Vitis 47 (3), 135–140 (2008)

Expression of multi-copy flavonoid pathway genes coincides with , flavonol and flavan-3-ol accumulation of grapevine

S. T. JEONG1), 2), 3), N. GOTO-YAMAMOTO1), 2), K. HASHIZUME1) and M. ESAKA2)

1) National Research Institute of Brewing, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan 2) Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan 3) Fruit Research Division, National Horticultural Research Institute, Suwon, Korea

Summary studies showed that the three classes of flavonoids accu- mulated in organs during different stages of development: The biosynthetic pathways of main grape flavo- anthocyanin accumulated in the berry skins during ripen- noids: , flavonols, and flavan-3-ols, hold in ing; flavonol accumulated in the berry skins during the common the early step enzymes of biosynthetic path- early stage of development and during ripening and also in way: (CHS), chalcone isomerase the leaves, tendrils, and flowers (DOWNEY et al. 2003); and (CHI), and flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H), the genes of flavan-3-ols accumulated in all of these organs and also which are multi-copied in the grape genome. The ra- in the seeds (BOSS et al. 1996). In addition, the influences tios of mRNA levels of the three Chss (Chs1, Chs2, and of light and plant hormones on flavonol accumulations in Chs3), as well as those of the two Chis (Chi1 and Chi2) berry skins were different from those on anthocyanin ac- and those of the two F3hs (F3h1 and F3h2), were dif- cumulations (FUJITA et al. 2006). These results indicate that ferent among organs, even though no organ-specificity the biosyntheses of the three flavonoids are probably con- was observed in the strictest sense. Multiple regression trolled differently. analysis demonstrated that the transcription of partic- In the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway, chalcone syn- ular genes significantly coincided with the biosynthesis thase (CHS), chalcone isomerase (CHI), and flavanone of a particular flavonoid: the transcription of Chi2 co- 3-hydroxylase (F3H) are held in common in the biosyn- incided with flavan-3-ol; Chs1, Chs2, F3h1, and F3h2 thesis of anthocyanins, flavonols, and flavan-3-ols (Fig. 1, with flavonol; and Chs2, Chs3, and F3h2 with anthocy- reviewed by HOLTON and CORNISH 1995). The first key en- anin biosynthesis. Thus, the transcription of these mul- zyme of flavonoid biosynthesis is CHS, which catalyzes ti-copy genes is likely induced differently for the bio- syntheses of anthocyanins, flavonols, and flavan-3-ols.

K e y w o r d s : flavonoid, chalcone synthase, chalcone isomerase, flavanone 3-hydroxylase.


T h r e e c l a s s e s o f f l a v o n o i d s : anthocy- anins, flavonols, and flavan-3-ols (monomers and poly- meric ), usually account for 80 to 90 % of the phenolic contents of conventionally produced red wines and contribute to the olfactory profile (ZOECKLEIN et al. 1995). Anthocyanins are important components for the color of red wine and table grapes. have bit- terness and contribute to wine color through copigmenta- tion with anthocyanins (BARANAC et al. 1997). -3-ols are also responsible for wine taste: Flavan-3-ol monomers (e.g. (+)-, (–)-epicatechin) have bitterness, and polymeric proanthocyanidins, also known as condensed Fig. 1: Simplified biosynthetic pathway of the main flavonoids in grapes. The enzyme names are abbreviated as follows: ANR, an- tannin, contribute to astringency rather than bitterness thocyanidin reductase; CHI, chalcone isomerase; CHS, chalcone (CHEYNIER et al. 2006). The three classes of flavonoid com- synthase; DFR, dihydroflavonol 4-reductase; F3H, flavanone pounds are contained in the berry skins, while the seed 3-hydroxylase; FLS, flavonol synthase; LAR, leucoanthocyani- contains only flavan-3-ols, and various grape organs, e.g. din reductase; LDOX, dioxygenase; UFGT, leaves and flowers, contain both of flavan-3-ols and fla- UDP-glucose: flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase. The products vonols (BOSS et al. 1996, SOUQUET et al. 2000). Previous in boxes and genes in shadow were analyzed in this study.

Correspondence to: Dr. N. GOTO-YAMAMOTO, National Research Institute of Brewing, 3-7-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739- 0046, Japan. Fax: +81-82-420-0850. E-mail: [email protected] 136 S. T. JEONG et al. the polyketide condensation reaction of p-coumaroyl-CoA Material and Methods and three acetate units from malonyl-CoA to yield chal- cone. Chalcone is isomerized to flavanone by CHI. Hy- P l a n t m a t e r i a l : Four-year-old Vitis vinifera droxylation of flavanone at the 3 position by F3H leads to 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grown in an experimental vineyard the formation of dihydroflavonol. From dihydroflavonol, at Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan was used for this study. Flow- the biosynthetic pathway branches to the specific pathway ers at full bloom (June 6, 2003), adventitious roots from of flavonol, from leucoanthocyanidin to 2,3-trans flavan- cut shoots, young stems of current shoots, young tendrils, 3-ol, and from to 2,3-cis flavan-3-ol and small young leaves (reddish green, 4-8 cm in length), anthocyanin (Fig. 1). Flavan-3-ol monomers are currently middle-size leaves (green, 10-14 cm in length), as well presumed to be the precursors of proanthocyanidins, al- as seeds, berry skins, and flesh at the small-berry stage though several models have been proposed for the proan- (2 weeks after flowering, WAF), at the pre-veraison (ve- thocyanidin biosynthesis (XIE and DIXON 2005, XIE et al. raison = the onset of ripening) stage (6 WAF), and at the 2006). harvest stage (13 WAF) were sampled. These samples were For the expression of the common flavonoid path- immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at -80 ºC way genes in grapes, BOSS et al. (1996) reported from until use. The frozen sample was crushed for homogeniza- the result of northern blot analysis that the expression of tion before use. these genes correlated with the accumulation of anthocy- F l a v o n o i d a n a l y s e s : The flavonoids in anins and proanthocyanidins in grape berries. In grapes, grape organs were extracted by the method of KELLER and the three upstream enzymes are encoded by multi-copy HRAZDINA (1998) with slight modifications. Frozen sample genes (SPARVOLI et al. 1994): three copies of Chss (Chs1 (0.2-0.5 g) was ground with a mortar and pestle and ex- (Accession no. AB015872), Chs2 (AB066275), and Chs3 tracted with 5-10 ml of extract solution (formic acid:water: (AB066274)), two copies of Chis (Chi1 (X75963) and methanol = 2:28:70) for 2 h in a dark room. The extracts Chi2 (TC51784)), and two copies of F3hs (F3h1 (X75965) were centrifuged at 1,600 × g for 10 min and then the su- and F3h2 (TC45490)) were reported (JEONG et al. 2004), pernatants were diluted appropriately for each flavonoid where TC number represents a consensus sequence assem- analysis. The anthocyanin concentration was determined bly in an expressed sequence tag (EST) database of grape, by reverse-phase HPLC as previously reported (JEONG DFCI Grape Gene Index, Release 5.0 (http://compbio.dfci. et al. 2006) and expressed as a milligram of malvidin-3- Previ- glucoside (Extrasynthese, France) equivalent per gram of ously, using real-time quantitative-polymerase chain reac- fresh weight. HPLC analysis of flavonols was carried out tion (Q-PCR), we showed that there were significant differ- as reported by KOYAMA et al. (2007). The flavonol concen- ences in the mRNA levels among three Chss, between two tration was expressed as a milligram of (Fluka, Chis, and between two F3hs during the coloration of grape Switzerland) equivalent per gram of fresh weight. The con- berry skins (JEONG et al. 2004). Similarly, reverse transcrip- centration of flavan-3-ols (monomers and proanthocyani- tion PCR analysis showed that the ratios of mRNA levels dins) was determined by the acidic vanillin method (SUN in berry skins at the ripening stage and in young leaves et al. 1988) and was expressed as a milligram of catechin were different among the three Chss (GOTO-YAMAMOTO et (Sigma, USA) equivalent per gram of fresh weight. al. 2002). In other plants, ammonia-lyase R N A e x t r a c t i o n a n d q u a n t i f i c a t- (PAL) and CHS gene families have been reported to be i o n : Total RNA was extracted from the grape organs as transcribed organ-specifically (YAMADA et al. 1992, KOBA- reported by GEUNA et al. (1998) and treated with RNase- YASHI et al. 1998). free DNase I (Takara, Japan) to remove contaminant DNA. Thus, it is important to know how the transcription of For the determination of the mRNA levels of Chss (Chs1, each isogene of Chss, Chis, and F3hs is controlled depend- Chs2, and Chs3), Chis (Chi1 and Chi2), and F3hs (F3h1 ing on the biosynthesis of each flavonoid in each organ in and F3h2), Q-PCR was performed using a GeneAmp 5700 order to understand the control mechanism of flavonoid sequence detection system (Applied Biosystems, USA) biosynthesis. We suggest three possibilities: (1) non-spe- and the QuantiTect SYBR Green PCR Kit (Qiagen, Ger- cific transcription, e.g. three Chss are transcribed at the many) as described in the manufacturers’ manuals. Prepa- same rate in all organs; (2) organ-specific transcription, ration procedures of sample cDNA and standard DNA for e.g. Chs1 is transcribed in leaves, Chs2 in seeds, and Chs3 a calibration curve, as well as the sequences of primer sets, in berry skins; (3) pathway-specific transcription, e.g. Chs1 except for the reverse primer for Chi2, were reported previ- is transcribed for flavonol, Chs2 for flavan-3-ols, and Chs3 ously (JEONG et al. 2004). Q-PCR primers were designed at for anthocyanin synthesis, although the results of previous the low-homology regions of the cDNA sequences of each studies showed that the possibility of (1) is unlikely. gene family. The specificity of each primer pair was con- In this study, we determined the mRNA levels of all firmed by direct sequencing of the amplicon. The sequence Chs, Chi and F3h isogenes and the concentrations of an- of Chi2 reverse primer was GAAATAAGAGCCTCAAA- thocyanins, flavonols and flavan-3-ols in various grape or- GAA, of which nucleotide underlined is different from gans. The ratio of mRNA level of each isogene was differ- the previous report (JEONG et al. 2004). Real-time Q-PCR ent among grape organs, and multiple regression analysis was performed under the following conditions: 95 ºC for revealed that the transcription of particular isogenes sig- 15 min followed by 35 - 40 cycles at 95 ºC for 15 s, at the nificantly coincided with the biosynthesis of a particular annealing temperature of 52 ºC for Chs1 and 56 ºC for the flavonoid. other genes tested for 20 s, and at 72 ºC for 20 s. The final Expression of multi-copy flavonoid pathway genes 137 primer concentration was 0.25 µM for Chs1 and 0.5 µM maturity. With regard to flavan-3-ol biosynthesis in grapes, for the other genes tested. Real-time Q-PCR was carried cloning and expression analyses of leucoanthocyanidin out with at least three replicates per sample, and the aver- reductase (LAR) and anthocyanin reductase (ANR) genes age mRNA level of each gene was expressed as a molar as well as flavan-3-ol accumulation were reported recently ratio relative to VvUbiquitin1 with reference to DOWNEY (FUJITA et al. 2005, 2007, BOGS et al. 2006). The change of et al. (2003). The primer sequences and Q-PCR condition flavan-3-ol accumulation in this study is consistent with for VvUbiquitin1 were reported by FUJITA et al. (2005). the results of these reports. Although the berry flesh at the S t a t i s t i c s : Multiple linear regression analysis small-berry stage (2 WAF) accumulated small quantities was applied to identify significant independent predictors of flavan-3-ols, the accumulation was not detectable dur- for mRNA levels of each gene using Microsoft Excel soft- ing berry ripening, which is in agreement with the result ware (Microsoft Office 2000). reported by BOSS et al. (1996). Thus, the flavonoid accumulation analyzed here showed no contradiction to other reports, which means Results these samples have the typical characteristics of red-wine grapes. accumulation in various grape m R N A l e v e l s o f C h s s , C h i s , a n d organs: The concentrations of anthocyanins, flavonols, F 3 h s i n v a r i o u s g r a p e o r g a n s : The mRNA and flavan-3-ols were determined (Fig. 2). As expected, levels of Chss, Chis, and F3hs were determined in various anthocyanins were detected only in young leaves (reddish grape organs (Fig. 3) using the same samples as that used green) and berry skin at the harvest stage. Flavonols ac- for the flavonoid analyses. In the leaf samples, the mRNA cumulated most highly in the leaf samples and also were of all genes tested except for Chi2, was detected at higher detected in flowers, stems, tendrils, and berry skins, which levels in the young leaves than in the middle-size leaves. In is consistent with the report of DOWNEY et al. (2003). Fla- the seed samples, the mRNA of the all genes except F3h2 van-3-ols accumulated most highly in the seed samples and showed the highest levels at the small-berry stage (2 WAF). also were detected in flowers, roots, young and middle-size In the berry skin samples, the mRNA of all genes tested was leaves, and berry skins. The flavan-3-ol concentration in detected at the small-berry stage (2 WAF) and decreased or seeds was already at a high level at the small-berry stage disappeared at the pre-veraison stage (6 WAF); the mRNA and remained at high levels during berry ripening. The ber- levels increased again at the harvest stage (13 WAF) as was ry skins contained the highest level of flavan-3-ols at the reported by BOSS et al. (1996). The transcript levels of the small-berry stage, and their concentration decreased with three Chss, Chi2, and F3h2 were also high in the flowers, roots, stems, and/or tendrils, as well as in the berry flesh at the small-berry (2 WAF) and harvest (13 WAF) stages. Of the Chss, the mRNA of Chs1 and Chs2 was de- tected at higher levels in the young leaves than in the other organs tested, whereas the mRNA of Chs3 was detected at the highest level in the berry skin at the harvest stage (13 WAF). Of the Chis, the mRNA of Chi2 was detected at a higher level than that of Chi1 in all of the organs tested. The mRNA of Chi2 was detected at high levels in the flow- er and small-berry skins and seeds (2 WAF). The mRNA of F3h1 was detected at the highest level in the young leaves, whereas the mRNA of F3h2 was detected at the highest level in the skins at the harvest stage (13 WAF).


The mRNA accumulation patterns of total Chss, Chis, and F3hs in various grape organs were consistent with the total flavonoid accumulations. In the leaves, which accu- mulated high levels of flavonols and flavan-3-ols, high lev- els of mRNA were detected at the young stage. Similarly, in the seeds, which accumulated high levels of flavan-3- ols, high levels of mRNA of these genes were detected at the early stage of development. The berry flesh is an excep- tion, because the mRNA of F3h2 was accumulated at the harvest stage in spite of the negligible levels of flavonoids. Further work is necessary to clarify this discrepancy. Fig. 2: Accumulation of flavonoids in various grape organs. The The mRNA ratios of the three and the two isogenes of concentrations were shown per fresh weight (FW). Chs and F3h families, respectively, were different among 138 S. T. JEONG et al.

Fig. 3: mRNA levels of Chss, Chis, and F3hs expressed as molar ratios to VvUbiquitin1 in various grape organs. Vertical bars represent standard deviations (n=3). NT, not tested. Simplified accumulation patterns of three classes of flavonoids are shown above the graphs. The sizes of symbols correspond to the relative contents of each flavonoid. the organs, e.g., the mRNA ratios of Chs3 and F3h2 were To roughly estimate the possibility of the pathway- higher in the berry skins at the ripening stage than in the specific expression, multiple regression analysis was car- other samples. The mRNA of these two genes, however, ried out due to the fact that many organs contained two or was detected also in other organs. Thus, strictly speaking, three classes of flavonoids and simple correlation analysis no organ-specificity of Chss or F3hs expression could be would not be adequate. The mRNA levels of each gene observed. were used as the criterion variables, with the concentra- In the case of Chis, Chi2 was always predominant tions of anthocyanins, flavonols and flavan-3-ols as the at least in mRNA levels although the mRNA ratios were predictor variables (Table). Strictly speaking, the biosyn- different among the organs. This result is consistent with thesized amount of each flavonoid during a certain period the frequencies of EST in DFCI Grape Gene Index (Re- should be used as the predictor variable. These data, how- lease 5.0), where TC55034 (Chi1) consists of 19 ESTs and ever, were not available, and the concentration of each fla- TC51784 (Chi2) consists of 122 ESTs. Previously, we re- vonoid was used in stead of them. The data of middle-size ported that the mRNA levels of Chi2 were lower than those leaves, seeds at 6 and 13 WAF, and skins at 6 WAF were of Chi1 in the berry skins (JEONG et al. 2004), which must omitted from the analysis because these samples showed a be caused by one base mismatch between the former Chi2 decrease or only a small increase in flavonoid concentra- reverse primer and the corresponding sequence of 'Caber- tions compared to the former stage. Except for Chi1, all the net Sauvignon'. tested genes obtained relatively high (from 0.666 to 0.943) Expression of multi-copy flavonoid pathway genes 139

T a b l e downstream single-copy genes are highly possibly induced coordinately, and the transcription of the three Chss, as Multiple regression analysis between mRNA levels of multi- well as those of the two F3hs and those of two Chis, are copy genes of flavonoid pathway (criterion variables) and most likely induced differently during the biosyntheses of concentrations of flavonoids (predictor variables) anthocyanins, flavonols, and proanthocyanidins. It is well known that flavonoid biosynthesis is con- t value R2 trolled by three types of transcription regulatory factors: Anthocyanins Flavonols Flavan-3-ols R2R3 MYB, MYC like basic helix-loop-helix, and WD40 Chs1 0.666 -0.27 3.72** 0.33 Chs2 0.859 3.14* 5.32** 1.10 proteins (MOL et al. 1998). For flavonoid biosynthesis Chs3 0.826 5.54** 0.10 1.42 of grape, VvmybA1 (KOBAYASHI et al. 2004, 2005) and Chi1 0.253 1.06 0.28 0.88 VvmybA2 (WALKER et al. 2007) were reported to con- Chi2 0.718 -0.76 0.22 3.82** trol anthocyanin biosynthesis, and VvMYBPA1 controls F3h1 0.759 -0.28 4.55** 1.07 flavan-3-ol biosynthesis (BOGS et al. 2007). They reported F3h2 0.943 9.71** 3.32* 2.17 that VvMYBPA1 activated the promoter of LAR1, ANR, as well as VvF3’5’H1, VvLDOX, and VvCHI (= Chi1) coor- R2: contribution ratio, t: partial correlation coefficient/standard dinately, but not VvUFGT. Further researches of transcrip- error, * and ** indicate significance at p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, tion regulatory factors will provide us more precise infor- respectively. mation to understand the control mechanism of flavonoid contribution ratios (R2) from the accumulation of flavo- biosynthesis in grapevine. noids, which suggests that the expressions of these genes were highly related to the accumulation of flavonoids. For the expression of Chss, anthocyanin accumulation showed Acknowledgement significantly high t values (partial correlation coefficient/ standard error) to Chs2 and Chs3, as well as flavonol ac- The authors thank Mr. K. KOYAMA for helpful suggestions for cumulation to Chs1 and Chs2. Similarly, anthocyanin ac- the analysis of flavonols and Ms. R. IKEDA for DNA sequencing. cumulation showed a significantly high t value to F3h2, as well as flavonol accumulation to both F3h1 and F3h2. 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Received July 9, 2007