ELWOOD NOTES, Poisoning Dogs. A. H. Phillips Co.

Mies EebaJSton^jasubstitutinirjjw a I approve ..of. ail that MjvrBsjrgan ehort -time as teacner^la Miss Idaw il- advocated Tn"S previous issue. "i'am F!rB"f insurance. llanos' school, at Magnolia. opposed to murder in any form, or of Harry Langbam is home from Atlan- any creature. I consider the man who HAMMOWTOK. t : W.J. tic City. Hotel Loralno, where ho has goes out with u gun on hls'shoulder, JEKSEY been clerking, has closed. to shoot birds, as guilty of a crime. son The 'crane recently murdered on the JOS. I. W. A. BlschofT and family anticipate Lake also had rights which even man Mortgage Loans. a trip to New York State next week, BEPUBLICAN shduld have respected. But man also Correspondence Solicited. It is believed tnat the change will be has rights, and" the laws should be House,SigD,Carnag© boneBcial to Mr. B. such as to tax heavily those who allow 1815 Atlantic Avenao. VOL. 40 HAMMOKTOK, N. J., OCTOBER 4, 1902. The only newspaper L. L. Holden ia much better. With dogs to roam. Every citizen should Atlantic City, N. J. ~" PAIHTER NO. 4O tbe aid of two canes he can walk from be willing to pay his share of taxation, printed in Hammonton room to room. He appears to feel quito yet the "dng tax" is frequently disre- garded.. No one should keep a dog Dealer in Paints, Oils, Second Street, from Platt Street to f}1.25 a year, post-paid independent. Fairview Avenue. Mlsa Jennie McDormott is anticipa- unless he has facilities for so doing. . I Puinishing are pleasing many, FIFTY PRESENTS GIVEN'AWAT 01.00 in the county. find dogs on the street at all hours,— , and Varnishes.. Solicitor reported no reply from beire tion a visit to Cross Keys next week. I have a large stock of some of them "valuable" to their Undertaker of Mrs. B. J. Byrnes, hence canno George C. Bozartb spent a day in owners. "The man who xainnot ieep John T. French's , •• • Why nbt please you ? approve purchase of gravel lot,—n Atlaatic City this .week. his dog at home, or In some manner and Embalmer Pure Oil Joints, title being procurable. Approves titl We are Mrs. A. £. Holdon and her daughter prevent annoyance ,to others, is com- TwelHn St., between railroads. to lot for pumping station. ers went to Philadelphia, Tuesday. Mrs. mitting a wrong to those who object Phone 8-5 which I guarantee to be No satisfaction given by railroa Well equipped for H, expects to remain several weeks; to being thus annoyed. riammonton, N. Ji, ' , ' the best paint ever sold. companies in regard to safety gates Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bentley were P. H. JACOBS. Second and Pleasant Streets, ' •• Our Patent Medicines are sold at. Reading company informally offers t All arrangements for burials inade '. • . ' *» build bridge over its tracks at Eleven! The following articles will be given away to the persons at Gloucester, last week, to get some and carefully executed. t HAMMONTOW. reduced rates, and you only get lumber sawed up. Mr. B. is erecting Wagon Building Street, provided Town will close ai whose tickets show the greatest amount purchased here, several buildings on his place, built of what you ask for. No trouble crossings between Eleventh and Twelfcl to November 1st: lumber cat from bis own pine forest. Ohas. Cunningham* M.D, Watkis & Nicholson Streets. Chairman was authorized t •*».••.. . Repairing to oixler and, get wh at we do not confer. in all branches— John D. Carver bos bad his house Physician and Surgeon- FLORISTS& Landscape GARDENERS 1st, Brush and Comb Toilet Set,—price $2.50 carry in stock, - . Adjourned. . Pamphlets, raised eighteen inches. and Fainting W. Second St., Hammonton. Proprietors Loheview Greenhouse, 2nd, Smoker's. Set,—-price $1.75- • . > • Office Bonn, 7:30to 10:00 A.M. > Central Avenue, Hammonton. Did you. hear any unusual noise on A general assortment of Bedding and A special meeting was held Tuesday 3rd, Cigar and Match bolder, $1.25 '__ l_Bu8iness_Carda 1 :OQ to 8:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 P.M_ Decorative-Plants al ways-on-hand rWe-«ell-Drug8 which are fresh-and—— — "evenins£~30th7uiT., all members present 4th, Bottle Cologne, Posters a stampede of horses in Bozarth's barn Light and Heavy Wagons of the highest medicinal value. also Messrs. Wm. Bernehouse, J. L loit. There-njuBt-have-been-a-mule '""" built to order, O'DoDnell,-and—J-£.- 6th, -Hot-water Bottle, $l;~~. ~~~ Dodgers among them, also, judging from the These time-tables are correct. Commissionera. 6th to 10th, 5 Household Syringes, each 75 cents awful sounds which disturbed the still- Tbe object of the meeting was tc Bill-Heads ness of the night But if you hadigone A. HEINECKE. consider wjiys and means forcomplet llth and 12th, 2 bottles Bay Rum, each 50 c WEST JERSEY & SEASHORE B. R. Statements there at dawn of day, you would proba- ing the water plant. 13th to 18th, 5 boxes old-fashioned Stick Candy, 25 c bly have seen seeds and watermelon Schedule in effect Sept. 9,1802 B abject to change. j 'the Druggist. Details were given of contracts 18th to 20th, 3 boxes Toilet Soap, 15 e. pr box Letter-heads rinds in abundance, and then guessed DOWN TRAINS. ; far awarded, with estimates of wba the rest. .• . . Attorney&Counselor OP IBAINS. * Second and Believe Ave., Hammonton. .will still be required. It was founi . 20th to 30th, 10 Tooth Brushes, 15 c.-each Ace. Ace. Ex. Ace. Ace. Ix Ace. Ace. Ex. Bat necessary to sink Jour wells, a total o Note-heads All the regular services of the Pres- p.m. * m. p.m p.m. p.m, STATION Ace. Ace. Exp. Ace Ace, Ace Act 30th to 50th, 20 boxes Paper & Envelopes, 15 c. each byterian Church will be held in their At Law i a.m. p. D. p.m 1092 feet, instead of three, 900 feet, a Envelopes 430 8 10 S 00 600 428300 1045 8824 60 > Philadelphia 731 834 1010 estimated, — increasing the cost $576 ova church building to-morrow (Hun- Arlitz Building, Hammonton, 138 8 18 5 10 608 4343U6 1062 8 40 6 00 *.»«. ..Caraden J 60 S 27 1145 8 25- Jown Council fleeting. Commencing Saturday, Sept. 20th, each customer •US 829 620 4 4t 1103 7 23827 10 Oil 1« 0 19 9 37 6 i& Rooms 25-27 Real Est. & Law B'ld'g, SCO ...... ColllDglKood..... 7 18 8 16 1 SO 8 (.7 t 25 901 Then, contrary to expectation, th day), at the usual hours. Preaching 465 888 628 449 11 10 867 _niddon»eld...... 7 00 808 will be given tickets showing the amount purchased, Atlantlo City. SOS 848 688501 11 20 907 Klrkwood...^. 1 23 5 69 B 18 5 S3 Regular meeting 00 Saturday even's, water in these wells did •not' rise sufD both morning, and evening by the Rev. 5 16 900 66353! II 82 820 647760 5 48 9 07 540- which should be saved until Nov., 1st,-and presented at . Official Town Attorney. Bollln...... 6 34 7 48 100 5 Hi 8 64524 Sept. 27th. All members present. ciently near tbe surface to be pumpei Andrew Dillia'n. tr. 522 905 635 1188 982 ...... ~Atco...... 828737 1265 980 912 709 543 11 47 940 6 20 8 48 ft 18 In Hammonton every Friday 531 ..». ...\Vaterford 6 18 7 24 1247 520841 61-2' Law and Order Committee reported by. suction, which will make necessary the store with name. . •916 716 •547 •1161 944 ...... Aurora.. „ 6 12720 1242 614 Practice in all Conrti of the State. 638 921 721 552 11 60 949 ..Wtnilow Jc. (I've).. •609 a compressor, costing about $3000. Be 645 822650 608716 1237 6 id 8 J250 . 4„ in favor of co-operation with the Dog Presents will be awarded the following week. 780 6 59 3 10 12 06 0 68 5 40 ....Hammonton-. 600710 928 1280 5 03 8 3 464 62 Bides, there were coutiugeat expenses These signs ore selling like 566 •639 8 03 1016 _.ElwoM „ . 700 Protective Association,; which waa ap- Publishers, Money for first mortgage loaoo 603 948 603 1014 4 53 8 16141 618352 -Bug Harbor...... ,. 663 Fl4 « 45 8 06 1 S3 proved. Also, that fiori, accused of —preparing bauds, advertising, broker Many of the articles on the list will make very nice Birthday •B 23 10 15 18 6 S3 1034, ,.635 6SS 1021 6604 10 40>6 20 27 61 414 fees, Commissioner's salaries, etc., etc., £2>S Bellevue Ave., Hammonton. gPEOIAL MASTER'S SALE. Atlantic City ..625 4 15 402 soiling beer without a license, bad been or Christmas Prepents. Why not try to secure one free - HOT CAKES • 8tops only on notice to conductor or agent, or ou signal. acquitted by the court. which our inexperience did uot foresee, By virtue of ft decree to me directed, of cost ? They are worth trying for. JBHUTOHINSON.Gen'l Manager. JB WOOD. Gon'lPass'r AgU Clerk -reported funds oo hand,— The extent of water mains is larger H.8CDLL oat of the Court of Chancery of New Nitro-Powder in the cause wherein Marlon J. Bacon t» com* Highways «...... ,-,™_{572.12 than was at Bret contemplated, and a C. A. Campbell & Co., TRESPASSING plainant and Thornton W. Fay and othiri Town Purposes _.... 742.23 are defendant*, I will expose to ealo at poblilL strong move is made to have said mains JfeaLEstate-feJnsurance.- - I'oor „ 40..91 -extended-fro or- their—preEetrtneTUHtiUs ESaoMT to loan on mortgage. Parties having Monday, October 13th, 1002 Street Lights — U8IJ1 at Bellevue Avenue and Liberty Street, Hammonton, N. J. Bosaa to rent, or properties for sale or ex- CUNNING Tuesday, Sept. 9,1002. at tho hoar of one o'clock in the afternoon of DOWH TBAINB. ' Subject to change. to Main Rbad. Everything costs, anc aautge. will do well to call, or write us. taid day, ot Hotel Royal, In tho Town of UP TBAINB. Wm. Bernsbouse, £ resident of tbe .Office. 1803 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City. OK THESE PBEMISES Bund Sued bund Ac Shells it is estimated that nearly $10,000 Hammonlon, in the County of Atlantic and ~K~TT7nuLn Water -Commissioners, reported com- P. m. >. Bl. >. m. p.m. p.m. p.m p. in •.m. STATIONS. «,tn. •vtu. Slain of New Jersey, • all the following de • M. >. Bl p. m. p.m • m p.B pletion of four wells, respectively 180, additional will be required. We wil UNDER PENALTY of LAW! ecribed parctl of .laud, aituate In tbe Tovrn of Too 8 00 000 0 80 r«i 6 40 UOO B25 M 10 i~80 iFao Tffi HtO iflffi 6 12 566 •»••• 6M 291, 804, and 315 feet deep. Further, then have a water plant complete in Schwarz's Greenhouse Hammonton, County of Atlantic, and State of II 10 6 12 642 562 8 12 010 8' 00 8 14 H IB 8 10 888 1014 «4l 6 10 021 060 801 (121 8 0(1 ..... A n' every detail, and flrst-class , in every 12th St. and Chew Road. New Jrroey, — ^;SltIP a os (1 03 *"'" fl 07 O it. that tbe amount appropriated tor water fi 27 0 »l fl 68 « 10 828 lladdou Height!....." 5 64 6 65 868 0 Z Boginnlog at tho north corner of Bellevao 640 417 12 024 S 44 respect. BSaigna made up at shortest notice. They are printed on and Knilroud Avenue, running (1) nnrtb-eaat ! Laurel Spring!. 688 7 18 ::;~. 6 40 ~".. 84.1 0 Of supply. ^830,000, would not be sufficient S44 fl 41) 7 10 828 040 684 7 48 6 .16 8 30 6 (X But here comos^ tbe problem which t *""' We believe we have E&kara] designs a specialty. Baskets good white mnslfn al< ng the north >id6 of Bellovne Avenue ilxly- 656 700 728 080 700 ....Wllilinitown Juno.... 626 6 28 Blfl 5 K", to complete tbe plant, and asked wbai 802 7 05 845 and designs for balls, parties, one and three>t*elltbi feet to a point ; thence 781 7 00 M .Cedar Brook*. 61(1 fin 6 21 821 5 ft should be'done about It. As Cbuucil confronted the' Council,— bow to pro- weddings, etc. 10 x 15 inches (2) north-west, parallel with Railroad Avenue 608 7 00 785 «Ht> 700 Blue Anchor 5 Ifc!.....'. 7 00 6 18 8 It B 4' the best stock of 81.1 7 14 7 62 864 e is ...... 7 14 ...Wlnilow June. (Pro)... i 7 Oft 6 10 """ 0 12 5 % was not prepared to make reply, it was vide tbo money. It must be done, or For the Season of 1902 ono hundred anil thirty feet; thence (3) louth 0 10 721 660 622 7 21 gjifi 760 .«••-•: Hnmmonton 6.05 7JQ « 6N iS .4.88 B'OJ 804 fi£J no further contracts will be given, tho welt, purallel with Uollevue Avenuo. >i»tj-ono 625 704 72fl «..-' .'.....D* Coati ...... i «68 4 B,S 768 6 Ifl voted lo'dJcei with theComiuisaioners and 'hroe twolftljn feet to a point ; thenoe (4) 632 7 3D 710 7 8« ....ElwoodJi 0 46 tbe 'best loads of ti"" 4 111 761 ft OK plant cannot be completed, and all that •outhcaHiorly alunj; tho_ northerly edge of 880 868 7 41 7 16 M.... 7 41 Egg Hkibor 08(1 ll"34 4 10 701 744 601 on Tuesday evening, Sept. BOih, to You are Invited 7 4D 7 23 „..,. 5 cents each. 6 for 25 cents. Railroad Avenue, one huTiHrod and thirty foot 647 7 40 lirlrintlr. Janc »•••.. *•••.. 0 80 4 10 7M 4 62 12-gauge Nitro-Pow- consider tbo matter. has been spent will bo wasted,— tbo To come and see me in my new to the place of beBlniilDg. 6 M 0 11 H 02 7 8fi A ID lu"22 8 61) 7 25 A JI walls, atand-pipe, and, four miles ol I will deliver ICE all this Summer, 704 0 20 8 10 7 45 8 Ml < 10 _.AII«ntlr Htj J fib fl 10 III 15 il Ml 7» 7 IM4 «'. Bills ordered paid.: quartern, on Bellevne Avenue. JOSEPH THOMPSON, der Loaded Shells piping bo entirely unclose. Special ilaitor, Kxprcai Irarca Philadelphia at IO.4Ai.in., atO|iplnx al llamnionlon at 1127. Jllgliwayn...: anywhere in Hammonton, in quantities to suit. Everything is neat and taaty. HOYT & SON, C. S. Kino, Solicitor. IlamuoDton Aocoromodatlon learn 1'lillada. at 8.00 p.m., reaching Hammonton at 11.10, (3 O Comb „.._ tea 00 After a lengthy conference. Council Printers. adv. fee, $3.00 Up •ccommodatlon IMTM llammonton at&.M«,n>., rrachlnit I'hllada. «t n.6T>. in town. \V H UonislioUBO ](j 82 instructed Chairman Boyer to ask tbo aorved as you like them,— a Al»o ono luting Atlantlo at 6.10a.m., Ilamraonlon II.M, and 1'bllaOa, 8.30. J It Mtllor „ i is UPPLEMENT to an Ordiniinco onti- Solicitor eoveral question, to about tbo Retail Price, 35 cents per 100 pounds lunch or a eqnaro me'al. Mew York "iprru, up, will atop at Ilammontun OK ruto.at 0 a.m. H JJ'Aijoitlno !I7 80 S tied "Au ordinance to allow a re- Wdkdaj night accom. down IraTci 1'lillnJa, at 8, reaching Hammunton at (1,111. J OuurlKlla 1 20 following effect: Is there any way in HiUEUGrESS. bate of Taxes to all persons owning and Kdw JoliiiBou 1 1)5 which Council can ralso tho money still ln W. A. OAUrtKTT. Gon.BriH. ED80N J. \VEKKP,Orn.Faiwnger Ajenl To Church receptions and sociables every stylo. Ainllaeaortmontof hand and machln ufcing wnfions with (Ires of four luohca 1'roil Duiiutollu 11 55« needed ? II a second IKOUO ot bonds is made,—for work or driving. or wider In width." When in need of these W U 1'oot, iiruvol ,' 4000 Introduced June 28lb, 1002. V Caruso 1 88 necessary., en n a apiclnl town mooting I will supply ice free of charge. -, Posted AnguitSOIh, 1002. goods, call to 1) Uvrcimto...... '...... a (X) authorize them V or will wo bo required We keep on hand a full lino of Trunks, Valises. Whips, lie II ordained bj the Council of the Town 1' Huiicru „ 6 25 to hold a spool u) clucUon ? Leave orders ot my office, with J. L. O'Donnell, or send Aiding Saddles, Nets, etc. of Hnmmonton. that Section 1 of an ordinance New York Tribune Farmer examine our stock. . 11 Clllburto 2 afl PASTEY and OANDY entitled "An Ordinance to allow a rebate of 1' Miicrl..... „ 21 oo Ono bill wuu onlorod 'paid,— E. G. taxei lo all neriona owning »nil ualng wagon* U Notn..... u on Dumalioueo, 84, for moving two of the me a postal card and I will call. v^/~\ with Urea four Inchon or wider In width," And the Republican. : : $1.5$ UJotl H 65 Town's poor to bottor quart ore for the panned October fltb, 1000, be iind tho »uio la C Oriilllo 10 05 H, G. Bobst's Restaurant Hammonton. N. J. hereby amended to road ai follimt : Bond aubsorlpllorm to thin John Jiicok«, uruv«l !...„ „.,, 171 80 winter. Section 1. That all per«»ni ro,.«|ill"p; In the Adjourned to Thuradny evening. Town of Hammonton owning mul uilngnn- J W Hollur^ ru|>ulr« ifl 70 CJJ- Special table for ladles. fny for the S. J. R. to-day. goha with tlrea four inehoaor hruador In wlilth K W HtrloUluncI, |>uiui> bux u 611 ^t ~ij 11 ~B~ ~ff" ahall bo allowed a rebate of one dollar per Katnbllnliod In 18-11, for over nlxty yonm It «ua At Tburaday night's meotlno;, tho JbL.JUJL wheel per inuum for enoli wh ,r.l uio'l ou laid tha Now York Weekly Tribune, known and road GEORGE EL¥raS. Town 1'urixiHOH Lyford Beverage wugont, Iroin the taxea levied and naiemctl Clmiriimn reported from thu Solicitor • gulnot the ownora and uaera thereof} For In ovory Htato In tlia Union. llonklnn&Cu., lllliiK outilnnt. IZ1 HO : Public Oil Stoves 1'rovldod, Ihlt no greater mbutoi o» herein On Kov. 7th, 1001, It wan olinnuod to tlio K II Clmmllor, utuirnoy 40 HI) Hint a tipuclal election would bo nccun- rovldcd ihall be allowetl oilier tlun upon u II U llotmt, mculH lor jirluoiiur M aiuy ; Counpll could cull it, hut that Have your Horses Shod for Now Jersey, En0ia of ono wagon of tiro wheula to euuh Every K W Htilcl(lniil \V H lIuniHhutiiiu, Ilino 15 that ho found no lu^ul roaenn why tlio Hammonton . N. J. the wnfton or waging upon which the rebates Olio lloriiHluiimc, Ovtirnoor 1'oor I'J 60 Town Bliotild not huvo lift own ulcctrlo are claimed. Member weekly, for tlio farmer and his fumlly. " J W Myiirn, Mumliul 2u (111 F. A, LEEHAFS Heotlon 1. That this ordlntnoe ahall tako ;litlii(- plant. For Time is Money. efToot Immediately upon I In paaaaro, and all .Price, One Dollar (Ulli III) Il WIIH tlinii voted In cull a npuckl EEESH FISH ordlnanoea or p>ir(a of ordlnnnooi m Odndlot I'oor WILLIAM BAKER. with thin orilliiiinoe are hereby rnneuleil. of 11 year; but you can buy It for loan. How 1 Mr« MoUliillaiul, tiourcilnu $j| (x) town inoulliiK on Tliurniiuy, Oct. lOtU, MICHAEL K. IIOYKll, ut ihruu o'clock p.m. You will not liava to wait ,tlir«o or four Every Friday I Ily nnhflorlblng tliroiiRh your homo ntiwnpapor, «i'iutrul K u ml liouru, liavliiK put on miotliur good Allot i Uhalruian of Oounoll. W 1* Kiiynnr, Ullllnu niivun iloun M 0(1 No. 25 Third Street, J. I.. O'DoKiiMi.i., Town Clerk. tlio Hici'iniMUAN, Ilunmionton, N. J. . OrdntH wuro voted to pay contrnctora umltli, iiuiklnif tliruo of no. Confectionery Hiimmury 75 per oiml of thu auioiiiitH duo for tlie the Iloth lm|inrn ono yonr for only f 1.50. Wo oun ((ot you out noon, talcon Hammonton. ]N OUANCKUY OP NEW J1CHHEY. Illiiliwiiyii to K\ work (M)iii|il(Uo(l, an followu : Hond your ordor and money to tho Hicriiiii.u AM. Toxvii riiri>on., wiill" SKit.tn for lU'lil or . iiiiyy IniHli.cim W»K Htrunt llylit li||l fur Hopt., JIOIHO WIIKOTIB. They imnnot b« limit. Baker's Market. AMI) and Power Gninpmiy, rl al. lire on;n|>lulnaiita, IHoo tlinm now, In tlio wlilto, nil rundy JOHM MUEDOCK and you are dufoiiduiita, you *ro roqulrod lo lKliwiiy UoiuiiiUtuo. Vino, pitld. Adjdiiriiud. apiirar, ploiul, ainiwor, or iteniur to tho tioin- Ordlnitiico rcqulrliij; rullroiul compa- Ilollavtio Avo, Ilnromonton. , H. Funeral Directors pinlnuiila' bill, on or before the ITourlh iluy iif Alwayo the boat nion to mulmaln miloty KIUOH ut ciirtuin Otiloher, next, or In d« null annh dnor^o nlll bo Jtajr MoBhrfl. Ijuwln A,('o., oxtiinnlvo P. A. LEHMAN, laknn (gulnit yini m Ibo (Jhmiooilur «li«ll Introduuud, nnd piiaood llrnl nlioo uiuiiuluotiiKirii at liurlliiKtoii, aid All l)iininen(i in their lino tb|nK r||o loooiid Ht., niinr Orohurd, Hummonton. Kotary Public, Ono Hundred Dullari eaoh of .Ilia lltiiiinon.oa tlxi plum, mid wuru wiill 'pUmnod, Tho Hloolrln Uglit, He»t and I'uiror UHII||IIIMJ> | ltiO' pnnnud Mi«l roudlii^, old hoidory fuutory nmmin to milt thulr I wlali to ittiiioiiiioo that I huvo Embalming a Specialty tbo pruooodi of •wlilob, It l«alle||iid In mid hill, J. B, SMALL, (BoinmioBionor of Docdo, Votiul, IhiU un ordlnunuu ho procured piirpomt, Moro tlio uuirrlor, Hi»y wo. Contn will pay for n throo Opened :i have not lioon urniierly acoonnlpd fur to mid South .Jersey* Republican Cor. Second and Hcllovuo, Vir thu iic('(i|^niHH) «f Lino Hlrmil, Irom Oflice nnd I ()oiii|iany. KM II. (IllANDI.KIl, 1 trial nuliiforliitloii Office, 101 Railroad Ave. Hi'llollor for CoinplittiiKntN. Ooiiuty Koud* 10 Funt Uoud j J'nat Ht,, Shooting- Gallery 208 Punch Street. llooiiu 30 mid 27 Hen! 'HnUla and l,uw (two pnporu oaob vvcok), for $1 60 a yonr to tlio /fr]>utfi'OJ>I». "t was "beginning to get a bit angry, ' Clover Deception, :, , .._ --' ...-u* —«. uxjju.ueiw-ij or almost b»- ftEFCGE FOR .SLAVES. Houscfl like Mitchell's, with tunnels ~ A SERMON FOR SUNDAY foro iiavmg arawn tnejr first breath; nine- cdy woum cure hini, and that Untn ho can SCDOOI Eesson RELIGIOUS THOUGHTS. nnd replied rather sharply that I foiled leading to places of safety,'wife com- ;' ty-three cases of tuberculosis, which bring comprehend it he will not accept it. Coulc to recognize any-kinship between us, the total of those who died from heredit- anything bo moro insane than auch a po- mon throughout the border States In ij PLEASURE IN BELIGION: ' 7 • AN ELOQUENT DISCOURSE ENTITLED ary alcoholism up to one-third. : sition? Or suppose ho should say, "] October 6. 1902. A religion whose tendency la to molca . and resented his- Impudence; but na ONE OF THE STATIONS ON THE slavery days. When tho band of sher- Thero ia no fifth' generation, for tho last would take it, but I know,n>ne who trice tho possessor disagreeable. Is not the on» be had asked me, I would Inform him "UNDERGROUND RAILROAD." iffs would .come In pursuit «f the ea- -"INSANE FROM SIN." ano is. a microccphalous idiot. Thus it and- failed. I ask you^-is, not this a i """"""" commended of tho Church. Pleasure l» that I was from . Moses was right, as proven by science, species of insanity? JOSHUA ENCOURAGED. an ordinance of God. it is a Illy planted In tho desert, and we thank Him for It. . "I thought BO," he said. "Now sit "~ " ' • b i when he said, "God visits the iniquities: Second, what would you say concerning Josh. 1:1-11. (Read Josh. 1 and 2). aid them, the people about the house^!, The IJor. Dr. J.WlIbar Chapman FreienM of tho parents unto tho third and'fourth the position of such a sick man? I knoy We may grow away from its form and down and eat That girl Is a -waitress Located id the UI1U of West Virginia) ! Memory Verses; 8, 9. color, but tho memory of it remains, llko, would resort to a clever expedient tot. In o Vivid Way the Effect of TVronjt- generation of them that hate Him." i*»~i what you would say. You would look al the notes of an old song, in the' aliened and, is standing there to serve you." Where Fugitive Black* from the DoInK Upon ttieMInd—Solf-IndulKenoo ia no fifth. him and say, "Poor man; ho is insane; Golden Text: Be strong and of good save whatever negroes were there.' courago.-vTosh. 1:8. of other and sadder years.—Presbyterian I sat down, but I -was so much as- South Were Qlven Shelter and An- When the news of an approaching Bnlni Men, Selt-Donlal Makes Them. Sin ia an awful thing. If I could uncover! feelings have nothing to do with tho mat- Journal. f HE clock in tho hall had chimed "Yes? She leanea rorwtuxl, forgetful it BO that some of you could see it you ter; you cannot grow better without a tonished and' embarrassed that I die! •Utance-BIichell'* I Junction, not an adverb of time.—It Christ is as docs no other force In all course—dreamed that whisper. But "Well, my dear," he answered, "I'll )f slave, days. • The bouse was kept Are Used. came to pass, etc.: The P.evised Ver- the universe.—Reformed Church Messen- for me It was the one way out. It In the '40s by John Mitchell, ^an aboli- the fact that He ID the same yesterday, to- savings are insured ample profits. Trade from the only cure for sin and rejected tho ger. Bhe waa no coward, though her brav- cash the check for yon." day Snd forever. is becoming largely speculative. Old-fash- only hope of heaven. sions follow the order of the Hebrew.- responded to the two strongest chords "But that doesn't make op for all tionist, who made a practice of shelter- There are. tront- nnd salmon-fishers.. The servant of Jehovah: A term o: ery waa of the kind that comes when who pay several thousand dollars a In speaking of "the sinfulnesa of sin" I ioned business methods and ideals are in. A PARENT'S DUTY. In my nature, lawlessness and love of the time I lost. I couldn't do all my Ing negroes till they could be passed desire to present it at this time in its ef- passing away, and much is being sacrificed 'listlntrulshed honor as applied to Mo Every parent has no more solemn duty Site has lost Its savor, the bravery; year for their "flies" alone. Few per- There is a beginning to all of this. Have jes.—Jehovah spake unto" Joshua: This danger. Oh! 1 don't say It was the shopping while I was do-wn town be- ilong to the next station. The build- fect upon the mind. Insanity has been de- to more rapid modes of enrichment. Some than to see that his child's religious edu- thai fears nothing because it hopes ( sons can learn to tie artificial files,— scribed' as a chronic disease of the brain succeed, but the larger number , fall in you heard the old fanle of the ring, valu- mplies that Joshua had the prophetli cation la not neglected, and to avail him- best but It was the second best and cause I didn't have quite money Ing Is two stories In height, with an able because of its gold, to be sure, but gift.—Moses' Minister: Hla conflden self of the advantage of the best relig- nothing. I knotting; hairs that can hardly be seen inducing chronic disorder-of the mental their ventures. Fortunes are lost as well "I am oat afraid," she answered com- one mostly has to be content 'with that enough. .That teller ought to be dis- opening through the middle of the low- •condition, yet there is a sense in which the as won. Money changes hands, and thou- that was not all? Whenever its wearer tial friend and attendant (Exod. 24:13 ious school for It that, it Is possible for. —so the skilled fly-maker commands, stepped wrong the ring pressed his finger 33:11; Num. 11:28). For forty years the him to secure. ' posedly, and waited. | I soon became a power, and for twenty charged. The Idea of having such a er story. The cellar takes up all the fevered patient in his ;delirium and the sands suffer where hundreds gam. Wrecks These active duties provide In • their high wages, Th,e materials cost money, drunkard in his excitement or stupor is of characters lie all along the pathway of and he would step right again It was a associate of Moses, and the military own.JMy_a_si>eclea-of_prepffratlon,_a.nd-if For a few moments only the faint years now I have planned and helped stupid man handling all that money 1" space under one end, the reat standing 3Becn!ation;r—In~all rankspinafgrndes of fable -earnestly—and—properly—performed—will; ^pol-^o-carry-out-all-the-mogt-daring-jaE —But,—my-dear^ MlUerplir -on-Bolid-grouint—The~TnyBteTy "to^ay first, congenital, or that which is inherited society are found the victims of wildT inany a riian fii record (Josh"! 24:29) makes, him' no in a measure, Insure thatt. the "awful la how the house could ever hove con- earth Is ransacked for feathers and •where'brain development is arrested. Sec- reckless gambling. Greed of wealth is be- my whose consciousness of sin nuch less than ninety years old when .days" shall not find us all unready to Tflbed surface broke the stillness, for berles that have startled the social apologetic sympathy for the teller, "It v five years ago kept him from evil. Mac- ic succeeded Moses. It fo^owa that hi receive them, or unfitted to respond to sealed anybody. This was explained by hairs, and one hair wrong makes "ail -«nd, acquired, or that in which the brain coming too much an American vice. Ita the man was struggling- hard for self- worlds of Europe. For the wealth It s one of the rules of the bank not.to allurements ore proving too strong for our beth, one of Shakespeare's characters, was, like Mose, a man of extra-ordinary their solemn coll.—Jewish Exponent.^ brings I care nothing—for the danger Beutley, one of' the present residents, the difference." is'born healthy, but has suffered from having committed murder says: "Will all vigor, though he may have done mos control. jay money to strangers. You have morbid processes affecting -it primarily, bright, energetic and ambitious young THE WAT BOMB PEOPLE "Ion are a brave, worn an," he said at and excitement, everything. When I be Identified first!" who said the other day to a visitor The business done in mouse whiskers- diseased states of the general system im- men, and there is a call for a steadier, great Neptune's ocean make these hands f hla work through younger subordi- Is considerable this year, for they are clean?" And, lifting them up, cries: nates,—Phlneas, for example (Nuni- GO TO CHURCH. last with genuine admiration. am Oarshalton, I am bored to death. 'Identified 1. identified! Couldn't the who was examining the premises: plicating it secondarily. In our treatment tvisei and safer spirit in business affairs." .naed_-lo_the nnUringlof-.a—wonderful —of—this—theme—I-hftve-to-do—with—bot' -Seoondj-ihere-are-niany-people-insane-to. "These hands will make the very sea red." zenahd, look many trips across a cer- —----«•!--am--not--KolngHo-take-'your--JeW-"-That--gives-me--thfr-Bti no ulus-for--devls-- I speak to some young men in this new fly, the "new gray gnat," and they these, for in the first we see how; the Rins j ''"V because of'self-indulgence, the lack of Veifes 2-6.—Jehovah lays out Josh- tain ferry just to watch the way In els," he went on; "when I have gone Ing new schemes. And the end? Well, on the back of the check. How stupid •of the fathers are visited upon the children i self-restraint. Self-indulgence ruins men, church whose conscience is still 'working. ua's work for him.—Moses Is dead: which the machinery used the current are expensive—nearly two cents a You can put your hands over vour eyes to turn the boat from one side of the iyou -will find that they are all here." I have a plan for that, too." you men are! And that wasn't all—" unto the third nnd fourth generations,' jclf-dehial makes them; self-indulgence ?o Joshua this is not information, but sells a man's birthright for a mess of pot- and there is before you the face of a ormal announcement.—Nont.- w therefore: channel to the other. The other passen- "Are they—not worth the taking?" "And the woman?" asked his listener, "But, Annie," broke In Mr. Miller, whisker. Trout rise very much better •while in the second we behold an exhibi- sweet mother, who said to you: "My boy, gers were going on business, but he waa at mouse-whisker files than at the tion of that insanity of sin which is due tage, and he tries to get it again only to .Iterally, "and now, marking the time going Just on pleasure. That Is the way ehe questioned, with a touch of the quietly. 'how, could the teller be sure It was find that • it is impossible; . self-denial it is. a very wicked world. 1 am afraid same'"gnat" dressed In Jungle-cock to individual excesses or the breaking of for you without 'a mother's presence." n the discourse, not in the events dis- some people go to church. They go from Jrnmor that never deserted her. There waa a just perceptible pause. your name Just because you wrote It?" God's laws. The Bible is full of.illustra- makes one to be possessed of increasing You have a memory of that mother. Your oursed of. "Havirig thus announced Idle, curiosity, and listen only to spend .Then. he. said slowly, hesitatingly: hackles, which look very much like tions. strength; self-indnlgence- led Belshazznr o thee the death of Moses, I BOW give an Idle hour, They use the church ser- "They're worth just about £10,000," •"Well, maybe he couldn't But I'd them. . - It- is. not necessary that I ahould go to. on until we find him in the centre of the coneciscienci e is soyingj "You had better give H"ee orders."—Which I do glvie: More vice as a mere pleasure boot, and nail bo answered quietly. "That's not much "I don't know. Yet to stay meant ust stopped In at the photographer's feast where- the fingers of a man's hand up... thath. e t„- _sin." God keep you from it. • correctly, "am giving," or "am about ai> 'and down, making no progress after Bean? eyebrows,- being stiff and ex- an institution to find men who nre insane. itlTherK e araree 1 1ial sins which I should pears of hearing.—Christian Endeavor to me You eee," and his voice took: Inevitably to break her heart. And she and got those pictures of me that you, I turn to the pages of this old book and write upon the wall, "Weighted in tho | rjr f "P?? . to give." As a matter of contract, the actly the right shade, are used in a llke to flu is evening in closing. I World. on a certain note of pride, "I am the was young. I hope, I have always said looked exactly like me! and that read the story of Nebuchadnezzar, the balances and found wanting," and tha - KSest thn land has already been given (v. 3), but newly. Invented fly that Is killing quan- king. Now you sec him on his hands and •same thing is true to-day, it is the lack ol need not speak of the sin of drunkenness. it Is now to be given in actual posses- man they call Dandy Dick." hoped, that she learned to forget. You showed the man all six of them. I Tepees eating grass, and his nails nre like self-restraint that has made many a mmi You have heard of it this evening. John sion.—To you have I given JU The are a woman—do you think she has tities o* salmon this year. These eye- B. Gough used to say, "God forgive me, FARM NOTES, "Oh!" And a little ripple of laughter explained that If I'd bad only one I "birds' claws and his hair like eagles' feath- to lose his soul. Dr. Talmage tells of tho I do not speak it boastingly. Five years Revised Versions follow the Wder of came to him out of the darkness. forgotten?" brows come • from the Himalayan, ers. Yet as we read we find he lifted his man whom he saw on the shores of a lakej the Hebrew, and thereby Improve the Rough, rocky or bushy land may tXS might have stolen It; but the six all in Scotland creeping out from under t)«| of my life were a dark blot. I know what "Then I have the honor of conversing "I pray she may have," said Janet brown bear, and cost about one dollar eyes to heaven and God set him free. the burning appetite for stimulants is. I English. Study the geography of the plowed in the fall to good advantage, bo- together proved that I must be the and a half a set. There is not less for a man in this City of hull of an old wrecked 'vessel nnd lifting description, that follows, and the paral- cause the farmer is not EOjbuBy-as In Uto ••with the most notorious burglar la Klmbolton softly. "Yet—women do not ne that signed by name on the check. New York—ho matter what his bondage— up his bands tremblingly said, "Please; have felt its woes and I have seen it in lel passages (Gen. 15:18; Exod. 23:31; sprlnjfjthus giving him Jriofc time to re- There are agents all over the world' nr, will you give me a penny? For many men who have died the drunkard's moudTfie3 rocks and roots that flit tho Christendom—the man who spirits forget—easily. I could tell yon a tale The stupid way the man. looked at if he will but lift his eyes up he may be death but as -God is my witness, 1 sav, Num 34:3-12; 1 Kings 4:21). Not merely away the Jewels of duchesses—the of a woman who tried hard to forget— searching tropical forests for the right free. fhat?" said the minister. The answer the region from Dan to Beer-sheba, But lartd. 'Vyhen the farmer believes his land me •was simply ridiculous!" Then we turn to I. Samuel, second chan- was, "For strong drink." Dr. Talmngc take away from me the friends of my old as far north as Hamath, and from the to be full of worms and grubs by plow- bonda of stockbrokers—the money bags for twenty years. But she didn't suc- birds to supply fly hackles. One of age, let the hut of poverty be my dwelling ing very late Jn the fall he will do some- the most sought-after skins Is that of* ter, and we see the man who wrote the «»ld tn ' I am n minister and I cannot Mediterranean to the Euphrates.—Your of banks, and the treasures of princes? ceed." HISTORIC HITCHING POST. Twenty-third Psalm, David- nlaying the place, let me walk in the storm and live in border; Not "coast," as in the Old thing toward killing them. , the rare "green screamer," an African pive "you "the "money "for that, TTut t "will the whirlwind, when I do good let evil l "You have heard of Oarshalton, the ,"Tell me," he whispered. fool before the man of whom he was helpi yoi{. What is your name?" and he come upon me,jind the shouts of my ene- Version.—Not able to stand before Rye should be used to CQVemiafcecI— l Q ilr4-obout-th«-sl&e-of-a-hen,—wblob-has 'American; the Klng oOfniloni '^ , ""? -^ afraid,_CMmchinR_ur)on-the- sides -of the said -the^man buried- his-face-in hia handa,- 'mieaTW~t!ie"soiiml~6l many watcrsr'u'o all thee:—As the-task-is-deterringly-Kreat,- rdniTby.sowing the seed In the fall. It - . -door posts and becoming disRUsting. shook with emotion, and then finally said, encouragements are given.—WH;h Moses tSey~<5n Wm? Wei], I am he." and 'poverty. So he left her. And a Steeda of General*. a tiny bunch of feathers on each shoul- this, O merciful God, but spare me from is a valuable crop in many ways, with- One of the oldest signs In Wasblng- der that Is worth fifteen dollars a In the tenth chapter of Exodus we read "'My name is" — and he sobbed it out. the death of a drunkard." I beseech you, — with thee: The same dii'lne aid, out regard to the value of the grain. It A sudden horror seized her. Was she week later she came into a fortune. the story of the man who was the king— Wny," said Dr. Tnlma^e, "I knew a man if conscience appeals to you now that you though the missions of the (.wo men will prove beneficial in some manner, evon on Is the cast Iron figure of a - bunch to the flymnker. One of these whose face I* hnd the privilege of peeing as by that name in Edinburgh, n prominent nre so different.—Of a good courage: if never harvested. Seeded In September shut up alone with a madman, and not But It waa too late. He had gone, why yield at once to its teachings. Charles the or Octobr, it provides late pasturage, af- man, about three and a half feet tn birds supplies only featlicrs enough to- ^ a mummy in Egypt—the man who said, merchant; did you know him?" "God Ninth after the massacre of'St. Bartholo- Here and in. verse 9 the American Re- a mere burglar, as she bad been sup- or where she never knew." "I will let the people go now if you will pity me, sir," said he, "1 am that man; vision modernizes by omittinf; the "a." ter grass is gone, and It also produces posing? I' "And the end?" queried the burglar height that stands In front of a llv- make rings for half a dozen flies. take awny the swarm of flics—if you will mew said to the doctor, "I am fevered in —Thou shalt cause ths people to inher- the earliest pasturage-in the sprinff. Tha These Is no limit to the enthusiasm of sin slew me, and I am here; my wife is body and mind: oh, if I had only spared cattle will not injure,It as a. green man-., "Oh, I anj not mad," he told her, re- Jiusklly. , ry stable on Sixth street northwest, take away the frogH." And the fi dead, my children are in the poor house it: Agan the Revisers improve tho jetween Pennsylvania and toulstaia on artistic fly-tier, who will use hair •were taken away, and the flics, nnd ..„ the innocent, the preachers and the ch.il- urlal crop, and -It-can be plowed under ls quick Intuition divining "There is no end. She Is just going he and I nm on my way to hell." What a dren." Rousseau declared in old nge that Knj;ll«h. by more literally tmnslatlng n tho spring for corn.' The covering of from his .own eyelashes to finish off did not let them go, for (Jod hardened his warning for every man who gives way in the Hebrew. her thoughts. "When I am supposed on loving him. That Is all." venues. It has been there since 18G2, OLD MAN MITCHELL. the sins committed in his youth gave him rye on the ground during the winter pro- an "extra special" fly. Babies' hair heart—an insane man, but not niore in- the least to sin. sleepless nights. Richard the Third hay- Verses 7-8.—In doing his wo::k, Joshua vents the loss of soluble matter Irora to be In the Rockies, hi Bnsalo, hi , The man turned and moved unstead- and Is one of the familiar landmarks sane than the man who 1ms promised ever the soil, and as It grows when no other solid, don't It, and It looks Just as If la much sought after, If It Is of tho There nre many men in the insane insti ing slain his, two nephews in the tower Is to be guided by written revelation I'm hero, or In Paris, or Vienna, any- ! ily to th« door. ' f the city. since he was a child that lie would be n tutionn to-ilny because of eclf-indulgencc would sometimes in the night spring from from God.—The law: In Hlsbrew, the crop Is desired on tho land thers IB no During the civil war Generals Grant. t we're pan of the loug, bottom sill log? right shade—golden yellow—for all tho-. •Christian nnd give up sin, and is still its nnd lack of self-restraint. Who was it his couch nnd touch his swonf as if to torah. A tornh IB a revelation given oss of time with rye. rwihere there happena to be anything I "Good-by," he said, "your Jewels are low look!" slave. by God through a prophet. The tornh McClellan Hooker and others who lighter salmon flies, and one curl will Turn to the Now Testament, and here that said, "Better is IIP that rulcth his light the demons coming up against him. The complete shading of the soil rap- "•wwth tjWng^.. — =-'••>••.* •»- - ., I there.," make a dozen (Ir«t-clnn8 flies. spirit than he that tnkctn a city?" Why, All thia was.conscience. In the name of Is the revelation given by God through f "Ifa dangerous," she hazarded, at a j :^As he stepped outside the street door patronized thla stable n great deal Knterinff the Cave* we find the picture of the nrodigal. When if n man could only take n city what n God do not aliflc its voice and reject its a prophet. The torah Is the recognized idly enriches it, even without the appli- tied their steeds to this hitching post, It .takes an expert only fifteen min- ho came to himself—when lie was not him- aggregate of such revelations.—Which cation of manure. It may be that loss what to say In a situation BO hi- he turned and taking her liand rever- Bcntley stooped over and removed a self lie was flatbed with swine, BO long hero he would he! The word of God nays warning. shading causes a deposit of nitrogen tpn«r**n '*-w and since then other distinguished utes to turn out a fly,.which consists thnt every mnn mav be greater thnn he I should like to sny a special word to Moses my servant commanded thee: zaire. ently In his, kissed. It At the same ouple of wooden plus on either side as hf. had forgotten his father and his from the air; every farmer knows that personages have bud occasion, to use of n tiny hook, with wings of Egyp- that takelh a eitv if he will rule bin own the boys. I have the memory to-night of An' affirmation that Moses, In the ex- ( He laughed Joyously. moment a ray of monligbt fell across which appeared to have bt&n driven mother, whom tradition nays ho killed, jpirit. iSelf-indiilgcnce ruins, nclf-deninl a hoy who told me thnt he had left bin alted character of "servant," gave to wherever a stack of hay or straw has this post during every presidential In- tian dove feather, legs of fox hair, and ho wan satisfied, hut when he camp to stood for several months the ground ta "Dangerous? I live for danger. It'8 his face. Into the heavy door casing to hold it makes men. Self-indulgence sells a man's father's home and his fntlier's employ be- Joshua a well-known nggn.'gnte of di- auguration that has occurred since firmly In Its place. After ho hnd re- a body of mouse fur, \Vcund round with. himself ho WHN not. Ah, the young man. birthright for ICSH tlmn n mcfls of pottage. cause he had begun to tnke money from vine torah.—Turn from It: This tornh not only enriched, but grows much the sap of life. If It weren't for that, "Dick!" a thread of yellow silk. A carelessly with the memory of a sweet mother back He not deceived. Oorl in not mocked, him, and the Imhit had HO grown upon Includes requirements concerning con- darker In color. Anyone may try an I should be a respectable citizen to- Lincoln's second term. moved the pegs Iteiitley touched one m Oluo, who lm« stepped into the evil of experiment ns follows: Select the poor- He dropped her hand and fled down made fly will have neither ICRH nor sin in New York nnd turned his face whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap. him thnt it wan iinpo»sihlcffor him to re- duct.—Prosper: So the Old Version. >st spot of ground an the farm, lay morrow." the broad, shallow stepfl. As a matter of fact, this much of end of the foot-thick Hill with his foot 1 cnme ncroa* one young man in the in- sist. "I began," anid he, "with a penny; The Revised Versions • render "hnve Sixth street northwest, between nnd the huge block settled down at onu "feelers." but the true expert adds the- away from Cliri«t, he is in»nne. It is tho nani asylum who cnme from ono of tho my last theft was 85 at a single time. Oh, rood SUCCOBH" for the sake of uniform- over a atrip of any.length, but about a She listened, amused, perplexed, "Too late!" he groaned. "Good-by, 1 hope of the minister and the prayer of at yard wide, n few inches of straw, and Pennsylvania and avenues. end, disclosing an opening over a foot legs nnd put/ on n pnlr of long ^'feel- (irnt fnmilieu in the country. There is not sir," nnid lie, "do you think Ood will for- ity with the next verse. The word de- Boxry. little Juan, good-byl" least one hundred , people in this church give me if I'confe.iH it to my father?" It notes tho trentiiiK of a mutter with tho over with n board, or. If preferred. Is an historic locality In more than In width and about twenty Inches In ers" oi'Jrtit hiilr, white ut tho tips. All that during thi« ncrien of meetings sonic n man better horn than lie. lie hnd every- ay only a board on the ground. If the "Of course, I have realized before "Come back! Come back!" she nob- these titty d-talls will bn exactly la of these young men may come to tlicm- thing that money could buy. Not only is a mifltnlio to step amdc the least in a skill nnd success that come from train- place is seeded to something after the this that you are what the world calls bed, stretching out her arms to him. one sense. It wa» on the corner of length. aelvcB, and then come to Christ was ho Inciting in sclf-re«traint himself, life of nin and I call upon the boys to turn tug. The margin hns "dual wisely."— "Now wait till I light a lantern," snld fcelr rjceeu. and so firmly tied to the but his people were Incking in self-re- squarely about. This liooH of the law: Toruh might covering is removed the difference In 0 gentleman. Why, then, do you do He turned a white and haggard face thin street and Louisiana avenue that 1. growth between the portion previously llentlny, lighting a piece of candlp In s^'^-that •iB* lly will tako half a dozen xtrnint. If tho hoy ilenireil to go to I remember the man of whom they told BuppoHnbly be oral, but there wns n this horrible thing?" to her. General Ilohert 13. Leo bade farewell I have beep going through the institu- school he wan nt lilwrty to go; if he pre- mo bin mania was that he could licit for- recognized written aggregate of torah shaded and that not shaded will bo to his old commander, General Win- nn old-time tin perforated lantern. srvcng flsh told bo none tho worse. tions, where 1 hnvu had the privilege of get. This man could not forget, nor do 1 left liy MOOCH. It was In the custody of nry marked. His fnco fell, and his voice took on a "I can't." ferred no•-"•••-t to go lo Hiihoo• l he could Btav nt (humbler tone. field Scott, when the former withdrew "Tnke holt of them pegs, they're good looking upon the insane, people confined ho After n while there mine n defect think we can forget. There is Cain with llio prlcHto, with tho nrk (Dcut. 31 anil Hoots nro superior to cnelloge an wln- The words floated Iwick to hor In a nn' Htrong, for I put new ones In only Solentlllu AKrlual(iir«. thitrc, and I have found out the following: ill tin brnin: nfler n little while it was in- the mark of murder. He cannot forget. 17). it certainly was''not our Penta- "May I tell you why?" Btlfled cry as lie fled through tho from the Union nruiy to Join that of There is Pilate, with the memory of .(CHIM cr food for stock, but tlio cost of enst- 'bout n year ago; they'll hold ye, an' Secretary Wilson believes thnt not 1'irnt, many people nro iniuinu because minity, no thnt now he n in nn teuch In Itn prfHent form, for scattered InRo la much Icon than roots. A crop of "Yes," Blie said, "do. It I« all very square. the Confederate)!. During tho llrst of the «iiiM of Ihoir parents. UcHiiltn of UNyluni. I heard him xny, "Will you per- before him nnd liU |HUH|H red'with Hin through tin' I'ontiitom-li ur« rori'renees carrots will he found ono of tha boat Interesting, and It'fl a long while, ulnoo two yearn of tho wnr General Met foller mo." x, •noiiKli attention Iu [inId to Nclontltlo crime,on future generation)!. mit me to HO to father nnd mot her?" blood. He ennnot forget. Judas, with (lie to events that occurred bi'twcen thn foodn that can ho grown on tlm farm, And H!IO understood. Ho. luid K«"«' Thn visitor did no, descending nhout iK'i'lculture by tho collegeH of to-ilny. At the recent meeting of tho Congi-cnn "f'ertninly, eertninly," the keeper mild. clinking of thu thirty.pii'ccn of silver, lie death of MOHCH nml his grand-nephew, but tho work of growing the carrots la 1 have been really Interested." hack to Ida life. Rlie iniint go back to Clellan and others came hero rcgti- ten fe«t, when bin fet»t touched solid i ml ho linn taken up the iiKltntloti ot •of Criminal. Anthropology at (Jmiovn, "Ho will nover go. lie will never 1 ennnot forget. Ahrnlmm, looking down thu alleged elements Inter than PhlMOiin lh« -Brunt drawback. Knallngo, on lh» "An<| you're not afraid ?''• he question- hers.—New York News. lurly to'piirchtiHe and IiiHpect horses, It Hwitrerlaml, Dr.. I'fgraui'xwnnj ^ihynieinn-iniiyscnn-n-. ready to He rife* in thn morning, into tin) ilcjitliH, Hin 1, ".Son, remember." (icing matters of theory and of uncer- contrary, can be always rnllcd upon as ed , being at thnt time a sort of homo mar- ground, nnd hn found hlniHclf nt tho thin nmtUir no u hobby. Wherever ho e HHylnin of yille-Kvmnl, unvu I hen he fulln hack on Inn cot: lie begins to Wlien Hiehnril (,'oiir de Leon WIIH a •nln Inference. That whlrh In empha- noine.tlilnir nure. im tho, corn mny bo out narrow entrance to n cave or tunnel tint rcHiilu of hix invent ionium, which v.v nt any ntiiK" of growth Hlioulil nocooslty i "You have given me your word," she ket.—Baltimore American. innUeH n Hpitech he tellH bit lieariTH thnt (IrcJtH and then Htonn; hit will juot about prisoner the people could nnl tell where i.r/.cd In the places that mention thin llomnnit. LADIES FIRST, twenty fcot or moro In length. Thft |I|H deimrlinent utlll/en thn HervlceH ot tenited over n iieriod of yearn iiml nlimve lie ready to-night: to-morrow innrning ho lie WIIH. The cry went up, "Where in lin- Mosaic hook of tornh IH the Deuti'rono- unmverexl with quiet ncrcnlty, hoiv HInI , liki e cll«e;ineHe/me, in 'triummitloctriiimmitledl frofrom king?" An old miiHician miiil. "I will Iiml wnllH of the cnve were built of wolld every young mnn It run Hnd who hu» will hiivi) the deliiHiiin again, lie never nilc IcglHlntlon. What K|MC It contained IMg awity the onrtb around the peach "Thank you." Tho Mlo»l»»li)[)l Man WIIH Not lined to Innaiiity AIIIOIIK No, drunken fullier lo uppetitu enslaved H(m. iliiite gotn up lo bin dcmre. That in his Mini." And HO to every pennl hiHlitutinii In a matter for nuc.'illon.—Mmlltivtn trooH to the depth of one foot and look \Vhlte H,-rviin««. logH, nnd tho roof WIIB ironipoHed of tho had u thorough (ruining In HOIIK- liraneb Imw in nuch miil the nceilH of erimii and /STiiinia." There in nmiiy a Hoy, pnwtihly lie made MH wny nnd plnyeil (lie tune of thereon day and night: Cited in Psalm curcfiilly for borcrx. Then »wnh tho trunk In flio darkm-Ho nlie could iilmoHt H«M> Twenty-live. yeurH age inminlty was iimdni'HH develop and ripen in tho liiHt KI-II- liielmrd (,'our de I.eon. 'After n while Iti1)reH(Mitjitlve Wllllnma, who I-OIIICH run) among the colored peoplu of thn Hiimu material. Half n do/.cn pieced of of Helenlttlo ngrleulliire. There IH B in inn- church, wlnine home ntinnxphero in I. Such IniiKiliiK" Implies that thu a foot liclnw nnd above ground with think tlio (lUHh that ilyod the IIIIUI'H face. logH, two ft-et long, Htirown about tho great demand for tliln kind of ncrvleo^ cration Inlo Nlcrilo idiocy and tliu extinc- like thnl, anil it in u moil ilangeriiiiH ono. there entno n fluttering nigii tlint, Itielmrd hook wan of coiinlilernl.'lo extent. These whitewash, returning the noil to the tre« fix>m tho Ynzoo DlHtrlirt of MlnnlHwlppI, South and milcldo iilmottt unknown. tion of tho rjiee. I do not know Hint (hit falliei-H were strict lie l/.'on hcnrd. I wlnh I could awaken HtatcmcniH coiirernlng thu Mosaic book nnd hnnkhiK up Mix InchcH, or a foot, Then sho wit down on tlio cunhloneplo In thu De- eiiHei nf inilil inminily; eighty-eight wiiro Hint sninelinien in (lie ininilH of' llm poor (rtood looking down at her, then Hud- throughout hln iMiyhooil, no oilier In- Inriiilng IncreiiHc of mental dlMeiiHcii ground cave. nnd I null you In dike Clirht. Vernes 10, 11.--Joshua begins the work mmying Ih.' horcrn will be .'iinkr. Whlto- partment of Agrlctiltnro who ore en. nmiitnlly niinuiiiid; l'«rly-|lv« ftt tlinoa ilan- people who nro insane there will come a mislKniiil him.- Then; Not an adverb \V(IM)I mny hn boiienolnlly nnci! on ull dcnly ho bent nnd touched her arm. A. lliKir help than the negro, milling the nrffiwH nnd other phyHl- "Hero's one of tho nlr holen, an' hero's Kiirnimly innane; many nf tho rliildron Tlilrd, (here nre very ninny people men. ntronl; of light, n little prophecy of hope. another," «nld IJontloy, Indicating two god on oclentlllo ngrlciiltirrnl worl\ tnllv iinlmlani'cd In-dnv ln'cniim» of nnmc of (line. The tlmn i-DiiiKVIIon between pnrtH of the tree. curloiiB magnetic thrill nc«m« Ifliirojm. on opposite nlfleu of tho cavo, ono near lovernmont Bervico fully equipped. Bo» <«rii in aiiiilliei-. Tliemi nix liiltnr who re- liiHlHiition, "Dnelnr, I inn burning up; if > on can be a (,'hriHlinn If you will. Uod tin- camp: Not "I'lirmiKli (he host," for a In ft; c llcM IIHC U on a mimll plot, "Who aro you?" iilio ilcmiuulcil. "In iiiiiit lilncliH mnong the/ IniiiateH of tho mained were all feeble minded mill hail help you to be n free mini. us In Hie Old Vornlnn.- -Prcpari' yon nnd cndcnvor to iniikc an much an |>OM~ It WIIH Iwfore Hut day« of dliilng-carn, tho roof nnd tho other about two foot rotary Wllnon cnlln nttentlon to thk I could only hnve n hrenlli of frenh nir I lieJiven'B nnmii, who aro yon'/" tliiin ever before mid tho nuni- J'pileptle III* and a prey In iivll iiutinctu. would feel perfectly well again." A man vlctimln: .lebovah him proinlheil, but nllilc by oimeentriitlDK Die nmmire ami Ho utoppcHl Hwlflly Iwick, unil con-' mid tho train Htopped twonty inlnnlni lier IH IncreiiHlng ut u greater ratio than above thn door. "The air cum thro' fact to oinphaulzo bis atateinont thn JliliLy iiuiii faniilien found eoiivnlHlonn; wim lined lo hit n lendei- of /toeicty wnn ne- preparallonii arc to be miido MM If (bore- work to n limited urea. Manure may «pile|iH.v In lU'ty.twu; hvnleria in (dxtoen; trolling hlmuelf by a nupixmio oflTort nn- for nirreiiliiiicnl/) at Uoiutrullu, IlllnolH. the imputation, , Tho provnlcnon of wooden plpeii mnda out o' oak bo'dn [hn collcgoa ahould glvo moro though/ Innlly burrowing in the ground Iilte nn unl- (• I.ovn rnvi»- from tint IOWIIH mid eltleii nnd inoul of nn' t'other I'limn out In a thlckut of ry cnlllnK for comiielent (eiieheru, un4 mvn toward tint end of the table I Neooneoon d (lenerntionenerno , ami of the lovu which unit, Hod to live and xl when you tohl him I nlloivisl only There In ((iilte a difference In thn [linn are vlclliiin of eiK'iilno, nlorphlno brunli 'bout thirty ynrdu from thu nouiii ulxty or HitvuiKy ngrlcuUlirnl or. many cnncn." I know vury well Hint tln-r'o die on earth for un; lo go over the yearn of Them w«m a nhort Hllmicci, then lie iiaw n vjutint clinlr, anil WIIH ulxnit to • Niiuity-eluht olinei'ViitloiiH tlm fol- nro ninny who nre, Innanit beenimo of in- torty-llv« iitliiutc.n for illimor?" ndvniitnRfh of huildliiK nnd KraftlUK. or nleohol. iierlinciit ntntlomi, \vbcro them In nl> lowing; Kifly.fiMir familleH had one or liviiiK iiml "en how itiKiilni'MH nnd mercy The proper time for budding I" any neat mytielf, When I liolb'cil a eoinely heriloil litiideuey nnd noino hcciiumi of over have followed all the diiyiti lo pick out. Hecrotnry -"Yea, hn wi|il lui couldn't "I WIIH bora too Intc. iyu mi opening for a trained uclnntlut more. niiMiilinrii why weni Imbetillen or work, their poor oviirntrnlnrd norven hnvu period when good bullm can be pro- 1 ought to i yuniK woman nlmullng clo.iii by. of Tlio XVAy n I'ookcl In 1'loknd. idlotn; tWunty.tlirnn famllleii there, weni Dm lilenningn till they grow into glowing wo why you wimtiNl so much valuable cured and the liark will run on thn founto I \vx«ild not bo IM> rudo IIH to Them Iu money In becoming nn agricul- given ifoy, but I linvo BPIIII n .cnuntleni eloudn nlwiiyn hovering over Iho human QWVA come Into llm world two hundred The euHleiil, iiiifcut and mime of ll)n tjionii win) wuro morally irreniionnilile, iin- number In Union lattor ilnya Innnnii be- Unto on noinol.hhiK Hint wan over Iu ntockn. I'oiichcii and roHcn are alxvuyn .ywim ago, tlio world of Prnlcn and Kro- tako a limit when n ludy \viin nlniidliiK, tural oxjiert, nnd Hecrutnry Wllaoir timely hirtlm, extraordinary mortalitv experience -thcno nhow thn divinn love no budded, but grafting In lilted on apple*, iiHinl luenillve graft I evi-r engnKed In thliikn tluit our young men would d« And liei-edllnry dl»ea«eH eauned tho ehlldron cnunu of oln, and It in oRalnat thin that J inlllhtily that onu ennnot lieep away from ten minuted nt home." lu-nl'M',-and Krnpon. llmMlim |n ponlQ- (hluhe.r inn! ItnlelKli, tho wurlil when no I [Milltely nolKll hl>» (lollr In oilier lo chllllKe tile tll|>M nnrt wltlutrow; Hho until nnrniitliliig I In tlm Hlreet or on 'erowiled cnni. I fntliern anil Innthiirn hail linoonio ciitiiiiiiin love grr.wn until it rcai'hcn (foil, and hown of (iiillc young fruit treim, Dry wcu- when (hey iitiignalit nnd exbit. did m>t iiulto uiidertiliind, anil I went limn tho overcrowded lleldn of law nnd ilriinliardn with lint uluht. exenptloiiH. In at Ilin feet, nnd premien |tn lltllene»H into Ho ivn. Ho Hulitliemlo.l. tber In not favorable to bnddliiK, and na WIIH nt Ilinl lime whill IH called n ninll- Time In n kind of Innniiltv In the imnl- the very vnilnefin of Mix nature, and drawn 1 mndldno.—Hrooklyn forty-two familleH ho found uliroiiln ea»en lion which men occupy with regnrd In 1 n rub budding In not IIH rmcccnnfiil nm fTIio cunin of iioinn bygone uiu'entor around (HI Ibn other nldn of Iho tnble, bn/./.cr, a lly (lint Inr/.v.ed nliout women. iin hi'culh from (hi \'eiy iiri-hcmv ol llun wan In my |I|(*M|, Iho enme nf rcMtlenn- where there WIIH OIK, iiio-ro empty elinlr. of i;oiiviilnliinn, unil epilepny |n forly. In living Clirintlnnn. I workeil wllli /.licit mid Him or Iwo twonly-three lainlllefi iimanlty exinln. Klrnl, lei IIH nuppomi u ciine ol nlolinenA »'ho irt lldllxelf love! , I'nlVei »liv \\e aiiMiH, of lawlc-HHin-nii, of unlniiml uinlil- I wan alxMit (o Inlut that whoii I no . caniidl help lovlmt Ijienl The very lite ulher luoyn. lOneh of IIH Iiml bin purlieu- '1'hlnl (leneiatliin. where tint pnllenl grndnnllv grnwn worne, rUixn. Froin my very ImliylxMxi I \viui tlced i)ii« you know why I'm irtflrtlng to IxxirlHli crowd went laiiglilng nt my fluiit. kinnen UH U|ilurned ImiiHiy face. (Irnnleil nnd onu WIIH llm lookout, Then, when llm man who In lmmi\vln)f|y exuci. . urn 1 Inenralilv Innann; 174 illminv . will wall until Im grown hotter and tlm wlno u iMTiini'/" Any K'l'l oiiHItiK liiTMolf "Mu«" will' tin' rich, nml 1 \VIIH poor. Ho llm ,venr« iniiniicni. .hint Ilien n big I loonier bonne. Of coiirwo (hiiy'ro rotted nwny iul fri"- "•' ...... i.' >•-«•-- • • - n (loil nml all elm- follinvn, HU lovu for c able to M'como Hilary If you nay tier immo cmii;lit bold of my coat liilln, nnd nnld: now mi' caved In, lint they wan nil Inn, hit In Inniuiit. lint niiniiiini) In) tulln yini , our luvu for Him, prcmmimnun prayer (mil my lawlennneim i;rn\v nnd i;i>'\v, "Hay huddle, when, do you coi.|n llotlie (ll|Jl)lii/[. (''rank I.enllo'n I'npiiliir I'lipoit without hlii llfu thuro WIIMII'( Hint hu ennnot iindorntunil how tlio loin- u nuccnnlty.— • Kloyd Toiiipliinn, 'ociito four ftu-a." ,o Im Mny. \nvr." . A. R. Post meeting to-night _• ELWOOD NOTES. Having Barely Enough V3F, Special Town Meotlcg Oct. 16tb I Entered as second olaaimatter. ] Yon need not Bar Henry Nl;olal is to make farthe Mrs. Caroline L. Walter waa in town for necessities, and being able SATURDAY, OCT. 4,1902. alterations on, Louie Winklec'a plai on business, last Tuesday. ^ 8ho feel SATURDAY, OCT. 4, 1003. be without the time in your home. We have a very nioa to refreshed after her vjalt^eaat. t®~ That machinery at the publi *o gratify your desires,— that asBortment of Clocks to choose from,— received a ship- There was, quite a homo-coining o For Congressman, Republican Town Caucus. wells does not belong to the Town, bu summer deserters, Wednesday. Miss is the difference between ment tliie week. . Erices that are right. ' is ' to supply water for the stand-pipe Republican voters of Hatnmonton-aro Jennie Smith returned from a season's Hon. John J, Gardner. contractor. existing and living. Life. Invited to moot In Firemen's Hall, on work at the Seaside House, Atlantic Have your Boyat Sbhool on time. BQ5- Nine tons of lead and one thous Republican County Convention. Thursday Eve, Oct. 9th, City. Rev. M. 8. Morgan and Miss Insurance enables you to • Buy him a fk^TCSH — one that is reliable. You and pounds of jute have been used in Lidie Beekman returned from Nova at 8 o'clock, to elect nine delegates to calking our water pipes, and they are gratify your desire to provide A convention of delegates representing will be surprised when you see it. Price, the Republican County Convention. Scotia, accompanied by the Rev. M. C. 1 not all done. Morgan, of £ar Rockaway, N. Y. Mr. tho Republican voters of the several . T. C. ELVIHS, Co; Ex. Com. for your family's future., election districts of Atlantic 'County, to taS8" Auction sale of household goods and Mrs. David Harkinson returnee Something Mew and Pretty in Ladies' Pearl Kings. next Wednesday afternoon, at the resi- place in nomination a candidate for the S6T Harry Leonard ia repainting his from tbeir visit to Atlantic City. dence of the lato Gerry Valentine, on General Assembly, candidate for Sheriff, You will see them in our window. Call and get prices. bouse. . '• Mrs. A. E. Holden is in the Medico candidate for Surrogate, and a candidate Grape Street, • ( . 1 Harry N. D^vison was iu town Cbirurgical Hospital, Pbilada. She has THE for Coroner, to be voted for at the next JG6T Wedding Invitations are out for undergone an operation for cancer on the drat of this weet. general election, is hereby called to moot Do not Sllffer from headache, blurred vision, or apy Eye the marriage of A. V. W. Sotley and the face, and although she la in a serious Bffi- Parker Treat will be here to play Prudential at Ertoll'g Hall, In the. city of Egg Har- trouble. Gome and consult rae. r Miss Caroline Gibbs, at Lambertville, condition, she is doing as well as can be bor City, on .•with our boys to-day. -. on October 15th. expected under the circumstances. Insurance Co. Saturday, Oct. 11,1003, BSTThe Woman's Eoliof Corps hole K8. A. H. WHITMOBE wlehca to an M nounco that the Children's Dancing Miss Mary Holden spent the week t. of America. at "11 o'clock a. nj. iheir meeting to-night. ;lasa will commence on Thursday afternoon, with ber mother, in Philadelphia. The rie]p#ate representation to which Oct. 8th. from fourtoelz o'clock. In Unlou figy Mrs. Jonas Wood, of-Elm, ia Hall. Girls, 10 cents; boys, 16 cents. A stereopttcon lecture was given Home Office, the sWeral cities, towns, townships, and Newark, M. J. ROBERT STJIEL. , visiting in Connecticut. • •/ inner & Son shut down tbeir at the M. E. Church last evening, by boroughs are entitled in the convention, Jeweler and Optician. B©~ Mr. G. W. Taylor, of Philada., gluss factory on Wednesday, and "by as fixed by Rule No. 0 adopted by the Rev. G, VV. Jester, showing the battles JOHN P. DRYDEN, Prest. wae in town yesterday. bis time have most of their machinery LESLIE D. WARD, V-Pres't convention of 1901, ia as follows : of the Spanish-American war, on both 216 Bellevue Ave. Established 189,3. "ATEN'S ClothingBepnired.203VUinWtreot. n the new building. and and sea, from the sinking of the E.B. WARD ,2(1 V.P. J-Gouusel De'cgiiies Maine to the Peace Congress held in FORREST F. DRYDEN, 8eo Absccon City, 1st word •} figyBoth railroads changed their figy Base-ball this afternoon, at 3.30, " 2nd ward 2 jetween Hammonton and Waterford, — Paris. -,' ' Atlantic City. 1st ward 10 he.latter brincing a professional battery There has been quite a change ip the ISIS j; 2nd ward_....M _ 19 _jp^_AMrew' Littlefleld is 'a student " Srd ward...... 28 and other reinforcements. . __; ime of mail trains on the. firjt_of_tbe QEO. 8. TKUNOER, AsSt. Snpt., Williamatown, N. J. in Banks' Business College. " 4th ward - .20 e®- The fire drill called for last Fri- month. Up mails leave leave Elwood JBrlganllne City, Ist'ward „.. i JBS5" Mrs. Wyckhoff ia about to move oy evening, to test the new hose, was at 7.10 a. m. and 3.37 p. m. Down " 2nd ward i to Eutberford for the winter. Buena Vista Township v „.. 5 jostponed on account sf the muddy malls at 9.23 a. m. and 6.01 p. m. Have you solved the problem of 'how to keep warm this Egg Harborclty a S8f" Work is progr'eBSing on the stand- treats, nntil last evening. M?i^??iP!1-MyeI8> 9LS'aJ54en«-5E$nt_ ? ------~ — - — ~ ------Galloway Township „ g r. Geo. Cunningham, of Yine- uDday last with the Bentley family, at Hamilton Township 7 S&F Miss Naomi Caldwell spent laet and, brother of the Hammonton Cun- Voodland. . • Hammontou „„ 9 Sunday with Hamtnontoo relatives. ingbams, was married on Thursday, If not, let us solve it for/you*. Linwood ~ 3 To-morrow, Sunday, there will be CiVE LIFE LONG SATISFACTION Ixmtport „,._ i BSy County teachers' examination, o Miss Mary L. Miller, of Camden, reaching in the Presbyterian Church, yvi " EASY TERMS Mulllca TownsDlp „ 4 yesterday and to-day, in Atlantic City. g Oft A A to loan -on nratclftds mortgnee y the Pastor. We hope for a fall guy an Oil Heater, and be comfortable. We haye & Ploasantvllle ; _ 7 POUU \J necnrliy. Address P. O. Box No. TV F. JLA.W8ON PKOPEBTY. on Orchard ', Uummonlon, N. J. ttendance, to welcome him after his 111118-CrtESTfNUT ST. PHILA. Somers Point ...... _ 3 jLr, Street, for sale cheap. Inquire or good variety of these heaters, at all prices; and South Atlantic CHy „...._ i W. H. BERN8HOTJ8E. ES3~ Notwithstanding the statement ong absence? ' "• tr. besides being very useful, they are am ornament to Weymonth Township „.„„ 4 ESF Daniel Re h man and family have y one of the Water CommUsioners that any room. Total ^, _..li5 craved into their new home, on Maple oe well is outside the town's property CSy Constable John Hoyle- was the / DANIEL WATERS, Chairman. Street. no, measurements prove the contrary. ucky'man to arrest a young .|»icycle Attest: E. C. SHANEB, Heo'y. r liief, last Friday, and return him to We have also a very fine line of Parlor and Beading Absccon, N. J., Sept. 25,1902. .'£©- Workingmen's Loan and Build- Jt®- Mias Laura B. Davispn leaves on ing Association meeting on Monday londay next to continue her study of Atlantic City whence the request came. Lamps, at all' prices. The Coining Ticket. evening. music at the Phila. Musical Academy. He claimed to be Wm. D. Moyer, of bring Philadelphia and its tat Gaining Store to your vtry doer SSTLook out for the chicken' pie be will remain in the city during the larrisburg, stranded in Atlantic, and winter. ' , imply "took" the wheel to get home This is How: ' Hon. John J. Gardner has been eupper, October 14tb. Further notice next week. Wo were unable to secure tlme- n. You pay excursion railroad or trolley fare. Come to our re-nominated for Congressman. He ESS" Mrs. H. E. Rogers, of Haddon ables early enough to correct them this t£7~ List of uncalled-for letters in the e; "buy yourQoihes7^yourboy's,^our girl's, your wife's. has served with-signal ability, has JCQBDJSBXLofLcoiirse. ~TTcli!ht87l8"vi8TtTng relatives at'Elm and week. -—Ther e is quite a change jnjlbe_ [amrnontoa Post Office on Wednesday, Same price to everybody. Show your railroad ticket for brought honor to the district he Hauicnonton. egular trains, and several new ones are Got. 1, 1902 : . Sare paid. We pay you exactly its cost if you buy a certain represents, and will no doubt be 8ST Regular monthly business meot- dded. ' Mrs E Richardson re-elected, as he should be. Mr. and Mrs. B. Shourds left on David Jordan amount. How much? Can't tell—depends upon your carfare. int; of the W. C. T. D., next Tuesday, . Grassier Fathers Wednesday for Camden, whore Mr. B. It is admitted that Thomas C. 7th, at 3.00 p.m. Persons calling for any of the above opes to secure medical aid In a Pbila- Elvins will be re-nominated for ACCARONl — nil hinds. Imported, five otters will please state that it has Wanamaker & Brown M coma a pound; 05 coutsfora 25 pound elphia hospital, to relieve his partial Assemblyman, according to custom. >|K)X. M. KUBBA. een advertised. Oak Hall, aralysis. Hammonton will be pleased to honor Mrs. John Leed. 8r., died last M. L. JAOKBOH. P. M. Outfitters to We handle a strictly ll^ESBRa. WATKIS i NICHOLSON. Of the Sixth and Marktt Sis., one of her own sons. Thursday, after a long illness. M. Lnkovlow Greenhouse, are prepared to urnUh Winter llulbn, guoh oa Uyaolntha, Men, Women, Boys and Qirls Philadtlphia For Sheriff, Samuel Kirby seems < Poo oral on Sunday. ullps, NarolHauB, Uroous, Lily of the Valley, EPORT OP THE CONDITION to., for either put or out-door culture. to be the iavorite. That's right; he High Grkde of City-dressed Meats KQT Bishop McFaul confirmed a class R OP THE £Sy Two Ramos of basket ball this seryed one term, and made a good • cf Buventy-flvo, (p St. Joseph's Church, People's Bank of Hammontou Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Fresh Pork. . loolivakl413B8 44 his services have been iinsatlnfactory. day's Prohibition Convention. utitor. Ho will probably uucupt. Jonmnd oortinculcn of deposit .... 83300 The following are a fiw of the many nrtides wo are tog- Mr. and Mrs. Dlckorson, from A KAUM KOIl HAl'K- i>l Kuullsli Croou. lino dopnnltn _ 7777B 77 Electric Light, Heat & Power Co. It is not a question of rewarding V. l''orty iiori'i) clcurvil. uonil liouau uud 'arllflcd clH'okn 13 oo flJIiolnon, have leased Mr. Hhourd'n house urn. Hlx luiuilrtnt tlollurs ciisli. 'nulilor'n aheokn outnlnndliiK 4 3D party service, but of continuing lit selling, that are worth consideration :— MiiH'.ATWOOU I.lOIt; •f>ii Ora'po Street, for six moiitlm. Muya l.itiiillnu, N, J, $1)70401 10 On and alter Augnnt 1st, Ji)02, we will supply all our ofllco u worthy man, whoso know- )«'), u IIOIIHO itnil lot ul Muyn They are high-grade goods,— Mtf- MOBBI-B. C. K, Nulaon and C. F. TATK OF NKWJKHHKY.I , meter customers with new lamps freo of chnrge when ledge IIIIH and will enable .many a County of Alliinilo, !*"• Walcoy Bturtoi] on Monday for a weed's A. L, Patten wan fortunate In It. J. llyrnou, rronlili'iit, nnd Wllhnr 1C. old ones need replacing. man to conduct tho muna^ainent of Malt Wheat, o breakfast cereal, regular price, 16 eta. Irlp to Huratona and Labo (Jcorj-o. llton, UiiHhlur <>r ihn ulxivn iiuinod Dunk, huyiuu a tract of wood land, bulow Knot, olntf nnvcmlly duly nworn, H>"h for lilniHcIf Tho company, at an outlay of nearly one hundred an oHtutc and cloHu accounts with the our price, 18 cents. JWaJT 6nl Tuesday, Goorjju WlHn shot llumimmlon hotel, about four and a-hall i\yn Ihiil Ilioiilxivii nlitlmni'iil In true, to tho minimum of trouble to hliiiHulf nnd vat of hlu Knowh'ilKe unit liullof. dollars in applianocH, is going to tent and ivgnluto Baked Beann, plain, or in tomato sauce, 10 o. n can. til Inrga bald oiiylo, nrar hlu homo, on iiillus bolow hero, and IB now nulling the It. J. lIVItNl^i 1'ronlilnnt. oxpeiiBO to the hoii-H. Wo tiliiceroly .Mltlcllo Roud. It will bo mounted. wood by two and throo horeo loads. WII.TIKIl It. '1'11/l'ON. Cnnlilur. The price of Mutton every motor in town, and wlien replaced they will llihiierlhnd and nworn In livMrx int>, hope ho will bo ro-nomliiatod. Fancy Cleaned Currants, 9 o. a package. Jttajr Harry K. Mituk, Jr., linn returned g&r Don't forgot tho moving plot urea thinKlnl day ofHopt, A.M.. WK. bo absolutely correct. J, L. O'DONMKI.II, Notary Pulillo: \ A good Santos Coffee, 18 cont per pound. lioin Alauku, and at Innt nccounts was and alnrooptlcon unturtuinmont undor Correct. Attnsti Has taken an unumml S. L. PANCOAST, Ju., Manager. 1 1CI.AU HTOIJICWICI.HTOIJICWICI.I.: , ) JOS. H. GARTON, In California, intondlnir to (j<> aoiith. Ihu aiiBpleuB of tho Ladlim AJd Hocluty nun KI.VIMH, > DlroulorH. . An extra good Broom, ;{-sewod, light handle, 2/5 .otn. il. mill MUM, (IIU.INUIIAM will open of tho M. K. Churoli, to bo hold In U, h. Hl.AIIK, I M tliolr Iliutnliitf Mnlmol MIX I. Tliurmiuy, Justice of the Peace, Soap,—G largo buw for 25 cents. 1 <;l. Dill. Ill Union Hull. Onnlri, i» 01)11 IN Union Hull, Saturday, Out. 4lh, at JtjullnN^lO tiimlH. Iliunmonton, N. J. H.OO p.m. AdmlsHlon, 15 contn, & F Nurseries Wm. A. HOOD & SON HoW up of tlio oldtmt, laritont, mid now In unit. Ho llndh thai •n yollow Juoliut'H luml, whllo hltohod lit our priocn UH follows : bout Nurnorlim lii tlm Hiutn. Borvlcu biliiKii Inonuinud biiblntm». SILVERWARE, Wo havo rocoivod a I lui vvoodn, llilo wuuk, mid wun hudly A full Him of Funeral Directors 1 JtUli«, To TII in I'inii.Ki.— Tho Spectacles, etc. I>K Mutton, 12i o a pound VrUH ami Ornamental rl'r«i«H, All IniHint-HH in their lino to nay that hn hail not "niulior- Fine Drove of Steers jjtir Two of Juoknoii A, HOU'B homcm Shoulder, 10 «. a pound HhrilllH. JtoHdM, VlllCH, <><<• promptly and ciu'ofully jtnt mlxuil up In llui Imrn, on 'I'liuruday thn lliutj. who bniirn a iiitpur FINE REPAIRING. At I'rieon un lotr un tliu niimu <|iin|ily attended to. and nro now serving our cnstomorH homo-druHsud beof. Dlffhi, and one of tliuin WHO coimldumbly by him, to colloot money from Hronot, C o a pound nf NlooU onii bo liDiiglit from liijuidd. anybody. Nolthor bun ho ooininuiidvd W. O. JONES. On and after Monday, Sept. Iftth we nro to cut the nald party. Thu pii|>ur In nlinply u Mutton Chopti, 10 o H pound nny irllnMo (Inn. &zy~ Itobort Htcol IIIIB inirolmnril Mrn. Embalming a Specialty Mtuluninnt of what tho party nald- limy pricoH of Sirloin, Runip, and Hound Steak two contn per AVyuliliolT'n Him lioiino on Morton Hl.iral, H. L. MONFORT n»«-|ainuri«, wirimululmrxo, liillm vrlahud to do. Any one n|>[i»i\lnil to Ortioo and llcflidoncu, pound,—Sirloin, 22c; Hump, 20 c ; Top of Hound, HO o. mill lit mulling uu mlillliou tlioruto hulum m H.FRENCH, iniiol bu Unilr own jnilu" of tho pitrty'a GOAL AND BIOYOJLES.' 1'ench (Street, Scientific Jitncricciti. inovnm HYUAOUBIC, flm fuimmn Helling Agnnt, lluinmiititon, N. .1. A tmiidinmelf llluitrnfM woohlf. Ijagtat, olr- uoounnlty and worthlimnn. rtilntlou nf 4>if foUnllOo louru*!. 'JT«ring, fU M nilniBDii rim, (C'-O. lliirninonton. r*"""! four nloiiilm.il, Hold bynll nawncloAlorn. JC. O. A.I.COHN, t)»r. Cherry Ht. and K« Harbor Itond Edklmrdt^s Market, lunuro wltli Ilia A., II. I'hllllpn Co.. Jrueooutn, $i35. c 'r. Now York TJIft Acluiitlu Avo,, Atluntlo Ulty. Hector Ht. Murk'a Church. UOU Oiolmnl Htroet. . L. JACKSON & Son. uhlujiiii, U. C. 240 Bellevuo Avenue. Terry's face was hidden In his hands automatically., THE SPIRIT THAT WINS. (END OF A MOUNTAIN-CLIMBER. ARTISTIC KIM VASEI. now. Then ho raised his head sudden- THE FOLKS At HOME. " 'I have met with such locks In my. 'John, what arc yon doing at this time Alpine Adventure that Conned tho 1 While BcarcUng th'e archives for know! ly and looked at her. 'work before,' I said, Impatiently; 'but of the night with the gas turned J ^.-^ eom/»-"-"^'^ia^lRBS "I'll Ue out of debt!"- Ibe folks at home believe In me what has that to do with the present edge, "Dodo—suppose-^suppose," he~~saldr Owen Glynne Jones, who. was killed . _The faithful folks at-home. high? Are you up to your old—-' What iTcomfort it will bel" •••:Y... While after the rarest of lore, hoarsely, "that I could put my finger They boast of what I'm going to be case?" ' "Then'there was a shriek, and the She wipes away busily, a little, scowH b.rJv While seeking the richest of jewels with three guides .while climbing the " 'Very much Indeed. If you were of on the scoundrel—what then?" One thonennd miles from Its mouth "White Tooth" in the Alps three yeans To other folks nt home; woman, dropped In a heap on the floor, between her eyes. Tho tumbler 'debts^ In .Wisdom's variant store, "O, Terry, you, could go to him and tho Amazon Is 620 feet deep. And father says to Uncle Cy a discerning nature you would have' no- swooning before my eyes as she caught] the epoon debts, the cup debts are ali- 'Scmember this as you rummage ago, was one of the greatest of moun- make him stop. You could tell how (That he would'like to bet ticed the connection before now. I have sight of me. I turned an inquiring eye- paid. The plate and saucer ones coiner- for a mot of the Sage's wit, Nlnety-flve tons of gold and (520 "oi tain-climbers. The details of the ac- I'll he a great mnn by and by, good and sweet mummy Is, and now silver are mined In a singlo year. , put the time lock'on that door to test It toward the man In bed, but he avoided next, and she settles them. '•The best aad rarest of Icssoni cident which ended, his life at 32 are And folks shall see it yet. Every night I retire and lock the door, returning the gaze. "Why,' I'm getting along beautiful* IB: QH up, dt up and git! we all love her. Perhaps he's got a Jupiter Is 1% times larger, than al! recounted by Harold Spender In Me- and no power can open it until 7 In th< little girl of his own, and If you tell " 'Slandy, why did you come here and lyl" she Oiurmurs, presently, and the* th'o rest of the planets put together. Clure's Magazine. Jones was a safe and He knows full well that I'll not uhame morning.' scowl is certainly smoothing out. There? •Ajes are filled with the dreaming ' that I can't live without mummy he scientific climber, and his death woa The honest folks at home, spoil It all?'be said. T—' Of rersca the poeta have sung, . Tho nightingale's song may be heard . «"A mighty good protection from '"JSie.truth wns dawning upon my; Is a breathless last minute or two, and? will be sorry. Perhaps he could take at a distance of a mile on a calm night due to no fault of bis own. The five Nor will forget the good old name billed with the anguish and sorrow some one who wouldn't mind a bit- Of nil our folks nt home; • yout wife,' I suggested, with a grin mind, and In a few minutes I.recovered' then a shout of triumph. t Tragical muses have wrung Polo Is probably the oldest of ath- men In the party, tied together with a Ifor father says he's understood •'But why was the door open when I en some one who has no little girl, or fa rope thirty feet between man and man, " Several women In 'Germany are siifllclently to say, 'You deserve a horse- TTrom the loonl of fanciful musing, letic sports. It bos been traced to COO ; ^_And said so nt the store, teredV whipping, . old man, but I'll let you off "Done!" But the essence of all -the wit, ' ther, or you. O, Terry, tell him I can't proceeded In this order: The guides,; making boautlful nnd artistic onuv 8implq Double B. 0. When he went down to sell soine wood "That also will I explain. The nigh easy. Now that the door IB open I think In getting ready to make tav owing The towel waves. Betty dances OE> The lesson of all the lessons, lot mummy- go. And when I am Furrer and Zurbrlggen, first, then ments and household utensils out That now'dnys boys need more. tier toes, the Gray Princess wakes np> la the lesson: Git up and git! woman father says I will be rich, and Palma never live more than 200 icas BO hot that I thought I would leave shall bid you good-night.' ' described here the best thing to do Glynne Jones, Vulgnler, another guide, tin. Apparently the first ,to .f. the door open. Besides, my wife' is and purrs her congratulations. Great I will give it all to him—I will gly,e years. The yew Is the longest-lived of her talents In this dirf-ctlou was Frdo My father's gran'dnd marched away, "I hurried somewhat nervously down first Is to study Figure 1 In this pic- trees. and F. W. Hill, who was a schoolmas- away visiting her mother.' times! •SProm periods primordial him everything—everything. 0, Terry, ter like Jones, -and who, like him; pur- Clara Hoppenrath, of Berlin. She fash' Left all his folks at home, ,. , the stairs, for, "after all, I'was not cer- ture. It shows the swing complete,' On, down to the time we live, An elephant bos only eight teeth al- And footed fgrty.miles one day " 'Now I understand. Then I am to tain tbat the man was faking, but I be- and when its details have been'mas- "Oh," breathes Betty, "it feels so. tell him .that" sued mountain-climbing as a sport. loned artistic tin vases, nndyslnce then good to be out of debt!"—Youth's Com- It's simply a matter of Take, my boy; .Terry caught the little, sobbing, tor- together. At fourteen' years the ele- With other folks from home. believe that I am locked In here with lieve to this day that be was no In tered the steps told here will be per- If we can't a question of Give. . Coming to a difficult buttress ten feet she has made a boautlful imitation of you until 7 In the morning?' panion. ; tured creature In his arms and pressed phant loses Its first set of teeth and a cluster of silver thistles, which bolt , Then In the fight on Bunker HIU ventor at all. If he wasn't be had fectly clear. '3t«member this as-you rummage high, Furrer, who was In advance, Fought bravely, it is eaid, " Exactly, and that Is the time the pretty fertile For a mot of the Sage's wit, , face tightly against her fair head. n new set grows. could not find a hold. It wns necessary been bought by the KJjng of Roumanln. Imagination."—Family To begin, get two old wooden chairs Crown Prince of Portueral. And at tie 8nish lay there still, private watchman raps on the outside Herald, of the common kind used In kitchens. The ..Crown Prince of Portugal may- The best and rarest of lessons Then he pulled, out his handkerchief Among the curios of Windsor Castl* for him td'mouut first, and then pull the Tin IB an easy metal to manipulate/ Face to the front.jtofie dead. door to.see If all is well.' Is: Be just, but git up and git! and wiped her eyes. is a -chair -made entirely out of the others up when he had secured foot- and any woman who 'la a good artist Baw the legs off neatly,, so that the make no stir In the world beyond his. -" T see,' I replied, smiling less pleas- RAM'S HORN SLASTt. father's little kingdom, but h Is said Orleans Times-Democrat. "Dodo, my sweetheart, listen to me trunk of the famous elm by which the hold; so Zurbrlggen and Jones put an will have little difficulty In shaping II God be my help! I'll not forget bottom of the seats will be entirely e antly. 'But you would not dare signal smooth. to b« a dear boy for all that He IB. Mummy Is quite safe—no one la going Duke of Wellington stood at the battle ice-ax under him to stand on, and as she desl/es. The design must first The loving folks nt home, Warning Note* CallUne tie Wicked to to take her away. If—If anyone of Waterloo.' ' " ' . crouched down to hold It. As theyi be carefully drawn on the tin, or rather, Nor cause them shame nor keen regret, to the Watchman that you had a burglar Repentance. Then get two strong boards of good only 17, nnd very good looking, but thought of—at least—." He stumbled In only two cases have baronetcies could not see what Furrer was doing' punched In It, ond then as carefully Tie dear old folks nt home. In your room. I would shoot you the wood about twelve Inches wide and at better than looks Is the young man'B God grant me strength, and wit, and will instant you did so.' C HklSTl AN least one Inch thick. The length of During the Cotillon n his speech, and then went on boldly. been conferred on women In England. above them, they were unprepared for cut out. Only a few tools are needed To do the best I can, man Is Christ's disposition. During his visit to Lon- 'I .know the fellow," Dodo, and he la Once was in 1U86 on the mother of Uen. a sudden shock. for the work, and the necessary skill' ".'I'm afraid you nre too hasty, and these boards must be such that each don, where he was sent to represent the- A» jrran'dad did nt Bunker Hill, - do not understand tte life work of an bust monument heartily sorry that he ever thought of Cornelius Speelman. The other was It Is evident that these men were de- In their use can soon be acquired. Aa To live and die a mnn. one will project twelve Inches ion either King of Pptfugal at the coronation, it such a thing. You believe me, when I Dame 'Maria Holies, made so by pending on Furrer's success in getting decorations for articles of mojQUca a'nd -Bo«ton Transcript. Inventor. I would not have to signal. The God-de- side of the chairs,- after the latter have was sorely tried. Yet. despite every- tell you that mummy Is all right?" Charles I. . ,...' the hand-hold for which he was reach- wood delicate tin'ornament* are now There Is nn automatic device on the dependent are the been fastened to the boards In the po- thing adverse, to put .t mildly, thfr « W A S N ' T dreaming, Terry, i outer door which would warn him. That most-Independent RlUon shown In .Figure 4. In fastening JT wasn't, really: T was just be- She-looked-up-utrhlm-| — NoTway'B~populatlon~is-tbe-8mffllesrj Ing,— Mrr-Hlllr-whp-was-some-feet-bo-- becoming popular In Ggrnmnyj ftia al-' Prince was so cheerful and so devoted all of them are made by —The serpeiit~of the chair seats;rememberthatthe wood ginning to get sleepy, and then 1 trustfully. She knew that her darling in Europe compared with her area. ow the group about the Ice-ai, saw J THE PATENT door Is closed. 'heard Martha talking to Jane In the lit- Terry would make things right. Each of her Inhabitants could have Furrer slip. He fell upon the two ob- sin never hisses of which chairs nre made Is extremely entreated the King to give him "Dodo, sweetheart, I want -you to Ivlous men boneath him. All three "For the first time I began to feel a until It is struck. likely to split along the grain. It Is Order of the Garter. With the excep— *tfe drwslng room.-and I got quite-wide forJ3L_acre3' of. land, while the Briton V little creepy, but I answered with what^ promise me this: that you will try and would have to be content with less ventr-Btriklng-Volgnlerrwbo-stood-be-- AN UP-COUNTRY 3OLOMOW; — .Jj_ TIME LOCK. e—Saviors- better tp^ bore hpl_e.s_focJhelscrews ot. tlonlof-tue-lG-year-old-Klng-of Spain,- • awake. I didn't know what she said suavity I could command: 'But what Tn nails first, with a sharp gimlet • at first, and I did not mean to listen, j forget all that you have told me, and than an acre. ween Hill and the three falling men. love for the world this royal decoration has not been .be- Be Rendered a Verr Wise and Kqnit* I break down the door? It Is only made Now get two boards "six feet long, • really, till she said something about never mention It to anyone, and that It Is said that the redemption dlvls- Hill had Instinctively turned to the of wood.' Is the cure for stowed on any save princes of the bloodi rock to get a firm hold, expecting to be able Deciclon. | _ each twelve Inches wide and one inch and jnuch jolder j>ersonages. JThj^cpn^ on-oMbenatlonal-postofflce-ln,-Wash- ,~t'_'rfiiut-would- be-lmpossibleIt 13 i love her with every bit of love In your carried away with the other men; but world. -Dr~more 'ln~thrcKiTe8si; SeT'tEe" Board's" trasF between the behavior of thlsi "Well?" said Terry—he was In for It ington Is nearly swamped /"by the re- gtar, "there Is one class .of men) four Inches thick and made of stout warm little heart. Promise me this, after a few seconds he realised that he counties of New York State lives an I The wolves always applaud when the that have the chairs fastened to them crown prince and ariother, who shall, .now, and he meant to hear it all. turn of the left-over Pan-American old German, who, because of the high that I occasionally stumble upon] oak nnd Is braced with steel ribs. Noth- on the floor, the proper distance apart, " "Jane was angry w'lth Martha and dear." postage stamps since Nov. 1. Some ten was safe. and alone. Looking round, he In my midnight work which I prefer to; shepherd whips the sheep. be nameless, as he is now a king, has. "I promise, Terry—Terry, .darling!" saw his companions sliding at fatal esteem In which he is held In tb« com- ing short of dynamite could blow .It j been frequently noted by the corona- -said she. ought not to say such things thousand packages have been received. munity, was elected justice of the . avoid. An Inventor Is always an un-; open.' While there are freights of duty no He stooped and kissed with a so- speed down the rock Into the abyss. —I don't know what It was—and then. All records are broken aa far back ai peace. The old gentleman was once : known quantity, and It is unpleasant) " 'But the windows?' I continued, vessel needs ballast of care. tion visitors who happened to be alwv lemnity that awed her—It did not seem ihlef Scott can recollect. Between him and the unfortunate men, business ransacking his house. Hei Fashion may bide the scars, but i present at the celebration of Queea who were being burled to sure death, called upon, says the New York Times, have slid down the side of houses be- a bit like her old laughing Terry. But A unique1'specimen of ocean life ha* to decide a most perplexing question. might be as harmless as a child, or he, fore now with nothing but bed quilts to cannot heal the disease of sin. Victoria's Jubilee. A gracious, happy she felt that never had she loved him he saw thirty feet of rope danglng from might prove more diabolically cruel and. manner, it appears, tells as much with been captured at Honolulu'for the U. his waist The faithful Vulgnler had %e of h4s fellow citizens owned a support me. When a man HveiTin God's presence as she did now. S. fishing vessel Albatross, now cruts- dog which, although. not very vicious.! cranky than an escaped lunatic. I Only "The man sighed—there was no mis- he will not need to boast of It. poor little royalty as It does In less, •My little good angel!" said the astened It to some point in the rock to exalted walks of life. ng In that vicinity. It Is a small fish bad a Had hab.: of burking at passers- ' twice In my experience have I met such taking that. He looked almost pathel.- young fellow, with an odd break In bis protect his master. The weight of the characters In their own homes. .One A man's thinking powers will be In which has four feet. They are webbed 'our bodies bad broken the rope, and by. A neighbor vowed vengeance. His. cally at me and then said: Inverse ratio to his drinking powers. An Explanation. voice. "Go and play with the others. Ike the feet of a frog, and are appar- chance came when he was returning! was In a suburban house, where every- his saved Mr. Hill's life. "I'm sorry to shatter another delusion When n preacher tries to be Pope he "I wonder how the stars are made. I'm going to have another smoke." ently the link between foot and fln. The from a snooting trip, gun In hand. The thing seemed so easy that I. took my of- yours, but that avenue of escape is And \vhere they got the gold?" She kissed him and clung to him with After two days of hardship, climbing if time about entering the open windows;' Is more dangerous than the priest. peclmen Is said to be one of a few such alone, Mr. Hill arrived at the hotel. dog ran out and barked savagely at' totally closed. It would mean instant Said Bob to bigger brother Fred. •?••> a tenderness and trust that moved him fish found In the world. him, and he nr*d at the animal. Aa but after I had stepped Inside I knew denlh to you. If you will notice the iron, They who will not be their brothers' Now, Fred was 5 years old, '' \ deeply. The lesson here for all climbers, those that there was something wrong. I keepers are willing to be their execu- DOUBLE SWING MADE AT HOME. And he was wise in many things, . . ( . It Is not expensive to become a noble irho make a sport of It and jest with bis aim was bad, the dog escaped, yelp- grating nt the windows you may gather "There Is nothing to trouble you now, ing, with nothing more serious than a found the floor strewn with all sorts of. tors. As little Bobbie knew. In Bavaria. • To be made a simple death, and those who, In unsought my meaning. Those small steel bars and lay the long boards, C and D, over So now he thought a little while; dear. I will make it all straight" "Von" costs a matter of $375; to be rais- wounded tall. strings and pipes and colls of wire, nre charged with electricity enough to The delights of Heaven may be fash- She went away, obediently and quite predicament, need to •know how to which, when 1 stepped upon them, Jan- the ends of the short boards, E aud F His brown eyes darker grew, i't ed to the "Rltterstand." $500; to be •limb. Is this: Those men blundered The owner of the dog had his neigh- ' 111 a dozen men. If you attempted to; oned out of the disappointments of (Figure 4). "Why, don't you know," at- length *a' contentedly. He watched the slender, made a "Frelherr," $1,290; to be made bor brought before the old Justice on a . gl£d and made all sorts of noises. cut them or ,to pry them apart you earth. . • said, white figure until It vanished; then he by allowing the fate of three men to charge of cruelty to animals, and the I "I tried to get out of the- window as, ] Screw them together with the largest a "Graf" costs $2,500. while to be made depend on one man's band-hold. Again, would never live to tell the tale. Nor. The devil is willing that you should screws that you can handle. If possi- j "That when God made the moon. ^. \ turned away-wlth-a-mlst-ln-hlfl-eyes.— :Trprlnce-on!y-eoBtB-$5.000,-Tliei4e-priops-; court-room was crowded with the par- soon as possible, but I was so tied up ' even I, with all my skill at mechanic* He had some shiny pieces left. ' And he was miles away the next tisaus~of"both" "men; ~~ The" JU8tlce~bettrd"- —In the-wlres and strlngirthat^r-Btnmnlcd" _najie_holdalj-l)le^bolt-themliiatead-of-6crewlngthem^|—-A~fia-s6~~he~~cut tEem soon. are only for one person, but the gov- climbing party should know what the nnd~lnvontloh, could escape through the' the reins. * Boys do not use bolts often enough for ] TJjrto tiny little bita morning when his brief farewell was tho charge, and then the defense that twice. Then the owner of' the house, windows, or touch one of the steel bars' ernment kindly makes reduction In the others are doing. In order not to be tak- _. „, . Th.~~e me...v..n. whn u\jo skir S. WeJr Mitchell In his story. "Doctor I "But I vlll glf him anoder shot at der I knew nothing about his occupation' which saved his life at what Is known, .^Martha said: 'O, you needn't pretend The Klkuyu country In East Africa me Unit I almost Inughed In his fnce. One difference between the true holes bored to receive them, the dialing North nnd His Friends," might well bo ' toff." until*! aroused him In the middle of the] " 'Do not innke light of It,' he broke; preacher and the ., as the "Chlppeway breakfast." Oa. 'jrou don't believe It— It's as plain as the Is famous for having within Its l»or| floor. He was the most composed man, talking machine Is that occurs coimtantly when the swing iliily 4, 1814, Gen. Scott's brigade had. • xoae on your face — he's going to run a personal experience of tho autbor. out reproachfully, 'for no mnn should; thut the latter onn be purchased. la In motion will soon fray them out (lorn one of tho greatest snow moun- The hero, Doctor North, was traveling I ever met under similar conditions. look death or prison In the fnce without been skirmishing all day with Gen, away with the missus, and some one tains of Africa, Mount Kenln, whose It la safer to trust your eyes than and they •will,be dangerously weak be- from Harrluburg by the night train, BELLES OF THE " 'Why do you frighten u man In that HOITOW nnd remorse. I should think HIJIl's forces, and had driven tho ene- •ought to tell the master,' and then summit-Is always white with (mow, There Is no use In trying to combat way?' he nsked crossly. 'Is It not bad your ears when a man argues religion fore, the swing lias been used many my down toward the town of Chip- Jane cried out and said: 'It would kill which was crowded. In one of tho car< advertising. The goods that arc adver- tlint your pant deeds would - ' while his wife carries In the water. days. But this dllllculty can be over- though It lien .directly under the Inrotei Take Flret Hunk for Booulr enough to rob the house without wak- puwu. Tho two armies were encamped -him'— that was father, yon know. And equator. ne found a man Htretetied Herons two tised are- the onex which nre bound to " '.See here, old man,' I Interrupted, 'I come In a simple and eusy manner. scats, asleep. He wakened him, begged In the Ivlanda. ing me up by such noises.' i may lie shut up In a room with you nil on both sides of the creek. •then Martha said something about me, All travelers have been enthusiastic sell.—Progressive Advertiser. In thn mountains of 1,117:011 In a trlbo " 'Any niuii who throws tils shoes In, PART OF THE SCENERY. Get n piece of old,, wornout garden,' Just at dusk n man came to Oca. -and Jane came Into the room with a pardon for dlnturblng him, and a»kci) night, lint I'm not going to be lectured. hose, wliich can be obtained almost' over the beauty and fertility of this of people known as the Igroteu, \»hoHo the middle of the door deserves to be I'd rattier do the talking If there's nny Scott with a incuutige from a lady who 'candle and said: 'Are you asleep, Mlsa for a Heat. After a little, time, tho two If each firm worn to take, advantagn The Old Mnn's Directions Were Not anywhere. A hardware store will be,' region of,forest and pluln that rl»es entered Into convocation. women .arc fumed for their beauty of rudely awakened,' I answered, turning] to be done.' KnHrcly Hutlnfuctory. lived hi a large house on the opposite .Dodo?' And I pretended thut I was. from a height of about ,4,000 feet to of one-half the advortlnlng ponxlhllltleH figure. The.ro women never grow corpu- up thn gns to study my mnn tho better. suro to have some If you cannot flnd u side of the creek. She asked that at •O, Terry, I had to pretend or I should At length the man linked, "Do you of Its bimlneHH, there would be many "'Hut. sir, I'm thinking only of your Tho traveler nloug New Kiiglnnd piece/ knocking around tho house. Outs the .summit of Kenla, more, than 18,000 lent, but nro well-rounded nnd of ampin 'I owe you no npology.' welfare—of your Noiil's safety In the sentinel might be placed at the brldgo- have scrcnmed right 'out. And then know Dr. Owen North 1" more advertising mieciwties.—Whlte'n 1 roads Is sometimes forced to asl: bis It Into sections u fow Inches In length. feet above the sen! In thin hind, ex- proportions . They Maud and walk " 'You nre wrong,' ho nnswercd. 'You lii'ivat'ler. I should like to reform you to prevent straggling aoldlers from go- Martha came In anil looked at mo, and Rntbor antonlnhed, I Hald, "Yen." Sayings. 1 way In spite of maps and guide hooks. Then boat a poker red hot and with It i-tM'dliigly rich In agrleilltnnil possibili- do owe me nn apology. If you hud shut nnd turn you awny from your path of 1 Ing to her house. Her huubund wu» nlio Hatd Unit tilie hoped that— that ties, It IH said the white man can live "What kind of a man IH he?" Tho Information lie receives tuny or burn holed, just tnrge enough to allow: "Ob, a very good follow." One can never tell how for n good the door of my room behind you, II rime. We have six bourn together bo- In Canada, she wrote, and she was. mummy would die If the man took and work IIH he does In Knrope, and might have accepted the situation. lint may not be wbnt he desires, tint It Is the IIOMO to pirns through, Into e-neh "Ho IH Illto all them high-up doctors. dewl or n good advcrtlHeinent wllf fore IIH, and If In that time 1 could con- generally enlightening In one way or corner of the frame, »ljt Inches from alono with her live children, save for her away, It wan the bent tiling. And very likely tile of old age. It IH pnie- liny man who will leave such a draught' vince you ' the presence of ono frl8nd, a young then— I think they cried, but I kept 1 (5etn big foes, doexn't lie? I want to travel. Kach one goes on working for ; another. tho ends and widen. tleiilly tin only region yel Htinlleil III blowing on a sleeping man dcucrvcH to ' 'You ciinnol,' I Interrupted rudely. lady, Word wns sent that tier request tho clothes over my face." know." you long after It ban dropped out of lit- ; "(,'mi you direct me to Wilson's t.-ns- Then counss tho operation of making tropical Africa of which It may lie "No," mild I. "That IB alwny» exag- your mind. j • |'I wish to 1-eHt and sleep. It will do me would bo grunted. '' A hot word cnino upon Terry's lips, truthfully iiHmTted. r.nde?" asked n font traveler of nn old the stny block, which IH to act UH mip- gerated. Why do you iiHlt?" "'1 accept Hit! correction,' I replied,! I """'e K<»'d tlmli If ' man who sal sunning himself In the "lOnrly tho nest morning tho aumo . •but he sjiiotliercd It. Travelers, however, port for the owing when It Is hung. messenger ugnln appeared," auya Gen. have given (lift "Well, I'vii bad a lot of doctors, and I I The man who imilcrn up hln mind an Iiowlug nnd stepping toward the door. ' '"You muni he very far gone, Indeed, doorway of n great barn which stood Thin slay Mock Is shown us Flguro O. "And when they had gone I ran out Inhabitants of these liplnnilH an evil "I will iipologlno nnd nt the, HIIIIIO tlmo'Mf yon can Hleep at Hiieli u.tlme an thin. Hcott, "bearing the lady's tlmnlcs nnd •on the landing— I wn» HO frightened, I ain't no butter, and now I haven't much to what O!IIHH of triulu-hu will go nftor, cloa/•MB.o. (>•.tho. .1....-door,1' ''- " close to tho ronil. In leisure 1. It IH nlmply n good Hlnmgj reputation. In other words, the Alcl- money left." I nnd goon after Hint rliiim with nystom- In nil my experience with criminals I The old mnn squinted his eyes nnd i 1^1.' the request that I, with ns many of mr •did want to neo mummy, and nhe wan knyil are sajd to lic suspicious, "The perfect coinponiiro of tho mm: bloci.,.i...k. io f woodi i-..-, . hickor.^ • •y preferred• , with J nturt' IIH 1 clioso to bring with me,, rjiiHt going '"to dinner and you wero Upon thlH, my friend confided to me "H<' advortlnlng generally got* It.— have (lover yet found ono who would' took nn exliaiislh'ii survey of Ibi • I ties- holes bored Into It Jn.'it IIH In tho frnnie.j Irehehennis and hostile to nil striin- nil bin (ihyttlrnl woe» In detail. \Vo Whllo'M Hiiylngn. Inld aroused my auspicious, nndd din not ' (loner before ho spoke. would brenkfiiHt with her that day. with her; and, Terry, I was BO glad creotly kept my fnco toward him while. UH dimension)! nre four feet long by. 1,'ers, Mm (he latest testimony, comliiK parted before daybreak. It wan ton. I " 'I yawned and Htretched myself on "Take your first right and follow It four Inches square, and the boleu nro "Acting on the Impulse of the mo- that you wen* there that I oald toy I1 roiii Major Itlchard Crawslmy, of (be I bucked toward the door nnd closed It. ment, I culled two of my nlds nnd re- .-prayers nil over again." dark In tliii car for either nf UN lo xee Never wait until the hint moment to (be no fa opposlto him nnd closed my' till you coimi to u fork where there's four InelicH from (lie end. Figure 2" Krltlsh army, who has lived among' prepare copy for adverllnc'inentii or Them was n click of thn lock nnd the turned with the inensenger, Our host- 1 plainly the. fnce of the other. eyes. 'If you do not wlnh me to kill, a clump o' bluett berry hushes," be said, uhowu one direction In which tho ropes. Terry wns Hitting wllli one elbow on tlii'Si people lor years, Is to the effect About ten the next duy the man en printed nuitler. (let It Into wliapu early door bnngod sharply ugnlnnt tho Jamb. yon, pray be quiet. I bnvo no need tin] slowly, "and (ben strike oft' to (lie left. ess met us cordially, nnd nt ouco ush- " 'You liuve cloned U with a very bud must be panned through tho frame, up MM knee, lilti head renting on lilt* palm, that they are the llnest African peo- lered my eonnulllng room. AN I idionld nnil tluiH Iniuiro having plenty of tlma your nermon.' Follow (lint road (III you come to the to nnd through (ho stny block and tho ered UH Into the dlnliig room, wher« wo anil 111" Tact' In tho shadow. Kroin the ple he ever met, and he has had long lo read two proofn and make denlrablo grace, nnd with little thought of tho wern presented to n' chimnlng young not have known him except for a rilther conociiiiciices,' (tie mnn added. 'If yon " 'Ah, you will npeuk differently some next crims road, and then bear oil' to loop (lint Miey form nliovo It. 'big drawing room cmiin the Hound of e\|iei'leni'e among iiiiiny |rllies In llrlt- peculiar voice, I, too, remained inilden- change*, - lint be. careful how you ntreteli your-, your left ngiiln. lady. It was u rare pleasure for us to mimic ami I lir rippling laughter of tho Ish Kuril Al'rlen. It will lie Inlernttllig bud given me time to explain you self on (he Hofn. It linn n putmit tinrlng; "When you've gone n piece nn .that Halt?'* NVuy. be In ladles' society on to tilt down to. I Hied. I could not redlm HO excellent Nevel uno nil advert luement that In nalicht linvn saved yourself n good deal U helps llrtty. You might try It children. lli> remembered now tluit In read some things that Major (Jraw- in opportunity, l/ooklni; at him, I mild: Invented by me which will nniko ||j n;ad 'llsn't much inore'n a path- you'll a Well-ordered tnble, nnd we, were pro- •XjOIDitnnee hllll lolll lillll \vltll a look Of shay nays aboill the eonnlry In which not thoroughly undernlnmliihle to ev- of Inconvenience. AH It Is now I think soimi time, unless, of eounio, you don't pnred to enjoy Mn> meal. "Hit down. Yon have a pain In your 1 IdSi up with M click nnd suffocate yon come on Abe Simmons' house. You'll jjpnlii Hint tint Iniit few dayn her llttlu wl He men may live In good health ery reader. Tho other lilml CIIHIH the you have made tint Hltuntlon unpleasant nci-d nny help perhaps you Ilkn to "lloforu wo tiad broken our flint lllK'U." for both of us.' n n moment If you iihouM accidentally linow him because ho wears plain over- wipe dlahenl Dotty- dear mo, how •daughter lind lieen continually hover- nnd alionl the remarkable natives who "That'll nueerl 1 have. ' name prim and brlngn more biiHlnenn, ouch Hut knob.' alls, and 1 never saw anything like 'em Ijleiit, \YuttH romi from the tattle lo gut nnd n nlnglii wont often trnnnforma llm '"1 don't understand,' I muttered,! Hetty doesn't Ilkn tot Although now ing about her III (lilt holme nllil watched inhabit It. "Anil you are blind In tbn left eye, " 'What nn Inferiuil hole thin room In I' anywhere else. (Jrcen nnd blue plaid, tils bandanna, which had been left In lier to leave It, nl \vayn with eitrenio The Unit traveler to describe (bin re- whole from n pur.zlo to an Intelligent morn nonplussed than ever by (hut they nre, and she makes 'em for him. It Isn't nearly mi bad, since Htio nmdo his hat nt u Hide table near the window. nnd your dlgentlon IH bad," nnd no I announcement. innn'n words and altitude, < eM'lalnieil, Jumping from Ilir, sofa and a i.'.ay or It. It's almost fun now. rrlui'lanci', nearly uhvuyH eagerly of- Ion wan thn lute explorer, Joseph went on. ilandliiK In the middle of tho room. 'In Home nayn they Ilkn the looks of 'em and (Jlunclni; out, he saV Indians approach- fering t<> nceninpany her— It wan ill- ThoniHon, who wrote nn follows of tin" " 'I (inppose not, but your iKuornncc \Vhon you nro 10 ycnrn (vld you cnn ing the houno on ono uldo and rodcoutu At liint bo tiald, "I never rmw « doctor u, wrU|I1K „„ ndvertbiein.mt try thin here anything elsn of your Invention In Home don't. I've heard different (eel- .jnout IIB though Mlic hail mulunifooil. lilWie- nren of KlUuyn lying between dona not niter (tie fuel. I shall, how-, hln room?' liiK" expressed, lint, anyway, you can't main) 11 play out of nlmout anything. on th« othor, with tho evident Intention llhoyoiil It Bcari-n a limn, .'mont. l)nn rc(.|p,,: .rot down ull tho hunt blttliiK ever, seek to enlighten you. To do no I Thnt In the n«lVMiit«K« of being H) ho had laughed -laughed. Hood IJ,(K)0 nnd I),(KX) feet above llm sea, you euro inn?" I , ,„ , ,,ji ,)„, ,|,, " 'Nothing of Importance; (lint In,, keep from lunching when you set eyes of uurroiiudtns tho liouso and cnpturlue th n|{(1 yml WIUU HI VI tt KH yiMirn old. You will 1m mirprlsod bow IIH. whero It la ualil white men may live I mint K« buck somewhat In my story.] on 'em, I'll wager. There was u man Muld, "V. Thmi words iiiado inn shudder 'and 1 am "Oome, glrhi dltihe.'il" mamma calls, "Hprlng-lng from thn table, wo run "Drought la unknown and sstonhh- Wluiu ho produced a well-worn wullet , driftwood, all I tin minor- hoiild happen to sent yourself on onn lOxrnso me, but 1 have only Just so •would kill father, Terry?" Ing fertility In everywhere neon.; cllt ollt (lil tlllo Just now nt work upon u very Ki'eat nrter ten. In the mornlngo nnil nt from tin) houno and IIH fnut us our legs 1 docllnod to take, a fee, and nnld: tliioun \vonln nnd weak nnntoneeH, leav ml lip over lo (he right II mlKht - -' much lime," mild (he traveler. "Will "Not n doubt about It," imlft Terry, Btreum« abound In Ki'enf" iiiimherii.j AN IIIIIOTI; nun.. thing. In fact, II will prove n revnlu-, Mr, .Simmons d I reel nm In Iho , plainly nxprenHed, caiilly • tloti In itonii! Hues (if ti'lldc. I moan lo' "I moved nwny front tlm nearest chair iiin witslioii thoirt liorm'lf. lOnorinonn iiiinntlllen of sweet poln- nhi>p I dlfllurlmd hint night." ml took n seat on tint foot of the lied, udeV" fievernl shots wore tired after us, but underntoiiil iirKiiment. (live liiHlrue- erect, the entire hody helUK well de- Invent n limn lock which will prove sn-| "Illtihen! Illiih I-H! Call for volun- ive were fortnnnlo enough lo iincnpo un- "Then I won't. Hut 1 hart to tell yams, cassava. siiKiir cane, mil- "Well, I diielnrol I n«o, now! Yon veloped, They are never lull, hut port- ear my midnight nci|iin!u!nnce, 'The The old maii hllnkeil at him for u mo let, etc., are rained tUniB to Imvn It net 111 gnoif, plain type, pel lor In nny on the market today. iiieiil. ti-ni'sl" and two voluntci'rn appear. hurt. you, Terry. I've nlwnya (old you thlngn ami the nnpply were tho inun. lint Inwl why rthl you with a dlnplny heiidlnn or Illiidtrallon neim |ierfcct |>acU llnon. Thcuo wmnen iii'il at leaal la all rlifhl, I mippoiiu'/' /ilnoo I wan iiultn n little girl, haven't neeiliH to be ipllle I loxh|lllst!|dl) 1)11 Tills luck will tin of value In an liillnllo nnld I. "I presume to nny he can," he an- Olory Is (lie older, uiid \va"he.'i; llelly "Hut for Iho bandanna wn ahonht giro It awny? I'd Imvo rtont you HID whlflli bi'nrn directly on thn muttiir, nrn fully dnveloped nt \f>, nnd tlioy rn- Wipes. Hho walls until the drainer la bnvo been captured. t, Terry V" my return Journey I found a caravan whole townnhlp," vnrlety of ways, lint clilelly for nan on '• 'Not If two net nn U. H will aland iiwefed; "but after you've seen those nnd you will Imva nn ndvitrtlaeiniuit tain tlinlr nplomlld carriage and it nice- iiafcs and Imnk vunlls. All (hnl you full of shiny, bubbly gliiHsc.'i nnd "II \viis n most mortifying expm'lonro 'Always, Dodo." of over I.HIKI men who reinnlned n fill ctirvcn, many of them lo 75 ami Hif Jmil one hundred and lll'ly poiinila, and plaid overalls a little mess o' \valer run month and carried awny little short, that will innki) bnyern.—Whool. have In do Is (o set It for n certain, spoons, . Thru she hcKlmi. for nio (bill 1 should no heedles.ily liavir "Terry, can't you do Hoinnthlng?" yoarn. Tliolr only raiment In n homo- no innl'c,' nbiK over a little iiiesn o' roekn will ( of three months' provisions, yet It did Tho I'opnl«r I,nii||tli. IriiK'li of lime, nnd no earthly power iieeill pretty liiilln In .re." • "Oh, dear," she i;i' >anri dismally, walked Into n trap. And yel, even to Tarry putii bin hniiiln ovor hln earn to Qualified. npiin pliH'ii of goodn wrapped about the cnii unlock U, Yon may blow up llm "'I'll,' man could mil llnlidi hla iien- "how many ilio you wlnh mo to paint you wnlnt nnd InuiidiiK ijiilln to the kneeii. Ic'iice. lllii I'nee nuildi'iily lilaiiehed and ily or lo ralno the ridiculously low n fiUl'loiiKlli portrait? "Mo fiirnlnheii ninall upeciilatorn with «uf« or vault, lint Iho steel holla will i;ln rlKht oil' nnd |>ny 'em up. It will Intended to betray Inc." Kiiy mimic, mill i;rniiiicd. tlno." On dnyn of wonihlp -they nre Idolatoiu not inovo from their position. It will I fell m.v nerveii nhnklni;. IIU rieluiT lii !•,!,,„,„, never do (o let thin KO on any longer! prices. Kxlrcmely fat nheep nnd |(ontit Mr. Bnphoilde Well, I want It IM —thny adorn their armn am) legit with "Then there wan n turn of llm donr- "A I'limoiiM hum?" "Ooiildii'l yon llml mil Mm kidnaper, abound and (hero nro cattle In consid- Ityng nn your cuntoinnm untinlly liny.— "Why doonii't lui •peculate for him- rninnln locked until Iho limn expires, 'i'I'lierei , llll^|•o'' n'•• ono debt pnld n'l'end.vl bonds of Oliver, ijolil nnd proclomi kilnli and suddenly llm door opened, "Yen; he'll heen rurrd |,y n| ,,( Hot. AVtttor Kll-c.it IVoiu \Vnll». mill nuilie him nlDpf-t'onldn'l you, iliir- erable mimberii." Now York Hun. Ooluintnia (Ohio) Htn.to Journal. •olf?" und then (lie aleel MprliiK will open It 1 tie-in lo feel n little relieved. Ami Mot wntnr In tuipplled fi\>in wcJUi di- JlmtV" "fto failed.' atonon mid n vliilon of whlto iilKhtclothen aloud iwrry patent dlclnn linn In (he conn- (lint 1'iio'ti pnld, ami thai one, nnd thnt . «••,<••,..., HU A voleo linked, nharply; iry." Kelroll KIT,, Tress. rect to honncji ami olllcon In n! I'll work very hard, mm n'r'nnalldnho. !t W. 0. T 17. A. H. Phillips Oo. BSP. J. M., Thnlndfen lirwo token this space bytho yi-nr, and nre responsible for all thai a Oil Stoves, V ' ''^ rimy contain. . '• •' - RESIDENT v. " • • Fire Insurance. ' S.'1 v SOUTH A wofflan facetiouBly remarked Repaired when tola that alcohol Is good, an HAMMONTOK, : : N.J. has- legitimate uses, "Yes, I know; 1 —MONEY— Jby 1 JERSEY is a good thing iu which to preserve ' FOB . < toads and snakes." The time \vil Mortgage Loans. REPUBLICAN coine yhen the use of alcohol will be WILLIAM BAKER, confined almost entirely to sclcntifl No. 2*5 Third Street, CorreapondoncuSolIcited. purposes. Physicians are coming to 1816 Atlantic Avonuo, House, Sign.Caniage realize that they cannot afford to pre Hammonton. Atlantic City, N* J. The only newspaper scribe alcohol in any of its forms! . 40 HAMMQNTON, N. J., OCTOBER 11, 1902. .NO. II printed in Hammonton they expect success. Proprietary medicines are almost Jolm £31.25 a year, post-paid all largely alcoholic, and should never A tullassortmentof hand and machln Dealer in Painjts, Oils, Republican County Convention. made, — for work or driving. Furnishing r $1.00 in the county. . be taken on home prescription, fttany . and Varnishes^ e are pleasing many, FIFTY PRESENTS GIYEH AWAY, drunkards are the result of the taking I have a large atock of, A convention of delegates representing of alcoholic medicines;. but the medi- Trunks, Valises, Whips, Undertaker the Republican voters of tbe several cal profession cannot be held respon- Riding Saddles, Nets, etc, John T..French's election districts of Atlantic County, to sible for it all. . and Embalmer Pure Oil Paints, Why. not please you ? placo in nomination a candidate for tbe PRESS SUPT. Twelltn St., between railroads. General Assembly, candidate for Sheriff, We are which I guarantee to be Hammonton. N.J. a * Phone 8-5 candidate for Surrogate, .and a candidate Well equipped for Young, People's Societies. Hammonton, N. J. the beat paint ever aold..' for Coroner, to be voted for at' tbe next Second and Pleasant Streets, Our Patent Medicines are sold at general election, IB hereby called to moot This apace IB devoted to tbe interests ol All arrangements for burials made the Young PeoplesSoclotiesoft/ie various and carefully executed. - HAMMONTOJf. at Ertoll's Hal), In the city of Egg Har- The following articles will be given away to the persons Churches. Special Items of Interest, aua Wagon Building* reduced rates, and you only get bor City, on annonncemeutsare solicited. whose tickets show the greatest amount purchased here, Bepaiiing what you ask for. No trouble Saturday, Oct. 11, 1»02, Y. P. S. O. E.,—Presbyterian Church Ohas. Cunninghani.M.D. Watkis & Nicholson to November 1st: in all branches-— to order arid get vvh at we do not at U o'clock o. m. _,,* Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30. and Painting Physician and Surgeon. FLORISTS & Landscape GARDENERS- The delegate representation to which Topic, "A searching question." Jn W. Second St.. Hammonton. Proprietors Lakeview Greenhouse, let, Brush and Comb. Toilet Set,—price $2.50 ' Pamphlets, Central Avenue, Hammonton. carry in stock, the several cities, towns, townships, nnd I 21:16-25. New and Second-hand Wagons Offloe HoDre, 7:30to 10:00A.M. boroughs are entitled' in the convention, j 2nd, Smoker's Set,—price $1.75 • !:OOto8:OOand7:OOto9:OOp.M. ' A general assortment of Redding and Business Cards Y. P. S. C. E.,—Baptist Church: Light_and . Decorative Plants always on hand. as fixed by Rule No. 0 adopted byt.be • • • • 3rd, Cigar and Match Holder, $1.25 _'_ cofiveStldlTof T90I7 IB as follows : Posters jjUeets Sunday evening, at 6:15. 4th, Bottle Cologne, $1 Topic, "A searching question." Jo built to order. •of the highest medicirial value. I Delegates JKESOLJERSEY_.& SEASEOBE-K, R. "ABBecolfCHyTTPt wnnT7_ „... J —Dodgers 2nd ward .;. 2 'Vernier. A. HEINECK?. Bohedule in effect Sept. 9,1002 Subject to change Atlantic City, 1st wdrtl 19 6th to 10th, 5 Household, Syringes, each 75 cents Bill-Heads Jr. C. E., Sunday afternoon at 8:00 DOWR TBAINS. ^ ; . " 2nd ward 19 > rKAIt 9 " 3rd wnid, 31 _ _ _ ^bottles Baj^Runcij _eae_ h 50 c_ *• 4th wnrd 20 "Statements" Ace. Ace. Ex. Aoc. Ace. Ex Ace: I Ace. 'Ex. Bu» i3th to 18th, 5 boxes old-fashioned Stick Candy, 25 c to. pay what we owe them." Lk. p. ni. » m. p.m. p.m, STATION Ace. Ace. Exp. Ace Ace. Ace Act " Brlcantlne City, 1st ward _.. l a. m.i a.ni. a.m. ajii. p. ». \9 the 2 : 61-52. Leader, Dollie Birdsall. «.m. p.m. 2nd ward ..„. l 18th to 20th, 3 boxes Toilet Soap/15 c. pr. box ---.— Letter-heads Attorney&'Counselor Tio 810500 oo 4 28 3 00 10 45 8 824 60 Philadelphia.~ 731 Buena'Vlata Township •. ...;.„... 6 438 8 18 5 10 4 35300 8 86 10 10 L tO b127 W4S82S. 608 10 52 8 40500 *..».. ^Camden ^M Second and Believe Ave.,. Hammbntbn. Epworth Leagae-,— M. E. Church : •*« 829 «2(< 4 •»' II 03 8 60 723827 1002 '• tt U I) 37 6 Ifr Egs Harbor City .„_ o 20th to 30th, 10 Tooth Brushes, 15 c. each Note-heads At Law ColllnKtttood 7 CSS 15 1 30I «0 l'7 » 25 » 01 Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30. 455 888 628 4 49 11 10 8 57 .IladdonDeld 700808, EKE Harbor TownRtilp „ 6 505 848 688501 11 20 907 i 2306961856n 3 30th to -50th, 20 boxes Paper & Envelopes, 15 c. each Arlitz Building, Hanmonton, Klrfcwood....._. 647760 12 5 48.9 07 C> a i H &i 5 21 Rooms 25-27 Real Eat. & Law B'ld'g, S3') ..„ -Atco....«..M. 82-137 • 5 29 b 48 B 16 Haminontoa _ 9 sions. Pa. 115 : 1-3. Leader, Miss 812 709 54!) II 47 940 ;..Waterfonl _ 6 18 7 24 •W.O.T...U. Commencing Saturday, Sept. 20th, each customer Atlantic City. 584 •910 7 15 •M7 •1151 9 44 f ai,8 « 5 12 Llnwood L..«...... ;.....—-...;.... 3 Myrtle M. Dickey. £38 6 12 7 iO 8 14 8-3a «50» Tbe ladles have taken this space by the Official Town Attorney. 9 21 721 562 11 66 049 "winiilow Jc. (!•»•)"" 608710 r year, and are responsible for ail that tt LODKPOTt _w..... 1 will be given tickets showing the amount purchased, 645 9225 GO 7 SO 5 69 8 40 1205 9 66 5 40 511MKS2SO* Junior League on Sunday afternoon, 660 •939 0 09 ....Bommonton ... 600710 82fi 5 03;8 2fl t 52 may contain.. MulllcaTownsblp _ t In Hammonton every Friday 10 10 700 ' 63|8 18 «« which should be saved until Nov. 1st, and presented, at at 3 o'clock. 803 9 408 03 B 18 3 52 10 14 .EKK Birbor....'." 653 Tii, Pleusa,)»lvllle _ 7 Practice in all Courts of the State. 623 10 IS 0 18 633 10 3J .. 45 8 08 4 88 s Poiut - _ 3 - .685' 10 24 6 30 H 3!> 17 7 51 4 U Save the Soya and Girls. the store with name. 6 60 4 16 ...... 10 40 0 "~'AtiaDtic citr.'nr.r 02.5 » 55 South Atlantic City ..:; 1 Y. P. C. U.,— rjniversnlist Church : Money for first mortgage loans At bottom of all the evils'and terap- Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30. • Stops only on notice to conductor or agent, or on signal. " Weymouth Township „ 4 Presents will be awarded the following week. Publishers, 1 tations that infest our cities, lies the Kally Sunday, (Union service with JBHDTCHINSON.Gon'lManaBcr. JB WOO'D'.Gen ) Pnss'r Agt. . Total — ...'. _ 152 gPECIAL MASTER'S SALE. , legalized liquor traflic. For the sake Many of the arficles on the list will make very nice Birthday £33-8 Bellevue Ave., Hammonton. Juniors and Seniors.) Possible 12-G-auge- of the boys and the, girls who are DANIEL \VA-TEltS, Chairman. •j virtue of a decrea to me directed, issued Attest: E. C. SUANKK, Sco'y. or Christmas Presents. Why not try. to secure* one free victories uoder the Blue and White ut of tbo Court of Chancery of Ken Jersey,, leaving the farm nnd seeking employ- Absecon, N. J., Sept. 23,1002. C. a. CAMPBELL H. SCULL Flag. n tbe cause wherein Marion J. Bacon Is com- ment in the cities, it should not be of cost ? They are worth trying for. laicant and Thornton W. Fay y proxy." ne hundred aod thirty feet; thence (3) south 6 47 7 40 7 23 749 Ilrlfntitlrip Jnnr.,.. in ,7 354 B2- the best ' stock of ARE SMOKELESS U QMUESS west, parallel with Bellevue Avenue, (ixty-onu 8 66 0 11 K O'J 7 35 R ...rlriianlvlllr ...... II 10:11 V2 ,1 fin ... 7 25 4 41 Young < People's Societies. A.M., "The shadow of evening." 7.15 M. E. Church,—Rev. F. L. Jewett, nd M a.ni., rroctilng rbllada. at 0.5.'). unnouiioomunlH uro BOllcllud. quarters, on Bollovuo Avenue. Special Matter. Alio one leaTlng Atlantic at 6.10a in., llnrnraonton (I.M, anil Fhllada. 8.30. St. Mark's Church.—Rev. Edw. C. Styles of, Moid Four St Mark's Church.—Kov. Edw. C. •".8. Kino, Solicitor. New York expreu, up, will itop at Hammonton on vi.AU,at 0a.m. der Loaded Shells Y. r. S. C. E.,—Presbyterian Chuich Aloorn, Pastor. Holy Communion, 7.30 • Everything is neat and tasty. loom, Pastor. Holy Communion, 10.30 adv. fee, $3.CO Weekday night aecom. down Irarca I'lilluclo. at H, reaching Ilaminonton at U.tO. Meets Sunday orcutnx, at 0:30. , A.M. Morning Prayor, Litany and Ser- Finish, W. A. OABIIKTT. G.n.Bnpt. KDHON J. VKKK8,flpn. 1'ns.frgcr in town. Quarts and served as yon like them, — a v.u, ; Evening Prayer and Sermon, 7.30 I'opic, "Fruitful or fruillusa." John mon, 10.30. Evening Prayor, 7<80 P.M. .11. Regular quarterly meeting of the OUPPLEMENT to an Ordinance ontl- 10: 1-8,10; Mark 11; 12-14. and Burn from lunch or a square meal. lTe8try on Monday evening, Oct. fitb, at j tied "An ordinance to allow a re- Presbyterian Churoh. —Tlioro will iato of Taxes to all porsonn o» nine; and Y. P. $. O. E.,-Bnptl8t Church : bo preaching morning and evening. o'clock. iibinj; wagoiia with (Ires of four inches Nickel 8 to 12 Hours In every style. r wider in width," MueU Butuhiy ovtuiiiUi nt 0:15. Univxxraalist Churoh,— Hov. II. E. Presbyterian Church. —There will New York Tribune Fai m^r When in need of these Topic, "FrullluLor IrulllesB." John e preaching morning and evening. Introduced June 28tb, 1002. Losh, Pastor. 10.80 A. M.*, "The might 1'uincd Auguit 30lh, (1102. goods, call to 14: 1-8. 1(5; Murk 11.: ia-14 of OoiinsRl." We keep on hand a full lino of Be II ordained by the Council ot tbo Town And the He publican, $1.50 Lender, Mi-m Dcrllui Mlllur. Maximum Easier f Ilnminonton, that Section 1 of an ordinance • examine our etodt. PASTRY and CANDY bcao aigna aro Bolting like nlltled ''An Ordinance lo allow * rebate of Bond subscriptions to thin ofllcn. Jr. U. JJ., Sunday nlternoou at 3:00 EPORT OK.THE CONDITION B.IOJ to all lierioru owning autl using wagons Topic, "Old Tosluiuont niiraclus. OK TUB Heat at to Re-wick with Urea four Inches or wldor In width," V. LCBHOIIH from tho widow's oil.' R assed October flth, 10UO, bo uiul the »nuio Is KataMliilicd In 1841, for over n'xty j'uirH It wan Jtaulc of Ilainiiiojitoii Minimum than H. C. Boost's Restaurant HOT CAKES ereby amended to read at follows : 2 Kinga 4 : 1-7. Lcudur, 'Wilbur At tliu nloHti of lju»liH:NN on Monday, fioctlon 1. That all pcr«oi,» ni"lr>ndcr In wliltb lipwortli Loii|>uo,—M. K. Church : TRESPASSING liall bo allowed u rubuto of ono dollar per On Nov. 7th, 11)01, It wua ohanetul to Iho •KKHOUUCKH: lioel por aiinuia for each wb nl uitod on nald CffiORGE MuotH Hundiiy twunlug, ul.(!:!!(). DlHOountH...... $13708 0 OS Lyford Beverage OIC UROIIB, Irom the taxes levied nnd niaoasod Every New York Tribune Farmor Topic, "Fruitful or fruitloim." John UviinlniriN afl '80 Kndorsed by the gainst the owner) and user* thereof i nH, t .IB; 1-A 10; Murk 11 : 12-14. OIL for New Jomoy, rovldcil tball tin allcwed other tliun upon n weekly, for tlio furinor and hln futility. l.i'iulur, Cliiin. D. Jt KUlui'i'D...... n ...... Oooo oo ON THESE PHEMI8E8 UHIB uf one waguit of two wbeuls to each Member >lltt»r Heal cNtuto ...... titOoo oo If your dealer does not Imve them tenders hla uorviccs. Junlot Luugiio on Htimltiy nlitmioon, 1 orno, liid ono wagon of four whoola to ench Pricep One Dollar llniiilH mill MorinaK '" ...... 1(W.'I5 80 DROP A POST A I, Fonaldn vouohora executed. ulr iif borsos owned anil imoil by (lie owner of ul 3 o'clock. Dili' rrnhi oihur llunliy, ino lo olluii- lliinlcH, *i|d.., llflO 111] 1 A vonllitl Invitation in oxlimdud lo ivll llvldmxtrt iinpulil 1U>1H OO For Tirno in Monny. bcfoio 10 a. m., ccnta cuoU. G for 25 centu. To now iHnn H|{nliiiit yon n« Iho ('lim.iiuilor khnll nil tliu nown. Htitid In your unnio now. tluil Iho iiltnvo ul MI oin on l |M trim, lo llm for (UiHtouuirn. lilnfc cijultnliln uud jlint. 1111(1 tlui of liln knowli'duo uiul Itolhtf. Insurance Agent .'. ... U. .(..IIYIiNI'lH, i'l'i.nlllullt. Aim) oxnniliio lilnoiio-lnirrin itnil two- DAILY PAPERS Tba *u!il bill !• JUg'J AgHliiMt you to urcnre WIl.HKIt U. TII.'fON, Ciwlilnr. "honlft wn^nnA. Tlioymninot M) bout. ,, * i-_— ilmirnQ Irom fca'd (Inurt lor ihu mirruiiilar or uhHorllK'il and nwoi'h lo lioloro inc\ flon tlioni now, In tint wlilto, nil rniuly AND ' luienllntloii of loliiOrM iiiiirlri*' «t bon'ln of Ililn ^Inl ility l>lniolorn, FOIl BALK 1»Y ni|mvy. I'. 1,1 11. (MUMDI.I'.'ll, (twq H ouoli wook), (or $1 f>0 n yluiminl«, Cor, Sonoiid and Ui-lUivuo, Shooting Gallery 'J17 Hullnvtio AVOIIIIO, U 1t> and 'i'l Itnnl M«lutn uud l.nw "" to uny addrciHH in thin county, or $1.75 oulnido. In tliu ri'iir nl my nlion ntoro, and Shooing Shop JOOT MURDOCH Ilaminonton, AlUnllo Clly, N. .1. Hiuiunonion. ETanimonton, N. J. ,ulod Anoint llth, 1002. 1>. 'I ay lor tho S. .1. U. to-

•*•)«* t»»(*t«**fl.F*