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VOLUME XIII—NUMBER IS. L'U'IS 0. COWAN. Editor anil Proprietor, a •bo** all, don't mm* the eonpUial with with eacb twm courtesies. Forgive me, ir, in ought, 0010. AaiWeriaf Young Lawyer. animation: and were interested lest it moved, un I «11 »liwobt on tho trunk* •hould | / liare too strong widiM, ataik* In, and UNION AND EASTERN JOURNAL | the marked seemed eold and indifferent-—there tm o h.T. Thl« lady »'«u> »truck by County Coort sitting a while ago, in cut mwnr. JUisrrll.uifons. has boen We beard of • Jack strike out from ptwUl authority.-* u »*•«aret'ully neither in heart." yesterday practical joke Taa L'*k>« *»d (*■*••» Ji«u«L itt»r difference with which Mm. Archer received my , on the bank* of the . It now it lik* th* K.limal .No I, Omul HI r $1 Mi 3ramk. thw two attentions guidon was not far from time of the it T«aa<—)»r It ut umIcm tu to cultivate #V»»» 14# O/irt alight if not for its ia year—©old most all bar* and it ia baat to aatab ailhm Ihfw iu-(• »iu UwliM w( MlMliUm l>runiug. trjr them times, intrinsic axoelleoos, it, |mi'«< a»a. He An r(c«i N»»»nap*r \*ul, it 'I made when the wae handed which had collected around the old Franklin in the i*m I'f thi* In iIm rlitr* ih umi Certain- sponse thie transaction we shall dee as Ben wilj I"«|>rr trough pruning manuring. Bf T. • ART1IVH. innate N«-« Inn, It •toi «i.J •'li U.l ai«l i« Uuijr mm it* and waa with the grace- spoken. bar-room. The fire and of of Andrew SUtojuob and ipfcta, of la"t nhould bo owner, pleased biased, wuga Aneodjto |»««rul i« t tit Mlirr:U iwiiu <»l mi •«ri|Mi >u« a Iy on-half year'# gr.iWth and Too. manner of her new The I were a tha mid Mtn u». IIjiiAih .it /*»• " ful acquaintance. away without groan, Mr. Fillmore. nifKHu.rrili; out it and tliu tbould lie done under- Thank !M What a musical ring a Hip pernio* Iw Uui. & HitiU [ way, you Where are Boot*. It if for better understanding I vri;, Tn !■>><• .Vbulla/'■ almost in which she ac- my proper, a ■ what n cold, repulsive way when in oeme rough, 'babe lit* V *. cvm•* IWil »uJ l>«t standingly. Thcr* should l>e «l«*ign in rwfj vraii in the roioe of Mrs. Archer; of the to intimate thai former gaunt-looking The death of the distinguished Virginias, Mit Nrwl. therefore no- A of the Boston joko, 4the on She hail cepted the handkerchief was, Baltimore correspondent of the woods,' knapsack shoulder and ar- cut. Wo hare not apace to di«cu.'S tbi< pleasant light shone in her eye*. to a modest in bivalves— whuee name laada in the caption to this more d She saw that the Advertiser the account ■peculate* degree I'rlalrr* d had lift- ticed the stinctly. Daily gives following staff in hand. M ilCl'N WJITtOX, matter at pivaei.t. dropp u glove which a gentleman and bivalve* art, too—and ticle, suggest* to th« editor of th« Charles- I individual who of some of his on tho road : right good thoj oold. half the tor in her hand. presented it, wasdi**ppoint- experienco lie looked perambulated Ilot bed* should now bo started, if the ed froai the tl and pla ed it'is not to what the latter ton Courier an anacdot* relating to him and ed—it n..t hurt. Her inference was uaturul. The fact of there so much travel- neccaaary aay hemmed in the m a ww the being circle that fire, wall of laat weather i-» favorable, if d«vign«d for grow- Mr. Archer, the lady's husband, doea, farther titan that be ia faat aa the lo- Mr. Fillmore, which waa r*lat*d to him "That is no favorite of at this time will serve aa an excuse for a to warm hie thine. act noticcd itxrvward. gentleman jours," ling just brass, looking place o r f r ing cucumber* or urj'un*. If intended >nly little of eourteny, and comotive and train which be aweaie •ummer at Saratoga Springs, by Judgt t|. she rciuurked. for the inconveniences which tho way* pet by, unaMetoeit p to lie would alm»«t for many Nobody moved, however; and, raifo plants for tin* oj»en ground, tin- have given anything j and ia, a of tb* Court of th* United Mrs. Archer look- farer must suffer. As wo were about lea?-! withal, groat wag. for lack of a he next Wayne, Supreme ror as •♦Whatgentleman?" down chair, did the Surnamei- middle ol March will be time enough. ju*t »uch a m..iical "Thank you Tbo ruua ;hat Ben had taken in a State*. Itrunathua: ed curious. ing the hotel (or this morn- atory beet the wall 'with u a* a Philadelphia, thing—leaned against pmcatiox or she had thruwu upon j three dollar counterfeit and not reliah Mr. Fillmor* made his debut4a the Na- • Ai Mancm.—To the bright glancj bill, \V«- lately liiVr brnrJ fnxu M<>it»Mir iiM.Sc, get j "lie who lifted jour handkerchief just ing, there was some delay from a passenger tears on his frbi and bis doubled it On«v. t >n» and likothunH audi ho th» idea eyes up'— tioua* of when Hon. »«lillMlli«*a all tereflt Imih it mu*t be ranger. glances < ing duad conceived tional Tt.«t nu by contrail***. givut<»t manure, now." in third soon we heard a capital, and to on (be R*pr**eotatir«* attention! tho story. Pretty listened thadiscusaiou proper a staunch Psioerat, mi In h id lieen hirf rwwanl for little Andrew Stevenson, Hut I (Mr Ull, wiu*v«it trnjr huwb niivd with the anil. It in.nk'*<» a any was a of it who waaa rollicking L'-ai, iiiiiuiitiely | do you think so ?" Thero up stairs, followed the giving tuTom, of a reference on a warrantee !•.' to offer ; now, ull ihe "Why sltarjhdtorvation by way serving filled the chair, with characteri*- Urtl'lc, much di (franco tlmn met farmer* mi^ht happen of and could wnko it if Speaker's greater amused in the corners of a short fat man, with a red, fellow, go anybody as if he was the to decide the tfhouM UmvW lliat lti« v»n*« >i.i ill ('O'lruwii* ot* lifo whm withdrawn, und slightly expression appearance deed, judge tic and hlendiMl firtnnaas, and *onr> |MMtu'nU> tho nunurj i.< buried in oould. he tbo dignity, 'uj.jxkv, wither Mrs. Aarchcr's mouth. a an Iw la a 8» i>l, face, who negro with armful Accordingly, approachcd matter. Soon he attracted the attention of Tumi; .\|rv iim) LiHiV, )'«•! So-lf iv matter wlut tho act or ita hi* preceded Mr. Fillmore, a member of th* Whif and cljd*, or whether it In quality, medium one t*y. Kit lia* U—n bunted iumj* carefully ^ "You treated him of boots. The ahort fat man hobbled to the contemplated dispensing day, a to Ami li wrufthily ; wife nx-iml it with a cold indifference, sin- very coldly—almost the company, and young sprig spoke rose to make his maiden A and in:Ttuivd with th? toil, u.t far when tho conversation ensued : party, epeocb. .Mr t'rabfa in in* L'ial>Uduc»% v».mU through U.» spread 1 mo for saying to and in an ominous as following him:— in coutrasi with her manner towunl rudely, thought—pardon liar, whisper, though, wt of ill-mannered and rowdy democrat* jj '>.• and luirrowing. The gularly in which *1 suy, Tom, hero's a counter* pint, tuny by plowing from the way ho took credit for not in a tow-1 pretty good 'You like a traveller.' other wen. —quite differently great being look endeavored to cough him do*n. Ami l«ti ub H nut jviMipli/ uir. iiUa! ri .-t f. rtilu r in of no u-- to a un-1 feit three. If you will puaa it 111 divide.' immediately plant you (routed the geutleman who picked up satd to him— I I I come from Wis- Was it a defect of love ! Did Mr* Arch- ering passion, 'Well, s'pose am; Mr. Steveiuon, observing the noiae and dis- le*« iitt'-d for food—.-o • 'Let's see tho said Tom; and af- P«H«r «!'•<* hj» Ion.ui tli.it ul plant intermixed, a few minutes where are boots?' plaster,' l'*ruii»«u«, er diiuk more of otlier men, jour glove ugo. Landlord, iny consin afoot, 'tany rate.' and with with the a» to invite tho and »> really highly ter hie vest courtesy, strongly luudly toil roots, A smile over the countenanoo ol I—what numbor are examining it carefully, put it in rapped U>l, who showed her attentions than she *pr»nid •Why really, sir, 'From Wisconsin ! that is a distance to the and called 'order !— i- to moiiture m to lnomio soluble, jiolito an »ptuker* hammer, |-'.n fum Ht bf«t but a cn'J ta'^r ; |H>rou9 Mrs. Archer. sir?' pocket, remarking, 'it's equal division— did her a on one of I did >u over : »u hu*')nd? Sometime* chafed fovl- they, go pair legs. say, y order!' in a decisive tone and aaid A 'I li ul it ti.»«l j It-ni)' ul iii'ttoy ..iimviU, that the ro may take it up. Hundreds the made 1 I u dollar and a halt "Oh, he's only tuy husband!*' What has that to do with it I' said tho apiece?' tho 'lower in ■ u of of pass region' your member from New York T 1>ii* llir>m;l| Au'n ii too *. of < riiiKiiu have kIiowii that a small ing im|kitience-Hsometime* jntlouav— Mid Bon. through 'The honorable \|- answer. fat man, to excited. *1 don't 'Yes,' travel V If W |ill JM'ft, nier in the would trouhlo glove number, they "Yes, sir,' ho answered, a kind of wicked sat l'w|li' the soil—so a* in to 'wudu a of days faraway past, Mr. Fillmore down, and fact part one ive me off. accordingly Mi x- mi. Ul iiv "No— the who handker- with low and Yet hi* ili«rt*r« of l y ..|f>riU, tho husUuid llut these were g my heels, pegged.' look stealing over his Mr. the *oil itvlf-—will an immediate sorely, pressed A few minutes afterwards he ugly phitmaliogany, the disturbance being entirely quelled, Ami bwiA W» now ito «luw wil. produce chief." , •Ah ! what is the unmber quietly 'vrmiuly aside, or sutler d to die for lack of you mistake; 'I ben tho outskirts.' and nnult. aliment, " through Stevenson Said— astonishing your husltand!" •topped into tho offico of his friend Bon, and the routine Only of your room?' 'I Well, what an the If ih«* Imii.'Ih*'* m v»ciii in iih! £?!,«•«• i* u man' dull, cold of every life thought likely. •Order been restored, th* honor- Hut this lead* u* to consider another fact day The in u tone that Mrs. Arch- a can of for one dollar having liuly sjHiko porchased oysters manners some us An I .« II | mill to liuvo its usual conns*. •Forty-five.' uml customs there; of member York will >w»iii«. wril.-lwa, —tluit in a* uiott- permitted ■title from New proceed hurnyurd mure, UKiially ur could not help leeliug us u rebuke. •Ami"did put tho number on your and a half, and lays down the three dollar Vfi Mil'm .• c.iii *i t nil ilir w ,• <| in.iii lilt* brjii. Ou the occu«ion to Mr you would like to know.' It relerrod * with his remarks.' aged, i« not mixed with the soil. ijlwve, "He's and docs whou took them off?' hill in for them. The clerk looked An I run li I lii« !>«•» reudily my husband/'she said, boots you payment tho ball Plmli|h up •j«*im Archernnd hi* wife were an even- •Oh,' says pilgrim deliberately, Fillmore on this w in Cuareo and or if de- spudding not ex mo to bo • at tho bill rather when his sus- Mr. intimation, again Alil.oti.'b Dr. Vouii,' «* «'!J n» John great (art strawy, poet ccremoni- What, have 1 to do with boots?' doubtingly. I'.irr, at the houv) a when) particularly marking his and round the Will ing of friend, eomjwny shutting oy«, drawing ro*e, and his acknowN Ari.'ifiNi: h full of clods and jus. Ilo handkerchief us a I a bottle of ink in wero calmod graocfully expressed |hmiii'uI bil.y, composed, lump*. picked up my Do think carry my picions immediately by Tom, rows had been iuvited. For the you corner ol his mouth till the two of to Vi- I « .» li ir us their days previously, yel- th* for hi* kind inter- CiiImuI ;»»»<•.m h«* «' »►! huir, uruierx consider thin and give thing of course. The other was a mere ac- to boots from being stol- who told him there was 'no use looking, for edgements Speaker counteoanc* of M». Archer had worn iu pocket prevent my low stu's, with a mass of masticated Auil a* m view* on pig- and added— M»sl>y'» iibiKjf ybe. the management of luanute.'—/fa- u in lact—and a cu ? exclaimed the fait man. he had received that bill from Bon himsell position, usual dead its juaintance—half stranger the slit in his cheek calm, impcrturhed placidity tail, appeared through 'I am aatiafi Mr. that the In- T»».»ua'i .Vi io«m!ffr Mvcr axil* nn« in hi« lift. ro/ Xr»t Yorirr. uere formal of his •But there was a of chalk on the1 not ten minute* since Of oourso tho clerk id, Spaaknr, She hud talked! acknowledgement polite piece — find them much the same as in Ami Fwiii Imt U'uliil land, itsmatter-of-couneaspect •you'll I did not «*t«lry Ytuor* Cattle.—The cutumou »fice* «>f 1 ittention could no i have been omitud with. stand where took them off!' with this assurance, immediately forked terruption experienced proceed with her husband in a kind of dead-level you this tit fust the fire !' .Ni i :»!■ iii« i_."«!'v mtiii n- wi-ii'iI «i ! tin* w<'iU'* " region—The lawyers nig from on th* the uud fenevw i* to »ut •A of and said over the dollar and a half and with the yeniltmen otb«r side of jumping throwing taught tone rudeness piece thunder lightning!' change, ►Irlf* | and ui nnerouall *ul»ject» that hap- with their "I'm remarked the the other. 'I tell landlord, that tliih anu tho can or lout loft. house.' <>n eittU, any exception by afraid,"' you what, deposit oyster* A Clka* Sill. Ait'i le-nie* .onsiblo yes,' hut in reality with bin eye tooth cut. Paw* VM < " I accompanied by something shnrp- at onco him rank th* abl«*t do* llM M TWmi •«Ik>-'•** «hivwdriesN in an* and eff-et.— lime not l>eeii ; and a lesson 1 once recvivud ihern ; that's law all tho world over.' at the same time over the dollar and gave among I oWrving qom th.tt left uii the tuitid ol Mr. an passing Chatham street, tho clothes Archer ing up through haters iloua*.' 1 over a i* the said tho driver. a half to Bon. of the Ail yrt 11 I mti*l «*•»• \ fine feed fentv vill never bj ho waa encountered i««inp(iii fcxt'y •*•, >ry ju»; p*wr •inc juif rUiMo A- ling, as if ho *ere blamed forgotten.'' *Carriag« waiting,' quarter, continually Tii * 1 • 1 J it i 1 rail- fat That when lion made his cash ;• Aii pic il>r Miwlliiog. And tliin had l»een tlio wife's by importunities buy. From almost Government Land* in Milne. Tli.ll Aililll »lmk* l«\ tll« ltuc« to t!i« from. so th<* if towards her Ho wum I can without !hh>Ui?' account, ho was to find tho same cilves, ImtocAt, wen after instinct, husband. ( think go my surprised atore some one raahed out in accord- ' wpect she had donned her com- every pmm, anuual linn to i< the thirl linson; and near n brilliant the •Here Iw one dut not bo marked,' old counterfeit thrco in tho drawer. Turn* In to several to tho leup, uttiru, and to tin* utotnont when Handing ga» lamp, light pair ance with the custom of that reply queries proposed Ami men *Ik»*iI-I iimL* innrlHutuf Mw!>hi |>uuy up annoying the ta*t i« oltentimcN first, second and third >1 which wai 'aui't deiu um ?' to his locum linens bo askod— n •ho nude her the falling clearly ou hi* face.— raid tho black; ing street, to aeise and to force him to Maine Farmer by gen th-man of Bjfiald, lli-tf i« oil' M w w> i» UUo'i »h nf 1ml. ap|Kurancc among guests, upon try While, w did ith until will M^tlu unv thing. ;li« .00 was the !l >ur. There wo* •Then um, black rascal? •Where you get this curved bill?— Emz the Editor ol that Mr IS! it k »v'm» » wlii'e a* while sheep, they of the* friend to who** house she gla upon you Why At last one looking fellow Co., Mom., paper |N.jier ; brought, 1 purchase. dirty I'hose three l<.MMtui »re usually but on una ttio lioeis Didn't know it wus u counterfeit?' I .if*' l« 1 <•* I u* enough, shadow hid couuUmanco which tho uru an inch too short, you as follows : All I lii jt'-aiiiijlbl, Ihi'I it Iwl, iLd up tin i w«-re in a closely couipuct bun- ilicy caught him by the arm and clamorously roaponda a lourth H olten j 'said tho •Tom it to An I J* l.l 1144 J «a bill added, luimely: of made uru two inches •Why otlicr, garo a Ilituni,' caper. placing die, her smiles and courtesies lor public db- itrung light, instead obliterating, high.' urged him to becomc customer. ••The public land* of Maine are in tbe •lie additional rail on the fence each meet*- uutv visible—a look and the boat will leave me, and I it was ho said he 1 t> mi 'Carriage waiting, susjwetod fishy, 'II «vo shirts?' M I* iiiu'N >[»[». I |>' j»mi vn'iiu iki.% l«tmtiou. distinctly ofdisuppoiut- you got any inquired the| north-eastern section of tbe titate, princU »ivo u» UctHiie more okilltul, lor had received it from and I there* M S.. it.- i» 1 » «li l>«'.i«lc*ti till day, they As nent, that was almost sad. if 1 wait any longer,' shouted the driver,' just you, with a innooent look. 'W, ho had noticed on many previous oc- countryman, very pally in tbe County of Aroostook. The (' (MUll (bo u«tuu>ihlu of A new were fore took it.' M U< i'l« lll*Mru 14 il ji w * UK obj.-vt kee| ing thejuni[' l» !jri met OA*; witSin IwumN, hut rating u« tin* tlw to start. The Tat man The wholo tiling had tho wool r. » of Ben.*«nu peculiar grin in the air.1* horuc and coiu|>any, inaui>cr»— lietween her *.U-upbr.»idiug. puMibtr streo!, to looatiun. Tbe rook in many is Mr 11 .11 i*ttr indifferent? Wus it that ho bad 'Why, really sir, profit and lo-s account. 1 of other who to enter po«iiblo •To be sure, air. in, air.' and with little or no Miiidilwhuiiii common, and ; hi* u still f ce, bo lifted you Nobody chap aa the on his heel, M L*ttw l.ilent* for plt-itliag. unite ninny g>**d words, from cold placid month, and j •ye* ined, countryman, turning j though good crops of this ars ofu»a raissd ur its own thuso to witness—' down in Abordeen who camo home Tut- ilir.-e Mi— i'i.nu ate l< ti *111.1 lire made blind ihvu. 1 hud two hunae* from the Hour, and turned them full people just D'-v l n| 11. by with h If iudifferent or averted glances.— quietly pursued his way. there. It is a good grating country. We mid the a r#it iri'isnri «11/ l;» il 111. 1 thrm lu«t *10*111. TIm* were 'Carriage ■tatting,' bystanders. from absence in On Vu- Colt*, which hid And vet Mr*. Archer was a faithful wife in ipoll her. They dull und spiritless. year's Nicaragua. ahould rcooinmend for a Pioneer to select y.t'iiit r tf fut man startod and wus met Aniif.it M<* 1» luni t«> Jam* cure aim u»>d Take :t o( \ little while und TIm too, justj his from tho ho and At * pie «iay. piece all her dutiful relation* ; and in her heart, they lingered upon her, wny up landing quite UfAi-rr Ciiawtt. lovoly villa some location as near tho settlements on tbe Tlie i.iiiii '\ title tflwlllrl*4lt*ii. when the black touch | Mi>» ir»n with a ono tourth of then moved us if some into the coach a number of ladies. After Ills sis aquar* end, an; a wife to her himbind If smiles did siowly away, seeking getting kissing near Par in a ftlt was given Aroostook river as be could Thore are lote loving •• charming lately 1.mi •» and said— aro M I) ill ifi 1112 «» Cn>i at iV ran, inch in aim. l.jt one hold the horvo and not to look For aoiue ed his coat tail, ter, Ac.,'• said he, all tho scores wens and in sunny circle# over her counte- >hjcct pleusantcr upon. pray," Prvtty women by present, in and about tea we believe, ap- 1 play townships, Willi Mi»« Tr»t||, (ii .1 r»j»mI 1 o innii >in>n — rotta tho one with the time Mrs. Archer continued at her 'Mam*, remember de senrnnt.' in Aberdoen married? I met Mis- ojwn his lip to arable nance, as in former timmsho made the house- gazing girls tho most charming of them all waa M.idame in that section of the State, for Ml** '-I 'iV I* lull ant I't'lilf rent i.ihi—• propriated to with but he did not Vei. Hiiid the Other, round, nnd A W she irn't mar- iron it against the tooth, und smile luslund, look toward her turning ,"' by, brother, T the leader of the are tbe « j>Uiv hold with order and lands. These of M I'r inic h i* m» kin I 11: comfort, arrang- always eminently settling disposed by preemption, his stick over the waiter's heud, ried." •' Not married !—Nor Miss B ? a miiull mallet knock the tooth out. There uguui. Mio and her laying never so and as cent* M II we i« ed and secured her ever her sighed, letting oyc* /on, but Land to actual settlers for ri!»••«'• I'tl.'ier know ii.itne>l I'mii— by busy hand*, " aplendid captivating Agent fifty and and mo if can re- nor ? nor Miss ?" « no root to tho wolf tooth. The l»e»t lall remained lost in for somo mo- 'take that, try you Miss C Oh, a .tlr I' nji-oii'* we know i» •1.11m <1 11^r*y— way wire no truants to thought now. At the beginning of tho ball, young per acre the most of wbicb is in l'.oughts wandering boots too.' payable « me und ! said to .1 — i nenU. Then u> tho who sat member my brother,'' Sis, Mi ."»ii.le kret llie rnu'i mu 1 I ul lh«* tlruill : ia to tak* tho hor*» to a blacksmith'* *h<»p, other ami forbidden fi •!v* tit'eljir* >lie wool mairy. will kn.n k nor her und who was her After boat, long idea, nothing hoops.'1 to the first to a-k her to dance. the Miiith with hia punch | were they busy for herself, hut for her jy side, observing hastened he Ik* township where the land it lacaltJ. Wo nhe with a half the fut man seemed lost in revorie. Look* i« a — two *co mid, Miiilc, forced— can Mr U r, tfiK«l iinii, i« peier.i'»!e Im u.l thriu out in minute*. When jou I mslund and children in whom her life was dos-dy, ••With pleasure, sir," she replied—14twon think thev be no fault found with tbe new I hoard him utter, JonN Randolph's Advice to a Yoimq — "You hare net mo to at his boots, Mr* StjK.uvr llttf "jy weir* lie* Ureeetiea tho horao's eyo begin* to run ami look glai- boun I It was not that loTe for her huo- thinking." ing frans*." tenns. | up. cut ty *1 > — I can the heels off, Politician. A resident of this who Mr L i.i.r i« ».iaixl ill it Jie • 1 .it ttu eml l«»r t.>oth. I is "And in the direction, I was 'After all, if get State, cavalier. «y, Ijok tho wolf a'suiall, lund bae i« urwr uwJe t»i"m mill— "I think m).'' mine did leak a little. States, was elected to the of bis tho »w. nance did not at his legislature ••I Madamo," in as far as the Aroostook river, which is M* C it tit v ttfaiie*. u|t|H*r j light up coming—that beg your pardon, replied It*f itr.Mii* for a when wo draw comfort from the nativo at a He Watching good opportunity, Thus may State, very youthful ago. • some or this 1 1 •die did not meet hi* word an 1 the tli ro is misunderstand 150 200 miles from On Til i« tin -a, I've abura lei ibeiu »ajf what attention cavalier, Bangor. die knew her husband was near her, nnd worst of for what is worse than visited and was introduced to A Pruieat, Judicious Match. ill; losing Washington, I to band for river I hey will, voty with smiling glance. Had sho not eiven ing. had the honor ask your the traveller will find thrifty villages, :ou!d not noticing the liict, she one's boots when the is waiting, John as a I) 'Il «1 • itii.l C » r iiilnirit^t. help pur- carriage Randolph prominent politician, a with !»*• i»n of a town in hiui her heart when idio had liiui waits." schools, stores, mills, and society. tho ^Jth IXtivinber laat, given hty a guod acurf that was laid boat ubout to start?' &o conversed with the • pueuly disarranged ligh and the Randolph young ••Ah are the The drawback to theso tho north ol Franco »a' tnfete on ae- hand—had sho not promised to baa faithful you rightreplied lady, only advantages, ijuito >ver her shoulders. ho man a few minutes, and when he w >s about Instantly, ntep|>cd was a I that wo liavo is of tho of Millie wife ? Wan she not true to all of her rvLi- Phrebo qui< kly, ••there misunderstanding, yet heard complained of, count marriage Kug»*nio J forward, und drew it into FiREsiurSaints—St. Pnacsk. St. to retire—•• look here," said "let place. Randolph, asked ma for a but that tho winter is a little than in t o of a manufactu- note? What more was of her?! withal a thought you quadrille; longer I)——, only daughter required "Thank w'ie said a was married to a wilful, hut me a little a .vice. You look like 3grirulturul. [ you, duar," (prickly, early give you true It nover entered her that her sinco it was u it will be francs." Maaauchuautta. This ia ; but arv, of tho with M. t'hurlc* thoughts, hus-1 was a 1 waits, forty they rer neighborhood, imile on her und a in her huahand. lie merchant, a man, and I think lip pl«*u*ant light £>od*hearted promising young you at time time more on Hin « for the Sexsun. merchant ol fund waa weak to desire a m More than ever, the gentleman the eaaily endured, V , tho won of a enough daily' would coma homo sullen und sour fr puuled wealthy *yu. were not counterfeit—but real; ind had better go to schoolWo loavo those Tlicy waited with as calmness as account of the condition of tlie was one of repetition of the love glance with which, in much much possible steady Urn itin—Sun* ivil-n of tbo Uur.il I'.iris. Tho uiarriago prudtOOt ] for .Mrs. Archer hired her huslund. Chang'. Whereupon, after ponder- who huvo been elected to a legislature to im* season of truly for an which alio him and tbo bracing effects of tb« clear, rather than of love. All (he young love'n ardor, her eyes| Phoebe in her set to work, explanation, gives weather, N w V «rk r, perhaps will lik* to md u and arrangement uid Wiin pluam'd with any little attention at ing, St. patience agino whether this young man, who bud were ever when with a smilo. air. > intercut had boon turned gracious pure • of carefully beaming they made of IuiiiInT •' lin «»r wj o.i th c iltiv iti ki of tin alio re tho qutdioiw upon' (mine or abroad, liut. he her and, the while, dyed been cleoted, was set back or being "only praying just any" 1 am Fuel is and with a little fore* but tlio ol mutual ilicli- his countenance. And it from ••You mutt understand sir, that abundant, ml <»u» mi it an »t'icr l«*««oii on attended to, point 1 nhe had like far too other* wool u door mat. chanced, News. pliut, i$irj And vet it was even so. It was tiusbnnd," many ! not.—Aft/ua*he winters can be one becjus lor tho benefit of the stiflercr» night and tbe i. was n ted. o I never did the hu*band touch dancing poor preparation, th»•• .in -«»iv») »|. T n» vil in iv Ik> sown iii nation totally "glee Krery ■mittcd tho form of be- tlmt time, that | lie to live ull his after life iu acknowledgement, francs for as here as in and the bride.— hoped th(. the inundation. It la twenty [uaaod oomtortably anywhere III* on Mii or •e-mcd jfiy Happy, except | »uao he must know that the wan jtt that mat, that it didn't cloun his totuj4r A Nnrsiwrxu. It wm Homo's by aprin* dry. ly loin, any dry, feeling Bishop can »e n warmth of those that he had wooed a for a and no abate- Now We that • took und glance, bin waits, England. truly say K.til. Tit tbo However, th-j ceremony placo, tier heat t. with his sliot-s, und ho sat down by own that thorn was no bjtter moral- quadrille, forty light following *prin,» plant* ao tiid won her in tho of her opinion ment in tho never sulT-red much with cold in llaius l> foil owed, the whole being bright d.iys young! as ho " It* net out in bill*. one in n Kill. wedding induct Wliut a carno into Iicr Phoshe as mild the lauib whose furt ist than the lit) Tho price!" uiiy plant change inetantly I uewapipur. a»ys, as und wo Tho feativi- womanhood. And when he stw tho As aoon as it became known, Madamo T— we have in Massachusetts, apeot • l« ruiin.it d a lull. light Thus n'» » it f »r in the r«# ; the ro*» by aplendid liushand's lac )! What a look of had trod upon. gentleness may mako folliv*. via* and uiiserieeof mul- npirt *nd felt its pleased consequent but danced ono of our life in tbe o'd ti>* wero to a clone when a worvant growing daily dimmer, genial had no lack of pirtners, bravely twenty years "Bay ■'i mltl l»* .r extra tine J and y>»ur bridegroom she hud her reward ! Ilowr St. Sallt.—fct. nor childhood, ho icons to turn pi plant, t. kind, attentive the Wrily, tenderly tMlJy.irom many continually burning one T— Ip We adviao no roan to start hie on desired to with him on a very urgent »pir Very very hus-j There is more than Madamo family n »il i« w •: ti'il Hm' pI «r ill | a|HMk tio leaned lnw»nl» Iter, and what ft new wan known for her inneriu Mt love of truth. froiu tho rock on which have jjri«y» »*iy kwid icmuined, but his wife Iksmmio aware other* they a now uaat or u»rth or ■ilftir The went out, and did t | this city who might mako a good business to location, weat, ■"«. nn I then riK» a row or hank cart, bridegroom was in hi* a* he remarked of her that her heart ww in ti more pr. by n u r mine** >wara< nemeu umi meaning tunc*, It was said !»x«n wrecked. What Th* OTiain ahip powerful the on this •outh, without *t lint and giving tha • not return for tho rvet of the timing. for poor plan. going fin rich Una frjui tlw wood*. Mix ■M I in some of the hour. And did not and all the world see! from and an* | inj w;;h lar from u* tho lover* topic erjetal shrine, might dissu.uiro suspicion, jealousy of Mttlement a ex* *'*• on one, retired, lint the liwikiixi beluga* pLu*.iut pro|>oecd place thorough c nr<« riv. r *an 1 and tine manure till ^u- hy Iter heart at these of the onco when other women one you manner lio leap up Mgns uffec-1 it. Now, denied, p-r, th.tn the of friend murdered tha at ml alt«r lik with winch liad f story of not m to of • I Mill remained kbwnt, and I long rinerly First Lore. ploration; only capacity lut t'i» bink thre* feet in nnd linn that w.u» in hi* warm to hide their St. a more Symptoms d-pth, high m *he heart, still and or r.trove age, Sally miid.' another in duel ? What caution iU t.» her ratted her; uikI »ny time* sigh »1 for by •oil mill country, but a« to social wet tin* bride withdraw diitO. privi- «*(»«• gh to it If tin' aotl U uiiiniglit, loverdik"'—>till with tokens of kind* ••I aui !" next to to effwiive and When find Master J«ck re- k*jp dry. th»« ton** and she saw him give to pleased flvo-and«thirty Whereupuu, likrly against gambling you suddenly and Tho beat for a root* her l\ier>* »!u at one div »vcr<*d tlie cause glance* leges prunpocU. place bel ivr, under Ir.iin it. K -iuciuIht the i iK-v< and to reward thorn fold. St. ut a fount of titan the mournful relation of an fuse one to marbles more other UtltoH, an h-j I for likv* t »ken* of ready twenty birtlnlay, Sally's hunhind, profligacy, morning play any man to aettle U where be and bia will of her hu»t»ind'n l.»r uii the table wg'i family run d and iii i*t n »t ivuch water or aV'nce, a of sure that ?|i wty inter-»t in herwif. Iltili w<>re in und Away luck, through many year*, liertho't* nil their friend*, gave her necklace six* execution,or tl?e fate of a suicide ? fort'Ter—Ijo Muster Jack is seyed a win reel ami error, despairing ba beat contantal. a •«v lief h«l«ijii(lw fouud til |u wet uud *>11. It In rich, > went to the tuna of their nnd on birth- on the first lore. pkir delight* both in u c Tt.nn * •»« to blamo. May young lore, ■ind thirtjr ojkiI bead*; every What finer lecture neowity of econ- with lib to our friend n >U) !'r >iu her hun'tind : We would, however, aay an I tuil, an I if a hole the lollowin,; when th dorp, dry you dig On the reform! the contract y lived in the light of each other's addod n fwad till the b&i«b amounted to than the auction of estates, houses and When you find in Master Jack's bod-room no iuarrv< evening to, day omy that the "State land*"* above referred to, or **M\i»\vk: If 1 hud right in mil till it with manure, other rich and thi no iuusi«* mo and one. the seemed a with a bear tip between the manner of his wifo to ImuMlf :yva, ught sweet as the fourscore And beud« furniture? Only take newspaper, and sundry bottles yellow looking for such a to » NIMiru Itiltw do not offer all the chnnooa in a el iv and then let lllit you UlpNt vir.l'lMI, ui guud coMipMiil, gird.*u, atten- each other's voices. to act as a charm ; for St. the consider it for and it will in* in a blue forest on the label—which and other man, wlw showed iiur little melody Sally, wearing well, pay it, (the oa himaelf to find an farm fruit will be we were hat little with each other, I, how- | person eligible the gra-»« gr.iw, your pool The time sjeined to Mrs. sum of her age about her never struct thee.'* not the informs you that the was felt with more than usual dis- long Archer, neck, age label, bear) a home. In almost all the <•*. r, looked tor a lie art which had never tions, and *:iek« of th* can he ihut wen* olden an which the pleaaant I'ieaty dweription was they required hy to rc- in her face. Such, in the bottle contains unguent makes be ihroMwd Tor another, and which 1 hv tinctness by Mr. Archer Ilo uot joul- etiquette ii|)|Mured new towns and in Maine, n• t«. Old r»»a b.» might j plantation# m any# uiijr dun up maiu; lor she dewired to bo alone with her time, was the reward of and A Modkl Woman. 'Did you not moustache grow—you may bo sore Master ba and lendertMM, in the cud, uiako >uk. f<»r he knew the truth of her character; J simplicity say, will find lots cleared which may in the n.il in I lie 1.41 —and di> amiduity liii-lnifid Not much was partially uprin^—hul but hurt. AliuiMt said either, as truth. Ellen, that Mr. B la Jack is seised with hie first lore. « nor otT-uded, any hy poor?' of the aN a hit own. Hat u lou^ »eri of l>'tter» from price' purchased reasonably proprietor*; vid *d and «e» out n« a'»»ve Then* walked homeward that was tho wife of a no would he have for the return they ni^ht; but the St. Lilt.—St. Lily poor •Yea. be has only his profes^on 1' If you find that Master Jaok longer to U» another man haro N*n in p«id bright and aloo (orma under good improvement vt minv kin l« of rhubarb u-^d a* fruii )ou ju»t placed luind of Mrs. Archer a wIh> tnwl to his and to the solids of the din* gr. rewired for a the double clung with closer laiui, support family, •Will your uncle favor bis suit?' pays that attention "Coma uiv which tliat if mother siuiplcact, | ba bad aleu, for moderate • * un« liumi—letter# prove, you prioae. in .1 xt.it»; mi and | than usual t> the ariu her hua* were book* can ner be wu wool to and gr xery early of ou his would receive pressure of die children many, by writing •No; and I expoct from table which do, Me hand, affection ha* Ikvii which part, scarcely nothing and see." lite, and thuee that wwh a *uc<\**i"ti give your jfuur the arm held the hand with a But in thoio it was nut at ouy for a him.' there k no other cause, be sore it is an at- quite a notice. IhjhI—and diys to another, I cannot, Madame. ac- pa-*ii»g *h »ill nc>» A few bllUol given a heart man to find a as to his Pater- fash of lore occasions it. plint irdinjly. Sal aft-r thi"*. Mr. Archer uw hi* returning prewuro tirmly against publisher say Then, Ellen, you will bare to resign taek that ('VvdioMoxAL Mixurm. Salordaj o* »uch mii ami, iu> I am mi-, lou^ cue'i will a on* j't urrangnicnt, that l> at with were hooka that were and alludes in ipply u.uily. wilo her handkerchief. for- quieker pulsations. noster. Many the ionable society 7* If Jack becomes satirioal. a and bia wifa took aeats *hbt to rend »«umkr the boud* whielt hav> drup Stepping mo/uiiig gentleman >« the hnt tin* • fc» fruit tree*. Both time and were soon «rrittiv j They tlieir ehamlwr, book St. at least two haltes. •You must dross.' first lore baa lo afcury beyond he Hi tod it from the tl »or and It looking erery Lily gave giro up expensive sprouted. •on, but the waa obliged l«eve to ruU*t at lout aWnc the dy, placed gentleman | by my ug-aioat with a new in their om was the a of thinning out the MM ill hium-hc* in g tliii mcrel* receiving the hand- proud other ■wiiUd inkbattU, •You must tako a small and fur- II you find pair patent •a* hi* w|fa who tha breide minal* the death of one of u«. Adieu, knowledgement, Lou*, occupied place aim u« .i« to a h ind»>iu< hy Mr*. Archer drew an arm around hu turned his into the of a dove. nish from shoemaker some b*tar- f.tr p wihl< obtain kervliiel with a in iifT-rence in striking neck, goo* pen quill It plainly.' ing home your him. Mr Ru»t ivfiieed lo leave. Tha gen- M.kdam«*, forever !*' quiet It atone Iruitj iind laid her his msde tho he wrote on ae white as for and oau't remember order, bia well time si he.nl. Gnpw and ointra't with the w in w iioh she had lip* upon lips. Sbe paper •Yen; elegant furniture woald be out afternoon, Ifman fa otaimmg next the bouae of the rich iy day urgently persisted firnl el The moraine ••God for the words!" and aa as her soul. And fit bat and •h »ald hi pran I a« oirly *a the the from another n hand. Mr. ble»>n«i«"rna taken glovo ing «aal, ami cv*ii plun^l 1 iweml with a thrill in his when folk* wondered how St. lore is re- ln> M »reh, we should to prune lound d.-.»d in b t w*s The joyful toioe. Lily managed 'You will have to cover floors with Jaek—don't blame him. first draw hU bowe kn Archer disappointed. drooping your •You did not doubt she ma oar I r .ban thi*. »f charooal.— were for sun- my love?" she said so with fortune's troubles, always thin but the refHug Hinted n ui from the funic* lighted H iwcr* in his heart pining lightly cheap carpets.' sponsible. -▼iiable, fenaral in ends rather *o Ru«t, thai 1m put A< thu i« a vim * of the trunk* oi On the (able I it the of letter* trans- half surprise. answer*! that sho never heeded then, for thou I shall hear his If you see Jack's finger inky, itaelf eironxfr againet leuurv, pirtvl and he hail for a few bright '0, steps tbe sooner.' to leftea the e*at. if and near them the beams, hjpjd hl» knife ami the tree* in the orchard ahould be mitt*-d tier hu»lund, "No—no. But words and tokens of love troubles were like and the and scraps of an amertu around, up agreed examined hy But were not habies, only grew anywhere to with tha honor* of war. note: they given. retire following rays. are that Int lore has caused the prnnitial and any tut ore in • ay should be Archer had bom In- always grateful. You are dear to me as by nursing Uwm. tolls thai to write a he amawd waa ao thai aba waa aeraped ••Mo.nsiu.* : It if I wIki am in the A lady to whom Mrs. bigger (t^Rousaoau us, The ladf frgb>eneft ll off-r a I gi*e you the sat hind hearts together as in the be- should oven our enaduct out what mean to and k Finally, eufjring Relay acruhhin,; «xip. rr|MMtion. only to b>th hvrsc'TanJ husband, by her bright we do. though knowiag you aay, : I nature to ger and Pi. Y. Tr+mm. th) m tlnw ♦!, all tucker* that that i* m in? piw.T you your them with finish eaid loTe, don't be hard on the poor fallow, ground ap- had b„vn on with some gining; burnishing daily, small, shsuld meet with reproach and ridicule. without knowing what you have and 1 imploring your pardon. stde. They versing pear arouuj the rueU of thotre.w can he r Utterly, expire 1 snv» Ocvernment. ondeavorcd to I ime, and Mberrard foil. The Governor Dolnft of the City feature of Um Ouoatitu- princea. Ho ha* probably Dooiaion of the Court in tho I as 1 hold that a Court no 1 leeidee, tbe «u limited to such the mo*t leading th# Account of tbe affair in taprtno Dither, having grant ragu-1 THE UNION tho but U* that published mo— to the tion—a feature on which Um Unioa dnnuh, govern territory impartially, furnUhod bv mom Mr. March 23, 1857. Cm j of Drod Scott. |>ow«r to dscids the cm, or to deal with it I ilkw as might be ry dispoai- 1 be Republican,as | in each a and which aecuree to Um Statas itatonent he makae that be baabaen a any way further than to docket and dk- t ioa of tbe lands of tbe territory reapective obliged font*, i> * tlsue of falsehoods from beginn-1 i of and their citiaeoa an of -n', the two branch- Thie com, niss it, hai no to ductus the merits, ray m to oarrv out the origin*! porpoee entireequality rights, to retort to hi* pane to get along, t<» rod. Ajgrewblj loartjonrniu important involving qumtions right inununitiea. EASTERN "JOURNAL. private j ng nl wwna- and com- m no exists to rife a < he madam. borne government that •till r«- other things, the Governor ■ of the Government met, io respect to th« cituenship of oolond per» jurisdiction judfMBl privileges I hold the with the fart Judge Lecompte Among CUjr tn a* i ud as the Ordinance had been establish- For Umm reasons, compraaiae of the which than. But. I hold that there ■ jn« y. most bitterly annoyanea IX CONVENTION. •oni, and the constitutionality of the Ordi- their to hare been void ; and, MORNING. MARCH 1857. maios in oAce, (all* its own atury. 11a lun plaint riadictkMi to decide the will < d tbe States in Sovereign ad coneequecUy, tUlDAY 27. io in tbe obstruction and mutih* invito, I pro* by Sovereign Buffered offiecn vera : nance of 1787 and of the Mimouri Com- Um Soott, can olalm no benefit auatained ; the adminiatration that The following selected seed to examine the case. i apacity, the flnt Congrees, containing thai plaintiff not been lion of his correspondence. Hie nail bags, under it. and nil Street Commissioner for \th School District. promise, wu decided in the Supreme Court Justice Curtis took a similar view, and 1 tepresirtativee from thoee States, simply lent him tltere bare broken ita pledgee, and 10 mji, were constantly opened, IT we > sooanietd tbe Ordtnaaoe. to and from him Franc ia York. Friday, March 5th. Chief Justice Taney innounesd, ^irintslsml him corrcetly, JoxtioM McLean and Curtia. teeing no proapect that he can do anything' •omniuniontiotta systemat- that be should not hold the ex- This, as ae we oan give it, was the overhauled, and if ohwctkmahle, ah- Ocrrsetrt of the Poor. r«ad an elaborate the opinions nearly next to the eauea of and ically opinion, embracing the on < abetinee of tbe etatement of the Chief Joe- The day, (Saturday,) dissenting protect right joatiee Mr. Mcbiin, Chief Cl»*rk in the pressed by Court, the issuss arising Joatioe Mo Lean itracicd. Daniel Stimaon, Hi»hworth Jordan Jr. view* of the of the Court—Justices on inference were tend by and there he It ia tbe of Governor UnwU-d of tbe lact, majority out of the case and its merits, as decieione I ioe this point. Tbe practical opinion* reaigna. atory "Hjrvrjor (ieneml's office was mere- the two member* of the Bench 11tallh Committee. Daniel, drier, and Camp- them. And we undeistand, i ru, that tbeactioo of Congress Curtia, only Reoder acted orer another uniucceaa- and stated that he himself hud destroyed Taney, Wayne, upon such, the Law of again, 1 is ' and cannot be as a now maintaininf Freedom.— two huaheU of mail matter. G. \W l*ue Hick b-H. Catron delivered an the of Justice McLean. y exceptional, quoted to reaulta from un- ind 1'ieraon, ford, Judge opinion opinjoo or the of ful attempt obtain good suppiesMd of the It follows, that the editorial statement in ] xeeedent for a similar exercise of power in Aa judicial expoaitiona Principles The aboro ia merely an alwtmct F. Atrii. of hieoirn, aomewhat from that of of the Lawe of and out of la we carried Ilenrj differing i lay other ease. the Constitution, Nation*, principled men, statement*. There are a tnulti- the XmiionsI lnttlbgnuer, below, assuming Governor's j Fire. io to the of the the Common Law, Ha. we are Chief F.ni/ineer of Department. the majority regard power that several have been de- 5. Whatever power Congress has to a©- and bearing upon by violence, and enacted by uaurpera. The tude of details which important points aland unrivalled. On interesting Thomaa Fmlcml tiovernment over Territories; Judge cided, it erroneous jaire Territory, or to it temporary man Kighte, thry to make Kanaaa a Slave State, to oinit. lib private Secretary, Quimhj. entirely provide conapiracy compiled I| 44 was incioent to the ex- the of oitiaenahip, parUcularly, lit a ua a full and com- First Assistant alao submitted his in which The of the Court in | government, power anbject and to crueh out freedom and wa Mr. Gihon, F.ngtner. Nelson views, opinion Supreme Curtia left nothing to be aald The FOB PRESIDENT there, promised of tl»e ad- the case of Scott vs. Sen was delivered granted in the Constitution to admit Jodge I860, recital of the entire history | 1 Abbott. the the of the ford, preealv and mls-atatemente of freemen thickena. plete Stephen question concerning validity was sew Statea. It oannot for Chief fear, alao, which we ahall in due season yesterday Chief Justice It acquire Territory miaoonoeptiona ministration, Second Assistant and the Missouri Com- by Taney. a or beoama manifest in the Engineer. Ordinance of 1787 a full elaborate statement or the views ihe porpoee of it, as Juatioe Taney light C. The article the 17th to our reader*. acid governing colony, he JOHN FREMONT, following publiahed present 1 i must to ot the hiatorical facta preaented. We under the William Perkina. was evaded. The former agreed of the Court, and decided the following *11 province—the porpoee is, and be, OP CALIFORNIA. in the St. Louia Democrat, a In view of these thing*, and promise not eveu a of bis inat., paper : rorra it into a State, and such ahall attempt aynopeis of the act of t ie Ruffian tagiala- Fence Vitteert. with the io to the alleged important points only legiala- the i which baa not failed in to the operation majority regard " jod is as to that aa we heard part da- holding up drl* 1. whether slaves or free- authorised is necessary Opinion, only ture, which for the election of II. Uuo of tho Missouri Com- Nepoes, to We were more forto* view the atrocitiee of the border ruf- provides Henry Hooper, Hickford, uneoutitutionality that is, men of the African race—are not < »d. ting citixenship. publio to the Coiutitutional Convention, in to McLean, whoee elates Joseph Q. Johnson, Benton, ; and the latter held that every Citizens of the the Consti- It may govern a council, or by nato regard Jodge L fians, will give aome inaight into the motirea udminiAt credos it will bo the dominant Jowph promise by through to furnished a com* WILLIAM. DAYTON, by 1 mt to themselves It acemod ua, he A talon Howden. State has an abeolute right to determine the tution. homing the People govern argument, OF NEW JERSEY that have the reaignation of Gov. faction, who hold all the ufficis, thinks < to the elaborate of the prompted " Ordinance do in- —but it is not nor can it confer opinion it that n Constitution Lumber. status of its own inhabitants ; that, accord- 2. The of 17-87 had absolute, plete reply We take the article, and inevitable SUvcry Surveyors of Wood,Bark. ea. Juatice. Geary. heading constitutional force or ef- i ibeolute power. It cannot create an Chief will he cstahliiduil in Kanaa*. Klia* to tho laws of Missouri as declared dependent legal under the N. Y. of the 21»t, Nicholas Wakefield, Harmon, ing by labliehment laws Ho discusaed the qaeation eevoral all, from Tribune, i* but feet subsequently to the adoption of the of religion, pass abridging editorial correspondence. The Govern«ir probably correct; Sarn'l C. Hamilton, Samuel Moon, its a slave in that heads. supreme Court, State, Constitution, and could not of itself the freedom of speech or of the pruss, or the | inat. nevertheless it is one thing to frame a l*ro John T. Plaistcd, operate 1. The ot aa held in the Juncpli SweeUir, been carried to a free State and hav- to confer freedom or within tho right of the to aawmbls locality Slavery Acorm, March 21,1857. Slaver; instrument, and another toestahliih Francis having citizenship people peaceably and in the Courta of the KANSAS Uuo Rick ford, York, then been returned to is still Northwest on not citizens i ind petition redrsae of grievanoee— Supreme Court, received a if not the institution JeJ'arlo, in the Territory.— John T. I«aae T. Hohson, ing Missouri, Territory negroes lor^a State*. Consolidation staggering, Clark, the Constitution. nor oan it violate the of property. The The frieuds of Tree Ijibor in the North must G. Johnson, AM II. a Dred by rights a reierence to ine a bio w in the Houm on last. GOV. GEARY'S RESIGNATION. Jelleoon, slave; and, therefore, Scott, having 44 Under tnia neaa, oy death Thursday J»«eph 3. The provision of the act of 1820, citizen, tbe Constitution, the Government, redouble their efforts. John Drew, Kobert Adam*, been carried back to after a tem- cifil law, be showed that bill canre on its to bo enact- of the Missouri, called the Missouri (o into the Territory together—the citisen, through Europe The up, passage Tbe Outrages Border Ruffians. Samuel Gilnatrick. C. commonly Compromise, was to Japhrth in was not irith all his of and Slavery limited th« locality where it instaid of on time," porary sojourn Illinois, discharg- in so far as it undertook to exclude negro rights person property, ed, and "going through THE TREACHERY OF PIERCE. V. Tubune contain* King C. Gil|«itrick. lWnjamin U. Dolliff, the ita wm established by law ; and that without (£/™TheX. Daily ed i'rum bis servile condition. froui and eemmunioate freedom and Constitution, epreading guarantiee as some was thrown Francis Charlra Slavery one nation would not anticipated, completely C0n»flr*n$tMurdtr»,M*il R»kktriti, All Trut f Sinnntr of Rounds, Morgan, to in jver them, the Federal Government, bound an express compact, the following. S;nnUr speak* Tho able citiaenship uegroes the northern part the track. The Bill was tho I*. Garland, Hardin Taylor, following day, very opinions their deliver an elave to the citi- off rejected by •• 1 Joseph of the cession, was a legislative to enforce them for protection. up absconding S'uv»Ty;»a ani rgA'iizod bailwrisin." Nath. II. Goodwin, Nathaniel Kunliull, wen- submitted McLean and xetiM 62 to 02 wo a Ly Judges act the of and Tbe right of in slaves is of another country. cloae vote of jean, naj«. Every At length hare story uf tlio wrong* Horace exceeding powers Congnss, property equally deciiion in the is i.o: t o stio g an a; p-ln*ioi'. Any sy«hm Jacob K. Cole, Ford, from the of a no tecured tho Constitution with other He alao showed that, mo to wus the Curtis, dissenting opinions ▼old and of legal effect to that end. oy by vote, it My, against I inflicted the border-ruffians in Kawus, to an inva- Win. II. Ford, Thomas II. r». the State of rejoice* by that denies tho on of law Cole, " In these main the Su- No matter what it may be cue of Prigs? Pennsylvania, has there been in protect majority of the Court,and sustaining views, deciding points, property rights. bill, from Yovk. .Seldom wo think, be credited. Let us Geo. W. Chad wick. John (juiaihy. oonaidered the Law of that Law the Court held that Slavery was local, and which, may »ion of the relation of htudiandand wife, and Court determined also the by Nations, more intenso excite- Rtrrts. which, until have through- preme following viitue of the looal law. the Ilall of the House hear no more of ••»»»<} atato Fir/d Drirtrt if Hog lately, prevailed incidental oannot come between tho citisen holding could exist only by perversion*" which the hit bard to re- points. the hour and a compels injured out the and influenced the 44 4 That if the Constitution had not ment than existed there, fur Hop." Tho Clark Huti'hin*. Benson, country, legisla- 1. The expression and other slaves, and the Federal Constitution, which required and "Abolition correspondence suit. t» hit natural i# u baiLuriaiu of Joseph territory of from right*, Mark of in and them as the rendition fugitives labor, every half was under discussion heforo the Jeremiah Tucker, Wakrfield, tion Congress. property of tlio Uuion the Constitu- recogniaea guarantiee property. the bill that has in tho columns of the kii.d. It i* the recur- if ia restrained State have manumitted every slave appeared the worst frequent Ambrose Rose, Jothain Moulton Jr. tion in ternu to such And the Federal Government might voto was taken. Tho refusal of the THE CASE. applies only territory final Democrat from timo to time, liaa only been a the ao aa to violate it much that entortd a non-*la?eholdinn Stale with rence or cas. of this kind, which stomps Isaac Ibckford, l^eonard Rumcrv, as the C nion at the time of the from legislating does not mako it cer- poaKssed as there waa no in the House to the bill, untrue in its failure to the Jos. (J. Johnson, II. Tho brief statement, of the Constitution. more any Territorial Government ominat- impunity, principle pass fully represent institution of as the most damning George Smith, following quoted adoption Slavery, S 44 ita be- law of nationa which tho return of tain that it will tie defeated. It, however, the who Nathaniel Smith. C. Tarbox. from the admirable of 2 The rights of citisens of the United ing from will. Until tho Territory required atrocities of Pro-Slavery outlaws, of ull fin*. argument Montgom- alave. Sonato States into Federal territo- comes a State, the of to slavee the a towards it. The will foothold in Kansas. Cullers unil Stairs. Blair counsel for the will emigrating any right property goos good way : have gained of Hoops ery plaintiff, put and the ol tbe Federal Govern- therein cannot be interfered with. 2. The relation which the Federal Gov- it will then come A in ry, power iho bill, and John W. at on Tragedy Kentucky. Bcniamin llohha. our readers in ol the facts of tho ernment bears to in the Slates. probably ]iaw Got. Geary, Lecompton, Joseph Staph1*, possession ment there, on tbe 4. It follows that the law of CongTeas Slavery When Harbor Mastrr. F.ueneser Rogers. depend general provis- head bo showed that back to the House for concurrenco. the 4th Inst., forwarded his renignution of C»rrrijinxiirncr •/ ,T. I'. Tnbunr. m».': ions the which denne in Slavery north of 3C 30', oom- Under thia Slavery | G. Clifford. of Constitution, prohibiting in the of Kansas to tho MurcS '57. Pound Keeper. Benj. as the was local, and under the control of State this occur*, theru will bo another fight, Governorship Depart- Flttntnytlurg, Ay., 14, is a to try the thi*, as in all other tho of known Missouri Thin suit right respects, powers monly Compromuo, ment at notified Mr. wait acene or a Staler and Mcasurts. brought was null and because it transcended that the Federal Government bill will Iw hard Washington. Having Tliii tic of Wrights tii tre«doiu of tb« and his wife Har- tuognw. void, sovereignty which the of the ; t,eight>orliooi hia own hoiiae, agninst as a fundamental Law of the Union as ahould think to encourage it. to Iwtb by hia hlave, soch sum or sums o( na this suit, which ia an action of for State of Missouri is not affected the tem-' Slavery proper There is an loan, money may, trespass by a to of Mr. Seminary. opposition oonfirmcd all the reports which readied the wliiie in front of tho tiro on tlie floor such slave in —Property in Man fundamental Idea ol And he referred tho remark , bin,; Irum time to time, lie to note* false was in the Cir- porury sojourn of any other can be over. Many tho tlie outra- required jay imprisonment, brought the Constitution. who wm desiroua that no word grant#, that liardly got through Democrat, of The nejru waa coi.vl ted of the act cuit State* (or the dis- hut on his return his condition still Madison, public aalo»-p. due, and nmenfal for payment, Court of the United State," that it will be time of tho bandits and rebels in own and ia to becoming deny the Power of and ahould bo used in tho Constitution which members take the ges Pre-Slavery under hia conf *»ion, in a a* jn the law* of Missouri." They Congrap, ground to-day, and to for and behalf of the trict of Missouri, the a cit- not at nil give city, by plaintiff, depends the of Territorial Gov- could be in man. of the State on that Territory. Im) on the 14th lie ia a Tito was a they deny power any indicated there property to bestow tlio money unhappy hung pros, note or note* thotvfor, at rate of interest izen of that State, against tho defendant, simple question dradtd, ques- enough The Governor states the cause of his of hi* and a««eui» to have * eminent to interfere with the to hold 3. The of to establish resig- inacnaihlo crin>c, • tion ; the right power Congress other institutions, not six cent. 11 citizen of the State of Now York, who of junsJicUon elalwrata argument academies and literary to l»o tho failure of cx-1'nxident exceeding |»*r slaves in a while aasert th< Territorial and to nation he. n ujxin hia late uuw- Sent down for had him and hi* since the read Chief Justice they Governments, prohibit havo received all the terribly wrought hy Head twieo and |um»iI. purchased family by Taney, merely pre- Territory, when the schools Pierce to fulfil the made at tho time a> d that he di»e* not the of the Federal Government to inter- the introduction of Slavery therein. public pledges ter, dcclare* n'^rvt concurrence. to commencement of the suit in the rotate court. sented the of tho of the doty ot Ailjournod Monday evening opinion* majority obstruction to b< head he the attention deserve—and thero are othen of his tho The deed; that ho won ill-treated iter- " Court on not before the pose against any sought Under this showed, by pro- they accoptanco appointment. frightfully next, at 7 o clock. The defendant denied, idea iu abate- question* Court for of Mr. he were to by thrown »n the of its exercise. of the Convention which framed not vote a dollar for Seminariet promises Pierce, says, j und waa timf tho United States, on the that tho declaration of a want of Opinions yel necessity until ttio fttaio provide* iur a purpose ground precluded by let us for the and to the militia, and the if nco- of Ida wife to submit to hia Newfiold Towa Meeting. * in the muM. law, and honor, power establish temporary Government, army, Treasury, ouuipclling (T.i» the is a of African descent, So far, then, hope of Teachers. With thii insteud of this to thia plaintiff negro jurisdiction of that ss to ol Statr for the education but receiving aid, i hrutal and luata ; und are police, and well-being tho initiatory the establishment [jcanary; I»t'x) depraved his ancestors were uf African blood, as the named conccrned are Country, men or Wo have for a f>*w omitted to pure point* they never become law. As it theii to of tho t state df those rocotnmenda ; either in money, from tho President, latter eiiuao b«j traced thoawlul yeara | the reputa- payment of tho Revolutionary debt. Ant | regard military support, this the demurred, and the than the individual of •Tuatioe on, is noi a two to let tho know what tho plea plaintiff opinions from which it cannot re- was made to i claims arc favorably bocn refused detachment of 'ih. uiaelvcs near u thicket. In tho proper public MoLaaa. tion of the Court, that ample provision estatilial reported companies by'in tho court sustained the demurrer. thai ; for which ho under the HtttU' of feeling W along tha lianka of cover so as it shall remain as now con- Territorial Governments the 3 j sectiot i I should not bo of cavalry, applied wcro tho neigh- *• the defendant The decision of tho Court the long by very bright. surprised morning they punned hy not in the direction of Thereupon, pleaded over, revrrsing most circumstances, and received the i.nd the ill a of feur, "Littlo OnMip««." of the Circuit stituted. Tho legal mind of tho oountry will of the 4th article of the v.hicl the clerks of tho two hranchcn would be call urgent | bon, woman, p>roxyam and tho trespass on the Court for want of Constitution, answor com- Pond" but among the »uh»tantial justified ground judgment to novel and monstrous to ant from tho officer in ahe saw were to be ••Poverty i* not assent doctrines, i»rvh Congress power dispose of, | to tho next haughty when they likely found, that the and his family were his obligatory, b«caM*e a ed on to endonw reference Leg that tho of tho I'nitod States j plaintiff jurisdiction major* unsustained hr or and make ill needful rulea and re mand, army rudted io a aiuall atreum at hand and drown- yeomanry. a statement of the Justices concurred argument authority; regulations ad- negro slaves; and of (acta, ity Jq it—but, low on two resolves in tho end. to addi- Soon after tho Novemlier election, the the will revolt at views to the or other b« Mature tho was not protect him. In td in tcaltr not ncerdiny thrte ftrt to both was read in evi- concurred in all the o people repugnant specting territory property employed hrrtrlf vocatea of tho that on* mm baa a agreed by par'irs, many pinion* express a deal of discussioi i tion, the Judicianr of the us well the could bt o errf aim. The man, principle • humanit? and the of Chris- to the United Stat'js. That la r There has been great Territory, as follows : In the the ed the Chief Justice, or in tho reason- great principles longing derp, (fj'ort t<> hold an interest in the of dence, year 1834, by as tho ot tho Government refused wa* c and at one® admitted right {icraon tian civilization. years this was ad of local interest this week military however, iptured, whs a negro slaTe to Dr. ing by which he atteninf.

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