ELWOOD NOTES, Poisoning Dogs. A. H. Phillips Co. Mies EebaJSton^jasubstitutinirjjw a I approve ..of. ail that MjvrBsjrgan ehort -time as teacner^la Miss Idaw il- advocated Tn"S previous issue. "i'am F!rB"f insurance. llanos' school, at Magnolia. opposed to murder in any form, or of Harry Langbam is home from Atlan- any creature. I consider the man who HAMMOWTOK. t : W.J. tic City. Hotel Loralno, where ho has goes out with u gun on hls'shoulder, JEKSEY been clerking, has closed. to shoot birds, as guilty of a crime. son The 'crane recently murdered on the JOS. I. W. A. BlschofT and family anticipate Lake also had rights which even man Mortgage Loans. a trip to New York State next week, BEPUBLICAN shduld have respected. But man also Correspondence Solicited. It is believed tnat the change will be has rights, and" the laws should be House,SigD,Carnag© boneBcial to Mr. B. such as to tax heavily those who allow 1815 Atlantic Avenao. VOL. 40 HAMMOKTOK, N. J., OCTOBER 4, 1902. The only newspaper L. L. Holden ia much better. With dogs to roam. Every citizen should Atlantic City, N. J. ~" PAIHTER NO. 4O tbe aid of two canes he can walk from be willing to pay his share of taxation, printed in Hammonton room to room. He appears to feel quito yet the "dng tax" is frequently disre- garded.. No one should keep a dog Dealer in Paints, Oils, Second Street, from Platt Street to f}1.25 a year, post-paid independent. Fairview Avenue. Mlsa Jennie McDormott is anticipa- unless he has facilities for so doing. I Puinishing are pleasing many, FIFTY PRESENTS GIVEN'AWAT 01.00 in the county. find dogs on the street at all hours,— , and Varnishes.. Solicitor reported no reply from beire tion a visit to Cross Keys next week. I have a large stock of some of them "valuable" to their Undertaker of Mrs. B. J. Byrnes, hence canno George C. Bozartb spent a day in owners. "The man who xainnot ieep John T. French's , •• • Why nbt please you ? approve purchase of gravel lot,—n Atlaatic City this .week. his dog at home, or In some manner and Embalmer Pure Oil Joints, title being procurable. Approves titl We are Mrs. A. £. Holdon and her daughter prevent annoyance ,to others, is com- TwelHn St., between railroads. to lot for pumping station. ers went to Philadelphia, Tuesday. Mrs. mitting a wrong to those who object Phone 8-5 which I guarantee to be No satisfaction given by railroa Well equipped for H, expects to remain several weeks; to being thus annoyed. riammonton, N. Ji, ' , ' the best paint ever sold. companies in regard to safety gates Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bentley were P. H. JACOBS. Second and Pleasant Streets, ' •• Our Patent Medicines are sold at. Reading company informally offers t All arrangements for burials inade '. • . ' *» build bridge over its tracks at Eleven! The following articles will be given away to the persons at Gloucester, last week, to get some and carefully executed. t HAMMONTOW. reduced rates, and you only get lumber sawed up. Mr. B. is erecting Wagon Building Street, provided Town will close ai whose tickets show the greatest amount purchased here, several buildings on his place, built of what you ask for. No trouble crossings between Eleventh and Twelfcl to November 1st: lumber cat from bis own pine forest. Ohas. Cunningham* M.D, Watkis & Nicholson Streets. Chairman was authorized t •*».••.. Repairing to oixler and, get wh at we do not confer. in all branches— John D. Carver bos bad his house Physician and Surgeon- FLORISTS& Landscape GARDENERS 1st, Brush and Comb Toilet Set,—price $2.50 carry in stock, - . Adjourned. Pamphlets, raised eighteen inches. and Fainting W. Second St., Hammonton. Proprietors Loheview Greenhouse, 2nd, Smoker's. Set,—-price $1.75- • . > • Office Bonn, 7:30to 10:00 A.M. > Central Avenue, Hammonton. Did you. hear any unusual noise on A general assortment of Bedding and A special meeting was held Tuesday 3rd, Cigar and Match bolder, $1.25 '__ l_Bu8iness_Carda 1 :OQ to 8:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 P.M_ Decorative-Plants al ways-on-hand rWe-«ell-Drug8 which are fresh-and—— — "evenins£~30th7uiT., all members present 4th, Bottle Cologne, Posters a stampede of horses in Bozarth's barn Light and Heavy Wagons of the highest medicinal value. also Messrs. Wm. Bernehouse, J. L loit. There-njuBt-have-been-a-mule '""" built to order, O'DoDnell,-and—J-£.- 6th, -Hot-water Bottle, $l;~~. ~~~ Dodgers among them, also, judging from the These time-tables are correct. Commissionera. 6th to 10th, 5 Household Syringes, each 75 cents awful sounds which disturbed the still- Tbe object of the meeting was tc Bill-Heads ness of the night But if you hadigone A. HEINECKE. consider wjiys and means forcomplet llth and 12th, 2 bottles Bay Rum, each 50 c WEST JERSEY & SEASHORE B. R. Statements there at dawn of day, you would proba- ing the water plant. 13th to 18th, 5 boxes old-fashioned Stick Candy, 25 c bly have seen seeds and watermelon Schedule in effect Sept. 9,1802 B abject to change. j 'the Druggist. Details were given of contracts 18th to 20th, 3 boxes Toilet Soap, 15 e. pr box Letter-heads rinds in abundance, and then guessed DOWN TRAINS. ; far awarded, with estimates of wba the rest. .• . Attorney&Counselor OP IBAINS. * Second and Believe Ave., Hammonton. .will still be required. It was founi . 20th to 30th, 10 Tooth Brushes, 15 c.-each Ace. Ace. Ex. Ace. Ace. Ix Ace. Ace. Ex. Bat necessary to sink Jour wells, a total o Note-heads All the regular services of the Pres- p.m. * m. p.m p.m. p.m, STATION Ace. Ace. Exp. Ace Ace, Ace Act 30th to 50th, 20 boxes Paper & Envelopes, 15 c. each byterian Church will be held in their At Law i a.m. p. D. p.m 1092 feet, instead of three, 900 feet, a Envelopes 430 8 10 S 00 600 428300 1045 8824 60 > Philadelphia 731 834 1010 estimated, — increasing the cost $576 ova church building to-morrow (Hun- Arlitz Building, Hammonton, 138 8 18 5 10 608 4343U6 1062 8 40 6 00 *.»«. ..Caraden J 60 S 27 1145 8 25- Jown Council fleeting. Commencing Saturday, Sept. 20th, each customer •US 829 620 4 4t 1103 7 23827 10 Oil 1« 0 19 9 37 6 i& Rooms 25-27 Real Est. & Law B'ld'g, SCO ......ColllDglKood..... 7 18 8 16 1 SO 8 (.7 t 25 901 Then, contrary to expectation, th day), at the usual hours. Preaching 465 888 628 449 11 10 867 _niddon»eld...... 7 00 808 will be given tickets showing the amount purchased, Atlantlo City. SOS 848 688501 11 20 907 Klrkwood...^. 1 23 5 69 B 18 5 S3 Regular meeting 00 Saturday even's, water in these wells did •not' rise sufD both morning, and evening by the Rev. 5 16 900 66353! II 82 820 647760 5 48 9 07 540- which should be saved until Nov., 1st,-and presented at . Official Town Attorney. Bollln.......... 6 34 7 48 100 5 Hi 8 64524 Sept. 27th. All members present. ciently near tbe surface to be pumpei Andrew Dillia'n. tr. 522 905 635 1188 982 ........ ...~Atco........... 828737 1265 980 912 709 543 11 47 940 6 20 8 48 ft 18 In Hammonton every Friday 531 ..». ...\Vaterford 6 18 7 24 1247 520841 61-2' Law and Order Committee reported by. suction, which will make necessary the store with name. •916 716 •547 •1161 944 ...........Aurora.. „ 6 12720 1242 614 Practice in all Conrti of the State. 638 921 721 552 11 60 949 ..Wtnilow Jc. (I've).. •609 a compressor, costing about $3000. Be 645 822650 608716 1237 6 id 8 J250 . 4„ in favor of co-operation with the Dog Presents will be awarded the following week. 780 6 59 3 10 12 06 0 68 5 40 ....Hammonton-. 600710 928 1280 5 03 8 3 464 62 Bides, there were coutiugeat expenses These signs ore selling like 566 •639 8 03 1016 _.ElwoM „ . 700 Protective Association,; which waa ap- Publishers, Money for first mortgage loaoo 603 948 603 1014 4 53 8 16141 618352 -Bug Harbor...... ,. 663 Fl4 « 45 8 06 1 S3 proved. Also, that fiori, accused of —preparing bauds, advertising, broker Many of the articles on the list will make very nice Birthday •B 23 10 15 18 6 S3 1034, ,.635 6SS 1021 6604 10 40>6 20 27 61 414 fees, Commissioner's salaries, etc., etc., £2>S Bellevue Ave., Hammonton. gPEOIAL MASTER'S SALE. Atlantic City ..625 4 15 402 soiling beer without a license, bad been or Christmas Prepents. Why not try to secure one free - HOT CAKES • 8tops only on notice to conductor or agent, or ou signal. acquitted by the court. which our inexperience did uot foresee, By virtue of ft decree to me directed, of cost ? They are worth trying for. JBHUTOHINSON.Gen'l Manager. JB WOOD. Gon'lPass'r AgU Clerk -reported funds oo hand,— The extent of water mains is larger H.8CDLL oat of the Court of Chancery of New Nitro-Powder in the cause wherein Marlon J. Bacon t» com* Highways «.......,-,™_{572.12 than was at Bret contemplated, and a C. A. Campbell & Co., TRESPASSING plainant and Thornton W. Fay and othiri Town Purposes _.... 742.23 are defendant*, I will expose to ealo at poblilL strong move is made to have said mains JfeaLEstate-feJnsurance.- - I'oor „ 40..91 -extended-fro or- their—preEetrtneTUHtiUs ESaoMT to loan on mortgage.
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