THE LOWELL LEDGER, / INDEPENDENT- NOT NEUTRAL. VOL XII, NO 22 LARGEST CIRCULATION. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1904 BEST LOCAL PAPER. OFFICIAL PAPER REAR END COLLISION ODD FELLOWS THESE A THANKSGIVING STORY. PERE MARQUETTE WRECK A BK; TIME AT LODGE ROOM AT ELMDALE. Look's Hand Lotion of rare interest may be read on With Their Wives, sad Children a the pa^-efl of a Ravings bank Two killed sad Fifteen I Blared; Hnndred Strong. book. It telln a tAle of indus- and Hand Lotion Soap try and fmgallty It tells of Bat Mone From Lowell. Last Tuesday evening the mem I mts teraplwtions resinte'l. of hoj^en Another wreck occurred on the P. of Lowell Lodge No. 110,1. O. <). F. Chipped hand*, face, lip» or irriutioo of the skin for the future. It shows how M. railroad at Elm dale laflt eveninc gave a reception to theirfamllies and it not koowo where thie combination if used. money grows when deposited at « 20. when Detroit limited No. •i friends which was a success that re- in « good savings bank. crushed into the roar of the Saginaw flecu much credit upon that society. train which was standing on the Over a hundred Odd FeUows, their You Can Read switch at Elm dale .Junction waiting wives and friends were in attendance. for orders. Two paswngcrs on the \ g'od program ronsiejing of read- A Dainty Lotion A Pure Soap. parlor car of the Sn^inaw train wen* ings, selections by the l^owell Man- The first eaeenttal* in aoaps to such a story next ThaiiksRiv- killed outright ami sixteen injured. dolin club, singing by the I. O. O. F. Nearly ereryon* has more or If* i{ yon start now. Glee dub. and some veiy appropriate pirity. Impure, injurious and The names of the killed are .laooh need of a haalinc and noftening lo- worth lees soaps are very common- OjK'ninfi an arconnt with Strelltxki. a Chicago cigar manufac- mnarks by 1>. B. Pavidson, after tion for the face and hands. The which the tables were spread and even some of the nuwt contiy and turer, and N. Simons of New York. text ore and beauty of any fkin may attractive are harmful to the skin. News of the wreck reached <<raud all enjoyed to their fullest extent the eaaily be improvrd by the use of They often look and cost the same The City Bank, Watts & Co. Rapids shortly Itefore 7 o'clock and many good things. the right application- Much credit is due the gentlemen aa food ones. We bare had a soap a special train l»earing doctotMApd For chapa or redness or for use made by a famoussosp maker which nun-tes was sent to the A of the Mandolin club for the splendid • ben the akin beoomea laded or i first cha.ptAfter t hat it will grow in inVemrt every dn.v at wa call •of 3 Per Cent. wseckiuf; crew followed »in another rendition of their numbers, which loaea ita eoftoew and transparency siatial all the itiankets in the Grand w < n- much enjoyed by all.—[Com. Ink's Hud UlioB Soap Rapids armory were taken. It ia intended to supply the de- When the flyer wan seen Wearing LMk 'sflad Utm I Hl IU HES AND SOCIETIES mand for a perfectly reliable soap down on the Saginaw train all eff- ia the be* we know of. Nothing at s low price. We know of no bet- orts were made by those present to MDTHODIJT. rtiokT or 'greasy about it—cannot ter soap for the toilet, bath or Bt>r- stop the flyer and at t he same time poaaibly do aaTtbiac bat good. nery. It lathers freely, cleanse' warn the |wu«Hefigers in the rear Influence" will l»e the morning thoroughly and help maintain ihe coach of the standing train of the subject at the M. E. church. freshness and dtdicacr of the skin. danger. Through some misunder- 15c and l5e bottles 1 vening subject, "Christ's Appeal 10c for a liberal standins; t he switch had not tv-en or sold in hnlk. to Manhood." Viningmenespecially aised cake. proi»erly thrown. The Saginaw |nv ited. train was taking on passengers at Subject for the Epworth League, the time of the collision; and an eye- "• Mir thanks to God." To lie lead Daly at The Time To witness says the collision took place by Mrs. E. R, Collar. within three minutes of the arrival of the Saginaw train, though they COSGREGATIOSAl.. are due to leave Grand llapids ten I iiion Thanksgiving services will Look's Drug aod Book Store. minutes apa rt . be held with the Congregational With a terrific crash the locomo- Church in tin* evening of Nov. 34th Think of Stoves tive of the Detroit train struck the Tiie Sermon will IK* delivered by 1 chair car of th* Saginaw train and Rev. A. H. Sturgis. smashed it into splinters for one- Next Sunday morning the pastor third of its lengt h. The engineer and will sin-ak on "Why Martin Luther fireman as soon as 1 he engine struck never reached the top of the marble the switch jumjH*d and escajied in- stairw ay at Rome." jury. People from the Saginaw train ran back and l»egan to rescue Evening Subject—"The Burning the passengers from t he wreckage of Bush." Christian Endeavor Meeting at W'ben you thing of stoves, think of economy the parlor car, which had Iteen well P.M. led by liattie Lynn— too, and look at the new line we are carry- filled. The body of Strelitaki was the first taken from the wreck. It Subject " How to express' our Special Sale ing this year. We have the was terribly mangled. Simon's thanks to God." body was the next recovered. Bevotional service Thurday eve- New Gold Coin Base Burner OttiKM of Klmdale assisted in the ning at 7330. which we nrt* recommending highly liecause work of rescue and the injured were SOCIETfBS. it has more radiating surface than 'an> other taKen to near by homes. The relief Regular meeting of < yclatnen stove made. train arrived in Grand Rapids at Chapter, No. 34, <>. E. S., Friday 1ft..Kl, with the bodies of the dead evening, Nov. ^ Every nteniber CLOCKS and the injured. The latter were urged to be present,, Sonwtinies circumstances makes it advisable taken to hospitals. Lowell Union W. T, 1". will meet to get a Second Hand Stove—we have some The Detroit train was in charge of tomorrow afternoon at Mrs. R. E. During the month of November. Line in- choice bargains in these and we invite you Conductor F. Prindle and Engineer Van Den sen's at il.-'lO. cludes all the best makes and prices lower t to Inspect them. Yours, Patrick Kelliher, both of Grand Rap- ids. The Saginaw train was in care The < lover Leal club will meet than you ever saw before. of Conductor C. Reardon and Engi- with Mrs. Geo. Wlllard. Tuesdav, neer C. WeMman. Nov. 22. Those injured but who continued The Success Club R. B. BOYLAN. on their Journey were: U. C. Rots- ford. Detroit., baggageman on train Meets at Train's < 'jtera House No. fi. injured about liead and hands. Monday evenin Nov. 21st, 1904 at L. L. Cook, Bay City, injured about v o'ch»ck sliarp. head and hands. Jlies Jennie Dona- The committee in charge are ar- hue, Stant on, injured" about hands ranging for an "Old Times" partr Edward Freeman. San Francisco, and expect that Success (?) will fol- injured about legs. Chris Larson, low. Greenville, injared about head. Allen The old fashioned girl and her Lee. No. Marquette building. young man are expected and will ex- Chk-ago, nose broken and injured emplify that ecstaticblisfi in each about body. Arthur Sutherland. 7 other's society which only those who years of age. son of Charles Suther- have had experience can understand. Watches land. tiieenville.cut about bead and If the moon shines so that be can Two Loaders. face. Miss Mary Watkins. Detroit. drive the steers. .Tedediah Corn tassel Clocks *F YOU want o-ock! g-oods, Injured about head. C. Watkins. and wife, .lerusha. will come. You POTATO BREAD. I the best that money can Detroit, express luesnenger on train come and wear old time costume. If HOME MADE MIXCE PIES. Jewelry No. fi, injured about head and body. possible. • buy, g-oods that are of The injured who w ere taken to Fresh every day. You can Dissolution Notice. Silver- Grand Rapids were F. L. Chnrlef, always set a good cup ol hot superior workmanship Cuba, N. Y., injured about the head The co-partnership heretofore coffee at car lunch counts*-. ware and quality, g-oods that are and legs.Taken to V. B. A. hospital. existing between Meyers and McKee .J Leo Lancher, No. l.»5 Sooth Sheridan is dissolved by mutual consent Fancy up-to-the-times, gioods that street. Bay City, cook on train No. Ry term of sale all out-standing are sold under a guarantee 34, badly injured about head and accounts are payable toM. Meyers T WELDON SMITH, China body. Taken toT. B. A. hospital. who has payd all bills and requests to be perfect, goods that will Clarence 1. Plckert. Ikiston. Mass., those in indebtedness to call and The Baker. Kodaks seriously burned about head, face settle. .L M. Meyers, please you in every partic- and body; may lose eyesight. Taken Notice to Settle Accounts. and ular, come to us—we can to Butterwonh hospital.
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