Guide to Transaction of Services On Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials By Foreign Consular Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of . Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Missions in China Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change (January 2018) Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- Office of Foreign Missions Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P.R.China governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China

January 29, 2018, Beijing Contents Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Note on the Consular Vehicles Management with reference to the license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management and the Change of Vehicles Management and the Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates…………………………………………1 Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management………………………11 (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, Guide to Applications for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles………30 with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- Frequently Asked Questions and Answers ……………………………35 All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC Transaction Procedures of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates Credentials…………………………………………………………… …57 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. I. Import of Vehicles……………………………………………………59 China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the II. Purchase of Vehicles in China…………………………………………66 Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates III. Filing Insurance Information …………………………………………73 tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular IV. Registration/Filing of Vehicle Alteration ………………………… …75 of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the V. Removal of Customs Supervision ……………………………………82 latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with VI. Ownership Transfer of Vehicles ……………………………………85 cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- VII. Transfer-out of Vehicles ……………………………………………90 For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates VIII. Transfer-in of Vehicles ………………………………… ……… …96 to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- IX. Disassembly and Scrapping of Vehicles………… … ……… ……104 of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members X. Change of Vehicle License Plates ………………… … … … ……109 as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular XI. Re-issuance of Vehicle License Plates…………………………… 114 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will XII. Loss Reporting of Vehicles ………………………………………116 China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them XIII. Export of Vehicles ………………………………………………118 plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles XIV. Re-issuance and Replacement of Vehicle Licenses and Registration Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry Certificates ……………………………………………………… …122 of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, XV. Application and Replacement of Chinese Driving Licenses…… … 125 Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices XVI. Application of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles ……………128 Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- Contact Information ……………………………………… ……131 manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China

January 29, 2018, Beijing Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will 1

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China

January 29, 2018, Beijing Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will 2

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China

January 29, 2018, Beijing Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will 3

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China

January 29, 2018, Beijing Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will 4

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China

January 29, 2018, Beijing Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will 5

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China

January 29, 2018, Beijing Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will 6

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China

January 29, 2018, Beijing Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will 7

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China

January 29, 2018, Beijing Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will 8

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China

January 29, 2018, Beijing Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities. license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. well. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or missions or their members can apply for consular license Ministry of Foreign Affairs 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola- January 29, 2018, Beijing 9

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the license plates during the plate change period? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission use registered under my name, can all of their license exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates plates be changed? for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- change process in the plate change period? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered plates, as there is no such item in the Form? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular name, can its license plate be changed? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities. license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. well. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or missions or their members can apply for consular license Ministry of Foreign Affairs 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola- January 29, 2018, Beijing 10

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the license plates during the plate change period? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission use registered under my name, can all of their license exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates plates be changed? for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- change process in the plate change period? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered plates, as there is no such item in the Form? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular name, can its license plate be changed? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No.2, published on January 9, 2017]

Article 1 The following provisions are formulated, in accor- dance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China concerning Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and regulations, for the purpose of facilitating the efficient performance of the functions of foreign missions in China (hereinafter referred to as missions) and diplomats, administrative and technical staffs (hereinafter referred to as members of the missions) representing their own countries, and of strength- ening and regulating the management of diplomatic vehicles.

Article 2 Diplomatic vehicles mentioned in the Provisions refer to motor vehicles examined, approved and issued with diplomatic license plates by relevant authorities to meet the work and life requirements of missions and their members in China. Such vehicles may either be imported or purchased within China. Diplomatic vehicles include vehicles for official use and vehicles for personal use.

11 Article 3 Missions and their members shall go through related process for diplomatic vehicles in accordance with the following formalities:

(1) Applying for import and export of diplomatic vehicles or purchase within China, registration, alteration, transfer, and deregistration of diplomatic vehicles, re-issuance or replacement of diplomatic vehicle plates, vehicle licenses and registration certificates, missions and their members shall obtain approval in advance from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and go through relevant procedures of relevant authorities.

(2) The registration procedures for diplomatic vehicles shall be handled at the cities where the missions are located.

(3) All missions shall file relevant documents to the Minis- try of Foreign Affairs and relevant customs departments. The specimen of the mission seal and the names, positions and signatures of one to three authorizers of the mission filed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be consistent with those filed to relevant customs. Seals and signatures on all documents shall be consistent with those filed when going through the formalities for diplomatic vehicles.

12 (4) Missions and their members shall file relevant insur- ance information of diplomatic vehicles under their names to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Article 4 The number and relevant technical parameters of diplomatic vehicles shall comply with the requirements of relevant authorities.

(1) The diplomatic vehicles shall follow the principle of quota control and be approved one by one.

(2) The number of vehicles for official use of the mission shall not exceed the number of diplomats of the mission.

(3) Ambassadors to China shall register up to two diplo- matic vehicles for personal use under their names. Other diplomats shall register one vehicle only for personal use under their names. Each household of administrative or technical personnel may register only one vehicle for per- sonal use under their names.

(4) For missions confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement the public ownership system of vehicles, the quota of official vehicles may take up the quota of personal vehicles of the missions.

13 (5) Motorcycles shall be registered by missions and their members according to the regulations of the cities where the missions are located. The newly-purchased motorcycles shall take up the quota of official or personal diplomatic vehicles.

(6) The technical parameters of newly-registered diplo- matic vehicles shall be subject to relevant laws, regula- tions and technical standards. Factors such as model, emission capacity and others shall conform with the needs of the missions and their members for the per- formance of official duties.

Article 5 Diplomatic vehicles shall meet relevant laws and regulations in aspects of environmental protection requirements, safety technical inspection, insurance and scrapping.

(1) Diplomatic vehicles shall meet the requirements of both national environmental protection standards for motor vehicles and the local emission standards.

(2) Diplomatic vehicles shall undergo environmental pro- tection and safety inspection and apply for the inspec- tion certificates for motor vehicles in accordance with regulations.

14 (3) Diplomatic vehicles owners shall purchase the com- pulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third party liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million RMB.

(4) Diplomatic vehicles that reach the mandatory scrapping standards for motor vehicles shall be scrapped or exported.

Article 6 Diplomatic vehicles shall be exempt from relevant taxes.

(1) Imported diplomatic vehicles of missions and diplomats as well as administrative/technical staffs who have arrived in China within six months shall be exempt from import taxes such as tariff, value-added tax and con- sumption tax.

(2) Diplomatic vehicles of missions and their members shall be exempt from or refunded with value-added tax and vehicle purchase tax.

(3) Diplomatic vehicles of missions and their members shall be exempt from vehicle and vessel tax when going through relevant formalities.

15 (4) Missions and their members may be refunded with value-added tax on fuel for diplomatic vehicles.

Article 7 The license plates of diplomatic vehicles shall comply with the following provisions:

(1) The license plates of diplomatic vehicles should adopt standard format approved and issued by the traffic management department of the public security authorities.

(2) Diplomatic vehicles shall use license plates (or the temporary plates) consistent with the registration infor- mation, and they shall not be forged, altered, lent or rented.

(3) Members of the missions shall go through the formalities concerning transfer, scrapping, deregistration, export of diplomatic vehicles or replacement of license plates, and return the diplomatic license plates at the termination of their terms in China.

Article 8 The entry and exit, transfer and deregistration of diplomatic vehicles shall be subject to the current laws and regulations.

16 (1) The entry of diplomatic vehicles shall comply with customs supervision regulations.

(2) Diplomatic vehicles purchased within China shall be transferred after two years since being regis- tered as diplomatic vehicles under the owner’s name. In the case of termination of the term of members of the missions, the time limit shall be at least one year.

(3) For alteration of diplomatic vehicles’ ownership, tax exemption or payment formalities shall be made in accordance with regulations.

(4) Owners shall deregister their diplomatic vehicles when said vehicles exit or has reached the scrapping standards. Diplomatic vehicles that are not deregistered take up the quota of vehicles of the missions or their members.

Article 9 In any of the following circumstances, rele- vant vehicles shall not be acknowledged as diplomatic vehicles, but be handled in accordance with laws:

(1) Diplomatic vehicles using the previously issued dip- lomatic license plates after the termination of term of their owners.

17 (2) Diplomatic vehicles using the previously issued diplomatic license plates when their owners are no longer diplomats or administrative/technical staffs.

(3) Diplomatic vehicles transferred to persons who do not enjoy diplomatic privileges or immunities, without registration for such transfer in accordance with relevant regulations.

(4) Diplomatic vehicles leased to persons who do not enjoy diplomatic privileges or immunities.

(5) Diplomatic vehicles using the previously issued diplomatic license plates when their affiliated mis- sions have been recalled.

(6) Diplomatic vehicles using the previously issued diplomatic license plates when the missions waive relevant diplomatic privileges and immunities for their diplomatic vehicles.

(7) Diplomatic vehicles failing to use valid diplomatic license plates according to regulations.

18 Article 10 Relevant competent authorities or law-en- forcement officers shall inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if any situation is found inconsistent with the requirements on diplomatic vehicles, including terms (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)and(6) of Article 9 of the Provisions and other cases that do not comply with requirements for diplomatic vehicles. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be notified and then negotiate with the related missions.

Article 11 Drivers of diplomatic vehicles shall be the members of missions, or spouses living together with them, as well as those holding the Driving Permits for Diplomatic Vehicles.

(1) Members of missions and spouses living together with them shall hold the Diplomatic Identity Card or the Ad- ministrative/Technical Identity Card when driving the diplomatic vehicles.

(2) Missions may apply for Driving Permits for Diplo- matic Vehicles for relevant persons who do not enjoy privileges or immunities. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the approval, issuance, extension or suspension of the driving permits.

19 Article 12 Drivers of diplomatic vehicles shall take valid credentials with them when driving diplomatic vehicles in case of examination by law-enforcement officers. Valid credentials herein refer to any of the credentials listed in Article 11, motor vehicle licenses and driving licenses approved and issued by the traffic management department of the public security authorities.

(1) Members of missions and spouses living together with them shall be imposed with a fine in accordance with law, when confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of diplomatic vehicles will then be replaced by other qualified persons.

(2) Members of missions and spouses living together with them who do not take the driving license with them but are qualified to drive motor vehicles or those who do not carry vehicle licenses shall be imposed with a fine according to law.

(3) If the drivers of diplomatic vehicles fails to carry or obtain or hold effective credentials listed in Article 11, relevant authorities or law enforcement officers shall inform the situation to the Ministry of Foreign

20 Affairs, which will then notify related missions for further processing.

Article 13 The following provisions apply to drivers of diplomatic vehicles:

(1) Law enforcement officers have the right to impose punishment, in accordance with the road traffic safety law, on drivers of diplomatic vehicles for traffic law violation. Drivers of diplomatic vehicles shall pay the fine or accept other punishment according to regulations afterwards, and may apply for administration review or lodge administrative litigation if they have any objection to the punishment.

(2) In addition to penalties according to law, drivers of diplomatic vehicles who violate the road traffic safety law shall be subject to the demerit pointing system. Traffic management departments have the right to detain the driving licenses when the accumulated points reach specific high, and the driving license will be returned only when the drivers pass the road traffic safety law tests.

21 (3) Drivers of diplomatic vehicles shall cooperate with law-enforcement officers for routine alcohol and drug tests on the road.

(4) In case of traffic accidents, drivers of diplomatic vehi- cles shall show related credentials voluntarily, follow the instructions of law-enforcement officers on site, and cooperate in the investigation and management process. Law-enforcement officers shall mediate all parties involved upon their consent. Drivers and owners of dip- lomatic vehicles shall bear corresponding legal liabili- ties in accordance with laws, and complete the process before their departure from China in case of any casual- ties or property losses.

(5) The traffic management departments of the public security authority shall inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the traffic law violation, accumulated demerit points and traffic accidents involving diplomatic vehicles and the drivers

Article 14 Relevant competent authorities shall protect rele- vant diplomatic privileges and immunities of the mis- sions, their members and diplomatic vehicles in accordance

22 with laws, and facilitate matters concerning diplomatic vehicles. Owners and drivers of diplomatic vehicles shall respect the laws and regulations of China.

(1) Relevant competent authorities shall ensure that the members of missions, spouses and minor children living together with them are inviolable, and not be liable to arrest or detention. Diplomatic vehicles shall be immune from search, requisition, detention or execution.

(2) The following measures may be applied to drivers of diplomatic vehicles who enjoy the privileges and im- munities in case of traffic safety law violation in accor- dance with laws: a. Check on the drivers’ credentials and the license plates of vehicles. b. Investigate and inquire the drivers. c. Impose warnings, fines, suspension or revocation of the driving licenses. d. Detain the driving licenses of motor vehicles; assign demerit points of the drivers; stop the use of driving licenses; tow the motor vehicles; notice for the

23 deregistration of license plates of diplomatic vehicles. e. Test the amount of the alcohol, controlled psychotropic drugs, as well as narcotic content of the drivers. For behavior suspected to be posing serious threat to the drivers’ own safety or safety of the public, temporary restrictive measures may be carried out until the threat no longer exists.

(3) Diplomatic vehicles shall be subject to inspection and assessment, for the need of the traffic accident man- agement.

Article 15 In case of any of the following circumstances, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will negotiate with rele- vant missions and may suspend processing of appli- cations for procedures concerning diplomatic vehicles of missions and their members, as well as fuel tax refund of all diplomatic vehicles of the missions:

(1) Failure to file alteration information of diplomatic vehicles of missions and their members with relevant competent departments within the prescribed time.

24 (2) Refusal to accept the penalty imposed on missions, their members or spouses living together with them for traf- fic law violation involving diplomatic vehicles.

(3) Failure to pay default tax for the alteration of owner- ship of diplomatic vehicles.

(4) Failure to complete the related procedure of dip- lomatic vehicles, upon the termination of term of owners of diplomatic vehicles, and the missions fail to fulfill the obligation of supervision and management.

(5) Drivers of diplomatic vehicles suspected of dan- gerous driving, or crimes out of traffic offense.

(6) Missions or their members suspected of being involved in illegal transfer, leasing or smuggling of diplomatic vehicles.

(7) Diplomatic vehicles under the name of the missions and their members without the compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor vehicles or third party liability insurance with a coverage of no less than one million RMB.

(8) More than one diplomatic vehicle under the

25 name of the missions and their members or such vehicles repeatedly failing to go through the regular safety inspection in accordance with regulations.

(9) Missions failing to fulfill their obligation of super- vision and management effectively, in cases that unqualified drivers drive diplomatic vehicles or other serious traffic violations are committed concerning diplomatic vehicles.

(10) The number of diplomatic vehicles under missions or their members’ names exceeds the quotas, as well as missions or their members failing to go through formalities concerning alteration, transfer, scrapping or exporting.

(11) Refusal for scrapping of diplomatic vehicles meet- ing the standard of scrapping.

(12) Owner of diplomatic vehicles refusing to scrap or export the vehicles that do not meet the standard of emission even after maintenance.

(13) Other law violations or serious influences caused by mismanagement of missions on diplomatic vehicles and their drivers.

26 Article 16 In case of any of the following circumstances, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may inform missions or their members to alter, transfer, scrap, or export the diplomatic vehicles within a time limit. With notification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the traffic management department of public security authority may announce the invalidity of the license plates of diplomatic vehicles for failure to complete the process until the deadline. For vehicles using the license plates of diplomatic vehicles which have been announced invalid, the traffic management department of the public security authority shall detain the vehicles, take over the license plates, and notify the owners or missions to which the vehicles are attached to tow away the vehicles and go through relevant procedures. Vehicles confirmed to be smuggled into China shall be handled by the customs in accordance with law:

(1) In any circumstances listed in Article 9 of the Provi- sions. For owners of diplomatic vehicles listed in (3) and (4) of Article 9 who are members of missions, no more diplomatic vehicles may be registered under his or her name during the term of office. (2) Diplomatic vehicles reaching the standard of man- datory scrapping for motor vehicles in accordance with laws and regulations.

27 Article 17 Relevant competent authorities shall have the right to manage diplomatic vehicles on the basis of reciprocity.

Article 18 Vehicles of representative offices of inter- national organizations in China, international organi- zations with their headquarters in China as well as consular missions in China and their members shall be managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant competent authorities.

(1) The Provisions shall apply to management on motor vehicles of representative offices of international organizations in China, international organizations with their headquarters in China as well as their members, in accordance with international conventions to which China has acceded and agreements which China has concluded with the international organizations concerned.

Chinese nationals who work at the representative offices of international organizations in China, inter- national organizations with their headquarters in

28 China, are not entitlied to register diplomatic vehicles under their names.

(2) Consular vehicles of foreign consular missions, consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall be managed with reference to the provisions accord- ing to the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities and rele- vant bilateval agreements.

Article 19 The Provisions shall be interpreted by the Minis- try of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security, General Administration of Customs and State Administration of Tax- ation.

Article 20 The Provisions shall enter into force on the date of promulgation and may be amended or adjusted in due time.

29 Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the Guide to Applications for Driving Permits for referred to as consular missions) to drive consular vehicles, III. Application and Extension Procedures for Driving visa (except for the countries of mutual visa exemptions with white background. Such Form will be generated and Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons Consular Vehicles as well as family members who live together with consular Permits agreements, however copy of the entry seal page shall be pro- printed after completing relevant online application through have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing officers, administrative/technical staff and are not entitled to vided) or resident permit pages. The holder of Residence the Management System; personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular Permit Card issued by MFA may only submit copy of his/her I. Change of consular vehicle license plates system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of In order to implement the relevant requirements on the privileges and immunities. i. Consular missions shall apply to the FAOs for driving per- vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic viii. Notification of Traffic Violation Residence Permit card as valid identity certificate. authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are management of consular vehicles with reference to the mits for their personnel for the first time and submit the 3. Original Report of Loss. 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- ii. Validity Period of Driving Permits following documents: and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, safe- ii. Consular Missions shall apply to the FAOs one month vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three guard legal privileges and immunities of foreign consular The validity period of the driving permits that are applied for before the expiration of the driving permit for extension, and ii.If the driving permit is damaged and needs to be replaced, odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal missions, consular officers and consular vehicles in China, the first time or extended shall not exceed the validity period 1. Verbal Note of the consular mission; submit a copy of the original driving permit apart from the consular missions shall inform and explain to the FAOs and change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- strengthen the management on consular vehicles and of the applicants’ driving licenses, passports, Chinese IDs (or above-mentioned documents. When collecting the new driv- return the damaged driving permit with a verbal note for can- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are prevent abuse of privileges and immunities, the Chinese residence certificates) and employment contracts. The validi- 2. Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehi- ing permit, consular missions shall return the original one at cellation. vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and side implements the driving permits system for ty period of the driving permits that are issued to family cles, signed in person, affixed with seals of the consular mis- the same time. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for full-time employees and other personnel of foreign members, shall not exceed the validity period of the house- sions and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded color passport iii. Return of Driving Permits 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with IV. Re-application for and Return of Driving Permits identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT consular missions in China. holders’ identity certificates. The maximum validity period of photo with white background. Such Form will be generated When the holder of a driving permit is no longer the full-time the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities. the driving permits is one year in principle. and printed after completing relevant online application employee of the consular missions or completes his/her term license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. i. In the event that the driving permit is lost, the holder shall A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Consular Missions are required to submit applications of through the Management System; of duty and leaves post, the mission shall inform the FAOs III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles immediately report to the local public security bureaus which Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles to the FAOs, and upon II. Use of Driving Permits will issue a Report of Loss accordingly, and consular mis- within five working days and return the driving permit with a As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign approval by the OFM, Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles 3. Copy of labour dispatching or employment contract (for sions shall inform and explain to the FAOs of the loss and verbal note. number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest will be issued. i. The driving permits are for the holders’ use only, and shall consular mission employees only); provide the following documents: istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. not be lent. V. Processing Time well. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials I. Issuance Scope and Validity Period of Driving Permits 4. Copy of the applicant’s Chinese driving license; 1. Verbal Note of the consular mission; Provided that all documents are complete, it will take fifteen A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or ii. The driving permits shall be properly kept. When driving working days to complete initial application, extension and 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2. Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to i. Issuance Scope of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles consular vehicles, the drivers shall bear the driving permits 5. Copy of the Chinese employee’s ID (both sides). Copy of replacement of driving permits. Re-application for driving traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular signed in person, affixed with seals of the consular missions drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China In principle, the scope covers Chinese or foreign nationals together with the Chinese driving licenses and the vehicle the foreign national’s passport, including cover, information, permits will take one month. motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded color passport photo A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola- who are employed by foreign consular missions (hereinafter licenses for check. January 29, 2018, Beijing 30

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the license plates during the plate change period? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission use registered under my name, can all of their license exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates plates be changed? for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- change process in the plate change period? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered plates, as there is no such item in the Form? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular name, can its license plate be changed? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the Guide to Applications for Driving Permits for referred to as consular missions) to drive consular vehicles, III. Application and Extension Procedures for Driving visa (except for the countries of mutual visa exemptions with white background. Such Form will be generated and Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons Consular Vehicles as well as family members who live together with consular Permits agreements, however copy of the entry seal page shall be pro- printed after completing relevant online application through have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing officers, administrative/technical staff and are not entitled to vided) or resident permit pages. The holder of Residence the Management System; personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular Permit Card issued by MFA may only submit copy of his/her I. Change of consular vehicle license plates system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of In order to implement the relevant requirements on the privileges and immunities. i. Consular missions shall apply to the FAOs for driving per- vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic viii. Notification of Traffic Violation Residence Permit card as valid identity certificate. authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are management of consular vehicles with reference to the mits for their personnel for the first time and submit the 3. Original Report of Loss. 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- ii. Validity Period of Driving Permits following documents: and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, safe- ii. Consular Missions shall apply to the FAOs one month vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three guard legal privileges and immunities of foreign consular The validity period of the driving permits that are applied for before the expiration of the driving permit for extension, and ii.If the driving permit is damaged and needs to be replaced, odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal missions, consular officers and consular vehicles in China, the first time or extended shall not exceed the validity period 1. Verbal Note of the consular mission; submit a copy of the original driving permit apart from the consular missions shall inform and explain to the FAOs and change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- strengthen the management on consular vehicles and of the applicants’ driving licenses, passports, Chinese IDs (or above-mentioned documents. When collecting the new driv- return the damaged driving permit with a verbal note for can- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are prevent abuse of privileges and immunities, the Chinese residence certificates) and employment contracts. The validi- 2. Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehi- ing permit, consular missions shall return the original one at cellation. vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and side implements the driving permits system for ty period of the driving permits that are issued to family cles, signed in person, affixed with seals of the consular mis- the same time. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for full-time employees and other personnel of foreign members, shall not exceed the validity period of the house- sions and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded color passport iii. Return of Driving Permits 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with IV. Re-application for and Return of Driving Permits identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT consular missions in China. holders’ identity certificates. The maximum validity period of photo with white background. Such Form will be generated When the holder of a driving permit is no longer the full-time the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities. the driving permits is one year in principle. and printed after completing relevant online application employee of the consular missions or completes his/her term license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. i. In the event that the driving permit is lost, the holder shall A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Consular Missions are required to submit applications of through the Management System; of duty and leaves post, the mission shall inform the FAOs III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles immediately report to the local public security bureaus which Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles to the FAOs, and upon II. Use of Driving Permits will issue a Report of Loss accordingly, and consular mis- within five working days and return the driving permit with a As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign approval by the OFM, Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles 3. Copy of labour dispatching or employment contract (for sions shall inform and explain to the FAOs of the loss and verbal note. number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest will be issued. i. The driving permits are for the holders’ use only, and shall consular mission employees only); provide the following documents: istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. not be lent. V. Processing Time well. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials I. Issuance Scope and Validity Period of Driving Permits 4. Copy of the applicant’s Chinese driving license; 1. Verbal Note of the consular mission; Provided that all documents are complete, it will take fifteen A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or ii. The driving permits shall be properly kept. When driving working days to complete initial application, extension and 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2. Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to i. Issuance Scope of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles consular vehicles, the drivers shall bear the driving permits 5. Copy of the Chinese employee’s ID (both sides). Copy of replacement of driving permits. Re-application for driving traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular signed in person, affixed with seals of the consular missions drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China In principle, the scope covers Chinese or foreign nationals together with the Chinese driving licenses and the vehicle the foreign national’s passport, including cover, information, permits will take one month. motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded color passport photo A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola- who are employed by foreign consular missions (hereinafter licenses for check. January 29, 2018, Beijing 31

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the license plates during the plate change period? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission use registered under my name, can all of their license exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates plates be changed? for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- change process in the plate change period? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered plates, as there is no such item in the Form? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular name, can its license plate be changed? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the Guide to Applications for Driving Permits for referred to as consular missions) to drive consular vehicles, III. Application and Extension Procedures for Driving visa (except for the countries of mutual visa exemptions with white background. Such Form will be generated and Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons Consular Vehicles as well as family members who live together with consular Permits agreements, however copy of the entry seal page shall be pro- printed after completing relevant online application through have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing officers, administrative/technical staff and are not entitled to vided) or resident permit pages. The holder of Residence the Management System; personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular Permit Card issued by MFA may only submit copy of his/her I. Change of consular vehicle license plates system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of In order to implement the relevant requirements on the privileges and immunities. i. Consular missions shall apply to the FAOs for driving per- vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic viii. Notification of Traffic Violation Residence Permit card as valid identity certificate. authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are management of consular vehicles with reference to the mits for their personnel for the first time and submit the 3. Original Report of Loss. 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- ii. Validity Period of Driving Permits following documents: and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, safe- ii. Consular Missions shall apply to the FAOs one month vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three guard legal privileges and immunities of foreign consular The validity period of the driving permits that are applied for before the expiration of the driving permit for extension, and ii.If the driving permit is damaged and needs to be replaced, odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal missions, consular officers and consular vehicles in China, the first time or extended shall not exceed the validity period 1. Verbal Note of the consular mission; submit a copy of the original driving permit apart from the consular missions shall inform and explain to the FAOs and change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- strengthen the management on consular vehicles and of the applicants’ driving licenses, passports, Chinese IDs (or above-mentioned documents. When collecting the new driv- return the damaged driving permit with a verbal note for can- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are prevent abuse of privileges and immunities, the Chinese residence certificates) and employment contracts. The validi- 2. Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehi- ing permit, consular missions shall return the original one at cellation. vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and side implements the driving permits system for ty period of the driving permits that are issued to family cles, signed in person, affixed with seals of the consular mis- the same time. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for full-time employees and other personnel of foreign members, shall not exceed the validity period of the house- sions and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded color passport iii. Return of Driving Permits 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with IV. Re-application for and Return of Driving Permits identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT consular missions in China. holders’ identity certificates. The maximum validity period of photo with white background. Such Form will be generated When the holder of a driving permit is no longer the full-time the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities. the driving permits is one year in principle. and printed after completing relevant online application employee of the consular missions or completes his/her term license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. i. In the event that the driving permit is lost, the holder shall A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Consular Missions are required to submit applications of through the Management System; of duty and leaves post, the mission shall inform the FAOs III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles immediately report to the local public security bureaus which Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles to the FAOs, and upon II. Use of Driving Permits will issue a Report of Loss accordingly, and consular mis- within five working days and return the driving permit with a As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign approval by the OFM, Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles 3. Copy of labour dispatching or employment contract (for sions shall inform and explain to the FAOs of the loss and verbal note. number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest will be issued. i. The driving permits are for the holders’ use only, and shall consular mission employees only); provide the following documents: istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. not be lent. V. Processing Time well. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials I. Issuance Scope and Validity Period of Driving Permits 4. Copy of the applicant’s Chinese driving license; 1. Verbal Note of the consular mission; Provided that all documents are complete, it will take fifteen A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or ii. The driving permits shall be properly kept. When driving working days to complete initial application, extension and 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2. Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to i. Issuance Scope of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles consular vehicles, the drivers shall bear the driving permits 5. Copy of the Chinese employee’s ID (both sides). Copy of replacement of driving permits. Re-application for driving traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular signed in person, affixed with seals of the consular missions drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China In principle, the scope covers Chinese or foreign nationals together with the Chinese driving licenses and the vehicle the foreign national’s passport, including cover, information, permits will take one month. motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded color passport photo A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola- who are employed by foreign consular missions (hereinafter licenses for check. January 29, 2018, Beijing 32

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the license plates during the plate change period? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission use registered under my name, can all of their license exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates plates be changed? for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- change process in the plate change period? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered plates, as there is no such item in the Form? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular name, can its license plate be changed? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the Guide to Applications for Driving Permits for referred to as consular missions) to drive consular vehicles, III. Application and Extension Procedures for Driving visa (except for the countries of mutual visa exemptions with white background. Such Form will be generated and Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons Consular Vehicles as well as family members who live together with consular Permits agreements, however copy of the entry seal page shall be pro- printed after completing relevant online application through have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing officers, administrative/technical staff and are not entitled to vided) or resident permit pages. The holder of Residence the Management System; personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular Permit Card issued by MFA may only submit copy of his/her I. Change of consular vehicle license plates system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of In order to implement the relevant requirements on the privileges and immunities. i. Consular missions shall apply to the FAOs for driving per- vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic viii. Notification of Traffic Violation Residence Permit card as valid identity certificate. authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are management of consular vehicles with reference to the mits for their personnel for the first time and submit the 3. Original Report of Loss. 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- ii. Validity Period of Driving Permits following documents: and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, safe- ii. Consular Missions shall apply to the FAOs one month vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three guard legal privileges and immunities of foreign consular The validity period of the driving permits that are applied for before the expiration of the driving permit for extension, and ii.If the driving permit is damaged and needs to be replaced, odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal missions, consular officers and consular vehicles in China, the first time or extended shall not exceed the validity period 1. Verbal Note of the consular mission; submit a copy of the original driving permit apart from the consular missions shall inform and explain to the FAOs and change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- strengthen the management on consular vehicles and of the applicants’ driving licenses, passports, Chinese IDs (or above-mentioned documents. When collecting the new driv- return the damaged driving permit with a verbal note for can- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are prevent abuse of privileges and immunities, the Chinese residence certificates) and employment contracts. The validi- 2. Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehi- ing permit, consular missions shall return the original one at cellation. vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and side implements the driving permits system for ty period of the driving permits that are issued to family cles, signed in person, affixed with seals of the consular mis- the same time. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for full-time employees and other personnel of foreign members, shall not exceed the validity period of the house- sions and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded color passport iii. Return of Driving Permits 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with IV. Re-application for and Return of Driving Permits identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT consular missions in China. holders’ identity certificates. The maximum validity period of photo with white background. Such Form will be generated When the holder of a driving permit is no longer the full-time the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities. the driving permits is one year in principle. and printed after completing relevant online application employee of the consular missions or completes his/her term license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. i. In the event that the driving permit is lost, the holder shall A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Consular Missions are required to submit applications of through the Management System; of duty and leaves post, the mission shall inform the FAOs III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles immediately report to the local public security bureaus which Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles to the FAOs, and upon II. Use of Driving Permits will issue a Report of Loss accordingly, and consular mis- within five working days and return the driving permit with a As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign approval by the OFM, Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles 3. Copy of labour dispatching or employment contract (for sions shall inform and explain to the FAOs of the loss and verbal note. number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest will be issued. i. The driving permits are for the holders’ use only, and shall consular mission employees only); provide the following documents: istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. not be lent. V. Processing Time well. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials I. Issuance Scope and Validity Period of Driving Permits 4. Copy of the applicant’s Chinese driving license; 1. Verbal Note of the consular mission; Provided that all documents are complete, it will take fifteen A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or ii. The driving permits shall be properly kept. When driving working days to complete initial application, extension and 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2. Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to i. Issuance Scope of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles consular vehicles, the drivers shall bear the driving permits 5. Copy of the Chinese employee’s ID (both sides). Copy of replacement of driving permits. Re-application for driving traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular signed in person, affixed with seals of the consular missions drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China In principle, the scope covers Chinese or foreign nationals together with the Chinese driving licenses and the vehicle the foreign national’s passport, including cover, information, permits will take one month. motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded color passport photo A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola- who are employed by foreign consular missions (hereinafter licenses for check. January 29, 2018, Beijing 33

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the license plates during the plate change period? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission use registered under my name, can all of their license exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates plates be changed? for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- change process in the plate change period? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered plates, as there is no such item in the Form? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular name, can its license plate be changed? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the Guide to Applications for Driving Permits for referred to as consular missions) to drive consular vehicles, III. Application and Extension Procedures for Driving visa (except for the countries of mutual visa exemptions with white background. Such Form will be generated and Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons Consular Vehicles as well as family members who live together with consular Permits agreements, however copy of the entry seal page shall be pro- printed after completing relevant online application through have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing officers, administrative/technical staff and are not entitled to vided) or resident permit pages. The holder of Residence the Management System; personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular Permit Card issued by MFA may only submit copy of his/her I. Change of consular vehicle license plates system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of In order to implement the relevant requirements on the privileges and immunities. i. Consular missions shall apply to the FAOs for driving per- vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic viii. Notification of Traffic Violation Residence Permit card as valid identity certificate. authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are management of consular vehicles with reference to the mits for their personnel for the first time and submit the 3. Original Report of Loss. 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- ii. Validity Period of Driving Permits following documents: and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, safe- ii. Consular Missions shall apply to the FAOs one month vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three guard legal privileges and immunities of foreign consular The validity period of the driving permits that are applied for before the expiration of the driving permit for extension, and ii.If the driving permit is damaged and needs to be replaced, odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal missions, consular officers and consular vehicles in China, the first time or extended shall not exceed the validity period 1. Verbal Note of the consular mission; submit a copy of the original driving permit apart from the consular missions shall inform and explain to the FAOs and change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- strengthen the management on consular vehicles and of the applicants’ driving licenses, passports, Chinese IDs (or above-mentioned documents. When collecting the new driv- return the damaged driving permit with a verbal note for can- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are prevent abuse of privileges and immunities, the Chinese residence certificates) and employment contracts. The validi- 2. Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehi- ing permit, consular missions shall return the original one at cellation. vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and side implements the driving permits system for ty period of the driving permits that are issued to family cles, signed in person, affixed with seals of the consular mis- the same time. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for full-time employees and other personnel of foreign members, shall not exceed the validity period of the house- sions and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded color passport iii. Return of Driving Permits 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with IV. Re-application for and Return of Driving Permits identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT consular missions in China. holders’ identity certificates. The maximum validity period of photo with white background. Such Form will be generated When the holder of a driving permit is no longer the full-time the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities. the driving permits is one year in principle. and printed after completing relevant online application employee of the consular missions or completes his/her term license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. i. In the event that the driving permit is lost, the holder shall A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Consular Missions are required to submit applications of through the Management System; of duty and leaves post, the mission shall inform the FAOs III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles immediately report to the local public security bureaus which Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles to the FAOs, and upon II. Use of Driving Permits will issue a Report of Loss accordingly, and consular mis- within five working days and return the driving permit with a As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign approval by the OFM, Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles 3. Copy of labour dispatching or employment contract (for sions shall inform and explain to the FAOs of the loss and verbal note. number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest will be issued. i. The driving permits are for the holders’ use only, and shall consular mission employees only); provide the following documents: istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. not be lent. V. Processing Time well. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials I. Issuance Scope and Validity Period of Driving Permits 4. Copy of the applicant’s Chinese driving license; 1. Verbal Note of the consular mission; Provided that all documents are complete, it will take fifteen A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or ii. The driving permits shall be properly kept. When driving working days to complete initial application, extension and 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2. Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to i. Issuance Scope of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles consular vehicles, the drivers shall bear the driving permits 5. Copy of the Chinese employee’s ID (both sides). Copy of replacement of driving permits. Re-application for driving traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular signed in person, affixed with seals of the consular missions drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China In principle, the scope covers Chinese or foreign nationals together with the Chinese driving licenses and the vehicle the foreign national’s passport, including cover, information, permits will take one month. motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded color passport photo A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola- who are employed by foreign consular missions (hereinafter licenses for check. January 29, 2018, Beijing 34

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the license plates during the plate change period? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission use registered under my name, can all of their license exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates plates be changed? for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- change process in the plate change period? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered plates, as there is no such item in the Form? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular name, can its license plate be changed? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities. license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. well. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola- January 29, 2018, Beijing 35

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the license plates during the plate change period? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission use registered under my name, can all of their license exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates plates be changed? for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- change process in the plate change period? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered plates, as there is no such item in the Form? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular name, can its license plate be changed? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 Note on the Consular Vehicles Management on Diplomatic Vehicles Management [Wai Fa (2017) No. 2], iii. Owners and drivers of consular vehicles shall abide by the on matters related to the performance of his/her duties. (OFM) for approval. Upon approval by OFM, FAOs shall (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and license plates and vehicle licenses. For disqualified vehicles, Administration on Taxation of the change of consular vehicle with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic as of March 20, 2018, and change the consular vehicle laws and regulations of China. Competent authorities of print online the Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum traffic management departments will handle the cases registration. Vehicles Management and the Change of license plates as of the same day. China safeguard the relevant consular privileges and immu- 4. Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by consular officers, Vehicles and Related Credentials and then Consular Missions coverage of one million RMB). according to laws and inform FAOs. Services for the change Consular Vehicle License Plates nities of consular missions, consular officers, administra- as well as administrative/technical staff when performing shall go through formalities at local traffic management of license plates and vehicle licenses will be charged based vi. ETC card (2018) Bu Li Zi No. 25 I. Explanation to the management of consular vehicles tive/technical staff and their consular vehicles in accordance their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages departments, customs, taxation administration and other rele- i. General Time on national standards. The transport departments (commissions) at the provinces, with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles with the laws. and compenstions arising from accidents caused by vehicles vant departments with the above-mentioned Notice and other Between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Saturdays, autonomous regions and municipalities where consular mis- All Foreign Consular Missions in China, Management in China. relevant documents (please log on the Management System Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be arranged iii. Insurance sions are located will coordinate relevant units to update ETC 1. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff enjoy the “Vehicles Management/Guides” and refer to the Guide to by FAOs for Consular Missions at different cities). After the change of consular vehicle license plates, applicants information for consular vehicles after the license plates The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of i. The Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Management, privileges and immunities as stipulated in the Regulations of 5. Family members (including spouses) living together with Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related shall inform insurance companies to update the relevant vehi- change. China presents its compliment to All Foreign Consular excluding Article 12 (1) and Article 14 (1), applies to all the People’s Republic of China concerning Consular Privi- consular officers, administrative/technical staff, do not enjoy Credentials by Foreign Consular Missions in China for ii. Procedures cle registration information within ten working days as of the Missions in China, and with reference to the management requirements on the management of consular vehicles. leges and Immunities. In case that China and foreign coun- appropriate consular privileges and immunities when driving details). After being reviewed and approved by MFA, applicants shall date of vehicle registration for the plate change. vii. Cancellation of old license plates of consular vehicles, has the honour to kindly inform the tries conclude bilateral agreements or treaties to otherwise and using consular vehicles. apply to local traffic management departments to change the As from 00:00 of June 1, 2018, the old version of consular latter of the following: ii. Foreign consular officers, as well as administrative/techni- concerning consular privileges and immunities, such agree- II. Change of Consular Vehicle License Plates consular vehicle license plates with the notice for changing iv. Environmental protection vehicle license plates will be invalid. In accordance with cal staff performing their duties, shall be imposed with a fine ments or treaties shall apply. iv. As of March 20, 2018, all consular missions are required The change of consular vehicle license plates will be imple- consular vehicle license plates issued by FAOs, go through Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall Article 9 of the Provisions on Diplomatic Vehicles Man- For the purpose of facilitating the performance of functions in accordance with laws, when confirmed to be not qualified to log on the Foreign Missions Affairs Management System mented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its authorized vehicle inspections, submit identity certificates, vehicle maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission agement, vehicles failing to use valid consular license plates of foreign consular missions in China and their staff members to drive motor vehicles. The drivers of consular vehicles will 2. Consular officers are exempted from arrest or detention, (Management System) for registration or application of FAOs. FAOs will establish a special coordination mechanism licenses, vehicle registration certificates, proof of vehicle inspection. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on according to regulations will not be recognized as consular vehi- as well as regulating the management of consular vehicles, then be replaced by other qualified consular vehicle drivers. except for being arrested or detained for serious crimes due to transaction of services on consular vehicles and related cre- with local traffic management departments and other relevant compulsory traffic accident liability insurance policy and the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall cles. For vehicles still using the old version of consular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Administrative/technical staff of the consular missions who legal procedures. Administrative/technical staff are exempted dentials. After being reviewed and approved by local foreign vehicle administrations to carry out the management. Consular return the old plates. Consular vehicles applying for change go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing license plates on road, traffic management departments will China, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Public are not performing their duties shall be imposed with a fine or from arrest or detention only when performing their duties. affairs offices of the people’s governments of provinces, missions are required from now on to log on the Management of license plates shall maintain in validity period for motor institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection consider them as unlicensed vehicles and deal with them Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry plus being held in custody no more than fifteen days, when autonomous regions and municipalities or their authorized System “Vehicles Management/Vehicles Information” to vehicle safety technical inspection and have no traffic violation standard. according to laws and regulations by detaining the vehicles of Transport, General Administration of Customs, State confirmed to be not qualified to drive motor vehicles. The 3. Consular officers, administrative/technical staff shall foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of check their vehicles registration information and traffic viola- record. For qualified vehicles, traffic management departments and informing the foreign affairs offices of relevant provinces, Administration of Taxation and the China Insurance drivers of consular vehicles will then be replaced by other cooperate in the investigation and management process of non-capital cities (FAOs) where consular missions are locat- tion records, dispose of vehicles exceeding registration will change and issue new consular vehicle license plates, v. Taxation autonomous regions or municipalities. Foreign affairs offices Regulatory Commission, will implement measures to qualified consular vehicle drivers. traffic accidents and be present in judicial or administrative ed, registration or application will be submitted to the Offices quotas, clear traffic violation fines and points, complete vehicle new vehicle licenses and conformity marks of inspection, After change of license plates, consular vehicles are still of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipali- manage consular vehicles with reference to the Provisions proceedings upon request, but with no obligations to testify of Foreign Missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs periodical inspections, purchase or complete vehicle insurances endorse the vehicle registration certificates, and withdraw the old exempted from relevant taxes. MFA will inform the State ties or their authorized foreign affairs offices of the people’s governments of non-capital cities where consulates are located will

then send notes to relevant consular missions and ask them to IV. Filing of the Specimen of the Mission Seals and the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points move the vehicles for license plate change, ownership transfer, Signatures of Authorized Persons have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the export or disassembly and scrapping within a time limit. As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement filing personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates system of the specimen of the mission seals and signatures of vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic viii. Notification of Traffic Violation authorized persons. As of today, consular missions are 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. The Ministry of Public Security will forward traffic violation required to log on the Management System to upload speci- and accident information on consular vehicles to MFA peri- vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without men of the mission seals and the signatures of one to three odically. MFA will urge consular missions to clear the records A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? timely through FAOs. authorized persons, and submit such specimen with a Verbal change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- Note to the FAOs for filing. In case of any changes to the mis- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be ix. Customs Supervision sion seals or authorized persons, consular missions are vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. In case that vehicles applying for license plates change are required to update the specimens filed timely. Filed seals and minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased suspected of being smuggled, such cases will be handled by signatures of authorized persons are valid for applications for 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the customs and other relevant authorities in accordance with identity certificates issuance, vehicles registration and VAT the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, laws. refund, etc at relevant Chinese authorities. license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed.

III. Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of As of March 20, 2018, the Chinese side will implement the matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular driving permits system for consular vehicles and consular China avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Foreign number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license missions can apply driving permits for their full-time Consular Missions in China the assurances of its highest istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? employees and other qualified personnel to drive consular consideration. well. vehicles. As of June 1, 2018, drivers without valid credentials A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether for driving consular vehicles (Consular Identity Cards or 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license Ministry of Foreign Affairs Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles) are not allowed to traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular drive consular vehicles. of the People’s Republic of China motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola- January 29, 2018, Beijing 36

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the license plates during the plate change period? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission use registered under my name, can all of their license exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates plates be changed? for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- change process in the plate change period? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered plates, as there is no such item in the Form? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular name, can its license plate be changed? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? well. A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola-

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can license plates during the plate change period? members apply to traffic violations? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall use registered under my name, can all of their license 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic plates be changed? 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate age limits, will it be possible to register another consular for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- change process in the plate change period? vehicle? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. plates, as there is no such item in the Form? registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and name, can its license plate be changed? chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?


obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? well. A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola-

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can license plates during the plate change period? members apply to traffic violations? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall use registered under my name, can all of their license 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic plates be changed? 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate age limits, will it be possible to register another consular for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- change process in the plate change period? vehicle? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. plates, as there is no such item in the Form? registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and name, can its license plate be changed? chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?


obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? well. A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola-

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can license plates during the plate change period? members apply to traffic violations? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall use registered under my name, can all of their license 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic plates be changed? 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate age limits, will it be possible to register another consular for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- change process in the plate change period? vehicle? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. plates, as there is no such item in the Form? registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and name, can its license plate be changed? chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?


obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? well. A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola-

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can license plates during the plate change period? members apply to traffic violations? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall use registered under my name, can all of their license 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic plates be changed? 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate age limits, will it be possible to register another consular for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- change process in the plate change period? vehicle? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. plates, as there is no such item in the Form? registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and name, can its license plate be changed? chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?


obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? well. A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola-

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can license plates during the plate change period? members apply to traffic violations? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall use registered under my name, can all of their license 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic plates be changed? 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate age limits, will it be possible to register another consular for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- change process in the plate change period? vehicle? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. plates, as there is no such item in the Form? registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and name, can its license plate be changed? chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?


obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? well. A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola-

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can license plates during the plate change period? members apply to traffic violations? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall use registered under my name, can all of their license 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic plates be changed? 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate age limits, will it be possible to register another consular for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- change process in the plate change period? vehicle? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. plates, as there is no such item in the Form? registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and name, can its license plate be changed? chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?


obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? well. A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola-

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can license plates during the plate change period? members apply to traffic violations? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall use registered under my name, can all of their license 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic plates be changed? 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate age limits, will it be possible to register another consular for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- change process in the plate change period? vehicle? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. plates, as there is no such item in the Form? registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and name, can its license plate be changed? chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?


obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? well. A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola-

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can license plates during the plate change period? members apply to traffic violations? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall use registered under my name, can all of their license 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic plates be changed? 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate age limits, will it be possible to register another consular for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- change process in the plate change period? vehicle? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. plates, as there is no such item in the Form? registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and name, can its license plate be changed? chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?


obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? well. A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola-

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can license plates during the plate change period? members apply to traffic violations? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall use registered under my name, can all of their license 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic plates be changed? 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate age limits, will it be possible to register another consular for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- change process in the plate change period? vehicle? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. plates, as there is no such item in the Form? registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and name, can its license plate be changed? chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?


obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers tion fines have been fully paid and traffic violation points have been cleared. If the points are 12 or more, owners of the personal consular vehicles and drivers of the official consular I. Change of consular vehicle license plates vehicles shall take the road traffic safety exams and traffic 1. What is the specific time for the change of consular violation points will be cleared when they pass the exams. vehicle license plates? 4. Can license plates of consular vehicles without A: The general time for consular vehicle license plates commercial third-party liability insurance be changed? change is between March 20 and May 31, 2018 (except Satur- A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor days, Sundays and public holidays, specific time may be vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with arranged by local FAOs). Please consult the FAOs for details. minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased 2. After the change of consular vehicle license plates, will for consular vehicles applying for the change of license the plate numbers be changed? plates. If such insurances requirements are not met properly, license plates of consular vehicles will not be changed. A: Both plate numbers and plate patterns will be changed. Diplomatic vehicles and consular vehicles of foreign diplo- 5. Can missions or their members apply for consular matic and consular missions will use a unified three-digit license plates for new motorcycles? Can existing consular number as their country code. After plate change, vehicle reg- motorcycles apply for the change of new consular license istration certificates and vehicle licenses will be updated as plates? well. A:Please consult the FAOs for further details on whether 3. Can license plates of consular vehicles be changed if missions or their members can apply for consular license traffic violation fines and points have not been cleared? plates for new motorcycles and whether existing consular motorcycles can apply for the change of new consular plates, A: License plates can be changed provided that traffic viola-

and local regulations on motor vehicles management shall cles can not be registered under the spouses’ names. For RMB for each license plate). Services for license plates II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as apply. If agreed, consular license plates of motorcycles shall existing vehicles registered under the spouses’ names, it is change of all consular vehicles shall be charged. other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import take up the registration quotas of the missions or personal unnecessary to apply for ownership alteration of registration ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- 10. Should newly arrived mission members apply for new quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission consular vehicles. and change of license plates is permitted provided that the sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can license plates during the plate change period? members apply to traffic violations? total number of vehicles of the household is not more than A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- 6. If I have more than two consular vehicles for personal two. Such vehicles however shall be transferred, scrapped or A: During the plate change period, newly arrived mission quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall use registered under my name, can all of their license 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls exported by December 31, 2019. members shall apply directly for new consular license plates cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic plates be changed? 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of for their vehicles imported or purchased in China. imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 8. Where can vehicles be inspected before the change of 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer A: For consular mission members with two or more vehicles quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic license plates? 11. What will happen if vehicles fail to complete the plate age limits, will it be possible to register another consular for personal use registered under their names, up to two vehi- between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- change process in the plate change period? vehicle? cles may apply for the change of license plates, and the A: Through consultations, FAOs and local traffic manage- sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- number of their vehicles shall be reduced to one by December ment departments will designate vehicle inspection fields and A: During the plate change period, both old and new license mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? 31, 2019 except for Consul-Generals. For vehicles other than relevant information will be communicated to consular mis- plates are valid. As of 00:00 June 1, 2018, vehicles still using to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that two under their names, the change of license plates will be sions. Please consult the FAOs for further details. old consular license plates shall be deemed as unlicensed A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or denied. Furthermore, before the closure of any cases involv- vehicles and they are forbidden to run on road. grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- 9. Will there be any fees for the change of license plates? ing system lock, seizure of personal vehicles with abnormal issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- Shall I pay for the license plates change if I just recently 12. How shall I fill in the Application Form for Registra- situations, he/she can not apply for the change of license months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested registered a cosular vehicle with old license plates? tion/Filing of Vehicle Alteration for the change of license 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular plates for any personal vehicles (including those registered wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. plates, as there is no such item in the Form? registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? under his/her spouses’ names). A: Traffic management departments charge 110 RMB for chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving license plates and related credentials of each motor vehicle A: Please note in the section “Changed Information” of the A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- 7. If a consular vehicle is registered under my spouse’s each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 100 RMB Form such wordings as “change license plates for consular A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and name, can its license plate be changed? chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? for each pair of license plates), and 45 RMB for those of mo- vehicles (old plate number)”. number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are A: In accordance with the latest regulations, consular vehi- torcycles (including 10 RMB for each documentation and 35 of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?


obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can members apply to traffic violations? A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic age limits, will it be possible to register another consular between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- vehicle? sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?

obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. 47 II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can members apply to traffic violations? A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic age limits, will it be possible to register another consular between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- vehicle? sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?

obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. 48 II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can members apply to traffic violations? A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic age limits, will it be possible to register another consular between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- vehicle? sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?

obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. 49 II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can members apply to traffic violations? A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic age limits, will it be possible to register another consular between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- vehicle? sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?

obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. 50 II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can members apply to traffic violations? A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic age limits, will it be possible to register another consular between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- vehicle? sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?

obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. 51 II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can members apply to traffic violations? A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic age limits, will it be possible to register another consular between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- vehicle? sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?

obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. 52 II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can members apply to traffic violations? A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic age limits, will it be possible to register another consular between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- vehicle? sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?

obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. 53 II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can members apply to traffic violations? A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic age limits, will it be possible to register another consular between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- vehicle? sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?

obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular 8. What are the policies for consular missions and their his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- members to purchase new-energy vehicles? 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? A: New-energy vehicles purchased by consular missions and their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, their members will be issued consular vehicle license plates, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out instead of new-energy vehicle license plates. China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- 9. When consular vehicles using old-version of license enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm plates are transferred or exported, do we still need to driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors submit applications in the Management System? 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. A: As of March 20, 2018, all transaction of services on con- 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? sular vehicles with old or new license plates shall be applied A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of online via the Management System. When applications are A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. approved, you can start the procedures at various departments Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- with the notice issued. China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? 10. What is the environmental protection requirement for (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles import and plate change of consular vehicles? commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have A: Consular vehicles applying for license plate change shall are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- maintain in validity period for motor vehicle emission inspec- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of tion. Imported vehicles out of the vehicle category on the matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection shall dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. 54 II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can members apply to traffic violations? A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic age limits, will it be possible to register another consular between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- vehicle? sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?

obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular go through emission checks from qualified third-party testing his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- institutes and reach in-use vehicle emission and inspection 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? standard. 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation 11. Can diesel vehicles be registered as a consular vehicle? detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out A: Such applications will not be handled. China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- 12. Where can I check the vehicle environmental enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm protection information? driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members A: Vehicle environmental protection information can be protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. found at the following website: administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of 13. Is there any special requirement regarding environ- A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. mental protection if I want to transfer my vehicle out of Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall jurisdiction? A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. A: It is suggested to inquire about the emission standard and enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted requirement of the city of destination before the vehicle ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the owner transfers his/her vehicle out. under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- 14. In what order are the plate numbers of consular coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply vehicles assigned? will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and A: In principle, plate numbers for consular vehicles are cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- assigned in numerical order. “01” is reserved for the official month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued vehicle of the Consul-General only. dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. 55 II.Quotas Management both consular officers or one is a consular officer and the of the mission. Regarding personal vehicles, each Consul of a consular mission, the vehicle import and registration A: Such missions shall send a verbal note to FAOs declaring be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular missions pro- Identity Cards or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles), as other is an administrative/technical staff, their family can reg- General can register two consular vehicles per person includ- quotas of such offices are included in the missions quotas the type of ownership, and FAOs will report to OFM for con- vided that it has been used over three years as from the date well as Driving Licenses and Vehicle Licenses. 1. What are vehicle registration quotas and vehicle import ister two consular vehicles. If only one of the couple is a con- ing one imported vehicles only. Other consular officer can management, and their applications for importing or purchas- firmation. When confirmed by OFM, personal vehicle quotas of customs clearance. In the event of the owner to be com- quotas respectively and how to manage these quotas? 2. How do privileges and immunities enjoyed by mission sular officer or an administrative/technical staff, their family register one consular vehicle per person. Each administra- ing vehicles in China will be submitted by dispatching con- will be transferred to the official vehicle quotas correspond- pleting his/her tenure within six months, the said vehicle can members apply to traffic violations? A: Vehicle registration quotas differ from vehicle import can register one consular vehicle. If the couple both are tive/technical staff is allowed to register one personal vehicle sular missions to FAOs. ingly. After the transfer, the total quotas for official and per- be transferred outside the diplomatic/consular mission pro- quotas. The former include both vehicles imported and vehi- administrative/technical staff, their family can register one per household. sonal vehicles remain unchanged. vided that it has been used over two years as from the date of A: Traffic violations involved consular mission members shall 8. Can Honorary Consulates and Honorary Consuls cles purchased in China while the latter refers to vehicles consular vehicle. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle under customs be handled in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic 6. How many official and personal consular vehicles can import or register consular vehicles? 11. If the consular vehicle registered during the term of imported and supervised by the customs only. Vehicle import supervision to be transferred inside the diplomatic/consular of China on Road Traffic Safety and other relevant laws and 4. What is the requirement of imported vehicles by customs? each Consulate or Consulate Representative register? offices has been transferred when reaching its transfer quotas remain unchanged even though there are transfers A: Honorary consulates and honorary consuls can not import missions, it has to be used over two years as from the date of regulations, and with reference to the Provisions on Diplomatic age limits, will it be possible to register another consular between official and personal vehicle registration quotas. A: The number of imported official vehicles for each mis- A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- or register consular vehicles. customs clearance. For a consular vehicle not under customs Vehicles Management. Meanwhile, (1) consular officers, admin- vehicle? sion shall not exceed the number of consular officers of the ate or Consulate Representative shall not exceed the number supervision, it can be transferred provided that it has been istrative/technical staff enjoy privileges and immunities as stipu- 2. How are consular officers and administrative/technical 9. Does the imported vehicle purchased among diplomat- mission filed at customs. Each consular officer is allowed of consular officers of the mission. Each consular officer A: Another consular vehicle can be registered in the follow- used over two years since registration. In the event of the lated in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China staff recognized? ic/consular missions take up the vehicle import quotas? to import one personal vehicle per person (including the (including head of the Consulate or Consulate Representa- ing situations: (1) if the consular vehicle under customs owner to be completing his/her tenure within six months, the concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities. In case that A: Consular officers are issued Consular Identity Cards with Consul-General). Each administrative/technical staff is tive) can register one consular vehicle per person. Each A: For imported vehicles purchased among the diplomatic/- supervision has been transferred when reaching its transfer said vehicle can be transferred provided that it has been used China and foreign countries conclude bilateral agreements or grey color by MFA while administrative/technical staff are allowed to import one personal vehicle per household and administrative/technical staff is allowed to register one per- consular missions (except those of which customs supervi- age limits, one vehicle can be purchased in China and regis- over one year since registration. treaties to otherwise concerning consular privileges and immu- issued Consular Identity Cards with blue color by MFA. meanwhile importation shall be concluded within six sonal vehicle per household. sion has been removed), the buyer will take up one vehicle tered as consular vehicle; (2) If the consular vehicle that is not nities, such agreements or treaties shall apply. (2) Consular offi- months starting from the date of arrival in China, other- import quota and the seller will resume one vehicle import under customs supervision has been transferred when reach- cers are not liable to arrest or detention, except for being arrested 3. How many consular vehicles for personal use can be 7. Can consular offices set up in other cities by consular wise taxes will not be exempted. quota. ing its transfer age limits, one vehicle can be imported or pur- III. Traffic Violations or detained for serious crimes according to legal procedures. registered under each household of consular officers and missions register consular vehicles? chased in China and registered as consular vehicle. Administrative/technical staff are not liable to arrest or detention administrative/technical staff? 5. How many official and personal consular vehicles can 10. Our consular mission implements a public ownership 1. What credentials shall be taken along when driving A: Consular offices set up in other cities by consular missions only when performing their duties. (3) Consular officers, admin- each Consulate-General register? system of consular vehicles (most of the vehicles are pur- 12. Can I transfer my vehicle that has been used less than consular vehicles? A: Vehicle registration quotas for personal use depend on the are considered as their affiliates and are qualified to register istrative/technical staff shall cooperate in the investigation and chased by the government and registered under the name one year since registration as a consular vehicle? number of consular officers or administration/technical staff A: The number of official consular vehicles for each Consul- consular vehicles. However, such offices are not qualified to A: When driving consular vehicles, drivers shall carry valid management process of traffic accidents and be present in judi- of the missions) and what if the official vehicle quotas are of each household of the consular missions. If the couple are ate-General shall not exceed the number of consular officers apply for registering consular vehicles independently. As part A: For a consular vehicle under customs supervision, it can credentials for driving consular vehicles (including Consular cial or administrative proceedings upon request, but with no not sufficient?

obligations to testify on matters related to the performance of counted for a single failure per vehicle); (3) reminders for any affect applications for consular vehicles by other members of V.System Filing VI. Others 3. Are the specimen of mission seals and signatures of 6. What are the procedures for diplomatic/consular 15. What are the insurance requirements on consular his/her duties. (4) Immunities from jurisdiction enjoyed by con- traffic violation which has not been cleared over one year the missions. authorized persons filed by the Consular missions at the vehicles ownership transfer or moving across jurisdic- vehicles? 1. How do we check the process of our applications 1. How long does it take to complete the registration of sular officers, administrative/technical staff when performing reach one time (one time will be counted for a single failure OFM only valid for the FAOs and OFM, or also valid for tions? A: Compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor 2. Some of the consular vehicles of the missions have been regarding vehicles? consular vehicle license plates? their duties do not apply to civil actions involving damages and per vehicle, traffic violations to be handled within one year the customs, traffic management departments, taxation vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance with detained by Chinese authorities. Do they take up our mis- A: If the ownership of vehicles remains unchanged, compensations arising from accidents caused by vehicles in will not be counted); (4) reminders for failure to dispose of A: Please log on the Management System and press the “Ve- A: Licensing procedure will be completed within around administration and environmental protection depart- minimum coverage of one million RMB shall be purchased at sions vehicle registration quotas? transfer-out missions shall submit vehicle transfer-out China. (5) Family members living together with consular offi- vehicles required by OFM to be deregistered by December hicle Management/Application List” to check the process. twenty-five working days for imported vehicles, and around ments? the locations of consular missions. The insured shall be the applications, and transfer-in missions shall submit vehicle cers (including spouses), administrative/technical staff do not 31, 2019 (one time will be counted for a single failure). A: Vehicles detained or under investigations (under the status ten working days for vehicles purchased in China, from the vehicle owners. 2. After the completion of customs clearance procedures A: Specimen of mission seals and signatures of authorized transfer-in applications. OFM, upon receipt of both trans- enjoy appropriate consular privileges and immunities when of “Lock and Seizure” in the Management System) will take date that FAOs acknowledge receipt of application docu- IV. Abnormal Vehicles Issues for imported vehicles, can taxation and environmental persons filed by the missions at the OFM are valid for the fer-out and transfer-in applications, will check and confirm driving and using consular vehicles. up the missions vehicle registration quotas all the time unless ments. Any delays caused by the missions or their members 16. Are holders of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles protection formalities be handled simultaneously? OFM, FAOs, traffic management departments, taxation such transfers. For ownership transfer of vehicles, transferors 1. What should be done for those personal consular vehi- such cases are concluded. Upon conclusion of the cases, vehi- are not included. allowed to drive diplomatic vehicles? administration and environmental protection departments. shall submit ownership transfer applications and transferees 3. What will happen if the system reminders are not cles abandoned by owners who have already left posts? cle registration quotas will be restored. A: Yes. A: Holders of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles are only 2. Can the spouses of mission members who are Chinese Specimen of seals and signatures of authorized persons filed shall submit applications of vehicle purchase in China handled for long? allowed to drive consular vehicles. Holders of Driving A: Consular missions are responsible for managing their offi- 3. How should illegally-transferred vehicles outside the 3. How do we check the information on traffic violations nationals or foreign nationals who have given up at the customs can be used only for customs formalities of through relevant missions separately. OFM, upon receipt of Permits for Diplomatic Vehicles can only drive diplomatic A: All missions shall handle the system reminders timely. cial and personal vehicles. Before leaving their posts, vehicle missions be disposed of? of our missions consular vehicles? What if traffic violations consular privileges and immunities drive consular imported vehicles. Specimen of mission seals and signatures both applications, will check and confirm such transfers. vehicles. Services on import of vehicles and purchase of vehicles in owners shall complete the cancellation of registration proce- have not been cleared for long? vehicles? Can adult children of mission members of authorized persons filed at the OFM and the customs shall A: Consular missions shall cooperate with Chinese law 7. My vehicle has been cleared by customs and in accor- China will be locked and suspended when the following dures. In the event that vehicle owners have left posts, mis- drive consular vehicles? stay the same. enforcement in investigation or searching for illegally-trans- A: Please log on the Management System and press the dance with the new regulations, what are the vehicle reg- 17. Are there any traffic restrictions on the driving of reminders occur: (1) reminders for insurance expiration sions are responsible for contacting them or being entrusted ferred vehicles outside the missions. If the said vehicles are “Vehicle Management/Reminders” or “Vehicle Manage- A: Spouses of mission members (including Chinese nation- 4. Can consular vehicles be driven by others? istration procedures afterwards? consular vehicles? (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance and by them to transfer, scrap or export their vehicles. If the under customs supervision, such vehicles will take up the ment/Vehicle Information” to check reminders on traffic als) who hold valid consular IDs can drive consular vehicles A: Traffic restriction rules are set by local governments commercial third-party liability insurance with minimum owner of a vehicle under the customs supervision has already A: Consular vehicles can be driven by those who hold valid A: Please log on the Management System and file the appli- missions vehicle import quotas all the time unless the cases violations, vehicle status, vehicle insurances, driving licenses, directly. If they do not have consular IDs according to regula- which usually provide appropriate courtesies to consular coverage of one million RMB) reach four times (one time left his post, such vehicle can only be scrapped or exported consular IDs or Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles. Driv- cation online for imported vehicles. After applications have are cleared. driving permits for consular vehicles, etc. If above reminders tions but in need of driving consular vehicles, they may apply vehicles. Please consult the FAOs for details. will be counted for one kind of insurance expiration per vehi- and cannot be transferred to other owners in China. For ing Licenses and Vehicle Licenses shall also be taken at the been approved, you can go through the relevant vehicle regis- are not tackled for long, the Management System will auto- to the FAOs for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, and cle except the pre-reminder for insurance expiration one abnormal vehicles, consular missions shall cooperate with same time. tration procedures aftermath with notice for transaction of matically close part of services to the missions. drive consular vehicles with related credentials. Adult chil- month in advance); (2) reminders for expiration of vehicle relevant Chinese authorities to complete necessary proce- services on consular vehicles and related credentials, issued dren of mission members may also apply for Driving Permits 5. Can right-hand wheel vehicles be imported in China? periodical inspection reach three times (one time will be dures. Failure to dispose of their vehicles for a long time may by FAOs. for Consular Vehicles based on needs. A: No. 56 Transaction Procedures of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials

Foreign consular missions or mission members in China, when transacting services on consular vehicles and related credentials, shall log on the OFM Management System for Foreign Missions Affairs (Management System) to file the applications. Upon approval by FAOs and OFM, missions or their members may go through formalities of consular vehicles and related credentials at relevant authorities.

Owner of vehicle refers to the mission under whose name the consular vehicle is registered for official use or the individual under whose name the consular vehicle is registered for per- sonal use. All the following services shall regard the owner of vehicle as applicant. In the event that the owner of vehicle authorizes an agent to go through formalities, the agent shall provide the original and copy of his/her identity certificate and an authorization letter written by the owner of vehicle.

Foreign consular missions in China, when transacting services on consular vehicles and related credentials, shall use the mission seals and the signatures of the authorized

57 persons filed at the Management System.

The following procedures are provided for reference only. In case of any change or adjustment of the procedures, the requirements of relevant authorities may apply.

58 I. Import of Vehicles

59 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular owner of vehicle shall collect Notice on Receiving/Revoking (5)Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles. and Related Credentials; departments will issue consular license plates, vehicle by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: administrations and traffic management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurance (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership registration certificates, vehicle licenses, and conformity following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; 6. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available marks of inspection to qualified vehicles. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through clearance formali- exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insur- online); (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); ties at local customs with the following documents: documents: ance with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of 11. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); System within five working days to file insurance information (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- The vehicle to be imported to China shall meet the relevant (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall go through environmental pro- (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official requirements of China Customs and reach both the national and Related Credentials; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of tection formalities at local environmental protection bureaus Certificate or Notice on Receiving/Revoking the License submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to environmental protection standards and local emission stan- (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and vehicle inspection fields with the following documents: Plate of Import/Export Vehicles under customs supervision); those transferors whose identity certificates have been dards. Please consult the FAOs and relevant departments for vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or (1) Copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); detailed requirements. (4) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use import certificate; (except for mission-owned official vehicle); vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. (2) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use with imported chassis; Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit available online); Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); the relevant documents to OFM. (5) Bill of Lading (Shipping); 7. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax available online); (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle (6) Vehicle purchase invoice; exemption issued by the local office of the state administra- (3) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation; purchasing tax; vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. (7) Packing list; tion of taxation with the following documents: (4) Import Certificate for imported vehicles including attach- (9) Copy of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) Other documents required by the customs; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; ment on vehicle environmental protection information. accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; Confirmation of applications does not mean that importation (9) Fill in relevant information by logging on the Information (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to be Management System of Modern Customs Baggage and Mail and Related Credentials; 10. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration vessel tax; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel acquired from China Customs, environmental protection Services (Technical support is available from local customs (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the bureaus and traffic management departments through on site or agency). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); departments with the following documents: (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be sub- following documents: check. Upon completion of clearance formalities by the customs, the (4) Vehicle price voucher; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; mitted for vehicle registration as required by laws and 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles regulations.


and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular owner of vehicle shall collect Notice on Receiving/Revoking (5)Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles. and Related Credentials; departments will issue consular license plates, vehicle by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: administrations and traffic management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurance (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership registration certificates, vehicle licenses, and conformity following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; 6. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available marks of inspection to qualified vehicles. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through clearance formali- exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insur- online); (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); ties at local customs with the following documents: documents: ance with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of 11. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); System within five working days to file insurance information (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- The vehicle to be imported to China shall meet the relevant (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall go through environmental pro- (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official requirements of China Customs and reach both the national and Related Credentials; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of tection formalities at local environmental protection bureaus Certificate or Notice on Receiving/Revoking the License submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to environmental protection standards and local emission stan- (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and vehicle inspection fields with the following documents: Plate of Import/Export Vehicles under customs supervision); those transferors whose identity certificates have been dards. Please consult the FAOs and relevant departments for vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or (1) Copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); detailed requirements. (4) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use import certificate; (except for mission-owned official vehicle); vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. (2) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use with imported chassis; Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit available online); Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); the relevant documents to OFM. (5) Bill of Lading (Shipping); 7. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax available online); (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle (6) Vehicle purchase invoice; exemption issued by the local office of the state administra- (3) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation; purchasing tax; vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. (7) Packing list; tion of taxation with the following documents: (4) Import Certificate for imported vehicles including attach- (9) Copy of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) Other documents required by the customs; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; ment on vehicle environmental protection information. accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; Confirmation of applications does not mean that importation (9) Fill in relevant information by logging on the Information (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to be Management System of Modern Customs Baggage and Mail and Related Credentials; 10. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration vessel tax; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel acquired from China Customs, environmental protection Services (Technical support is available from local customs (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the bureaus and traffic management departments through on site or agency). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); departments with the following documents: (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be sub- following documents: check. Upon completion of clearance formalities by the customs, the (4) Vehicle price voucher; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; mitted for vehicle registration as required by laws and 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles regulations.


and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular owner of vehicle shall collect Notice on Receiving/Revoking (5)Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles. and Related Credentials; departments will issue consular license plates, vehicle by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: administrations and traffic management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurance (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership registration certificates, vehicle licenses, and conformity following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; 6. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available marks of inspection to qualified vehicles. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through clearance formali- exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insur- online); (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); ties at local customs with the following documents: documents: ance with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of 11. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); System within five working days to file insurance information (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- The vehicle to be imported to China shall meet the relevant (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall go through environmental pro- (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official requirements of China Customs and reach both the national and Related Credentials; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of tection formalities at local environmental protection bureaus Certificate or Notice on Receiving/Revoking the License submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to environmental protection standards and local emission stan- (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and vehicle inspection fields with the following documents: Plate of Import/Export Vehicles under customs supervision); those transferors whose identity certificates have been dards. Please consult the FAOs and relevant departments for vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or (1) Copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); detailed requirements. (4) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use import certificate; (except for mission-owned official vehicle); vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. (2) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use with imported chassis; Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit available online); Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); the relevant documents to OFM. (5) Bill of Lading (Shipping); 7. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax available online); (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle (6) Vehicle purchase invoice; exemption issued by the local office of the state administra- (3) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation; purchasing tax; vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. (7) Packing list; tion of taxation with the following documents: (4) Import Certificate for imported vehicles including attach- (9) Copy of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) Other documents required by the customs; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; ment on vehicle environmental protection information. accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; Confirmation of applications does not mean that importation (9) Fill in relevant information by logging on the Information (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to be Management System of Modern Customs Baggage and Mail and Related Credentials; 10. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration vessel tax; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel acquired from China Customs, environmental protection Services (Technical support is available from local customs (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the bureaus and traffic management departments through on site or agency). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); departments with the following documents: (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be sub- following documents: check. Upon completion of clearance formalities by the customs, the (4) Vehicle price voucher; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; mitted for vehicle registration as required by laws and 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles regulations.


and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular owner of vehicle shall collect Notice on Receiving/Revoking (5)Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles. and Related Credentials; departments will issue consular license plates, vehicle by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: administrations and traffic management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurance (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership registration certificates, vehicle licenses, and conformity following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; 6. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available marks of inspection to qualified vehicles. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through clearance formali- exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insur- online); (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); ties at local customs with the following documents: documents: ance with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of 11. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); System within five working days to file insurance information (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- The vehicle to be imported to China shall meet the relevant (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall go through environmental pro- (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official requirements of China Customs and reach both the national and Related Credentials; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of tection formalities at local environmental protection bureaus Certificate or Notice on Receiving/Revoking the License submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to environmental protection standards and local emission stan- (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and vehicle inspection fields with the following documents: Plate of Import/Export Vehicles under customs supervision); those transferors whose identity certificates have been dards. Please consult the FAOs and relevant departments for vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or (1) Copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); detailed requirements. (4) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use import certificate; (except for mission-owned official vehicle); vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. (2) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use with imported chassis; Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit available online); Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); the relevant documents to OFM. (5) Bill of Lading (Shipping); 7. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax available online); (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle (6) Vehicle purchase invoice; exemption issued by the local office of the state administra- (3) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation; purchasing tax; vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. (7) Packing list; tion of taxation with the following documents: (4) Import Certificate for imported vehicles including attach- (9) Copy of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) Other documents required by the customs; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; ment on vehicle environmental protection information. accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; Confirmation of applications does not mean that importation (9) Fill in relevant information by logging on the Information (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to be Management System of Modern Customs Baggage and Mail and Related Credentials; 10. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration vessel tax; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel acquired from China Customs, environmental protection Services (Technical support is available from local customs (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the bureaus and traffic management departments through on site or agency). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); departments with the following documents: (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be sub- following documents: check. Upon completion of clearance formalities by the customs, the (4) Vehicle price voucher; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; mitted for vehicle registration as required by laws and 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles regulations.


and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular owner of vehicle shall collect Notice on Receiving/Revoking (5)Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles. and Related Credentials; departments will issue consular license plates, vehicle by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: administrations and traffic management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurance (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership registration certificates, vehicle licenses, and conformity following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; 6. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available marks of inspection to qualified vehicles. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through clearance formali- exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insur- online); (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); ties at local customs with the following documents: documents: ance with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of 11. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); System within five working days to file insurance information (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- The vehicle to be imported to China shall meet the relevant (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall go through environmental pro- (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official requirements of China Customs and reach both the national and Related Credentials; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of tection formalities at local environmental protection bureaus Certificate or Notice on Receiving/Revoking the License submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to environmental protection standards and local emission stan- (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and vehicle inspection fields with the following documents: Plate of Import/Export Vehicles under customs supervision); those transferors whose identity certificates have been dards. Please consult the FAOs and relevant departments for vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or (1) Copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); detailed requirements. (4) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use import certificate; (except for mission-owned official vehicle); vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. (2) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use with imported chassis; Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit available online); Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); the relevant documents to OFM. (5) Bill of Lading (Shipping); 7. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax available online); (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle (6) Vehicle purchase invoice; exemption issued by the local office of the state administra- (3) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation; purchasing tax; vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. (7) Packing list; tion of taxation with the following documents: (4) Import Certificate for imported vehicles including attach- (9) Copy of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) Other documents required by the customs; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; ment on vehicle environmental protection information. accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; Confirmation of applications does not mean that importation (9) Fill in relevant information by logging on the Information (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to be Management System of Modern Customs Baggage and Mail and Related Credentials; 10. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration vessel tax; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel acquired from China Customs, environmental protection Services (Technical support is available from local customs (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the bureaus and traffic management departments through on site or agency). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); departments with the following documents: (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be sub- following documents: check. Upon completion of clearance formalities by the customs, the (4) Vehicle price voucher; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; mitted for vehicle registration as required by laws and 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles regulations.


and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular owner of vehicle shall collect Notice on Receiving/Revoking (5)Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles. and Related Credentials; departments will issue consular license plates, vehicle by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: administrations and traffic management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurance (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership registration certificates, vehicle licenses, and conformity following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; 6. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available marks of inspection to qualified vehicles. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through clearance formali- exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insur- online); (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); ties at local customs with the following documents: documents: ance with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of 11. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); System within five working days to file insurance information (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- The vehicle to be imported to China shall meet the relevant (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall go through environmental pro- (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official requirements of China Customs and reach both the national and Related Credentials; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of tection formalities at local environmental protection bureaus Certificate or Notice on Receiving/Revoking the License submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to environmental protection standards and local emission stan- (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and vehicle inspection fields with the following documents: Plate of Import/Export Vehicles under customs supervision); those transferors whose identity certificates have been dards. Please consult the FAOs and relevant departments for vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or (1) Copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); detailed requirements. (4) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use import certificate; (except for mission-owned official vehicle); vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. (2) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use with imported chassis; Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit available online); Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); the relevant documents to OFM. (5) Bill of Lading (Shipping); 7. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax available online); (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle (6) Vehicle purchase invoice; exemption issued by the local office of the state administra- (3) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation; purchasing tax; vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. (7) Packing list; tion of taxation with the following documents: (4) Import Certificate for imported vehicles including attach- (9) Copy of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) Other documents required by the customs; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; ment on vehicle environmental protection information. accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; Confirmation of applications does not mean that importation (9) Fill in relevant information by logging on the Information (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to be Management System of Modern Customs Baggage and Mail and Related Credentials; 10. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration vessel tax; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel acquired from China Customs, environmental protection Services (Technical support is available from local customs (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the bureaus and traffic management departments through on site or agency). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); departments with the following documents: (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be sub- following documents: check. Upon completion of clearance formalities by the customs, the (4) Vehicle price voucher; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; mitted for vehicle registration as required by laws and 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles regulations.


and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); II. Purchase of Vehicles in China 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to those transferors whose identity certificates have been 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs.

4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following documents: 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles


and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to those transferors whose identity certificates have been 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs.

4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following documents: 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles


and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to those transferors whose identity certificates have been 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs.

4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following documents: 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles


and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to those transferors whose identity certificates have been 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs.

4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following documents: 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles

and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. quality deficiency or information change of the owner of (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; vehicle. import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs by logging on the Management System, shall submit the 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; following documents to FAOs: the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online). (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer Related Credentials to local traffic management departments. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles 3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); days after the change:


(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to those transferors whose identity certificates have been 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs.

4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following documents: 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles

and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. quality deficiency or information change of the owner of (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; vehicle. import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs by logging on the Management System, shall submit the 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; following documents to FAOs: the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online). (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer Related Credentials to local traffic management departments. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles 3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); days after the change:


(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to those transferors whose identity certificates have been 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs.

4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following documents: 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles

and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. quality deficiency or information change of the owner of (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; vehicle. import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs by logging on the Management System, shall submit the 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; following documents to FAOs: the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online). (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer Related Credentials to local traffic management departments. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles 3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); days after the change:


(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to those transferors whose identity certificates have been 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs.

4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following documents: 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles

and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. quality deficiency or information change of the owner of (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; vehicle. import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs by logging on the Management System, shall submit the 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; following documents to FAOs: the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online). (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer Related Credentials to local traffic management departments. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles 3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); days after the change:


(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to those transferors whose identity certificates have been 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs.

4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following documents: 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles

and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; III. Filing Insurance Information Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. quality deficiency or information change of the owner of (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; vehicle. import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs by logging on the Management System, shall submit the 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; following documents to FAOs: the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online). (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer Related Credentials to local traffic management departments. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles 3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); days after the change:


(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to those transferors whose identity certificates have been 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs.

4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following documents: 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles

and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 1. The owner of vehicle shall file vehicle insurance information Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; online and submit to FAOs copies of the insurance policies color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. after purchasing insurances (including compulsory traffic quality deficiency or information change of the owner of (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; accident liability insurance for motor vehicles and commer- vehicle. import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; cial third-party liability insurance with minimum coverage of (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer one million RMB) for imported vehicles, vehicles purchased 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs or transferred in China. by logging on the Management System, shall submit the 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; following documents to FAOs: the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. 2. Before insurance expiration, the owner of vehicle shall (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety renew vehicle insurances (including compulsory traffic acci- (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management dent liability insurance for motor vehicles and commercial Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online). (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- third-party liability insurance with minimum coverage of one (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and million RMB), update insurance information online and 2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. submit to FAOs copies of the renewed insurance policies. Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer Related Credentials to local traffic management departments. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund 3. Filing of insurance information is completed upon check (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles and confirmation by FAOs. 3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State 4. After purchasing the required insurances for consular management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax vehicles, the owner of vehicle may go through periodical (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. vehicle inspections at inspection fields or other related A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership vehicles services. frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); days after the change:


(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to those transferors whose identity certificates have been 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs.

4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following documents: 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles

and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; IV. Registration/Filing of Vehicle Alteration Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. quality deficiency or information change of the owner of (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; vehicle. import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs by logging on the Management System, shall submit the 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; following documents to FAOs: the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online). (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer Related Credentials to local traffic management departments. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles 3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu-

with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); days after the change:


(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online); 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle (and the by logging on the Management System, shall submit the transferee) shall go through formalities concerning supervi- following documents to FAOs: sion transfer at local customs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); and Related Credentials; (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit feror and the transferee (except for mission-owned official the relevant documents to OFM. vehicle. OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to those transferors whose identity certificates have been 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. returned); (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Confirmation of applications does not mean that registration Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- of vehicles has been approved. Further approvals have to feit form provided by the customs); been acquired from local customs(for customs-inspected (5) Originals and copies of the Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicles), traffic management and other relevant departments Registration Certificate; through on site check. (6) Other documents required by the customs.

4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular 6. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mis- Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation sion, the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle and vessel administrations and traffic management departments. tax exemption issued by local taxation bureau with the following documents: 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs (1) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles

and Related Credentials; 9. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle registration (10) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body (2) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of and vehicle ownership transfer at local vehicle administration vessel tax; (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); offices of traffic management departments with the following (11) File package of the vehicle’s technical information; (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. quality deficiency or information change of the owner of (3) Original and copy of the vehicle’s factory certificate or documents. (12) Other certificates and vouchers that should be submitted standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; vehicle. import certificate; for motor vehicle registration as required by laws and regula- (8) Vehicle inspection record; (4) Vehicle purchase invoice and its Chinese translation. A. For new vehicles: tions; (9) Certificate of removal of customs supervision or transfer 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (13) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. certificate approved by customs for vehicles under customs by logging on the Management System, shall submit the 7. For purchase of a new vehicle or a vehicle from other mission, (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles supervision; following documents to FAOs: the owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle purchasing tax and Related Credentials; B. Before registering for ownership transfer of a second-hand (10) Certificate of vehicle environmental protection. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; exemption issued by the local office of the state administration (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall complete vehicle safety (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular of taxation with the following documents: vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and technical check, clear traffic violations and fines, and 10. The owner of vehicle shall log on the Management Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online). (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership purchase or complete compulsory traffic accident liability System within five working days to file insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available insurance for motor vehicles and commercial third-party tion (please refer to “III. Filing Insurance Information”), and 2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue and Related Credentials; online); liability insurance with minimum coverage of one million submit copies of the insurance policies to FAOs for approval. Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (5) Certificate of origin of the vehicle (invoice, Cargo Import RMB. Following documents shall be provided for the transfer Related Credentials to local traffic management departments. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); Certificate); registration: 11. The owner of vehicle may apply to OFM for VAT refund (4) Vehicle price voucher; (6) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle for China-made (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; when completing all the registration procedures for vehicles 3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing (5) Original and copy of the vehicle factory certificate. vehicles and Chassis Import Certificate for vehicles modified (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles purchased in China. After review, OFM will forward all rele- formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic with imported chassis; and Related Credentials; vant documents to Beijing Municipal Office of the State management departments. 8. The owner of vehicle shall purchase vehicle insurances (7) Import Certificate for imported vehicles; (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of Administration of Taxation and the latter shall refund the tax (including compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for (8) Tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by remitting it to the Embassy's account upon approval. A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or motor vehicles and commercial third-party liability insurance purchasing tax; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (9) Proof of the insurance policy of compulsory traffic Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten accident liability insurance for motor vehicles; online); days after the change:


(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online); Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to quality deficiency or information change of the owner of vehicle.

1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application by logging on the Management System, shall submit the following documents to FAOs: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online).

2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management departments.

3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments.

A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten days after the change:

(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online);

77 Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to quality deficiency or information change of the owner of vehicle.

1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application by logging on the Management System, shall submit the following documents to FAOs: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online).

2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management departments.

3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments.

A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten days after the change:

(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online);

78 Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to quality deficiency or information change of the owner of vehicle.

1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application by logging on the Management System, shall submit the following documents to FAOs: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online).

2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management departments.

3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments.

A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten days after the change:

(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online);

79 Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to quality deficiency or information change of the owner of vehicle.

1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application by logging on the Management System, shall submit the following documents to FAOs: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online).

2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management departments.

3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments.

A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten days after the change:

(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online);

80 Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to quality deficiency or information change of the owner of vehicle.

1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application by logging on the Management System, shall submit the following documents to FAOs: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online).

2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management departments.

3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments.

A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten days after the change:

(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online);

81 Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to quality deficiency or information change of the owner of vehicle.

1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application by logging on the Management System, shall submit the following documents to FAOs: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online).

2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management departments.

3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments.

A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten days after the change:

(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of V. Removal of Customs Supervision (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online);

82 Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to quality deficiency or information change of the owner of vehicle.

1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application by logging on the Management System, shall submit the following documents to FAOs: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online).

2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management departments.

3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments.

A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten days after the change:

(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by logging on the Management System, shall submit the vehicle; and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; following documents to FAOs (note: removal of customs (4) Application Form for Supervision Removal for Official or (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; supervision only applies to personal consular vehicles): Private Use Vehicles (written in anti-counterfeit form provid- mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; ed by the customs); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (5) Original and copy of Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); Registration Certificate; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit 6. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of the relevant documents to OFM. concerning supervision removal at local traffic manage- or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); ment departments with the following documents: authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of 3. OFM checks and approves the application. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular and Related Credentials; further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs. (3) Original of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle; (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall (4) Certificate of the Removal of Customs Supervision; vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities concern- (5) Vehicle License; photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; ing supervision removal at local customs with the following (6) Vehicle Registration Certificate. B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles documents: the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online); and Related Credentials;

83 Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to quality deficiency or information change of the owner of vehicle.

1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application by logging on the Management System, shall submit the following documents to FAOs: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online).

2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management departments.

3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments.

A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten days after the change:

(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); by logging on the Management System, shall submit the vehicle; and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; following documents to FAOs (note: removal of customs (4) Application Form for Supervision Removal for Official or (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; supervision only applies to personal consular vehicles): Private Use Vehicles (written in anti-counterfeit form provid- mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; ed by the customs); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (5) Original and copy of Vehicle License and Vehicle vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); Registration Certificate; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit 6. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of the relevant documents to OFM. concerning supervision removal at local traffic manage- or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); ment departments with the following documents: authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of 3. OFM checks and approves the application. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular and Related Credentials; further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs. (3) Original of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle; (8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall (4) Certificate of the Removal of Customs Supervision; vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities concern- (5) Vehicle License; photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; ing supervision removal at local customs with the following (6) Vehicle Registration Certificate. B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles documents: the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online); and Related Credentials;

84 Alteration of vehicles refer to changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, vehicle body or frame, whole vehicle due to quality deficiency or information change of the owner of vehicle.

1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application by logging on the Management System, shall submit the following documents to FAOs: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online).

2. FAOs checks and confirms the application, and issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management departments.

3. The owner of vehicle shall go through registration/filing formalities in local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments.

A: For changes in the vehicle’s body color, engine, body or frame, the owner of vehicle shall submit the following docu- ments and hand over the vehicle for inspections within ten days after the change:

(1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and go through formalities concerning the new vehicle: for registration and filing of changes if he/she relocates notary certificate of their marital relations from the consular (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of VI. Ownership Transfer of Vehicles (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; within the city or his/her name (name of mission) and contact missions. vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); and Related Credentials; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles details have changed. (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- and Related Credentials; The following documents shall be provided if contact details (6) Vehicle License; mation Changes (blank form available online); (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- Following documents shall be provided if the owner of vehi- of the owner of vehicle have changed: (7) Vehicle inspection records (including standard photo of (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of mation Changes (blank form available online); cle relocates within the city or his/her name (name of mis- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the vehicle). vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of sion), type of identity certificate or ID number has changed: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License; (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (7) For changes in vehicle’s engine number, vehicle (6) Vehicle License; and Related Credentials; mation Changes (blank form available online); identification number (frame number), or color due to theft (7) Factory Certificate of the whole vehicle, or Import Certif- (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of or robbery, the owner of vehicle shall provide the technical icate for imported vehicles; mation Changes (blank form available online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); authentication or returning certification issued by public (8) Certificate of vehicle safety and technical inspection shall (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of security departments to prove that the stolen/robbed vehicle also be submitted for a vehicle model not exempted from vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); D. The owner of vehicle may apply for filing to local vehicle is the same as the authenticated one in order to apply for inspection by competent authorities in charge of motor vehi- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; administration offices if the engine number or Vehicle Identi- further changes; cle products; (6) Vehicle License; fication Number (VIN) is unrecognizable or damaged due to

(8) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the (9) Rubbing of vehicle identification number (VIN); (7) Certification of change of relevant matters; abrasion, corrosion or accident. Following documents shall vehicle). (10) Vehicle inspection record (including two standard (8) Standard photo of the vehicle; be provided: photos of the vehicle); (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; B: For replacement of the whole vehicle with a new one of (11) Return documents of the original vehicle (Vehicle Note: Above requirements are also applicable to change of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles the same model by the manufacturer due to quality deficien- License and Vehicle Registration Certificate). the owner’s name between spouses. In addition, the owner of and Related Credentials; cy, the owner of vehicle, after the replacement, shall submit vehicle shall provide the original, copy and translated (3) Application Form of Registration/Filing for Vehicle Infor- following documents, hand over the vehicle for inspection C. For a registered vehicle, the owner of vehicle shall apply versions of his/her marriage certificate, as well as the mation Changes (blank form available online);

85 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application and Related Credentials; 7. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle ownership fer and the purchaser (transferee) shall submit applications by logging on the Management System, shall submit the (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- transfer and return consular license plates at local vehicle for purchase of vehicles in China. After both applications are following documents to FAOs: feror and transferee of vehicle (except for mission-owed offi- administration offices of traffic management departments approved by OFM, both parties can go through formalities (1) Verbal note of the consular mission; cial vehicles); with the following documents: concerning vehicle transfer registration at local vehicle (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; administration offices of traffic management departments Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles with Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. feit form provided by the customs); and Related Credentials; and Related Credentials as well as other documents. (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the transferee 2. FAOs check and confirm the application online and then istration Certificate; (except for mission-owned official vehicle); submit the relevant documents to OFM. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs online); supervision outside the missions, the owner of vehicle shall (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular refer to “V: Removal of Customs Supervision” to remove (6) Vehicle License and license plate; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation customs supervision at local customs in advance. (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. administrations and traffic management departments. standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; 6. The owner of vehicle shall inform transferee to local offic- (8) Vehicle inspection record; 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under cus- es of the state administration of taxation to complete vehicle (9) Certificate of removal of supervision or transfer certifi- toms supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle purchasing tax exemption/payment procedures, and to cate approved by customs for vehicles under customs super- shall go through formalities concerning supervision transfer local taxation bureaus to complete vehicle and vessel tax vision. at local customs with the following documents: exemption/payment procedures (transferee may refer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; to“II: Purchase of Vehicles in China”). Note: For ownership transfer inside missions, the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles vehicle (transferor) shall submit application for vehicle trans-

86 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application and Related Credentials; 7. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle ownership fer and the purchaser (transferee) shall submit applications by logging on the Management System, shall submit the (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- transfer and return consular license plates at local vehicle for purchase of vehicles in China. After both applications are following documents to FAOs: feror and transferee of vehicle (except for mission-owed offi- administration offices of traffic management departments approved by OFM, both parties can go through formalities (1) Verbal note of the consular mission; cial vehicles); with the following documents: concerning vehicle transfer registration at local vehicle (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; administration offices of traffic management departments Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles with Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. feit form provided by the customs); and Related Credentials; and Related Credentials as well as other documents. (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the transferee 2. FAOs check and confirm the application online and then istration Certificate; (except for mission-owned official vehicle); submit the relevant documents to OFM. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs online); supervision outside the missions, the owner of vehicle shall (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular refer to “V: Removal of Customs Supervision” to remove (6) Vehicle License and license plate; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation customs supervision at local customs in advance. (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. administrations and traffic management departments. standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; 6. The owner of vehicle shall inform transferee to local offic- (8) Vehicle inspection record; 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under cus- es of the state administration of taxation to complete vehicle (9) Certificate of removal of supervision or transfer certifi- toms supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle purchasing tax exemption/payment procedures, and to cate approved by customs for vehicles under customs super- shall go through formalities concerning supervision transfer local taxation bureaus to complete vehicle and vessel tax vision. at local customs with the following documents: exemption/payment procedures (transferee may refer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; to“II: Purchase of Vehicles in China”). Note: For ownership transfer inside missions, the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles vehicle (transferor) shall submit application for vehicle trans-

87 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application and Related Credentials; 7. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle ownership fer and the purchaser (transferee) shall submit applications by logging on the Management System, shall submit the (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- transfer and return consular license plates at local vehicle for purchase of vehicles in China. After both applications are following documents to FAOs: feror and transferee of vehicle (except for mission-owed offi- administration offices of traffic management departments approved by OFM, both parties can go through formalities (1) Verbal note of the consular mission; cial vehicles); with the following documents: concerning vehicle transfer registration at local vehicle (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; administration offices of traffic management departments Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles with Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. feit form provided by the customs); and Related Credentials; and Related Credentials as well as other documents. (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the transferee 2. FAOs check and confirm the application online and then istration Certificate; (except for mission-owned official vehicle); submit the relevant documents to OFM. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs online); supervision outside the missions, the owner of vehicle shall (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular refer to “V: Removal of Customs Supervision” to remove (6) Vehicle License and license plate; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation customs supervision at local customs in advance. (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. administrations and traffic management departments. standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; 6. The owner of vehicle shall inform transferee to local offic- (8) Vehicle inspection record; 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under cus- es of the state administration of taxation to complete vehicle (9) Certificate of removal of supervision or transfer certifi- toms supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle purchasing tax exemption/payment procedures, and to cate approved by customs for vehicles under customs super- shall go through formalities concerning supervision transfer local taxation bureaus to complete vehicle and vessel tax vision. at local customs with the following documents: exemption/payment procedures (transferee may refer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; to“II: Purchase of Vehicles in China”). Note: For ownership transfer inside missions, the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles vehicle (transferor) shall submit application for vehicle trans-

88 1. The owner of vehicle, after completing online application and Related Credentials; 7. The owner of vehicle shall apply for vehicle ownership fer and the purchaser (transferee) shall submit applications by logging on the Management System, shall submit the (3) Originals and copies of identity certificates of the trans- transfer and return consular license plates at local vehicle for purchase of vehicles in China. After both applications are following documents to FAOs: feror and transferee of vehicle (except for mission-owed offi- administration offices of traffic management departments approved by OFM, both parties can go through formalities (1) Verbal note of the consular mission; cial vehicles); with the following documents: concerning vehicle transfer registration at local vehicle (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; administration offices of traffic management departments Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles with Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. feit form provided by the customs); and Related Credentials; and Related Credentials as well as other documents. (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the transferee 2. FAOs check and confirm the application online and then istration Certificate; (except for mission-owned official vehicle); submit the relevant documents to OFM. (6) Other documents required by the customs. (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available 3. OFM checks and confirms the application. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under customs online); supervision outside the missions, the owner of vehicle shall (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 4. FAOs issue Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular refer to “V: Removal of Customs Supervision” to remove (6) Vehicle License and license plate; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs, taxation customs supervision at local customs in advance. (7) Certificate of origin of the vehicle ownership transfer, i.e. administrations and traffic management departments. standard sales invoice for second-hand vehicle; 6. The owner of vehicle shall inform transferee to local offic- (8) Vehicle inspection record; 5. For ownership transfer of an imported vehicle under cus- es of the state administration of taxation to complete vehicle (9) Certificate of removal of supervision or transfer certifi- toms supervision inside the missions, the owner of vehicle purchasing tax exemption/payment procedures, and to cate approved by customs for vehicles under customs super- shall go through formalities concerning supervision transfer local taxation bureaus to complete vehicle and vessel tax vision. at local customs with the following documents: exemption/payment procedures (transferee may refer (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; to“II: Purchase of Vehicles in China”). Note: For ownership transfer inside missions, the owner of (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles vehicle (transferor) shall submit application for vehicle trans-

89 VII. Transfer-out of Vehicles (moving of vehicles across jurisdictions with ownership unchanged)

90 The owner of vehicle shall apply for tranfer-out of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- feit form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; Embassy or Consulate. feit form provided by the customs); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred out issue (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- istration Certificate; vehicle); 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and istration Certificate; (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (6) Other documents required by the customs. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- documents to FAOs through the transfer-out Consulate: departments. For vehicles that are to be transferred in and 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; registered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return con- vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of sular license plates at local vehicle administration offices of liability insurance for motor vehicles; Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); Credentials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revoking traffic management departments with the following docu- (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, Notice (3) Copy of the Vehicle Registration Certificate. the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at customs of the ments: on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the city where the vehicle is transferred out, with the following (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out consular mission; Vehicles shall also be provided. The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles in meets the local emission standards of the city where the of supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is to be (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out consular mission; and Related Credentials; Note: For official vehicles applying for moving across juris- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be transferred in with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the dictions, the transfer-out mission and transfer-in mission registered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in mission; and Related Credentials; owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity shall submit applications respectively to relevant OFM/- be subject to the on-site examination results of local envi- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city FAOs. OFM will process the request after receiving both ronmental protection bureaus and traffic management Vehicles and Related Credentials; owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- applications. departments. (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city cants whose former consular identity certificates have been owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- returned); 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city cants whose former consular identity certificates have been (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership the relevant documents to OFM. (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available cants whose former consular identity certificates have been (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); returned);

91 The owner of vehicle shall apply for tranfer-out of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- feit form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; Embassy or Consulate. feit form provided by the customs); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred out issue (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- istration Certificate; vehicle); 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and istration Certificate; (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (6) Other documents required by the customs. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- documents to FAOs through the transfer-out Consulate: departments. For vehicles that are to be transferred in and 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; registered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return con- vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of sular license plates at local vehicle administration offices of liability insurance for motor vehicles; Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); Credentials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revoking traffic management departments with the following docu- (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, Notice (3) Copy of the Vehicle Registration Certificate. the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at customs of the ments: on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the city where the vehicle is transferred out, with the following (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out consular mission; Vehicles shall also be provided. The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles in meets the local emission standards of the city where the of supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is to be (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out consular mission; and Related Credentials; Note: For official vehicles applying for moving across juris- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be transferred in with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the dictions, the transfer-out mission and transfer-in mission registered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in mission; and Related Credentials; owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity shall submit applications respectively to relevant OFM/- be subject to the on-site examination results of local envi- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city FAOs. OFM will process the request after receiving both ronmental protection bureaus and traffic management Vehicles and Related Credentials; owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- applications. departments. (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city cants whose former consular identity certificates have been owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- returned); 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city cants whose former consular identity certificates have been (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership the relevant documents to OFM. (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available cants whose former consular identity certificates have been (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); returned);

92 The owner of vehicle shall apply for tranfer-out of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- feit form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; Embassy or Consulate. feit form provided by the customs); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred out issue (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- istration Certificate; vehicle); 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and istration Certificate; (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (6) Other documents required by the customs. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- documents to FAOs through the transfer-out Consulate: departments. For vehicles that are to be transferred in and 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; registered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return con- vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of sular license plates at local vehicle administration offices of liability insurance for motor vehicles; Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); Credentials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revoking traffic management departments with the following docu- (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, Notice (3) Copy of the Vehicle Registration Certificate. the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at customs of the ments: on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the city where the vehicle is transferred out, with the following (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out consular mission; Vehicles shall also be provided. The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles in meets the local emission standards of the city where the of supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is to be (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out consular mission; and Related Credentials; Note: For official vehicles applying for moving across juris- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be transferred in with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the dictions, the transfer-out mission and transfer-in mission registered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in mission; and Related Credentials; owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity shall submit applications respectively to relevant OFM/- be subject to the on-site examination results of local envi- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city FAOs. OFM will process the request after receiving both ronmental protection bureaus and traffic management Vehicles and Related Credentials; owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- applications. departments. (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city cants whose former consular identity certificates have been owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- returned); 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city cants whose former consular identity certificates have been (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership the relevant documents to OFM. (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available cants whose former consular identity certificates have been (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); returned);

93 The owner of vehicle shall apply for tranfer-out of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- feit form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; Embassy or Consulate. feit form provided by the customs); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred out issue (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- istration Certificate; vehicle); 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and istration Certificate; (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (6) Other documents required by the customs. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- documents to FAOs through the transfer-out Consulate: departments. For vehicles that are to be transferred in and 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; registered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return con- vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of sular license plates at local vehicle administration offices of liability insurance for motor vehicles; Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); Credentials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revoking traffic management departments with the following docu- (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, Notice (3) Copy of the Vehicle Registration Certificate. the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at customs of the ments: on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the city where the vehicle is transferred out, with the following (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out consular mission; Vehicles shall also be provided. The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles in meets the local emission standards of the city where the of supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is to be (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out consular mission; and Related Credentials; Note: For official vehicles applying for moving across juris- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be transferred in with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the dictions, the transfer-out mission and transfer-in mission registered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in mission; and Related Credentials; owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity shall submit applications respectively to relevant OFM/- be subject to the on-site examination results of local envi- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city FAOs. OFM will process the request after receiving both ronmental protection bureaus and traffic management Vehicles and Related Credentials; owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- applications. departments. (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city cants whose former consular identity certificates have been owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- returned); 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city cants whose former consular identity certificates have been (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership the relevant documents to OFM. (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available cants whose former consular identity certificates have been (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); returned);

94 The owner of vehicle shall apply for tranfer-out of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- feit form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; Embassy or Consulate. feit form provided by the customs); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred out issue (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- istration Certificate; vehicle); 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and istration Certificate; (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (6) Other documents required by the customs. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- documents to FAOs through the transfer-out Consulate: departments. For vehicles that are to be transferred in and 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; registered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return con- vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of sular license plates at local vehicle administration offices of liability insurance for motor vehicles; Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); Credentials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revoking traffic management departments with the following docu- (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, Notice (3) Copy of the Vehicle Registration Certificate. the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at customs of the ments: on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the city where the vehicle is transferred out, with the following (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out consular mission; Vehicles shall also be provided. The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles in meets the local emission standards of the city where the of supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is to be (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out consular mission; and Related Credentials; Note: For official vehicles applying for moving across juris- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be transferred in with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the dictions, the transfer-out mission and transfer-in mission registered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in mission; and Related Credentials; owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity shall submit applications respectively to relevant OFM/- be subject to the on-site examination results of local envi- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city FAOs. OFM will process the request after receiving both ronmental protection bureaus and traffic management Vehicles and Related Credentials; owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- applications. departments. (3) Copy of the former consular identity certificate of the certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city cants whose former consular identity certificates have been owner of vehicle and original and copy of the current identity (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- returned); 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit certificate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city cants whose former consular identity certificates have been (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership the relevant documents to OFM. (OFM/FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the appli- returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available cants whose former consular identity certificates have been (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); returned);

95 VIII. Transfer-in of Vehicles (moving of vehicles across jurisdictions with ownership unchanged)

96 The owner of vehicle shall apply for transfer-in of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle transfer-in and collect consular license plates at local (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. whose former identity certificates have been returned); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Consulate. (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or istration Certificate; vehicle); ments with the following documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred in issue Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and feit form provided by the customs); vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles 11. The owner of vehicle shall file insurance information logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and and Related Credentials; online according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. documents to FAOs: departments. For vehicles that are transferred out and regis- istration Certificate; diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; tered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on Transac- (6) Other documents required by the customs. former diplomatic/consular license plates at local vehicle liability insurance for motor vehicles; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular tion of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related Creden- administration offices of traffic management departments of (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); tials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the the city where the vehicle is transferred out with the following Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. whose former identity certificates have been returned); 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is trans- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance ferred out with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular 8. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available in meets the national motor vehicle environmental protection of supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revok- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; Vehicles and Related Credentials; environmental protection and inspection of vehicles at online); standards and local emission standards of the city where the ing the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at the cus- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Consular (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of local environmental protection bureaus and inspection (5) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be reg- toms where the vehicle is transferred in with the following Vehicles and Related Credentials; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate fields of the city where the vehicle is transferred in. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- istered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall be documents: (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and subject to the on-site examination results of local environ- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose 9. The owner of vehicle shall purchase required vehicle vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident mental protection bureaus and traffic management depart- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs former identity certificates have been returned); insurances (including compulsory traffic accident liability liability insurance for motor vehicles; ments. and Related Credentials; will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership insurance and commercial third-party liability insurance (6) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of former identity certificates have been returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); vehicle); the relevant documents to OFM. cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counterfeit (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 10. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for (8) Vehicle profile;

97 The owner of vehicle shall apply for transfer-in of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle transfer-in and collect consular license plates at local (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. whose former identity certificates have been returned); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Consulate. (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or istration Certificate; vehicle); ments with the following documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred in issue Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and feit form provided by the customs); vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles 11. The owner of vehicle shall file insurance information logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and and Related Credentials; online according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. documents to FAOs: departments. For vehicles that are transferred out and regis- istration Certificate; diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; tered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on Transac- (6) Other documents required by the customs. former diplomatic/consular license plates at local vehicle liability insurance for motor vehicles; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular tion of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related Creden- administration offices of traffic management departments of (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); tials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the the city where the vehicle is transferred out with the following Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. whose former identity certificates have been returned); 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is trans- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance ferred out with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular 8. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available in meets the national motor vehicle environmental protection of supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revok- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; Vehicles and Related Credentials; environmental protection and inspection of vehicles at online); standards and local emission standards of the city where the ing the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at the cus- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Consular (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of local environmental protection bureaus and inspection (5) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be reg- toms where the vehicle is transferred in with the following Vehicles and Related Credentials; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate fields of the city where the vehicle is transferred in. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- istered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall be documents: (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and subject to the on-site examination results of local environ- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose 9. The owner of vehicle shall purchase required vehicle vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident mental protection bureaus and traffic management depart- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs former identity certificates have been returned); insurances (including compulsory traffic accident liability liability insurance for motor vehicles; ments. and Related Credentials; will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership insurance and commercial third-party liability insurance (6) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of former identity certificates have been returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); vehicle); the relevant documents to OFM. cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counterfeit (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 10. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for (8) Vehicle profile;

98 The owner of vehicle shall apply for transfer-in of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle transfer-in and collect consular license plates at local (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. whose former identity certificates have been returned); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Consulate. (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or istration Certificate; vehicle); ments with the following documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred in issue Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and feit form provided by the customs); vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles 11. The owner of vehicle shall file insurance information logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and and Related Credentials; online according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. documents to FAOs: departments. For vehicles that are transferred out and regis- istration Certificate; diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; tered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on Transac- (6) Other documents required by the customs. former diplomatic/consular license plates at local vehicle liability insurance for motor vehicles; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular tion of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related Creden- administration offices of traffic management departments of (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); tials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the the city where the vehicle is transferred out with the following Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. whose former identity certificates have been returned); 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is trans- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance ferred out with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular 8. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available in meets the national motor vehicle environmental protection of supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revok- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; Vehicles and Related Credentials; environmental protection and inspection of vehicles at online); standards and local emission standards of the city where the ing the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at the cus- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Consular (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of local environmental protection bureaus and inspection (5) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be reg- toms where the vehicle is transferred in with the following Vehicles and Related Credentials; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate fields of the city where the vehicle is transferred in. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- istered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall be documents: (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and subject to the on-site examination results of local environ- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose 9. The owner of vehicle shall purchase required vehicle vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident mental protection bureaus and traffic management depart- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs former identity certificates have been returned); insurances (including compulsory traffic accident liability liability insurance for motor vehicles; ments. and Related Credentials; will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership insurance and commercial third-party liability insurance (6) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of former identity certificates have been returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); vehicle); the relevant documents to OFM. cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counterfeit (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 10. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for (8) Vehicle profile;

99 The owner of vehicle shall apply for transfer-in of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle transfer-in and collect consular license plates at local (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. whose former identity certificates have been returned); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Consulate. (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or istration Certificate; vehicle); ments with the following documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred in issue Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and feit form provided by the customs); vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles 11. The owner of vehicle shall file insurance information logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and and Related Credentials; online according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. documents to FAOs: departments. For vehicles that are transferred out and regis- istration Certificate; diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; tered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on Transac- (6) Other documents required by the customs. former diplomatic/consular license plates at local vehicle liability insurance for motor vehicles; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular tion of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related Creden- administration offices of traffic management departments of (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); tials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the the city where the vehicle is transferred out with the following Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. whose former identity certificates have been returned); 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is trans- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance ferred out with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular 8. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available in meets the national motor vehicle environmental protection of supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revok- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; Vehicles and Related Credentials; environmental protection and inspection of vehicles at online); standards and local emission standards of the city where the ing the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at the cus- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Consular (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of local environmental protection bureaus and inspection (5) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be reg- toms where the vehicle is transferred in with the following Vehicles and Related Credentials; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate fields of the city where the vehicle is transferred in. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- istered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall be documents: (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and subject to the on-site examination results of local environ- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose 9. The owner of vehicle shall purchase required vehicle vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident mental protection bureaus and traffic management depart- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs former identity certificates have been returned); insurances (including compulsory traffic accident liability liability insurance for motor vehicles; ments. and Related Credentials; will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership insurance and commercial third-party liability insurance (6) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of former identity certificates have been returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); vehicle); the relevant documents to OFM. cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counterfeit (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 10. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for (8) Vehicle profile;

100 The owner of vehicle shall apply for transfer-in of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle transfer-in and collect consular license plates at local (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. whose former identity certificates have been returned); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Consulate. (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or istration Certificate; vehicle); ments with the following documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred in issue Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and feit form provided by the customs); vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles 11. The owner of vehicle shall file insurance information logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and and Related Credentials; online according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. documents to FAOs: departments. For vehicles that are transferred out and regis- istration Certificate; diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; tered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on Transac- (6) Other documents required by the customs. former diplomatic/consular license plates at local vehicle liability insurance for motor vehicles; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular tion of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related Creden- administration offices of traffic management departments of (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); tials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the the city where the vehicle is transferred out with the following Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. whose former identity certificates have been returned); 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is trans- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance ferred out with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular 8. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available in meets the national motor vehicle environmental protection of supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revok- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; Vehicles and Related Credentials; environmental protection and inspection of vehicles at online); standards and local emission standards of the city where the ing the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at the cus- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Consular (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of local environmental protection bureaus and inspection (5) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be reg- toms where the vehicle is transferred in with the following Vehicles and Related Credentials; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate fields of the city where the vehicle is transferred in. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- istered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall be documents: (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and subject to the on-site examination results of local environ- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose 9. The owner of vehicle shall purchase required vehicle vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident mental protection bureaus and traffic management depart- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs former identity certificates have been returned); insurances (including compulsory traffic accident liability liability insurance for motor vehicles; ments. and Related Credentials; will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership insurance and commercial third-party liability insurance (6) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of former identity certificates have been returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); vehicle); the relevant documents to OFM. cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counterfeit (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 10. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for (8) Vehicle profile;

101 The owner of vehicle shall apply for transfer-in of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle transfer-in and collect consular license plates at local (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. whose former identity certificates have been returned); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Consulate. (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or istration Certificate; vehicle); ments with the following documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred in issue Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and feit form provided by the customs); vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles 11. The owner of vehicle shall file insurance information logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and and Related Credentials; online according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. documents to FAOs: departments. For vehicles that are transferred out and regis- istration Certificate; diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; tered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on Transac- (6) Other documents required by the customs. former diplomatic/consular license plates at local vehicle liability insurance for motor vehicles; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular tion of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related Creden- administration offices of traffic management departments of (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); tials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the the city where the vehicle is transferred out with the following Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. whose former identity certificates have been returned); 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is trans- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance ferred out with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular 8. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available in meets the national motor vehicle environmental protection of supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revok- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; Vehicles and Related Credentials; environmental protection and inspection of vehicles at online); standards and local emission standards of the city where the ing the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at the cus- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Consular (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of local environmental protection bureaus and inspection (5) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be reg- toms where the vehicle is transferred in with the following Vehicles and Related Credentials; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate fields of the city where the vehicle is transferred in. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- istered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall be documents: (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and subject to the on-site examination results of local environ- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose 9. The owner of vehicle shall purchase required vehicle vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident mental protection bureaus and traffic management depart- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs former identity certificates have been returned); insurances (including compulsory traffic accident liability liability insurance for motor vehicles; ments. and Related Credentials; will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership insurance and commercial third-party liability insurance (6) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of former identity certificates have been returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); vehicle); the relevant documents to OFM. cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counterfeit (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 10. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for (8) Vehicle profile;

102 The owner of vehicle shall apply for transfer-in of vehicle 3. OFM checks and confirms the application after receiving FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants form provided by the customs); (6) Vehicle License and License Plate; vehicle transfer-in and collect consular license plates at local (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the after acquiring new identity certificate at the transfer-in both transfer-out and transfer-in applications. whose former identity certificates have been returned); (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Consulate. (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or istration Certificate; vehicle); ments with the following documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. 4. FAOs of the city where the vehicle is transferred in issue Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counter- (6) Other documents required by the customs. (8) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete online application by Notice on Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and feit form provided by the customs); vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles 11. The owner of vehicle shall file insurance information logging on the Management System and submit the following Related Credentials to local customs and traffic management (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- 7. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for juris- tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and and Related Credentials; online according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. documents to FAOs: departments. For vehicles that are transferred out and regis- istration Certificate; diction change (vehicle transfer registration) and return vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; tered as diplomatic vehicles, OFM issues Notice on Transac- (6) Other documents required by the customs. former diplomatic/consular license plates at local vehicle liability insurance for motor vehicles; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (2) Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular tion of Services on Diplomatic Vehicles and Related Creden- administration offices of traffic management departments of (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online); tials to Beijing Traffic Management Bureau. 6. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the the city where the vehicle is transferred out with the following Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of FAOs will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants (3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Certificate. owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for transfer of documents: Import/Export Vehicles shall also be provided. whose former identity certificates have been returned); 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the supervision at customs of the city where the vehicle is trans- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership The owner of vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle transferred owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for acceptance ferred out with the following documents: (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic/Consular 8. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available in meets the national motor vehicle environmental protection of supervision and collect the Notice on Receiving or Revok- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-out mission; Vehicles and Related Credentials; environmental protection and inspection of vehicles at online); standards and local emission standards of the city where the ing the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles at the cus- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Diplomatic Consular (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of local environmental protection bureaus and inspection (5) If inspection of the vehicle is expired, it is required to pro- vehicle is transferred in. Otherwise the vehicle can not be reg- toms where the vehicle is transferred in with the following Vehicles and Related Credentials; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate fields of the city where the vehicle is transferred in. vide certificate of motor vehicle safety and technical inspec- istered. Whether the vehicle can be transferred in shall be documents: (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs tion, tax payment or exemption certificate for vehicle and subject to the on-site examination results of local environ- (1) Verbal Note of the transfer-in consular mission; vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certificate will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose 9. The owner of vehicle shall purchase required vehicle vessel tax and insurance policy of compulsory traffic accident mental protection bureaus and traffic management depart- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/FAOs former identity certificates have been returned); insurances (including compulsory traffic accident liability liability insurance for motor vehicles; ments. and Related Credentials; will issue a Return of ID certificate to the applicants whose (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership insurance and commercial third-party liability insurance (6) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (3) Copy of the former identity certificate of the owner of former identity certificates have been returned); Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available with minimum coverage of one million RMB). (7) Vehicle inspection record (including standard photo of the 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit vehicle and original and copy of the current identity certifi- (4) Application Form for Transfer of Articles for Official or online); vehicle); the relevant documents to OFM. cate of the owner of vehicle at the transfer-in city (OFM/- Private Use by Diplomatic Missions (written in anti-counterfeit (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; 10. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for (8) Vehicle profile;

103 IX. Disassembly and Scrapping of Vehicles A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of


1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs. 1. The owner of vehicle shall submit an application online (5) Copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Registration Cer- inspection record shall also be submitted; Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Cus- A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own and then FAOs check and approve the application. tificate; (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the toms Supervision shall also be provided. (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle (6) Other certificates required by customs. Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). 2. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Customs C. For cancellation of registration due to quality deficiency and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs and traffic 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for can- Supervision shall also be provided. and return of vehicle: Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- management departments. cellation of registration at local vehicle administration offices (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the of traffic management departments and return the consular B. For cancellation of registration due to loss or damage (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 3. For vehicles purchased in China, the owner of vehicle shall license plates with the following documents: caused by natural disaster, fire or traffic accident: and Related Credentials; 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. deliver the vehicle to a vehicle scrapping and recycling enter- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the prise and collect the Recycling Certificate of the Scrapped A: For cancellation of registration due to disassembly and (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement Vehicles. scrapping of the vehicle: and Related Credentials; online); 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership (4) Original of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (ex- formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available cept for mission-owned official vehicle); 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or owner of vehicle shall go through formalities concerning and Related Credentials; online); (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued disassembly and scrapping of the vehicle and collect the (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership (4) Original of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except (6) Vehicle License; departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available for mission-owned official vehicle); (7) Vehicle License Plate; ments with a charge for the documentation service. Import/Export Vehicles with the following documents: online); (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (8) Proof of Vehicle Return issued by vehicle manufacturers 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (6) Vehicle License; or dealers; fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle License; (7) Vehicle License Plate; (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License Plate; (8) Proof of vehicle loss or damage due to natural disaster, Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (7) Copy of Recycling Certificate of Scrapped Vehicle; fire or traffic accident; Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Cus- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of vehicle (except mission-owned official vehicle); (8) For a heavy passenger vehicle or a middle-or-above sized (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the toms Supervision shall also be provided. and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (4) Recycling Certificate of Scrapped Vehicle (copy for customs); cargo vehicle requiring supervised scrapping, the vehicle Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of


1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs. 1. The owner of vehicle shall submit an application online (5) Copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Registration Cer- inspection record shall also be submitted; Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Cus- A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own and then FAOs check and approve the application. tificate; (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the toms Supervision shall also be provided. (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle (6) Other certificates required by customs. Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). 2. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Customs C. For cancellation of registration due to quality deficiency and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs and traffic 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for can- Supervision shall also be provided. and return of vehicle: Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- management departments. cellation of registration at local vehicle administration offices (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the of traffic management departments and return the consular B. For cancellation of registration due to loss or damage (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 3. For vehicles purchased in China, the owner of vehicle shall license plates with the following documents: caused by natural disaster, fire or traffic accident: and Related Credentials; 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. deliver the vehicle to a vehicle scrapping and recycling enter- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the prise and collect the Recycling Certificate of the Scrapped A: For cancellation of registration due to disassembly and (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement Vehicles. scrapping of the vehicle: and Related Credentials; online); 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership (4) Original of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (ex- formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available cept for mission-owned official vehicle); 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or owner of vehicle shall go through formalities concerning and Related Credentials; online); (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued disassembly and scrapping of the vehicle and collect the (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership (4) Original of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except (6) Vehicle License; departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available for mission-owned official vehicle); (7) Vehicle License Plate; ments with a charge for the documentation service. Import/Export Vehicles with the following documents: online); (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (8) Proof of Vehicle Return issued by vehicle manufacturers 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (6) Vehicle License; or dealers; fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle License; (7) Vehicle License Plate; (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License Plate; (8) Proof of vehicle loss or damage due to natural disaster, Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (7) Copy of Recycling Certificate of Scrapped Vehicle; fire or traffic accident; Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Cus- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of vehicle (except mission-owned official vehicle); (8) For a heavy passenger vehicle or a middle-or-above sized (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the toms Supervision shall also be provided. and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (4) Recycling Certificate of Scrapped Vehicle (copy for customs); cargo vehicle requiring supervised scrapping, the vehicle Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of


1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs. 1. The owner of vehicle shall submit an application online (5) Copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Registration Cer- inspection record shall also be submitted; Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Cus- A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own and then FAOs check and approve the application. tificate; (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the toms Supervision shall also be provided. (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle (6) Other certificates required by customs. Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). 2. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Customs C. For cancellation of registration due to quality deficiency and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs and traffic 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for can- Supervision shall also be provided. and return of vehicle: Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- management departments. cellation of registration at local vehicle administration offices (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the of traffic management departments and return the consular B. For cancellation of registration due to loss or damage (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 3. For vehicles purchased in China, the owner of vehicle shall license plates with the following documents: caused by natural disaster, fire or traffic accident: and Related Credentials; 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. deliver the vehicle to a vehicle scrapping and recycling enter- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the prise and collect the Recycling Certificate of the Scrapped A: For cancellation of registration due to disassembly and (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement Vehicles. scrapping of the vehicle: and Related Credentials; online); 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership (4) Original of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (ex- formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available cept for mission-owned official vehicle); 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or owner of vehicle shall go through formalities concerning and Related Credentials; online); (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued disassembly and scrapping of the vehicle and collect the (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership (4) Original of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except (6) Vehicle License; departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available for mission-owned official vehicle); (7) Vehicle License Plate; ments with a charge for the documentation service. Import/Export Vehicles with the following documents: online); (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (8) Proof of Vehicle Return issued by vehicle manufacturers 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (6) Vehicle License; or dealers; fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle License; (7) Vehicle License Plate; (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License Plate; (8) Proof of vehicle loss or damage due to natural disaster, Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (7) Copy of Recycling Certificate of Scrapped Vehicle; fire or traffic accident; Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Cus- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of vehicle (except mission-owned official vehicle); (8) For a heavy passenger vehicle or a middle-or-above sized (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the toms Supervision shall also be provided. and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (4) Recycling Certificate of Scrapped Vehicle (copy for customs); cargo vehicle requiring supervised scrapping, the vehicle Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of


1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs. 1. The owner of vehicle shall submit an application online (5) Copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Registration Cer- inspection record shall also be submitted; Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Cus- A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own and then FAOs check and approve the application. tificate; (9) For imported vehicle under customs supervision, the toms Supervision shall also be provided. (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle (6) Other certificates required by customs. Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). 2. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Customs C. For cancellation of registration due to quality deficiency and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local customs and traffic 5. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for can- Supervision shall also be provided. and return of vehicle: Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- management departments. cellation of registration at local vehicle administration offices (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the of traffic management departments and return the consular B. For cancellation of registration due to loss or damage (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 3. For vehicles purchased in China, the owner of vehicle shall license plates with the following documents: caused by natural disaster, fire or traffic accident: and Related Credentials; 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. deliver the vehicle to a vehicle scrapping and recycling enter- (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the prise and collect the Recycling Certificate of the Scrapped A: For cancellation of registration due to disassembly and (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement Vehicles. scrapping of the vehicle: and Related Credentials; online); 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership (4) Original of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (ex- formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available cept for mission-owned official vehicle); 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or owner of vehicle shall go through formalities concerning and Related Credentials; online); (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued disassembly and scrapping of the vehicle and collect the (3) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership (4) Original of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except (6) Vehicle License; departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available for mission-owned official vehicle); (7) Vehicle License Plate; ments with a charge for the documentation service. Import/Export Vehicles with the following documents: online); (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (8) Proof of Vehicle Return issued by vehicle manufacturers 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (4) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (6) Vehicle License; or dealers; fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (5) Vehicle License; (7) Vehicle License Plate; (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates and Related Credentials; (6) Vehicle License Plate; (8) Proof of vehicle loss or damage due to natural disaster, Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (7) Copy of Recycling Certificate of Scrapped Vehicle; fire or traffic accident; Import/Export Vehicles and Certificate of Removal of Cus- (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of vehicle (except mission-owned official vehicle); (8) For a heavy passenger vehicle or a middle-or-above sized (9) For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the toms Supervision shall also be provided. and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (4) Recycling Certificate of Scrapped Vehicle (copy for customs); cargo vehicle requiring supervised scrapping, the vehicle Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of


1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs. X. Change of Vehicle License Plates A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate

(3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of


1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs. A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of


1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs. A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of


1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs. A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of


1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs. A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of

1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs.

113 A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of

1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration XI. Re-issuance of Vehicle License Plates offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs.

114 A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of

1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration 1. In case that a vehicle license plate is lost, the owner of offices of traffic management departments under the same vehicle shall file an application online, and submit a Verbal procedure. Note with the Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 2. FAOs check and approve the application and issue Notice of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic Credentials to local traffic management departments. management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued 3. The owner shall go through formalities for re-issuance of by customs. license plates at local vehicle management offices of traffic management departments with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials; (3) Application Form for Vehicle License Plate (blank form available online); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (5) Standard photo of the vehicle.

115 A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of

1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration XII. Loss Reporting of Vehicles offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs.

116 A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of

1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration 1. The owner of vehicle shall obtain a Certificate of Loss offices of traffic management departments under the same Report from local police stations of the place where the procedure. vehicle is lost.

2. The mission shall complete online the Registration Form of 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the Lost Consular Vehicles, and submit to FAOs a Verbal Note, owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement the Registration Form (printed online) and the Certificate of of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant Loss Report issued by local police stations. formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or 3. FAOs check and confirm the application, and then submit Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued relevant documents to OFM and law enforcement. Consular by customs. missions will be informed of relevant progress and results if any.

Note: 1. By completing the Registration Form of Lost Consular Vehicles, consular missions have agreed that Chinese law enforcement may detain the said vehicle in accordance with laws with aim to search for it.

2. This part is only applicable to vehicles using new consular license plates.

117 A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of

1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration XIII. Export of Vehicles offices of traffic management departments under the same procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs.

118 A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of

1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online, (7) Fill in relevant information by logging on the Information 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the offices of traffic management departments under the same and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for Management System of Modern Customs Baggage and Mail owner of vehicle shall return and complete the formalities at procedure. Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Services. the customs with a Cancellation of Vehicle Registration Cer- Credentials(printed online) to FAOs. tificate issued by local vehicle administration offices of traf- 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 4. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities of can- fic management departments. owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 2. FAOs check and approve the application and issue Notice cellation of registration at local vehicle administration offices of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related of traffic management departments and return the consular formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic Credentials to local customs and traffic management depart- license plates with the following documents: management departments with the Notice on Receiving or ments. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles by customs. 3. The owner of vehicle shall go through export formalities of and Related Credentials; the vehicle at local customs with the following documents: (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership and Related Credentials; Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (4) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use (6) Vehicle License; Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (7) Vehicle License Plate; available online); (8) Vehicle Export Certificate. For imported vehicles under (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- customs supervision, the Export Certificate shall refer to the istration Certificate; Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of (6) Other documents required by the customs; Import/Export Vehicles issued by the customs.

119 A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of

1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online, (7) Fill in relevant information by logging on the Information 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the offices of traffic management departments under the same and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for Management System of Modern Customs Baggage and Mail owner of vehicle shall return and complete the formalities at procedure. Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Services. the customs with a Cancellation of Vehicle Registration Cer- Credentials(printed online) to FAOs. tificate issued by local vehicle administration offices of traf- 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 4. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities of can- fic management departments. owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 2. FAOs check and approve the application and issue Notice cellation of registration at local vehicle administration offices of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related of traffic management departments and return the consular formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic Credentials to local customs and traffic management depart- license plates with the following documents: management departments with the Notice on Receiving or ments. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles by customs. 3. The owner of vehicle shall go through export formalities of and Related Credentials; the vehicle at local customs with the following documents: (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership and Related Credentials; Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (4) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use (6) Vehicle License; Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (7) Vehicle License Plate; available online); (8) Vehicle Export Certificate. For imported vehicles under (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- customs supervision, the Export Certificate shall refer to the istration Certificate; Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of (6) Other documents required by the customs; Import/Export Vehicles issued by the customs.

120 A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of

1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online, (7) Fill in relevant information by logging on the Information 5. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the offices of traffic management departments under the same and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for Management System of Modern Customs Baggage and Mail owner of vehicle shall return and complete the formalities at procedure. Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Services. the customs with a Cancellation of Vehicle Registration Cer- Credentials(printed online) to FAOs. tificate issued by local vehicle administration offices of traf- 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 4. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities of can- fic management departments. owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 2. FAOs check and approve the application and issue Notice cellation of registration at local vehicle administration offices of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related of traffic management departments and return the consular formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic Credentials to local customs and traffic management depart- license plates with the following documents: management departments with the Notice on Receiving or ments. (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles by customs. 3. The owner of vehicle shall go through export formalities of and Related Credentials; the vehicle at local customs with the following documents: (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles (4) Application Form of Vehicle Registration, Ownership and Related Credentials; Transfer, and Cancellation/Transfer-in (blank form available (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of online); vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate; (4) Declaration Form of Articles for Official or Private Use (6) Vehicle License; Imported or Exported by Diplomatic Missions (blank form (7) Vehicle License Plate; available online); (8) Vehicle Export Certificate. For imported vehicles under (5) Originals and copies of Vehicle License and Vehicle Reg- customs supervision, the Export Certificate shall refer to the istration Certificate; Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of (6) Other documents required by the customs; Import/Export Vehicles issued by the customs.

121 A. Replace old consular license plates with new ones vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); B. Replacement of the license plate number under its own (4) Application Form for Registration/Filing of Motor Vehi- number section of the missions (only for the official vehicle 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online cle Information Changes (blank form available online); of the Head of the Mission). and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for (5) Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle License; Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related (6) Standard photo of the vehicle; 1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administra- Credentials (printed online) to FAOs. (7) VIN rubbing of the vehicle; tion offices of traffic management departments under the (8) proof of vehicle compulsory traffic accident liability same procedure. 2. FAOs check and approve the application and then submit insurance policy. the relevant documents to OFM. 2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the 6. Local vehicle administration offices of traffic management owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement 3. OFM checks and approves the application. departments inspect the vehicle on-site. of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic 4. FAOs issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular 7. The owner of vehicle shall collect the new consular license management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management plates and related credentials and return the old plates at local Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued departments. vehicle administration offices of traffic management depart- by customs. ments with a charge for the documentation service. 5. The owner of vehicle shall drive the vehicle to inspection 3. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at fields designated by local traffic management departments 8. The owner of vehicle shall update its vehicle insurances at the insurance company and file online the insurance informa- with the following documents: the insurance company within ten working days and file tion of vehicles that have changed to new license plates (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; online the insurance information of vehicles that have according to “III: Filing of Insurance Information”. (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles changed to new license plates according to “III: Filing of and Related Credentials; Insurance Information”. C. Replace consular license plate with common license plate (3) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of

1. Vehicle inspection can be made at local vehicle administration XIV. Re-issuance and Replacement of Vehicle Licenses and offices of traffic management departments under the same Registration Certificates procedure.

2. For imported vehicles under customs supervision, the owner of vehicle shall go through formalities for replacement of license plate at local customs and then go through relevant formalities at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the Notice on Receiving or Revoking the License Plate of Import/Export Vehicles issued by customs.

122 1. The owner of vehicle shall complete an application online, and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials (printed online) to FAOs.

2. FAOs check and approve the application and issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management departments.

3. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities of re-is- suance and replacement of vehicle licenses at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials; (3) Application Form of Vehicle Licenses and Plates (blank form available online); (4) Original and copy of identity certificate of the owner of vehicle (except for mission-owned official vehicle); (5) Standard photo of the vehicle.

4. The owner of vehicle shall go through formalities of re-is- suance and replacement of vehicle registration certificates at local vehicle administration offices of traffic management departments with the following documents:


8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307 (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials; (3) Application Form of Vehicle Licenses and Plates (blank form available online); (4) Personal application of re-issuance of the Vehicle Regis- tration Certificate requires on-site application in person. If the owner of vehicle cannot be present to collect the re-issued Vehicle Registration Certificate due to death, exit of border, severe disease or disability, force majeure and other reasons, relevant proofs shall be submitted. (5) Vehicle inspection record; (6) For replacement of Vehicle Registration Certificate, the original one shall be returned.


8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307 XV. Application for and Replacement of Chinese Driving Licenses


8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307 1. The applicant shall complete an application online, and submit a Verbal Note with the Application Form for Transac- tion of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Creden- tials (printed online) to FAOs.

2. For applicants with foreign driving licenses, he/she can replace it with a Chinese driving license based on reciprocity. For applicants without driving licenses, he/she shall first meet age and physical requirements for Chinese driving license and take training lessons at driving schools. The Chi- nese driving license will be issued after the applicant passes the Chinese driving exams.

3. FAOs check and approve the application and issue Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials to local traffic management departments.

4. The applicant shall apply for or replace Chinese driving license at local vehicle administration offices of traffic man- agement departments with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Notice for Transaction of Services on Consular Vehicles and Related Credentials;


8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307 (3) Original and copy of the applicant’s identity certificate; (4) Application Form for Vehicle Driving License (blank form available online); (5) Original and copy of the applicant’s foreign driving license; if the driving license is not written in Chinese, a Chi- nese translation shall also be submitted; (6) Three recently taken, one-inch sized identification photos with white background; (7) Other documents required.


8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307 XVI. Application for Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles


8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307 1. Consular missions shall apply for Driving Permits for Consular for Consular Vehicles, which are to be delivered to the appli- Vehicles for mission employees and other relevant personnel at cants via FAOs. FAOs with the following documents: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; 4. For extension of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, (2) Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehi- the mission shall submit a copy of the original Driving Permit cles (printed online), signed in person, affixed with seals of together with the above-mentioned documents.When collect- the consular missions and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded ing the new driving permit, consular missions shall return the color passport photo with white background; original one at the same time. (3) Copy of labour dispatching or employment contract (for consular missions employees only); 5. In the event that the driving permit is lost, the mission shall (4) Copy of the applicant’s Chinese driving license; submit the following documents to FAOs: (5) Copy of the Chinese employee’s ID (both sides). Copy of (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; the foreign national’s passport, including cover, information, (2) Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehi- visa (except for the countries of mutual visa exemptions cles (printed online), signed in person, affixed with seals of agreements, however the copy of the entry seal page shall be the consular missions and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded provided) or resident permit pages. The holder of Residence color passport photo with white background; Permit Card issued by MFA may only submit copy of his/her (3)Original Report of Loss. Residence Permit Card as valid identity certificate. 6. When the holder of a driving permit is no longer the 2. FAOs check and confirm the application and then submit full-time employee of the consular missions or complete relevant documents to OFM. his/her term of duty and leave posts, the mission shall inform the FAOs within five working days and return the driving 3. OFM confirms the application and issues Driving Permits permit with a Verbal Note.


8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307 for Consular Vehicles, which are to be delivered to the appli- cants via FAOs.

4. For extension of Driving Permits for Consular Vehicles, the mission shall submit a copy of the original Driving Permit together with the above-mentioned documents.When collect- ing the new driving permit, consular missions shall return the original one at the same time.

5. In the event that the driving permit is lost, the mission shall submit the following documents to FAOs: (1) Verbal Note of the consular mission; (2) Application Form for Driving Permits for Consular Vehi- cles (printed online), signed in person, affixed with seals of the consular missions and a one-inch, smooth and bareheaded color passport photo with white background; (3)Original Report of Loss.

6. When the holder of a driving permit is no longer the full-time employee of the consular missions or complete his/her term of duty and leave posts, the mission shall inform the FAOs within five working days and return the driving permit with a Verbal Note.


8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307 Contact Information


1. Office of Foreign Missions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Address: No. 2 Chaoyangmennan St., Chaoyang District Tel: 010-65963422 (Vehicle Affairs for Consular Missions of Asian, West Asian & North African, North American & Oceanian countries), 010-65964431(Vehicle Affairs for Consular Missions of European-Central Asian, African, European, Latin American countries), 010-65964803 (Technical Support for Management System) Fax: 010-65964464


8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307 Shanghai

1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Address: No. 1418 Nanjing Xilu Tel: 021-22161600 Fax: 021-62552102

2. Shanghai Customs (2nd Business Office) Address: Customs Service Hall, 10th floor, Liulin Plaza, No. 1 Huaihai Zhonglu Tel: 021-68891437

3. Shanghai Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation (Caoyang Collection Center for Vehicle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 220 Qianyang Lu, Putuo District Tel: 021-60259500

4. Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Services regarding vehicle and vessel tax can be processed at Tax Service Halls of district taxation bureaus, i.e.: Puxi District: Tax Service Hall of the 1st Taxation Station, Local Taxation Bureau of Hongkou District


8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307 Address: No. 35 Linping Beilu 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 021-26035651 Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) District: Tax Service Hall of the 1st Taxation Station, Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu Local Taxation Bureau of Pudong New District to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Address: No. 80 Xiangcheng Lu Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- Tel: 021-50587782 (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) 5. Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center (service Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District window for environmental protection of vehicles) Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Address: No. 55 Sanjiang Lu, Xuhui District Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Tel: 021-24011500 Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) 6. Traffic Police Corps of Shanghai Municipal Public Securi- Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District ty Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Address: No. 1330 Hami Lu Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha Tel: 12345 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) 7. Shanghai Foreign Missions Service Department cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: Room 606, Guidu Office Building, No. 65 Yan’an Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Xilu Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Tel: 021-62818491, 021-64379958 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Fax: 021-62482507 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

133 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

134 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

135 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

136 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

137 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

138 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

139 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

140 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

141 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

142 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

143 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

144 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

145 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

146 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

147 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

148 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

149 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

150 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

151 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

152 8. Shanghai Highway ETC Customer Service Center 4. Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (services Address: No. 59 Huali Lu, Zhujiang Xincheng Kunming 5. Kunming Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 113 Nan Yi Jing Jie, Shenhe District 3. Chongqing Municipal Office of the State Administration of Chengdu 5. Chengdu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tax, Lubin Plaza, No. 318 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District 2. Hohhot Customs Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) Supervision Office) Address: 2nd floor, Vehicle Administration Center, Beihu Qingdao 6. Qingdao Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 231 Yaojialing, Wuchang District Xi’an Address: 11th floor, Building No. 2, Municipal Government 3. Changsha Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: No. 555 Wuzhong Dong Lu on vehicle and vessel tax exemption are transacted based on Tel: 020-12366-2 Administration Office) Tel: 024-22660051 Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Address: No. 68 Shujing Lu Address: 0592-5157018 Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Address: northwest corner at the crossing of Haixi Lu and Address : Jiangsu Avenue International Auto Mall, No. 71 Beihu Beilu Administration Office) Tel: 027-87322431 (vehicle purchasing tax exemption) Complex Building, No. 109 Fengcheng Balu Taxation (International Taxation Division) Tel: 021-64692087 the principal of jurisdiction and consular missions can apply 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Address: No. 12 Jingkai Lu, Economic and Technology Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Tel: 028-61885200 Saihan District west 2nd ring road Tel : 13989914900 Tel: 0771-3389680 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Address: No. 6 Changbaishan Lu, Airport Industrial Park, 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Tel: 029-86787828 Address: No. 269, Shaoshan Beilu to local taxation bureaus of the districts where the missions 5. Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Yunnan Province Development Zone 5. Shenyang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (1) No. 1 Taxation Station ple’s Government of Sichuan Province 4. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 0471-6982942 Tel: 0471-3605184, 3605186, 3605190 Government Chengyang District 4. Hubei Provincial Office of Local Taxation Shaanxi Province Tel: 0731-84185025 Guangzhou are located) Address: No. 311 Huanshi Zhonglu, Yuexiu District Address: No. 230 Daguan Lu Tel: 0871-67264912 Address: No. 246 Zhengyang Jie, Shenhe District Address: No. 86 Yuzhou Lu, Jiulongpo District Address: No. 100, East 3rd Section, 1st Ring Road, Cheng- 6. Chengdu Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: Shuibao Plaza, No. 70 Hubin Beilu 5. Traffic Management Bureau of the Department of Public 4. Nanning Government Affairs Service Center (service Address: No. 17 Hongkong Zhonglu, Shinan District Tel: 0532-66572696 Address: No. 101 Donghu Lu Address: Building No. 2, East Section of the Provincial Gov- 6. Xi’an Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Administra- (1) Guangzhou Yuexiu Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 020-83203039 Tel: 0871-64098099, 64098143 Tel: 024-24841835 Tel: 023-68609147, 68699158 hua District Administration Office) Tel: 0592-5318528 3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Lhasa Security of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Vehicle Adminis- window for local taxation) Tel: 0532-85912631 Tel: 027-87328653 ernment Building, Xincheng Plaza, No. 403 Dongxin Jie tion Office) 4. Changsha Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Interna- 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of a. 1st Tax Service Hall Shenyang (2) No. 2 Taxation Station Tel: 028-84356776 Address: Guoning Village, Pidu District Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and tration Corps) Address: 1st Floor, West Wing, Guangxi Sports Center, No. 7. Shandong Highway ETC Customers Service Center Tel: 029-87290355, 63917355 Address: Vehicle Registration Service Station, Yuhuazhai, tional Taxation Division) Guangdong Province Address: No. 9 Shishu Lu 6. Traffic Police Corps of Guangzhou Municipal Public 2. Kunming Customs 6. Shenyang Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Address: No. 5 Huangshan Avenue, High-tech Park, Liangji- Tel: 028-87850111 5. Xiamen Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s Address: No. 2, Beijing Xilu 669 Wuxiang Avenue South 2. Qingdao Port Customs Address: No. 22 Jinsong Sanlu, Shibei District 5.Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Sub-branch Fuyu Lu, West 3rd Ring Road Address: No. 1, Baisha St., Tianxin District Address: No. 45 Shamian Dajie Tel: 020-81903612 Security Bureau (Vehicle Administration Head Office of Address: No. 618 Beijing Lu 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Peo- Administration Office) ang New Area 2. Chengdu Customs (General Office, Mails Management Address: No. 158 Xiaoxue Lu Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District (100 meters Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tel: 0891-6312269 Tel: 0771-4953250 Address: No. 18 Xinjiang Lu, Shibei District Tel: 0532-85718080 on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) 2. Xi’an Customs Tel: 029-89634404 Tel: 0731-85118118 ex 6427 Tel: 020-81219510 b. 2nd Tax Service Hall Chencun) Tel: 0871-63016999 ple’s Government of Liaoning Province Address: No. 116 Shenda Lu, Yuhong District Tel: 023-63082916, 63082882 Division) Xiamen Tel: 0592-3671000 to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of Address: No. 11 Linkuo Beilu, Chengguan District Tel: 0532-58653105 Address: Building D, Jinmao Tower, No. 159 Machang Lu, Address: Service Hall of Xi’an Customs, No. 19 Tangyan Lu Address: No. 4 Guangjiu Damalu Address: No. 1732 Huaguan Lu, Tianhe District Address: No. 45-2 Beiling Dajie Tel: 024-96318888 (3) No. 3 Taxation Station Address: No. 389, 1st Section, Huanghe Zhonglu, Shuangliu the road) Tel: 0891-6328433 Nanning 5. Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Monitoring Wuhan Hanjiang District Tel: 029-83196288 7. ETC Customers Service Center 5. Changsha Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 2. Guangzhou Customs Tel: 020-83865751 Tel: 020-83115318 3. Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 024-86892235, 86893182 Address: No. 66 Yunan Avenue, Banan District District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 6. Traffic Police Corps of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Tel: 0471-3952656 Station 3. Qingdao Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 027-85556682 (vehicle purchasing tax) Address: No. 208 Weiyang Lu (Supervision Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Waste) Address: No. 83 Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang Xincheng (2) Guangzhou Haizhu Local Taxation Bureau (1) Baiyun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch Taxation Chongqing Tel: 023-62869056, 62869116 Tel: 028-85881892 Xiamen Municipal People’s Government Bureau (Vehicle Administration Office) 2. Lhasa Customs (No. 2 Site Business Office) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Address: No. 45 Minzhu Lu, Qingxiu District Taxation 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People’s 3. Xi’an Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tax- Tel: 18991815363 Address: No. 289, Laodong Donglu, Yuhua District Tel: 020-38920160 Address: No. 917 Guangzhou Avenue South Address: No. 1038 Jichang Lu, Baiyun District Address: Vehicle Purchasing Tax Collection Center, Panlong 2. Shenyang Customs Address: 2nd-4th/7th Floor, Tuanjie Plaza, No. 16 Bailuzhou Lu Address: International Auto Parts Mall, Xiamen Auto Logis- 4. Local Taxation Bureau of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Address: No. 72 Beijing Zhonglu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tel: 0771-2620595 Address: No. 236 Yan’an San Lu Government of Hubei Province 6. Department of Environmental Protection of Hubei Province ation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Pur- Tel: 0731-84789218 Tel: 020-12366-2 (2) Fangcun Vehicle Administration Sub-branch District Office of the SAT, No. 132 Chuanjin Lu Address: No. 16 Hunnan San Lu, Hunnan District 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the 4. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Key Tax 3. Chengdu Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 0592-2856114, 2856092 tics Center, Houxi Town, Jimei District mous Region Tel: 0891-6283144 Address: No. 14 Minzhu Lu Tel: 12366 Address: No. 3 Bayi Lu, Wuchang District Address: No. 346 Bayi Lu, Hongshan District chasing Tax) Changsha 3. Guangzhou Municipal Office of the State Administration (3) Guangzhou Liwan Local Taxation Bureau Address: No. 299 Longxi Avenue, Liwan District Tel: 0871-65132671, 64117116 Tel: 024-2269555 Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Sources Management Bureau) Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Tel: 0592-5736717 Address: No. 23 Zhaowuda Lu, Saihan District Tel: 0771-5623636 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Nanning Municipal Public Tel: 027-87122256 Tel: 027-87167363 Address: Ruiji Building, No. 11 Gaoxin Erlu, High-Tech Park 6. Changsha Traffic Management Bureau (Vehicle Adminis- of Taxation (Branch on Collection and Management of Vehi- a. 1st Tax Service Hall (3) Haizhu Vehicle Administration Sub-branch (Transaction of services on vehicle purchasing tax can be pro- Address: No. 57 Honghu Donglu, Yubei District Address: 15th floor, No. 131 Hilton Business Center, Purchasing Tax) 2. Xiamen Customs Tel: 0471-4342981 3. Lhasa Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation Security Bureau (Beihu Station, Vehicle Administration 4. Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Tel: 029-88233894, 88227685 1. Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the tration Office) cle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 98 Xihua Lu Address: No. 29 Yanzigang Lu, Haizhou District cessed at other local/state tax collection centers) 3. Shenyang Municipal Office of the State Administration of Tel: 023-63850169 Yuzhong District Address: No. 80 Changyi Lu, Wuhou District Address: No. 269 Lujiang Avenue, Siming District Hohhot (Sub-branch on the Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax, 2. Nanning Customs Office) Address: No. 18 Donghai Xilu 2. Wuhan Customs 7. Traffic Management Bureau of Wuhan Municipal Public People’s Government of Hunan Province Address: No. 2, Fenglin Yilu Address: 1st floor, Building No. 12, No. 888 Jichang Beilu, Tel: 020-81042023 Taxation Tel: 023-89038759 Tel: 028-85080785 Tel: 0592-2355107 (Tariff Division), 0592-2355161 (Customs 5. Department of Environmental Protection of the Inner also in charge of local taxation) Address: No. 9 Tiqiang Lu, Liangqing District Address: inside the Beihu International Auto Mall, No. 71 Tel: 0532-83870257 Address: No. 15 Jinyinhu Lu, Dongxihu District Security Bureau 4. Shaanxi Provincial Office of Local Taxation Address: No. 12, Shaoshan Beilu Tel: 0731-88878228 Baiyun District (inside the Guangdong Automobile Trading b. 2nd Tax Service Hall 7. Guangdong Provincial Foreign Missions Service Department 4. Kunming Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation (Tax Ser- Address: No. 126 Huigong Jie, Shenhe District 2. Chongqing Airport Customs (Customs Clearance Division) Supervision and Clearance Division) 1. Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of the Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: Tax Service Hall, western side, No. 1 Qingzang Lu, Tel: 0771-5369633 Beihu Beilu, High-Tech Zone Tel: 027-82768148 Address: No. 8A Youyi Avenue, Wuchang District Address: No. 28 Tianshuijing Jie, Lianhu District Tel: 0731-82688483 Market) Address: No. 1 Huanhua Xilu Address: No. 2 Youlin Yilu, Chigang, Haizhu District vice Hall) Tel: 024-22563030 Address: Comprehensive Office Building, Chongqing Airport 5. Chongqing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau 4. Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Address: No. 39 Tengfei Lu, Saihan District Duilongdeqing District Tel: 966122 5. Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Tel: 027-85394410 Tel: 029-87636383 Tel: 020-86329806 Tel: 020-81400093 Tel: 020-81218492 Address: No. 519 Baohai Lu, Guangdu District Tel: 023-67153553 (Bashan Vehicle Administration Office) Address: No. 59 Xiqing Lu, Jinniu District 3. Xiamen Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Government Building of the Inner Mongolian Autono- Tel: 0471-4632013 Tel: 0891-6153870 3. Nanning Municipal Office of the State Administration of Address: Room 304, Building No. 2, No. 39 Yan’an Yilu 3. Hubei Provincial Office of the State Administration of Tax- 2. Changsha Customs (Supervision and Clearance Division) (4) Guangzhou Tianhe Local Taxation Bureau Tel: 0871-67181715 4. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Local Taxation Address: No. 89 Shixin Lu, Jiulongpo District Tel: 028-87744522 Taxation mous Region, No. 1 Chilechuan Avenue, Saihan District Taxation Tel: 17805325037 ation 5. Xi’an Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Address: No. 678, 1st Section, East 2nd Ring Rd Tel: 023-68613429 Address: Sub-branch on Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tel: 0471-4824684 6. Traffic Police Corps of the Hohhot Municipal Public Security 4. Lhasa Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (Vehicle Tel: 0731-87481307

153 Erenhot

1. Foreign Affairs Office of the Erenhot Municipal People’s Government Address: No. 9 Government Building, Shixi District, Erenhot City Tel: 0479-7522279

2. Hohhot Customs Address: No. 37 Ruyihe Avenue, Ruyi Development Zone, Saihan District, Hohhot City Tel: 0471-6982942

3. Hohhot Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation (Directly-Controlled Branch on Collection and Management of Vehicle Purchasing Tax) Address: No. 33 Daxue Dongjie, Saihan District, Hohhot City (100 meters to the east of the crossing of the Cultural Mall, north side of the road) Tel: 0471-3952656

4. Bureau of Local Taxation of Xilin Gol League Address: Economic and Technology Development Zone of Xilin Gol League Tel: 0479-8263728

154 5. Traffic Police Corps of Xilin Gol League (Vehicle Administration Office) Address: Dongnanjiao Community near No. 207 State Highway, 3km southeast of Xilinhot City Tel: 0474-2770582

155 Office of Foreign Missions, MFA