A THANKSGIVING STORY. PERE MARQUETTE WRECK A BK; TIME AT LODGE ROOM AT ELMDALE. Look's Hand Lotion of rare interest may be read on With Their Wives, sad Children a the pa^-efl of a Ravings bank Two killed sad Fifteen I Blared; Hnndred Strong. book. It telln a tAle of indus- and Hand Lotion Soap try and fmgallty It tells of Bat Mone From Lowell. Last Tuesday evening the mem I mts teraplwtions resinte'l. of hoj^en Another wreck occurred on the P. of Lowell Lodge No. 110,1. O. <). F. Chipped hand*, face, lip» or irriutioo of the skin for the future. It shows how M. railroad at Elm dale laflt eveninc gave a reception to theirfamllies and it not koowo where thie combination if used. money grows when deposited at « 20. when Detroit limited No. •i friends which was a success that re- in « good savings bank. crushed into the roar of the Saginaw flecu much credit upon that society. train which was standing on the Over a hundred Odd FeUows, their You Can Read switch at Elm dale .Junction waiting wives and friends were in attendance. for orders. Two paswngcrs on the \ g'od program ronsiejing of read- A Dainty Lotion A Pure Soap. parlor car of the Sn^inaw train wen* ings, selections by the l^owell Man- The first eaeenttal* in aoaps to such a story next ThaiiksRiv- killed outright ami sixteen injured. dolin club, singing by the I. O. O. F. Nearly ereryon* has more or If* i{ yon start now. Glee dub. and some veiy appropriate pirity. Impure, injurious and The names of the killed are .laooh need of a haalinc and noftening lo- worth lees soaps are very common- OjK'ninfi an arconnt with Strelltxki. a Chicago cigar manufac- mnarks by 1>. B. Pavidson, after tion for the face and hands. The which the tables were spread and even some of the nuwt contiy and turer, and N. Simons of New York. text ore and beauty of any fkin may attractive are harmful to the skin. News of the wreck reached <r- stop the flyer and at t he same time poaaibly do aaTtbiac bat good. nery. It lathers freely, cleanse' warn the |wu«Hefigers in the rear Influence" will l»e the morning thoroughly and help maintain ihe coach of the standing train of the subject at the M. E. church. freshness and dtdicacr of the skin. danger. Through some misunder- 15c and l5e bottles 1 vening subject, "Christ's Appeal 10c for a liberal standins; t he switch had not tv-en or sold in hnlk. to Manhood." Viningmenespecially aised cake. proi»erly thrown. The Saginaw |nv ited. train was taking on passengers at Subject for the Epworth League, the time of the collision; and an eye- "• Mir thanks to God." To lie lead Daly at The Time To witness says the collision took place by Mrs. E. R, Collar. within three minutes of the arrival of the Saginaw train, though they COSGREGATIOSAl.. are due to leave Grand llapids ten I iiion Thanksgiving services will Look's Drug aod Book Store. minutes apa rt . be held with the Congregational With a terrific crash the locomo- Church in tin* evening of Nov. 34th Think of Stoves tive of the Detroit train struck the Tiie Sermon will IK* delivered by 1 chair car of th* Saginaw train and Rev. A. H. Sturgis. smashed it into splinters for one- Next Sunday morning the pastor third of its lengt h. The engineer and will sin-ak on "Why Martin Luther fireman as soon as 1 he engine struck never reached the top of the marble the switch jumjH*d and escajied in- stairw ay at Rome." jury. People from the Saginaw train ran back and l»egan to rescue Evening Subject—"The Burning the passengers from t he wreckage of Bush." Christian Endeavor Meeting at W'ben you thing of stoves, think of economy the parlor car, which had Iteen well P.M. led by liattie Lynn— too, and look at the new line we are carry- filled. The body of Strelitaki was the first taken from the wreck. It Subject " How to express' our Special Sale ing this year. We have the was terribly mangled. Simon's thanks to God." body was the next recovered. Bevotional service Thurday eve- New Gold Coin Base Burner OttiKM of Klmdale assisted in the ning at 7330. which we nrt* recommending highly liecause work of rescue and the injured were SOCIETfBS. it has more radiating surface than 'an> other taKen to near by homes. The relief Regular meeting of < yclatnen stove made. train arrived in Grand Rapids at Chapter, No. 34, <>. E. S., Friday 1ft..Kl, with the bodies of the dead evening, Nov. ^ Every nteniber CLOCKS and the injured. The latter were urged to be present,, Sonwtinies circumstances makes it advisable taken to hospitals. Lowell Union W. T, 1". will meet to get a Second Hand Stove—we have some The Detroit train was in charge of tomorrow afternoon at Mrs. R. E. During the month of November. Line in- choice bargains in these and we invite you Conductor F. Prindle and Engineer Van Den sen's at il.-'lO. cludes all the best makes and prices lower t to Inspect them. Yours, Patrick Kelliher, both of Grand Rap- ids. The Saginaw train was in care The < lover Leal club will meet than you ever saw before. of Conductor C. Reardon and Engi- with Mrs. Geo. Wlllard. Tuesdav, neer C. WeMman. Nov. 22. Those injured but who continued The Success Club R. B. BOYLAN. on their Journey were: U. C. Rots- ford. Detroit., baggageman on train Meets at Train's < 'jtera House No. fi. injured about liead and hands. Monday evenin Nov. 21st, 1904 at L. L. Cook, Bay City, injured about v o'ch»ck sliarp. head and hands. Jlies Jennie Dona- The committee in charge are ar- hue, Stant on, injured" about hands ranging for an "Old Times" partr Edward Freeman. San Francisco, and expect that Success (?) will fol- injured about legs. Chris Larson, low. Greenville, injared about head. Allen The old fashioned girl and her Lee. No. Marquette building. young man are expected and will ex- Chk-ago, nose broken and injured emplify that ecstaticblisfi in each about body. Arthur Sutherland. 7 other's society which only those who years of age. son of Charles Suther- have had experience can understand. Watches land. tiieenville.cut about bead and If the moon shines so that be can Two Loaders. face. Miss Mary Watkins. Detroit. drive the steers. .Tedediah Corn tassel Clocks *F YOU want o-ock! g-oods, Injured about head. C. Watkins. and wife, .lerusha. will come. You POTATO BREAD. I the best that money can Detroit, express luesnenger on train come and wear old time costume. If HOME MADE MIXCE PIES. Jewelry No. fi, injured about head and body. possible. • buy, g-oods that are of The injured who w ere taken to Fresh every day. You can Dissolution Notice. Silver- Grand Rapids were F. L. Chnrlef, always set a good cup ol hot superior workmanship Cuba, N. Y., injured about the head The co-partnership heretofore coffee at car lunch counts*-. ware and quality, g-oods that are and legs.Taken to V. B. A. hospital. existing between Meyers and McKee .J Leo Lancher, No. l.»5 Sooth Sheridan is dissolved by mutual consent Fancy up-to-the-times, gioods that street. Bay City, cook on train No. Ry term of sale all out-standing are sold under a guarantee 34, badly injured about head and accounts are payable toM. Meyers T WELDON SMITH, body. Taken toT. B. A. hospital. who has payd all bills and requests to be perfect, goods that will Clarence 1. Plckert. Ikiston. Mass., those in indebtedness to call and The Baker. Kodaks seriously burned about head, face settle. .L M. Meyers, please you in every partic- and body; may lose eyesight. Taken Notice to Settle Accounts. and ular, come to us—we can to Butterwonh hospital. Also: E^Sph Savoy. No. 3^1 South 1 nion Having sold my grocery business supplies please you in every way. street. Grand Rafuds, scalded about toC. M. Foster; all accounts due me body and leg broken; rnay die. Tak- rnay IK* settled at the store on or en to Butter worth hospital. .1. I . before Dec. 1. after which date they Smith. No, 111 Washington street. will l»e placed with an attorney for Come in any time and see Grand Rapids, burned about legs; collection. I'leaiecall at the store may die. Taken to Butterworth hos- and settle at once and oblige, We have now on our floor the most complete the different lines we carry. pital. C. O. Lawrence, Lowell, Mich. Mrs. A. D. Oliver and son Floyd, You are always welcome, Mrs. Lon Taylor Ib quite sick. line of Mrs. Chas. Booth. Mr. and Mrs. R. Miss Jennie Lillle Is spending her B. Lowland, Mr*. W. S. Winegar whether you buy or not. vacation at home. and daughter Delia, Mrs. Belle Born, in Lowell, Nov. 16, a daugh- Hodges. Mrs. Frank Coons, and ter to A. W. Bennett and wife. Mary Rogers, all of Lowell were on Miss Louise Lillle returDSd Satur the Saginaw train but cscaped in- day from BoyneCity and"\vill spend jury. the Winter at home. I Several other Lowell people were John Bergin has bought J. H in the city, but were fortunately Dutcher"s*193 acre farm, giving his delayed and ca me home ou the Grand JEWELER AND A. D. OLIVER Lowell reslience as part paymeftt. •PUGIAN. Trunk. The news was flashed about town Miss Maude Mook and John Chase of M nir spent Sat urday and Sunday and anxious friends amd relat ives of with their friend lua Alger of Yef- the Lowell passengers had qnidkly trennes. engaged every livery rig and avail- Wheal planning your Thankagiv able private rig in town and were ing dinner don't forget my complete siHt'dingtn the wreck. Other vil- lages and the surrounding country line (»f fruits, nuts, and fresh made candies. Prices the lowest were also represented and the crow d about the wreck and depot wa* F. Spagnuola. Lowcffl Masons hud a fine time dense. Tuesday night, Addbert Kinyon Death of Amos White. was made a Master Mason. Great Amos While, well known in this att«ndance, great banquet, great vinuitA, died Friday, Nov. 1L at his Njveeches and great fun. Regular home in Grand Rapids, altera brief meeting next Tuesday. Work In What Do You third. JCard Coai illness. I'uneral services were held • Monday morningaa the home of I'hfl S. S. Courtright went to Grand Krum inthii village, conducted by Rapids last evening to consult the Like in Meat? • iter, .1, M. Wesbrook, aud incerment (•rosecnting attorney. He will « was made in t he Krutn oemeten . for divorce from his wife, Anna SSase burners Beei, Pork, Mutton, Veal, S; Hamburg Deeeaseil was bom in Moscow. Belle, on statutory grounds and Steak, Ham, Bacon and Cooked Hillsdale Co.. Mar. Ds, 1S47, When a names.!. H. Cramer as co-respond- 'eats of all child he moved with his parent s to ent. against whom be will institute kinds. J criminaJ proceedings. Vergennes. and his life has been s|ienl in this \ icinlly. In ISfiH he The concert given at Train's hall we have ever shown, Fresh Fish Every Friday. was marrierl l«i Haniet Hodg<,s. Monday afternoon by Wheelock's i 1"nlted States Indian Band was one Wc have all kinds and stEes. Oysters, the best ever. A full line of Alpine Two children were bom to them. • Mrs. 1». I'-. Hicks, who died three nf the liest ever given in Lowell. Call and see thim.; Canned Yeg-etables, best of their kind. years >igo. and Mrs. F. M. Gull if or d The comet soM, "The Lost Cord," of DetPoil. lie leaves besides his was especially beautiful. The picco- daughter, out- brother, Bertis White lo solo was also finely rendered, as Chickctw |>or S.tidtvlDinncr. of Mount Pleasant, his wife having indeed were all the numbers. The I died about twenty years ago. Indian War Dance was very real- istic and almost as blood-curdling The as one would imagine the real Scott & Winegar A. L. WEYRICK. J thing to be.. There was a large at- New Century. Lily White, Buck- tendaaoe and the mnsic was very wheat. Graham and Rye -Flours; m uch enjoyed. as was shown by t be : (jMikeii foods aisc: at I applamse, several numbers being Lowell iFeed Mtii. i encored. —r—— irny wi navgBBH

O. O. McDAHNELL, M. U Mbntmorsaer. W 800 "! rtCYaiClAN 1000 Sill Muskegon .... 1500 AND SUkCBON Ncwnygo 1.100 1000 1U7 Chicago Produce, 300 703 Oakland 200 ICmU Rr1«c«St. Lowell, Mlefc Wutter—Creamer}-, extra. 24c: firsts. 900 1163 Oceana 1200 046 ledger. 21«4©22Hc: seconds. ICWISc; dairies. [ElimMK LANDSLIDE FOR ROOSEVELT. Ogemaw 700 BOO ffu'f// Cooicya. 21c: firsts. 17c: ladles. ICc: pack- 500 52S THE NEWS OF THE WORLD Ontonagon ... 700 M. C. GREENE, M. D ing stock. 13U9t4c. Osceola 1800 1200 Choice items fronf over the state, Cheese—Full crcam. daisies. lOHffllc: IWENTTIE/ Oscoda 200 200 '511 605 Physician 7. M. Johwjn. Publisher. twins. lO4c: extra (high-grade, 700 1097 ShlawasHo .... 1800 2569 Nethlrovii'li Hanchenko, the well Several southern Democrats will. If Loans, Collections. Real Estate, and Mnn.r a Rirl lias elop.d wllb a joy's packed for city tmde), 26%c. F. W. Plrl by Thomas Mor- WAS CONCEDED EARLY. St. Clair ...... 2500 600 •191 Live Poultry—Turkeys, per lb. He: rison, a nephew of Mr. Carnegie, St. Joseph .... 200 200 known Russlnn war correspondent, tel- the plan meets with proper encourage- Insurance. Registered and Assistant Pharmacists young. lfifi'16c; chickens, hens. 9V4c; 1741 suit, if not in one. Judge Holds Order From Parent Does Spoils Plant of Alleged Chlneoe Smug- Tuscola 2000 325 egraphlng from Mukden on the 12tli, nient, start 11 movement. "To pit the springs. He: ducks. 10%&llc; geese, per whom he appointed to represent him. 2000 .... 1597 LOWELL, MICHIQAN. u - —* / Pass the State Examinations. glers to Escape. Van" Huron .. 3000 1000 *431 Not Mitigate Offense. do*. lc.oo« A window memorial of the late Washtenaw .. 2000 says the reports of the death of <«eii. northern Democracy against the Re- It is said that women can stop the Sheriff Shepard discovered Just In Apples—Michigan. Incarlots. 11.6561.83 ... 5000 160 In tho circuit court at Kalamazoo Tho Michigan board of pharmacy, at per brl: New York. In caitoad lots, S1.90fi< President Benjamin Harrison will be Wayno 15000 1 Kurokl arc conllrmcd. According to his pn|,iiean party, the south to cast Us WILTON M. PERRY EARLY RETURNS SHOW THE REPUBLICANS SWEPT MICHWexfor- d 100 700 .... HO its meeting at Grand Rapids, Novem- the nick of time a plot of George 2.2* per brl. Local lots ranged as follows: version, the splinter of a shell struck ( independentlv In the elwtoral col- divorce problem by refusing to mnrry. Judge Adams held that a saloonkeeper unveiled next Sunday In the First V)) e Attorney and Counselor at Law Selected, well-packed stock. S1.75Q2.25 777.-79384 Oen. Kurokl. tearing out a portion of lope." How far-nachlng It will be., but no woman is wlllinp to be a martyr Is liable to punishment for selling ' ber 1, 2 and 3, examined flfty-seveu Cobb and Charles West, the two allep'- Totals ~ Train'*Hall Block, Lowell, Mich. er brl: fancy varieties, [email protected] per Presbyterian church of Indianapolis, 67846 9326 .... applicants, forty-ono for registered ed Chinese smugglers confincd In the ..rl: common. TScetl^S per brl; boxes. IGAN FROM ENO TO ENO-LIST OF SUCCESS- Majority- ..14CI00 hi* breast ami abdomen. He died Uc- whether It will ever amount to what Speeirl iittentloa »lvcn n •'ollei'tloiis. Con® lo the cause by becoming an old maid. ,0 R m,nor even though the lat of which President Harrison was a Hii.-ina sale of Hr;il Extalo. IIhs also pharmacist certificate and sixteen for county jail at Adrian, to escape. Wed- Colorado. 11.2691.76; Idaho. $1.60. tnlier I nl Lao \ung and his body was |ts advocates hope. Is too far ahead to ter have an order from a parent or a Potatoes—Car lots on track: Wiscon- ruling elder for many years. It was Warner's plurality over Ferris. 48620 uiiilticO umi r«cn k-dmluuil to prucllri- It. the assistant papers. Following is a list nesday the prisoners are allowed sin and Minnesota. Durbanks. good to Inu-rior Deoartmenl un night, he found that the door would late President. THE NATION'S VOTE. RESULT IN MICHIGAN. him on this charge until the supreme Arthur Hudnut. 0. B. Harper, John .0091.25 per sack; Spanish. Sl.45©1.60 R. E. SPRINGETT comments the Atlanta Constitutiou. The announcement Is made by the ,,lc uri v ,IIH 1 011 Madsen, Charles Pickett, Russell 11. not shnt. Upon Investigation It was er box; yellow. 80c ner bu; red, 85c per Roosevelt's Great Vlctorr—CoBarewi' Warner, CoaarreiialoBal DeleBaUom and , lila' mnlorit^^lna^bout " j l ^ entrUPtetl to (.Sen. According to the present arrnnge- court reversed his ruling, if it did so. u: white, 7o«?8.r)C per bu. management of the Lewis and Clark found that a staple had been pulled E 1 Pr l ,0,U R0,,t,,,,rU ATTORNEY AT LAW The case was that of John B. Wagner. Reed, John C. Squiers, Byron L. Cur- Broomcorn—Market easier. Self-work- I Lecture by .-are M.JorH.e. , — ---a v.- ^ "* nmances ror n\e wwjrr jm*i. ^ .,|)(| oU(r 0f; congress are to^""T. be askedu The man who insists that there arc exposition at Portland, Ore., that tis. Vaughn R. Francis. Charles R. out, and had It not been discovered Ing. common to choice. Jc3.00ft90.00 ner General Lax Practice and CollectioM He was charged with selling wlno to ton: No. 2 hurl, common to choice, 160.00 they could have gained access to the President Roosevelt will be Invited to alligators at the North Pole has at wililani Conlng and did not deny that j Oreen^ John N. Haan, A.^Fred^ Lar- (590.00; dwarf. 180.00690.00. • visit the exposition, and should the Ufflee. City Bank Block. Lowell. mour. Lou D. Norhholmuu , , John Roberts, corridors during the night. They had least one advantage. He can staml he iia(j done so, but sal^ that the lat """ ' "" ~ ~ planned to escape through the walls New York Produce. president accept, great prejiaratlons of Tnesdpy'B balloting, uue unomcmi ~. H. M. Rouse. returns give a basis for this estimate, governor by a majority estimated at was from 3,000 to iu.uuu lew Imsll!0n!, IU 8C>riul resoiuuo.. I»at Until some one proves he is mis- ter had an order from his guardian Butter—Firm, unchanged. will be made to celebrate the event. Assistant pharmacists—Wilbur L. by building a fire against them, and .Tjie small plurality for Parker in New 50 per cent larger than that of Aaron predicted for him. points are onlv Simi paces distant from bn uirore,l i,.- ,, southern con for the wine. He was fined JG3.20. Cheese—Firm; state full cr«am. smtll DR. E. D. McQUEEN taken. It has already been arranged thai 1 Uo 0 r Brown. Fred D. Bcrnum, Austin C. when It had become heated to crack colored and white, choice October, 10%c; . r. about -10,000. caused great T. Bliss over L. T. Durand two years. According to complete and Incom- nUrs Iin(, n||^t |,0 rni,sJ,to v ' r^.| ' do large colored, choice. lo»4c; i President Roosevelt will open rettlr 1 8 n ur r VETERINARY Fauckboner, Charles W. Hackney, It by throwing on cold water. intment, the lowest preliminary nB0 nll(i the entire Republican state Pjf® ^', ^ "r"! " ,. l " i M. Inltely ocruple.! by the enemy. The lat- ..,{l.Kulv'ed -n.-^ th,. Democrats of The city council of New York ba* FALLING OFF IN COAL OUTPUT do large white, choice, October. 10«4c. mh„ onnn SURGEON- Stanley Wilson, Grover H. Burke, Eggs—Strong; state. Pennsylvania and I exposition. The electric conn aZ£T* mcu^ ^ery ^tor'a' ^ ^ ^ These Z appropriated .510.000 for the study <«f Charles F. Brown, John Heyboer. Child Burns In Bonfire. near-by. tancy selected white, extra. 34 between the exposition grounj Dtntistry and Surge" a Sptcialt f Production in Michigan Mines Is Cur- ©36c; southerns. 19©26c; refiigerators, bv later returns constnn led. liielr trenches in nutny electors from the southern states muln- the white house will be madj :,r Lntry, pud and 5a// Bjt* _ Comudum. pneumonia, which ranks next to con- George A. Mathews. Frank Zolteroskl. A horrible death occurred three 19® 21c. more. The Parker plurality [ • ' V cleverly concealed ns not ^i,, tll,.,r old constltUtlonHl privilege tailed by Operators. Camden, N. J., Is plannl miles south of Cadmus. A farmer was 35,000 less than was Ihe i.eauintnre. to \n, ni.:|penb!e 11 short distance awny, llll(| vo(p th(, electoral college for the Both Phones No. 35. LOWELL, MICH. snmptlon in piling up the mortaliiy in Grain Quotations. A bulletin on the coal industry. Is- Benton Harbor's Football Team. named Freeso was burning his brush cclebratlon for Washln Dem., for uo vera or. lit For the first time In the history of Ihe earth removed being carefully presidential candidate regardless of WHEAT. thai city. I sued by the department of labor, shows day, when the President Republican managers Michigan the Republicans Tuesday thrown in front of the trenches. The ., |U| . who seems to them most llke- Benton Harbor business men arc pile and his three children were play- Chicago—Xo. 2 red. $1.16^,

. — FALLASBCRO. David Garfield visited his mother in Sarannc one day recently. Mr. and Mrs Cooper of Byron Cen- ; •# ter visited their daughter. Miss Edna, at the home of Henry Scott JVC. IRiXJBEJST & CO- last Monday and Tuesday. New Cloaks are Here Here to See J. E. Tower went to tiie Rapids X \ Monday and returned Tuesday En- 6 \ joyed a visit at the home of A. (•». lj OR Steketee. (JLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! •wv tlKV arc Swell (ianiKim - Adrian Voss was In Grand Rnplds Hi last week. Having: purchased too many Children's'Qloaks we will jrive the people the op- 1 Mrs. Chapman is 111. portunity of buying them earlier in the season at "After Holiday Prices." They are Here to Buy Henry Booth wns in the burg all new g-armeuts this season and must be unloaded before the first of next year as Friday. Already for another week of grand cloak selling. We make a specialty of Misses and then comes the inventory and we had rather give you the opportunity of wearing Children's Cloaks—thc best cloaks for the least price—is our motto. If you get them here Frank White of Alto visited Mr. them than to inventory them, so just take notice ot these prices—-all sizes from 6-14 you know they are right. Tbe new Fail and Winter Suits and Over-coats are here and Mrs. Garfield Sunday. years are included in this special effort to unload. for you to SEE. TRY ON or BTJY. Picture men of Chicago did quite a business here Friday In delivering All children's $ 4.00 Cloaks at $2.90 Fnll Carpet Buyitig is Here. If you go so far as to try on one we shall be sure of you seven or tin ore pictures they had en- All < hildren's 4.50 Cloaks at 3.50 as a customer, for to try on one of our garments is to be- larged nnd placed in nice frames. We give you groat vhIiip. Now Is the Mine to nmko your Helertlona. Ml •'hildren's 5.50 Cloaks at 4.50 come convinced tbnt you need Furs! FursI Can Save you Money. Hlg Htock IngraiuM and (imnltOH. PrlceR alwajH Ed. Voss went to Grand Rapids AII Children's 6.50 Cloaks at 4.S5 Come and get one. 1 ho lowcHt. Sunday to be gone a month, having All Children's 7.50 Cloaks at 5.60 obtained work for thai period. All children's 8.50Cloaks at 6.25 Arthur Parker of Vergennes was All Children's 9.50 Cloaks at ".25 Seek No Further home Saturday. All Children's 10.00 Cloaks at ".50 • — nu tub rremng papers were full A Rnaaway Bicycle Of It, tho men who aiwnya profess to for Halisfa-'tion. style, tit . (pinlity or price. Terminated with an ugly cut on know something morn than their fel- There is nothing about a made-to-order suit, costing FURS! FURS! FURS! the leg of 0. B. Orncr, Franklin lows, whether it bo with regard to a The Best from $W.OO to $10.00 that you will not Hnd in our Suits, dark horse for a race, an understand- n Grove, HI. It developed a Stub- The mild weather so far this season has not helped the fur trade and, of From Our Point of View Clothing Business costtn g ing with Cermany. or (he full particu- So 18. $10. $12. fl5 OR $25. born ulcer unyielding to doctuih course, we will have to reduce the price in order to make them come out the ripht lars of the next gr^ divorce case— and remedies for four years. Then way at the end of the season. Now you may think it strange that we do cut the in Michigan thece men had heard nll sorts of curi- Our clothing is of thc highest grade, corect in style, aud Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured. It's prices so deep just now bnt we always make a practice of selling the goods of each J ous stories—that Cundnll hnd n wife just an good for 15urns. Scalds, who hnd tracked him from the Tropics season that we may show 3'ou new ones because you do not care to look at the same In spile of the most exager- Skin ifruptione and Piles. 2f»c, at Just a few after election reflections: to slay him: thai lie hnd committed SSewitch ones even time. Therefore you can see it is the best for you as for us. aml t-lniniN made by many D. G. drug store. •ulcide because lie was ruined; that Look's It was a tremendous Republican victory; but the respon- advertiKors everybody known he hnd been murdcrerl by an outraged .Ml $ :..(mi Furs at. $ S.8S sibilities devolving upon the party are commensurate. As ihat THE GIANT'S biihinnsa BOUTR LOWELL. husband! There was nothing too far- CHAS. ALTHEN, All 3.75 Furs at. 1.98 there is no question of majorities and no division of power, fetched for these gentlemen! is steadily and largely inorQas- Po rfumos C. H. Hendershott and wife spent All 1.00 Furs at. 65 neither will there be a question as to where the blame will rest Rifted down ns the case was thor- mg. Sunday with their eon, Bert, in All 1.50 Furs at. 1.19 All 6.00 Furs at. 4.25 in event of failure to enact needed reforms. All GOOD citizens oughly by the papers, the fads that Our Htock of perfumer,v contains a number of new od- Campbell. All S.50 Furs at. 6.00 BuNiness today is not ehanco ors of most bewitching fragrance, subt le nnd destinctive. F. M. Godfrey and wife visited their will hope that the judgment of the people as expressed at the had come out. since first bin body was All 10 .'ill Furs at. 8.25 Lovers of exquisite extrncts will be delighted with th( son, Harvey, at Eaton last week. polls will be justilied by State and National administrations. discovered, amounted to this: Me had and a little thought will con- All 10.00 Furs at. 7.00 been at his club la(e In (he evening, I vince you that there is some following. Homer Huhhel was home a few Michigan is to be congratulated upon her magnificent inde- All 12.00 Furs at. 9.00 and his brougham was wailingoulslde 1 good reason for our wonderful i days last week with tonsilitis. All 14.50 Furs at. 10.00 Jessie Ware entertained a few 01 15.00 Furs at. 11.00 pendent vote. Nothing but Roosevelt's Iremendous run saOed for him when the storm began. Then | progress. We always givti Ai.astian Uosk Jickv Envi. Ali Warner from ignominious defeat; and the rebuke to the ma- he hnd sent word down to his coach- I her friends Monday evening in honor Ali 16.50 Furs at. 12.50 the inaxnnum of value, lor the Locust Blossom Dohthy Vkhnon of her birthday anniversary. Games Ali 18.00 Furs at. 13.50 men to say that, as he had a letter to | chine could hardly have been greater. Mr. Warner will have uiinimuin of price—do the and piano music were the order of write, the carriage had better go home an opportunity to freeze the Atwood-Navin gang, and to give largest exclusive clothing hiisi- the evening. Refreshments were and he would take n cnb later on. Our Country Cousins wegH in Michigan and nndeiby served." A Few Children's Fur Sets. the people a good business administration. If he does so, well Other testimony, gathered by the pa- Mrs. A. W. Weekes of Lowell called Ali 3.50 Sots at 2.65 and good. If not, the "cleaning-up job" so well begun will be pers. went on to show (hn( he had sat and undersell all competitors. A. D. STURGIS. on Mrs. Maynard Friday.. Ail 4.50 Sets at 2.95 completed two years later. on at bis club, reading a little, nnd IQuWith every purchase of then going to a writing table where he DinastronB Wr.-cks. Supporters of Mr. Ferris have no apologies to offer. The $5 00 or over in our Hov'»' had sat some time; that when he had Mrs. Nellie Brown Is here for a few- fact that 80.000 Roosevelt voters also voted for Ferris, is a Avon. Carelessness is responsible for written his letter be went to a iarge Deiiartineni we will give Six days helping her mother, Mrs. T. Black Mercerized Skirts. White Beadspreads. many a railway wreck and the same warning to would-be-bosses and machines for all time to come. arm chair and read It over more than month's snhHcription to the As Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hulleberger Daniels. causes are making human wrecks of All Sl' .tO at $1.95 White Bed Spreads 2% yds long by 2 yds Mr. Roosevelt's promise to refuse a third term and to once, nnd then put a (ftamp on It, nnd, Youth's Oorapanion, greatest ('are about to move to her father's Mrs. Bruce Wheaton 1h Improving Ali 3.75 at 2.95 wide. Regular price 75c, now 48c. | fa fin in Kaston, the neighbors gave slowly. sufferers from Throat and Lung justify the people's confidence in himself, augurs well for him- putting it In his pocket, still sat on and of all b-iys' magazines, deliver- All 2.25 at 1.65 1 hem a surprise party Saturday eve- troubles. But since the advent, of 1 lot of extra large sized white spreads, on, evidently thinking deeply. Two or ed by mail each week direct Rev. Burnett stopped with Mr. nnd Ali 1.50 at 1.15 self and the Nation. His opportunity is magnificent. ning and everybody had a good time. former price 2.50, now 91..861 , with fringe. three members said they had spoken Mrs. Wilkinson Sunday night. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- Mr. Parker doubtless now regrets his attack upon Roose- to the boys. Mr. and Mrs. .lames Ren wick were I The Ladies Aid society did nicely sumption, Coughs and Colds, even A complete assortment of 1.00,1.25 and 1.50 to him, and one that ho had told Cun- called t o Odessa Friday by tiie deat h velt's character. Certainly they reacted upon himself. The election day at the hail serving din- Novel Suitings just the thing for ladles kinds always in stock. dall he did not seem very gay, but that of nn uncle. the worst oases can be cured, and 1 Oastern wing of the Democracy! which was so persistent in its ner. taking in $16.16 Thirty-seven skirts for cold weather. 56in wide. 1.00, 1.10 and he replied in hi usual pleasant man- New Deal in Lumber Mrs. Aaron Pratt has been con- hopeless resignation is no longer ladies were present- 1.25 goods will all be Included in this unloading denunciations of W. J. Bryan and its demands for a "safe and ner, that he was very well, but had a Ladles' Flannelette Wrappers 85c, 9Sc and fincd to her bed for two weeks, as School closed for a week's vaca- necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of sale at 90c per yd. good deal to occupy bis mind. It was THC A-MAY 1.25. sane" leadership, may now well reflect upon the tail's inability We are already receiving n good ninny carloads the result of a bad fall. tion at Church Comer. Dorchester, Mass , is one of many some time past two o'clock ithe club, Mrs. Will Meyers closed a very suc- to wag the dog. The charge that Roosevelt owes his election GtlANT of nice, new stock and iieing connected with tho Emery Strong, wife and daughters whose life was saved by Lr. King's having a iarge number of Metnbors of whoieHalo bUHinesH we have Hpecinl advantages cessful term of school at Potter's cor- to the trusts, is simply ridiculous. of Easton were guests of Ed Trask's New Discovery. This great rem Parliament on Its roll, was a lato one) Grand Rnplds, Mloh. in buying: and so can sell everything at reason- ner Friday. The District would like family Sunday. edy is guaranteed for all throat and In view of the size and nature of his majority. Congress- before the storm was over, and be rose Oorner Lyon and Canal Streets. able prices. to keep her longer, but on account of their removal to St. Louis, she had The Ladles Aid society will hold n lung diseases by D G. Look drug- JVC. IRTCTBEnST i subject as this. niediciues advertised In James Phelps left last week to Minty, of Lansing. Cundall's description passing by 1 felt relieved, and soon there-after preparation of the kind I know Glass, the now "Quezal" and Austrian engraved He could give no grounds for his eag- this paper are sold by spend the Winter with his mother at Several from here attended the him info the Park, at about a quarter A Carl Jfunter was entirely cured, and have nob erness to learn anything fresh, could O. O. LOOK, tho Lowell Drug Lake City, Mich. quarterly meeting at South Lowell of. The children like to lake it and Glassware, Opera Glasses, ever shewn In Western to three, it was si ill raining slightly, nnd Book man. f CoaJ been sick a day since. Neighbors Sunday and enjoyed Rev. Dr. Chase's not even say that he was particularly Mrs. Bresnehan of Grand Rapids Is it has no injurious after effect. Michigan; and the people of Lowell will flnd our and he had his umbrella up He, too, of mine have cured of Rheumatism, at her son, Terry's, caring for his discourse very much. the Mystery of Intimate with the dead man. Would It For sale by A. D. Sturgis. money-saving prices very attractive. saw the laborer, or mechanic, walking Mrs. Scott Elsworth of lonin is not look strange for him to be forcing Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney trou- wl|e. some fifteen yards behind him. and ThanhsKlvitiK Day Rates. bles and general debility." This is Miss Susie Berrle of Lowell spent visiting at J. Hatch's nnd W. his way In and making inquiries? Yes' DR. M. CLAYTON QREENE Tapley's. SUamcs'Park supposed he was going to his early what B. F. Bass, of Freemout, N. C. Sunday here with her mother. Mortgages, and not only that, but It would draw Konud trip excursion tickets on Oraduate work. From the time Mr. Cundall Our new railroad section man and Lttml Contracts, Telephone and Bank Stock By , attendon on him. and i( would be bet- sale Nov. 28. and 24. good to return writes. Only 50o at 1). G. Look From Sontb Africa. passed this man until the policeman University of Miehigan and Post Graduate Cour-w at N»\v York PiU-.. iinl his family have moved Into the rail- Ruuglit. JNO BLOUNDELLE-BURTON tor to gather particulars olsewhore until and including Nov. 28, 1004. ,,n Druggist. found him dead, no one seemed to One and one-third fare for the round Medical School and Hospital. New York City. road section house. j lie would go to his own club and flnd JOHN B. MARTIN have seen him. trip. Tickets will he sold to points Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reed left out what was known there. Offloe LOWELL. MICH. CASCADE. racdy. "To dio Is landing: on b nllent nhnre, With the excepl'on of (he medical on connecting lines distant not more Monday for their old home In Eng- 60 Monroe St. Grand Rapids Wher# blllowa oevrr hrnl, nor So. looking very wan and miserable, temposts ioar." evidence, which sdited that he had 150 miles from starting point, except Mrs. Wm. Vandervere will enter- land for a three month's visit. May Mr. Arthur Chapman writing HERKNER'S, • Grand Rapids- he walked in to "Rack's." and there he that tickets will not be sold to tain the Ladies' Aid society they have a pleasant time, a pros- from Durban, Natal, South Africa, been stabbed to. nnd through, the THE LOWCtl MARKET REPORT. found the murder as much a subject points In Canada, or west of Chicago Tuesday Nov. 22th, Thursday the perous journey and return again in 67 Monroe St. and 81 Ottawa St. =Z7DC^v== heart by one swift powerful blow, says; "As a proof that Chamber- or Milwaukee. Ask agents for rates. usual day of meeting, being Thanks- safety to home, children and'their [Corrected Nov. 16, 1904.] discission ns It was everywhere lain's Cough liemdey is a cure suit- that must have cnused instantaneous giving. host of friends. CKAIN. HOn't know," ilie pnr(pr nnswor- death, there wns liitlo more to he told. Wheat 1.15 per bushel Mr. aud Mrs. E. R. Johnson occu- Irene Kelly, who has been living able for old and young, 1 pen you Oats, new 30c * " ed. "There wne only his lordship und Judging from the s'ate of ground, Dray Line. py their new home In this village. with her aunt. Miss Kate Howard, the following: A neighbor of mine another gent Htnyinn in (ho hnuse, ex- Com 55c " " there bad been no luruggle. a fact Mrs. Addle Smith and daughter. expects to leave soon for her father's had a child just over two months PERE MARQUETTE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM, cept the Dean's family npslairs. and Rye 75c '• " 'i whlcb would Justify the idea that the Mrs. Fred Kilnerand husband now home in Kansas City. old. It had a very bad cough and FBBn Bomo foreign swells, aiui nono nf th^m Sept. 25 1904. Arrival and departure of trains from I Well When Sick. Phone 31-2 rings. PRICES REASONABLE Eggs v 22c per dozen •aid he never heard eilher of (hem! provided with an extraordinnry long Only Makes a Bad Matter Worm. the Gleaner hall this week. sucking it would no doubt euro the 10 60 am 8 52 pm # Thedford's Black-Draught comes Butter ! 16 tolS c perpound No 12 Mail and Express 7 28 1 iiy, this Is ah awful thing about knife, such as workmen rarely enrry. They are graveling the Alton child. This they did and brought For Saginaw sod Bay City All wo rati do Is give advice. nearer regulating the entire system EARL JONES. Perhaps you have never thought Lard S to 10c " No 22*Detroit Express 9 68 a.m. (hie Mr. Cundnll." But. even bad he not been the mur- corners this week. 7 50 am 5 49 pro Of course that's easy. and keeping the body in health than of it but the fact must be apparent about a quick relief and cured the Wool 1» to 28c " *• No 18* Evening Express 3 28 p.m. "It Is so! Well, (here's (he eah derer. he must have seen the murder Julia Mich Is assisting Mrs. F. Por Freeport 4 85 pm Put our advice Is really worth a IltU» any other medicine made. It is to every one that constipation is baby." This remedy in for sale by Beans, new 1 00to! 2i>perbushel No Uf Eastern Express 7 63 p.m. Jim. put (he porlmiinteans on (he (op. Wore to you than most people's, for we committed, since he was close at band always ready in any emergency to Keech, who Is now able to be about. Potatoes 20 to 26 " " B.L. Brattom, H. F. MOELLEB, f Noe. 14 and 17 Daily. caused by the lack of water in tbe A. D. Sturgis. fi«re yon lire, pnrtor;- and he slip, offer to give you tho first bottle of our It was, therefore, imperative that this treat ailments that are frequent in Armour Mich Is recovering. Cfover 8 00 Agt. Oen. Pass. Aeun • Daily except Sunday. ped the usual tip into the porter's medicine free. If It falls to help yoU man should be found. But to tind one any' family, such as indigestion. system, and the drastic use of Alsyke 7 50 to 8 00 A. 0. Heybhuff, Agent We could not afford to do this unless biliouRness, colds, diarrhom, ana Moseley. band, and wishing him "good even- man In a city with four millions and cathartics like the old fashioned SEELEY CORNERS. Timothy 2 00 to 2 25 our mcdlolne was good. Such an offer, stomach aches, Jng," went off. a quarter of Inhabitants was no easy pills only makes a bad matter worse. Preparations are being made to Mesdames Smythe and Ecker of M K ATS on tho wrong kind of modlclne, would Thedford's Black-Draught is the Dairymen and Stock Feeders Beef, live, weight...$3 00to4 OOper cwt EXCURSIONS "Well," he said lo hlnr.olf ^ ^ give a play at the Grange halMn the Grand Rapids spent Sunday with J. put a morchanl prince in the poor house. taek. especially when there was noth- standard, never-failing remedy for Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Beef dressed $5 00 to 6 00 " VIA THE BUY THE inve:stigate these feeds: near future. Raymond Green aud D. Frost. drove fo Occleve House, "l should llko Dr. Miles' Nervine, however, ns years ing by which to trnce him. The sen stomach, bowel, liver and kidney Tablets are much more mild and Veal dressed ,...$6 00 '• wife have charge Of arrangements. Belle Beckwith of Pallasbnrgspent PERE MARQUETTE to know wha( we wont io ihai hotel of experience have proved, Is a tnedl- try by whom he passed nearest trnubles. It is a euro for the domes- gentle in their effect, and when thc Sheep live weight...$3 OOto 4 00 " tic ills which so frequently summon Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cole of Ada Sunday with friends in C rattan. /or three days for! It wasn't luvaiiBe clno that cures the sick. thought he seemed to be a man of Cotton Seed Meal Gluten Meal Lambs live weightf4 75 to 5 00 " live Stock Show. Those whom It cannot benefit—less the doctor. It is as pood for children proper dose is taken their action is are spending a few days with her C. E. Jakeway and wife weut to of tho Dean's daughters nor yet for about five or six and twenty, with a Caivos live |5 00 1.5 5 50 " Special excursion rate to Chicago IliHn on., in ton thousand—we prefer to a«.«t is for grown persons. A dose of so natural that one can hardly brother, Martin Schneider and family. Indiana last week to visit his brother, the foreign ladles, because ho never brown mustache. But how many thou- Pork alive $4 00 4 75 " aud return November 27. 28 and 29 ri'Mmd their money. this medicine every day will soon Sugar Beet Feed Molasses Feed realize it iBthe effect of a medicine Manv friends of E. E. Clark and A. Jakeway, -'f that place. Pork dressed $6 OOt j 6 50 44 spoke to any of them. Well, i ll huy a sands of men were there In London Writ# for SamplM, Analysii and Prlcat. and December 1, good to return uj All wo nnk nf ynu Is to try Dr. Miles* cure tlie most obstinate case of dyn- wife regret to know that t hey are Byron Frost made a business trip F 'Special' and read about thc murder." Try a 35 ctnl bottle of them. For ru its to and Including December 5. Ask I> •or.-uive Nervine for your complaint, to whom this description would ap- pepsia or constipation, nnd when soon to move to the far west . They to Grand Rapids last week. liord 1'enlyn walked on to i'all m,,]^ ply.'- taken as directed brings quick relief. sale by A. D. Sturgis. Turkeys, feather dressed 14c per lb agents for parlculars. if >"U sulTi'r from slooploasness. nervous WYKES-SCHROEDER CO., will be greatly missed and the best Mrs. Ola Condon and son. C. O., Chickens 14 " 9c '4 going very slowly and In an almost oxl niPtlon. dizziness, headache, mus- « 44 44 44 (To be continued.) DAN villi;. 111., Deo. 23,190J. HEADQUARTERS FOR Frrn STUFFS KEBKE CENTER. wishes of their friends go with them spent Saturday and Sunday with Fowl 8c dazod state, surprised friends, several culai tnltohlngs, molancholy, loss of Draught bna boon our 44 44 Settlers rates to the Son I h and ,',r flT0 y"" "D'l we want The next Ladies Aid society will Mends in Belding and Greenville. Ducks •' 12^c whom he met by his behavior in them. mommv. weak stomach, poor blood, Cor. Wealthy Ave. and So. lonli SI. Next Sunday afternoon Rev. Jas. 44 Southeast. Niloiis troubles, epilepsy, 8t Vitus' S?k2 « .1.J '''""nj" of feel badly wi GRAND RAPIDS MICH. meet with Mrs. John Wooding on Frefi Condon was one of the num- Geese •• ice 0 Men whom ho knew intimately ho just liarallton, of Grand Rapids, will Oneway, second-class tirkets on IMio . otc.. we will Rimrantee to benefit 101 mer Lawrence will sell his farm speak at the Keene church. December 14. ber that went north hunting last nodded to instead of stoppinp to speak « sale at all stations on first and third you nr rrfuml your money. stock, tools, etc., on farm 2 miles week. • i WORLD'S FAIR EXCURSIONS Tuesdays of each month . Ask agents with for a moment, aud som- he did The Comfort Stove Range men are Vo'i are tho doctor. west of Lowell ou the Adn road, on here again from St. Louis. TSe Best Llnimetit Mrs. P. Byrne spent Saturday and Via for pnrticlars. not seem to see at all. Mr was won ^ joiu- dealer 'or a package of TtaanknglvlngDay Excnralon via Qraud "My son Pert, when In bis 17th year, Friday. Nov. 25. beginning at 1 p. m. Tbedford'g niack-Draught and If ha R'l'P'A'N'S Taouies Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. E. ORaND TRUNK RMLWVY SYSTEM- I1"-'mi" subject lo atlncks of epllertsy, Trunk Railway Syatcra. Ray Cave and wife are going to "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is e.on. doring what further paril uiara lie does not keep It sendMc. to The Chatta- Doctors find W. Burl of Belding. Excursion tickets on sale dallv, World's Pair at St. Lonin mi . (nim tlmt we wore compelled to move to Chicago. Ray will work on sidered tbe best liniment on the would hear when he go( to ('undall's (iilto him out of school, After several nooga Med icine Co.. Ohaitanoog»,Tenn. One und one-third fare for the Mrs. Guj Norton of Lowell visit- cdmmeuciug April 25,1904, and con- Round trip tickets at low rates, on pti\^loinns had failed to relievo him, we Doesn't Respcct Old Akc. and a package will be mailed to you. A g-ood prescription the street car line. market," write Post & HI ins, of club, and also when Snierdnn would Round Trip on all trains Nov. 28pd. ed her mother. Mrs. Mary Byrne of tinuing during ihe period of the Ex- sale at all ticket stations. Ask agent Bafore You Purchase Any Other Write nive Pr. Miles' Nervine a trial. Ten 24th. 1904. Valid returning to and For mankind Frank Daniels and mother and Mr. be back. That gentleman had started "\onth.- treatment with Nervine and It's shameful when youth fails to Georgia, Vt. No other lininicnl Grattan last week. position. for rates. limit of ticketsand full par- THE NEW HOME 8EWIN0 MAOHINE COMPANY I .Ivor Pills roptoced our boy to perfect Including Monday, Nov. 28tii. 10ft4 I'he 8-cent piicket Is cnouirh tor uhuhI occhs-- nnd Mrs. Mark Brown were guests ORANGE, MASS. for Occleve Chase on Monday morn- show rcpect for old age. but just ,e Fares from Lowell, Mich., to St. ticulnrs. _ i mh John s. wilson. Tickets will be sold between ali « V family hottip (60 cents) contains » of Mr. aud Mrs. Titus Sunday. will heal a out a bruise so promptly, The election dance at Grattan wns Many Sewing Maohinw ara made to sell regard- ing, but must by now have received a Deputy c?o. Clerk, Dallas Co., Mo. supp.y for a year. All drngglgts sell them Louis and return, rate $1710 season the contrary in the case of Dr. stations west of Detroit aud Port Elder VanDeusen gave a lecture on lljo other affords such quick relief largely attended and au enjoyable excursion ticket: rate $14.40 60 day's law ol quality, but tho •* >®w Home" Is mad« 1 ,T. 1 >- Kelly Sons telegram Penlyn hnd sent him, teliinc WWrni a"''! we will ninll King's New Life Pills They cut Huron, and to all points on connect- his travels through India Sunday at from rheumatic pains. No other time was had b. all. excursion ticket; rate §18.05 15 day's to wear. Oar guaranty never runs out fclm to return at onco. In it ho had i.' XtiXJ lJ you a Free I'rial Package of ing llpes in the atate of Michigan, al- 1 lie Say lea school house. All were The Scott Comedy company at We miike Sewing Machines to suit all conditions Or. M"l»s' Antl-Paln Pills, the Now, off maladies no matter how severe is so valuable for deep sealed pains excursion ticket. CARTAGE AND of the trade. The stands atthe cautiously, and without mentioning so to points on connecting linen in Eye, Ear, Nose and well pleased with It. (•• lentlflc Uemedy for Puin. Also Bymp- and irrespective'of old age, Dyspep- Moseley was largely attended. For descriptive literature and fuit ti- TEAMINO head of ail Rtgrh-STrnUo family sewing machines tniu Blank Mr our 8pe..|aliHt to dlaKiinse Ohio and Indiana within 150 miles like lame back and pains in the any names, gven him to understand Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bo wen, of near er Information call on Local Agent or Moving In town and to nnd from nutsldn Seld by •nlhorlted dealers only, > >ii' ease nnd toll you what Is wrong sia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation from selling station. For further Throat Specialty. trial that their visitor of last Saturday had n-'l bow t...n . I'lR'it ft. Absolutel- -y Free. lonin. are moving here on their new chest. Give this liniment a A coraja| welcome awaits ail visi- write to Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. & T. towns ii speoiatty. Rates Reasonable. row SALE BV nu .... 138 MEDICA'V. CO., all yield to this perfect Pill. 250 at died suddenly, and he exported that he particulars consult local agent or form, known as the Charles Sayles and you will never wish to be with- j ^or8 ^ Oliver's new selections In A., Chicago, III. A. O. Heydlauff. Lo« LAUOUATOK1ES, BLKUaRT, IND. write to Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. & T Satisfaction Oimrantced. Oh as. Althen. would return by the next .traiu. D. G. Look's drug atora. plage. STURGIS. cal Agent. I'honc 222 or 11. A. Chicago. O. O. TOWSLEY, M. D. outU. Sold by A. D. iancy China. -— — . /- • — Oflk j over McCarty'e store. Lowell, Mloh daughter and ward, while admitting ANOTHER LIFE SAVED. that you are not the party named in QUEER OLD FUNERAL CUSTOM. MAGIC IN THE ZUNI TRIBE. thc special license! That is the height Mts. 0. W. Fookf, of Salisbury, Md, wife ol 0. W. Fooks, Sheriff of Wico- LEGION- of impudence, sir—it is damnable!" Ceremony In County Wexford, Ireland, , mico County, • Priest Apparently Lifted a Jug i SIWEEKLY "Ah, Roblado, that is wheie 1 have Is Centuries Old. ia the name of the v.-otnan who points says: "I suf- Water with a Feather. with honest pride to Woodbury's you! The special license was perfect- PANORAMA in the district known as "the barony j fered with kid- I "The most startling feat I ever saw " ' ly framed, even better than you i of Forth," in County Wexford, ire- j Faciei Soap, as thc promoter and pro- ney complaint ; said a guest at tha Diiier last night, | thought, as I was not reduced to sail- lar.d. is to be found a race of hard- tector of her fair complexion. ATALEOTTffi QJRAN \\^\R ^ for eight years. : who has made a study of Indians in ARRESTS IN MURDER MYSTERY. mi ing under false colors in order to working, industrious -peasants, living The stin cf a maiden, growing np It came on me various parts of the United States for ruifill its conditions." in thatched cottagcs with clean white- Realizing the Pretence of Dirt. gradually. I his own edification, "was performed Cincinnati Police Have Two Suspects in the country, is often prone to rough- The senor sees light all at once. washed walls, which by their perfect It is the experience of these fac- felt tired and by tho priests of the Zuni tribe in Ari- in Custody. ness and undue redness. "Malediction!" he shouts, in tho fTRADE whiteness at once arrest the attention CHAPTER VU | "What Is that you say?" tory Inspectors that where the owners weak, was MARK. zona. or, as they were called, 'The most intense excitement; "then you The police of Cincinnati have ar- of the visitor. These people differ in "Well, only an old proverb to tne of a factory are prosecuted for keep- short of breath Ancients of Creation.' They scat them- are—" rested two suspects in connection with many respects from the inhabitants of The Room That Faced Edinburgh ' ofTect that 'iherc's many a slip "twixt ing an unclean establishment the men and was trou* selves in a circle on the clay floor, "The genuine Squire John—known > A Marvel of Relief thc murder of Alma Stengeweg, the tbe other parts of the same county and I Castle, t j cup and lip.'" that supply their milk quickly come bled with around a Jar that will hold perhaps a in the wild and woolly west as Jack girl telephone operator, last week, and have habits and customs peculiar to I Jack amuses himself the following Senor Roblado laughs, in his dis- to the conclusion that It does not pay gallon, an ancient and sacred earthen Travers," replies the other, compla- bloating after ran down another witness In the case themselves. They are strong believ- day knocking about the city, taking a agreeable way. to send milk to a factory of that kind. i vessel, which is fliied with water. cently. eating, and my of Lulu Mueller, whose dead body was ers In the efficacy of prayers for the tram ride down to Lelth, and watching "I have no fear there will be any- In many cases the defections have The chief priest carries in his hand limbs were badly swollen. One doctor found near the scene of the murder of (lend. When a funeral takes ;)lace two the fishermen there and at Newhaven thing of that kind here. Oh, no. my been so numerous that the factory has St Jacobs Oil two ordinary eagle feathers, which are CHAPTER VII. told m« it would finally turn to Miss Stengeweg some days before. Ar- wooden crosses are provided. On the come in with their catch. I dear young friend. I have anticlpat- had to close and go out of business. tied together at the quill ends so that Bright's disease. I was laid up at Safe and sure fcr rested on suspicion in the Stengeweg way to the cemetery a halt Is made at | Then he spends some time up at the ! ed everything, and it is quite impos- Farmers have listened to the cam- they make a fork. Behind .he circle Diamond Cut Diamond. one time for three weeks. I had not case, Charles Fox, 18, of Sugar a certain spot by the side of the road. Castle—a most fascinating spot for all j sible that you receive the benefit of paign of education long enough to be- of the priests are other members cf The picture when Travers proclaims taKen Doan's Kidney Pills more than Branch, Ind., pave Detective Chief Here prayers are said for the deceased, temporary sojourners In ' TSfllnburgh; this great property without sharing gin to realize that high prices for their Lumbago Ihe tribe and the . usicians with their his identity is certainly one well worth three days when the distressing ach- Crawford the name of a man who he nftor which one cross is deposited in observes tho Highlanders go through the same with your wife and her step- milk products cannot be obtained If drums and gourds, who Join in tho seeing, especially the consternation ing across my back disappeared, and says he has reason to believe commit- a hawthorn bush or under it. The their drill, and. like all Yankees, men- father. Make your mind easy on that the medium through which they reach ! chants with emotion. FnGlflL 1 was soon entirely cured." procession then goes on its *7av. nnd tally compares them with the boys in score, for it does not worry me a lit- stamped upon the features of that re- the public is a filthy one. §Of\P. markable man with whom Jack holds For sa'.e by all dealers. Price 50 "The incantations continue for sev- after the interment the other cross Is WOODBURyS . blue at home. tle bit. You signed the papers, there- One would suppose that the farm- his Interview. ceuts. FoEter-Miiburn Co., Duffalo,N.Y. Sciatica eral hours and when the participants fixed at the head of the grave. This Jack (iines at the hotel and then fore I have you powerless." ers who take their milk to a factory Softens and soothes while cleans- Senor Roblado is apparently and spectators are brought up lo a -trange custom dales from time 1m- promenades Princes street, obsorving "Pardon me, the only binding act every day foj- six months would be ing, and used in conjunction with stricken dumb for thc time being; tho Washing Soda Adulterated. Itfsthesoedflc vlrhie of penetration In this 1 proper pitch of excitement the priest rnemorial. as the great pile of crosses the throng, until ic is near the ao- that I have done was to promise my able to realize the presence of dirt in remedTlhat carries It rlzht to the pain spot dips the feather tips into thc water, Woodbury's Facial Crcam, produces 1 hand that holds the smoking cigar One of London's official analysts aad eHects a prompt cure. v the roadside indicate. pointed hour, when he retires to his wife I would not force my preseLce the factory before a stranger came trembles as might an asnen leaf, and has calicd attention to tho adultera- lifts the Jar with them nnd holds It the fine texture and white firmness Iroom. and prepares for the reception upon her, and that I shall keep most along and pointed it out It is a COMPANY. his fierce black eyes under the shaggy tion of washing soda with Glauber's suspended for a minute or two at a nHtnre aims to bestow. of his expected guest, having given religiously." queer thing this realization of dirt. grey brows are fastened on the Yan- salts, which is useless for cleansiiig j height level with his face or breast,*. Iron Motintnln and SoinlirrB | orders that the Spaniard be shown up "But—the papers—" If an Inspector had not begun legal j Then he lowers it slowly to the grourd. SPECIAL OFFER. kee with the look of a hungry wolf. purposes. "It Is a disgrace," he says, Itallwnjr Co.—tCsouraloD Itnlm lo j when he arrives. "I have signed none." action against the factory the farm- the tVeat nml Sonlhwcxl. "You are the genuine Jack Travers! "that poor washerwomen should to This feat is repeated several times In ca«e your dealer caonol supply you He anticipates a lively scene when Senor Roblado seems in doubt ers would have been content to bring during the perfomance. Apparently iioim-speker's Excursions—to certain You who sit there dare to tell me that fruitlessly through the use of s we Will scud prtpaid. to any address for i lhe disclosure is made, and feels that whether to laugh in derision or swear their milk to the same dirty factory there is nothing in the hand of the points in the West and Southwest. On as coolly as you might speak of your materials, wasting time and $1.00 the following toilet requisites. j his future course must be in a nreat lustily in Spanish. He looks at his year after year. priest but the feathers and they ap- -nle tlrst nnd third Tuesdays of Oc- 1 Cake Woodbury "a Facial Soap. on such frauds, without any rem measure governed by circumstances. companion across the table and en- pear to be Inserted Into the mouth of tober, Novemhrr nnd December, with t Tiihe " Facial Cream, The men that could not realize the : Four by the clock, the bells are jur-t deavors to read the cool sphinx who tbe Jar only two or three inches. Of final return limit of twenty-one days. i " " Dental Cream. dirt In the factory till It was pointed Mother Cray's Swett Powders for One-way colonist rates—to Call- leans back in his chair apparently in- 1 Bos " Facc Powder. i ringing the hour, when he hears out to them do not realize the untidy Successfully used by Mother Gray, course, there is some trick about It, fornia, Washington, Oregon, New prominent Southern | voices, and then comes a rap on the tent only on watching the rings of i but 1 was never able to discover IL"— Tngether with our readable booklet conditions of their own farms. If high In the Children's Home in New Vork Mexico and Arizona. penuty's Masque, a carcful treatise oa thc door. blue smoke that go curling up from prices for cheese made in a dirty fac- Constipation, Fcverlshnoss. Bad Stomach, Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Dally through Pullman Standard Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells how C«re of the "outer re If". "Oome in!" sirgs out Jack in his his cigar. Finally the artist compro- tory are not to be hoped for, neither Teething Disorders, move and regnlat« tbe Sleepers. St. I/onis to California, via Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 80.000 tea- New Train Service, Chicago to THE ANDREW JERGENS CO.. genial way. So the door swings open mises; he realizes that it is necessary can we hope to get high prices for r-he Iron Mountain Route (The True she was cured of backache, dizziness, pain- to give admiltance to the urbane don. for him to remain calm in order to limonials. At all Druggists, •25c. Sample SL Louis. Southern Route), also through Tourist cheese and butter made out of milk FREE. Address A. S.Olmsted, Leltoy.N.Y OINOINNATI, O. He is just as striking in hia appear- keep on a footing with this customer. nroduced in a dirty stable. The Chicago & Eastern Illinois rail- Sleeping Cars to California every ful and irregular periods by the use of ance as on the preceding night, and "Senor, are you joking?" road now runs night and day trains Tuesday nnd Saturday via Iron Monn- Coffee Krown for Centuries. tain Route, SL Louis to l/os Angeles. wears the same dark velvet jacket "Never more serious in my life. I to the Exposition City, which repre- Rcots and Silage A pamphlet published by an Arab California, via Texarkana and El Lydia EL Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound People turn to gape after him in the | assure you." comes the reply. U Cures Colds, Conchs. Soro Throat, Croup, In- sent tbe highest type of railroad con- ALn4 Roots are good for cows ana so is sheik in 1566 theds light upon the or- I'aso. " Dear Mrs. Ptkkham ;—Gratitude compels me to acknowledge the street, especially when a large cream "Then you mean to play me false. fluesza. Whooping Couch. Bronchitis and struction. When you go lo the World's jmrmspyEG silage. In the United States silage is igin and early use of coffee. This Asthma. A certain cure tor Consumption in first 1 Daily through Pullman Standard great merit of your Vegetable Compound. I nave suffered for four years colored sombrero rests jauntily on Tcke care; I am in a position to hurl rtopes. and a sure relief in advanoed stapes. Us3 Fair be sure your ticket is made good Sleepers. St. Louis to California, via far cheaper than roots If we compare Arab sheik asserted that coffee was at oncc. You will see the excellent effocl after ted the murder. Fox refused to ac- with irregular and painful menstruation, also dizziness, pains in the back his head and every ore must have you down from your station, even if I over this line, and you will enjoy Missouri Pacific Railway. Tho Mis- the cost of the dry matter In each. introduced into Arabia from Abys- taking thc first dese. Sold by dealers every- count for his own loafing around the and lower limbs, and fitful sleep. I dreaded tiie to come which guessed he is some distinguished ar- 1 have to keep you company, and men where. l.ur^-e bottles 25 ccnts and 50 cents. i every mile of the short trip. souri Pacific Railway also runs Careful estimates have been made of sinia about the opening of the fif- scene of the murder. would only mean suffering to me. WASH BLUE tist. which attention pleases the of my race will never forgive treach- Your local ticket agent will gladly through Tourist Sleeplnc Cars from the amounts of nutrients In the form teenth century and that it had been John L. McGraw of Chicago was ar- " Better health is all I wanted, and cure if possible. Lydia E. Pink- Codtt to cents and equals so cents worthy senor eAceedingly. ery. You swore to keep the faith ! make your ticket good this way If you St. Louis to Oiiifornia with service of roots and in the form of silage that known as a beverage in the latter rested In the city workhouse, where he ham's Vegetable Compound brought me nealth and happiness in a Holding his wonderful headgear in with me." | request IL strictly up-to-date. worth of any other kind of bluing. can be produced on an acre of land. country from the most remote period. was committed on tlie charge of disor- For rates and Information address few short months. I feel like another person now. JMy aches and pains one hand, he advances quickly, his Senor Roblado grows excited—he It has been certainly proved that Its peculiar properties were taken ad- derly conducL After the murder il H D. Armstrong. D. P. Agt.. MissonrI have left me. life seems new and sweet to me, and everything seems Won't Freeze, Spill, Break face wreathed in smiles, and Jack lan- leans across the table and endeavors Kabo Corsets Get Grand Prize. twice as much nutriment can be pro- vantage of by the Mohammedans in was noticed that the description of Pacific Railway. 88 Griswold st., De- pleasant and easy. guidly rises to meet hlui. to throw a bit of emphasis in his u Nor Spot Clothes duced In the form of corn as In the connection with their prolonged relig- IDapifldke SL Louis, Oct. 16.—It has been an- the prisoner tallied with that of the troit. Mich., or FI. C. Townsend, Gen- Six bottles brought me health, and was "worth more than months' So they croes palms for the last voice; but Jack appears still at his eral Pass and Ticket Agent. St. Louis, WRECnONS POR USEt form of routs. Then, too. It costs less ious ceremonies, but its use as a de- nounced that Kabo Corsets, made by man seen about thc scene of the under the doctor's care^ which really did not "benefit me at all. I am sat- lime: it is only a question of minutes ease, and as he turns his gaze upon Mo. to raise an acre of corn than It does votional antisopcrific stirred up the the Kabo Corset Co., Chicago, have crime. McGraw was taken from the isfied there is no medicine so good tor sick women as your Vegetable now ere these two will be glaring at his companion, something between a an acre of roots. The corn Is planted, fiercest opposition on the part of the been given the Grand Prize and high- workhouse and locked up. Compound, and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of medical each other across the table, deadly sneer and a smile can be seen on his A WHOLE WHEAT The Blind and the Deaf. cultivated, cut and made Into silage orthodox element of the priests. Cof- est award by the board of Judges at Suspicious spots on his clothes will help. — Mrs. B. A. Blanchard, 422 Broad St, Nashville, Tenn. enemies. countenance. Some persons allege that blind per- by the use of machinery, while beets fee was declared to be an intoxicant the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. be examined as to whether they arc When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menntrna- ground in the Water. "And how does our happy bride- "Pardon me again, but I swore noth- sons are usually cheerful, while deaf have to be raised largely by band and was accordingly prohibited in the FOOD blood. While Investigating the Sten- tion, weakness, lencoirhcea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that At on wise Grocers. groom flnd himself to-day? Come, do ing of thc kind, cither verbally or on persons are usually gloomy and sus- work. Labor is a very expensive Item koran, but in spite of this the coffee- No man is so stronp or so jrreat that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or the fetters gall, or. after all. are you , paper." | he is not nfraid of somebody, and in geweg tragedy detectives found an im- pjCj0US. The reasons for these char- In the United States. In some parts drinking habit spread rapidly. For flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset thinking only of the rich results to "Carajo! beware, young man. You "Malediction! Then you nine cases out of ten that somebdy portant witness In the Lulu Mueller I acteristlcs were recently given, in with sucsi h symptoms as diainesa, faintnes?, las- of the Old World, where labor Is two centuries the world's supply of that pleases the taste come from the enterprise?" asks Uob- tempt me too far. I am no fool, neith- cigarro! Por Dios! man, I admire wears petticoats. case—one who will be relied upon to • rep|y to Inquiries, the deaf man say- situde. excitability, irritability, nervousness, cheap, the cost of raising roots is coffee was obtained from the prov- The further hack a man can trace his smash the alibi of Wilson and Salmon. ing: "When anyone speaks to me. 1 sleeplessness, melancholy, "all-gone" and The First Umbrellas. iado. with a glance at the decan'.or er am I blind." jour nerve, though you have come descent the longer be has been on the comparatively low.. Raisers and users ince of Yemen In southern Arabia, Henry Mueller, a brother of the slain am reminded of my infirnuty." The 'want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, blues and Those who suppose that the um Jack has hsd brought into the room. "I had begun to think the latter, near shattering mine with your devil- downward path. of roots in those countries come to wnere the well-known Mocha is still '^^[Thogpm'i Eye Watr Lulu Mueller, learned that George blind man said: '^As soon as any hopelessness, they should remember there is one brolla is a modern contrivance will be "Help yourself, my dear sir—sherry, else you must have caught on to some- ish intelligence. I feared treachery; I the United States and try to do the cultivated. Ask Your Druggist for Allen's Foot-Ease. Engel, a cooper, claims to have seen person speaks to me I forget my mis- tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkhaiu'S surprised to learn that umbrellas may port, and genuine Scotch mountain thing before now." prepared against it, but holal you same thing, but soon give up the at- TDIIQQETQ Elastic Stockings, Etc. "I tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE recent- Salmon, Wilson and Miss Mueller at fortune."—New York Tribune. Vegetable Compound at once removes such be found sculptured on some cf the dew. As for myself. I'm feeling fairly "Caught on—I—you say my eyesight overwhelm me. Still, a Roblado Mirrors Used by Anglers. I If UOOBO riatfall 1001 Sprinr Oartlea, troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for tempt This Is why all ihe admoni- Csialuc FB£E. • WVCIl, PbiMflphU, Pa. ly. and have just bought another supply It 9:15 o'clock on the night of the girl's & Egypt'an monuments and on the Nine- bright, and 1 reckon, as we Yankees is not good. Come, what have I failed never surrenders; we sometimes die you need the best. tions to raise roots for cows seem to Rather a quaint idea comes from has cured my corns, and tho hot, burning death. This was not more than fif- Broad-Minded Scotch Sectarian. vah rulne. That umbrellas bearing a Bay, equal to the occasion. Don't de- to sec beyond that you were a double in the last ditch." and itching sensation in my feet which was A Severe Case of Womb Trouhle Cored fall to the ground without bearing France, where anglers are in some teen minutes before the time of her A Scotch gamekeeper, a great light close resembTance to those of to-day prive yourself, seror; have another." rogue posing as a gentleman? Tell "Ah. senor," laughs the tantalizing waters using a tiny mirror attached almost unbearable, and I would not be with- in Philadelphia. fruit It is a matter of finance. It Is death. in one of the kirks, was asked the were in use long before the Christian "Carrambal that is ucctar fit for the me. sir!" Jack, "you remember I warned you it by far more economical to get succu- to the line near the taited hook. Thc MEXICAN out it now.—Mrs. W. J. Wdlkar, Camdea, "Dear Mrs. Pinkham : — I have been era Is Bhown by their representation gods. Wrc shall not want for it after Senor Roblado is waking up fo the was full thirty feet from my window, N. J." Sold by all Drutwists, 25c. dlfforence between the Free and the cured of severe female troubles by lent feed from silage than from Idea is that the fish, seeing Itself re- ASSISTS IN BUILDING CHURCH. United Free churches. "Give me the in tbe designs on ancient Greek vases. this—eh. Senor .Tack?"—smacking his seriousness of his cause, and as he and a hard pavement that of Princes roots. Mustang Liniment the use of Lydia E. Ptokham's flected, hastens to snatch the ball The quarrels of women are like mos- actual difference in a simple form," The umbrella made its first appear- lips, after having half emptied one of speaks he raps his knuckles Imperi- street. Don't do anything to tempt from Its supposed rival. Very suc- is a positive core for Piles. quitoes—little things that have a dis- Vegetable Compound. I was ance in London about the middle of the decanters. ously on the table, while his face no me. I beg." agreeable sting. St Louis Clergyman Saves Money for the Inquirer requested after a long nearly ready to give up. but seeing Up to Date Machinery, cessful results have been obtained His Congregation. lecture from the gamekeeper. "Well, tire eighteenth century, when one "You have come then, to-day for longer appears tranquil, but inflamed, The senor, who has risen halfway through the employment of this sim- Mrs. Wlnslow*! Boothln* Sj-mp. your advertisement I purchased one bottle Jonas Han way. it is said, thus pro- what specific purpose?" his eyes blaring with gathering from his chair, drops back again; one The farmer and the creameryman >OT eWWrMi , eoftena the guru, rvdoeei L Rev. P. W. Fauntleroy, rector of sir," said John, "if you want it plainly of your medicine, and it did me so much ple device. , curcs wind collu. VlcabutUo. tected himself from the weather at "To arrange for the transfer accord- wrath. glance at the muscular figure of the must have up-to-date machinery If Mount Calvary Episcopal church. St. it is this: We'll ail be saved and was so satisfactory that 1 the cost of much ridicule.-Harper's they are to get the amount of good they'll all be damned." ing to our agreement. Of course your "First of all, that I am not the per- American has convinced the Spaniard Makeshift Wedding Rings. •AlUKffiBULiNADRYllME The man who whines out a hard- Ixmis, may he seen daily, dressed in i ike a new woman. I shall Weekly. first move will be to go to London and son you took me for. I declared to that he cannot hope at his age to cope out of thcik- products that it is possible luck story generally has a leak in his overalls and Jumper, assisting work- lope that my testimonial will convince women Recently flve couples of gypsies Measure Children for Fares. prove your identity as Jack Travers to you that I had signed no papers save with such an athlete. for them to receive. In the great toof. men In the task of reconstructing the that your Vegetable Compound is the greatest medicine in the world were to be married at a church in Sur Swiss steamboat companies, to avoid Value of Eucalyptus Trse. the legal gentlemen having the estate "All the Fates must be against me world of manufacture It is found that place of worship named. "It takes for falling of the womb or any other female complaints."—Mrs. May those connected with my marriage. rey, England, but only two gentlemen Write VtTRIKE EYE UEMEDT Co.. Clilc*iro. If p.ace Ol disoutes as to the age of children,. The Australian eucalyptus tree is the men that stick to the poor, slow, AM TIME. your ejrM *rc (ore or inflamed, and pet ocnlin't CODY, 2660 in charge. You will want the evi- That is absolutely true. You have let- to bring you here at such a time/ I money fo do this kind of work he JUpt pd measureinent rule8. Birch SL, Philadelphia, Pa. bfic grown on a large scale in south- obsolete machines are outdistanced by had the necessary ring. The church wMTwmoytuft advice aud free uniDle UUKINE. Uciirc»alleye-UU. dence of your marriage with the party ters, but they were not written by my believed you dead. Jack Travers " he Bays, and I Jo not seB why should ht free. rbi,. er'! Europe and northern Africa be- the men that put in the best and most warden, however, came to the rescue Under Remember, every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs. named in the will. Here are the neces- hand, nor did I ever see them. No growls, hardly knowing what else to The man who has never been unfor- not save my congregation a few dol- Pmkham if there is anythii:~ about her symptoms she does not e;Mise of its tendency to drain by cutting off the rings from the 1 dren under 4 feet 4 inches, and dogs sary proofs, including the regular cer- wonder you look mystified, Senor Rob- say. complete machines possible. The tunate cannot appreciate good fortune. lars If I can." Ten years ago Mr. imderstand. Her address is Lynn, Mass^ ber advice is free swunps This was formerly supposed kneeling hassocks and the ceremony pay half fare. tificate of marriage." lado. I shall have a little mercy upon first stick to the old machines be- Fauntleroy was well known as an at- Cheerfully given to every ailing woman who asks for it. to be due to abundant exhalation of "So did my dear friend Howard, and was satisfactorily performed. I am awe Plso's Cure for Consumption saved "Ah, thanks. They will come in you. Settle yourself comfortably, cause they are cheap, but their profits torney and was fast gaining political wstery vapor from Its leaves, but it he had good reason to believe him- my life three years ago.—Mas. Taos. Robiuss, handy. I am sure. You make one mis- then, and listen, while I spin a little are soon eaten up by the decreased prestige. He suddenly abandoned the ' has been shown that actually the self haunted by my ghost, since It was TILL NOON. Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17,1000. C Uf A ilT V AUD 11A UC and will send yon prospectus take. however, senor." yarn that will make the whole thin? amount of work they are able to do. legal profession and entered the min- j transpiration of the eucalyptus is by his orders I was way land, robbed t WAR I • UUlf llAnlll and full particulars oi NINE The farmer that uses a hand separa- Don't get impatient at their most Hi "Voya hombre, what may that be?" as clear as noonday. and thrown into Dead Horse Canon. The Simple Dish That Keeps Cne Vig- Istry and became pastor of Mount Cal- SUCCESSFUL COLD. SILVER, COPPER, LEAD. ZINC AND QUICKSILVER only one-half or one-third that of tor or even an artificial cooler for unanswerable questions. asks the artist, in the act of lighting "I had an appointment last night in But 1 am a favorite of fortune, and I vary church, Jefferson and Lafayette , yq q WOMAN APPEALED 15 Mining Companies, If you will send us your name and address. Mining Maps Free. willows, birches and other trees, and cooling the milk wants to know that orous and Well Fed. FLICKER UH a weed. the Canongate. While I waited for escaped, as you see, to baffle your ' eiMRoinuow Mr*. J. H. Gil**. Krerett. Pn^ BoffOTed avenues. The building was almost dc-' VAIK POE HE'P W ARBUCKLE-QOODE COMMISSION CO., 325 OHve Street, St Uuis, Mo. !t Is therefore assumed that the phe- When the doctor takes his own "About my visit to the solicitors— my friend to appear, a hansom, driven he has the best To this end he PKY? v 1 nomenon in question is due simply to schemes." medicine and the grocer eats the food molishcd by the cyclone which devas- " ~ there is no need of my hastening to recklessly, lost a wheel and was should educate himself as to the real the rapid growth of the eucalyptus "Then we have lost everything. he recommends some confidence comes tated that section of St. Louis and now When Ilnjw hail Almost Sottlnl Into Ctter see them, since 1 have already been in wrecked. The inmate, a gentleman, merits of rival machines. He cannot Boston. M»w , TT. 8. A. Don't leave them too much with the You have swept the board, Senor to the observer. "T 00.. Ltd.. Toronto. Cm. is being reconstructed. Dr*|>air Uclli'f Camo from uu Chancery lane." was badly ht rt, and while we waited take the say-so of an agent, for every servants. An Honsst Opinion. Jack; but there is one thing still left A Grocer of Ossian, Ind., had a Unexpected Sourrc, The Spanish artist looks anxious. for an ambulance to take him to Trin- agent is bound to speak well of the Mineral. Idaho. Nov. 14th.—(Spe- to me." practical experience with food worth Bercsfcrd's Care of His Sailors. Mrs. Emma Heidebreder, of No. 1228 "Yon were bolder than Y thought ity hospital, he uttered various things machine he is engaged*to sell. The cial.»—That a sure cure has been (To be continued.) anyone's attention. A recent incident serves to show Joy street, Burlington. Iowa,whose hus- possible. Tell me, bow did you suc- In a half delirium, that attracted my farmer has a machine in his cow. Too diBcovered for those sciatic pains that He says: "Six years ago I became why Lord Charles Beresford is so huudisau employee of tho Rand Lumber attention. As I had once known the many are willing to get along with a make se many lives miserable, is the •GATORS AND TERRAPINS TAMED. so weak from stomach and bowel beloved by seamen in the British Co.. tells a story of pitiable suffering: unfortunate gentleman, I thought it milk producing machine that is able firm opinion of Mr. D. S. Colson. a trouble that I was finally compelled navy. While the channel fleet was ••For about five years.'' she says, "I might be an act of charity to seek the to do only half work. The best cow well known resident of this place, Washington Man Has Trained Crea- to give up all work in my store, and at Invergordon one of the marines on hadahost of physical ills that kept me an house of seven gables, and let the machine will cost more than the poor- and he does not hesitate to say that tures to Come at His Call. In fact all sorts of work, fcr about four hoard the cruiser Theseus became so invalid und puzzled the doctors. Some good people know what had become of est. but the profit generally lies In the cure is Dodd's Kidney Pills. Tho In one of the several places of pub- high-priced machine. years. Tbe last year I wa« coriflned io mm seriously ill that his removal to the uf them thought I was going into con reason Mr. Colson is so firm in his him. lic entertainment In the city, says the the bed nearly all of th« time, and mainland was rendered impossible. It sumption. At times I was BO weal: that b)W.L. Oou&m* malm mnd mora mon'o S3.S0 (C^ "Well, I did so. You came to the For Infants and Children. mhoom than any othmr mmoufaatmr In tho world. opinion is that be had those terrible Washington Star, Is to be witnessed much of the time unable to retain . would equally endanger the man's I could not comb my hair or even wash door, and gave me no chance to ex- The maon W. L. Douglas $IJ0 ahoerae the rnntest nellen In the irorWJ* KeMtwo of Uielr eirul. pains and is cured. Speaking of the the novel sight of the feeding of alliga- Help the Creameryman. food of any sort on my stomach. My life had the vessel gone to sea with my face. Then excruciating j)aius ran lentatyle.e»»y flttlns ana rapntar ir< iiiK Qnnllile*. If 1 could nhow yon thedlfferenro between the plain. I was quick to perceive that *1iook made lu my factory aianmd Uirxe of—w r makei and tho hlKh-cm.le leal her* n*r.l. yoiiwniild umler. inattwr he says; tors and terrapins that have been The creameryman and the cheese- bowels were badly constipated con- the others, and rather than run any suddenly up my thigh nnd I had to bo atand why W. L. Dounlaa £Utt rhoei eost more to make, ithy they hold th'-lr Mhape. 11 better, wear you mistook me for Howard Spencer, loiiEer, and are of Brmter iSnnrie wlwTnSn any oU>er iuo alioe ou Ow market to-day, aud wby the "I am only too happy to say Dodd'a trained by their owner. There are maker are bound up with the men tinually and I lost in weight from ^ § i ? ^Tn The Kind You Have such risk Lord Charles ordered the carried to bed screaming iu my agony. Iuly 1.IS*. *-ereSO.MS.O4n.OOr , .. and having already an inkling of the ou^ KulJrintees thelr^alneW MwnpW hU name and price on tho bottoai. look for It- Kidney Pills have done me lots of that furnish them with milk more ICo pounds down to 88 pounds. vessel to remain behind. This kindly I could no longer do my work aud the game, determined to allow myself to three alligators In the fountain in the ' r-' \ take no iabMitnte. Sold by shoe dealers uverywhore. eood. 1 bad awful pains in my hip than is the ordinary manufacturer "When at the bottom of the ladder 4 - 1, .'Zv&d act was of no avail, for the man died drain upon my husband's r.urse was be drawn on, with the intention of garden and about a dozen terrapins SUPERIOR IM FIT, COMFORT AND WEAR. eo 1 could hardly walk. Dodd's Kid- with the man that provides him with I changed treatment entirely and Always Bought within a few hours after the depar- very heavy. I craved food but what I finding out why that man had assum- of the diamond-back and slider fami- "/hat* worn W. L Dowgltu p.bO thon/orlht la$l titfhe tmrs vith abtoiule ney Pills stopped it entirely. I think raw material. The patron should started In on Grape-Nuts and cream ^Vegetable Prepacationfor As- ture of the fleet, but the kindness of ate only gave me discomfort. My liver ed the name of Jack Travers. lies. Besides these products of south- they are a grand medicine." feel It his duty to help the creamery- for nourishment I used absolutely similating tteFoodandBegula- the admiral has already enhanced his was torpid, and often I had to be carried w. PoncliM TIM* Corona Coltakin In hla fXBO ahowi. C.jronn Colt Is concoiled to 'Ton know the rest. I need not tell ern waters there are several hard-shell All sciatic and Rheumatic pains are man In every way he can; for In so nothing but this for about three Ln^ the Stomacbs aolBowels of popularity In the far north. to the door for air to save me from suf- bo tne finest Phtcnt I wathfir nutile. Fa«t Color Kyclcta n«ct! exclu*i\ei>. you I entered into the spirit of the crabs to be seen swimming about in Bears the W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Kaemaohusoltm. can'sed by Uric Acid in the blood. doing he Is helping himself. Let him months. I slowly improved until a focating. game, and that I consider myself very the water. Thus far no effort has been Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy consider that the creameryman and got out of bed and begin to move INFAN fS/t HlLDKl'.N Houston's Effective Answer. "The worst was tbe pain which seemed fortunate In being the legal husband made to tame the crabs, but the other Kidneys, and healthy Kidneys strain the cheesemaker would like to have a about Representative Cooper of Texas tells as if my thigh were being pnshed out of The sexton rings the church bell of so charming a girl." occupants of the pond have made Signature ell the Uric Acid out of the blood. greatly increased volume of milk. He "1 have been Improving regularly a story about Gen. Sam Houston of his my body. The best doctors could do was nfter the young man rings thc other The Spanish senor has some difficul- friends with their owner. At any time Promotes DigcstioixJCheerfuh HERE IT IS! JUST OUT! With tlie cause removed there can be can afford to do some agitating In this and now In the past two years have state and a practicing physician who to deaden it by narcotics. Once they belle. ty In finding his voice, and it is in a the latter goes to the fountain and ness and Resl-Conlains neither no Rheumatism or Sciatica. line for the greater, the volume of been working about fifteen hours a did not like the old general, being thought I could not live for more than It isn't what a man owes, bnt what hoarse whisper he cries: talks in a peculiar way the terrapins milk the less will be the cost of mak- Onhun.Morphinc nor Mineral. of and yoa should have it and alligators will come pell mell to- day In the store and never felt better strenuously opposed to him politically. two days. In one of my worst attacks, he pays, that keeps him broke. Kitten Nursed by a Pigeon. "But—my letters! You had them. ing butter and cheese from It The KotUahcotic. 4 ward the edge of the water and climb in my life. One day. after a heated political dis- a friend said : Why don't you try Dr. Borne men believe in luck because j In a cottage near the village ot You are surely playing a Yankee joke man that furnishes only cream should they never have any. Cram's Quick Reference Atlas over each other s backs to get the "During these two years have cussion, the physician said: "General, Williams' Pink Pills? They are tho Newcastleton, Roxburghshire, a on me." take unusual care, to see that the pieces of cookcd crab upon which they never missed a breakfast of Grape- Jh^afOUDrSiHUBimmSl I like you well enough socially, but only thing that ever helped my rheuma- pigeon has evinced great friendliness "A pretty serious one I am afraid, cream is in perfect shape when It Nuts and cream, and often have It politically I would not believe you on tism.' of the World. then. As to the letters, my Chinese are fed. goes in to the hand of the man that FrnrkmSeU- FOR SALE. for a kitten. With the consent ot two meals a day, but the entire break- MxJm** • oath." "I would believe you, doctor," " I took bis advice. After using one We hare just published a Complete servant picked them up when Spencer One night last week several women is to make It Into butter. the oil cat the bird has been sitting 2 fast is always made of Grape-N'; j an.! BmkUUSJ*- was the quiet reply of the general. box I felt better, and I continued to use Horses,, Mules. Harness; One and Tp-to-Uute Handy Atl^ of 574 pag«s on 4he kitten and helping to look af- Advance quickly. had been trotted off to the hospital. were about the fountain watching the cream alone. "Then, sir." vehemently exclaimed the the pills for three or four months with containini-nntnininigr 10lO5o BeautifullBeantifullyv Coloretolored When you asked for letters I remem- sight of the water pets enjoying the In Two-Horse Baggage Wagons: Lan- Maps of the United Sulk's, Canada ter it and play with it. Tbe thre6 ceed?" he demands, puffing vigorous- "Since commencing the use of doctor, "you have a much better opin- steady improvement until I was well. Too Many Starters. and Foreign Countrie.s Railroads up constitute an incongruous but happy ly- bered them, and they seemed to fill crab feast, and they were certain that ion of me than I have of you." "Not daus, Berlins, Hansom and Four-Wheel A good starter Is a good thing, but Grape-Nuts I have never used any- For four years I have been able to do all to 1904. This work contains 40.(-00 family. "The result was all that could be the bill admirably." they could bring the terrapins and aili- Cabs, Victorias. Ten-Seated Passenger the ordinary firmer has too many thing to stimulate the action of the a better opinion, doctor, but I simply my household work, aud no longer have alphabetically arranged iinraes, keyed expected," answers the young Ameri- •Then—it is all—true?" gators to the surface the same as starters connected with his dairy en- bowels, a thing I had to do for years, Apofect pemcdy forConstipa- Use hnve a Utile more politeness than you to take medicine for any serious trouble. Coaches, at reasonable prices for to the maps, for locating geographic- $100 Reward, $100. car.. coolly. "Absolutely, reror." tbo!r owner had. : 1 terprise. There is a certain pracUce but this food keeps me regular and in Ron. Sour Stomach,Diantoca have." I gave ouo box of Dr. Williams' Piuk cash. This is surplus eqiiil'sacnl pur- ji.liy. It givtii htU. l : Census. Tht reader" of llil» p«iwr*Hl he iiicusafl to Istaa "Good—good! Then recogniz- "You are not Howard Spcncer?" "A treat for our parly," was what tbul there U uclmal one dremlcd dteeLtc that Klene* iL'jj among our farmers that consists In fine shape, and I am growing stronger Pills to a man ou crutches because of Just the thing for mapping out hva been able to cjrr in all la Mwea, and Uiat !• "Most certainly not. That gentle- one of the women said, "that I can Worms .Convulsions Jeverish- chased on account of the World's Fair. ed you as the genuine partv in ques- not thoroughly washing out the sep- ana heavier every day. Found Fortune In New New Zealand. rheumatism and advised my market your trip. Catanb. Hnll's CaUrrti Cure U Uii- only poaltlretion? " man does not bear a very enviable bring them up to get some crab." ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Address D. Jamison, Superintendent core now known to Che inedicml lretemUy. CaUnb arator more than once a week. The "My customers, naturally, have been For Over sAlbert Winter, an Englishman work- woman to buy a box when she was com- OFFER UNPRECEDENTED. belo* a conatltutlonal "Everything passed off in my reputation around the Cripple Creek "And it's a treat that you can't," tlcmal (reauneni. Hair Inevitable result must be that the va- Interested and I am compelled to an- PocSiimle Signature of ing in the Grannity Creek mines. New plaining of the same trouble. I heard that Passenger and Baggage Department. 1 will mail one copy (only) of this .tcnitlly,«cilns directly favor." mining country, and I should serious- said another. ' • of the Bynem. rious parts of the machine contain swer a great many questions about Zealand, picked up a stone to throw be was soon able to throw his crutches St Louis Transfer Company. Broad- Atlas, in (Best) Cloth Binding—post- •Sooniliitlou of tbe (ll.vttne. "Oh. what great luck we are having. ly object to being compelled to stand Then the effort of making the pecul- Grape-Nuts. at a pigeon one evening while on his away, and she told mo she had got rid of »tmi.-th by tuilldlnj; up tbe starters that are all ready to go to wav and Spruce strtc'.. St. Louis, Mo. | paid to any address i" the United States nature Id dulog 1U Senor Jack! Fortune brings every- for himi" iar noise was made, but with no signs "Some people.would think that a NEW YORK. Thirty Years way home. Something in the stone the rheumatism by the use of one box ' or Canada—by return mail, ou receipt Inc wort worl: both In the cream and in the «o tnuch faith In Ita cureOTe thing in my way—I. who was only "You are not my correspondent, yet of life appearing above the surface of 1 N. U.—DETROIT-NO. ^7, 1904 of money order for 44 cents, or 2a two- liumlred linliara t fall! to skimmilk the moment they are sep- simple dish of Grape-Nuts and cream A't rn'iiu lihs ol tl attracted his attention, and on ex aud could not thank me too much. ' lately contemplating flitting to Cuba, yon know about the game! Carramba! the water. Again and again the noiae ' cent stamps. fend for I lat of 0 arated. There is such a thing as hav- would not cairy one through to the n i>us.i s -1 1 MS amining it he found gold-hearing Testimony multiplies as to the mag- AdJreaa F. J. OUEK'•Kr* Col!'Tole4o, i where I have some interests that you even tell me there is no neces- was made, but it was not until their When answering ads. please mention Ihls paper Roliholil \)J(IT mialll nriUOCliU.TSODrmacliU.TSe.. ing too many starters. Pastueriza- noonday meal, but It will and In tho quartz. Winter quietly took out nificent curative powers of Dr. Williams' , Teko uall't FauUly PUlafori bring me In a scanty living. I hardly sity of hurrying to Chancery lane, be- owner made the sounds that they ap- THIS OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 3L tion would help such cream, but pas- most vigorous fashion." miners' wrights and with a mate Pink Pills for Palo People in eases of know how I shall invest, my share of cause you have already seen the law- peared. Then there was the usual teurization Is not at all common aad Name given by Postum Co., Battle EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. pegged out a claim. This was a couple rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous head- YThsblngton wns noted for his fond- the spoils."' years and It is ali right. What is all scramble for the crabs, and the sight Creek, Mich. Address. GEORGE F. CRAM. mefcs for hickory nuts, and the amonnt is not likely to be on the farm where mui of months ago. He has just sold his ache, palpitation of the heart and all "Perhaps you may yet be saved the right? And you have even had the was greatly enjoyed by those who wJt tn time. Sold hr drucC'U. iie could consume. : : the hulk of the milk Is not too great Look In each pkg. for the famona Interest for $500,000 and has gone forms of weakness in either male or 3810 Lnngloy Ave. . CHICAGO. 1LU trouble, my (fear Senor." sublime assurance to marry my step- ^ C C N S uM PTION f nessed It tu be bandied by t hud separator. little book. "The Baad to WeUTillt* home to his parents, who had not female. They are sold by all druggists ""7. txwud ol um tiu ton j oua. thr.-JCUwt tho wurld* ""l •

STOCK REDUCING SALE $22,000.00 Worth of Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes To Be Sold Cheap For Cash.

Women's, Misses and Children's Shoes will be Sold at Actual Cost at

W. S. GODFREY'S Lowell, Michigan 'IfPfTflW

Henry Delk is repainting hisjhousc. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, The ProhMe Wanthd!—3256 ladies to cf .Inst call and see the new line of ^ Court for the Oonnty of Kent. At a inspect our new offerings in Chiiftl furniture at Hakes'. RORHIOO of Raid court, held nttho probate goods and to pass their opinions on office in I he citv of Grand Rapidn, in xaid the same. Oliver's white front store. The latest and best, roselne wash- county, on the 9lh day of November A. D. ing powder at Foster's. 1904. We are here to stay. Give us a Prwenl: HON. HARRY D. JKWELL, trial. Lowell Steam Laundry. Judge of Probale. A Splendid Assortment Dwellie f.angworthy of Columbia In the matter of the estate of GEORGE Falls, Mont.. Is home on a visit. W. OROSBY decensen, EDWARD L. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lampnmn BENNETT having tiled in said cmrt hia =Of; spent Sunday at Cannonsburg. final adminiHtration account, and hiR petition praying for allowance thereof The West Lowell 11. B. church is nnd for the RBBignraent and dinlribution being completed with Interior finish. of the reaidueof naid enlate. E. 15. Quick and family have rented fct It ia ordered that the nineth day of the Denick house on Monroe street. December, A. D., 19l'4, at ten o'clock in Ladies Tourist Coats For sale—Span of young hoi'ses. the forenoon, at said prolmte office, be and weight 1400 each. Geo. Blakeslee. lb hereby appointed for Bxamining and Phone No. 74. Lowell,. allowing said aQconnt and hearing naid The Best $10 Coat Children's Cloaks Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Johnson have petition. been spending a few days at May- It ia further ordered, that public notice ville. thereof be given by publication of a copy Ladies Cloth and The Lowell Lumbor Co. has just of thin order, for three suooeaaive weeks On Earth. received a shipment of sash and previous to waid day of hearing, iu Ihe Lowki.i. l'iJ)(iKR n newMpaper printed and doors, Plush Capes circulated in aaid ennnty. HakesV-an and will compete with Habry D. Jewkltj, Judge of Probate. Well, its all over now and any catalogue house in the country Alvine E. Ewing Ladies Suits on furniture. (A trne copy) Register of Probate settled. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Quick have moved into their house vacated by Ladies Skirts Dr. E. A. Hodges. "I was troubled with constipa- "Honorable" is a great word Mrs. M. F. Gould of Sonth Boston tion and stomach troubles, lost flesh in Japan. We like to use it spent Saturday with Mrs. A. .It' my complexion was ruined: Hoi- Ijewis and family. lister's Rocky Mountain Tea brought when we refer to the work- Mrs. Wood worth baa returned back my health and complexion." — manship of our Tourist's coats, from an extended visit with her son Mary Alien, St. Louis. 35 cents. D. («. Look. all built on honor. All the new, desirable styles—thc very latest—made up within the last at Traverse City. month. This means that you can g-et thc right styles at the rig-ht prices right Miss Ethel Thomas of Grand Rap- ids has been visiting her friend. Miss Wc have a new lot of them away. Ariel Lawrence. D. Klingensmlth of Orangevllle vis- just in browns, blacks and We always carry the largest stock of Furs and our policy is to sell them ited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. tans. cheaper than they can be had anywhere else. Klingensmlth. Friday. Don't forget to give the Lowell We carry in stock Astrakhan and Near Seal Jackets and the prices on them Lumber Co. a chance to figure on Have you seen our new lot are from $5.00 to $10.00 less than they are usually sold for. your sash and doors. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Simmons of Early Crop. underwear? Best line, by far, Battle Creek and Jno. Buck of Kala- that we have been able to sell mazoo visited their friend. Mrs. A. Fall Coughing litis begun. J. Lewis. Tuesday. for the money. Be sure to see Dayton,Ohlo.Mrs. Mary Simpson— it before you buy. W. "WEEKES. "Everything disagreed with me and Wlneiar's baby until 1 used Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. Now baby sleeps White Pine For furs, we , are leaders. and grows like a weed." 85 cents. Tea or tablet form. D. G. Look. and Tar Our furs, like our coats, are Miss Emma Cramer Is quite ill. The Methodist Ladies Aid society built upon honor, every fur served suppers to about 150 people Is beginning to sell. People Give your work to the Lowell last evening at Weyrlck's new mar- g'uaranted. Smart dressers Steam laundry. ket. Mr. Weyrlck generously gave think as much of it as ever. We guarantee It for Coughs. Colds, should see them. INTEREST NOTICE. Henkel's self rising buckwheat the use of the building, going to Hoarseness and all Throat flour at Fosters. • much trouble to move his largestock At ji nicetiDK of the Board of IMroctorg of the Lowell Stale troubles. King Milling Company is reshingl- to make room. The ladies had full New line of the Osborne Hank held Oct. 24th. 11)04. the liratclause of Section of the Regula- sway from front to rear: and it is iug the Wlsner mill. Price Twenty-five Cents.^ tions fur SavingH DcpoHitorH was changed and amended to read as needless to say found everything in Mannish waists just received. follows: The Lowell Specialty Company apple pie order. has begun operations in its new- —at— "l)n thc first day of .lime and December of each year, wood work factory. Wanteo—Quickly, few persons to this bank will nay infterest on Savings Deposits at represent long established wholesale Mrs. Lura Vining left Tuesday for W. S. Winegar's tlie rate of 3 per cent per annum on all snins left house among retail merchants and Beulah, Wyo., to stay for an indefi- constantly on deposit for six full months or more." agents. Local territory of few coun- J. B. NICHOLSON nite length of time. ties. Eighteen dollars salary and ex- This change in tlie rate of interest from 2 per cent to " per cent Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Woli of .lack penses paid weekly. Expense money will be In effect. Thuraday. Dec. 1.1004. son visited her mother, Mrs. .las. advanced. Commission extra. Per- Gibson, Saturday and Sunday. manent engagement. Business suc- YOUli ACCOUNT IS SOLICITED. Miss Lizzie '1 homas -lias resigned cessful. Previous experience not es- her position with Clyde Collar and Is sential. Enclosed self addressed en- THE LOWELL STATE BANK. visiting at Saranac this week. velope. A dress, Superintendent B. E. McLain, formerly of Lowell Travelers, 825 Dearborn St., Chicago. and now of Grand Rapids, has been dec8 OharlcH McOarty Goo. W. Purkor E. L. Roimotl Frank 'J". KIiik K. .1. Layer W. E. Marsh very ill for the past week with Buy your sash and doors of the rheumatism. Lowell Lumber Co. Our new stock of China is the most complete and varied we have ever shown. Come and see it. Oliver's white front store. 1 have four tine Shropshire rams Who Tfeods for sale, one and two years old at at my farm in Fallasburg. : 4w .1. E. Tower. R. R. 41). Lowell. Bepd Expression Heard About Town Taintno useto sit down and whine When no fish get* tangled In lOatch : your Hue; Rait your hook with a bumble Itee I cannot express my gratitude to the And keep on taking Rockv Mbun' public for the liberal patronag-e given mc for tain Tea. D. G. Look. Dr. Hodges,dentist. tf House to rent, inquire of.I. Hull. the past three years. I can only say: Thank W.a Frazer of San Francisco. Pure bottled maple syrup at Potato crates at Lowell Planing _o you all; and amg-lad that I merit the busi- Cal.. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Thomas of : Foster's. Mill. Lansing, R. 1). McNaughtonof Fruit- ness; and as appreciation of the trade 5'ou Jim. McMahon is clerking for .1 H. Try sovereign .lava and Moca cof- port, Mr. and Mrs. F,. .1. McNauirh- have given me will say that I have pur- t , E tta d ,:, v Nicholson. fee at Foster's. 7 i.??i nV " - McNaughton chased for you the largest and finest, line of Get your potato crates at Lowell Mrs. Clj'de Collar was In Urand of Mlddieyllie were quests at Warren In these days of cheap watches Planing mill. Rapids Monday. Lillle s I nesday and Wednesday. and shoddy manufactura, a Mrs. L EgKiestoil's residence is be The Lowell Lumber Co. has plenty The Lowell Band will Kive a timepiece should lie selected Ing repainted. of lumber for building boat«. Thanksgiving party ,i\ Train's hall with care. A good watch I huraday evening. Nov. 34. Mnsic should last a lifetime, aud long- Headquarters for chicken foods Furniture Oliicken [tic supper at Baptist by the Lowell orchestra. The band er. Such watches are the only and oystershells. .1. M.Meyers. church, DetiemIMT. Itli. has established a reputation forirlv- kind worth having and In or- Miss Minnie Behler spent Sunday Mrs. E. C. Messer of (Jrand R'iplds Iiik good parties; and they propose der to get them you must buy ever before in Lowell and will sell the .full at her home at Alto. visited Mrs. A. J. Lewis Saturday. to maintain it. *11 of n reliable dealer who is at line at lowest consistent prices. I am able All shirts 10c from now on at, Mi-s. Gage Peck ham of Grand Rap- 1 lie "pumpkin seed" guessing con- hand to make the guarantee to compete with any department or cata- Lowell Steam laundry. ids visited Mrs. H. A. Peckham last test which has Imh-ii on ;it A I good. week. Coons caused a large niiinlN>r of an*l We have In stock complete logue house in the country and you will say Ueo. Mesecar spent Saturday In , (i rand itainds. John Flynn has improved Ids resi. Ions people to gather at his store lines of the best watches made. so if 3 ou call and see for yourself. All sizes for both gentlemen .Ino. Liwby was home la^t week. deuce with a large two-story add- last Saturday afternoon. The 1 and ladies. Thanking you for past favors and solic- He has accepted a position on tht ition on the west and south sides. counting was done by Attoinev road for the Parks Mfg. ( 'o. Sprlugett and C. Guy Perrv in the Wc sell watches for precisely iting your future business J am Mrs. Thos. Ronau has returned to window before the people The what they are, and qua" /fc Courteously yours, Miss Carrie Dividson entertained a her home in BlUlngs. Mont., after a pumpkin contained 58:' seeds and on considered, our prices are company of .voting la