PLM and Classification Society Management in Marine Manufacturing Companies Niko Ville Salonen Rolls-Royce Marine AS
[email protected] 1 Introduction This study was started after ‘Systems thinking and systems engineering’ program arranged in Finland by group of technical universities and educational learning centre, Edutech, during 2011-2012. The program inspired to think could system modelling techniques give new ways of solving, proving and improving operational strategies and models in conjunction with PLM/ERP systems, Integrated Production Systems (IPS) in combination with more general techniques of UML modelling and other types of use case and data flow map presentation methods, and by using improvement tools such as lean six sigma ‘toolbox’. This study concentrates to identify specific Marine industry specific engineer to order based classification society management requirements and processes, which are known, but create extensive landscape of various certification processes influencing operational management of design, manufacturing, procurement and financial transactions, including invoicing and cost control to manufacturers like Rolls-Royce. This study focuses on modelling of different certification processes for configurable project specific products. This study illustrated the same need and missing functionality from component manufacturer’s point of view as Ehrler et al. (2007) [4] describes for classification society Germanischer Lloyd (GL), that currently these requirements are not sufficiently addressed by state of the art PDM/PLM software tools and solutions. Classification societies have to manage product oriented structures (as designed, as built), associated analysis and simulation data (FEM, CFD) and manifold relationships to external part catalogues and material databases Additionally, the underlying information model has to be extensible and adaptable during production use in order to satisfy short term requirements from different certification projects.