ITALIAN HERITAGE AND CULTURE MONTH • MESE DELLA CULTURA ITALIANA 42ND ANNIVERSARY 1976-2018 Sciame is pleased to join the Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of NY in saluting

Italian Women in America: Breaking Barriers…. From Ellis Island to the Present

14 Wall Street, 2nd Floor, , NY 10005 212.232.2200 | EVENTS CALENDAR

Table of Contents A Message A Message from the President/Chairperson 1 from the Italian Heritage and Culture Month History 3 President/ Mission Statement 4 Chairperson Members of the Board 7

Dear Friends: 2IÀFLDO(YHQWVDQG3URFODPDWLRQ&HUHPRQLHV 8 Welcome to the 42nd annual /HRQDUGRGD9LQFL$ZDUG5HFLSLHQWV 9 celebration of Italian Heritage %RURXJK&RQWDFW3HUVRQV 10 and Culture Month! This year the Board of Directors of the During these challenging &DOHQGDURI (YHQWV 12-55 Italian Heritage and Culture economic times, we are most Letter from the Ambassador of Committee, New York, Inc., has appreciative of the response 13 selected as its theme: by those individuals who have in Washington, DC A Salute to Italian Women in contributed to the development Letter from the Consul General of of our materials and, as well, 14 America: Breaking Barriers…. ,WDO\LQ1HZ



In Honor of Strong Italian American Women

Cavaliere Vivian Cardia

Wishes to Honor

Commendatore Elsie Garaventa Cardia

An Amazing Mother

Assunta Badaracco Garaventa

A Loving Grandmother

Vilma Garaventa DiPre

The Best Aunt Ever



Sponsored by the Italian Heritage and Culture Committee, New York, Inc. (IHCC-NY, INC.) A Brief History of Italian Heritage and Culture Month in New York

More than four decades of special events, concerts, exhibits, lectures, and proclamations to better inform New York, the largest Italian city outside Italy, and other geographic areas throughout the United States and the world, of the important legacy of Italians and and to celebrate their OECJEł?=JP?QHPQN=H 6HSWHPEHU²,+&&1<,QF/HRQDUGRGD9LQFL$ZDUGHH&KD]]3DOPLQWHULZLWK contributions. 1<26,$6WDWH3UHVLGHQW5REHUW)HUULWRDQGZLIH/LQDDQG,+&&1<,QF3UHVLGHQW&KDLU &RPP-RVHSK6FLDPHDW6DQ*HQQDUR)HDVWDQG3DUDGH1HZ

ew York’s Italian In the spring of 1976 the celebrations, and grew in who annually coordinated Heritage and Mayor of , GXUDWLRQWREHFRPH´,WDOLDQ the celebration of Italian NCulture Month will Abraham Beame, initiated the +HULWDJHDQG&XOWXUH0RQWKµ heritage and culture in the celebrate its forty-second ÀUVW´,WDOLDQ&XOWXUH:HHNµ As the years passed, the ÀYHERURXJKVRI 1HZ

Mission Statement Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York, INC. The mission of the Italian Heritage and Culture Committee, New York, Inc. (IHCC-NY, Inc.) is to: • Heighten public awareness of Italian heritage and culture; • Coordinate sponsorship of programs that celebrate Italian heritage and culture; • Sponsor annually the Italian Heritage and Culture Month activities; • Promote the study of and culture among all ethnic groups; • Engender pride in Italian Americans regarding their own heritage; and • Encourage positive portrayals of Italian Americans in the media and with the general public.

Vision Statement

The Italian Heritage and Culture Committee, New York, Inc. will conduct, sponsor, and/or participate in activities throughout the year, with special emphasis on the celebration 2FWREHU²,+&&1<,QF%RDUGPHPEHUVDQG &RQVXO*HQHUDO)UDQFHVFR*HQXDUGLZHOFRPHJXHVWVDW of Italian Heritage and Culture Month. WKH2SHQLQJ&HUHPRQ\IRUWKH&ROXPEXV'D\ZHHNHQG DFWLYLWLHVGLVSOD\LQJWKHPHERRNOHWDQGPDJD]LQH The vision of the IHCC-NY, Inc. is to be a dynamic organization in the Italian American community that will collaborate on and foster an appreciation of Italian and Italian Continued from pg 3 WRDVSHFLÀFWKHPHRU American contributions to the world. of outstanding leadership, personality from the history leaving an important legacy and and The IHCC-NY, Inc. will: that continues to this day. He Italian Americans. Each year presently serves on the board the Board of Directors selects ‡6ROLFLWIXQGVWRFDUU\RXWLWVPLVVLRQDQGIXOÀOOLWVYLVLRQ as a consultant and adviser. a new theme, commissions In January 2007, Cav. Uff. a poster, and publishes a • Network with Italian and Italian American resources to gain Joseph Sciame, Vice-President Calendar of Events booklet. active individual and group participation; for Community Relations The themes represent some at St. John’s University, past of Italian America’s many • Assist in promoting Italian heritage, culture and language; and president of the national Order VLJQLÀFDQWOHDGHUVFRQFHSWV Sons of Italy in America, and historical highlights, and • Provide quality materials to educational and cultural groups and an IHCC-NY, Inc. Board a list of them is included and to other entities. member for three decades, was below. elected President/Chair of the In addition to its efforts to Programs Board of Directors. Under promote heritage and culture, his leadership, the Board of along with the annual Da The IHCC-NY, Inc. will encourage and/or sponsor programs Directors of the IHCC-NY, Vinci Award ceremonies at schools, colleges, civic entities, and ethnic and other Inc. continues to be comprised conferred upon distinguished organizations so as to promote Italian heritage, culture of eminent representatives of Italians and Italian Americans, and language and will foster positive recognition for the New York’s Italian and Italian the IHCC-NY, Inc. has in contributions of Italians and Americans of Italian descent to American community. recent years: our society. Early on, the organizers ȥVSRQVRUHGDFRQFHUWLQ Washington Square Park Adopted 7-14-09 conceived of the idea to dedicate each year’s celebration in honor of the 100-year Continues on pg 5 _,+&&1<_6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU EVENTS CALENDAR

Continued from pg 4 by sculptor Greg Wyatt was anniversary of the birth of unveiled for permanent ; display at the Organization ȥRUJDQL]HGDVSHFLDO of American States under the anniversary gathering on the sponsorship of Ambassador occasion of the 200th birthday Sebastiano Fulci; of Antonio Meucci, inventor ȥFHOHEUDWHG,WDOLDQ+HULWDJH of the ; and Culture Month 2012 at the ȥPRXQWHGDQLQWHUQDWLRQDODUW National Arts Club, with the exhibit from Palermo, , of participation of international works by Rosa Ponte Fucarino; singer Cristina Fontanelli; and partnered with the Institute ȥFRVSRQVRUHGLQ'HFHPEHU of Classical Architecture and 2012 the famed Presepio at the Classical America in the 500th campus of St. Anniversary Celebration of John’s University with the Casa Andrea Palladio; Belvedere Foundation. The ȥVXSSRUWHGWKHHIIRUWVRI WKH Presepio was a gift to the NYC Italian and Italian American Fire Department by Italian community in promoting RIÀFLDOVRI WKH&KDPEHURI  the cause of the Advanced Commerce of Naples following Placement exam in Italian the tragic events of 9/11; language in U.S. high schools; ȥKRVWHGVSHFLDOFHUHPRQLHV ȥVDOXWHGWKHOLIHWLPH in March 2013 at the John D. achievements of the late Rocco Calandra Italian American IHCC-NY 2018 Calendar of Events printed by Arland Caporale, Ph.D., former Board Institute to inaugurate the Printing and Designed by Member; ´3RVWHU6HULHVµFUHDWHGE\ Bryant Azucar ȥKRVWHGDVSHFLDOWULEXWHWR Artistic Director John Battista international playwright Cav. DeSantis in honor of 2013: Prof. Mario Fratti for his play Year of Italian Culture in the and movie Nine; United States. Several weeks ȥSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKHDQQXDO later Ambassador Claudio ÁDJUDLVLQJFHUHPRQLHVDW Bisogniero visited the site to Bowling Green, the site of view the posters during an WKHDUULYDORI WKHÀUVW,WDOLDQ unprecedented stop at the to New York, Pietro Cesare Institute; Alberti. Commencing in 2010, ȥLQWKH%RDUG WKH2FWREHUÁDJUDLVLQJKDV of Directors continued EHHQKHOGDWWKH´0RWKHU its tradition at the Mother ,WDO\µVWDWXHDW+XQWHU&ROOHJH Italy Statue with its various CUNY, NYC, followed by recognitions, and for the a traditional luncheon to 2FWREHU&ROXPEXV celebrate Italian Heritage Day weekend saluted Board and Culture Month with the Member Distinguished IHCC’s Board of Directors; Professor Cav. Anthony ȥDGYRFDWHGIRUREWDLQLQJDQ Julian Tamburri, Ph.D., Dean, RIÀFLDO86&RQJUHVVLRQDO Calandra Institute, for his Resolution for the 150th lifetime of professional, ethnic $QQLYHUVDU\RI WKH8QLÀFDWLRQ and cultural achievements, of Italy; while over the 2015 Mother’s ȥZHOFRPHGLQDQ Day weekend, the Board international exhibit from recognized the work of , Italy, honoring Minister Natalia Quintavalle, Amerigo Vespucci (the year’s Consul General of Italy in theme for Italian Heritage and New York; Culture Month); in October ȥMRLQHGLQSDUWQHUVKLSLQ 2012 a bust statue of Vespucci 2015 with the cultural theme Continues on pg 6 6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU_,+&&1<_ EVENTS CALENDAR


Continued from pg 5 C. Gallo, who was feted at a (Sergi), president of Felician ȥFRQGXFWHGRQ2FWREHU advocated in Italy for October. reception in January 2016 held University, for her professional 2017 the annual Pre Columbus The IHCC determined that it at the Consulate General of DFKLHYHPHQWVDWWKH´0RWKHU Day and weekend activities be appropriate to recognize Italy in New York. Dr. Gallo, ,WDO\µVWDWXHDW+XQWHU with a program and reception Italians and Italian Americans renowned worldwide for his College, CUNY. Following the at the Consulate General in science and technology by UHVHDUFKDQGVWXG\LQWKHÀHOG ceremony and in honor of the of Italy honoring Anton FHOHEUDWLQJ´

Continued from pg 6 Columbus Circle, New York understanding of the Italianità Members of the Board City and participate on a that is so important to the Steering Committee to ensure legacy bequeathed to Italian Italian Heritage and $QCTFQH&KTGEVQTU continued education and Americans by their families. Culture Committee of Uff. George Altomare advocacy for the appropriate For many years the Consuls 1HZ


BRONX interlude and refreshments follow. by Westchester County Executive, Sponsored by St. John’s University by the Westchester Coalition of Honorable George Latimer, to 2FWREHU and Queens IHCC-NY, Inc. Italian-American Organizations celebrate Westchester County Bronx Borough President’s St. John’s University and Westchester County Executive. Annual Italian Heritage Marillac Hall Board of Legislators. With Special Recognition of Celebration 8000 Utopia Parkway, Queens 0LFKDHOLDQ&RXQW\2IÀFH%XLOGLQJ 6:00pm – 9:00pm Outstanding Students and Admission: Donation $5; Legislative Chamber Teachers of the Italian Language ’s annual Italian open to the public 0DUWLQH$YHQXH in Westchester County. Sponsored American Heritage and Culture Contact: Joseph Sciame White Plains, NY by the Westchester Coalition of Celebration honors individuals 718-990-5892 Contact: Prof. Carlo Sclafani Italian-American Organizations. of our city and communities who [email protected]  contribute to keep the Italian CARLOSCLAFANI@ Antonio Meucci Lodge American culture alive through STATEN ISLAND OPTONLINE.NET 279 Maple Avenue, literature, culture, visual arts and [email protected] White Plains, NY government for future generations. 2FWREHU² Admission: free; open to the public Sponsored by Bronx Borough ,WDOLDQ)HVWLYDODW7KH0RXQW 2FWREHU Contact: Prof. Carlo Sclafani President, Hon. Ruben Diaz, Jr. Westchester County  Location: TBA Proclamation Ceremony CARLOSCLAFANI@ October 5 6:00 – 9:00 pm 7:30pm Admission: free; open to the public October 6 1:00 – 11:00 pm OPTONLINE.NET; Contact: Sonia Malave-Negron [email protected] October 7 1:00 – 9:00 pm 2IÀFLDO3URFODPDWLRQ&HUHPRQ\ 718-590-3989 The Italian Festival at the Mount [email protected] is the Island’s Largest Columbus Day celebration featuring rides, games, food, contests, beer and sangria garden, cultural centers, 2FWREHU live music and more! Plus, special New York City Council live performances by the famous Celebrates Italian Heritage and Giglio Band and Jr. Culture Month 6:00pm Sponsored by Catholic Charities of Staten Island, Borough President New York City Council speaker, James Oddo, The Nictora Group. Corey Johnson will host the annual 6581 Hyland Boulevard, celebration for Italian Heritage and Staten Island Culture. Sponsored by the New Admission: free; $5 parking; open York City Council. to the public City Hall Contact: Anthony Rapacciuolo Manhattan  ND Contact: Yolainny Reyes [email protected]  [email protected] WESTCHESTER 2FWREHU QUEENS Westchester County Board of Legislators Proclamation 2FWREHU Ceremony Saluting Italian American Stars 5:30pm of Queens - Italian American Women 2IÀFLDO3URFODPDWLRQFHUHPRQ\ 7:00pm by Westchester County Board of Annual Borough of Queens tribute Legislators to celebrate Italian to outstanding Italian Americans, Heritage and Culture Month, with coordinated by a Queens-based Special Recognition of Outstanding committee. Borough President students and Teachers of the Italian presides, awards conferred, musical language in Westchester. Sponsored


Leonardo da Vinci &21*5$78/$7,216

Award Recipients 6,1&(5(%(67:,6+(6 The Leonardo da Vinci Award is the highest recognition given by the Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York, Inc., to a 1HZ

3ULRU5HFLSLHQWVWR &RPP/RXLV7DOODULQL President &KD]]3DOPLQWHUL Columbus Citizens Foundation Actor and Screen Writer *U8II$QJHOR*LPRQGR -RKQ'&DODQGUD 3K' ,WDOLDQ$PHULFDQ,QVWLWXWH Founder and President &81<and IHCC-NY, Inc., 1976-2006 &ROXPEXV&LWL]HQV %2$5'2)',5(&7256 )RXQGDWLRQ,QF. %DURQHVVD0DULXFFLD=HULOOL Marimò 5LFKDUG&*DOOR0' 5REHUW0)HUULWR Board of Trustees The & Gudelsky )RXQGDWLRQ3UHVLGHQW Distinguished Professor of 5HPR&DUULHUR Medicine 5REHUW%&DWWHOO -RVHSK'L7UDSDQL Director of the Institute of Past Chairman and CEO Human Virology KeySpan Corporation -RKQ)UDWWD University of Maryland %LDJLR,VJUR &RPP6HQDWRU-RKQ- School of Medicine 6DOYDWRUH/DQ]LORWWD 0DUFKL /RXLV3&DUQHVHFFD New York State Senate 7KRPDV/XSR Basketball Coach at St. &DUOR0DWWHXFFL 0LFKDHO&DSDVVR John’s University 0LFKHOH&DQJLDQR0HQW General Director $QWKRQ\1DFFDUDWR $QWKRQ\6)DXFL0' DiCapo Opera Theatre Director of the National 1DQF\'L)LRUH4XLQQ $%DUWOHWW*LDPDWWL3K' Insitute of Allergy and &DURO\Q5HUHV President Infectious Diseases (NIAID) -RVHSK5RQGLQHOOL Yale University 3URI-RVHSK7XVDQL -RVHSK6FLDPH 'U(GZDUG-0RUWROD Professor Emeritus, Herbert -DPHV6SDWDIRUD President Emeritus H. Lehman College, The $UWKXU6SHUD Pace University City University of New York /XLJL6TXLOODQWH 3URIHVVRU5REHUW5$OIDQR *LXOLR7HU]LGL 5REHUW9DFFDUHOOR Director, The City University Sant’Agata 7HU]L .HLWK:LOVRQ of New York Center for Minister of Advanced Technology 0LFKDHO$6DQWR(VT*HQHUDO&RXQVHO Foreign Affairs, Italy &DY$QWKRQ\%UXVFR *U8II0DWLOGD5DIID 2101 Bellmore Avenue Senior Vice President Cuomo Bellmore, New York 11710-5605 Applied Graphics Technology Founder of Mentoring USA 1 (800) 322-OSIA (6742) &DY3URIHVVRU0DULR)UDWWL 0LFKDHO0DVVLPLQR3K' : (516) 221-OSIA (6742) Tony Award winning Astronaut Playwright of Nine

6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU_,+&&1<_ EVENTS CALENDAR Borough Contact Persons Posters, Bookmarks and Calendar of Events may be acquired by contacting the following persons: %URQ[ Olga Pappas 0DU\9DFFDUR Long Island )UDQFHV)XVFRDQG John D. Calandra Italian 8)74XHHQV%RURXJK2IÀFH &DY-RVHSKLQH$0DLHWWD ,JQD\UD/RSH] American Institute 97-77 Queens Boulevard, President AIAE, WRHU Enrico Fermi Cultural Center, :HVWUG6WUHHWWKÁRRU 5th Floor Host Belmont Branch of the New New York, NY 10036 5HJR3DUN1< Hofstra University York Public Library     New Academic Building, 610 East 186th Street, Bronx, Suite 321 1< 8II*HRUJH$OWRPDUH $QJLH0DUNKDP [email protected]   UFT Headquarters Federation of the Italian American 50 Broadway, 10th Floor Organizations of Queens, Inc. 'DQD)DOFLJOLD 1HZ

With sincerest appreciation for all those who contribute TELEVISION FOR THE ITALIAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE to an admirable representation presents ITALIAN HERITAGE & CULTURE MONTH of Italians in America in all forms of life throughout the USA! Special Episode October 9, 2018 MARIA and ANTHONY TAMBURRI 10 am, 3 pm, 11 pm CUNY TV

italicsIATV @ItalicsTV


  Figli di San Gennaro ------The Shrine Church of the Most Precious Blood 109 Mulberry Street New York, NY 10013

The Board of The Sons of Italy Foundation® Figli di San Gennaro, Inc., proudly celebrates the Joseh M. Mattone, Sr., President, 42nd Anniversary of Italian Heritage and takes pleasure in once again supporting Culture Month the Italian Heritage & Culture Committee of N.Y. to further the work in the Italian American Community

Figli di San Gennaro, Inc., sponsor of the feast, is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1996. To date, we have donated more than WWW.OSIA.ORG/SIF $2 million dollars to support The Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) was established in 1959 by the Order Sons of Italy Catholic education and other charities. in America® (OSIA), the largest and longest-established national organization for men and women of Italian heritage in the United States. The SIF’s purpose is to support and develop educational, cultural, and other philanthropic programs for the benefit of all Members of the Figli di San Gennaro Board: Americans, especially those of Italian descent. During their combined histories, the SIF Joseph M. Mattone, Sr., President; and OSIA have contributed more than $164 million for scholarships, medical research, Vivian Catenaccio, John Fratta, Ernest Magliato, cultural projects, disaster relief efforts, veterans’ causes, and other special projects. OSIA has tens of thousands of family members located in all fifty states and D.C. Robert Marshall, Vita Sabella, Patricia Valentino, Michael A. Verra, Hon. Joseph G. Golia.

6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU_,+&&1<_ EVENTS CALENDAR 2018 Calendar of Events

July 23 – November 10 Yearly Events The four-course lunch The National IN OUR at F.I.A.O. – Il includes wine and soft drinks. Organization GALLERY: Centro Reservations with pre-payment of Italian Special Exhibit FEDERATION OF required. Sponsored by Italian American Women GARIBALDI-MEUCCI ITALIAN-AMERICAN Cultural Foundation at Presents: The MUSEUM. ORGANIZATIONS OF Casa Belvedere. Formidable Kingdom 420 Tompkins Avenue, BROOKLYN in the Sun: Sicily and Staten Island 8711 18th Avenue, Brooklyn &RQWDFW0DULDQ5RGL , c. Admission: $10/$5 Admission: Membership, varies; 718-273-7660 1061-1194 for members; open to the public PDULDQ#FDVDEHOYHGHUHRUJ JOHN D. CALANDRA open to the public ITALIAN AMERICAN Seven days per week INSTITUTE 7:00 am – 11:00 pm th 25 West 43rd Wednesday-Saturday ),$2,O&HQWURLVWKHÀUVW September 6 Street, 17th Floor, 1:00 pm Italian-American Cultural and Manhattan Kenneth Restrepo, former Community Center offering NeoRealism Exhibit Admission: Members: Free; 860DULQHDQGSROLFHRIÀFHU daily social, academic, Opens to the Non-Members: $10 has expressed himself life- cultural and Public long through his art, inspired sports activities. CASA ITALIANA 6:00 – 8:00 pm by Alex Ross and Norman Sponsored by Federation of ZERILLI-MARIMÒ Although enormously Rockwell. In the military, he Italian American Organizations NEW YORK UNIVERSITY important to the region’s GLVFRYHUHGUHÁHFWLYHWDSH of Brooklyn. 24 West 12th Street, development, Italy’s Norman which he used as a medium to Manhattan SHULRG FD LV put images out into the world. &RQWDFW1DQF\6RWWLOH relatively unknown. This 718-259-2828 presentation will offer an Currently, Kenneth is a QVRWWLOH#ÀDREURRNO\QRUJ 6:30 pm Talk on occasion introduction to the society tattoo artist and owner of of Pontormo Exhibit at created in Sicily and southern th Leathernecks Tattoo, Brooklyn. September 5 Morgan Library Calendar: Italy by the ambitious sons Kenny recently began making Italian Culture Month CASA. of a minor noble from costumes. It started as a project Opera and Lunch in Co-presented with Grey northern France. In a period for the NYC Comic Con and the Afternoon Art Gallery Calendar: of just 30 years, the Hautevilles then gained another cause: to CASA BELVEDERE Italian Culture Month CASA. conquered this much- work with Humble Heroes of 79 Howard Avenue, contested region, lands laid NY. These Humble Heroes Staten Island Casa Italiana reserves claim to by no less than Holy put on a superhero costume Admission: $60 the right to change the Roman Emperors, Byzantine and visit sick children in the (plus gratuities) programming without Emperors and rulers of an tri-state area. Visit the museum notice. For more Islamic Emirate with ties to to see a display of his art 12:00 – 3:00 pm information, please visit a north African caliphate. A and costumes. Sponsored by A gathering for those survey of this from the 11th Garibaldi-Meucci Museum. who desire to share their love or call -12th century will be followed of opera featuring Donizetti’s by a focused discussion of &RQWDFW Don Pasquale with introduction &RQWDFW 5RJHU,,WKHÀUVWPRQDUFKRI  Stephani Lundegard and commentary by opera )D[ the new kingdom, looking at 718-442-1608 educators, Lou Barrella and Dr. how he established his power Snjezana Smodlaka. and advanced his agendas in a complex multicultural kingdom whose subjects included Latin Christians, Orthodox Christian, Muslims _,+&&1<_6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU EVENTS CALENDAR

Admission: Members $30; Non-Members $35

7:00 pm Test your knowledge and discover surprising new facts DQGLQVLJKWVDERXW´7KH %RRWµ$QHGXWDLQLQJHYHQLQJ for those curious about (or already in amore with) Italy and its cultural and culinary gifts. Carla Gambescia, author of La Dolce Vita University: An Unconventional Guide to Italian Culture from A to Z – a unique lifestyle compendium of all things Italian – returns as host for the evening. Each attendee will receive a copy of Carla’s book, and the winner will take home a special prize!


IAWA Presents Authors John Domini and Tim Tomlinson CORNELIA ST. CAFÉ 29 Cornelia Street, Manhattan Admission: $10, includes one drink; open to the public and Jews. Light refreshments September 7th MOVIEOLA! Author John will be served. Dawn Marie Domini, and Tim Tomlinson, ²SP Hayes is an Associate Professor founder of the NY Writers IAWA Literary John Domini has published of European History of Workshop. Sponsored by Reading Series three novels and three the . Her most Italian American Writers CORNELIA STREET books of stories, the latest recent research focuses on Association (IAWA). CAFÉ MOVIEOLA! (Dzanc, Norman Sicily and southern 2016). Tim Tomlinson is a 29 Cornelia Street, &RQWDFWFDQZULWHUV Italy and her forthcoming co-founder of New York Manhattan DVVRFLDWLRQ#JPDLOFRP book, Roger II of Sicily: Strategies Admission: $10; open Writers Workshop; This Is of Authority and Identity in Not Happening to You, is his to the public Trivia Night: the 12th Century Mediterranean ÀUVWVKRUWÀFWLRQFROOHFWLRQ Italian Edition! World, is an interdisciplinary ²SP Sponsored by Italian American WESTCHESTER VWXG\RI6LFLO\·VÀUVWNLQJWKDW The Italian American Writers Writers Association (IAWA). ITALIAN CULTURAL considers him in his broader Association has been hosting CENTER Mediterranean and European readings on 2nd Saturdays &RQWDFW One Generoso Pope Place, contest. for the past 27 years. Open Maria Lisella 718-777-1178 Tuckahoe, NY &RQWDFWQRLDZ#QRLDZRUJ mic followed by two features: PDULDOLVHOOD#DROFRP 212-642-2003


September 9th Robert D. Cess Concorso d’Eleganza XIII LAWN TERRACE ADJACENT TO THE GRADUATE PHYSICS BUILDING, STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY 100 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook, NY Admission: Free; open to the public

10:00 am – 1:00 pm Annual Celebration of Italian Vehicle Excellence DQG%HDXW\$GLVSOD\RI ´DUW IRUPVRQZKHHOVµDVDPHDQV of illustrating one form of Italian culture. Various Italian car and motorcycle groups will be represented. Display vehicles will rally at Stony Brook University on the campus lawn adjacent to the Graduate Physics Building and directly across from the Sports Complex off John S. Toll Drive. Participation and viewing are free and open to the public. Owners of Italian vehicles th th interested in participating in September 10 September 11 ire of people across the nation this display please contact and the world, and Christian Center for Italian Studies, 631- Neorealism Writers Read Picciolini has emerged as RUMRVHSKLQHIXVFR# Exhibit Panel Series an expert at unpacking the and Opening JOHN D. dangerous psychology of the Please consult the Center’s CASA ITALIANA CALANDRA ITALIAN white-supremacist movement. web page www.stonybrook. ZERILLI-MARIMÒ AMERICAN INSTITUTE Picciolini himself was recruited edu/italianstudies where NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 25 West 43rd Street, 17th by a now notorious skinhead any updates and last minute 24 West 12th Street, Floor, Manhattan OHDGHUDQGHQFRXUDJHGWRÀJKW changes will be posted. Manhattan Admission: free; open WR´SURWHFWWKHZKLWHUDFH Sponsored by Center for visit to the public IURPH[WLQFWLRQµ(YHQWXDOO\ Italian Studies at at sixteen Picciolini became Stony Brook University. 6:00 pm calandra the leader of an infamous Co-presented by Grey Art neo-Nazi skinhead group in &RQWDFW-R)XVFR Gallery Calendar: Italian Culture 6:00 pm one of America’s most violent 631-632 7444 Month CASA. Christian Picciolini reads hate organizations, before a MRVHSKLQHIXVFR# Casa Italiana reserves the right from White American Youth: shocking loss motivated by VWRQ\EURRNHGX to change the programming My Descent into America's Most racial violence changed his life without notice. For more Violent Hate Movement—and forever, and he realized the information, please visit www. How I Got Out (Hachette Books, full extent of the harm he had or call 2017) caused. After breaking with the &RQWDFW White-nationalist rallies in the movement, he now works to )D[ United States have drawn the redeem others from its ranks. Discussion led by Fred _,+&&1<_6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU EVENTS CALENDAR

La Forza del Destino, Adrianna Lecouvreur, Cavalleria Rusticana, /D*LRFRQGD0DGDPD%XWWHUÁ\ and Gianni Schicchi. Sponsored by The Italian Cultural Foundation at Casa Belvedere.


Drums of Illumination by I Giullari di Piazza with featuring Silverclouds Native American Singers and Dancers CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- MARIMÒ, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY. 24 West 12th Street, Manhattan

6:30 pm Southern Italian and Native American Ritual Drumming and Dance. Special Guests: the SilverCloud Native American Singers & Dancers. In "Drums of Illumination" Alessandra Belloni unites two great cultures: the powerful Native American, and the passionate Southern Italian, for a journey back in time into a world of ritual drumming, voice and trance dances. Internationally renowned singer/dancer/percussionist Alessandra Belloni and I Giullari di Piazza present Gardaphé, Ph.D., John D. A Celebration 7:00 pm "Drums of Illumination," a Calandra Italian American of Soprano, A one-hour video presentation program of ritual drumming, Institute. Renata Tebaldi by Bill Ronayne in celebration trance dances, and chants 5693E\FDOOLQJ CASA BELVEDERE of the beloved soprano from representing two great cultural Seating is limited and seats MANSION Italy who thrilled audiences traditions: Southern Italian cannot be reserved. 79 Howard Avenue, throughout the world with her and Native American. Belloni For further information, see Staten Island beautiful and highly expressive and I Giullari will be joined Admission: Suggested voice. Tebaldi will be featured by the SilverCloud Native The Calandra Institute is a donation $20 per in a collection of clips from American Singers and Dancers, university institute under the person; open to moving performances of arias completing a remarkable group aegis of Queens College, The the public from La Boheme, Tosca, Otello, City University of New York. 6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU_,+&&1<_ EVENTS CALENDAR

of percussionists, vocalists and dancers, all specializing in healing and ritual music and dance. The happy and successful relationship between Belloni and I Giullari and Muriel and Kevin Tarrant goes back to 1992, when they worked together in the I Giullari production of "Earth, Sun and Moon," a spectacular show that was commissioned by Lincoln Center and received both critical and audience acclaim. Sponsored by Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, New York University. Contact: 212-998-8739, Fax:  Casa Italiana reserves the right to change the programming without notice. For more information, please visit or call 212-998-8739


September 13th Readings from Michela Zanarella's Meditations in the Feminine JOHN D. CALANDRA ITALIAN AMERICAN INSTITUTE 25 West 43rd Street, 17th Floor, Manhattan Participants will include Opera Night presentation by Lou Barrella Admission: free; translator Leanne Hoppe THE COLUMBUS entitled Serenades in Opera, Ballet open to the public and actor Maria DeCotis. CITIZENS & Film. A cocktail hour and Sponsored by the John D. FOUNDATION full course dinner including 6:00 – 8:00 pm Calandra Italian American 8 East 69th Street, wine and soft drinks will be "Poems that fall into the canon Institute, Queens Manhattan served. Reservations required. somewhere between personal College/CUNY. Admission: $120; Sponsored by the Columbus and , that draw the Members and Guests Citizens Foundation. reader to challenge her ideas &RQWDFW1LFKRODV*URVVR about what creates a voice, 212-642-2001 6:00 pm &RQWDFW how nature connects to our LQIR#ERUGLJKHUDSUHVVRUJ A gathering for members and 0DU\H[W senses, to our being." - guests who desire to share from the Preface. the love of opera featuring a


September 15th Two Buried Cities WESTCHESTER ITALIAN CULTURAL CENTER One Generoso Pope Place, Tuckahoe, NY Admission: Members $20; Non-Members $25; open to the public

10:30 am We will discuss two different cities, culturally and architecturally. Both were buried by the same volcano, Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD, but under very different conditions and with different results. Presented by Toni McKeen. Sponsored by Westchester Italian Cultural Center. &RQWDFW/LQGVD\%UHZVWHU 914-771-8700; ID[ OEUHZVWHU#ZLFFQ\RUJ

Mario Lanza Society Fall Luncheon PATSY’S RESTAURANT 236 West 56th Street, Manhattan Admission: $80; open to the public

²SP $JDODDIWHUQRRQWREHQHÀWWKH Mario Lanza Museum. In addition to enjoying a wonderful 3 course lunch, one will be entertained Pipe Organ 6:30 pm Anne Louprette will play a by great Mario Lanza recordings Recital The 1868 Henry Erben pipe recital on both the Erben with commentary by President Bll BASILICA OF organ continues its 150th and the Hall and Labagh Ronayne, a live vocal presentation SAINT PATRICK’S OLD anniversary celebration with a organs featuring works by an upcoming opera singer and CATHEDRAL special event on the opening of Italian composers. The RXUUHJXODU´1DPHWKH7HQRU 273 Mott Street (the corner night of the Feast of San night will include a duet on 4XL]µSUHVHQWHGE\/RX%DUUHOOD of Mott and Prince Streets), Gennaro. Renowned scholar both instruments, with Jared Special guest performer will be Manhattan Stephen Pinel will open the Lamenzo, Basilica Organist. opera star Soprano Elaine Malbin Admission: free; night with a presentation on Sponsored by Friends of the who sang with Lanza. Sponsored open to the public the life and work of New Erben Organ. by Mario Lanza Society of www.erben York’s own Henry Erben, the New York. greatest organ builder of his &RQWDFW-DUHG/DPHQ]R &RQWDFW%LOO5RQD\QH age. Later in the evening, the (5%(1 718-338-8662 well-known recitalist Renee PXVLF#HUEHQRUJDQRUJ ZMURQD\QH#RSWRQOLQHQHW


Italian American Women’s Center, Inc. General Monthly Meeting History of Sicilian Puppetry (Teatro Dell’Opera Dei Pupi Siciliani) WOMEN’S CLUB OF GREAT NECK 94 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY

SP²SP Presenters: Rita Monte, Radio Host: Profumi D’Italia Italian Radio Program 90.3 WHPC and Florence Terranova Gatto, Author of The Scent of Jasmine.


Sicilian Language Course ITALIAN CHARITIES OF AMERICA 83-20 Queens Blvd. Elmhurst., NY 2:30 pm Sicilian is the oldest of the Romance languages derived from Latin, and it is spoken in Sicily and in parts of southern Italy. It is derived from Latin, with Greek, Arabic, French, Provençal, German, Catalan DQG6SDQLVKLQÁXHQFHV,I \RX are of Sicilian descent or just interested in learning Sicilian come join the Italian Charities of America for Sicilian Language lessons. We will have a Sicilian native teach you 83-20 Queens Blvd. Elmhurst., Book Presentation 3:00 pm from a beginner's level how to NY. Textbook is required by Andrew Paul Andy Mele will present his read, write and speak Sicilian. and email will be sent out to Mele Caesars of latest book Caesars of the Lessons begin on Saturday, registrants with information. the Diamond Diamond. During the largest September 15th and will run To reserve your space please GARIBALDI-MEUCCI mass of Italian immigration through December 8th for a call to register, provide your MUSEUM to the U. S. in the early 1900s total of 12 lessons. Start time name, and 420 Tompkns Avenue, the children assimilated into is at 2:30 pm, class runs for 1 email. Please call for more Staten Island the American culture. One of KRXUDQGPLQXWHV/HVVRQV information:  Admission: $10/$5 for the developing areas was the are $150.00 and will be held LWDOLDQFKDULWLHVRI members; open to the public game of baseball. It provided at Italian Charities of America DPHULFD#JPDLOFRP a source of pleasure as well as


Brooklyn Book Festival BROOKLYN BOROUGH HALL 209 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn NY Admission: free; open to the public

10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Bordighera Press and the Italian American Writers Association (IAWA) will once again be sharing a table at The Brooklyn Book Festival, one of America's premier book festivals and the largest free literary event in New York City. Presenting an array of national and international literary stars and emerging authors, the Festival includes a week of Bookend Events throughout New York City, a lively Children's Day and a celebratory Festival Day with more than 300 authors plus ERRNVHOOHUVÀOOLQJDYLEUDQW outdoor Literary Marketplace. &RQWDFW1LFKRODV*URVVR 212-642-2001 LQIR#ERUGLJKHUDSUHVVRUJ

The Life and Times of Enrico Caruso THE ENRICO CARUSO MUSEUM OF AMERICA. 1942 East 19th Street, Brooklyn Admission: free; open to the an income that far exceeded th Admission: free; public anything they could earn with September 16 open to the public hours of hard labor. This (registration ²SP 7th AIAE book traces the story of is required at This is a 1½ hour program Annual Italian Americans whose lives [email protected]) on the Life of Enrico Caruso Breakfast and careers beginning with ZLWKOHFWXUHÀOPVDQGYLHZLQJ Meeting WKHÀUVWUHFRJQL]HGSOD\HURI  8:00 – 10:30 am of many of his personal Italian heritage who played HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY - Keynote speaker: Author belongings. Sponsored by The in the National League in SOUTH CAMPUS Salvatore Nicosia Enrico Caruso Museum of 1897. Sponsored by Garibaldi- LOWENFELD From 11:00 am to 5:00 pm America. Meucci Museum. CONFERENCE & Outdoor Italian Festival with &RQWDFW&RPPHQGDWRUH &RQWDFW6WHSKDQLH EXHIBITION HALL music, concerts, show, dancing, $OGR0DQFXVL Lundegard 718-442-1608 E.AXINN LIBRARY 10TH and food. Fun for young and $PDQFXVL# FLOOR old on the South Campus. (QULFR&DUXVR0XVHXPFRP


September 19th Etymology: Minding our P’s & Q’s WESTCHESTER ITALIAN CULTURAL CENTER One Generoso Pope Place, Tuckahoe, NY Admission: Members $20; Non-Members $25; open to the public

7:00 pm Ever wonder what is the connection between the word palace and Ancient ? How pupil can mean student, the black circular aperture in the center of your iris, or even the post-larval stage of an insect? What does Philadelphia have to do with philanthropy, philosophy and philology? Or what is the connection between pandemonium and Rome’s Pantheon? Join us on a journey through the quirky world of Italian, Latin, Greek, and English language. Presented by Professor Joseph Spedaliere.


La Stanza Verde by Fiamma Arditi and Sandro Manzo Presentation of Sandro Manzo Autobiography September 22th CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- MARIMÒ Italian Culture Month CASA, St. Pio Comes New York University Contact: 212-998-8739, to Little Italy 12:00 – 5:00 pm 24 West 12th Street, )D[ BASILICA OF Come and venerate the Manhattan Casa Italiana reserves the right SAINT PATRICK’S RIÀFLDOUHOLFVRI 6DLQW3LRRI to change the programming OLD CATHEDRAL Pietrelcina, on the occasion without notice. For more 273 Mott Street (the corner of the 50th commemoration 6:00 pm information, please visit www. of Mott and Prince Streets), anniversary of his passing. A Calendar: Italian Culture Month or call Manhattan Mass in honor of Saint Pio CASA. 212-998-8739 Admission: free; will be celebrated at 5:30 pm 6:30pm Talk and panel on open to the public by Archbishop Bernadito Bruno Munari featuring www.oldcathedral. Auza, Apostolic Nuncio of Pierpaolo Antonello Calendar: org the Holy See to the United


Car & Motorbike Showcase. Sponsored by The Italian Cultural Foundation at Casa Belvedere. &RQWDFW0DULDQ5RGL 718-273-7660 LQIR#FDVDEHOYHGHUHRUJ

Book Presentation by Maria Giura What My Father Taught Me GARIBALDI-MEUCCI MUSEUM. 420 Tompkins Avenue, Staten Island Admission: $10/$5 for members; open to the public

2:00 pm In What My Father Taught Me, Maria Giura writes richly and candidly about growing up Italian-American Catholic from her earlier days as the daughter of immigrant parents and a workaholic father to her coming of age and onward into adulthood where she works at reconciling the natural and divine. Her poems are a celebration in the face of love and loss. They are at once intimate and universal, serious and light and are grounded in the Brooklyn, New York that she cherished and called home from her parents' pastry shop, to the view from the Belt Parkway, to the family living room where she learned Nations. Sponsored by Saint The Anthony to pull out the microphone, 12:00 – 7:00 pm Pio Foundation. D'Andrea even though it was always Outdoor Italian Festival Festa & Motori broken, and sing. Sponsored by with specialty foods, live &RQWDFW%DVLOLFDRI 6W D'Italia Garibaldi-Meucci Museum. music, kids’ activities, exhibits, 3DWULFN V2OG&DWKHGUDO CASA BELVEDERE various vendors, food and 212-226-8075 MANSION &RQWDFW6WHSKDQLH spirits demos and tastings, LQIR#ROGFDWKUDORUJ 79 Howard Avenue, Lundegard 718-442-1608 farm stand, pumpkin patch, Staten Island LQIR#JDULEDOGLPHXFFL UDIÁHVDQGPRUH$ZHHNHQG Admission: $10; PXVHXPRUJ of fun for the whole family!! Children under 12 Including an annual Classic years free; open to and Performance Italian the public


September 23rd

The Anthony D'Andrea Festa & Motori D'Italia CASA BELVEDERE MANSION 79 Howard Avenue, Staten Island Admission: $10 per person, Children under 12 years free; open to the public

11:00 am – 6:00 pm Outdoor Italian Festival with specialty foods, live music, kids’ activities, exhibits, various vendors, food and spirits demos and tastings, farm stand, pumpkin patch, UDIÁHVDQGPRUH$ZHHNHQG of fun for the whole family!! Including an annual Classic and Performance Italian Car & Motorbike Showcase. Sponsored by The Italian Cultural Foundation at Casa Belvedere.


San Gennaro Feast Blood Drive ST. PATRICK’S OLD CATHEDRAL YOUTH CENTER 268 Mulberry Street, Manhattan Admission: free; open to the public &RQWDFW:LOOLDP5XVVR Admission: free; open his six award-wining CDs 347-933-3337 to the public at the 29th Annual Italian 11:30 am - 6:00 pm YLDEUYR#PVQFRP Food and Heritage Festival at The 8th annual San Gennaro 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm DelGrosso’s Park on the Main Feast Blood Drive that takes Micheal Castaldo is an award- Stage. Sponsored by UOC place in Historic Little Italy DelGrosso’s winning, classical crossover University Orthopedics Center is managed by the American Italian Food recording artist, entrepreneur, Red Cross and hosted by the and Heritage songwriter, entertainer and &RQWDFW Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Festival producer with a spirited, 6XPPHU)XQ# Cathedral. Give blood, save PENN STATE UNIVERSITY passionate, enchanting voice 'HO*URVVRVFRP lives! Sponsored by Basilica of 4352 E. Pleasant Valley DQGÁDZOHVVGHOLYHU\+H St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral and Boulevard, Tipton, PA will perform songs from Figli di San Gennaro, Inc.

_,+&&1<_6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU EVENTS CALENDAR September 25th Richard Nasti Lecture Series Event Book Presentation: Bitter Chicory to Sweet Espresso, Survival and Deliverance from WWII in the Naples, Italy Area, 1940-49 with Author/ Professor Emeritus, Carmine Vittoria (Northeastern University) 5220()5$1. MELVILLE MEMORIAL LIBRARY AT STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY 100 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook, NY Admission: free; open to the public SP The book recounts events of what occurred in this place and time as seen by a child and his family and contrasts these with adult observations of the same events. In so doing, he hopes to shed light and reveal more completely the full story of WWII in the Naples area. Books will be available for sale and autographing by the author. Sponsored by The Center for Italian Studies, Stony Brook University.


Book Presentation: War in Val th d'Orcia and A September 24 CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- CASA. Chill in the Air, MARIMÒ Casa Italiana reserves the right Italian by Iris Origo NEW YORK UNIVERSITY to change the programming Table Talks: CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- without notice. For more Globalization 24 West 12th Street, MARIMÒ information, please visit www. vs. Authenticity. Manhattan NEW YORK UNIVERSITY or call The Future of 24 West 12th Street, Italian Restaurants, Manhattan 5:30 pm Contact: 212-998-8739, presented by Gruppo Calendar: Italian Culture Month Fax: 212-995-4012 Italiano


Casa Italiana reserves the right to change the programming without notice. For more information, please visit www. or call &RQWDFW )D[ September 26th

A Musical Celebration in Honor of Italian Heritage and Culture Month NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- MARIMÒ 24 West 12th Street, Manhattan Admission: free for Members; $15 for Non-Members

6:30 pm Italy is known for its many creations that have enhanced the lives of people worldwide. This program will focus on the music through which it has enriched us all. This program will be an exploration of regional songs and operas by the great composers and their many contributions to the world of music and culture. Pianist: David Maiullo; Soprano: Lucia Wehr; tenor: Brian Ernstes. Sponsored by AICR, Inc. (American Italian Cultural Roundtable, Inc.).

&RQWDFW&RPPHQGDWRUH $OGR0DQFXVL DPDQFXVL# HQULFRFUXVRPXVHXPFRP 6:30 pm Growler’s alive in Italy. The staff from Calendar: Italian Culture Month Italian Beer Tuckahoe Growler’s Beer th September 27 CASA. Tasting Bistro will pair some great Casa Italiana reserves the right WESTCHESTER ITALIAN Italian dishes with beer from Adventures in Italian to change the programming CULTURAL CENTER Italian breweries such as: Opera featuring without notice. For more One Generoso Pope Place, %DODGLQ%LUULÀFLRGHO'XFDWR Nicola Luisotti information, please visit www. Tuckahoe, NY %LUULÀFLR,WDOLDQR/RYHUEHHU CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- or call $GPLVVLRQ0HPEHUV and Almond 22. Five tasting MARIMÒ NEW YORK Non-Members $55; courses of food and dessert UNIVERSITY &RQWDFW open to the public will be paired to complement 24 West 12th Street, )D[ each beer. Manhattan 7:00 pm Yes... the &RQWDFW/LQGVD\%UHZVWHU craft beer craze is very much 914-771-8700 OEUHZVWHU#ZLFFQ\RUJ


LaScala production in 1989. Light dinner will be served. Sponsored by Garibaldi- Meucci Museum.

&RQWDFW6WHSKDQLH Lundegard 718-442-1608

AdDRESSing Style with Andrew Bolton. Curator, Custom Institute, The Metropolitan Museum of Art CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- MARIMÒ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 24 West 12th Street, Manhattan

6:30 pm Calendar: Italian Culture Month CASA.

Casa Italiana reserves the right to change the programming without notice. For more information, please visit www. or call

&RQWDFW )D[ September 30th

Book Presentation: Italians of Brooklyn GARIBALDI-MEUCCI th Lou Barrella. Our distinguished mysteriously and different MUSEUM September 28 professor of will theories suggest she was 420 Tompkins Avenue, A Night at the present Adriana Lecouvreur. This poisoned by her rival. This Staten Island Opera four-act opera of jealousy and opera provides a showcase Admission: free; GARIBALDI WDQJOHGORYHÀUVWSHUIRUPHG for a gifted and experienced open to the public MEUCCI MUSEUM in in 1902, is based on dramatic soprano who can www.garibaldi 420 Tompkins Avenue, the true story of Adrienne negotiate the melodramatic Staten Island Lecouvreur, an 18th-Century action composed in a verismo $GPLVVLRQ French actress. Her romance style and who can craft 2:00 pm open to the public with Maurizio, Count of melodious moments of rare Marianna Randazzo, former 6D[RQ\FRQÁLFWHGZLWKWKDW beauty. This performance Director of School Programs 5:00 pm of the married Duchess features Mirella Freni and and newly appointed $´1LJKWDWWKH2SHUDµZLWK of Boullion. Adrienne died Florenza Cossotto from a Commissioner of the


Garibaldi-Meucci Museum, will present her newest book Italians of Brooklyn by Arcadia Publishing. Raised, educated and employed in Brooklyn, 0DULDQQDVSHQWWKHÀUVW years of her life in the borough. Marianna will take her audience on a journey through the Italian enclaves of Brooklyn with a history of culture and traditions spanning over a hundred years. Her PowerPoint presentation and discussion will be followed by questions and answers and a book signing. Marianna has been the recipient of the NYSOSIA Grand Lodge Literary Award, 2016. Light fare will be provided.


Regina Opera and Pops Concert OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL 5902 6th Avenue (between 59th and 60th Streets), Brooklyn Admission: $15 - adults; $5 - teens; Children free; open to the public

3:00 pm Enjoy some of your favorite Broadway, opera, and Italian songs at Regina Opera Company's "Regina Opera DQG3RSV&RQFHUWµ7KLV two-hour program will feature October/November Exhibition will put the and their contribution to family show-stopping classic and spotlight on national and life. Our bi-monthly newsletter Exhibition: "Italian contemporary Broadway and local Italian American women also carries out the theme. Women in America: operatic selections presented of distinction. The exhibit Museum hours are Monday, Breaking Barriers" by Regina Opera soloists. will include photos, stories, Thursday, Friday from 1:00 THE AMERICAN ITALIAN Sponsored by Regina Opera documents, art, books and am to 2:00 pm, Saturday and HERITAGE MUSEUM, Company, Inc. much more that carry out 6XQGD\IURPWRSP SPECIAL EXHIBIT ROOM the theme of the exhibit. We are also open by advance 1227 Central Avenue, &RQWDFW)UDQ*DUEHU&RKHQ There will also be a cultural appointment and chance. Albany, NY 718-259-2772 presentation on Thursday, Admission: $5, Seniors LQIR#UHJLQDRSHUDRUJ October 18 at 7:00 on the topic &RQWDFW 6WXGHQWVDQG of Italian American women Children under 12 free.


6:00 pm Borsalino City (2016), 78 minutes Enrica Viola, dir. Hollywood movies made the Borsalino hat an icon. The legend originated in Alessandria ( region) when Giuseppe Borsalino began manufacturing hats in 1857. Borsalino City tells the story of the encounter between the dream of an entrepreneur and the great industry of desires—cinema—via the history of one of the most famous hats in the world. Over the initial years the hat- making empire split in two, as Borsalino clan factions formed and rivalled each RWKHUÀJKWLQJYLDDGYHUWLVLQJ FRPPHUFLDOÀOPVDQG manifestos. The companies merged again just in time IRUWKHÀOPLQGXVWU\WR transform Borsalino hats into the most potent and coveted symbols of twentieth-century middle-and upper-class masculinity. Over the course of the century, society’s relationship to hats changed and with it the destiny of Italy’s most famous hat- PDNLQJÀUP3RVWVFUHHQLQJ discussion with the director led by Anthony Julian Tamburri, Ph.D., John D. Calandra Italian American Institute. RSVP by calling ²SP st  Month of October Special guided tours of the October 1 Seating is limited and seats Guided Tour: Botto House National Landmark cannot be reserved. Documented Botto Family, will highlight the Botto family’s For further information, see Italians Immigrants’ experience at home and in JOHN D. Lives at Home the workplace in Haledon and The Calandra Institute is a CALANDRA ITALIAN and in the Mills Paterson, New Jersey’s silk mills. university institute under AMERICAN INSTITUTE AMERICAN LABOR Sponsored by American Labor the aegis of Queens College, 25 West 43rd Street, 17th MUSEUM/BOTTO HOUSE Museum/Botto House National The City University of New Floor, Manhattan 83 Norwood Street, Landmark. York. Admission: free; Haledon, NJ &RQWDFW$QJHOLFD open to the public Admission: $5 suggested 6DQWRPDXURID[ &RQWDFW donation 973-595-7291 calandra Wednesday – Saturday ODERUPXVHXP#JPDLOFRP


Poetry Reading: Versetto Libero. A poetry exchange between Italian artists and emerging writers from NYC probation centers, by Kairos Italy Theater Where: AUD CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- MARIMÒ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 24 West 12th Street, Manhattan

6:30 pm Calendar: Italian Culture Month CASA. Casa Italiana reserves the right to change the programming without notice. For more information, please visit or call

&RQWDFW )D[ October 2nd

NeoRealism screening: Ossessione CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI-MARIMÒ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 24 West 12th Street, Manhattan

6:30 pm Calendar: Italian Culture Month CASA. “Strong is the leading female character Princess Eboli from Verdi’s Casa Italiana reserves the right Secondary or heroine. Yet there are many Aida and Don Carlo, Musetta to change the programming Women in other soprano and mezzo and Liu from Puccini’s La without notice. For more Opera” roles that lend themselves to Boheme and Turandot and information, please visit www. CASA BELVEDERE heroic action as well. This Laura from Ponchielli’s La or call 79 Howard Avenue, Staten presentation will survey some Gioconda may be seconds but Island of these women of courage, they certainly add strength &RQWDFW Admission: $20; open who actions usually lead to of character, complexity and )D[ to the public interesting consequences in confrontation in their operas. operatic stories. Many times Sponsored by Italian Cultural 7:00 their arias are vocal highlights Foundation at Casa Belvedere. A presentation by Lou Barrella. causing pivotal and exciting &RQWDFW0DULDQ5RGL In most operas, the soprano musical moments. These 718-27307660 women like Amneris and PDULDQ#FDVDEHOYHGHUHRUJ _,+&&1<_6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU EVENTS CALENDAR

THE ITALIAN ACADEMY OF . 1161 Amsterdam Avenue, Manhattan Admission: free; open to the public

7:00 pm Performing: Giacinto Scelsi: To the Master  Ryan Carter: new work (2018, world premiere) Marco Momi: Instill (2017) -- written for Dillon/Torquati (US Premiere) Salvatore Sciarrino: Melencolia 1 (1981) Debussy: Sonate pour violoncelle et piano (1915) (Note: This duo will return to the Academy one year after this concert, in Fall 2019, to perform Beethoven's complete works for cello and piano, on three evenings: October 8th, 10th, and 12th, 2019). Sponsored by The Italian Academy of Columbia University


Pane amaro: A Discussion JOHN D. CALANDRA ITALIAN AMERICAN INSTITUTE, QUEENS COLLEGE/CUNY. rd 25 West 43rd Street, 17th October 3 There are many programs &RQWDFW-RH*URVVR Floor, (between 5th & 6th being offered by Queens 718-997-5769, Study Abroad Avenues), Manhattan College for study abroad ID[ in Italy Admission: free; open opportunities in Italy. Most -RVHSKJURVVR#TFFXQ\HGX QUEENS COLLEGE to the public programs will be taught in FLEX SPACE (THE www. English, but there are also SUMMIT) 65-30 Kissena Blvd., programs to learn Italian. Performance Courses will be offered in by Cellist Flushing, NY 6:00 – 8:00 pm January and during summer Francesco Admission: free; open The panel discussion will 2019. Sponsored by Calandra Dillon and Pianist to the public screen three segments of Pane Italian American Institute/ Emanuele Torquati amaro followed by a discussion Queens College. 2:00 – 3:00 pm E\WKHSDQHOLVWVDQGÀOPPDNHUV


Segments to be shown are: 700 Rockland Avenue, (1) Lynching; (2) Triangle Staten Island Shirtwaist Factory Fire; (3) Admission: free. Anarchists and Union Activists. please call for pan include: Fraser Ottanelli reservations and Mary Anne Trisciatti. Filmmakers Gianfranco Norelli events-calendar and Suma Kurien will join in on the discussion. Moderated 6:30 – 8:30 pm by Anthony Julian Tamburri. Marianna Randazzo, educator Sponsored by the John D. and author, will present a Calandra Italian American lecture and PowerPoint Institute, Queens College/ Presentation about the New CUNY. (Building management York Immigrant Experience. required people attending She will share anecdotes from events to pre-register with her latest book, Italians of the Calandra Institute). Be Brooklyn and discuss the writing prepared to show a photo ID experience and process. The 2FWREHU²&RQVXO*HQHUDO)UDQFHVFR*HQXDUGLSURXGO\ to the building’s concierge. discussion will be followed DFFHSWVWKHDQQXDOFRPPHPRUDWLYHSRVWHUIRUIURP&RPP by a book signing. Marianna -RVHSK6FLDPH3UHVLGHQW&KDLUDQGDOO%RDUGPHPEHUV &RQWDFW has been the recipient of the NYSOSIA Grand Lodge Conversation: Filippo Literary Award, 2016. La Porta and Achille Varzi calendar CASA ITALIANA &RQWDFW ZERILLI-MARIMÒ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Finding 24 West 12th Street, her "Age of Manhattan Discovery" ITALIAN CHARITIES OF AMERICA, 6:30 pm INC. Calendar: Italian Culture Month 83-20 Queens Boulevard, CASA. Casa Italiana reserves Elmhurst, NY the right to change the Admission: Suggested programming without notice. donation: $5; open to For more information, please the public 2FWREHU²*XHVWSHUIRUPHU6LPRQD'H5RVDVXUURXQGHGE\ visit ,+&&1<,QF%RDUGPHPEHUVDQGJXHVWVDWWKH&ROXPEXV'D\ .LFNRII FHUHPRQLHVDWWKH&RQVXODWHRI 1HZ

th Admission: Members October 5 $20; Non-Members ITALIAN $25; open to the public WOMEN IN AMERICA: 7:00 pm Breaking Barriers The frescoes of Giotto and A Panel Presentation followers in the Upper Church CONSULATE GENERAL of the Basilica of St. Francis OF ITALY of Assisi are world famous 690 Park Avenue, depictions of his life. They Manhattan are based on the legends of St. Francis written by St. Italian Consulate 6:00 pm Bonaventura and Thomas of The panel presentation Celano. Important events in hosted by Minister Francesco the life of Francis are depicted Genuardi, Consul General in the cycle of paintings of Italy, sponsored by the including the creation of the National Organization of ÀUVWQDWLYLW\VFHQHDW*UHFFLR Italian American Women, and Francis meeting the Sultan moderated by Comm. Aileen of Egypt, and the Exorcism Riotto Sirey, Ph.D.—presents of the Demons at Arezzo. a demographic overview of Presented by Professor John Italian American women Coppola. from the great migration to the present. A panel of &RQWDFW/LQGVD\%UHZVWHU 2FWREHU,+&&1<,QF%RDUGPHPEHUV distinguished Italian American 914-771-8700 %DUEDUD*HUDUG(G'DQG8II0LFR/LFDVWURMRLQ women will discuss how their OEUHZVWHU#ZLFFQ\RUJ LQIHVWLYLWLHVIRU&ROXPEXV'D\ZHHNHQGFHOHEUDWLRQ Italian heritage impacted the th achievement of their goals. October 6 parade Mass is celebrated at St. Admission: free; Panellists include: Matilda Brooklyn Athanasius Church at 10:15 am. open to the public. Raffa Cuomo, Hon. Patricia de Columbus Day The parade follows, kicking off Stacy Harrison, Regina Peruggi, Parade at noon at the corner of 60th 2:00 pm E.D., Cav. Justice Angela 18th Avenue and 61st Street and 18th Avenue. It ends Elisa Infosino, compliance Mazzarelli, Angelina Fiordellisi, Street up to Benson at 18th Avenue and Benson specialist and freelance writer, and Silvia Formenti, M.D. . Avenue, Brooklyn Avenue at FIAO’s Il Centro will present a program about The panel presentation will be Admission: free; Community Center. Sponsored Maria Bartiromo, the award- followed by a reception co- open to the public by the Federation of Italian- winning journalist, TV anchor, sponsored by NOIAW and the American Organizations of columnist and author. Ms. Italian Heritage and Culture 1:00 pm Brooklyn. Bartiromo has broken barriers Committee NY, Inc. . Each year the Federation of in journalism. Sponsored by Italian-American Organizations &RQWDFW-RH5L]]L New York Public Library – &RQWDFWQRLDZ#QRLDZRUJ (FIAO) along with numerous ID[ Belmont Library. 212-642-2003 other organizations sponsor MUL]]L#ÀDREURRNO\QRUJ the Brooklyn Columbus &RQWDFW Parade. We celebrate the Maria rich contributions and the Bartiromo: 74th Annual The Life of dynamic vibrancy brought Breaking Columbus Celebration Saint Francis to our society by Italian- Barriers in Gala of Assisi Americans. The Brooklyn Journalism NEW YORK Depicted in the Columbus Day Parade instills NEW YORK PUBLIC HILTON Frescoes of Giotto pride in our identity, as LIBRARY – BELMONT 1335 Avenue of the WESTCHESTER ITALIAN Italian-Americans, as well as LIBRARY AND ENRICO Americas, Manhattan CULTURAL CENTER fostering brotherhood among FERMI CULTURAL One Generoso Pope Place, the many ethnic groups in CENTER Tuckahoe, NY our community. The pre- 610 East 186th Street, Bronx


6:00 – 11:30 pm 1212 Smallman Street, Black Tie Gala Dinner, Pittsburgh, PA honoring 2018 Grand Marshal Admission: Museum Guy Chiarello, President Admission; open to of First Data Corporation. the public Sponsored by Columbus Citizens Foundation. 10:00 am – 3:00 pm The main objective of Italian &RQWDFW0DUJXHULWH=DSSD Heritage Day is to offer 212-249-9923; fun, interactive activities ID[ for families to learn about FFI#FROXPEXVFLWL]HQVRUJ Italian American history and culture together. All activities, October 7th which are facilitated by local organizations and museum The National representatives, are designed Council and with the whole family in mind; Columbus we have arranged them so that Citizens Foundation tutta la famiglia can play together. 2FWREHU²)RUPHU1<&LW\&RXQFLO3UHVLGHQW3HWHU9DOORQH MRLQHGE\1<626,$&KDLUPDQRI WKH&RPPLVVLRQIRU6RFLDO Wreath Laying Besides fun family activities, -XVWLFH-RKQ)UDWWDDQG,+&&1<,QF3UHVLGHQW&KDLU&RPP Ceremony Italian Heritage Day also -RVHSK6FLDPHDW%RURXJKRI 4XHHQV&ROXPEXVGD\3DUDGH COLUMBUS CIRCLE features local Italian American 59th Street and Central organizations that offer Park West, Manhattan programming in our region Admission: open to the public year round. Visit the bazaar highlights from popular WRÀQGRXWZKHUHWKH\PHHW Italian melodies. Carla 9:00 am – 12:00 pm when they meet, and what Gambescia, author of La Dinner Dance. Founded in The National Council has aspect of the Italian culture Dolce Vita University, will DQGDQRQSURÀWWKH had a wreath laying ceremony they specialize in. Learn how provide a lecture on the organization promotes Italian since 1978. It memorializes you can celebrate your Italian many cultural contributions culture and heritage. Each WKH'LVFRYHUHUDVWKHÀUVWFLYLO heritage every day! Sponsored that has made Italy not only year, a celebration is held to servant, saluting all Italian by Senator John Heinz History VRLQÁXHQWLDOEXWDOVRVR recognize those who have Americans who came to Center's Italian American beloved. Reception to follow been an instrumental force in America to contribute to the Program. the program. Sponsored by preserving Italian American American way of life and make The Italian Scholarship Fund culture, heritage and pride. a better life for their families. &RQWDFW0HOLVVD( of Westchester Community The 2018 Italian Americans Sponsored by National Council Marinaro 412-454-6426 College Foundation. honorees include: of Columbia Associations of memarinaro@ Comm. Joseph Sciame - Civil Service Inc, 1959. KHLQ]KLVWRU\FHQWHURUJ &RQWDFW3URI)UDQN Christopher Columbus Award. Co-sponsored by Columbus Maddalena 914-606-6794 Gaetano Cipolla, Ph.D. - Citizens Foundation. From Italy IUDQNPDGGDOHQD#VXQ\ZFF Lifetime Achievement Award. with Love: edu Uff. Maria T. Fosco - Italian &RQWDFW-RVHSK*XDJOLDUGR Music, Songs American Leadership Award. 917-670-3336 and Culture of Italy Mario Toglia - Italian American GALA EVENT -RVHSKJ#HIQRUJ CLASSROOM BUILDING Community Service Award. - ITALIAN THEATRE 200 (PARKING Event tickets are $90.00 pp, CHARITIES OF &RQWDFW0DUJXHULWH=DSSD /27 :(67&+(67(5 includes: cocktail hour, open AMERICA ID[ COMMUNITY COLLEGE bar, dinner and dancing. Music ROMA VIEW 4413 75 Grasslands Road, by Dominic Karcic and The CATERERS, HOWARD FFI#FROXPEXVFLWL]HQVRUJ Valhalla, NY Continental Sound. BEACH Admission: free; Italian Charities of America, Fifth Annual open to the public Call 718-478-3100 or email at Inc. invites its Italian Heritage LWDOLDQFKDULWLHVRIDPHULFD# members, friends Day 3:00 pm JPDLOFRPIRUMRXUQDODGV and all interested SENATOR JOHN HEINZ The talented singer Teo RUWLFNHWV to join for its 82nd Annual HISTORY CENTER Ricciardella will perform


Lena Prima, Columbus Day Acclaimed Parade Singer and Fifth Avenue from Performer will be 47th Street to 72nd Street, Premiering her New Manhattan Show “Swing Street, Italian Style” 11:20 am – 4:00 pm CLUB BONAFIDE Columbus Citizens Foundation 212 East 52nd Street, proudly presents the 74th Manhattan Annual Columbus Day Parade, Admission: $40 and honoring its 2018 Grand includes a buffet. Marshal, Guy Chiarello, Tickets are available at President of First Data Corporation. Sponsored by Columbus Citizens Foundation. 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm Broadcast live from 12:00 – Lena is the youngest daughter 3:00 pm WABC-TV of the legendary Louis Prima, and this wonderful show will [email protected] feature many of her father’s th greatest tunes, as well as October 9 VHOHFWLRQVIURPKHUÀYHDOEXPV including her latest, “Amore Study Abroad La Musica!,” which is set for & Exchange release on October 1st. She Information will be accompanied by her Session sextet, the award winning Lena CENTER FOR GLOBAL Prima Band. Jonathan Wildran ENGAGEMENT, of Wine and magazine BUILDING 2N, ROOM 006 raves, “Even if Lena did not 2800 Victory have a famous last name, her Boulevard, Staten tremendous vocal chops would Island make her a star!” John Wirt Admission: free; open October 2017 - IHCC-NY, Inc. President/Chair Comm. writes in Offbeat magazine, to the public Joseph Sciame joins others in Astoria advocating for “Lena is truly her father’s Columbus Day following the Queens Parade. musical child.” 2:30 – 3:20 pm Come and learn about study th October 8 abroad opportunities in Italy. These programs host students Columbus Day for winter, summer, and Mass academic semester sessions. Dante and An 4:00 pm CATHEDRAL OF Also learn about scholarships Ethic for the New Book Presentation of the with ST. PATRICK’S that are available for these Millennium Italian Publication: The Good Author/journalist, 50th Street and Fifth programs. and the Others: Dante and An Filippo La Porta Avenue, Manhattan Ethic for the New Milllennium (Il Admission: Tickets necessary Contact: John Dunleavy ROOM E4340, FRANK Bene e Gli Altri: Dante e un’etica 718-982-2100 MELVILLE MEMORIAL per il nuovo millennio: Bompiani 9:30 – 10:30 am [email protected] LIBRARY AT STONY 2018) with author/journalist, Celebrant to be announced. BROOK Filippo La Porta. Sponsored by Sponsored by the Italian Dr. Joseph UNIVERSITY The Center for Italian Studies, Apostolate of the Archdiocese Tromba Series Stony Brook University. of New York, in cooperation Event: Book 100 Nicolls Road, with the Columbus Citizens Presentation Stony Brook, NY Contact: Jo Fusco Foundation. of the Italian Admission: free; open to the 631-632-7444 Contact: Marguerite Zappa Publication: The public josephine.fusco@ 212-249-9923; fax: 212-737- Good and the Others: 4413 ccf@columbus 6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU_,+&&1<_ EVENTS CALENDAR

The Philip V. surrounded food, meals, and Cannistraro shopping as Italians adjusted to Seminar Series their new homelands. in Italian American 5693E\FDOOLQJ Studies Seating is limited and seats JOHN D. CALANDRA cannot be reserved. ITALIAN AMERICAN For further information, see INSTITUTE 25 West 43rd Street, 17th The Calandra Institute is a Floor, Manhattan university institute under Admission: free; the aegis of Queens College, open to the public CUNY. calandra Center for Migration 6:00 pm Studies Annual Migrant Marketplaces: Food Dinner and Program and Italians in North and South BATTERY GARDENS 2FWREHU²,+&&1<,QF3UHVLGHQW&KDLU&RPP America RESTAURANT -RVHSK6FLDPHDQG%RDUG0HPEHUV1DQF\,QGHOLFDWRDQG Elizabeth Zanoni, Old 1 Battery Place, Manhattan (OLVDEHWWD&DOHOORMRLQWRKRQRUIRUPHUÀUVWODG\0DWLOGD Dominion University Admission: For ticket &XRPRDVVKHLVKRQRUHGE\WKH'LRFHVHRI %URRNO\Q Italian immigrants to the information and sponsorship )XWXUHVLQ(GXFDWLRQDQQXDOGLQQHUDWWKH0DUULRWW0DUTXLV United States and Argentina opportunities visit: hungered for the products of home, and merchants imported event/2018gala Italian cheese, wine, olive oil, and other commodities to 6:00 Reception; 7:00 pm meet the demand. As a result, Dinner and program migrant marketplaces came The Center for Migration into being—urban spaces Studies is an educational linking a mobile people with Institute and think tank mobile goods. Elizabeth devoted to the study of Zanoni’s Migrant Marketplaces international migration, to the (University of Illinois Press, promotion of understanding 2018) provides a comparative between immigrants and look at Italian people and receiving communities, and to products on the move between public policies that safeguard DQG&RQFHQWUDWLQJ the dignity and rights of on the Italian food trade, migrants, refugees, and 2FWREHU²,+&&1<,QF3UHVLGHQW&KDLU&RPP principally through New York newcomers. Sponsored by -RVHSK6FLDPHDQG%RDUG0HPEHUVSURXGO\SUHVHQWWKH and Buenos Aires, the book Center for Migration Studies. WKHPDWLFSRVWHUWR1<6WDWH&RPSWUROOHU&DY7KRPDV'L reveals how consumption of 1DSROLDWWKH)UDQN6LQDWUD6FKRROLQ$VWRULD these growing global imports &RQWDFWFPV#FPVQ\RUJ affected consumer habits and identities as well as connections Book between nationality, ethnicity, Presentation: 6:30 pm The Life Vespa and gender. Women, who bore Il mio Sentiero Calendar: Italian Culture Month CASA BELVEDERE most of the responsibility Americano by CASA. Casa Italiana reserves MANSION for buying and preparing Gabriella Belloni the right to change the 79 Howard Avenue, food, had particularly CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- programming without notice. Staten Island complex interactions in this MARIMÒ NEW YORK For more information, please Admission: Suggested VRFLHWDODUHQDWKDWLQÁXHQFHG UNIVERSITY visit donation $20; open to both global trade and their 24 West 12th Street, or call the public community economies.Migrant Manhattan Marketplaces examines the &RQWDFW values and meanings that )D[



October 10th &RQWDFW6WHSKDQLH Vullo’s recent initiatives which 7:00 pm Lundegard 718-442-1608 include New York’s health 6LQFHKLWWLQJWKHURDGLQ Italian Opera: JDULEDOGLPHXFFLPXVHXPRUJ insurance markets in the face of federal changes and other eighteen million Vespa motor /AŃA?PEKJKB scooters have buzzed the Life! National consumer protections issues. &RQWDFWQRLDZ#QRLDZRUJ Earth. Vespa's success lies in GARIBALDI-MEUCCI Organization 212-642-2003 the uniqueness of its design MUSEUM of Italian -- in the unmistakable sheet 7RPSNLQV$YHQXH6WDWHQ American Women Bogliasco metal skin that, over the span Island Presents An Evening Foundation RI GHFDGHVKDVGHÀQHGWKH Admission: $125/$110 with Maria T. Vullo Talk: Anthony concept of "motor scooter." for members; open to FORDHAM UNIVERSITY, Hecht in Italy The Life Vespa, presented by the public LINCOLN CENTER author, Eric Dregni, celebrates Room 109 McMahon Hall CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- MARIMÒ NEW YORK all aspects of the scooters 1:30 – 3:00 pm 155 West 60th UNIVERSITY and the thriving culture that This six-week class will elicit Street, Manhattan 24 West 12th Street, surrounds them. Since Vespa an appreciation for both Admission: Members: Manhattan is affordable and in high-style, seasoned opera lovers and $10; Non-Members: $20 The Life Vespa encompasses newcomers alike. It intends to all walks of life, from street excite the appetites of all those 6:00 pm 6:30 pm urchins to celebrities like who especially love Italian Maria T. Vullo, nominated Calendar: Italian Culture Month Audrey Hepburn, John opera by gaining insights into by Governor Andrew M. CASA. Wayne, and Brad Pitt. Part of the minds and souls of the &XRPRDQGFRQÀUPHGE\ Motorbooks, Life series, The composers whose works still the New York State Senate as Casa Italiana reserves the right Life Vespa melds machine and affect us today. Now in its Superintendent of the New to change the programming culture to immerse you in la seventh season, this is not a York State Department of without notice. For more bella vita. Sponsored by The repeat course. All sessions Financial Services responsible information, please visit www. Italian Cultural Foundation at are new and there is no for regulating banks, insurance or call Casa Belvedere. prerequisite for newcomers. FRPSDQLHVDQGÀQDQFLDO Join us for an experience of services companies in New &RQWDFW &RQWDFW0DULDQ5RGL intellectual stimulation and York and protecting New )D[ 718-737-7660 musical pleasure. Sponsored by


Il Grande global issues. Incendio di &RQWDFW:LQQLH%URSK\ Roma – The 718-982-2100 $NA=P KJŃ=CN=PEKJ ZLQQLHEURSK\#FVLFXQ\HGX of 64 AD WESTCHESTER ITALIAN Italian CULTURAL CENTER Playwrights One Generoso Pope Place, Project Special Tuckahoe, NY Edition: Celebrate Admission: Members Premio Riccione for $20; Non-Members the Theatre $25; open to the public ITALIAN INSTITUTE OF CULTURE OF NEW YORK 7:00 pm 686 Park Avenue, On a sweltering summer night Manhattan over 2,000 years ago, Roma, Admission: free; home to over two million open to the public inhabitants, erupted in a QLQHGD\ÀUHVWRUPWKDWZRXOG 6:00 pm GHVWUR\RI LWVULRQL October 11th event is a reading (neighborhoods). This colossal in Italian of an excerpt of the calamity left thousands dead play L’orizzonte Degli Eventi and some 200,000 homeless. written by Elisa Casseri, 2016 What was the cause of such Premio Riccione Award monumental destruction? recipient, and selected play Come join us as we explore for the Italian Playwrights the nature, scope, and mystery Project 2017/2019 to be RI WKLVFDSLWDOFRQÁDJUDWLRQ translated and published by 2FWREHU²1HZ


Misconceptions candidly about growing up of Columbus Italian-American Catholic Debunked from her earlier days as the ITALIAN CHARITIES OF daughter of immigrant parents AMERICA, INC and a workaholic father to her 83-20 Queens Boulevard, coming of age and onward Elmhurst, NY into adulthood where she Admission: Suggested works at reconciling the natural donation: $5; open to and divine. Her poems are a the public celebration in the face of love and loss. They are at once 7:00 – 9:00 pm intimate and universal, serious As part of the Italian American and light and are grounded Month Lecture Series, guest in the Brooklyn, New York speaker Louis Gallo is that she cherished and called welcomed as the former Chair home from her parents' pastry of the NYSOSIA Commission shop, to the view from the Belt for Social Justice. Louis Gallo Parkway, to the family living is also a former history teacher room where she learned to 2FWREHU²:HVWFKHVWHU/HJLVODWRUV$QQXDO,WDOLDQ and has held positions on many pull out the microphone, even +HULWDJHDQG&XOWXUH0RQWKFHOHEUDWLRQZLWK,+&& RUJDQL]DWLRQVORGJHRIÀFHV though it was always broken, 1<,QF%RDUG0HPEHUV and committees. Mr. Gallo and sing. Sponsored by Wagner will take each popular charge College. For more information: against Columbus and debunk it with hard data and historical information from his years of studying and researching the An Evening life of Columbus. He has made with Giada it his mission to search the Valenti truth and has been in contact WEILL RECITAL with authors who have written HALL AT CARNEGIE HALL positive full-length works on 881 Seventh Avenue, Columbus. Come with an Manhattan open mind and make your Admission: $35 - $75 own conclusions on this topic. Refreshments will be served. 8:00 pm Sponsored by Italian Charities An evening with Giada of America, Inc. Valenti, celebrating Italian and Hispanic heritage month. &RQWDFW0DULDOHQD The singer, known for her ID[ stunning music special on PBS, LWDOLDQFKDULWLHVRIDPHULFD# will take her audience on a JPDLOFRP romantic journey performing her own interpretation of Book songs written by Italian or Presentation: Hispanic songwriters, or made What My Father famous by Italian or Hispanic Taught Me artists. Born and raised in WAGNER COLLEGE. Venice, Giada has always been 1 Campus Road, LQÁXHQFHGE\KHUKRPHWRZQ Staten Island bringing its magic and passion 2FWREHU²&DY*LXOLDQD5LGROÀ&DUGLOORUHFHLYHV to her musical style. Sponsored UHFRJQLWLRQDWWKH$QQXDO$PEDVFLDWRUL$ZDUG by One West Concerts. FHUHPRQLHVVXUURXQGHGE\5REHUW)RQWL0&IRU 7:15 pm WKHHYHQW&RPP-RVHSK6FLDPHVSRQVRURI WKH In What My Father Taught Me, &RQWDFW QRPLQDWLRQDQG,WDOLDQ$PHULFDQ0XVHXP8II-RVHSK Maria Giura writes richly and 6FHOVD(G'SUHVLGHQWDQGIRXQGHURI WKH,$0


October 11th – 13th October 12th

Conference: Theater Italy and East Performance: Asia: Exchanges The Most and Parallels Learned Woman. WANG CENTER AT STONY The Story of Elena BROOK UNIVERSITY Lucrezia Cornaro, 100 Nicolls Road, Stony PDAłNOPSKI=JPK Brook, NY receive a university Admission: free; degree. By Kairos open to the public Italy Theater Where: www.stonybrook. AUD edu CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- MARIMÒ NEW YORK 9:00 am – 6:00 pm UNIVERSITY Following a successful 24 West 12th Street, conference focused on Italy Manhattan and China at the University of Toronto in 2016, organizers at Stony Brook University and the 6:30 pm University of British Columbia Calendar: Italian Culture Month have planned a new conference CASA. centered on Italy and East Asia to take place at Stony Brook Casa Italiana reserves the right University. Many relationships to change the programming exist between Italy and East without notice. For more 2FWREHU²,+&&1<,QF%RDUG0HPEHUV:LOOLDP Asia that have captured the information, please visit www. 5XVVRDQG1DQF\,QGHOLFDWRMRLQZLWK&RPP-RVHSK attention of current English or call 6FLDPHLQDFFHSWLQJ&LWDWLRQVDZDUGHGLQUHFRJQLWLRQRI  and Italian language scholars. ,WDOLDQ+HULWDJH0RQWK Through a wide ranging set &RQWDFW of panels that will include )D[ presentations by international scholars from Asia, Canada, October 13th the United States and Western , the conference will Book explore and assess what is Presentation: at stake in the Italian-East La Dolce Vita Asian dialogue and expand University existing research on issues GARIBALDI MEUCCI relating to Italy and East Asia. MUSEUM Consult 420 Tompkins Avenue, italianstsudies for additional Staten Island program information. Admission: $10/$5 Sponsored by Center for Italian for members; open to Studies and the Confucius the public Institute at Stony Brook garibaldimeuccimuseum. University in collaboration org with the University of British Columbia. 3:00 La Dolce Vita University: An &RQWDFW-R)XVFR Unconventional Guide to Italian 2FWREHU²%URQ[%RURXJK3UHVLGHQW5XEHQ'LD]-U 632-632-7444 Culture from A to Z by Carla SUHVHQWVFLWDWLRQVWRKRQRUHHVDWDQQXDO%URQ[FHOHEUDWLRQ MRVHSKLQHIXVFR# Gambescia is the perfect RI ,WDOLDQ+HULWDJHDQG&XOWXUH0RQWK VWRQ\EURRNHGX sampler for those curious about or already in love with


Italy and its remarkably rich th cultural gifts, both past and October 15 present. True to its light- Lorenzo Da hearted name, La Dolce Ponte and the Vita "U" is about pleasurable Birth of Italian learning or what we prefer to Opera in New call "edutainment." You will York discover fun new facts and THE ITALIAN ACADEMY fascinating new insights in the 1161 Amsterdam Avenue, pages of this book. Sponsored Manhattan by Garibaldi Meucci Museum. Admission: free; open to the public &RQWDFW6WHSKDQLH Lundgard 718-442-1608 Time TBD Lorenzo Da Ponte and the IAWA 2nd Birth of Italian Opera in Saturday NY (followed by concerts Reading at Low Library, Columbia 2FWREHU+RQ0HOLQGD.DW]%RURXJK3UHVLGHQWRI  Features Authors University). Co-Sponsors: The 4XHHQVZLWK+RQRUHHVDW3URFODPDWLRQ&HUHPRQ\DW6W Elizabeth Primamore Italian Academy of Columbia -RKQ·V8QLYHUVLW\'HSXW\&RQVXO*HQHUDO6LOYLD/LPRQFLQL and Maria Terrone University, Columbia University MRLQVZLWKWKHDWWHQGHHVDWWKHFHUHPRQ\ SIDEWALK CAFÉ Music Department, European 94 Avenue A & 6th Street, Union, Italian Government, Manhattan Region of . Admission: $8, includes one drink; &RQWDFW$OOLVRQ-HIIUH\ open to the public 212-854-8942 DM#FROXPELDHGX 5:30 – 7:30 pm th The Italian American Writers October 16 Association is celebrating its 27th Anniversary in 2018. Dr. Joseph Since 1991, IAWA has given Tromba voice to writers through its Lecture Series monthly 2nd Saturday literary Event: "The series. IAWA East is held Alchemy of Italy" even months at Sidewalk 5220()5$1. Café, and IAWA West takes MELVILLE MEMORIAL place at Cornelia Street Café LIBRARY AT STONY during odd months. Readings BROOK UNIVERSITY begin with an Open Mic 100 Nicolls Road, followed by two featured Stony Brook, NY authors. This month IAWA is 'HFHPEHU²,WDOLDQ$PHULFDQ0XVHXPVLWHRI DZDUG featuring playwright Elizabeth Admission: free; open FHUHPRQ\KRQRULQJ0DWLOGD&XRPRIRUPHUÀUVWODG\RI  Primamore whose book Shady to the public 1HZ


Writers Read can only hope that, with his Series untimely passing, Gil Fagiani JOHN D. now walks alongside the souls CALANDRA so beautifully rendered in these ITALIAN AMERICAN pages. The Calandra Institute is INSTITUTE a university institute under the 25 West 43rd Street, 17th aegis of Queens College, The Floor, Manhattan City University of New York. Admission: free; RSVP by calling 212-642-2094 open to the public Seating is limited and seats cannot be reserved. For further information, see 6:00 pm Readings from Gil Fagiani’s Missing Madonnas Opera (Bordighera Press, 2018) In Performs the posthumously published an Historic Missing Madonnas, the late Recreation of 1826 poet Gil Fagiani writes with AJAłP 'HFHPEHU²,+&&1<,QF3UHVLGHQW&KDLU&RPP -RVHSK6FLDPHLVMRLQHGE\%RDUG0HPEHU&DY-RVHSKLQH lyricism and humor about BASILICA OF SAINT 0DLHWWDDQG(OLVDEHWWD&DOHOORDWWKHDQQXDO%LVKRS·V the absurdities of life, from PATRICK’S OLD /XQFKHRQDW5XVVR·VRQWKH%D\ZKHUH6FLDPHZDVKRQRUHG mythical Madonnas to nonnas CATHEDRAL IRUKLVKXPDQLWDULDQFRQWULEXWLRQV to urban addictions, gallant 273 Mott Street (the corner struggles for redemption, of Mott and Prince Streets), and the sustained beauty Manhattan of ordinary days and lives. Admission: Fee TBD Dedicated to his Orlandini Fundraiser; free; family, this book is the last in open to the public DWULORJ\WKHÀUVWWZRYROXPHV are Chianti in Connecticut and Stone Walls. This Italian 8:00 pm American’s poetry transcends The Cagliari Opera Company the conventional images of the of Cagliari, Italy, will perform postwar ’50s, the turbulent ’60s, an historic recreation of an With grateful appreciation and the bitter tenderness of a EHQHÀWZKLFKZDVKHOGIRU life that ended much too soon. the Sisters of Charity Orphans’ to all those who contribute Participants will include author Asylum at 32 Prince Street. The Chris Belden, Bob Holman, Oratorio will be conducted to the Annual Celebration Marisa Frasca, Nicholas Grosso, by the renowned maestro, Julia Lisella, Maria Lisella, Paolo Carignani, who has also of Italian Heritage and Florence Mueller. In this performed at the Met in past latest volume of the author’s seasons. The 2018 concert is and Culture Month monumental chronicle of the DEHQHÀWIRUWKHUHVWRUDWLRQ Italian American experience, of the 1868 Henry Erben Gil Fagiani manages to honor pipe organ. The 150-year his own life struggles and old instrument is considered those of his ancestors in a way one of the most important that touches the heart without historical instruments in the Comm. Joseph Sciame whitewash or sentimentality. nation, and was heard by President / Chair With wit, economy, and a Italian immigrants at the most 20/20 eye for detail, Fagiani’s sacred moments of their lives. IHCC-NY, Inc. LPPLJUDQWSRHPVÁLFNHUOLNH Sponsored by Friends of the old black-and-white newsreels Erben Organ. before giving way to vivid, &RQWDFW)UDQN$OÀHUL color-themed glimpses of the (5%(1 turbulent ’60s and ’70s. One PXVLF#HUEHQRUJDQRUJ


th the development of the October 17 Italian Constitution and an Screening: Il explanation of the Fauno four most important articles CASA ITALIANA contained in the fundamental ZERILLI-MARIMÒ NEW principles of the Charter: YORK UNIVERSITY Article 1: the foundation of a 24 West 12th Street, Republic in which sovereignty Manhattan belongs to the people; Article 2: the inviolable rights of man; Article 3: the principle 6:30 pm of equality; Article 11: the Silent movie with live repudiation of the war. accompaniment. Calendar: Sponsored by Center for Italian Italian Culture Month CASA. Studies, Stony Brook University. Casa Italiana reserves the right Contact: Jo Fusco to change the programming MRVHSKLQH without notice. For more [email protected] 'HFHPEHU²,+&&1<,QFERDUGPHHWLQJDQGKROLGD\ information, please visit JDWKHULQJDW3DWUL]LD·V5HVWDXUDQW or call Neorealism screening: &RQWDFW Open City )D[ Calendar CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- October 18th MARIMÒ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Center for Italian 24 West 12th Street, Studies at Stony Manhattan Brook University Presentation STONY BROOK 6:30 pm UNIVERSITY’S MELVILLE Calendar: Italian Culture Month MEMORIAL LIBRARY, CASA. 5220( Casa Italiana reserves the right 100 Nicolls Road, to change the programming Stony Brook, NY without notice. For more Admission: free; information, please visit www. open to the public or call

SP &RQWDFW )UDQFHVFR$QGROÀ ,WDOLDQ )D[ actor/playwright based in New York City), through theatre and visuals, celebrates “Balliamo!” a memorable period and Traditional anniversary in Italian history Italian Dance – ZLWKKLVSUHVHQWDWLRQ and More! 2018 The Italian Constitution WESTCHESTER ITALIAN is 70 years old. The Rebirth CULTURAL CENTER of Democracy after War, Civil One Generoso Pope Place, :DUDQG'LFWDWRUVKLSµ Tuckahoe, NY The presentation will include: Admission: Members A narration of the events that $30; Non-Members $35 occurred between September 'HFHPEHU²,WDOLDQ&RQVXODWH(GXFDWLRQ'LUHFWRU DQG-XO\WR $QQDYDOHULD*XD]]LHUL3K'ZLWK,+&&1<,QF%RDUG UHYHDOKRZWKHVHLQÁXHQFHG PHPEHUVGXULQJKROLGD\IHVWLYLWLHV



7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6KLUWZDLVW)DFWRU\ÀUHWKDW Admission: free; An entertaining journey Presentation on the topic of took place in New York City open to the public through the many styles of Italian American women and on March 25, 1911, and will folk dance in Italy and in the their contribution to family life. be talking about his family 7:30 pm Italian American Community. Our bi-monthly newsletter also connection to this tragedy as There is nothing small about Enjoy a lively presentation, carries out the theme. well as the many other Italian the history and heritage of then either look on, or join in, immigrants affected. Vincent Italian-Americans. Come as Coro d'Italia Dancers show &RQWDFW will also explain all the dramatic and get the big picture as you some classic steps! Buon changes that resulted from this presented by Salvatore Divertimento! The Triangle tragedy such as factory safety Primeggia, Ph.D. will present a Fire and Its standards and unions which lecture tracing the immigrant &RQWDFW/LQGVD\%UHZVWHU Immigrants fought for better working story. Sponsored by Giuseppe 914-771-8700 ITALIAN CHARITIES OF conditions. Refreshments will Garibaldi Lodge, Order Sons & OEUHZVWHU#ZLFFQ\RUJ AMERICA, INC. be served. Sponsored by Italian Daughters of Italy in America. 83-20 Queens Boulevard, Charities of America, Inc. &RQWDFW9LWR&DWDQLD The American Elmhurst, NY 914-779-1331 Italian Admission: Suggested &RQWDFW0DULDOHQD YLWRFFDWDQLD#JPDLOFRP Heritage ID[ donation: $5; open to th Museum Cultural the public LWDOLDQFKDULWLHVRIDPHULFD# October 20 Presentation JPDLOFRP THE AMERICAN ITALIAN 7:00 – 9:00 pm Italy’s Hidden th HERITAGE MUSEUM As part of the Italian American October 19 Gem: Matera 1227 Central Avenue, Month Lecture Series, guest WESTCHESTER Albany, NY speaker Vincent C. Maltese Tracing Italian ITALIAN CULTURAL Admission: $5; Seniors is welcomed. Mr. Maltese Immigrant CENTER 6WXGHQWVDQG is the current Chairman of History to the One Generoso Pope Place, Children under 12 free the Triangle Fire Memorial Italian American Tuckahoe, NY Association. He will be Present Admission: $25/$30; speaking about the history FR. FATA HALL open to the public and tragedy of the Triangle 125 Wallace Street, Tuckahoe, NY _,+&&1<_6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU EVENTS CALENDAR

10:30 am daughter of immigrant parents Matera is one of the oldest and a workaholic father to her continuously occupied cities of coming of age and onward the world. We will talk about into adulthood where she the caves of Matera, and how works at reconciling the natural they went from the shame of and divine. Her poems are a Italy to a hidden gem. Discover celebration in the face of love the wonderful sites to see when and loss. They are at once visiting this town. Presented intimate and universal, serious by Toni McKeen. Sponsored and light and are grounded by Westchester Italian Cultural in the Brooklyn, New York Center. that she cherished and called home from her parents' pastry &RQWDFW/LQGVD\%UHZVWHU shoppe, to the view from the ID[ Belt Parkway, to the family 5900 living room where she learned OEUHZVWHU#ZLFFQ\RUJ to pull out the microphone, even though it was always broken, and sing. Sponsored by 0D\²,+&&1<,QF%RDUGPHPEHUVDQGFRPPXQLW\ Italian ANT Bookstore and Café. PHPEHUVMRLQDWWKH3RVHV3DUN+XQWHUFROOHJH&81< American For more information: http:// ZLWK&RQVXOJHQHUDO)UDQFHVFR*HQXDUGLFHQWHUHGDQG Women's VXUURXQGHGE\DOO Center, Inc. st General Monthly October 21 Meeting The Life and WOMEN’S CLUB OF Times of Enrico GREAT NECK Caruso 94 Old Mill Road, Great THE ENRICO Neck, NY CARUSO MUSEUM OF Admission: Open to the public AMERICA. 1942 East 19th Street, ²SP Brooklyn 3UHVHQWHU'DQLHOD*LRVHIÀ Admission: free; Poet & Activist, latest book: open to the public Waging Beauty As the Polar Bear Dreams of Ice, 2017. ²SP This is a 1½ hour program &RQWDFW9LQFHQ]D5XVVR of the Life of Enrico Caruso LDZFQ\F#\DKRRFRP ZLWKOHFWXUHÀOPVDQGYLHZLQJ of many of his personal Book belongings. Sponsored by The May 2018 – Board members, friends and supporters of Presentation: Enrico Caruso Museum of WKH,+&&1<,QFMRLQLQ0RWKHU·V'D\/XQFKHRQDW What My America. 9LYROR·V5HVWDXUDQW Father Taught Me &RQWDFW&RPPHQGDWRUH ANT BOOKSTORE $OGR0DQFXVL 1 Education Drive, feminism with Italian American AND CAFÉ. $PDQFXVL# Garden City, NY feminism. A second session 345 Clifton Avenue, (QULFR&DUXVR0XVHXPFRP Admission: free; open will deal with realms of power Clifton, NJ nd to the public in family, community and October 22 political life. It will also survey 7:00 pm Italian 9:00 am – 12:15 pm Italian American women In What My Father Taught Me, American 7KHFRQIHUHQFHWRSLFLV´,WDOLDQ authors. Sponsored by Center Maria Giura writes richly and Women: American Women: Breaking for Italian American Studies, candidly about growing up Breaking Barriers %DUULHUVµ2QHVHVVLRQZLOO Nassau Community College. Italian-American Catholic CCB BUILDING, NASSAU provide a demographic portal &RQWDFW'U6DOYDWRUH from her earlier days as the COMMUNITY COLLEGE and also contrast Italian LaGumina 516-572-7422 VDOODJXPLQD#\DKRRFRP


October 23rd From Kitty Genovese Health and to “Ginny” Nutrition: Apuzzo: Italian Italian American Feminism Mediterranean since the 1960s Style BARUCH COLLEGE, CUNY JOHN D. CALANDRA One Bernard Baruch Way, ITALIAN AMERICAN 55 Lexington Avenue, INSTITUTE. Manhattan 25 West 43rd Street, 17th Admission: free; Floor, Manhattan open to the public Admission: free; open to the public 12:30 – 2:00 pm This event will be a campus 9:00 am – 6:00 pm visit by historian Marcia M. 0D\²,+&&1<,QF%RDUGPHPEHUVMRLQLQ0RWKHU·V One-day symposium on one Gallo of the University of 'D\/XQFKHRQDW9LYROR·V5HVWDXUDQW of the major imports of Italy Nevada, Las Vegas to discuss &KLDUD6DXOOH'HSXW\&RQVXORI ,WDO\ &HQWHU  which is the culinary Health her book on the murder of DQG1XWULWLRQEHQHÀWVRI  Kitty Genovese and its impact the Mediterranean Diet. The on NYC history and to give symposium will consist of a public lecture on Italian a panel of medical cancer American feminist/activist physicians and a panel of Virginia Apuzzo. Sponsored by nutrition specialists. The Baruch College, Department presentations and discussion of History. by outstanding oncological physicians as Prof. Antonio &RQWDFW9LQFHQW Giordano, Sbarro Institute for DiGirolamo 631-689-8963 Cancer Research and Molecular YLQFHQWGLJLURODPR#EDUXFK Medicine, Prof. Antonio FXQ\HGX DeLorenzo, L’università Degli 6WXGL'L5RPD´7RU9HUJDWDµ Leading Prof. Fabio Parasecoli, and Ladies of the Prof. Lisa Sasson, New York Renaissance University, Mike Rienzi, CASA BELVEDERE MANSION Founder and CEO Mike Rienzi 0D\²,+&&1<,QF0RWKHU·V'D\/XQFKHRQ & Sons, Dr. Maurizio Forte, 79 Howard Avenue, Staten IROORZLQJ0RWKHU,WDO\6WDWXH&HUHPRQ\KRQRULQJ,VDEHOOD Italian Trade Commission, Island 3HULRWWR &HQWHU 'HSXW\&RQVXORI ,WDO\LQ1HZ


TARANTATA WESTCHESTER ITALIAN THE BERNIE CULTURAL CENTER WOHL One Generoso Pope Place, AUDITORIUM Tuckahoe, NY 647 Columbus Ave Admission: Members (Goddard Riverside), $20; Non-Members Manhattan $25; open to the public Admission: $10; open to the public 7:00 pm The ancient Romans were 7:30 pm innovative architects and For the Series Afro Roots: South engineers who invented Italian , Trance Dance building methods still in use & Afro Brazilian Rhythms & today. Roman monuments Chants. and other famous landmarks 7KLVÀHU\SHUFXVVLYHMRXUQH\ constructed in the Roman through the South of Italy architectural style will be and crossing to Brazil will reviewed and discussed. 0D\²&DY$QJHOR9LYROR&KDLUPDQ&ROXPEXV explore through songs, dance We will learn about the &LWL]HQV)RXQGDWLRQMRLQV&RPP-RVHSK6FLDPH,+&& and rhythm, magic rituals, architectural innovations that 1<,QF3UHVLGHQW&KDLUDWWKH0RWKHU·V'D\/XQFKHRQ used as music changed the world and enabled DWWKHWKHQ9LYROR·V5HVWDXUDQW therapy to cure the mythical these monuments to survive bite of the tarantula, healing thousands of years. Presented chants and ritual drumming in by Marisa Horowitz-Jaffe. honor of the , and the trance dance known as &RQWDFW/LQGVD\%UHZVWHU Tarantata or the Spider 914-771-8700 Dance. Alessandra Belloni's OEUHZVWHU#ZLFFQ\RUJ original compositions honoring Yemanja and Oxun, Goddesses of Love and Waters, Xango, th of the Afro-Brazilian Yoruba October 25 tradition. Featuring Kevin Nathaniel and Hassan from Italian the Afro Roots series and Heritage Alessandra Belloni – vocals, and Culture , frame drums, Joe Celebration Deninzon – violin, Wilson BOROUGH OF Montuori – , Vinnie MANHATTAN Scialla – drumset, percussion. COMMUNITY COLLEGE, 0D\²0RWKHU·V'D\/XQFKHRQKRQRULQJ'HSXW\ Dancers: Peter De Geronimo CUNY. &RQVXO,VDEHOOD3HULRWWRZLWK&RQVXO*HQHUDO)UDQFHVFR and Francesca Silvano. 199 Chambers *HQXDUGLDQG,+&&1<,QF3UHVLGHQW&KDLU&RPP Sponsored by Goddard Center. Street, Manhattan -RVHSK6FLDPH Admission: free; &RQWDFW$OHVVDQGUD%HOORQL open to the public 646-322-4637 Italian American women to Presentation: DEHOORQL#DROFRP DP²SP Italian heritage. Sponsored Strong Presentations include: Opera by Borough of Manhattan Secondary th October 24 and Italian music, Italian Community College, CUNY. Women in Opera and Italian American identity, 1:00 pm book talks, study abroad for Architecture &RQWDFW'U.ULVWLQD9DUDGH GARIBALDI-MEUCCI students in Italy, Italian food of Ancient 212-346-8556 MUSEUM Rome: Atriums, demonstrations, and more. In NYDUDGH#EPFFFXQ\HGX 420 Tompkins Avenue, Amphitheaters, particular, BMCC is proud to Staten Island highlight the contributions and Arches Admission: $25; of notable Italian and Members only


Lou Barrella, the Garibaldi- JOHN D. CALANDRA and Identity (Palgrave McMillan, their similar and disparate Meucci Museum's distinguished ITALIAN AMERICAN 2018), food represents home, H[SHULHQFHVUHÁHFWVWKHVH professor of opera, will give INSTITUTE loss, and longing. Food also WKHPHV7KH´UHFLSHµEHFRPHV a presentation on "Strong 25 West 43rd Street, 17th stands in for race, class, gender, a conversational bridge to elicit Secondary Women in Opera," Floor, Manhattan sexuality, immigration, region, narratives about identity and for the United Federation Admission: free; place, and space. The authors the self, a means of expressing of Teachers Welfare Fund open to the public discuss food as speaking to who we think we are, who we Retiree Program. Not all opera family and tradition, as well as want to be, and who we are not. heroines are consumptive waifs calandra choice and change, celebration, 5693E\FDOOLQJ who die as the curtain falls! love, power, and shame. This Seating is limited and seats Sponsored by UFT Welfare 6:00 pm mother-daughter research team cannot be reserved. Fund Retiree Program. Italian American Women, Food, explores ways in which Italian For further information, see and Identity: Stories at the Table American working-class women &RQWDFW0DULRQ0DPPDQD Andrea L. Dottolo, Rhode from Syracuse, New York, use The Calandra Institute is a 917-747-3589 Island College food as a symbol and a social university institute under the Carol Dottolo, retired educator, vehicle that carries multiple aegis of Queens College, The The Philip V. Liverpool Central School meanings. Because the study City University of New York. Cannistraro District, New York centers on the intergenerational Seminar Series In the narratives collected in transmission of culture, the in Italian American Italian American Women, Food, authors’ relationship, and Studies



Our Lady of CENTER (7TH FLOOR) Loreto and One Normal Avenue, The Interplay and why culture needs to be other Italian Montclair, NJ of Culture and present in the board room. National Churches Admission: $50 registration Business The conversation will be ITALIAN CHARITIES OF fee for teachers; $25 fee for JOHN D. followed by a reception with AMERICA, INC. graduate students and student CALANDRA ITALIAN wine and light refreshments. 83-20 Queens Boulevard, teachers AMERICAN INSTITUTE Jointly sponsored by the John Elmhurst, NY 25 West 43rd Street. 17th D. Calandra Italian American Admission: Suggested 8:30 am -- 3:30 pm Floor, Manhattan Institute, the Italian American donation: $5; open to Eleventh in a series of all-day Admission: free; open Faculty and Staff Advisory the public professional development to the public Council to the Institute, and programs for teachers of the Italian Language Inter- 7:00 – 9:00 pm Italian at all levels, consisting 6:00 – 8:00 pm Cultural Alliance (ILICA). As part of the Italian American of a keynote presentation, A roundtable discussion with Month Lecture Series, guest panel discussion and four representatives of both spheres &RQWDFW3URI'RQQD speaker Mario Toglia will intensive workshops (90 DERXWKRZEXVLQHVVLQÁXHQFHV &KLULFR present the topic. Mario Toglia minutes each). An annual controls, manipulates culture; GFKLULFR#\RUNFXQ\HGX is a retired NYC language signature collaboration teacher, an avid researcher, between the Coccia Institute an author and executive for the Italian Experience in America and the Department The Board of Directors board member of the Italian of the of Modern Languages and  American Studies Association National OrganizatioN OFItalian American Women - Long Island Chapter and the Literatures at Montclair Italian Genealogical Group. State University. Sponsored Proudly Supports Mario will be discussing the by the Coccia Institute and Italian Heritage & Culture Month efforts to preserve the National the Department of Modern Church of Our Lady of Loreto Languages and Literatures in 2018 in Brownsville, NY. Even the College of Humanities and though efforts ultimately failed Social Sciences at Montclair as the church was demolished State University. Please join in 2017, the legacy, history of our dynamic and experienced the church and its immigrants specialists in instructional A SSaalluuttee to will live on. He will also explain methodology in foreign Italian Women in America: the creation and importance of language. The keynote National Churches in America address will be delivered by BREAKING BARRIERS and showcase some National Dr. Annavaleria Guazzieri, from EEllliis IIssllaanndd to tthhe Present Churches in New York City. Director of Education of the Refreshments will be served. Consulate General of Italy in New York. Symposium Chair Sponsored by Italian Charities [email protected] of America, Inc. and Panel Moderator: Prof. Enza Antenos (Montclair State 25 W. 43rd Street i Suite 1005 i New York, NY 10036 i 212.642.2003 &RQWDFW0DULDOHQD University). Participants will ID[ be awarded seven professional LWDOLDQFKDULWLHVRIDPHULFD# credits. The Coccia-Inserra JPDLOFRP Award for Excellence and 3DUWLFLSDWLQJ&ROOHJHVDQG8QLYHUVLWLHV Innovation in the Teaching of th Italian (K-12) will be presented $FWLYLWLHVOLVWHGLQ&DOHQGDU John Jay College of Criminal October 26 on this occasion. RI (YHQWV Justice/CUNY Borough of Manhattan Montclair State University Join us as we launch our Teaching Italian Community College/CUNY Nassau Community College Symposium/ second decade of bringing College of Staten Island/CUNY New York University Workshops: instructional techniques and Columbia University Queens College/CUNY Meeting XI strategies to instructors of Farmingdale State College St. John’s University “Art at the Core Italian across the nation. The Graduate Center/CUNY Stony Brook/SUNY of the Language &RQWDFW3HUVRQ&DY0DU\ Hofstra University Westchester Community Hostos Community College/ College/SUNY Curriculum” $QQ5H3K''LUHFWRU 973-655-4038; CUNY York College/CUNY MONTCLAIR STATE Hunter College/CUNY UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY ID[ HALL CONFERENCE UHP#PRQWFODLUHGX 6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU_,+&&1<_ EVENTS CALENDAR

Talk on Dante QUEENS MUSEUM by Alessandro New York City Building - Vettori Where: Flushing Meadows Corona LIB Park, Queens CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- Admission: $300 MARIMÒ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 6:00 pm 24 West 12th Street, ,/,&$SUHVHQWV´3DVVLRQHµ Manhattan a gala evening of music and dance with the Mvula Sungani Physical Dance 6:30 pm Troupe, featuring Emanuela Calendar: Italian Culture Month Bianchini and accompanied by CASA. Casa Italiana reserves musicians, including Maestro the right to change the Matteo Fideli: The Man with a programming without notice. Stradivari. Cocktail reception For more information, please and dinner. Sponsored by visit ILICA - Italian Language Inter- or call Cultural Alliance.

&RQWDFW)D[ &RQWDFW3URI'RQQD 212-995-4012 &KLULFR '&KLULFR#\RUNFXQ\HGX th October 27 th th -XO\²,+&&1<%RDUG0HPEHU&DY0DU\$QQ October 27 & 28 5H3K'ZLWKIHOORZ81,&20HPEHUDQG,+&&1< Italian EHQHIDFWRU&DY9LYLDQ&DUGLDDWWKH81,&2FRQYHQWLRQLQ American Center for 'HOUD\%HDFK)/ Writers Italian Studies Association Literary at Stony Brook Readings in Boston University Film I AM BOOKS STONY BROOK italianstudies. Sponsored by changing Italian scholarship, or 189 North Street, UNIVERSITY’S WANG The Center for Italian Studies, course, if hardly anyone knows Boston, MA CENTER LECTURE HALL1 Stony Brook University. it exists? New Jersey has many Admission: free; 100 Nicolls Road, generous Italian organizations open to the public Stony Brook, NY &RQWDFW-R)XVFR that need to know more about Admission: free; 631-632-7444 successful PR and marketing SP open to the public MRVHSKLQHIXVFR# strategies, or else student IAWA in Boston presents: VWRQ\EURRNHGX enrollment in Italian Studies 2SHQ0LF SPVLJQXS  2:00 – 7:30 pm will continue to decrease! and featuring writers Elizabeth )LOP)HVWLYDO´,WDO\RQ th NJIHC’s Summit will connect Primamore and Dona Luongo Screen Today: Edizione October 28 educators, cultural club leaders, Stein. Please join us every other ,,,µ²$WZRGD\HYHQWDW Strengthening and concerned members of month on last Saturdays at I Stony Brook University to Italian Studies the Italian community, to AM Books in Boston's North promote Italian Contemporary Summit: celebrate shared successes and End for an Open Mic (you Cinema. Screening schedule: GetOnTheMap confront ongoing challenges. don't have to be Italian!) and TBA. Directed by Loredana RUTGERS UNIVERSITY’S Reserve your place today at : featured readings. Sponsored Commonara, Cultural COLLEGE AVENUE by IAWA. Association: ArtMedia STUDENT CENTER Sponsored by New Jersey &RQWDFW-XOLD/LVHOOD (Rome). With Q & A sessions 126 College Avenue, Italian Heritage Commission 781-424-4493 conducted by Giacomo New Brunswick, (NJIHC). MOLVHOOD#FRPFDVWQHW Rocchini, New York Based Admission: $15; Italian Actor/Director. For open to the public &RQWDFW5REHUW'L%LDVH The Language additional updated program 848-445-4163 of Italian information, consult the FRPPLVVLRQ# Culture: Music Center for Italian Studies web 2:00 pm QMLWDOLDQKHULWDJHRUJ and Dance page: How successful is your life



"Gotta Sing! YORK COLLEGE to change the programming Panelists: Donna Corrado, Concert 9420 Guy R Brewer without notice. For more Ph.D, Moderator and Maria OUR LADY OF Boulevard; Jamaica, information, please visit www. Laurino, Donna Palomba PERPETUAL HELP NY or call and Patricia Russo. The panel SCHOOL Admission: free; &RQWDFW)D[ presentation will be followed 5902 6th Avenue (between Members only 212-995-4012 by a reception hosted by 59th and 60th Streets), the John D. Calandra Italian Brooklyn October 30th American Institute and Admission: $15 - 5:00 – 7:30 pm NOIAW. Co-sponsored by adults; $5 - teens; A reception celebrating the Empowered Italian the National Organization of Children free; open to that represent Women In America: Italian American Women/John the public the heritage of the college's Breaking Barriers D. Calandra Italian American faculty and staff. Sponsored by A Panel Presentation Institute. 3:00 pm York College, CUNY. THE GRADUATE CENTER, Does listening to operatic CUNY &RQWDFWQRLDZ#QRLDZRUJ selections make you happy? &RQWDFW3URI'RQQD MARTIN E. SEGAL 212-642-2003 Enjoy some of your favorite &KLULFR THEATRE st show-stopping arias and duets, '&KLULFR#\RUNFXQ\HGX 365 Fifth Avenue, October 31 and selections in Spanish in Manhattan this 2-hour Concert, which Study Italian features Regina Opera soloists. Screening: La 6:00 pm Abroad in Sponsored by Regina Opera terra buona A panel of accomplished Medieval Italy Company, Inc. CASA ITALIANA Italian American women, QUEENS COLLEGE ZERILLI-MARIMÒ NEW trailblazers in their respective 65-30 Kissena Blvd., &RQWDFW)UDQ*DUEHU YORK UNIVERSITY ÀHOGVZLOOVKDUHLWVVWRULHV Flushing, NY Cohen 718-259-2772 24 West 12th Street, insights and unique Admission: free; LQIR#UHJLQDRSHUDRUJ Manhattan perspectives. They will discuss open to the public what propels them forward th October 29 in overcoming obstacles; how 12:15 – 1:30pm 6:00 pm they leverage their strengths Study Italian language and York College Calendar: Italian Culture Month to achieve desired goals while culture in one of the most Italian Culture CASA. creating new expectations beautiful medieval cities in Italy. and Heritage Casa Italiana reserves the right and equality for all women. Perugia, the capital of Umbria, Reception


is located between Rome and Ronzoni will be doing an oral Florence. All levels of Italian and visual presentation on his (beginners – advanced) will family history and the history be offered in month-long of the Ronzoni Macaroni Co. programs (June or July). This Information on the history program is one of the most of pasta, how it came to Italy, affordable programs to Italy. dispelling some of the myths Sponsored by Calandra Italian will be covered. (As great a American Institute/Queens man as he was, Marco Polo College. had nothing to do with it!). There will be many beautiful &RQWDFW-RH*URVVR images of the Ronzoni family, 718-997-5769, the Ronzoni factories, old- ID[ fashioned machinery and even MRVHSKJURVVR#TFFXQ\HGX some of the vintage Ronzoni TV commercials. Refreshments 1RYHPEHU²1,$)$QQXDO0HHWLQJDQGYLVLWZLWK st November 1 will be served. Sponsored by 5RVVHOOD5DJRDQG1RQQDE\'RQD'H6DQWLV3K'DQG Italian Charities of America, &DY0DU\$QQ5H3K'DQG&RPP-RVHSK6FLDPHWKH Adventures in Inc. ODWWHUWZRUHSUHVHQWLQJWKH,+&&1<,QF Italian Opera featuring &RQWDFW0DULDOHQD Sherrill Milnes ID[ CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- italiancharitiesofamerica@ MARIMÒ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY nd 24 West 12th Street, November 2 rd Manhattan November 3 The Deaths of 6:30 pm Saint Peter and Pisa: Its Garibaldi Calendar: Italian Culture Saint Paul in History and Meucci Month CASA. Rome Famous Tower Museum 30th Annual WESTCHESTER ITALIAN WESTCHESTER ITALIAN Fundraiser Luncheon Casa Italiana reserves the right CULTURAL CENTER CULTURAL CENTER. LI GRECI’S STAATEN to change the programming One Generoso Pope Place, 1 Generoso Pope Place, 697 Forest Avenue, Staten without notice. For more Tuckahoe, NY Tuckahoe, NY Island information, please visit www. Admission: Members Admission: $20/$25; Admission: $75 PP and or call $20; Non-Members open to the public Journal ADS available &RQWDFW $25; open to the public )D[ 10:30 am 11:00 am – 3:00 pm 7:00 pm Join us to discuss the Honoring outgoing Join us and learn about the construction of the famous Commissioners/Directors of Pasta, History time spent by both SS. Peter tower and its unintended tilt. the Garibaldi Meucci Museum, and Ronzoni! and Paul in the city of Rome We will also explore Pisa’s with a special salute to the ITALIAN CHARITIES OF circa 60 AD during the reign special round baptistery, regions of Sardinia, Sicily and AMERICA, INC. of Emperor Nero. Focus will majestic cathedral, and unique , highlighting the lives 83-20 Queens Boulevard, be put on the preaching and cemetery. Presented by Toni of Giuseppe Garibaldi and Elmhurst, NY activity of the two apostles and McKeen. Sponsored by Antonio Meucci. Sponsored by Admission: Suggested their subsequent executions. Westchester Italian Cultural the Garibaldi Meucci Museum. donation: $5; open to Presented by Professor John Center. the public Coppola. &RQWDFW)UDQFHV&LFHUR &RQWDFW/LQGVD\%UHZVWHU 718-442-1608 7:00 – 9:00 pm &RQWDFW/LQGVD\%UHZVWHU 914-771-8700; IDFIDG#YHUL]RQQHW As part of the Italian American 914-771-8700 ID[ Month Lecture Series, guest OEUHZVWHU#ZLFFQ\RUJ OEUHZVWHU#ZLFFQ\RUJ speaker, Al Ronzoni, the great- grandson of the founder of


Italian Welfare The Alchemy of Admission: free; open 24 West 12th Street, League’s Italy to the public Manhattan Autumn in New CASA BELVEDERE York Luncheon MANSION 7:00 pm METROPOLITAN CLUB 79 Howard Avenue, Staten Stefano Gervasoni: Clamour 6:30 pm 1 East 60th Street, Island (NY premiere) Calendar: Italian Culture Month Manhattan Admission: Suggested Simone Movio: Zahir Ia (NY CASA. Admission: $300; donation $20; open to premiere, written for Mivos) Casa Italiana reserves the right open to the public (by the public Zosha Di Castri: String Quartet to change the programming invitation, new guests no.1 Ivan Fedele: "...qui transitis without notice. For more welcome) 7:00 pm per viam" (NY premiere) information, please visit www. What is it about Italy? Cultural Transcription of the motet or call Noon superpower yet merely a 8220; O vos omnes 8221; by &RQWDFW Annual luncheon gala includes: mountainous Mediterranean Gesualdo. Sponsored by The )D[ VLOHQWDQGOLYHDXFWLRQVDUDIÁH peninsula, Italy has exerted an Italian Academy of Columbia and presentations of awards to outsized force on the world, University. Italian honorees. This year celebrates Western civilization and the &RQWDFW$OOLVRQ-HIIUH\ American the 98th anniversary. The popular imagination over the 212-854-8942 Women Writers HYHQWEHQHÀWVWKH,:/·V´, course of millennia. This is a DM#FROXPELDHGX =J@1DAEN&JŃQAJ?A 1RVWUL%DPELQLµSURJUDP²D special edu-taining program of the Community th grant program for children for anyone curious about (or November 8 ITALIAN CHARITIES OF of Italian-American heritage already in amore with) Italy and AMERICA, INC. with special needs. For its remarkably rich cultural gifts. Richard Nasti 83-20 Queens Boulevard, more information, please Carla Gambescia, New York Lecture Series Elmhurst, NY visit the website: www. area author of La Dolce Vita Topic: Admission: Suggested University: An Unconventional Government donation: $5; open to Sponsored by Italian Guide to Italian Culture from A-Z; of Change: the public Welfare League. a unique lifestyle compendium Populism and &RQWDFW30DQLDFH of all things Italian: food, wine, Isolationism in Italy 7:00 – 9:00 pm 212-861-8480 info@ history, architecture, art, style, After the Election As part of our Italian LWDOLDQZHOIDUHOHDJXHRUJ anecdotes, attitude, will be 5220()5$1. American Month Lecture th the guide as she explores the MELVILLE MEMORIAL Series, guest speaker, Tiziano November 6 special alchemy of Italy and LIBRARY AT STONY Tomas Dossena is welcomed. the cultural DNA, that has BROOK UNIVERSITY Dossena will be speaking On the Italian PDGHLWQRWRQO\VRLQÁXHQWLDO 100 Nicolls Road, Stony about the interactions of Stage: The but also so beloved. Even the Brook, NY the community with Italian Neapolitan most sophisticated Italophile Admission: free; American women writers and Macchiette will discover fascinating new open to the public their ever growing presence CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- facts and insights. Sponsored in the literary world. He is MARIMÒ NEW YORK by The Italian Cultural SP the Editorial Director of UNIVERSITY Foundation at Casa Belvedere. Presentation by Nicolino L’Idea Magazine and Idea 24 West 12th Street, Applauso (Loyola, Maryland). Press Publishing Group, and Manhattan &RQWDFW0DULDQ5RGL Sponsored by The Center for is the author of three books, 718-273-7660 Italian Studies, Stony Brook numerous articles and short 7:00 pm LQIR#FDVDEHOYHGHUHRUJ University. stories, published in more than Lecture and performance &RQWDFW-R)XVFR 100 periodicals. Refreshments presented by Kairos Italy November 7th 631-632-7444 will be served. Sponsored by Theater. MRVHSKLQHIXVFR# Italian Charities of Calendar: Italian Culture Month Performance VWRQ\EURRNHGX America, Inc. CASA. by Mivos String Casa Italiana reserves the right Quartet Neorealism &RQWDFW0DULDOHQD to change the programming THE ITALIAN ACADEMY Screening: ID[ without notice. For more OF COLUMBIA Mamma Roma LWDOLDQFKDULWLHVRIDPHULFD# information, please visit www. UNIVERSITY. CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- JPDLOFRP or call 1161 Amsterdam Avenue, MARIMÒ NEW YORK &RQWDFW Manhattan UNIVERSITY )D[

6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU_,+&&1<_ EVENTS CALENDAR 7+(0(3267(56$66((1%<<($5 th Below is a chronological listing representing the array of themes November 9 broad rejection of the GHVLJQHGWKURXJKRXWWKH\HDUKLVWRU\RI WKH,+&&1<,QFWR optimism of his age and of the celebrate Italian heritage: Book Presentation: romantic ideal that art can both Assassins Against recover the past and see inside 2018 A Salute to Italian Women in America: Breaking Barriers... the Old the processes of the present. From Ellis Island to The Present Order: Italian Sponsored by The Center for 2017 Celebrating Italian Americans in Cinema and Theater: Anarchist Italian Studies, Stony Brook Saluting Actors & Directors Violence in Fin University. &HOHEUDWLQJ

Glorifying Church American woman; and Trisha Admission: Members 24 West 12th Street, and State: The Chapel Rossi M.A., L.C.S.W., adjunct $20; Non-Members Manhattan of the Holy Shroud of professor at Suffolk County $25; open to the public Turin, Guarini and Community College, will 6:30 pm the Royal House of discuss how females have 7:00 pm Calendar: Italian Culture Savoy been, currently are, and will Depictions of the birth of Month CASA. AMERICAN FOUNDATION FRQWLQXHWRLQÁXHQFHWKH Christ go back as early as Casa Italiana reserves the right OF SAVOY ORDERS ÀHOGVRI SV\FKRWKHUDS\VPDOO the 3rd century A.D., but the to change the programming 100 Park Avenue, business (private practice), and Presepio Napoletano brings without notice. For more Suite 1600 psychology in higher education. this art form to a unique level. information, please visit www. She will share how being Explore this Neapolitan art or call an Italian American female through photographs showing &RQWDFW 7:00 pm LQÁXHQFHGKRZVKHRYHUFDPH how presepio structures and )D[ The Savoy History Lecture hardships and achieved ÀJXUHVDUHPDGH$IWHUOHDUQLQJ th Series focuses on subjects successes along the way. about the traditional Presepio November 20 relating to the Royal House of Sponsored by John D. Calandra Napoletano you will join us as Adventures in Savoy and the , Italian American Institute and we unveil our grand presepio. Italian Opera , history, art, ARIA (Association to Reunite Presented by Anita Sanseverino. featuring science and impact on other Italian Americans) at Queens Michael countries. Distinguished guest College. &RQWDFW/LQGVD\%UHZVWHU Fabiano speaker: Prof. John Belson 914-771-8700 CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- Scott. Tie and jacket required. &RQWDFW$OH[DQGUDGH/XLVH OEUHZVWHU#ZLFFQ\RUJ MARIMÒ NEW YORK Sponsored by American 718-997-3748 UNIVERSITY th Foundation of Savoy Orders, DGHOXLVH#TFFXQ\HGX November 18 24 West 12th Street, Incorporated. Manhattan th November 15 The Life and 6:30 pm &RQWDFW/DULVVD9DQ'XVHU Times of Enrico Calendar: Italian Culture 212-972-0495 Talk by Laura Caruso Month CASA. GHOHJDWH#VDYRLDRUJ Mattioli (CIMA) THE ENRICO CARUSO CASA ITALIANA MUSEUM OF AMERICA. Casa Italiana reserves the right November 14th ZERILLI-MARIMÒ NEW 1942 East 19th Street, to change the programming YORK UNIVERSITY Brooklyn without notice. For more Italian 24 West 12th Street, Admission: free; open information, please visit www. American Manhattan to the public or call Women in &RQWDFW Psychotherapy: 6:30 pm ²SP )D[ Perspectives and Calendar: Italian Culture This is a 1½ hour program /AŃA?PEKJO Month CASA. of the Life of Enrico Caruso Performance by PRESIDENT’S Casa Italiana reserves the right ZLWKOHFWXUHÀOPVDQGYLHZLQJ Pianist Andrea CONFERENCE ROOM to change the programming of many of his personal Lucchesini #2 OF BENJAMIN S. without notice. For more belongings. Sponsored by The THE ITALIAN ACADEMY ROSENTHAL LIBRARY information, please visit www. Enrico Caruso Museum of 1161 Amsterdam Avenue, Queens College, or call America. Manhattan Flushing, NY &RQWDFW)D[ Admission: free; open Admission: free; open 212-995-4012 &RQWDFW&RPPHQGDWRUH to the public to the public $OGR0DQFXVL th November 16 DPDQFXVL# 8:00 pm 12:15-1:30 pm (free hour) HQULFRFDUXVRPXVHXPFRP Selections from Berio, Scarlatti Olivia Tursi, M.A., L.C.S.W-R, Presepio th and Schubert. Co-sponsored by a psychological counselor at Unveiling: November 19 the Italian Cultural Institute of the John D. Calandra Italian History & Neorealism New York. Sponsored by The $PHULFDQ,QVWLWXWHZLOOUHÁHFW Creation Screening: Riso Italian Academy of Columbia on professional endeavors WESTCHESTER ITALIAN Amaro University. as a female psychotherapist CULTURAL CENTER CASA ITALIANA ZERILLI- Contact: Allison Jeffrey and small business owner, One Generoso Pope Place, MARIMÒ NEW YORK 3KRQH through the lens of an Italian Tuckahoe, NY UNIVERSITY [email protected]


th th Admission: free; open November 25 November 28 The Calandra Institute is a to the public Documented university institute under the The Worth of Italians aegis of Queens College, The calandra Women JOHN D. City University of New York. EMBASSY OF ITALY CALANDRA ITALIAN 6:00 pm 3000 Whitehaven Street, AMERICAN INSTITUTE th Searching for Subversives: The Story NW, Washington, DC November 30 25 West 43rd Street, 17th of Italian Internment in Admission: free; open Floor, Manhattan Wartime America to the public Admission: free; open Christianity in Mary Elizabeth Basile Chopas, to the public a Roman World University of North Carolina 6:00 pm WESTCHESTER at Chapel Hill Kairos Italy Theater, the main 6:00 pm ITALIAN CULTURAL When the United States entered Italian theater company, in Shalom Italia (2016), 70 minutes CENTER World War II, it subjected residence at Casa Italiana Tamar Tal Anati, dir. One Generoso Pope Place, Italian nationals living within Zerilli-Marimo, presents seven In Hebrew and Italian with Tuckahoe, NY its borders to legal restrictions women dialoging about gender English subtitles. Admission: Members and labeled them enemy aliens. equality and the responsibility On the run from the Nazis, $20; Non-Members Several thousands of these of husbands and fathers. By three Italian Jewish brothers $25; open to the public people and some U.S. citizens Moderata Fonte, translated by spent months during their were arrested and underwent Virginia Cox, directed by Jay childhood hiding in a cave in 7:00 pm ÁDZHGKHDULQJVKXQGUHGV Stern and Laura Caparrotti. the Tuscan countryside. After Roman culture existed for were interned. Shedding new Sponsored by Embassy of Italy. World War II the men moved thousands of years before light on an injustice often to Israel and became Israelis. the founding of the Christian overshadowed by the mass &RQWDFW/DXUD&DSDUURWWL Shalom Italia tells the story of religion. Artisans began FRQÀQHPHQWRI-DSDQHVH 212-254-4025 their reuniting in Italy nearly creating new art and used Americans, Mary Elizabeth LQIR#NLWKHDWHUFRP seventy years later to search familiar Roman imagery as Basile Chopas’s Searching for for their family’s hiding place. a starting point for their Subversives (University of North th November 27 ´)RU\HDUV,·YHZDQWHGWRÀQG own religious images and Carolina Press) describes that cave, the place to which architecture. Let's explore how government and military ZHRZHRXUOLYHVµVD\VWKH some iconic Christian images leaders constructed wartime Cell Biology of youngest of the three. and learn about their origins. policies that affected Italian Neurodegen- Authentic "Widow's Mites," residents. eration Their quest, full of humor, Roman coins from the Bible's THE ITALIAN ACADEMY food, and Tuscan landscapes, "Lesson of the Widow" (Mark Based on new research, OF COLUMBIA straddles the boundary  ZLOOEHDYDLODEOH this in-depth legal analysis UNIVERSITY. between history and myth, to view. Presented by Marisa uncovers many layers of 1161 Amsterdam both of which really and truly Horowitz-Jaffe. repression not previously Avenue, Manhattan happened. Filmmaker Tamar revealed in scholarship about Admission: free; open Tal Anati, daughter-in-law of &RQWDFW/LQGVD\%UHZVWHU the World War II home front to the public one of the men, says of the 914-771-8700 and demonstrates the lasting MRXUQH\´2IWHQLWVHHPVDQ\ OEUHZVWHU#ZLFFQ\RUJ social and cultural effects of All day particular moment can only government policies on the Organizers: Francesca Bartolini be accurately constructed rd Italian American community. (Columbia) and Frank Polleux December 3 when everyone is involved, 5693E\FDOOLQJ (Columbia). Sponsored by The as each person's particular For further information, see Italian Academy of Columbia recollection of an event helps The Philip V. University. piece together a larger mosaic Cannistraro RI DVKDUHGH[SHULHQFHµ3RVW Seminar Series The Calandra Institute is a &RQWDFW$OOLVRQ-HIIUH\ screening discussion led by in Italian university institute under the 854-8942 Alessandro Cassin, Centro American Studies aegis of Queens College, The DM#FROXPELDHGX Primo Levi. JOHN D. CALANDRA City University of New York 5693E\FDOOLQJ ITALIAN AMERICAN Seating is limited and seats INSTITUTE cannot be reserved. 25 West 43rd Street, 17th For further information, see Floor, Manhattan


December 4th 2:00 pm December 9th A lecture and DVD presentation by Anita 15th Annual “Christmas in Italy” Celebrating Sanseverino and Lou Barrella featuring the unveiling of the Neapolitan ZANKEL HALL AT CARNEGIE HALL Presepio a newly created Presepe Napoletano by Brooklyn Artist 57th Street and Seventh Avenue, Manhattan CASA ITALIANA Admission: $79 - $129; open to the public ZERILLI MARIMO`, NEW John Miniero. A Neapoltan YORK UNIVERSITY Presepio is more than a Nativity scene! It is a unique 22 West 12th Street, 3:00 art form which combines the Manhattan Annual Holiday Favorite starring award-winning singer/PBS-TV birth of Christ with the daily Admission: TBA host of Andrea Boccelli/Il Volo, Cristina Fontanelli, plus the life of the people of Naples. children of the Little Language Studio. Featuring guest tenor, choir, This art form places Naples at 6:30 pm mandolins - The great songs of Italy and Christmas. A 501-C3 the center of the monumental A lecture and DVD Charitable Project raising funds for Children’s Charities. Sponsored event of the birth of Christ! presentation by Anita by Fontanelli Productions LLC. Sanseverino and Lou Barrella Come and learn the history of this art form and appreciate featuring the unveiling of &RQWDFW&DUQHJLH&KDUJH the detailed re-creation of the a newly created Presepe LQIR#FULVWLQDIRQWDQHOOLFRP Napoletano by Brooklyn Artist traditional Presepe as crafted John Miniero. A Neapolitan by local artist John Miniero. Presepio is more than a The Presepe he created will Nativity scene! It is a unique be displayed and you will be art form which combines the able to meet the artist as well. birth of Christ with the daily Sponsored by Garibaldi Meucci life of the people of Naples. Museum. This art form places Naples at the center of the monumental &RQWDFW&DURO%HUDUGL event of the birth of Christ! 718-442-1608 Come and learn the history of this art form and appreciate the detailed re-creation of the traditional Presepe as crafted by local artist John Miniero. Ballo di Savoia The Presepe he created will METROPOLITAN be displayed and you will be CLUB able to meet the artist as well. Fifth Avenue and 60th Sponsored by American Italian Street, Manhattan Cultural Roundtable. Admission: $600 before 9/30/18; $500 &RQWDFW for Juniors 35 )D[ years and under

th 7:00 pm December 8 An elegant Ballo in the Celebrating tradition of the Orders of the Neapolitan Savoy, with newly invested and Presepio promoted members, and guests decorated with various Savoy GARIBALDI MEUCCI -XQH²&RQVXO*HQHUDORI ,WDO\LQ1HZ

:HZLVKWRH[SUHVVRXUGHHS NY, Inc. Board Member, Robert Ferrito, Foundation Frances Moriello JUDWLWXGHWR for her work on the annual President Th e Enrico Caruso Museum (VVD\&RQWHVWDQGÀQDQFLDO Patron Angels of America 0LQLVWHU)UDQFHVFR contribution for the essay awards; Cellini Lodge # 2206, OSIA Comm. Aldo Mancusi, Genuardi, Consul General Mark A. Ventimiglia, President Founder and Curator of Italy to New York for his *U8II$QJHOR*LPRQGR, Lauro Law Firm Cav. Joan Marchi Migliori generous, collaborative support Ph.D., IHCC-NY, Inc. John Lauro, Esq. Gino John Mangi regarding the work of the Founding Chairman, for Mattone Group LLC Italian Welfare League, Inc. IHCC-NY, Inc.; his ongoing guidance and Cav. Joseph M. and Cav. Joan Preziosi, President *LRUJLRYDQ6WUDWHQDirector encouragement since 1976 to Mary Ann Mattone C av. Mary Ann Re, Ph.D., of The Italian Cultural Institute the present; Napoli Shkolnik PLLC Director of the Coccia of New York for his hospitality Paul Napoli, Esq. & Marie Institute and use of the Institute for &RPP-RVHSK6FLDPH, Napoli, Esq. T asteful Croation Journeys meetings; current president/chair, for Comm. Joseph Sciame Wanda S. Radetti, President &DY$QWKRQ\-XOLDQ his willingness to lead this The Sons of Italy Foundation Tamburri, Ph.D., important cultural activity for Comm. Joseph DiTrapani, )ULHQGV Distinguished Professor and Italian Heritage and Culture President Virginia P. Andriola Dean of the John D. Calandra Month, on behalf of the Ca v. Prof. Anthony Julian and Nicolina R. Astorino Italian American Institute, Board of Directors of the Maria Tamburri Frances Borsellino Queens College of The City Italian Heritage and Culture Na tional Italian American &DY*LXOLDQL5LGROÀ&DUGLOOR University of New York and Committee-NY Inc. Women (NOIAW) Jacqueline Gagliano IHCC-NY, Inc. Honorary Maria Tamburri, Chair Ms. Sandra Johnson Board Member, and his 'RQRUV %HQHIDFWRUV VWDIIVSHFLÀFDOO\&DY-RDQ Rosa Casielo-O’Day Marchi Migliori, Marianna We wish to express our deep Sponsors Italian American Cultura Prestigiacomo, Sian Gibby, JUDWLWXGHWRWKHÀQDQFLDO Coccia Foundation Round Table (AIRC, Inc.) Carmine Pizzirusso, Olga supporters of the Italian Elisa Coccia, President Comm. Aldo Mancusi, Pappas and Rosaria Musco; Heritage and Culture It alian Cultural Foundation at President &DY-RDQ0DUFKL0LJOLRUL Committee of New York, Inc., Casa Belvedere It alian American Women’s IHCC Program Booklet who either personally, or in- Cav. Gina Biancardi, Founder Center, Inc. Coordinator for the annual kind or through their respective Pr ofessors Francesco & Vincenza Russo, President publication. personal and professional Lucrezia Lindia In Kind associations have assisted: Garibaldi-Meucci Museum Gi ovanna Auriemma, 1DQF\,QGHOLFDWR0DULD Stephanie Lundegard, Co-hosts Francesca & 0DULQHOORDQG&DYMary %HQHIDFWRUV Administrator Antonio Pisano $QQ5H3K', John Mustaro, President of ´6RXYHQLU'·,WDOLDµ Board Members, for their Casa Italian Zerilli-Marimò, willingness to assist during New York University United Pugliesi Federation the year with proofreading of Cav. Vivian Cardia M aria Marinello, Esq. & Joseph Radio Hofstra 88.7FM, IHCC-NY, Inc. materials; C olumbus Citizens P. Napoli, Esq. Sat. 10:00 am Foundation, Inc. Italian American Museum 5LWD0RQWH´3URIXPLG·,WDOLDµ 5RVD&DVLHOOR2·'D\ Marian U. Pardo, President Uff. Dr. Joseph V. Scelsa, 90.3 WHIPC Barbara *HUDUG1DQF\ Conair Ed.D., Founder and President Voice of Nassau ,QGHOLFDWRDQG0DU\$QQ Leandro P. Rizzuto Community College 5H3K'all IHCC-NY, Contributors Thursday at 5:00 pm Inc. Board members for the Sciame Construction LLC inaugural listing of prominent Frank F. Sciame Jr., CEO and Jo seph Agresti, Past National, Italian and Italian American Chairman President, UNICO iHeartRadio app Women; Cav. George Altomare 7RQ\3DVTXDOH´&LDR7RQ\µ 8II*HRUJH$OWRPDUH, UFT Grand Patrons Claudia Berns Radio ICN www.incradio and IHCC-NY, Inc. Board Figli di San Gennaro Ms. Olga A. DeFilippi Mon & Fri, 1:30 to 2:30 pm Member, for facilitating the Cav. Joseph Mattone, Sr., Dr. Barbara Gerard Ed.D and Sat. 10 to 11:30 am distribution of posters and President Italian Charities of America Cav . Josephine A. Maietta bookmarks to the New York It alian Cultural Center, Dominic Giampio, President ´6DEDWR,WDOLDQRµ City Public Schools; St. John’s University Virginia Giovinco Radio Hofstra, 88.7 FM Comm. Joseph Sciame, Ca v. Josephine A. Maietta, /XFUH]LD/LQGLD, IHCC- Chairman President of AIAE and Saturday, 12:00 pm OSIA NYS Grand Lodge wrhu radio to 3:00 pm _,+&&1<_6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU EVENTS CALENDAR Participating Schools (OHPHQWDU\7KURXJK6HFRQGDU\

/HFWXUHRQ6RFLDO ,WDOLDQ([SORUHUVDQG7KHLU Ms. Thea Pallos, Principal Vespucci will greet the students &ODVVHVLQ5RPH 'LVFRYHULHV  as they arrive at school.Robbins 2FWREHU 2FWREHU Contact: Cav. Josephine Lane Elementary School Fifth graders studying Latin Second, third and fourth A. Maietta 175 Robbins Lane, Syosset will research and give oral graders will view a [email protected] Admission: for students only presentations on Roman society. documentary about famous Ms. Thea Pallos, Principal Admission: for students only Italian explorers. /HFWXUHRQ,WDOLDQ([SORUHUV  Ms. Thea Pallos, Principal Robbins Lane Elementary &RORPER9HVSXFFL&DERWR Contact: Cav. Josephine A.  School DQG9HUUD]]DQR Maietta Contact: Cav. Josephine A. 175 Robbins Lane, Syosset 2FWREHU [email protected] Maietta Admission: for students only Fourth graders will research [email protected] Ms. Thea Pallos, Principal and give oral presentations on /HFWXUHRQ,WDOLDQ$PHULFDQV  an explorer of their choice. in Sports $PHULJR9HVSXFFLDQG+LV Contact: Cav. Josephine A. Robbins Lane Elementary 2FWREHU $FFRPSOLVKPHQWV Maietta School Fourth graders will research 2FWREHU [email protected] 175 Robbins Lane, Syosset and give oral presentations Second, third and fourth Admission: for students only on the most amazing Italian graders will learn about the life Ms. Thea Pallos, Principal American Women of their of Amerigo Vespucci and his 3KRWR([KLELW  choice. accomplishments. Students will 2FWREHU Contact: Cav. Josephine Robbins Lane Elementary develop a project to display in Fifth graders studying Latin A. Maietta School the library. will display, in the school [email protected] 175 Robbins Lane, Syosset Robbins Lane Elementary library, photos taken around Admission: for students only School the City of New York of Cristoforo Colombo, Ms. Thea Pallos, Principal 175 Robbins Lane, Syosset Roman monuments, and Latin 4XHHQ,VDEHOOD $PHULJR  Admission: for students only words written on buildings. 9HVSXFFL9LVLW5REELQV/DQH Contact: Cav. Josephine A. Ms. Thea Pallos, Principal Robbins Lane Elementary (OHPHQWDU\6FKRRO Maietta  School in Syosset [email protected] Contact: Cav. Josephine A. 175 Robbins Lane, Syosset 2FWREHU Maietta Admission: for students only Colombo, Queen Isabella & [email protected] A Word from the Designers 7KDQN\RXIRUDOORZLQJ$UODQG3ULQWLQJWKHKRQRUDQG 7KHPRGHUQ,WDOLDQ$PHULFDQZRPDQKDVH[FHOOHGLQ$PHULFD opportunity to print and design this year’s themed poster and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·VWKHPH PRGHUQ,WDOLDQ$PHULFDQZRPDQVWDQGVSURXGO\ZLWKDQGLQ $6DOXWHWR,WDOLDQ:RPHQLQ$PHULFD%UHDNLQJ%DUULHUVIURP IURQWRI WKHLPPLJUDQWPDWULDUFKDOZRPDQ7KHLPPLJUDQW (OOLV,VODQGWRWKH3UHVHQW7KH$UODQGWHDPFRQVLVWVRI ÀUVW ZRPDQFRQWLQXHVWRORRNRYHUKHUVKRZLQJWKDWRXUDQFHVWRUV VHFRQGDQGWKLUGJHQHUDWLRQLPPLJUDQWV:HKDYHZLWQHVVHGWKH DUHDOZD\VZLWKXVDQGEHKLQGXVLQRXUVWUXJJOHVDVZHOODV VWUXJJOHDQGGHWHUPLQDWLRQRI RXUPDWULDUFKDOUHODWLYHVDQGZH RXUVXFFHVVHV%RWKZRPHQDUHZHDYHGWKURXJKERWKÁDJV RZHPXFKRI RXUVXFFHVVWRWKHLUVWUHQJWKDQGVXSSRUW

6HSWHPEHU'HFHPEHU_,+&&1<_ EVENTS CALENDAR Italian and Italian American Institutions in New York

MANHATTAN [email protected] Organizations of Brooklyn, Ltd. • Consulate General of Italy  ),$2 ²WK$YHQXH • Garibaldi-Meucci Museum, in New York • Italian Welfare League %URRNO\Q1< Order Sons of Italy in America 690 Park Avenue 8 East 69th Street (718) 259-2828 7RPSNLQV$YHQXH New York, NY 10021 New York, NY 10021 LQIR#ÀDREURRNO\QRUJ Staten Island, NY 10305       ZZZÀDREURRNO\QRUJ    [email protected] QUEENS )D[ • i-Italy (Italian/American Digital • Italian-American info@garibaldimeuccimuseum. • Istituto Italiano di Cultura Project) Women’s Center, Inc. org 686 Park Avenue [email protected] 32%R[ www.GaribaldiMeucciMuseum. New York, NY 10021 Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 org    John D. Calandra • (718-805-1833) • Snug Harbor Cultural [email protected] Italian American [email protected] C e n t e r & B o t a n i c a l G a r d e n s Institute, Queens College/CUNY Contact: Jacqueline Gagliano 1000 Richmond Terrace • Italian Trade Commission :HVWUG6WUHHWWK)ORRU MEJDJOLDQR#\DKRRFRP S t a t e n I s l a n d , N Y 1 0 3 0 1 33 East 67th Street New York, NY 10036   • Italian Charities of America New York, NY 10065    Fax: (718) 815-0198 Domenic Giampino, President    [email protected] [email protected] 83-20 Queens Blvd [email protected] • National Organization of Italian NASSAU • Italy-America American Women (NOIAW) italiancharitiesofamerica Chamber of Commerce • Grand Lodge of New York, :HVWUG6WUHHWWK)ORRU • Italian Language Inter-Cultural 730 Fifth Avenue, Suite 600 Order Sons of Italy in America New York, NY 10036 Alliance (ILICA) New York, NY 10065 2101 Bellmore Avenue 7HO   27-28 Thompson Avenue,    Bellmore, NY 11710 [email protected] 6XLWH [email protected] Long Island City, NY 11101 )D[ • The Italian Academy for (718) 392-2020 •Italian Government Advanced Studies in America at Fax: (718) 392-2020 • Association of Italian American Tourist Board Columbia University [email protected] Educators (AIAE) 630 Fifth Avenue Casa Italiana, Hofstra University New York, NY 10065 1161 Amsterdam Ave • Federation of Italian American New Academic Building, Suite    321 New York, NY 10027 Organization of Queens, Inc +HPSVWHDG1<    (FIAO) 29-21 21 Ave. • Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, 718 815 0198 [email protected] Astoria, NY 11105 New York University :HVWWK6WUHHW    New York, NY 10011 ÀDR#MXQRFRP WESTCHESTER BRONX (212) 998-8739 • Westchester Italian [email protected] • Enrico Fermi Cultural Center, • Howard Beach Columbus Day Cultural Center Belmont Branch of the New Foundation, Inc. Generoso Pope Place • Columbus Citizens Foundation York Public Library 610 East WK6WUHHW Tuckahoe, NY 10707 8 East 69th Street WK6WUHHW%URQ[1< 2]RQH3DUN1<   New York, NY 10021       )D[ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] enrico_fermi.htm www.howardbeachcolumbusday. com • Italian American Committee on NEW JERSEY Education 686 Park Avenue, LL BROOKLYN • Coccia Institute for the Italian N ew York, NY 10021 • Enrico Caruso STATEN ISLAND Experience in America Tel: (212) 772-8755 Museum of America • Casa Belvedere, The Italian One Normal Avenue [email protected] (DVWWK6WUHHW Cultural Foundation, Inc. Dickson Hall, Suite 171 Brooklyn, NY 11229 79 Howard Avenue 0RQWFODLU1- • Italian American Museum (718) 368-3993 Staten Island, NY 10301   155 Mulberry Street [email protected] (718) 273-7660 )D[ New York, NY 10013 Fax: (718) 273-0020 (212) 965-9000 • Federation of Italian-American [email protected] cocciainstitute


JOHN D. CALANDRA ITALIAN AMERICAN INSTITUTE 7RPSNLQV$YHQXH Italian Language Staten Island, NY 10305 Resources   )D[   An array of learning [email protected] opportunities is available to foster Italian language acquisition for toddlers, +RZDUG%HDFK&ROXPEXV children, teens and adults. The 'D\)RXQGDWLRQ,QF following organizations are   offering classes from basic to [email protected] advanced level skills: www.howardbeachcolumbusday. com $,$( $VVRFLDWLRQRI ,WDOLDQ $PHULFDQ(GXFDWRUV ,WDOLDQ$PHULFDQ&RPPLWWHH Hofstra University RQ(GXFDWLRQ ,$&( 321 New Academic Building, 686 Park Ave LL +HPSVWHDG1< New York, NY 10021 (212) 772-8755 [email protected] Fax: (212) 772-8756 [email protected] Camp Italia (855) CAMP-IT-1 Maria@ ,WDOLDQ&KDULWLHVRI $PHULFD 83-20 Queens Blvd. Elmhurst, NY &DVD%HOYHGHUH7KH,WDOLDQ   &XOWXUDO)RXQGDWLRQ,QF italiancharitiesofamerica 79 Howard Avenue, Grymes Hill, NY 10301 The Italian American Review, a biannual, peer- (718) 273-7660 ,WDOLDQ(GXFDWLRQDODQG Fax: (718) 273-0020 &XOWXUDO&HQWHU ,(&& reviewed journal of the John D. Calandra [email protected] Casa Colombo Italian American Institute, publishes scholarly 380 Monmouth Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 articles about the history and culture of Center for Italian Studies, (201) 963-6332 6WRQ\%URRN8QLYHUVLW\ [email protected] Italian Americans, as well as other aspects 100 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook, of the . The journal embraces 1<   0HGJDU(YHUV&ROOHJHRI WKH a wide range of professional concerns and )D[   &LW\8QLYHUVLW\RI 1HZ

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We proudly support the Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York


Celebrating Italian Heritage & Culture Month Italian Women in America: Breaking Barriers

OCT. 9 AT 6:30 PM OCT. 12 AT 6:30 PM

My American Dream: Conversation with The Most Learned Woman. Monologue on author and photographer Gabriella Belloni Elena Cornaro with Kairos Italy TheaterŊ

Free Events. Open to Everyone. Located at 24 W 12th St.

To learn about Casa Italiana's wide ranging programs please visit: THE COLUMBUS CITIZENS FOUNDATION PRESENTS COLUMBUS CELEBRATION 201

GALA DINNER: MASS: New York Hilton Ballroom St. Patrick’s Cathedral Saturday, Oct. th Monday, Oct. th 6 pm - 11:30 pm 9:30 am

COLUMBUS CIRCLE PARADE: WREATH LAYING: Fifth Avenue Columbus Circle 47th - 72nd Street Sunday, Oct. th Monday, Oct. th 10 am - 11 am 11:20 am - 3:30 pm

U S C B I T M I For tickets to our Gala Dinner, and more information on events U Z


O open to the public, visit

S C F Be sure to follow us on and for the latest updates on the O N U O N D A T I 201 Columbus Celebration.