DATED MATERIAL DO NOT DELAY (USPS 257-300) OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE GRAND LODGE OF CALIFORNIA WHOSE JURISDICTION COVERS CALIFORNIA, NEVADA AND 2019 KLAMATH COUNTY IN OREGON A Message From The All Members To State President IL LEONE Be sure to notify your lodge Recording Secretary to notify your Recording lodge Be sure If the address, nameIf on the or title isthe not address, correct mailing label, please send it to the Grand Lodge, JULY/AUGUST 2019 VOL. 73 NO. 7 5051 Mission St., San CA 94112. Francisco, State President State 1st Vice President State 2nd Vice President State 3rd Vice President John Costa Barbara Wisniewski Pauline Richmond Sadie Tamburine Immediate Past State President State Orater State Recording Secretary State Financial Secretary Lynn Lawrence Murphy Mark Vaona Lori Rossi David Lavezzari State Treasurer State Head Trustee North State Trustee North Al Trentini Ray Bini Bill Murphy State Trustee Central State Trustee Central State Trustee South State Trustee South Pamela Buldo Mary Jane Cambria Manny Finazzo Hank Lowinger PAGE 2 IL LEONE JULY/AUGUST 2019 From the Editor’s Desk by Andy Pampuro
[email protected] IL LEONE (USPS 257-300) A monthly publication, except August, for the Grand Lodge of California, Order Sons of Italy in America, a fraternal, non-proffit organization. 5051 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. 94112 Phone: (415) 586-1316 - Grand Lodge FAX (415) 586-4786 Deadline Date for all material - the 20th of the preceding month Advertising Rates on request. Andrew Pampuro, Editor 718 Avenida Majorca #D, Laguna Woods, CA 92637 The Grand Lodge of Phone (949) 855-4279 • FAX (949) 206-0299 California held it’s annual Subscription $20.00 per year.