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AAEC-LIB/BIB-264 HEAT PIPES AMD THEIR APPLICATIONS A Bibliography Complied by Jean Geus January 1971 literature search covers the period 1964 - 1970. Abstracts checked were:- Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) Engineering Index (EI) The heat pipe consists of a tube, a wick and a fluid that can transfer heat at a phenomenal rate DBVHRALL, J.B. Msrcury as a heat pipe fluid. October 1969. LA-43QO STAR. 14 p026863 N7Q-28581., 31970 LOS A1AMDS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY, N. MB*. Hie space electric power R eiiitd D program, part 1. Quarterly status report, period ending 31 January 1970 - 20 Pebruary 1970. (H«et pipe 'Operational principles) LA-4374 STAR. 16 p,,3076, If70-3iS19, 1970 MARIO, P.-J. f DALEY, T.J. and BALLBACK, L.J. An analytical and e^eifinisrital inveetigotiosa of rotating^ non- capillary beat pipes. Annual ffeporte 30 Ju&@, ,\97@» MASA-CR-112657J MPS-59MJC7006U SXAR. 19 p.3646, N70-35?77, 1970 MARK), P.J.5 DA1LBY9 T.J. and BALLBAGK, L.J. An analytical end experimental investigation of rotating, non- capillary heat pipes. Annual report, SO Jisna, 1970. NASA-CR-lQ9g94? NPS-59MX70061A STAR. 18 p.3459s N70-34254, 1970 PBRKlIf^BIJn CORP., No^x^alkj Conn., Optical Group I@rg3 telescope e%p@riinient progrgm (LTBP) vol. 1, part 2, 24 A^rils 1970. rlASA-CR-1027695 Rept-9800-vol. 1-Pt. 2 STAR. 16 p..2975, N70-31847, 1970 PimiOPF, Richard L. and SXLYERSXBIH9 Calvin C. Application @£ heat pipes to a nuclear aircraft propulsion system. 15-16 June 1970. HASA«m-X-3279l STAR. 12 p.2309, N70-25858, 1970 ROUSAR, D.C. Heat pipe technology for adv^need rocket $2ira8t (Chambere. Interim report, 3 January 1969 » 2 May 1970. 24 J«lyf 1970, NASA~eR«U0735| Report 697«i STAR. 17 p83252, N70-33104, 1970. .2. 3L9G9 Nuclear thermionic spare power system uoing rod control find b&at pipes. 1969? NASA-TN-D-5250 STAR. 14 p.2567, N69-26270 (Missing) BASITJUS,, A. and DHOW, J.C. Heat pipe design for electron tube cooling. ASMS - Paper 69-HT~2S for meeting 3*6 August, 1969, BI.63 : 33618, p.1172, 1969 CftUMBAS, A.T. and HULETT, R.H. Avion!c heat pips. ASPffi « Paper 69-HT«-16 for msstissg 3-6 August, 1969, BI.68 : 36640, p.1172, 1969 CARLSON, Giatov A, and HDFFTviAI^ Myron A. Effect of magnetic fields on heat pipes* 31 Ddeen&er 1969. Prcsan^d at the ASMB Space Tachnol. and He®t Transfer Corp,. Loo Angelea, 21-24 June, 1970. VCRL-72060i COM»-70Q604-1 STAR. 18 p.3460, H70-34736, 1970 CHATO, J.C. and SIUECKERT, J.H. Performance of wick - limited heat pipe. ASMB - Paper 69-HT-20 for meeting 3-6 August, 1969. BX968 s 32726. p.1172, 1969 DZAKOWIC, G.S.j TANS, Y.S. and ARCELLA, F*G. Sjcperimental study of water vapor velocity limit in sodium best ASMS - Paper 69-HT-21 for meeting 3-6 August, 1969. BI.68 8 32909, p.1172, 1969 BtfBRS, Benjamin Jamas Jr. A parametric analysis o£ a d@ep sea radioisotope thermoelectric ggg&rator employing a heat pipe. June 1969. (M.S. thesis) STAR. 19 p.3594, N70-35294, 1970 AD-704790 .3- FBRRBLL, J.K,,; OOSTOVB, J.H. j CARNESALB, A. AND SCMDBNBORN, B.M. A study of the operating characteristics of thd heat pipe. Past 1 1. An analytical model £oi? premietiur,! u£ 0j»®tfa&ittg Hfnite of .heat pipes. Part 2. Capillarity in pcrcrs ccdio. Final report 30 Ap?il, 1969. ORO-3411~12-Pt.1-Pt.2 STARU 24 p,4683, N69-40085, 1969 PEI?J^ELL8 J.K. and JOHNSON, H.R. A study of the operating eharaefeirieties of th® heat pi^e. Part' 4. Heat transfer in the evaporator BOH® ®f a heat pipe. Final report, 1969. ORD*3411-12-Pt.4 STAR. 11 p. 2136, N70-23920,, £970 FRANZ, G. et al. Heat lessee of heated buried pipes. 2 April 1970. Translated into English from Waerme und Stoff Vebertrag (West Germany) v.2, no. 2, 1969, p.109.117. NLL-CB-TraR0-5,315-(9022.09) STAR. 21 p.4038, N70-38925, 1970 OAMWIN, L.S. and BA«KBR, V.A. Heat pip® channel flow distsibutieaSe ASMS * Paper 69-HT-22 for meeting 3-d August,, 1969. HI.68 : 32907, p.1172, 1969 GRAY, V.K. r Rotating heat pipe wic&less, hollow shaft for trensfarring high heat fluxes. ASMS - Paper 69-HT-19 for meeting 3*6 August, 1969. BX.68 s 36505 peli72s 1969 HMKHBSS, R.B. The GE06-2 heat pipe system and its performance in test and orbit. April, 1969. NASA-CR-107686f AD-693028) 7G-i049 STAR.0? » p.6963, W70-1S615, 1970 .4. KDUQSRBN, J.S. Preliminary program plan heat pipe paranotric data. August, 1969* DWDL-698-008 STAR. 21 p.4034, N70-38076, 1970 LANSSTON, L.S. aftsd KUNZ, H.R. Liquid transport properties of acme heat pipe wic&ing materials. ASMS «• Paper 69-HT-17 foir meeting 3-6 Au^:i5Dte 1969, HI.68 i 36507, p.1172, I960 ZDNSSDERFPi •, R.W. Advanced heat pipe thermionic technology, task !„ dovQlopment of high voltage module. Midterm status roport, 1 May 1968 - 28 February 1969. NTO-3979-1 STAR. 19 p.3553, N69-34467, 1969 IOS AUIBOS SCISNTIPXC LABORATJORY. N. Me«, Space eldetric R and D program. Part 1. Quarterly status sraport, period ending 31 January 1969, 39 February, 1969. LA-4109-MS-Pt.l STAR. 15 p.2865, N69-28827 LKMAN0 P.A. and HUAK3, Y.S. Analysis of temperature distributions in h©at pipe wicks. Asm - Paper 69-HT-23 for meeting 3-d August, U969. BX.08 8 40134 p.1172, 1969 McHNNBY, Billy Grant An espe?i«-i««tnl and analytical study of wutes1 h@st pipes for moderRte i temperature ranges. (Ph.D. thesis) 6 Jiaie, 1969. *»SA-»K-33849 STAR. 23 p.4489, N69-38853, 1969 tlARTOp P.J. and MDS'OLLER, W.L. HffiEct of nucleate boiling on opc?ation of low temperature heat pipes, ASMS - Paper 69-HT-24 for meeting 3-6 August, 1969, BI.68 $ 33018, p.U72, 1969 -5~ MILLER, Paul L and HOLM, Fransis w. Investigation of constraint^ in thermal similitude,, volsu I and 2. Final report, September 1967 - September 1969. Baeerober 1969. vol. 1 AD-T01392J APFDL~TR-69-91 vol. I vol. 2 AD-700767; AFFDL-.TR~69-91 vol. 2 vol. 1 STAR. 13 p.2494, N7CW27405, 1970 vol. 2 STAR. IS p.2881, N7G-29914, 1970 MIILBRON, N. and v«OI£AST, R. Cfryopi^ping omiriitjron ultfa-vaeuurii systera usiisg "heat pipes" and metallic conductors. IEEE - Trans, on Nuclear Science v. NS-16 (3) « 941-4 June 1969 BI.68 : 42144 p.24, 1969 H1ILLIPS, B.C. and IIINDBIW?, J.D. Determination of properties of capillsiry raQdAe useful in heat pipes No location given, possibly ASMB 69-KT-? papa? fc? sawia August meet- ing. BI.68 : 36506, p.1172, 1969 H1ZLUPS, B.C. Low-temperstiire heat pipe research program. 24 June, 1969. mSA~CR-667<>2j DAC-63366 STAR. 16 p.3072, N69-29839 PinUDFP, Richard L. Neutronic design of a r@@€tor core eonteiniog heat pipes for application to a nuclear sirplane, 1969, NASA-TM-X~52765i E-5571 S&&. 10 p.1898, N70-23226, 1970 SAVAGE, C.J. Heat pipes and vapour chambers for satellite thermal balance. June 1969, RAE-TR-4912 STAR. ©6 p911633 N70-17163, 1970 »6- SCHWARTZ, J. Performance map of water heat pipe and phenomenon on nan-coudens- «ble gsif* gears'?! t ion B ASMS - Paper 69VHT-35 for meeting 3-6 August* 1969. BI.68 5 36641 p,1172s 1969 S0LOSIWSHR, Arnold P Heat pipe devices for ©pace suit tempter a ture control. Research report, 30 June 1966 - 1 September, 1968. October, 1969. NAKA-CR»1400j TRW-G6462*6QQS-RO-00 UTAR. 22 p.4120, N69-38491, 1969 SILVBRCTSINp Calvin C A study of heat pipe applications in nuclear aircraft propulsion systems. Final report. 1 Deceiaber, 1969. NASA-CR~7261Q| SI1U104 STAR.03 p.0504, H70-12923, 1970 mmm9 R.W. The module Qppffoach to blarsket dasigrts a vacuura wali free blanket using heat plpea. 13 August» 1969« P?na@nted at the International Conference on Nuclear Fusion Reactor, Culham^ England. OCRU71758; OONP-690901-2 STAR.05 p.O^lOj N70-13972, 1970 mrim, G.H. and FBLDMAN, K.T. Jr. Applicability of heat pipes to er^rgy conversion syaterns. Juae, 1969. SC-ARPIC-10128 SC-DC-67-2003 STAR.03 p.03998 N70-12728, 1970 ASME Papers 69~HT-i to 22, B@tmd and h@ld at 336u 24 -7- 1968 AWAM), D.Ke Heat pipe application to gravity - gradient satellite (Explorer XXXVI) ASMB - Aviation - space - prog/rese pre$p@tity. Annual avistion and space. Couif. Beverly Hills, Calif. 16-19 June, 1968. p.634-8. Bio68 i 32679 p.2613 1969 CONWAY, B.C. and KBLLBY, M.J. Analytical etudy and enparirsental investigation of techniques fo? improving electron tubes for space application. Final report. Decetrtber 1968 (mentions heat pipes) K'ASA~CR~86118 STM. 05 p.0802, N69-15313, 1969 CONWAY, B.C. and KBLLHY, M.J. Continuous heat pipe for spacecraft thermal control. ASMS «. Aviation and space - progress prosperity. Annual Aviation and Space Corp. Beverly Hille, Calif. 16-19 June/ 1968. p.655-8. El.68 s 32468 p.1171, 1969 DBVBR&LL, J.B. Tot@l hemi@ph@rical emissivity m&&UK&fa@nta by h@at pipe method. ASMB » Aviation and Spas© - Progrcoa and Prospects, Annual Aviation and Space Conference, Beverly Hill?5 C@lif, 16-19 June.