65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 1 2/17/20 12:03 PM “AS WE LOOK ACROSS THE UNION, WE SEE WE ARE IN A TRANSITION. YOU SHOULD BE AMBITIOUS. YOU SHOULD WORK AT LEARNING SKILLS AND MASTERING THOSE TOOLS BECAUSE THIS UNION IS PREPARING TO TURN IT OVER, AND WE INTEND TO TURN IT OVER TO YOU.” INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT THOMAS M. CONWAY AT NEXT GENERATION CONFERENCE, NOV. 18, 2019. CURRENT INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD THOMAS M. CONWAY International President JOHN SHINN Int’l. Secretary-Treasurer DAVID R. McCALL Int’l. Vice President (Administration) FRED REDMOND Int’l. Vice President (Human affairs) KEN NEUMANN Nat’l. Dir. for Canada LEEANN FOSTER Int’l. Vice President PAPER CONTRACT GREEN BUSES, GOOD JOBS RAPID RESPONSE ROXANNE BROWN Workers ratify a new contract at Proterra, a manufacturer of More than 700 activists who Vice President at Large packaging giant WestRock that battery-powered buses and charging participate in the USW’s Rapid establishes wages, benefits and stations, has recognized the USW Response program lobbied Congress DIRECTORS working conditions for 9,400 USW as the bargaining agent for skilled for legislation to protect unions and DONNIE BLATT members. assembly workers in California. preserve endangered pension funds. District 1 10 12 20 MICHAEL BOLTON District 2 STEPHEN HUNT FEATURES District 3 SPEAKING OUT TRADE WATCH NEWS BRIEFS DEL VITALE USW members, retirees and their The USW and the AFL-CIO endorsed Local 8888 reaches 10,000 District 4 families are invited to “speak out.” a reworked replacement for the di- members. ATI bargaining is underway. ALAIN CROTEAU Letters should be short and to the sastrous North American Free Trade Back to work at Lucky Friday mine. District 5 point. We reserve the right to edit Agreement that includes stronger USW sues to save Chemical Disaster MARTY WARREN for length. protections for workers. Rule. Mendoza named paper sector District 6 3 24 chair. Persad Center workers vote union. USW launches podcast. MIKE MILLSAP District 7 33 ERNEST R. “BILLY” THOMPSON COVER District 8 Roberson Castor, Local 9158 COMMUNICATIONS STAFF DANIEL FLIPPO Photo by Steve Dietz. JIM McKAY JESS KAMM BROOMELL AARON HUDSON AND GREG COLE District 9 Editor Director of Communications Graphic Designers 4 BOBBY “MAC” MCAULIFFE CHELSEY ENGEL, LYNNE HANCOCK, R.J. HUFNAGEL, TONY MONTANA, CHEYENNE SCHOEN, JOE SMYDO District 10

EMIL RAMIREZ USW@Work (ISSN 1931-6658) is published four times a year by the United Steelworkers EMAIL: [email protected] District 11 AFL-CIO•CLC 60 Blvd. of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Subscriptions to non-members: $12 for one MAIL: USW@Work year; $20 for two years. Periodicals postage paid at Pittsburgh, Pa., and additional mailing offices. 60 Blvd of the Allies GAYLAN PRESCOTT Pittsburgh, PA 15222 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: USW@Work, USW Membership Department, District 12 60 Blvd. of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 USW@WORK RUBEN GARZA Volume 15/1 Copyright 2020 by United Steelworkers, AFL-CIO•CLC. All rights reserved. No part of this Winter 2020 District 13 publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the United Steelworkers.

2 USW@Work • Winter 2020

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 2 2/17/20 12:03 PM SPEAKING OUT

Your Union, Your Voice Union Strong I attended the USW’s “Your Union, Your Voice” town hall I was glad to read the latest edition of the USW magazine. meeting this January in Midland, Mich., and I really enjoyed it. It seems to me that the strength of unions is increasing and I was able to learn more about what the USW’s core issues the movement is spreading. are and how that affects which candidates the union endorses, Keep up the good work. and how the USW influences politics, policies and bills. Sam Alessi I am glad that hearing our voices and what matters to us Jamestown, N.Y. is important enough to the USW that the union created this forum for us to take notes and send them to the International headquarters. Educating Next Generation I also appreciate how many different people the USW rep- The Next Gen conference (held in Pittsburgh last Novem- resents. I work in an auto industry-related field. The woman ber) was so many things: powerful, touching and extremely who was next to me works in health care. Other people there educational. To say I left the conference feeling hungry for were from foundries or from Dow. There were both active more is an understatement. members and retirees. The idea that our union puts such great effort toward For members who have a chance to attend one of the up- educating its membership is amazing! Providing over 900 coming town hall meetings, I highly recommend that you go. Steelworkers with the knowledge needed to build a better The union’s facilitators did an amazing job. They taught, they union environment will result in lasting impact. I’m proud listened, they kept us on track, speaking on the issues. that our union is educating the next generation of leaders, I feel like I am a more informed voter now. while at the same time addressing today’s issues that will Echo Carson, Local 690L affect us all tomorrow. Auburn Hills, Mich. Eric Gaskins, Local 1014 Gary, Ind. Fighting Workplace Violence As a nurse and member of Local 7600 in Fontana, Calif., A Great Event it was an experience of a lifetime to travel to Washington, The first International Next Gen conference was a great D.C., and watch the U.S. House of Representatives vote on event. Meeting members from all over North America and and pass the Workplace Violence Prevention Act. sharing stories with them was very inspiring. Some of our Being able to witness firsthand how our democracy works members are doing amazing things at their locals and I was was a blessing. Seeing the fruits of our labor come to fruition glad to learn from them. Our group came back energized and while watching the vote from the gallery was an experience I ready to get to work at our local. will never forget. Each year, some 2 million Americans report having been Rick Pietrick, Local 979 a victim of workplace violence. The vote was a win for all of Cleveland, Ohio us who selflessly work in the health care industry and serve as caretakers across this nation. To every legislator who listened The Union’s Future to our stories and who took the time to vote in solidarity with As the Next Gen coordinator for District 1, I could not be us, thank you. more proud of how the first International conference turned Although we came through with a victory, it was disheart- out! Next Gen is the future of our union. It is our job as cur- ening to witness opposition to our bill from a few legislators rent leaders to mentor and prepare the younger generation to whose reservations didn’t pertain to the bill itself, but were fight for workers’ rights, good contracts, sustainability of our more a matter of party partisanship. great union and the labor movement. These young activists I look forward to the day when bipartisan support on bills showed promise, dedication and determination during this AARON HUDSON AND GREG COLE will be the new normal, as it should be. How powerful we Graphic Designers historic week! will become when we all rise together. Tiffany McKee, Local 200L DeJonae Shaw, Local 7600 Delphos, Ohio Fontana, Calif. EMAIL: [email protected] MAIL: USW@Work 60 Blvd of the Allies EMAIL: [email protected] USW active, retired members and their Pittsburgh, PA 15222 MAIL: USW@Work families are invited to “speak out.” Letters 60 Blvd of the Allies should be short and to the point. We USW@WORK Pittsburgh, PA 15222 reserve the right to edit for length. Volume 15/1 Winter 2020

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 3 2/17/20 12:03 PM PUTTING


Castor, a Local 9158 member USW Public and construction project man- Workers ager. “You’re working not just for yourself. You’re working Thrive Despite for everyone.” Challenges For the USW’s public workers in Boston and around hen Joe Plagenza the country, that community- travels the streets of first spirit permeates their Boston, the reception workplaces and their union W halls. Nearly two years after he gets resembles a family hol- iday or a high school reunion. the Supreme Court gave public Seemingly on every block in the employees the right to reap the city of 700,000, a resident has a benefits of union representation smile and a kind word for him. without paying dues, USW For the Local 9158 treasur- public employee locals are er and 30-year city employee, strong and growing thanks to it’s just another day at the a renewed focus on organiz- office. That’s because, for him, ing, both inside and outside of the office is synonymous with USW workplaces. his hometown. In June 2018, the right-wing Plagenza has spent most of court majority overturned de- his career responding to res- cades of precedent by ruling, in idents’ concerns on behalf of the case of Janus vs. AFSCME, the Boston parks department. that public workers no longer He also is one of the more than had to pay dues or even smaller 25,000 public workers across “fair share” fees to cover the North America who are mem- cost of bargaining, arbitration bers of the USW. and other union business. “As public employees, you “The Janus ruling was an attack on working people, but Greg Mosman, Local 9158 carry a great burden on your Photos by Steve Dietz shoulders,” said Roberson it also was a call to action,”

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 4 2/17/20 12:03 PM The Steelworkers do Stefanie Seskin, Local 9158 a great job of keeping checks and balances. Michelle Alcaraz, LOCAL 8599

Anthony Hennessy Sr., Local 9158

Roberson Castor, Local 9158

Steven McHugh, David Hinton, Local 9158 Local 9158

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 5 2/17/20 12:04 PM said International Vice President Fred Redmond, who oversees bargaining for the union’s public workers. “That’s why we must keep fighting every day to organize new workplaces and demand that our elected officials make it easier for people in both the private and the public sectors to join unions.” Changing the game The Janus case was part of a decades- long, systematic effort by corporate America to starve unions financially and, thus, subjugate and silence workers. However, for USW members, so far the ruling has had the opposite effect. “We recognized that Janus was going to change the game,” said Jim Williams, president of Local 8599, which represents school employees in Fontana, Calif. “That’s why we focused on organizing from day one. We don’t have our heads in the sand.” Williams decided to put his strongest organizer in charge of welcoming new workers and encouraging them to get involved in the union. That approach has paid big dividends, with only eight of the local’s 1,900 members choosing not to pay dues. “I take it person- ally,” he said. “I am per- sonally offended when somebody opts out.” That devotion to building strength and solidarity is an attitude shared by the USW’s public workers, from Boston and Pitts- burgh to California and New Mexico. And the approach has been a success, not just for Steelworkers but for the families and communities they serve. “I take a lot of pride in the work that we do,” said Boston arborist and Local 9158 member Greg Mosman, who helps to care for the city’s 38,000 trees across 2,800 acres. “We make Boston a more beautiful city.” Mosman’s USW brother and colleague Anthony Hennessy is the city’s super- intendent of horticulture. He oversees roughly 40,000 plants and flowers each year in more than 100 locations. He said the work that he and his fellow city employees perform helps to give residents and visitors a more positive outlook on life. “Urban beautification is important work,” he said. “People love their city.” Maintaining quality of life The work that other public employees do, whether they drive school buses, serve in law enforcement, prepare food, maintain roads or perform other vital tasks, is also critical to the quality of life for residents. “Public employees always show up. Whenever something happens, we are there,” said Steven McHugh, deputy superintendent for Boston’s emergency medical service

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 6 2/17/20 12:04 PM Jerry De La Torre, and a USW member. “Emergen- Local 9424 cies happen anytime, anywhere – nights, holidays, weekends.” That 24/7 need for services means that life can be difficult and unpredictable for public workers. “You learn to work around it,” McHugh said. “Sometimes, Christ- mas has to be on the 23rd or the 27th.” The misconception that public workers have overly comfort- able schedules or are a drain on taxpayers is a deliberate distortion created by the same anti-union Santiago Goytia, Local 9424 forces who supported the Janus case and who have been fighting against workers for decades, Williams said. Although unionized public workers have better retirement plans and more on-the-job protections than their non-union counterparts, they often make sacrifices in other areas to secure those benefits, said Joe Smith, president of Boston’s USW Local 9158, known as SENA (Salaried Employees of North America). “Nobody is getting rich doing this kind of work,” said Williams. “It has to be a labor of love, doesn’t it?”

The Janus ruling was AN attack on working people, BUT IT WAS ALSO A CALL TO ACTION. International Vice President Fred Redmond

USW@Work • Winter 2020 7

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 7 2/17/20 12:04 PM Good contracts critical Still, with union membership comes a degree of certainty. Public workers’ contracts ensure that they receive good pay, quality benefits, fair scheduling, a secure retirement and respect on the job. These are benefits, won through years of labor activism, that some non- union workers simply take for granted, said Local 9424 President Filiberto Aguirre, who works as a water and sew- er line locator in the city of Las Cruces in southern New Mexico. But union workers have an added benefit. “I don’t have to worry about re- percussions for using my voice and doing what is right,” Aguirre explained. Ensuring that bosses treat work- ers fairly is one of the most important aspects of union membership, said Michelle Alcaraz, a Local 8599 member who works in tech support for Southern California’s Fontana Unified School District. That guarantee helps to ensure that women and men are treated equally in a profession that is often dominated by men, she said. “The Steelworkers do a great job of keeping checks and balances,” Alcaraz said. In the wake of the Janus ruling, that promise of justice and fairness can be one of the strongest selling points union leaders can use when organizing new members, Williams said. Another, he said, is the strength that comes from being Steelworkers. “There are financial pressures in so “We’re strong locally and national- many communities, and they want to ly,” said Williams, whose local rep- blame somebody,” he said. “The first resents employees of the Fontana school things they look at are the pensions, the district who are not classroom teachers health care.” or administrators. The local includes Public workers can fight back library aides, technical support and food against negative stereotypes by giving service workers, custodians and security back to their communities and by being officers. “We are part of a strong manu- good stewards of the public trust, Wil- facturing union.” liams said. “Sometimes people ask me what “All we have to do is continue to do products we make,” he said. “And we a good job,” he said. do make something – we make people. Maintaining public trust is part of They’re on a long, 13-year conveyor the job for USW member David Hinton, belt, and when they leave our factory, who manages a community center in they’re wearing that cap, if we do our inner-city Boston. His facility runs on a jobs right. We are all educators.” combination of support from city funds,

Fighting stereotypes grants, private donations and nonprofit Williams said he understands the organizations. anti-public-worker trope is repeated so “It’s a good partnership, and it gives often by corporate and anti-union media the community a sense of ownership,” that many have come to accept it as Hinton said. fact. But he knows it is not.

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 8 2/17/20 12:04 PM Value of public work a senior custodian in Fontana, said he For Aguirre, making a difference, Making sure that the public, and by knows that schoolchildren and other staff not just for the 400-plus members of extension elected officials, understand members appreciate his efforts to main- Local 9424, but for the 100,000 res- and buy into the value of their work is an tain a healthy environment for them. idents of his city, is what keeps him essential part of being a public employee, During a recent shift cleaning up af- coming back each day. said Boston’s Stephanie Seskin, a SENA ter a lunch period, a student approached If he makes a mistake on the job, Local 9158 member who plans and cre- him and placed a sticker on his shirt it could result in water getting cut off ates bicycle paths throughout the city. thanking him for his hard work. from homes, businesses, schools or Her work cuts down on traffic, “Little things like that make it worth hospitals. reduces the need for road repairs, helps coming in every day,” Romo said. “Even something like fire safety combat pollution and climate change, For the USW’s public workers, could be affected,” Aguirre said. “It makes travel safer and provides a fitness knowing that the people and communi- gives me pride to know that because of opportunity for residents, she said. ties they serve appreciate and support us, the water is going to keep running, “Working for the public is a heavy their work can be the difference between our parks are going to be clean, our fa- weight,” Seskin said. “But all of these staying in a job for decades and finding cilities are going to keep running. We’re things contribute to the public good.” employment elsewhere. That, in turn, keeping Las Cruces beautiful and safe.” Local 8599 member Richard Romo, keeps the USW’s public sector strong.

We do make something - we make people.

They,re on a long, 13-year conveyor belt, and when they leave our factory, they,re wearing that [graduation] cap. Local 8599 PRESIDENT JIM WILLIAMS

Michelle Alcaraz, Local 8599

Dawn Dooley, Local 8599 Jose Medina, Local 8599 Rosemarie Tibbels, Local 8599

Judy Nordlund, Local 8599

USW@Work • Winter 2020 9

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 9 2/17/20 12:05 PM SW members voted overwhelm- improvements to the retirement plans ingly to ratify a new four-year and sick and accident benefits took Umaster agreement with packag- effect on Jan. 1. ing giant WestRock that sets standards WestRock is the second-largest for wages, benefits and working condi- packaging company in the United States tions for more than 9,400 members of and one of the world’s largest paper 71 local unions. and packaging companies, operating in The new contract, approved last more than 30 countries and generating December, contains wage increases annual revenue of nearly $20 billion. totaling about 10 percent over the term In September 2018, the USW, of the agreement, along with other sig- through IndustriALL and the UNI nificant improvements, particularly in Global Union, worked with other labor health and safety. The agreement main- organizations around the world to create tains the existing high-quality, afford- the Global WestRock Alli- able health care plan with no changes ance to combat the effects of increasing and makes improvements to the pension globalization and consolidation. Inter- and 401(k) plans. national Vice President Leeann Foster, “Thousands of USW members who oversees bargaining in the union’s across the country stood together to paper sector, serves as a co-chair of that demand a fair contract with WestRock,” council of unions. International President Thomas M. Conway said. “With the strength and No concessions accepted solidarity of the membership behind Initially, the company approached them, our local leaders joined together the 160-member USW bargaining team at one bargaining table and won a fair with demands for concessions, includ- agreement. This victory is a credit to the ing cuts to health care and a two-tier entire membership.” wage system, but the membership stood The contract covers workers at 62 strong throughout the negotiations. WestRock facilities across 26 U.S. “The USW’s bargaining committee, states. While wage increases at each consisting of leaders from facility won’t go into effect until each every location and international leaders, local ratifies its individual agreement, entered these negotiations knowing that we were facing a number of challeng- es,” said Foster. “These challenges included the company’s proposals, but also overcapacity in the paperboard market, a shaky economic outlook, especially in manufacturing, and related falling box demand. All of these factors combined to create uncertainty.” Workers responded to the challenges head-on by standing together. They held Photo by Steve Dietz

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 10 2/17/20 12:05 PM a series of days at embers of USW WestRock locations, which bolstered Locals 608 and the bargaining committee’s positions. M712 ratified a new In addition, the union’s global alliance agreement with Clearwater helped to deliver a strong message of Paper in Lewiston, Idaho, unity to the company, making it clear on Jan. 8 after negotiations that USW members would not take stalled over health care cov- steps backward. erage and other contract “Through the strength and soli- items. darity of the members in a year-long “It was a long and campaign involving all locations, we tedious 2 ½ years, but it was achieved a package with no conces- only by sticking together sions, no givebacks, only gains,” Foster that we got the agreement said. “In short, we achieved security we got today,” Local 712 for our members.” President Mark Rhodes said In addition to ensuring financial after the votes were counted. gains for members, the agreement The two USW locals and guarantees regular safety courses and Local 73 of the Internation- meetings at USW-represented facil- al Brotherhood of Electrical ities, establishes an annual company Workers together represent safety conference and commits the two more than 870 workers at parties to creating a labor-manage- the Lewiston facility. Their ment study on the effects of excessive new contracts run through overtime. August 2025. The contract, which runs through The union members 2023, covers workers at WestRock pa- turned down the company’s per mills and converting and merchan- last, best and final offer last dising display facilities in Alabama, summer by an overwhelm- Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colo- ing margin. rado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Rhodes gave credit to Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis- the local’s Communications souri, New Jersey, New York, North Action Team for maintain- Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South ing solidarity. Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, “We had a great action Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington team. We distributed car and Wisconsin. window flyers saying, 'Fair “This contract sets a standard for Contract Now,' and our the industry,” Foster said. “It positions membership did not hold the company to succeed and invest in back voicing their unhap- our facilities while making sure that piness to their supervisors.” workers, families and communities continue to share in that success.”

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 11 2/17/20 12:05 PM Proterra photo

nning Combination New USW Members Build Battery-Powered Buses ood, family-sustaining union management that respects employees,” manager with Tesla, the electric car jobs can be green. The USW’s Conway said. “This is a winning com- company, voluntarily recognized the Gnewest members include more bination not only for this company and USW as the bargaining agent on Nov. than 60 production workers who build these workers, but for our country as a 12, 2019, after an overwhelming ma- zero-emission, battery-powered electric whole as we look at the kind of jobs we jority of its California factory workers buses in California for Proterra, an want to have in the future.” signed authorization cards. emerging U.S. vehicle and energy stor- Headquartered in Burlingame, Proterra is also working with a age company. Calif., Proterra manufactures bat- nonprofit organization, Jobs to Move International President Thomas tery-powered transit buses up to 40 feet America (JMA), toward a community M. Conway congratulated the new in length, as well as electric charging benefits agreement that could commit members of Local 675 after Proterra stations that are located in maintenance the company to hire and train workers recognized the union last November at facilities and at bus route terminals. from disadvantaged backgrounds. its factory in the city of Industry, some The USW hopes Proterra will “This is what happens when a 30 miles east of Los Angeles. Local grow manufacturing in California. The company remains neutral and allows 675 is a large amalgamated local that company currently employs some 126 the employees to choose. The employ- represents thousands of oil refinery workers in LA County, including the ees choose union wholeheartedly,” workers. factory and the Burlingame headquar- organizing Director Maria Somma said. “In Proterra, we have a dedicated, ters. Proterra also has an assembly “Within 24 hours, a majority of work- highly skilled, productive work force, operation in Greenville, S.C., to serve ers signed cards in support of forming an American company committed to the East Coast. their union.” manufacturing in the United States and CEO Ryan Popple, a former finance Commuter buses are expected to be

12 USW@Work • Winter 2020

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 12 2/17/20 12:05 PM the fastest growing segment of electric, “Over the last two to three years, heavy-duty vehicles as public transit transit agencies across the country authorities around the world move away have committed to purchasing more from diesel-fueled fleets to cleaner battery-powered electric buses,” said alternatives. Hector Huezo, senior workforce equity It is imperative that emerging clean coordinator for JMA in Los Angeles. technologies foster good jobs and “This is an opportunity to move to healthier communities, Conway said. cleaner technologies that are better for That means materials and components our environment. It’s also an opportuni- must be made in the United States and ty to ensure early on in a relatively new those workers who produce them should industry that workers building electric earn fair wages and good benefits. buses can have quality employment, “U.S. manufacturing and man- good working conditions and a voice on ufacturing workers are vital to the the job,” he said. innovation and economic future of this The local’s chief of staff, Xochitl country,” Conway said. “It’s important Cobarruvias, said the union can help that we capitalize on the technological promote the company while it seeks advancements and strengths of Ameri- new bus orders from public transit agen- can companies to seize the tremendous cies. “All of us, the workers, the union momentum happening in the domestic and the community, can work together. electric vehicle sector and promote Everybody wins,” she said. American leadership in this next trans- " This is a winning Employees were invited in late Oc- portation revolution.” tober to meet representatives of Local The USW is partners with JMA, a combination not 675, known for representing oil refinery national nonprofit organization with only for this com- workers. The local convinced Proterra offices in Chicago, New York, Bir- employees that they understood the is- mingham, Ala., and Los Angeles. JMA pany and these sues related to climate change and were builds community coalitions and lobbies workers, but for committed to helping existing members for public transit agencies to create local our country as a survive an eventual transition to a more jobs when spending money on buses, carbon-neutral economy. trains and other manufactured equip- whole as we look “This is not about one or the other,” ment. at the kind of jobs said staff rep Moises Hernandez, who “This is a first-of-a-kind in achiev- we want to have worked on the campaign. “We need ing rights for us workers in both sectors. They will all because we did it with the support of in the future. " have wages, benefits and a voice at their a coalition of different organizations jobs.” aligned with Jobs to Move America,” INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Two weeks later, the Proterra work- Somma said. “It’s a real recognition that Thomas M. Conway ers chose the USW through . collective bargaining is a benefit to the “This is my first time being in a communities where our members live.” union, and I’m actually excited about The partnership first approached it,” Blanchard Pinto, a supervisor on Proterra a few years ago when it an- the assembly line, told the Los Angeles nounced it was considering a factory Times. “It was a no-brainer for me that location in California, which offers tax it was something we could use for job credits and other help to companies that stability.” establish permanent facilities and hire Popple, the CEO, said the coopera- locally. tion with the USW is an unprecedented The factory was funded in part by a opportunity to solve some of the great- $3 million grant from the California En- est challenges of the day while creating ergy Commission, which spends $100 and preserving quality American manu- million a year to spur green innovation facturing jobs. in a transportation system responsible “Proterra and the United Steelwork- for much of the state’s greenhouse gas ers share a common vision to support emissions. American workers while building a In 2017, the LA Metro committed healthier and more resilient future for to full bus electrification by 2030 and is all, and we look forward to a strong actively seeking funding to buy bat- partnership,” Popple said. tery-powered buses and make system changes to accommodate them.

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 13 2/17/20 12:05 PM John Kanosky Photos by Steve Dietz

hades, globes and other light “Hand Made Glass by Skilled Crasmen.” a distinction that USW members take xtures sold throughout America Only a few companies can make that pride in and labor to maintain. are hand-craed by USW mem- claim. Davis-Lynch is one of the last “It’s a dying art, but it’s hard,” said Sbers at a West Virginia factory that’s hand-blown glass factories in America, Mark Morris, a glass blower for 19 years, surviving sti competition from foreign noting the job requires strong lungs and imports. the stamina to wield blowpipes holding At Davis-Lynch Glass Co. in Star City, as much as 30 pounds of glass. a small town of 2,500 residents near Bob Lynch, co-owner of Davis-Lynch, Morgantown, about 45 members of said the top-quality crasmanship keeps Local 1-09 keep two dying arts alive: customers—including home stores, dis- ey hand-blow glass pieces and tributors and contractors—coming back. hand-decorate them. “You look at some of the homes being e nished products—including globes built, and you’ll see some of our glass for commercial lighting xtures, elegant and xtures,” he said, adding he’s proud tops for torchieres and ornately painted of the company’s strong relationship shades for table lamps—are shipped out in with the USW. boxes with a red stamp that says:

14 USW@Work • Winter 2020

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 14 2/17/20 1:54 PM Turning sand to glass e glassmaking begins in a room lighted by res fueled with natural gas in open-faced tanks. Each aernoon, workers add sand and chemicals to the tanks. e raw materials meld together, producing a fresh batch of molten glass to use the next day. Several workers operate as a team or shop. e gatherer works molten glass onto the end of a blowpipe, then blows and shapes it into a small ball. “You breathe life into the glass, really,” explained Mike Radwell, a gatherer who’s worked at Davis-Lynch for about two years. Next, a ball boy takes the pipe and blows into it, enlarging the glass orb. A blocker takes the pipe back to the tank, adds more molten glass onto the existing ball to make it bigger, and smooths and rounds it. Maneuvering in close quarters with hot glass, the workers must anticipate each other’s movements to avoid injury and keep production moving. Finally, the blower, standing on a raised plat- form, takes over. Beneath him, steam rises from a hot mold that’s just been hosed down to remove impurities from the last use. It’s one of hundreds of molds in the factory, some used exclusively to produce special items for select clients. Depending on the size and shape of the product being made, the blower further enlarges the glass ball or swings the pipe to elongate the glass. en he puts the glass into the mold. He blows until the glass lls out the mold while simultaneously turning the pipe to prevent the mold from leaving marks. When done, his co-workers open the mold and remove a perfectly formed shade, globe or other product that is then annealed, or tough- ened, while slowly running through a lehr oven, or long kiln, to other parts of the plant. Aer that, the products may be decorated or trimmed so that they t onto a lamp or another xture. en they’re packed and shipped.

Founded in 1943 Davis-Lynch has been producing glass this way since the company’s founding in 1943 by Mert Davis and R. Emmett Lynch, both of whom worked at other glassmakers before striking out on their own. Today, the company is run by Lynch’s sons, Bob and John. Bob’s sons, Rob and Scott, also work there.

Scott Fike

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 15 2/17/20 12:05 PM At its peak, in the 1970s, the compa- ny employed about 330, including 60 to 70 decorators. It had as many as 16 shops running during a single shi . It operated its own eet of trucks. Back then, the company did a lot of business with New York lamp manu- facturers, who, in turn, sold to major department store chains. But consoli- dation in the retail industry and over- seas competition – first from Mexico, now China and Europe – eroded that market for Davis-Lynch’s goods. “When you can import lamps at cheap prices, it hurts,” Lynch said. Now, only a couple of shops oper- ate at a time. Davis-Lynch survives by forging new niches. For example, it sells fixtures for office buildings looking to do away with fluorescent lights. It markets to buyers—includ- Cody Benninghoff ing Schoolhouse and Rejuvenation, a branch of Williams-Sonoma Inc.— that specialize in custom and high- end home goods. Rejuvenation buys opal and crystal shades from Davis-Lynch and uses them in fixtures it manufactures in Portland, Ore. On its webpage, Rejuvenation promotes the “gentle, graceful curves, the flawless struc- ture, artisanal hand-painted touches, and the undeniable character” of Davis-Lynch’s work.

Each piece unique Davis-Lynch is revamping its own website to better showcase USW company’s efforts to find new cus- them for decals. members’ workmanship—the com- tomers for those lost to foreign trade. Rowe wears no apron, uses noth- pany’s chief selling point in an age of But she worries about the long-term ing to steady her hand and proudly mass-produced goods. prospects for the special skills she declares: “I don’t slop paint.” “We’d like for people to get more and her co-workers have. She’s looked at imported lighting interested in what we do,” said deco- “It’s just going to be lost,” she said. fixtures in stores and wondered why rator Kathleen Rowe. No two pieces Rowe contributes to the exceptional anyone would buy them. Some of of hand-blown glass are exactly the appearance of Davis-Lynch products. them, she said, look like they’ve been same, she said, and the uniqueness She hand-paints lines, floral patterns decorated with house paint instead of makes them special. and other designs on shades and oth- the special kind she uses. Rowe, who’s worked at Da- er products after they cool. They’re Davis-Lynch is part of a rich glass- vis-Lynch for 25 years, praised the so lovely that some people mistake making tradition in West Virginia,

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 16 2/17/20 12:05 PM Donnie Cost

Leanna Brown Shane Stephens

Rodney Jaggie Annette Justus

and some of its products are featured in the Museum of American Glass in Weston, W.Va. Over the years, workers said, they’ve recognized the company’s products on television shows and in hotels, restaurants and Disney parks. There’s no mistaking them, said Mike King, a blocker for 13 years. “Just seeing them, you can tell.”

Kathleen Rowe

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 17 2/17/20 12:05 PM OVER BATTLINGTHE BALLOT BOX Union Activists Attend Political Boot Camp to Honor Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King JR.

lection Day 2020, when Amer- the basic tenet of democracy. To reverse it’s something we need to fight back on.” icans will head to the polls this, workers and activists must reclaim to make their voices heard, is their collective power, Trumka said. Running for office E Marcia Cannon, a biochemistry lab- around the corner. Yet the freedom to “We’re not going to shy away from vote remains under attack 55 years after this fight because we’re the ones who oratory technician for Merck Pharma- passage of the Voting Rights Act. make America great,” Trumka said. ceuticals in Pennsylvania and a member That’s why nearly 400 union activists of Local 10-00086, was inspired by a from across the United States hustled Grassroots action workshop on the importance of women through a weekend of political bootcamp AFL-CIO Vice President Tefere running for office at all levels. at the annual AFL-CIO Martin Luther Gebre also touched on the need for “It was really empowering,” said King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Con- grassroots action in the fight for eco- Cannon, who has been considering ference in Washington, D.C. nomic and racial justice. running for a position on her local’s ex- “Dr. King’s fight, our fight, was for “Real change happens on the ecutive board. After hearing the work- goals both big and basic,” AFL-CIO ground,” said Gebre, who came to the shop facilitator’s call to move beyond President Richard Trumka said in his United States as a refugee from Ethiopia merely talking to walking, Cannon said, opening speech on Jan.17. “It was also in the 1980s. “I think I just may take her advice.” about the insidious and inane injustices The activists turned from talking Everything union activists do must that protected the powerful.” about making change to creating it by be done in solidarity and for the cause Members from multiple unions, volunteering with several organiza- of the common good, Cannon said. including a large delegation of Steel- tions in the D.C. area on the second “It’s about humanity and about us workers, gathered at the nation’s capital day of the conference. USW members, all working together,” she said. “When for three days of reflection and action in including Sarah Werth of Local 12775 we work together in our community, we honor of the slain civil and in northern Indiana, spent the morning make a difference to our country.” hero. Dynamic panels and workshops delivering groceries to home-bound The weekend’s closing reception at the event focused on protecting and residents, while others painted walls at echoed Cannon’s sentiment as Inter- strengthening voters’ and workers’ rights, a local veterans’ center and helped serve national Vice President Fred Redmond to which Dr. King devoted his life. breakfast at a nursing home. reminded attendees to take what they The first day of the conference Werth, an equipment operator at gas learned at the conference and use it to included conversations about attacks and electric company NIPSCO, came to bolster the labor movement back home. on the ballot box, as legislatures across the conference with the hope of learn- “You must leave here committed to the country pass laws that weaken the ing how to better protect her members do the work of changing our country,” ability of citizens to vote. from discrimination. As vice president said Redmond, who is co-chair of the Gerrymandering, draconian voter of her county’s AFL-CIO labor council, AFL-CIO Civil and Human Rights purges as seen in states like Wisconsin she found a workshop on union ballot Committee. “This is our opportunity to and Georgia, squashing access to voting initiatives valuable. build a better future for our children and on college campuses and restrictive ID “It’s hard to get labor issues on the our grandchildren, and the stakes are laws are all systematically undermining ballot here in Indiana,” said Werth. “We too high for us not to do the work.” have right-to-work now in our state and

18 USW@Work • Winter 2020

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 18 2/17/20 12:05 PM HOUSE PASSES PRO ACT Employers Violate Federal Law in 41.5% of All Union Election Campaigns

he USW called on the U.S. Senate employers violate the law. avoidance industry got its start after the to quickly pass a comprehensive “For too long, we’ve seen workers’ National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) Tlabor reform bill, the Protecting wages stagnating and benefits being cut was enacted in 1935. Before then, em- the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, after it while productivity, corporate profits and ployers had the legal liberty to spy upon, was approved by a bipartisan vote of the CEO pay keep increasing,” said Eduardo question, punish, blacklist and fire union U.S. House of Representatives. Placencio, a USW member who attended members. “Workers have the right to join to- the House vote and whose local (937) is Attempts to thwart organizing are BALLOT BOX gether to improve their lives on the job, engaged in an unfair labor practice strike widespread. The report estimated that and the PRO Act three-quarters of all will make sure that employers engaged fundamental right in union elections is protected,” Inter- with 50 or more national President voters hired union Thomas M. Con- avoidance consul- way said after the tants. Feb. 6 House vote. “The main goal “Too often, com- of union avoidance panies bully and consulting firms is intimidate workers to prevent a union to keep unions out election from tak- and face little to no ing place—and if punishment, even that fails, to ensure in cases when they that workers vote break the law.” against the union,” The 224-to-194 Photo by Steve Dietz the report said. From left to right: Johnny Archuleta, Richard Perez, Director of Rapid House vote was an Response Amber Miller, Michael Sanchez, John Saavedra and Eduardo Placencio Using infor- important elec- mation gathered tion-year gain for through Freedom labor even though the measure, opposed against ASARCO, the mining company. of Information Act requests and from by corporations and anti-union lawmak- “The PRO Act will reverse those trends government reports, EPI found that em- ers, faces an uphill fight in the Senate and help rebuild the American middle ployers in 2016 and 2017 were charged and a promised presidential veto. class.” with violating federal law in 41.5 percent It’s an opportunity, a litmus test, to of all union campaigns conducted under see who stands with workers. Employers break the law National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) “So many politicians in Washington, Employers routinely engage in a oversight. including President Trump and members wide range of tactics – both legal and Employers were charged with ille- of the Senate, got elected by promising illegal – without fear of reprisal to frus- gally coercing, threatening or retaliating to stand up for workers. Now, we will trate workers’ rights to form unions and against workers for supporting a union in find out if that’s all just talk,” Conway collectively bargain, according to a study nearly a third (29.2 percent) of cases. said. supporting the PRO Act by the Eco- They were accused of illegally “The Senate should pass the PRO nomic Policy Institute (EPI), a nonprofit disciplining workers for union support at Act, and the president should sign it. think tank. about the same rate. It’s time to take some of the power out Employers’ bad behavior includes That type of activity should stop. of the hands of corporate America and making illegal threats, engaging in “Under the PRO Act, companies will Wall Street and give it back to working surveillance, harassing workers and face real consequences for their behav- Americans.” spending $340 million annually on legal ior, and workers will be able to choose The PRO Act would make it easier “union avoidance” consultants to stave for themselves – without interference for workers to certify unions, restrict off representation elections. – whether they want to join a union,” some of the most damaging tactics Employer interference is not new. Conway said. employers use to oppose organizing, dates to the Industri- and impose meaningful penalties when al Revolution, and the modern union

USW@Work • Winter 2020 19

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 19 2/17/20 12:05 PM

SW members took the fight for unite us,” International Vice President Conway said, urging the members in workers’ rights to the halls of Roxanne Brown said in her opening attendance to take what they learned Uthe U.S. Capitol and the streets remarks to members of the Rapid in Washington back to their locals and of Washington, D.C., during the union’s Response program, the USW’s nonpar- expand the union’s base of activism. three-day Rapid Response and Legisla- tisan, grassroots effort to educate and “That’s how we build strength, and tive Policy Conference. mobilize members on issues important that’s how we build unity,” he said. The climax of the annual event, to working families. held last October, came on the final day In the two days before the legislative Undercutting workers’ rights when more than 700 activists, divided meetings, union members engaged in The conference occurred against the into small groups, visited the offices dozens of training sessions and panel backdrop of a series of National Labor of hundreds of members of Congress discussions designed to prepare them Relations Board and Labor Department to push for legislation to ensure safer for sometimes difficult conversations decisions undercutting workers’ rights. workplaces, protect union organizing with elected officials. But Conway warned: “This union’s rights, preserve endangered pension International President Thomas not going to go away. We’re going to funds, and secure stronger protections in M. Conway said the strength of the continue to confront them on the issues the new United States-Mexico-Canada 25-year-old Rapid Response program is affecting us in the workplace.” Agreement (USMCA). the main reason why the USW “punches Brown noted that advocacy, espe- The conference included detailed way above its weight” in influencing cially related to pensions and work- presentations addressing each of those legislators on Capitol Hill and in state- place safety, is enshrined in the USW’s four legislative priorities. houses around the country. founding principles. And retired “All of these principles are the “The labor movement is the only Secretary-Treasurer Stan Johnson, who ties that bind us and the values that voice that stands up for workers,” was involved in the Rapid Response

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 20 2/17/20 12:05 PM program from its earliest days and who That nonpartisan, issue-based Organize (PRO) Act, a bill that would oversaw its growth in his role as an approach is one of the hallmarks of strengthen workers’ rights to organize International officer, explained that the the program and one of the keys to its and penalize employers who illegally program is needed to counter corporate success. obstruct those efforts. The House passed America’s army of lobbyists. On Oct. 29, USW members held a the bill on Feb. 6. “Corporate America is always at the rally outside the U.S. Department of District 10 Rapid Response Coordi- table,” Johnson said. “This makes sure Labor calling for support for HR 1309, nator George Piasecki said the PRO Act our voices are heard, too.” the Workplace Violence Prevention for gets to the heart of everything that the Amber Miller, who became director Health Care and Social Service Work- union is about. of the Rapid Response program in 2019, ers Act. About a dozen lawmakers and “Every right we have in the work- said that workers must demand that law- several USW members spoke in support place is connected to a piece of legisla- makers listen to them, or their priorities of the legislation, which would require tion,” he said. will be pushed aside. health care employers to implement In lobbying for the PRO Act, the District 1 Director Donnie Blatt, a violence-prevention plans to protect Workplace Violence Prevention Act and Rapid Response activist since its found- their workers. the Butch Lewis Act, Jackson Suter, a ing, said the program works because it Stephanie Adams, a nursing assistant maintenance technician at U.S. Steel’s is a member-driven initiative. and member of Local 9230 in Minneso- Edgar Thomson Works in Braddock, “You are the reason this program ta, said that violence is a more common Pa., found a friendly ear in U.S. Rep. is a success,” Blatt told the delegates, occurrence in the health care field than Mike Doyle, whose father was a mem- who were urged to help recruit the next most people realize. ber of Suter’s union, Local 1219. generation of activists from among the “Sometimes it feels like manage- Doyle thanked the USW members USW’s younger members. ment doesn’t care about violence in our for their support and said any new trade workplace but, thankfully, we have a agreements must include strong protec- Achievements made union that does care,” Adams said. tions for workers and communities. Blatt, Secretary-Treasurer John The next day, Steelworkers marched Shinn and other speakers offered a to Capitol Hill armed with more than Changing minds series of examples of the program’s 80,000 postcards signed by USW mem- Suter said that while Doyle supports national- and state-level achievements bers demanding that Congress pass the all of the USW’s priorities, Braddock over the years, from lobbying for trade law. residents may be more difficult to con- enforcement actions in the mid-1990s Vernon Beck, president of Local vince. Attending the Rapid Response to save a Dayton, Ohio, citric acid plant 12775, asked an aide to Rep. Larry conference gave him the information to calling for an extension of unem- Bucshon of Indiana to get the congress- and the confidence he needs “to change ployment benefits to hasten the end of a man — a cardiothoracic surgeon before some minds,” he said. lockout at National Grid in Massachu- coming to Congress — to sign on as a Changing minds one at a time is ex- setts in 2018. co-sponsor. actly what the Rapid Response program “We fight for every job,” said Inter- “It’s not a major ask. It’s not a heavy was designed to do, said retired Secre- national Vice President David McCall. lift,” Beck told the aide in a hallway out- tary-Treasurer Johnson. “That’s why this work is so important.” side the congressman’s office as about “One-on-one conversations are at Through Rapid Response, the USW 15 other USW members looked on. the core of this program,” Johnson said. was instrumental in gathering 300,000 “Rapid Response has fundamentally signatures to force a referendum on a Health care violence changed who we are as a union.” so-called “right-to-work” bill passed by U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney of Con- In addition to Johnson, retired Inter- Missouri’s legislature in 2017. In 2018, necticut, lead sponsor of the workplace national President Leo W. Gerard also 67.5 percent of voters voted against the violence prevention bill, said the level made an appearance, closing out the law, rolling it back. of violence in health care was “horri- conference by presenting the union’s in- “We won big,” Bob Ryan, District fying” and that the rate of increase in augural Leo W. Gerard Visionary Award 11 Rapid Response coordinator, told the recent years was particularly alarming. to Local 13-1 President Lee Medley. delegates. In recognition of his efforts on Following an introduction by U.S. David Beard, a member of Local behalf of workers, the USW presented Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, 752L at Cooper Tire in Arkansas, said Courtney with a 2019 USW Paul Well- Gerard praised Medley for his leader- the work that members do in Washing- stone Award, an annual tribute named in ship and urged the attendees to continue ton is only a small part of the equation honor of the late Minnesota senator and to build the union through relentless when it comes to the need for activism champion of labor who died in a plane organizing. in the labor movement. crash in 2002. “The labor movement didn’t get “This isn’t about who is living in The union also presented a 2019 born; the labor movement got built,” the White House,” Beard said. “This is Wellstone Award to U.S. Rep. Bobby Gerard said. “This is a great union, and about who is living in our house, and in Scott of Virginia, who in 2019 in- it’s because we built it.” our plants.” troduced the Protecting the Right to

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 21 2/17/20 12:05 PM USW MEMBERS RALLY

District 11 Director Emil Ramirez (Center) carries a banner with Assistant Director International Vice President Cathy Drummond and members including Roxanne Brown Deanna Hughes.

• Photos by Steve Dietz

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 22 2/17/20 12:05 PM undreds of USW members rallied outside the U.S. Kicked in the face Department of Labor to demand protections for health Health care workers are groped by patients with dementia Hcare workers who are often kicked, punched, groped and assaulted by patients with mental health problems, brain and threatened on the job. injuries and drug addictions. Yet many employers look the The protestors, which included health care workers wear- other way when health care workers are injured or claim that ing hospital scrubs, urged passage of the Workplace Violence the risk of violence comes with the job. Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act “They don’t do anything,” said Joel Maya, an EKG tech- (H.R. 1309/S. 851). nician and member of Local 7600 in Fontana, Calif. Maya The bill would compel the U.S. Labor Department to issue expressed frustration with employers’ lack of concern for a workplace violence prevention standard requiring health worker safety. care and social service employers to implement violence pre- One patient threatened to kill Maya. Another threw a tray vention plans tailored to each workplace. Possible safeguards at him. A third patient, unhappy with a co-payment he had to range from enclosed reception areas at doctor’s offices to make, threw his checkbook and wallet at him. panic buttons enabling workers to summon help when they’re Tuan Vu, a behavioral health technician and member of in danger. the Essentia Red Book unit of Local 9460 in Duluth, Minn., The legislation passed the House in November after the said one of his co-workers was kicked in the face while staff union’s rally on Oct. 28. By the time USW@Work went to members tried to calm an out-of-control patient. Another press, the bill had not been brought to a vote in the Senate. co-worker was injured during a fight involving three youths. “We put up with a lot at work. We shouldn’t get punched “I’ve been bitten, scratched, hit, several times this year,” in the face,” International President Thomas M. Conway Vu said, noting many of his patients have problems with said before the rally, which was held in conjunction with the impulse control. USW’s Rapid Response Legislative and Policy Conference in Some health care workers said they manage too many Washington, D.C. patients alone and hope the workplace violence bill forces Passage of the violence prevention bill is one of the employers to maintain adequate staffing levels. USW’s priorities. Marketa Anderson, president of Local 9349 in Chisholm, Police blocked off streets as USW members marched from Minn., sometimes works alone with 10 patients at a center for the conference hotel to the Labor Department a mile away. people with developmental disabilities. Over 19 years on the The chanting was so loud that officials of the Occupational job, she’s been hit, kicked, head-butted, slammed against a Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mentioned it when wall and had a chair thrown at her. a delegation of members went inside to meet with them about “If somebody goes off, you hope you can get to the phone the bill. and call 911 because there’s nobody there to help you,” she said. “We heard you coming,” one official said. International Vice President at Large Roxanne Brown opened the rally by demanding action on workplace violence, a problem that’s only gotten worse in the last few years. Violence reports increase From 2008 to 2017, workplace violence in the health care TAKE ACTION! and social service industries increased 69 percent. Health care CONTACT YOUR SENATORS AND ASK THEM TO and social workers are five times more likely to suffer work- SUPPORT THESE EFFORTS TO PROTECT WORKERS: place violence than workers in other fields. Other speakers at the rally included U.S. Sens. Sherrod Butch Lewis Act (S. 2254) Brown of Ohio and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Reps. The U.S. House passed this bill in July to protect endan- Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, Marcy Kaptur of Ohio, Joe gered pensions and ensure workers get the secure retirement Morelle of New York, and Conor Lamb and Susan Wild of they earned. Urge your senators to support the bill. Pennsylvania. Brown noted that the Labor Department building is named Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act (S. 1306) for pioneer labor activist Frances Perkins, who redoubled her Urge your senators to support the PRO Act, which would fight for workplace safety after 146 workers, most of them remove barriers to union organizing and establish stronger penalties for companies that illegally block those efforts. young women, died in the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City. The Workplace Violence Prevention for Health The senator said it sickens him to know that corporate Care and Social Service Workers Act (S.851) attorneys climb the steps of that building and go inside to Urge your senators to support the workplace violence oppose worker safety regulations. prevention bill, which would require health care and social Instead of improving workplace safety, Wild said, the service employers to implement violence-prevention plans. Trump administration has rolled back worker protections and left OSHA inspection positions vacant. Contact your U.S. senators by visiting and “It’s signaled to workers across the country that (corpora- clicking “Find Your Senators.” Or call the U.S. Capitol tions) won’t be held accountable if they fail to maintain a safe switchboard at (202) 224-3121. workplace,” Wild said.

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 23 2/17/20 12:06 PM TRADE WATCH

he USW joined the AFL-CIO in endorsing a re- saying it is “infinitely better than what was initially proposed worked replacement for the North American Free by the administration.” T Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that includes stronger The USW opposed the original NAFTA, which took ef- protections for workers in all three countries. fect in 1994 and was disastrous for American manufacturing and The new revised U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement American workers. Lax labor and environmental standards in (USMCA) was announced in December 2019 by House Mexico led U.S. companies to close more than 50,000 factories Speaker Nancy Pelosi, passed by the Senate on Jan. 16, 2020, and offshore nearly 1 million manufacturing jobs. That deal and signed by the president on Jan. 29. also more than tripled the U.S. trade deficit with Mexico and “Thanks to the improvements that we fought for and won, Canada over 25 years. this USMCA is significantly better than the original, and the USW supports it,” International President Thomas M. Improvements to the new USMCA include: Conway said. “It’s far from perfect, but leaving the original • An increase, from 62.5 percent to 75 percent, in the NAFTA in place was not an option.” percentage of a vehicle’s parts that must be made in “There is a great deal of work to do to ensure that corpo- one of the three participating nations in order for the rations stop exploiting workers in their quest for larger and product to avoid tariffs. Workers who make auto parts larger profits,” Conway said. “For all who supported this also must earn at least $16 an hour. agreement, the work is just beginning to ensure it lives up to • Stronger enforcement of labor laws. Democrats all its promises,” he said. demanded that the agreement included the creation Mexico must honor its commitment to improving labor of a committee that will monitor Mexico’s labor law conditions and enforcing its labor laws, while the United enforcement. States and Canada need to be vigilant in ensuring that work- ers’ rights are a top priority. • Updates to reflect changing technology. NAFTA was “The U.S. government must further support other poli- written prior to the internet era, so the new proposal cies that will combat rampant economic inequality and level includes legal protections concerning digital trade. the playing field for working people,” Conway said. “This includes a commitment to affordable health care, retirement • Protections for drug prices. Democrats negotiated the security, infrastructure investment, a healthy environment and removal of controversial pharmaceutical protections stronger labor protections in the United States.” that they hope will make medicines more affordable for The White House initially reached agreement with Canada consumers. and Mexico on updating NAFTA in late 2018, but labor and environmental leaders balked at its weak language and sought AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, Conway and others improvements, particularly stronger labor law enforcement said that the improvements to the USMCA would not have from Mexico. been possible without the activism of union members. “The trade rules in America will now be fairer because of Pressure paid off our hard work and perseverance,” Trumka said. “President Months of pressure from USW members and other Trump may have opened this deal. But working people closed activists paid off when Pelosi announced the improved deal, it. And for that, we should be very proud.”

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 24 2/17/20 12:06 PM FIGHTING FOR RETIREES

Local 104 at Alcoa’s Warrick oper- The lawsuit was filed as a class ac- USW Sues Alcoa over ations near Evansville, Ind., reminded tion, and three Alcoa retirees joined the Bene t Termination retirees in a notice dated Dec. 11 that complaint as proposed class representa- he USW filed a lawsuit against the company proposed multiple retiree tives. The Wenatchee Aluminum Trades Alcoa over the aluminum mak- cutbacks during contract negotiations in Council, a coalition of unions repre- er’s decision, announced late last 2019 that were rejected by the union. senting workers at an Alcoa facility in T Washington state, is also a plaintiff. year, to terminate life insurance benefits Standing strong “It was a surprise to me when I got for approximately 8,900 union-repre- The USW negotiating committees sented retirees. the letter,” said Charles Wyatt, who refused to bring the contract to a vote retired from Alcoa’s Warrick operations International President Thomas until all of the negative retiree demands M. Conway said the union-negotiated in 2013 after more than 40 years of were removed from the table. Contrac- service. benefits are a critical part of the USW’s tual life insurance was one of those items. collective bargaining agreements with Wyatt, one of the retirees named as Alcoa. a plaintiff, told the Evansville Courier “The company agreed to provide & Press that the company’s offer of these benefits,” Conway said. “Abrupt- $1,500 in exchange for a death benefit ly cutting off this coverage is not only of $7,500 was shocking. “Cutting costs immoral, it’s unlawful.” – that’s all this is about,” he said. The federal suit was filed in the District 7 Director Mike Millsap, Southern District of Indiana on Dec. chairman of the USW’s Alcoa bargain- 19, 2019, some two weeks after Alcoa ing committee, criticized the action. announced the benefit terminations and “Families rely on the contractual other actions it had taken to “reduce lia- death benefit to assist with funeral and bilities and volatility risk from pensions other expenses,” Millsap said. “It is and other postemployment benefits.” deeply disturbing that Alcoa would Alcoa informed retirees by letter on show so little respect for its retirees, Dec. 4 that it would eliminate life insur- many of whom devoted decades of “The membership stood strong work helping the company grow and ance coverage effective Dec. 31, 2019. against the company’s demands during The company included with the letter a thrive.” negotiations, and we would ask that you The union is also studying other check equal to about 20 percent of the continue to make your voices heard in face value of the life insurance coverage announcements that the company made the plant that an injury to any one of our regarding health care benefits for certain and a federal 1099 tax form, since the retirees is an injury to all,” Local 104 payment would be taxable. The coverage Medicare-eligible retirees effective in Business Agent Tim Underhill and Pres- 2021. amounts range from $4,500 to $7,500. ident Chris Horn said in the notice.

Members of Local 9700 from the ABI aluminum smelter in Quebec, Canada, protest outside Alcoa’s annual shareholders meeting in Pittsburgh on May 8, 2019. ABI, a joint venture between Alcoa and Rio Tinto, locked out some 1,031 USW members on Jan. 11, 2018. The dispute was settled with a new contract after 18 months.

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 25 2/17/20 12:06 PM orkers lost the right to use the NLRB in 2019 advanced an anti- of Democrat Mark Pierce, a one-time work email to discuss unions, worker, anti-union corporate agenda union-side labor lawyer from Buffalo, Wcollective bargaining and oth- using as tools a combination of decisions expired in 2018. er workplace matters in a flurry of year- in labor cases, new rulemaking aimed Responsible for conducting work- end National Labor Relations Board at overturning existing protections place elections and investigating unfair (NLRB) decisions favoring employers. and policies initiated by board General practice allegations, the NLRB under The NLRB’s actions in December Counsel Peter Robb. Labor attorneys Trump has elevated corporate interests 2019 followed a pattern of uniformly expect 2020 to be another year of similar above those of working people whose pro-employer decisions issued since anti-worker rulings on issues like joint rights to bargain are protected by the 2017 when Republican members employment, protected concerted activi- National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) appointed by President Trump gained a ties and private property rights. of 1935. Upheld by the U.S. Supreme majority on the board. “Every decision up and down the Court in 1937, the act allowed millions In what turned out to be a very busy line has been directed towards weaken- of Americans to form unions. December, the NLRB also restored an ing the ability of unions to organize, to After its passage, the United States employer’s right to end dues check- represent workers, and to achieve ade- experienced decades of faster and fairer off once a contract expires and ended quate remedies,” USW General Counsel economic growth that persisted until the speedy union election procedures cham- David Jury said. “It has all been to the 1970s, when declining unionization led pioned by the Obama administration. disadvantage of unions and workers. to rising income inequality and stalled It also set a new standard saying it is The NLRB majority since 2017 hasn’t economic progress for the middle class. lawful for employers to require confi- changed any doctrine to the advantage Under Trump, the Republican ma- dentiality in workplace investigations, of workers or unions.” jority has overturned precedent in more and approved a controversial settlement than a dozen cases, according to a study that had scuttled the agency’s nation- Three run the board of the NLRB’s actions released in late wide, joint employer case against Mc- The board normally has five mem- 2019 by the Economic Policy Institute Donald’s and its restaurant franchises. bers, with three required for a quorum. (EPI), a nonprofit think tank. The board also proposed a rule change Currently, the board is operating with The EPI report found that the NLRB that would strip collective bargaining three Trump appointees, Chairman John initiated action on 10 out of 10 policy rights from 81,000 graduate students. Ring and members Marvin Kaplan and items requested by the Chamber, and Using a business-friendly Chamber William Emanuel. The term of the only went beyond those requests in under- of Commerce wish list as a playbook, remaining Democrat, Lauren McFer- mining workers’ rights. ran, expired last Dec. 16, and the term

26 USW@Work • Winter 2020


USW case overturned “Viewed together, these decisions – USW unit in District 7, the board em- In one instance, the board made it issued at breakneck speed, without pub- powered employers to make unilateral more difficult for workers to join unions lic input, and often without any party changes after the expiration of a contract by overturning a standard for deter- seeking to upset long-settled precedent without bargaining if the employer has a mining an appropriate – reveal intent to defy the law, its values past practice of making similar changes. that was set in a landmark 2011 case and its goals,” Liebman said. CASES: MV TRANSPORTATION, RAYTHEON, CARE ONE involving the USW. In the case, known as Specialty Following are brief summaries of key Bargaining relationships Healthcare, the USW successfully ar- changes outlined by the EPI. Under a new rule which disturbs stable bargaining relationships, employ- gued that unions should be permitted to Organizing, protesting more freely choose the types of bargain- ers may withdraw union recognition In a trio of decisions, the Trump at the conclusion of the contract when ing units they wish to organize. That board overturned long-settled law and decision allowed the USW to organize a presented with evidence that the union announced new rules making it far more lacks majority support. If the union certified nursing assistants-only unit at a difficult for union organizers to talk nursing home. wants to get its status back, it must file a with employees where they work about petition for a new election in a mere 45 Many other unions took advantage forming a union. of that decision to organize workers in days and prevail in that election. The board upended long-standing CASE: JOHNSON CONTROLS numerous sectors, causing employers to rules that permitted union organizers denounce it. The NLRB overturned the limited access to public areas of an em- Defining joint employer standard in 2017, making it easier for ployer’s property, such as a cafeteria, to The Trump board has made known employers to manipulate bargaining unit talk with workers about unionization. its intention to overturn the 2015 descriptions and making it harder for The changes bolstered the advan- Browning-Ferris decision that loosened workers to win. tage bosses have in communicating the test for determining whether busi- Another board ruling gave employ- with workers. Employers are permitted nesses like franchisors and franchisees ers more power to prevent workers and to freely discuss anti-union views over are joint employers under the NLRA. union organizers from entering and the company email system, shutting out The business community fiercely protesting on the employer’s property, pro-union workers from doing the same, opposed the Browning-Ferris decision even when employers let other groups in one-on-one meetings, and in manda- because, where joint employer status is on their property to solicit. tory captive audience meetings. found, both employers have an obliga- The NLRB is also working to nar- CASES: BEXAR, KROGER LIMITED, UPMC tion to bargain in good faith with work- row the definition of “joint employer” to ers and can be held liable for violating make it harder for temporary and con- Undermining bargaining workers’ rights. tract workers to bargain with the firms For 70 years, employers had been In December 2017, the NLRB’s that actually control their wages and prohibited from making unilateral Republican majority overturned working conditions. In addition, tens changes to wages, hours, or working Browning-Ferris. That ruling was later of thousands of student workers and conditions during a contract term unless reversed because one board member Uber drivers have been stripped of their it could prove that the union had “clear- should have recused himself due to a right to organize under the NLRA by a ly and unmistakably waived” its right to conflict of interest. The Browning-Ferris decision of the NLRB’s general counsel. bargain. rule was then reinstated. All of the precedent-changing rulings To the advantage of employers, Unable to overturn Browning-Ferris favored employers and none followed the Trump board adopted a new and through adjudication, the Trump board the long-standing practice of seeking weakened rule allowing them to make has proposed to do so through rule- public input, according to the EPI report. unilateral changes to collective bargain- making. If successful, this new rule Former NLRB Chair Wilma Lieb- ing agreements if there is a reference in would make it more difficult for work- man, an EPI board member, said every the contract to management authority ers to protect their rights in a changing policy choice made by the Trump board over the subject. work environment. and its general counsel has created ob- In addition, in a case involving a CASE: HY-BRAND stacles for unions.

USW@Work • Winter 2020 27

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2 5 6 4

lthough the Foster and Roxanne weather Brown. All addressed in Pittsburgh the need for the labor Ahad turned wintry ACTIVISTS movement to adapt to the cold, the atmosphere younger generation and at the USW’s first- the importance of those Fired Up workers stepping out ever International 8 Next Generation Young Leaders Prepare and up. “As we look Conference was for Union’s Future hot and on fire. across the union, Nearly 900 union we see we are in a activists participated in the energetic four- transition,” Conway said. “You should be day event held last Nov. 18 to 22. The ambitious. You should work at learning agenda was packed with a dynamic lineup skills and mastering those tools because 11 of speakers and presentations about the this union is preparing to turn it over, and past, present, and future of the union and we intend to turn it over to you.” 12 of the labor movement. Helping where needed Everything about the conference epit- Redmond believes unions can bring omized the purpose of the USW’s Next this next generation into the fold by Gen program, which was developed to expanding organizing efforts and showing inspire, educate and empower young and up where help is needed. newer members of the United Steelwork- “We have to be inclusive if we’re go- ers in all industries and occupations. ing to attract new members and grow this 14 “The future of our union depends on movement,” Redmond said. “We need to our ability to identify the leaders who will be responsive to the needs of the commu- 15 step up when experienced activists are nities where we live and work.” done,” International President Thomas M. The first morning plenary continued Conway said. this conversation with guest speaker Des- “It’s our responsibility to ensure those mond Meade, a voting rights activist who activists have the knowledge and skills Redmond said is the perfect example of they need to continue the hard work and how one person can make a monumental progress we’ve already made, which will difference. help build a stronger movement for gen- Recently named one of Time maga- erations to come.” zine’s 100 Most Influential People in the AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz World, Meade successfully led the cam- Photos by Steve Dietz Shuler moderated an opening night panel From Left to Right: 1. Michael Bibel, 2. Delee Nikal, 3. Charles paign to pass Amendment 4 in Florida, with top USW leaders including Conway, Best, 4. Bernie Wood, 5. Elysha Daya, 6. Solidarity collage, which restored voting rights to 1.4 7. Parvinder Kaur, 8. Marienka Bishop-Kovac, 9. Vicki Ni, International Secretary-Treasurer John 10. Mike Campney, 11. Carlos Arocho Vazquez, 12. Mayra million Floridians with felony convic- Shinn, and International Vice Presidents Rivera, 13. Al Vega, 14. Wilson Rairigh, 15. Lindsey Disler, tions who completed the terms of their 16. Amanda Zakhour, 17. Emily Bombich, 18. Alex Perkins David McCall, Fred Redmond, Leeann

28 USW@Work • Winter 2020

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 28 2/17/20 12:06 PM sentence, including parole or probation. history, immigration, mass The amendment did not apply to murder or incarceration, the power of strong con- sexual offenses. tracts and the crisis facing workers in Meade, executive director of the Puerto Rico. Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, once “We wanted to give everyone the struggled with homelessness and drug chance to get a taste of everything in one abuse and spent time in prison before he place,” said E.J. Jenkins, a Next Gen lead- committed himself to improving other er from District 7 who helped to organize people’s lives. the event. “I didn’t know back then that I would be standing here. All I knew was that I needed Finding a path to be of service for someone else,” Meade The conference was the first labor said. “When you fight for others, when event of any kind for Jamie Martinez, who you commit to improve the lives of others, works at the Bridgestone tire plant in that’s when you will experience the quality Morrison, Tenn. Living in a small Southern of life that you desire.” town can come with challenges for The conference featured many other LGBTQ+ people like Martinez. panels and guest speakers, including Will The four-year member of Local 1155L came into the week hoping to find a way 7 Attig, combat infantry veteran and exec- utive director of the AFL-CIO Union Vet- to make a difference. After attending a erans Council. After returning to civilian workshop conducted by members of the life, Attig struggled until he was given an recently formed LGBTQ+ Advisory Com- mittee, she thinks she just may have found 9 opportunity to attend a welding program and join the labor movement in 2010. her path. “I wanted to do something for my com- Building power with purpose munity that mattered, but I couldn’t quite 10 Attig now uses his position to build put my finger on it until I came here,” she power with purpose, and he believes the said. next generation is a perfect fit for the Martinez understands the importance work. and impact of community service and “The idea is to use our programs to the labor movement. Encouraged by move and change America,” Attig said. her grandfather, she joined the USW at “Our young workers are primed for this.” Bridgestone, and the local has already Servicing others is a core part of helped her navigate a few workplace the Next Gen program and was a main predicaments. focus of the conference. Attendees were “It makes a difference,” Martinez said. given several opportunities to further “I think of it as an investment.” that cause by giving back to the com- The final night of the conference hon- 13 munity. ored two recently retired USW officers, Members were encouraged to bring former International President Leo W. unopened, full-sized toiletries and chil- Gerard and International Vice President at dren’s non-perishable snacks to donate Large Carol Landry. to the multiple sites where they per- Landry, who played a vital role in formed service projects on the fourth building the Women of Steel leadership and final day of the event. program, spoke to young workers about Myron Bynum, of Local 945 in the pride she takes in the changes they are Verona, Pa., volunteered at a local making to the movement. school where he and other Steelwork- “I’ve seen more Steelworker activists ers helped to repair basketball hoops. in our community since you all became The hoops ended up being beyond active than I have in years, and that itself repair, and the group chipped in to buy made us realize that this is a new Steel- new ones. worker union,” she said. “I loved it,” Bynum said. Gerard echoed Landry’s gratitude for Throughout the week, attendees younger members’ activism and reminded were also presented with a hearty the attendees that the ball is in their court. buffet of workshops and seminars “The reality is that we’ve got a really conducted by USW members and great activist union, and you’ve got to staff, as well as coalition and com- start thinking about your role in it,” Ge- munity members from around the rard said. “This is your union.” 16 17 18 globe. Topics ranged from labor See more photos at

USW@Work • Winter 2020 29

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 29 2/17/20 12:06 PM clar ste CLEANU P

Atomic Council Members Question DOE O cials

parade of current and former provement. “This gives you a voice you Key told White about instances in which U.S. Department of Energy may not have at your site,” she said. contractors have denied worker requests A(DOE) officials answered ques- The AEWC meeting gave members a for respirators and employees getting tions from USW members at the Atom- chance to use that voice. injured as a result. ic Energy Workers Council (AEWC) Pete Gomez of Local 12-369 at biannual meeting. the Hanford Nuclear Site in Richland, Experience ignored Bill Collins, a Local 12-369 member About 30 local leaders represent- Wash., asked William (Ike) White, senior at Hanford, said the contractor taking ing members at DOE sites and nuclear advisor for environmental management down the Plutonium Finishing Plant facilities attended the two-day session at the DOE, about outstanding contracts hired people off the street instead of last fall at the USW’s legislative office in in the department’s environmental man- workers with decades of experience. Washington, D.C. agement (EM) program. Brown asked that White restart “This is the first time we have had White said the department was in multiple representatives from DOE over quarterly meetings with the DOE, the the final stages of selecting contractors USW and contractors to “cut through the the last three years, so this is progress,” and said the agency in the future wants said International Vice President Rox- issues.” White said he would “commit indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity personally” to meeting with union work- anne Brown, who last summer took over contracts for fixed periods of time with for retired International Vice President ers at DOE sites. companies that have high-quality man- “Your management team will tell you Carol Landry as chair of the union’s agement teams. atomic council. what you want to hear,” Key told White. Shortly after the meeting, Local “I will tell you the truth.” Brown opened the meeting by ad- 12-369 approved a one-year contract dressing leadership changes both within Kevin Dressman, director of DOE’s extension at Hanford that was negotiated office of enforcement, spoke about the the USW and at the DOE, where former by the Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Deputy Dan Brouillette recently replaced agency’s efforts to improve safety at Council, an umbrella group including cleanup sites. Rick Perry as U.S. secretary of energy. Local 12-369, to prepare for potential Brown, who oversees the union’s politi- Because the DOE is a self-regulat- changes. ing agency, OSHA does not perform cal, legislative and policy work, told the Local unions will enter full contract group that the atomic sector would be inspections. DOE provides incentives for negotiations in September after the DOE contractors to address problems, Dress- her only bargaining responsibility. awards cleanup contracts for the former It was Brown’s first meeting as man said. nuclear weapons production site. While the office of enforcement does AEWC chair after many years of work John Knauff, president of Local with the sector. She said she has learned not inspect sites, it will post investiga- 1-689 at the former Portsmouth Gas- tion notices and outcomes on its website. in her time in Washington that the atom- eous Diffusion Plant in Piketon, Ohio, ic sector has support from across the Dressman said his office emphasizes suggested that White work closely with higher controls for health and safety than political spectrum. locals to ensure contractors are doing “It doesn’t always matter who is in personal protective equipment (PPE). their jobs properly. power in the government as long as there Elimination of hazards is evaluated first, Contractors at Portsmouth are per- is a person willing to listen,” she said. then engineering and administrative con- forming open-air demolition of buildings trols, with PPE used last. Not blaming Educate DOE containing contaminated, radioactive workers for health and safety incidents Brown encouraged council members equipment without decontaminating is also integral to good safety, as well as to educate DOE officials about their them first, he said. robust sharing of lessons learned, he said. locations and offer suggestions for im- Knauff and AEWC President Jim

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 30 2/17/20 12:06 PM spring 2018 issue of USW@Work when it supported 19 worker-owners, man- agers and sales staff. At the time of the sale, the active work force had dwindled to about 10. MBC’s city property will likely be sold at auction, Mullen said. At the end, the brush factory used a small portion of a 72,000-square-foot building located on a 2.5-acre site of a former brewery. In 2007, after paying off its acquisi- tion debt, the company elected Subchap- ter S status. As a 100 percent ESOP, it became exempt from paying federal corporate income tax, which enabled it to invest in a new product. Seeking new products After 2008, the maturing market for industrial brushes caused MBC to seek

Richard Benton new products. In 2010, the company Photo by Steve Dietz invested in a startup called SkyLouver, a combination skylight and solar thermal collector designed to fit on the flat roofs of retail stores and reduce utility costs. But the project, which involved pur- chasing a patent, failed in 2015. “If we had deeper pockets, maybe we could have made it work,” Mullen said. No one pointed fingers of blame. “That’s not our style,” Local 12978 President Rich Benton said in 2018. “We made the decision to invest in the venture together. Failure hurts, but ESOP SOLD AFTER YEARS our focus was on moving forward, not casting blame.” 29 Over the years, MBC reduced its product line and work force to stay he USW-represented workers at The company stood out among competitive. In its final years, the com- Maryland Brush Co. in Baltimore Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) pany focused on manufacturing pow- owned and operated the business for its embrace of democracy, she said. er-driven brushes and related products T used in industry. for nearly 30 years, likely making it the USW employees had one vote per person longest-lasting unionized worker-owned on shareholder issues and regularly par- Len Shindel, a retired Bethlehem company in the United States. ticipated in company decisions. Its board Steel USW member who served as a Sadly, the experiment in worker showed a willingness to seek out and neutral member of the board, said MBC ownership ended at a shareholders' experiment with new products when old did not recover from losing its most meeting late last year when the mem- products lost market share. profitable customer, a tiremaker that bers of Local 12978 voted to sell the “The closing is not a unique story,” used its brushes for retreading. business and equipment to a private firm Groban Olson said. “The 29 previous Shindel, who was part of an effort in Canada, where national health care years is the unique story.” to retain steel mill brush customers in will lower costs. 2017, remained impressed with the “It’s what we had to do as share- Industrial brush supplier cooperation and atmosphere of trust that holders,” CEO Steve Mullen said. Renamed MBC Ventures, the com- prevailed during the ESOP. The company and its worker-owners pany was a leading manufacturer and “Observing how managers and union should be remembered as a positive supplier of industrial brushes. A sub- members delicately honed their relation- example of employee ownership, said sidiary of PPG Industries from 1901 to ship for their mutual benefit has been Deborah Groban Olson, an attorney and 1989, it was incorporated as an ESOP in one of the most humbling experiences former chair of the National Center for 1990 with the assistance of the USW. of my life,” he said. Employee Ownership. Maryland Brush was featured in the

USW@Work • Winter 2020 31

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 31 2/17/20 12:06 PM USW MOURNS PRESCOTT NAMED ROBERT LAVENTURE D12 DIRECTOR Robert LaVenture, who started his The International Ex- working life in a Wisconsin foundry ecutive Board on Dec. 10 and later led the USW’s District 12, appointed Gaylan Prescott died on Nov. 13, 2019, at age 68. District 12 Director to re- “Bob was a tireless union activ- place Robert LaVenture, who ist who always fought on the side of died suddenly last November. working people, first in his home state A longtime union activist of Wisconsin and later on behalf of our and leader, Prescott, 57, had members in District 12,” said Interna- served as LaVenture’s assis- tional President Thomas M. Conway. “He will be sorely missed.” tant since January 2018 in District 12. District 12 is geographically large, encompassing the states of After graduating from high school in his hometown Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, New Mexi- of Kelso, Wash., Prescott earned an Emergency Medical co, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington. Technician (EMT) certification and spent several years LaVenture was appointed by retired International President Leo working alongside migrant farmers. W. Gerard as director of District 12 in 2009 to succeed Terry Bonds, Following in his father’s footsteps, Prescott then who retired. He was elected to full four-year terms in 2013 and 2017. worked at the former Reynolds Metals Co. aluminum re- As director, LaVenture was a strong advocate of American duction plant in Longview, Wash., where he spent nearly industry and jobs. He led opposition to the use of Chinese-made 20 years as a casting machine operator and a pot tender. steel in the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge reconstruction, and Prescott began his career as a union activist in 1986 stood up for USW-represented refinery workers whose jobs were when he became a shop steward. In 1990, he was elected jeopardized by state policymakers. to his first of three terms as president of the Longview LaVenture chaired contract negotiations with EVRAZ Rocky Federated Aluminum Council, which represented about Mountain Steel, Kaiser Aluminum, ASARCO, and Kennecott Utah 700 workers from multiple unions at the facility. Copper. He also led the USW Cement Council. The USW named Prescott a staff representative in He was profoundly dedicated to cross-border solidarity, work- 1999, when he assisted 2,900 members who were locked ing closely with Los Mineros, the USW’s partner in Mexico. out at Kaiser Aluminum plants in Washington, Ohio After high school, the Wisconsin native joined Local 3740 in and Louisiana. It was one of the union’s longest and 1970 at the International Harvester foundry in Waukesha, Wis. most contentious work stoppages. Prescott was named a He served the local as a trustee, steward and vice president before sub-director in 2012. being elected local president, a position he held for five terms. Jim Kilborn was appointed to serve as an assistant While local president, LaVenture was involved in developing the to the director. Kilborn joined the union in 1988 as a Navistar Education Center, the first employee education center in laborer at ATI’s Wah Chang plant in Albany, Ore. He has Wisconsin. The center was later replicated across the state. been on staff since 2013.


Retired International Executive Vice “Ron was a great addition to the USW when we President Ron Hoover, a veteran union merged with the United Rubber Workers, and he led our negotiator who led the USW’s Rubber/ union’s tire and rubber sector through many difficult nego- Plastics Industry Conference (R/PIC), tiations,” said International President Thomas M. Conway. died on Oct. 29, 2019, in Wilmington, “He was a dedicated and serious leader for so many N.C. He was 78. years within our union, and he stayed in touch with so Hoover, of Wabash, Ind., was born on many of our Rubber and Plastics Industry Council locals. April 12, 1941, in Kansas, where he was We miss his friendship and solidarity, and his wife Linda a farmer and a tire worker. He joined the and their entire family are in our thoughts and prayers.” United Rubber Workers (URW) Local 307 Hoover fought to keep domestic companies producing in 1964 at Goodyear in Topeka after working for the Santa Fe Railroad. tires and rubber products in the United States, and he de- He was a union activist at Local 307, serving as division chairman fended union members and retirees from industry attempts and two-term president before his appointment to the URW staff in 1989. to cut costs on their backs. After the URW merged with the USW in 1995, Hoover served As R/PIC chairman, Hoover led a three-month work as an assistant to John Sellers, who then led R/PIC. He was coor- stoppage against Goodyear in 2006 that secured $1 billion dinator of the Goodyear bargaining committee for 12 years before in investment to protect retiree medical and prescription taking over R/PIC when Sellers retired in 2005. drug benefits.

32 USW@Work • Winter 2020

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 32 2/17/20 12:06 PM PRESCOTT NAMED D12 DIRECTOR NEWS BRIEFS NLRB Investigates ASARCO for Unfair Labor Practices Mendoza The National Labor Relations Board is investigating unfair labor practice Named (ULP) charges accusing ASARCO of bad faith bargaining, unilaterally imple- Paper Sector menting a last-best offer when there was no impasse, threatening to hire and Chair hiring permanent replacements for nearly 2,000 striking copper miners. International The charges were filed in January by the USW over the company’s ongoing President Thom- unfair labor practices. They are retroactive to the start of the strike and the date as M. Conway the company implemented its proposal. appointed Luis Other ULP allegations made against ASARCO include failure to bargain in Mendoza as chair good faith over mandatory subjects, dilatory bargaining tactics, surveillance, of the USW’s failure to provide relevant and necessary bargaining information, implementing a paper sector, discriminatory copper price bonus and soliciting employees to resign their union effective Jan. 1. memberships. Mendoza A coalition of eight labor unions led by the USW struck the copper producer joined the labor last October at five locations in Arizona and Texas over its serious ULPs and the movement in membership’s refusal to accept a concessionary offer. 1988 as a mem- No new bargaining sessions were scheduled as USW@Work went to press. ber of Local 12882, manufac- Local 8888 Reaches 10,000 Members turing explosives for Hercules Inc. Men- Local 8888 in Virginia began 2020 by signing its 10,000th member, a mile- doza has served as a health and safety stone that came after nearly 1,500 new members joined the shipyard workers’ chair, a committee member and union in 2019 in the right-to-work state. unit president. He was appointed to the The new members reversed a downward trend and strengthened the union’s International staff in 2006 and has been leverage for contract negotiations coming up with Huntington Ingalls Newport working in the paper sector since 2007, News Shipbuilding in 2021. building bargaining experience. Justin Bates, a painter, was the 10,000th member of the USW’s largest local. Local President Charles Spivey made organizing and training the next gener- ation of Steelworker activists a top priority after his election in 2018. He attri- Lucky Friday Mine Back to Work butes the growth to organizers who helped to sign new members and a revamped Members of Local 5114 in January approach to orientation for new hires and apprentices. ratified an agreement with Hecla Mining “Local 8888 is back to resolve a 2 ½ year strike at the Lucky in the game. We’re Friday mine in northern Idaho’s Silver keeping the union spirit Valley. alive with new energy,” The three-year pact ended an unfair Spivey said. “Most of all, labor practice strike that began on March we have sent a powerful 13, 2017. It was approved in a secret bal- message to the compa- lot vote counted on Jan. 6 after a tentative ny: At contract time, agreement was reached in December. we won’t be coming for District 12 Director Gaylan Prescott crumbs. We’re 10,000 praised local union members for standing strong now.” together to demand a fair contract at the silver, lead and zinc mine, located near Health Care Workers Look Forward Mullan, Idaho, in the Coeur d’Alene The USW's Health Care Workers Council strategized for the future of the Mountains. union and the evolving industry, preparing several action plans at a two-day ses- “For nearly three years, our solidarity sion in Pittsburgh last December. has been tested,” Prescott said. “We are Activists reported on work at the district level, including pushing legislators proud of their unity and resolve, which to pass the Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service will serve as an example for all of orga- Workers Act. They also discussed coming automation and its impact on work. nized labor.” “Technology absolutely is a great tool to use, but it should not replace bodies The new contract includes several and real workers,” said District 12 Health Care Council Coordinator Alma Gar- improvements over the “last, best and zon, who attended a conference on the topic sponsored by Unite the Union. final offer” that led to the strike. They International Vice President Fred Redmond, who oversees the council, remind- include a signing bonus, wages, hours of ed attendees that their work is vital to the union’s future. work, vacations and holidays, leaves of “This is a growth sector. How we grow this council and get engaged is going to absence, seniority and bidding. be crucial in strengthening our ability to represent health care workers,” he said.

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 33 2/17/20 12:06 PM NEWS BRIEFS USW, European Unions Work Together USW Sues to Save Chemical Disaster Rule As aluminum producers Novelis and Aleris moved closer The USW filed a legal challenge to the federal govern- to a merger, USW members began working closely with their ment’s decision to gut the Chemical Disaster rule, a suite of European counterparts to ensure that jobs and workers’ rights Obama-era regulations intended to prevent chemical disasters are protected on both continents. and save lives. Members of Local 9443-01 from the Aleris plant in The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) capitulated Lewisport, Ky., held two days of meetings with union leaders to industry demands when it rescinded crucial provisions of visiting from Aleris facilities in Germany and Belgium and its risk management regulations, including requirements that signed a joint declaration promising further cooperation in the companies take commonsense actions to prevent foreseeable future. catastrophic incidents. The declaration called on new ownership to provide de- “Eliminating these requirements will allow a profit-hungry tailed information to workers about its plans for the company, industry to police itself while putting workers, first responders and to ensure that the collective bargaining agreements and and the public at risk,” International President Thomas M. working conditions are protected. Conway said. “I can’t express enough how valuable this visit was,” said “The USW spent years advocating for the Chemical Local 9443-01 President Chris Geary, whose members make Disaster Rule. Thousands of our members signed petitions automotive products. “Being able to reach out across coun- imploring the EPA not to gut it. Now, we’re going to court to tries and work together is extremely powerful.” protect our members and our communities.” The lawsuit, filed on Jan. 9, asks the U.S. Court of Ap- peals for the District of Columbia Circuit to implement the Chemical Disaster Rule as the EPA originally wrote it before the current administration took office. Persad Center Workers Vote USW Workers at Persad Center, a human service organization that serves the LGBTQ+ and HIV/AIDS communities of the Pittsburgh area, voted to join the USW. The unit of 24 workers, ranging from therapists and program coordinators to case managers and administrative Oklahoma Local Votes to Stay Union staff, announced its campaign as the Persad Staff Union last Members of Local 13-1141 in Pryor, Okla., showed soli- November and voted for the USW on Dec. 5. darity and voted overwhelmingly to remain Steelworkers in a “We strongly believe this work and our connections to our decertification election despite employer National Gypsum’s clients will only improve now that we are represented by a long-term efforts to undermine organized labor. union,” said Johanna Smith, Persad’s development, communi- The company has a long history of encouraging decerti- cations and events associate. fication at its U.S. facilities. The vote for the union by Local 13-141 in Pryor followed a rash of decertification votes in Steelworker Daughter Aces Ranger School at least eight National Gypsum sites nationwide since 2014 U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Chelsey Hibsch, stepdaughter of when a local in Kansas decertified the International Brother- a retired Steelworker, is the first female airman to graduate hood of Boilermakers. from the Army’s Ranger School at Fort Benning, Ga. National Gypsum is a gypsum board producer headquar- The Army Ranger Course is one of the Army’s toughest tered in Charlotte, N.C., with operations in both the United leadership courses. It States and Canada. It currently operates 17 gypsum board fac- seeks to develop pro- tories, three paper mills, four cement board plants, and eight ficiency in leading mines and quarries, including the world’s largest in Halifax, squad and platoon Nova Scotia. dismount operations in around-the-clock, 1st Lt. all-climate and Chelsey Hibsch terrain challenges. Hibsch is the stepdaughter of Gary Guralny, retired president of Local 6992 of Tonawanda, N.Y., and past chair of the USW DuPont Council.

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 34 2/17/20 12:06 PM USW Launches New Podcast The USW has launched a new podcast, Solidarity Works, which Celebrating Gains for College Athletes will focus on starting conversations The USW held a fundraiser and celebration in Decem- about the labor movement, its past, present and future. ber for the National College Players Association, which has The debut episode featured an interview with Rapid played a pivotal role in fighting for and gaining basic rights Response Director Amber Miller, who discussed legisla- and protections for college athletes. tion USW activists have been campaigning for and what The event included a tribute to retired International Pres- lies ahead. She touched on the need for stronger protec- ident Leo W. Gerard, who was the driving force behind the tions for unions in order to bargain good contracts and USW’s long-running support for the NCPA. passing laws to uplift workers. In recent years, the NCPA helped to develop antitrust Listen to the podcast on your favorite streaming service, lawsuits that were the impetus for easing economic restric- such as Spotify, iTunes, and Stitcher, or visit tions against student athletes and expansion of student athlete health care. ATI Bargaining Under Way The USW’s ATI bargaining committee held meetings with company representatives in Pittsburgh throughout January and February as bargaining began on a new contract. Local union leaders, representing more than 2,000 members of 11 USW units across six states, also met face-to-face with

Int'l President Thomas M. Conway, their management counterparts to discuss plant-specific issues. Retired President Leo. W. Gerard The USW’s committee, led by International Vice President and Ramogi Huma David McCall, proposed wage increases, pension improve-

Bobby McAuliffe ments and provisions to protect affordable health care and other benefits. Management opened discussions seeking below-standard wages and other concessions, including health care costs. The committee made progress on these issues as bargaining continued, but challenges remained as USW@Work went to press.

NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES and who is required as a condition of individual shall have a 30 day period com- objection and without intending to waive COVERED BY A UNION employment to pay dues to the United mencing on the date the individual became its right to assert its position if there is a SECURITY CLAUSE Steelworkers pursuant to a union security aware of the Procedure to perfect a notice challenge to the reduction percentage, the arrangement but objects to supporting ... of objection; and, provided, further, that USW has deemed it expedient to apply All USW represented employees political or ideological expenditures by a member who resigns membership shall the 20.64% figure to most current and covered by a union security clause have the United Steelworkers which are not have the opportunity to object within the future objectors. Therefore, an objector the right, under NLRB v. General Motors, necessarily or reasonably incurred for the 30 day period following resignation.1 will be charged 79.36% of the regular 373 U.S. 734 (1963), to be and remain purpose of performing the duties of an Objectors are not USW members and dues amount. Each objector will be given a nonmember subject only to the duty exclusive collective bargaining representa- have no right to vote in union elections or a detailed breakdown between representa- to pay the equivalent of union initiation tive shall have the right upon perfecting a to be a candidate, no right to participate in tional and non-representational activities fees and periodic dues. Further, only such notice of objection to obtain an advance union meetings or activities, and no right with a report by an independent auditor. non-member employees have the right, reduction of a portion of such individual’s to vote on contract ratification. The Procedure contains an appeals under Communications Workers v. Beck, dues obligation commensurate with expen- Upon perfecting properly a notice of system under which challenges to the 487 U.S. 735 (1988), to limit payment ditures unrelated to collective bargaining objection, the objector is entitled to an ad- reduction percentage determination must of union-security dues and initiation fees to as required by law.” vance reduction of a portion of his or her be filed within 30 days of the Notice of certain moneys spent on activities germane An eligible employee who objects to union security obligation commensurate Determination and are to be decided by to a union’s role as collective bargaining the USW expending monies for nonrepre- with expenditures unrelated to collective an impartial arbitrator appointed by the representative. This latter statutory right sentational activities such as charitable or bargaining, as required by law. Internation- American Arbitration Association. Disputed is embodied in the USW’s Nonmember political activities may choose to perfect a al Secretary-Treasurer John E. Shinn has amounts are escrowed pending appeal. Objection Procedure. notice of objection under Paragraph 2 of determined, based upon expenditures for While a notice must be individually the Procedure, which states: the calendar year 2018 that the reduction signed and timely mailed, there is no form The Procedure is available to any “2. To perfect a notice of objection, percentage under the Procedure is 12.55% for a notice. Processing is faster, however, USW represented employee who is subject the individual must send an individu- (20.64% if organizing expenditures were when the notice contains the objector’s to a union security clause but who is a ally signed notice to the International to be included). name, address, local union number, and non-member and who objects to his or her Secretary-Treasurer during the first thirty There are court decisions holding employer. union security fees being expended on days following either the individual’s initial that organizing activities are non-repre- nonrepresentational activities. Paragraph 1 date of hire into the USW represented sentational activities. The USW does not “1 Any right of a resignee to pay a reduced of the Procedure states: unit or an anniversary date of such hiring: agree with those rulings. However, without amount under this Procedure may or may “1. Any individual, who is not provided, however, that if the individual intending to waive its position that its not be superceded by the resignee’s check- a member of the United Steelworkers lacked knowledge of this Procedure, the organizing expenditures are not subject to off authorization.”

USW@Work • Winter 2020 35

65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 35 2/17/20 12:06 PM Have You Moved? Notify your local union financial secretary, or clip out this form with your old address label and send your new address to:

USW Membership Department, 60 Blvd. of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Name ______New Address ______City ______State ______Zip ______

You may also email the information to [email protected].


65023_USW_Work_Winter20_X.indd 36 2/17/20 12:06 PM