2Nd Announcement Preliminary Programme and Call for Abstracts CONTENT

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2Nd Announcement Preliminary Programme and Call for Abstracts CONTENT 47th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference September 15th-18th, 2018 Genoa, Italy Conference Theme Global Approach to Renal Care Innovation – Balancing Compassion and Health Technologies 2nd Announcement Preliminary Programme and Call for Abstracts CONTENT Welcome Message from the President 3 The Value of the Conference 4 Committees 5 KeyDatestoRemember 5 ContactInformation 6 GeneralInformation 7 ScientificProgramme 8 AbstractSubmission&CallforAbstracts 8 Programme at a Glance 9 InternationalConference2018willinclude... 10 Registration 11 HotelAccommodation 14 HotelLocations 16 Exhibition&Sponsorship 17 CorporateMembership 18 EnrichyourLife–BecomeanEDTNA/ERCAMember 19 GoodtoKnowaboutGenoa 20 2 WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Colleagues, It is with great pleasure and pride we invite you to join us in Genoa where our 47th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference will take place. The theme of our Conference is – ‘Global Approach to Renal Care Innovation – Balancing Compassion and Health Technologies’. The Conference has an important role of educating, exchanging information and experience, utilizing the expertise of health care professionals, service leaders, academics, researchers, care givers, people with renal disease and industry partners. Delegates from around 70 countries, who come together to share experience, innovations and knowledge. The Conference is a showcase for the latest technology and innovation in the treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease. I also would like to take the opportunity to inform you about Genoa and the Conference Center. An event hosted at Genoa’s Conference Center located inside Porto Antico’s historical Cotton Warehouses is a guarantee of success. A venue highly valued by meeting planners, able to meet all conference, convention and exhibit requirements perfectly. The Auditorium, capacity 1480, split into 2 separate mirror-like meeting rooms, is matchless thanks to its theatrical structure and central stage. A large sea port, an architectural wonder, a fascinating city of art, Genoa is one of Italy’s best kept secrets. With its alluring charm and a great artistic heritage, Genoa’s medieval centre – the largest in Europe and partly a UNESCO site – is an intricate maze of alleys breathing the noble past of the city. Strolling around, you will marvel at remains of medieval buildings, XVI century frescoed Palaces, Baroque votive chapels and beautiful churches overlooking picturesque squares. As you discover this unique mix, you will mingle with the locals and have the chance to really experience Italians’ daily life. Last but not least, did you know that Christopher Columbus, if indeed he was born in Genoa, would have been called at birth „Cristoforo Colombo“. His birth is postulated at between August and October, 1451. Today Genoa is part of Italy, but in 1451 it was an independent city-state, and the richest city in the Western Mediterranean. The native language of Genoa at that time was Ligurian. Welcome to Genoa and we are very much looking forward to see you. With very warm regards, Edita Noruisiene EDTNA/ERCA President 3 THE VALUE OF THE CONFERENCE The EDTNA/ERCA is a multidisciplinary organization for those working in renal care. Through the Scientific Programme we offer a significant and valuable contribution to the care, given to those referred to our renal services. The Conference is a forum for sharing the best research and innovations in practice and helps in initiating and promoting quality renal research and practice around the world. The Conference has an important role of educating, exchanging information and experience, utilizing the expertise of health care professionals, service leaders, academics, researchers, care givers, people with renal disease and industry partners. Delegates from around 70 countries, who come together to share experience, innovations and knowledge. The Conference is a showcase for the latest technology and innovation in the treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease. Meet with us in Genoa, share your experience, learn from each other and meet with colleagues and friends around the globe. Create your own network, establish lifelong friendship, and discuss your challenges with your colleagues around the world – yes, there are no limitations of what we can do together! Enrichyourlife–ComewithustoGenoa! 4 COMMITTEES ExecutiveCommittee Edita Noruisiene President [email protected] EvgeniaGolland Treasurer [email protected] Ilaria de Barbieri EC Member [email protected] MariaTeresaParisotto Secretary [email protected] Publications Maria Cruz Casal Publication Coordinator [email protected] ConferenceScientificProgrammeCommittee BerislavPoje Chair [email protected] Ilaria de Barbieri EC Link [email protected] Anastasia Liossatou Member [email protected] Helen Noble Member [email protected] Conference,Marketing,Exhibition&Sponsorship,IndustryRelations,Secretariat AnkiDavidson Marketing Director [email protected] FinanceSupportServices Alois Gorke Finance Coordinator [email protected] KEY DATES TO REMEMBER Abstract submission deadline February28th,2018 Author’snotificationofAbstractacceptance April10th,2018 Earlybirdregistrationdeadline July1st,2018 DeadlineforHotelAccommodationwithnocancellationfee July18th,2018 Deadlineforregularregistrationfee August15th,2018 5 CONTACT INFORMATION EDTNA/ERCA Secretariat Excellent Branding AB Högs Byväg 118 SE-246 55 Löddeköpinge Sweden Phone: +46 46 70 96 24 E-mail: [email protected] EDTNA/ERCAConference,Marketing,IndustryRelations,Exhibition&Sponsorship Mrs.AnkiDavidson Marketing Director P&B – Presentation & Branding AB Källstorps Gård Högs Byväg 118 S-246 55 Löddeköpinge Sweden Phone: +46 46 70 96 26 Mobile: +46 721 94 00 10 E-mail: [email protected] EDTNA/ERCAConferenceDepartment&Registrations GUARANTInternationalspol.sr.o. Na Pankráci 17 CZ-140 21 Prague 4 Czech Republic Phone: +420 284 001 444 Fax: +420 284 001 448 E-mail: [email protected] CONFERENCE VENUE PortoAnticodiGenova–CentroCongressi Calata Molo Vecchio 15 16128 Genoa Italy http://www.centrocongressigenova.it/en/ Legal Venue EDTNA/ERCA, Seestrasse 91, CH 6052 Hergiswil, Switzerland 6 GENERAL INFORMATION Accreditationoflearninghours 47th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference will be accredited. To ensure maximum quality education and a professional Scientific Programme EDTNA/ERCA intends to obtain International Continuing Nursing Education Credits (ICNEC) for the International Conference in Genoa. The ICNEC are granted by the International Council of Nurses once strict admission conditions are fulfilled. The ICNEC awards provide proof of a high quality Conference. EDTNA/ERCA makes its best effort to render such opportunity to its delegates and members, so the approval for awarding International Continuing Nursing Education Credits (ICNECs) is currently being sought from the International Council of Nurses. Details of the sessions eligible for accreditation points will be published on the Conference website in August – www.edtnaerca.org Conference Badges Each Conference delegate will receive a Conference badge upon registration. The Conference badge must be worn at all times to be able to enter the Scientific Sessions and receive education accreditation. On your badge there is a barcode which will be scanned when entering and leaving each session hall. Credits will be assigned according to the information received from the barcode system. This information is also used for safety reasons to register participants who actually are in the building in case of emergency. Therefore it is important you present your badge at each session hall. CoffeeBreaks Coffee & tea will be available during the entire Conference and are included in the participation fee. Lunch will be served on Sunday, September 16th and Monday, September 17th. Insurance The Conference organizer cannot accept liability for personal injuries sustained or for loss or damage of property belonging to Conference participants, either during or as a result of the Conference. Please check validity of your own insurance. LetterofInvitation The organizers will be pleased to send a letter of invitation upon request, once your registration form and fee have been received. Such an invitation is intended to help you to raise travel funds or obtain a visa. It is not a commitment on the part of the Conference to provide any financial support. You may request such a letter from the Conference Department at [email protected]. OfficialLanguage The Conference is being organized by an International Association with the goal of Education and Science. All oral presentations and posters should be in English. Special sessions might be organized in languages other than English and without translation. All hostesses and Conference staff speak English and other languages. Sessions held in the main hall will be simultaneously translated from English into Italian. 7 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME The structure of our Scientific Programme for the EDTNA/ERCA International Conference will be changed. It was decided to reduce the number of Guest Speakers (GS) in order to give more time and space to our fellow colleagues who come to present. TherewillbetwodifferentParallelOralSessions: 1. Sessions with GS’s will have the following structure: GS + two oral presentations + three short oral presentations. 2. Sessions without GS’s will have the following structure: four oral presentations + three short oral presentations. The aim is to invite
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    COMUNICATO STAMPA Più informazioni, notizie e aggiornamenti alle stazioni metro Al via la collaborazione con Telesia Genova, 7 febbraio 2020 L’attesa del treno della metropolitana a Genova diventerà un’occasione per aggiornarsi sui principali fatti del mondo, leggendo notizie di attualità, ed essere sempre al corrente sulle novità dei servizi AMT ma sarà anche un momento piacevole per ascoltare musica e seguire diversi contenuti di intrattenimento. Si tratta del progetto integrato di video informazione realizzato grazie alla partnership tra AMT e Telesia, la media tech company del gruppo Class Editori leader del segmento GO TV, che da oltre 30 anni realizza soluzioni integrate per la video comunicazione in ambienti ad alta frequentazione, come aeroporti e metropolitane. I contenuti visibili sui monitor presenti in banchina nelle stazioni della metropolitana, in tutto 32 schermi divisi tra le stazioni di Brignole, De Ferrari, Sarzano/Sant’Agostino, San Giorgio, Darsena, Dinegro, e Brin, saranno diversificati e si alterneranno in modo da garantire sempre una varietà di argomenti: un vero e proprio palinsesto tv. Saranno ovviamente presenti, e quindi valorizzate dall’efficacia del canale comunicativo, anche tutte le informazioni relative ad AMT con notizie sull’azienda e aggiornamenti in tempo reale sul servizio. Spazio anche per le campagne dedicati ai clienti AMT. Tutti questi contenuti si alterneranno sugli schermi mentre resterà sempre visibile l’indicazione dei tempi di arrivo del treno. La realizzazione del progetto ha richiesto interventi sulle tecnologie di comunicazione portati avanti con investimenti congiunti dalle due aziende. “AMT prosegue nel percorso di innovazione e miglioramento del servizio. La nostra metropolitana è sempre più un asse di forza del trasporto pubblico, usato e apprezzato dai genovesi.
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