«* B V W& .p Mhrti 1 jaiMic rti IfMSI OVER THE MIND OR BODY OF UiM-Junm** ETERNAL HOSTILITY TO EVERY FORM OF OPPRESSION •wfiraw* VOLUME XIII—NUMBER IS. L'U'IS 0. COWAN. Editor anil Proprietor, a •bo** all, don't mm* the eonpUial with with eacb twm courtesies. Forgive me, ir, in ought, 0010. AaiWeriaf Young Lawyer. animation: and were interested lest it moved, un I «11 »liwobt on tho trunk* •hould | / liare too strong widiM, ataik* In, and UNION AND EASTERN JOURNAL | the marked seemed eold and indifferent-—there tm o h.T. Thl« lady »'«u> »truck by County Coort sitting a while ago, in cut mwnr. JUisrrll.uifons. has boen We beard of • Jack strike out from ptwUl authority.-* u »*•«aret'ully neither in heart." yesterday practical joke Taa L'*k>« *»d (*■*••» Ji«u«L itt»r difference with which Mm. Archer received my , on the bank* of the Connecticut. It now it lik* th* K.limal .No I, Omul HI <fc, U I he B:«l.|« Dwarf tree* bbould reccivo tiioruugh which, in the dullness of the First low whooping *oufh—w* froin different Ever after the link* were kept perpetrated, this f f-l ll m .w.m, <>r $1 Mi 3ramk. thw two attentions guidon was not far from time of the it T«aa<—)»r It ut umIcm tu to cultivate #V»»» 14# O/irt alight if not for its ia year—©old most all bar* and it ia baat to aatab ailhm Ihfw iu-(• »iu UwliM w( MlMliUm l>runiug. trjr them times, intrinsic axoelleoos, it, |mi<I Sbo had observed the re- bright, burnishing daily, by the small, a knot of r • * B uU trvce Oiwl A Husband. gentlemen. polhe weather, anyhow—and lawym Mujl* , Iruit on dwarf without tin? Only of recorded, lbs to w to sweet eourtceiee of the husband had worth/ being partiee jooag. V. II >'«< a»a. He An r(c«i N»»»nap*r \*ul, it 'I made when the wae handed which had collected around the old Franklin in the <i glove iihIimim4 >i*m I'f thi* In iIm rlitr* ih umi Certain- sponse thie transaction we shall dee as Ben wilj I"«|>rr trough pruning manuring. Bf T. • ART1IVH. innate N«-« Inn, It •toi «i.J •'li U.l ai«l i« Uuijr mm it* and waa with the grace- spoken. bar-room. The fire and of of Andrew SUtojuob and ipfcta, of la"t nhould bo owner, pleased biased, wuga Aneodjto |»««rul i« t tit Mlirr:U iwiiu <»l mi •«ri|Mi >u« a Iy on-half year'# gr.iWth and Too. manner of her new The I were a tha mid Mtn u». IIjiiAih .it /*»• " ful acquaintance. away without groan, Mr. Fillmore. nifKHu.rrili; out it and tliu tbould lie done under- Thank !M What a musical ring a Hip pernio* Iw Uui. & HitiU [ way, you Where are Boot*. It if for better understanding I vri;, Tn !■>><• .Vbulla/'■ almost in which she ac- my proper, a ■ what n cold, repulsive way when in oeme rough, 'babe lit* V *. cvm•* IWil »uJ l>«t standingly. Thcr* should l>e «l«*ign in rwfj vraii in the roioe of Mrs. Archer; of the to intimate thai former gaunt-looking The death of the distinguished Virginias, Mit Nrwl. therefore no- A of the Boston joko, 4the on She hail cepted the handkerchief was, Baltimore correspondent of the woods,' knapsack shoulder and ar- cut. Wo hare not apace to di«cu.'S tbi< pleasant light shone in her eye*. to a modest in bivalves— whuee name laada in the caption to this more d She saw that the Advertiser the account ■peculate* degree I'rlalrr* d had lift- ticed the stinctly. Daily gives following staff in hand. M ilCl'N WJITtOX, matter at pivaei.t. dropp u glove which a gentleman and bivalve* art, too—and ticle, suggest* to th« editor of th« Charles- I individual who of some of his on tho road : right good thoj oold. half the tor in her hand. presented it, wasdi**ppoint- experienco lie looked perambulated Ilot bed* should now bo started, if the ed froai the tl and pla ed it'is not to what the latter ton Courier an anacdot* relating to him and ed—it n..t hurt. Her inference was uaturul. The fact of there so much travel- neccaaary aay hemmed in the m a ww the being circle that fire, wall of laat weather i-» favorable, if d«vign«d for grow- Mr. Archer, the lady's husband, doea, farther titan that be ia faat aa the lo- Mr. Fillmore, which waa r*lat*d to him "That is no favorite of at this time will serve aa an excuse for a to warm hie thine. act noticcd itxrvward. gentleman jours," ling just brass, looking place o r f r ing cucumber* or urj'un*. If intended >nly little of eourteny, and comotive and train which be aweaie •ummer at Saratoga Springs, by Judgt t|. she rciuurked. for the inconveniences which tho way* pet by, unaMetoeit p to lie would alm»«t for many Nobody moved, however; and, raifo plants for tin* oj»en ground, tin- have given anything j and ia, a of tb* Court of th* United Mrs. Archer look- farer must suffer. As wo were about lea?-! withal, groat wag. for lack of a he next Wayne, Supreme ror as •♦Whatgentleman?" down chair, did the Surnamei- middle ol March will be time enough. ju*t »uch a m..iical "Thank you Tbo ruua ;hat Ben had taken in a State*. Itrunathua: ed curious. ing the hotel (or this morn- atory beet the wall 'with u a* a Philadelphia, thing—leaned against pmcatiox or she had thruwu upon j three dollar counterfeit and not reliah Mr. Fillmor* made his debut4a the Na- • Ai Mancm.—To the bright glancj bill, \V«- lately liiVr brnrJ fnxu M<>it»Mir iiM.Sc, get j "lie who lifted jour handkerchief just ing, there was some delay from a passenger tears on his frbi and bis doubled it On«v. t >n» and likothunH audi ho th» idea eyes up'— tioua* of when Hon. »«lillMlli«*a all tereflt Imih it mu*t be ranger. glances < ing duad conceived tional Tt.«t nu by contrail***. givut<»t manure, now." in third soon we heard a capital, and to on (be R*pr**eotatir«* attention! tho story. Pretty listened thadiscusaiou proper a staunch Psioerat, mi In h id lieen hirf rwwanl for little Andrew Stevenson, Hut I (Mr Ull, wiu*v«it trnjr huwb niivd with the anil. It in.nk'*<» a any was a of it who waaa rollicking L'-ai, iiiiiuiitiely | do you think so ?" Thero up stairs, followed the giving tuTom, of a reference on a warrantee !•.' to offer ; now, ull ihe "Why sltarjhdtorvation by way serving filled the chair, with characteri*- Urtl'lc, much di (franco tlmn met farmer* mi^ht happen of and could wnko it if Speaker's greater amused in the corners of a short fat man, with a red, fellow, go anybody as if he was the to decide the tfhouM UmvW lliat lti« v»n*« >i.i ill ('O'lruwii* ot* lifo whm withdrawn, und slightly expression appearance deed, judge tic and hlendiMl firtnnaas, and *onr> |MMtu'nU> tho nunurj i.< buried in oould. he tbo dignity, 'uj.jxkv, wither Mrs. Aarchcr's mouth. a an Iw la a 8» i>l, face, who negro with armful Accordingly, approachcd matter. Soon he attracted the attention of Tumi; .\|<k>rv iim) LiHiV, )'«•! So-lf iv matter wlut tho act or ita hi* preceded Mr. Fillmore, a member of th* Whif and cljd*, or whether it In quality, medium one t*y. Kit lia* U—n bunted iumj* carefully ^ "You treated him of boots. The ahort fat man hobbled to the contemplated dispensing day, a to Ami li wrufthily ; wife nx-iml it with a cold indifference, sin- very coldly—almost the company, and young sprig spoke rose to make his maiden A and in:Ttuivd with th? toil, u.t far when tho conversation ensued : party, epeocb. .Mr t'rabfa in in* L'ial>Uduc»% v».mU through U.» spread 1 mo for saying to and in an ominous as following him:— in coutrasi with her manner towunl rudely, thought—pardon liar, whisper, though, wt of ill-mannered and rowdy democrat* jj '>.• and luirrowing. The gularly in which *1 suy, Tom, hero's a counter* pint, tuny by plowing from the way ho took credit for not in a tow-1 pretty good 'You like a traveller.' other wen. —quite differently great being look endeavored to cough him do*n. Ami l«ti ub H nut jviMipli/ uir. iiUa! ri .-t f. rtilu r in of no u-- to a un-1 feit three. If you will puaa it 111 divide.' immediately plant you (routed the geutleman who picked up satd to him— I I I come from Wis- Was it a defect of love ! Did Mr* Arch- ering passion, 'Well, s'pose am; Mr. Steveiuon, observing the noiae and dis- le*« iitt'-d for food—.-o • 'Let's see tho said Tom; and af- P«H«r «!'•<* hj» Ion.ui tli.it ul plant intermixed, a few minutes where are boots?' plaster,' l'*ruii»«u«, er diiuk more of otlier men, jour glove ugo. Landlord, iny consin afoot, 'tany rate.' and with with the a» to invite tho and »> really highly ter hie vest courtesy, strongly luudly toil roots, A smile over the countenanoo ol I—what numbor are examining it carefully, put it in rapped U>l, who showed her attentions than she *pr»nid •Why really, sir, 'From Wisconsin ! that is a distance to the and called 'order !— i- to moiiture m to lnomio soluble, jiolito an »ptuker* hammer, |-'.n fum Ht bf«t but a cn'J ta'^r ; |H>rou9 Mrs.
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