Mammalian Biology 87 (2017) 62–70

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Original investigation

Javan or –who is where?

a,∗ b

Géraldine Veron , Andrew P. Jennings


Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité, UMR 7205 ISYEB, CNRS MNHN UPMC EPHE, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne Universités,

CP 51, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France


SMALL CARNIVORES - Research and Conservation, 83 St. Lawrence Street, Portland, ME, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Urva javanica and the small Indian mongoose Urva auropunctata have been recently

Received 16 December 2016

shown not to be conspecific. However, the limits of their respective distribution ranges have not been fully

Accepted 31 May 2017

defined. In particular, Chinese populations were not attributed to either using molecular data.

Handled by Paul Grobler

Furthermore, the small found on Hong Kong Island (discovered at the end of the 1980s) were

Available online 13 June 2017

not clearly attributed to U. auropunctata or U. javanica, nor their status (native or introduced) established.

The main aims of this study were to: (1) investigate the intraspecific genetic diversity and structure


within these two species; and (2) clarify the distribution limits of U. auropunctata and U. javanica, and


Asia in particular, to identify Chinese populations, and determine which species occurs on Hong Kong Island

Phylogeography (and whether they are native or introduced). The analyses of one nuclear and three mitochondrial genes

Molecular systematics confirmed the separation of U. javanica and U. auropunctata, and showed that the populations from

China southern and Hong Kong Island belong to U. javanica. The intraspecific geographical structure of

the two species is clarified, and the taxonomic implications are discussed. In particular, we found a strong

divergence of Javan individuals of U. javanica, which should be considered a separate subspecies.

© 2017 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur¨ Saugetierkunde.¨ Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Introduction over its range (Simberloff et al., 2000). Veron et al. (2007), using

mitochondrial DNA, found three distinct corresponding to

Nine species of mongoose occur in Asia (Patou et al., 2009a; the Javan mongoose, the small Indian mongoose, and the Indian

Gilchrist et al., 2009), and recent molecular studies have shown grey mongoose Urva edwardsii (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1818),

that they form a monophyletic group that should be placed in the with a mean Cytb genetic divergence of 5% between each pair of

genus Urva (Patou et al., 2009a; Egi et al., 2011; Veron et al., 2015). species. The mitochondrial analyses of Veron et al. (2007) sup-

The Javan mongoose Urva javanica (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1818) ported a sister relationship between U. javanica and U. edwardsii,

occurs in , while the small Indian mongoose Urva whereas Patou et al. (2009a), using nuclear data, found that U.

auropunctata (Hodgson, 1836) is found from the Arabian Peninsula javanica and U. auropunctata were sister species (although the node

across the northern Indian subcontinent to Southeast Asia (Gilchrist supports in the phylogenetic trees were low).

et al., 2009; Jennings and Veron, 2011). The latter was introduced The genetic separation of U. javanica and U. auropunctata into

at the end of the 19th century and during the 20th century to many two species is supported by the morphometric study of Taylor and

different parts of the world (mainly on islands) for biological control Matheson (1999); studies of coat colour variation also concur with

of and in plantations (Tvrtkovic and Krystufek,ˇ 1990; these results. U. javanica specimens from and Java are red-

Simberloff et al., 2000; Thulin et al., 2006; Barun et al., 2013); it is dish, while U. auropunctata specimens from northwest and

considered by the IUCN to be among the “100 of the world’s worst Pakistan are paler, and those from Assam and are darker

invasive alien species” (Lowe et al., 2000). and greyish (Pocock, 1941; Corbet and Hill, 1991). This is in agree-

These mongooses were considered either as two species, or ment with our personal observation of 341 specimens from nine

as one single species (usually named javanicus, see museums (see acknowledgements); those from , and

Wozencraft, 2005 and Veron et al., 2007), varying in size and colour Java (U. javanica) are dark brown and reddish (particularly on the

head), while those from India, Nepal and Pakistan (U. auropunctata)

are paler or greyish.

∗ Even though there is genetic and morphological evidence for the

Corresponding author.

separation of the Javan mongoose and small Indian mongoose into

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G. Veron), [email protected] (A.P. Jennings).

1616-5047/© 2017 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur¨ Saugetierkunde.¨ Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

G. Veron, A.P. Jennings / Mammalian Biology 87 (2017) 62–70 63

two species, very little is known about their intraspecific genetic 201 substitution models, and gamma distribution (Lsetnst = mixed

diversity and geographical structure, and their precise distribution rates = gamma option) to sample the posterior distribution of

limits. Defining the distribution limits and the intraspecific genetic trees and to take into account the substitution model uncertainty.

diversity of these two mongooses is needed for assessing the tax- We used default priors for branch lengths and ran the chains

onomic and conservation status of these poorly studied species. for 10,000,000 Metropolis-coupled MCMC generations, with trees

Three subspecies of U. javanica and five subspecies of U. auropunc- sampled every 1000 generations, and a burn-in of 25%.

tata have been mentioned by Gilchrist et al. (2009), but their validity Trees were visualized and edited using FigTree 1.4.0 (Rambaut,

has not been tested using molecular data. Chinese populations were 2012). We compared resulting topologies and their node support;

previously assigned to the small Indian mongoose (Ellerman and nodes were considered as supported when posterior probabilities

Morrison-Scott, 1951; von Michaelis, 1972; Honacki et al., 1982; were ≥0.99 and bootstrap values were ≥70%. Genetic distances and

Taylor and Matheson, 1999), and mongooses from and Neighbor Joining trees (NJ, Saitou and Nei, 1987) were computed

southern China were grouped in the subspecies U. auropunctata using MEGA6.

rubrifrons (J. Allen, 1909) by Ellerman and Morrison-Scott (1951), We used DNAsp 5.10 (Librado and Rosas, 2009) for defining hap-

but these assertions have not been tested using molecular data. lotypes and to compute genetic diversity (haplotype and nucleotide

Furthermore, the identity and status of mongooses on Hong Kong diversity), and Network 4.6 (

Island were unclear. The first record of a small mongoose on Hong to construct haplotype median-joining networks (Bandelt et al.,

Kong seems to be an individual trapped at Mai Po in 1989 (Corlett, 1999).

2001), but the identity and status (native or introduced) of this

species were uncertain, and it now seems to have largely spread

across Hong Kong (Shek et al., 2007; Lau et al., 2010). Results

The main aims of this study were to: (1) investigate the intraspe-

cific genetic diversity and geographical structure within U. javanica We obtained new sequences of the four markers for 31 indi-

and U. auropunctata; and (2) clarify the distribution limits of the viduals of U. auropunctata, U. edwardsii and U. javanica (GenBank

Javan and small Indian mongooses, and in particular, to assign numbers KY346541 to KY346606); other sequences were from pre-

Chinese populations to one of these two species, and to test vious studies (see Table 1).

which species occurs on Hong Kong Island (and whether native The fragment length, number of variable sites, number of

or introduced). For this purpose, we sequenced three mitochon- parsimony informative sites, and number of individuals used

drial fragments, Cytochrome b (Cytb), Control Region (CR) and in the phylogenetic analyses (including outgroups), were: FGB

NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2), and one nuclear gene, Beta- (579/22/7, n = 29; Model T92+G); Cytb (1140/251/137, n = 45;

fibrinogen intron 7 (FGB). Model GTR+G+I); ND2 (276/57/35, n = 36; Model TN93+I); CR

(431/90/68; n = 19, model HKY+G+I); Cytb+ND2 (1416/308/172,

n = 45; model GTR+G+I); Cytb+ND2+FGB (GTR+G+I; 1995/330/179,

Material and methods n = 45). All phylogenetic trees (with all methods), although poorly

resolved, retrieved three main clades corresponding to the three

Both fresh (hairs or tissue) and museum samples were used in species U. javanica, U. auropunctata and U. edwardsii (Fig. 2). The

this study (Table 1, Fig. 1). Sequences of a total of 47 individuals of resolution within these clades was low. However, the individuals

U. auropunctata, U. edwardsii and U. javanica were analysed (from from southern China and Hong Kong clustered with U. javanica.

this study, previous studies, and GenBank; see Table 1). We used U. Within U. javanica (Figs. 2 and 3), the Javan individuals were a

brachyura and U. fusca as outgroups, following the results of Patou sister group to all the remaining individuals; those from north-

et al. (2009a). ern Thailand formed a well-supported group, which was sister to a

Total genomic DNA was isolated from samples following a that comprised individuals from China, Hong Kong and Viet-

CTAB-based protocol (Winnepenninckx et al., 1993). For museum nam and a group from central and southern Thailand. Within U.

specimen samples, Dithiothreitol (DTT; 1 M) was added during the auropunctata (Fig. 2), two clades were retrieved: one comprising

tissue lyses and the digestion time was increased (up to 72 h). We Myanmar individuals, and one containing all others (Bangladesh,

used Cytb primers from Veron et al (2004a,b), ND2 primers from Pakistan, and introduced populations that were said to come from

Perez et al. (2006) and Patou et al. (2009a), and CR primers as in India).

Patou et al. (2009b). The nuclear locus FGB was amplified using The Cytb haplotype network for U. javanica (Fig. 4; 737 sites; n:

primers from Yu and Zhang (2005). Polymerase Chain Reactions 12; h: 9; Hd: 0.9091; Pi: 0.01589; S: 47; Eta: 49) showed a hap-

(PCR) were carried out as in Patou et al. (2009a), with hybridisation logroup of three haplotypes (H2, H3, H9) from Vietnam, southern

◦ ◦ ◦

temperatures at 50 C for Cytb and ND2, 61 C for CR, and 59 for China and Hong Kong, each separated by one mutation. Another

FGB. PCR products were then purified and sequenced in both direc- haplotype from Vietnam (H8) was separated by five mutations

tions on an automated DNA sequencer by Genoscope (Evry, France) from this group. Thailand specimens were represented by four

and Eurofins (Ebersberg, France). Sequences obtained from DNA haplotypes; three from southern and central Thailand (H4, H6,

extracted from museum samples were amplified and sequenced H7) separated from the haplotype from northern Thailand (H5) by

twice to ensure their quality and authenticity. Sequences were 13–21 mutations. The haplotype from Java (H1) was separated by

edited, assembled and aligned manually, using Bioedit (version 7; 18 mutations from the closest haplotype (H9).

Hall, 1999). The Cytb haplotype network for U. auropunctata (Fig. 5; 704

Each gene was analysed individually and combined. Phyloge- sites; n: 16; h: 14; Hd: 0.942; Pi: 0.00935; S: 31; Eta: 31) showed

netic analyses were performed via Bayesian Inference (BI), using two main groups: one containing two haplotypes from Myanmar

MrBayes 3.2 (Ronquist et al., 2012) and Maximum Likelihood (H7, H8), and another comprising the haplotypes from Pakistan,

(ML), using MEGA6 (Tamura et al., 2013). For ML, the best-fitting India, Bangladesh, and introduced areas (Croatia, , Guyana,

model was estimated prior to the analyses using MEGA6, follow- Japan, and the ) that was separated by 28 mutations

ing the Akaike information criterion (AIC). The selected model from the first. The haplotypes from Fiji (H4) and the Virgin Islands

was then implemented in the ML analyses, in which node robust- (H3) were close to the ones from Bangladesh (H9/H10), and the hap-

ness was assessed through 1000 bootstrap replicates. For BI, lotype from Croatia (H11) was close to those from Pakistan (H12,

we used Reversible Jump Markov Chain, to sample across the H13). The haplotypes from Japan (H1, H2) were distant from all the

64 G. Veron, A.P. Jennings / Mammalian Biology 87 (2017) 62–70 , Berlin; (1996)


. Thailand





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samples History),


Field auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata auropunctata brachyura edwardsii edwardsii edwardsii edwardsii edwardsii edwardsii edwardsii edwardsii edwardsii edwardsii edwardsii edwardsii edwardsii fusca javanica javanica javanica javanica javanica javanica javanica javanica javanica javanica javanica javanica javanica javanica


et 1


Natural Species Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva Urva

Table List of Yoder FMNH:

G. Veron, A.P. Jennings / Mammalian Biology 87 (2017) 62–70 65

Fig. 1. Distribution map showing the localities of the samples used in this study (done using DIVA-GIS version 7.5.0). Red: U. javanica, green: U. auropunctata, yellow: U.


rest, with the closest haplotypes being from Pakistan, from which had not previously been investigated using molecular data. The

they were separated by 15 mutations. The Guyana haplotypes (H5, mongoose population from southern China, which was previously

H6) were also distant to others, with one haplotype (H6) separated attributed to U. auropunctata (based on morphology), should now

by 11 mutations from the closest haplotype (H3, from the Virgin be placed within U. javanica. However, the type locality of the Chi-

Islands), while the second one (H5) was separated from H3 by 21 nese subspecies rubrifrons (Allen, 1909) is on Hainan Island, and

mutations. unfortunately, we were not able to obtain genetic sequences from

Mean genetic distances between the three species can be found Hainan samples. Our observations of Hainan specimens (in FMNH

in Table 2. Within U. javanica, Cytb distances ranged from 0% and and AMNH) showed that they are reddish on the head, and their

2.5% (n = 14), and the most distant individuals were from Java (1.8% body coloration is brownish, which is closer to U. javanica than to

to 2.5%); the samples from northern Thailand were also quite diver- U. auropunctata. This would agree with our genetic results obtained

gent from the others (1.1% to 1.9%), including those from central for southern China and Hong Kong, but further genetic data should

and southern Thailand (1.8% to 1.9%). Within U. auropunctata, Cytb be obtained to confirm the status and distributional range of the

distances ranged from 0.2% to 3.1% (n = 17). Myanmar specimens subspecies rubrifrons.

were the most distant from the others, with distances to them rang- Chinese U. javanica individuals (from both the mainland and

ing from 2.3% to 3.1%; distances ranged from 0.2% to 1.5% between Hong Kong) were closest to those from northern Vietnam, which

the other specimens. In comparison, within U. edwardsii, Cytb dis- geographically is the nearest population. The subspecies U. j. exilis

tances ranged from 0.6% to 1.8% (n = 12); the largest distances were (Gervais, 1841) has been described for Vietnam, but further genetic

for the samples from Sumatra (1 to 1.8%), Nepal (0.2% to 1.8%), and investigations are needed to determine if southern China popula-

Bangladesh (0.8% to 1.6%). tions warrant being placed within this or a separate subspecies.

The northern Thailand specimens of U. javanica were very

divergent from others, including those from southern and central


Thailand. This finding is not too surprising as these latter areas cor-

respond to the separation of the Indochinese and Sundaic regions,

Our results, with more comprehensive sampling and markers

near the Isthmus of Kra (Woodruff and Turner, 2009; Meijaard,

than previous studies, confirmed the separation of the Javan mon-

2009). Three subspecies have been described for Thailand: U. j. sia-

goose and small Indian mongoose as two separate species. The

mensis (Kloss, 1917) for northern Thailand, U. j. peninsulae (Schwarz,

structure of the phylogenetic tree obtained with all four mark-

1910) for central and southern Thailand, and U. j. incerta (Kloss,

ers, and the Cytb distances superior to 5% (see Baker and Bradley,

1917) for southern Thailand. Our preliminary results would tend

2006), confirmed the specific status of these taxa. These molecular

to support the recognition of at least two subspecies, one in the

results are consistent with morphometric data (which showed a

north and another in the south (U. j. siamensis and U. j. peninsulae,

smaller size for the small Indian mongoose; Taylor and Matheson,

by anteriority). Furthermore, the subspecies status of U. javanica

1999), and with our coat colour observations (that showed that the

populations from Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra remains to be

Javan mongoose is reddish brown and the small Indian mongoose

investigated using molecular data. On Sumatra, very few records

is much paler and greyish; pers. obs.; 341 specimens), confirming

(museum specimens) of U. javanica exist on the northern tip of the

the observations of Pocock (1941) and Corbet and Hill (1991). How-

island (Jennings and Veron, 2011), and its status on Sumatra needs

ever, the phylogenetic relationships between these two species and

further investigation.

U. edwardsii remain difficult to resolve, with low node supports

One striking result from our study was the strong genetic diver-

obtained whatever markers and phylogenetic methods were used.

gence of U. javanica specimens from Java. Despite Java having been

Further investigations need to be done with additional markers to

(at least partly) connected to the rest of the Sunda shelf during

clarify the relationships between these three species.

the low sea levels of the Pleistocene, a high level of endemism

Our study found that the mongoose population from southern

has been found on this island (Esselstyn et al., 2013), which sug-

China belongs to U. javanica, and not U. auropunctata, contrary to

gests that some isolation mechanism might have occurred to limit

what was previously thought. On Hong Kong Island, the mongoose

exchanges with nearby islands. Our findings suggest that Javan pop-

species is also U. javanica. Even though individuals from southern

ulations should be considered a separate subspecies, U. j. javanica

China and Hong Kong have different Cytb haplotypes, we were

(É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1818), whose type locality is Java.

unable to confirm with our small Chinese sample set whether U.

Within U. auropunctata, we found that Myanmar individuals

javanica was introduced to Hong Kong or it dispersed naturally from

were a sister group to all other individuals, and their quite strong

mainland China.

divergence (up to 3% of Cytb divergence) is likely due to geo-

Our results have clarified the species distribution limits of

graphical barriers (such as major rivers). Similar results have been

U. javanica and U. auropunctata, for which Chinese populations

66 G. Veron, A.P. Jennings / Mammalian Biology 87 (2017) 62–70

Fig. 2. ML phylogenetic tree reconstructed from a combined dataset of Cytb + ND2 + FGB (1995 bp). The values are bootstrap proportions (≥ 70%) obtained from ML analysis

(Model: GTR+G+I), and the stars indicate Bayesian posterior probabilities (≥ 0.99). Red: U. javanica, green: U. auropunctata, yellow: U. edwardsii.

G. Veron, A.P. Jennings / Mammalian Biology 87 (2017) 62–70 67

Fig. 3. ML phylogenetic tree for Cytb (1140 bp) for Urva javanica. The values are bootstrap proportions obtained from ML analysis (Model: GTR+G+I), and stars indicate

Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 0.99.

Fig. 4. Median-joining haplotype network for Urva javanica Cytb haplotypes. The size of each circle is proportional to the haplotype frequency and the length of the link

is proportional to the number of mutations (smallest circle = 1 sample, shortest link = 1 mutation). White: southern China, Hong Kong, northern Vietnam; light grey: north

Thailand; dark grey: central and south Thailand, black: Java.

Table 2

Mean distances computed for FGB, ND2 and Cytb for U. auropunctata, U. edwardsii and U. javanica (highlighted in grey) and the two outgroups, U. brachyura and U. fusca.

found in other groups (e.g. fruit bats, Campbell et al., 2004). Our in Myanmar. Four other subspecies of U. auropunctata have been

findings might support the designation of this group as the sub- recognized (Wozencraft, 2005; Gilchrist et al., 2009), and further

species, U. a. birmanica (Thomas, 1886), whose type locality is Pegu genetic studies are needed to determine their validity. In partic-

68 G. Veron, A.P. Jennings / Mammalian Biology 87 (2017) 62–70

Fig. 5. Median-joining haplotype network for Urva auropunctata Cytb haplotypes. The size of each circle is proportional to the haplotype frequency and the length of the

link is proportional to the number of mutations (smallest circle = 1 sample, shortest link = 1 mutation). White: introduced populations; light grey: Myanmar; dark grey:

Bangladesh and India; black: Pakistan.

ular, U. a. palustris (Ghose, 1965) from West Bengal is sometimes Acknowledgements

considered a separate species (Ghose, 1965; Mallick, 2009), and its

status should urgently be checked using molecular data. We thank the following people (and their institutions) for their

The small Indian mongoose has been introduced to many dif- contribution to this study: A. Barun and D. Simberloff (University

ferent parts of the world, and the introduced populations were of Tennessee, USA), Than Aya and Tun Myint (Myanmar), Saw Tun

said to come mainly from India, and also from Bangladesh for the Khaing (WCS Myanmar), A. Khan (Pakistan), M.L. Patou (Biotope,

Japanese islands (Thulin et al., 2006; Barun et al., 2013). We found France), C. G. Thulin (Uppsala University, Sweden), P. Vercam-

that the haplotypes from the Virgin Islands and Fiji were close to men (Sharjah Desert Park, United Arab Emirates), A. Wijesuriya

those from Bangladesh, and that the Croatian haplotype was closer and S.R.B. Dissanayake (Department of Wildlife Conservation, Sri

to Pakistan haplotypes than to those from India. We also found Lanka), R.C. Kendrick, G. Ades and Y. Wong (Kadoorie Farm and

that the Japanese haplotypes were closer to the haplotypes from Botanic Garden, Hong Kong), and S. De A. Goonatilake (IUCN Sri

Pakistan than to those from India or Bangladesh. However, only Lanka). We thank the following curators for access to specimens

one Indian sample was included in our study and its haplotype was and for the permission to sample specimens and/or for the loan

quite close to the ones from Bangladesh, the Virgin Islands, and Fiji. of samples: J. Eger (Royal Ontario Museum, Canada), K. Helgen

As a comparison, within U. edwardsii (Appendix A Fig. A1), con- (Smithsonian, USA), CA. Norris, T. Pacheco, and J. Spence (Amer-

trary to what we found for U. auropunctata, Bangladesh individuals ican Museum of Natural History, USA), F. Mayer (Museum fur

were quite distant from all others. No strong genetic structure was Naturkunde, Germany), M. Goonatilake (Department of National

found for the other regions, except for an individual from Nepal, Museums, Sri Lanka), L. Heaney, J. Phelps and the late W. Stan-

which was quite far apart from the remaining specimens; how- ley (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago). We also thank

ever, most of the other samples were from the Middle East. Better the following museums and their curators for access to spec-

geographical coverage would be needed to investigate further the imens: Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata; Museum National

genetic structure within this species. d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; Natural History Museum, London; Natu-

The Javan mongoose and small Indian mongoose are listed as ralis, Leiden; University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur; Raffles Museum

Least Concern in the IUCN Red List (IUCN, 2016), despite little of Biodiversity Research, Singapore; Bogor Zoology Museum/Lipi,

being known about their populations in the wild. In China, U. Cibinong. We also thank the government of Hong Kong Special

javanica is listed as Vulnerable, and is sometimes found in wildlife Administrative Region for permits.

trade (Lau et al., 2010). It is hunted in some parts of its range Molecular work was undertaken at the ‘Service de Systématique

(IUCN, 2016) and is regularly found in the illegal trade markets Moléculaire’ (UMS CNRS 2700, MNHN), and we thank the staff of the

in Indonesia (Shepherd et al., 2004). Even though the Javan mon- lab for their help, and in particular, C. Bonillo. A part of the sequenc-

goose is found within a wide range of habitats (Jennings and Veron, ing was supported by the network “Bibliothèque du Vivant” funded

2011), the number of records remains low, and its conservation sta- by CNRS, MNHN, INRA and CEA (Genoscope,

tus urgently needs revaluation. Most of the previously published G.V. received financial support from MNHN, CNRS, and from the

studies on the taxa Herpestes javanicus were, in fact, on U. aurop- “Action Transversale du Museum, Biodiversité actuelle et fossile”

unctata (and most of these were from the introduced parts of its (MNHN, French Ministry of Research) for the molecular work and

range). to visit museums to study and sample specimens.

Appendix A.

G. Veron, A.P. Jennings / Mammalian Biology 87 (2017) 62–70 69

Fig. A1. Median-joining haplotype network for Urva edwardsii Cytb haplotypes. The size of each circle is proportional to the haplotype frequency and the length of the link

is proportional to the number of mutations (smallest circle = 1 sample, shortest link = 1 mutation). Black: Nepal; dark grey: Bangladesh; light grey: Bahrain, UEA, Iran; white:

Sumatra and ND.

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