cidentally, was to St. Louis In 1900 what lead, I'lajTS O. AB. Case, Detroit. .304 with the total runs scored standing at 1. II. SH. SB. P.ct. Shay, 33 "Noodles" is this spring. Garvin w on sesVn. Strang. New York 40 J .4'.J Clec .303 Bahn That was just right for the Reds, lj-n-t. ....II 4) .301) Chi- Boston 4 Powers. Ath fo We 11 oufof IS games. On those figures seemingly, as they relieved St. Louis ot it a .415 Bradley. Cleve. 47 llefdrlpk, St. L....15 73 II .4 .198 cago could not win a banner, but the Windy a victory by scoring one run. which tied Green. Chliago lit -J S'jmour, Halt 4a .EC1 Y game, 8 .431 McCarthy. so V?5"v City National team, was practically broken the and the fire ljft It a tie. l)0lf, Chicago U 41 7 .irj Clee.... .28) It all seems foolish, but the Reds have I S .Met. raw. Bait. 41 .279 up by the tripple desertion of its pitchers Child. St. 3 .3u 13 54 not to Chicago 16 14 Sullivan. Chit sco .27S big urn. V.;',;. cA.'..".'-- held St.