August 7, 1969 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 22939 Vent the Use of and Eliminate Stockpiles Its Control and Its Authority

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August 7, 1969 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 22939 Vent the Use of and Eliminate Stockpiles Its Control and Its Authority August 7, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22939 vent the use of and eliminate stockpiles its control and its authority. We must dent Nixon's proposal 1s a responsible and of chemical and biological weapons." not be led into an apocalypse resulting fiexible approach. He has the option to scale down the program if the Soviet Union co­ In June, the President directed the from disease started because of policies operates in disarmament talks, and it gives executive branch to undertake a com­ we could not control. The dangers from him the necessary lead time to develop re­ prehensive review of all aspects of CBW. inaction are too great for the people of sponses to future Soviet threa-ts in the 70's However, recent reports from the sum­ the world, for the citizens of America, "Should they materialize. It is a modest pro­ mer session of the Geneva Conference and for our children. gram and, in my opinion, it is the very least doubt on the sincerity of our com­ This is a glorious moment in the his­ we can give our President at this time. mitments. tory of mankind. We have recently set I believe this debate has been useful to everyone involved. Certainly it has alerted International skepticism over the U.S. foot upon the moon. the Administration and the Pentagon that position stems from an important sen­ We took every precaution to prevent defense proposals are due, and will receive, tence in a statement of the President the contamination of the moon. We the same scrutiny by Congress that all other submitted to the Conference. The sen­ must now take every precaution to pre­ programs receive. tence in question states: vent the uncontrollable contamination of Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi­ The specter of chemical and biological the earth. warfare arouses horror and repulsion dent, I suggest the absence of a quorum. throughout the world. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk THE ABM DEBATE EXTREMELY will call the roll. Indicative of the vacillation of the USEFUL The assistant legislative clerk pro­ United States on CBW, the sentence was ceeded to call the ron. originally included in the statement, was Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, I believe the Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi­ then deleted, and was finally restored to spirited debate on the ABM issue has created the false public impression dent, I ask unanimous consent that the the text when lt was printed. order for the quorum call be rescinded. Furthermore,. international skepti­ that the U.S. Senate is now irrevocably split along partisan lines. No one can The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cism over America's CBW position was objection. it is so ordered. deepened because of events in Vietnam. deny that the arguments were heated. But they were also extremely useful. The United States is using defoliants They have united the Senate in its re­ and anti-crop agents in Vietnam. These solve to give the most scrupulous con­ ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 11 A.M. gases have been justified on the basis sideration to the proper balance between TOMORROW that they isolate victims from unwar­ the needs of national security and our Mr. :BYRD of West Vrrginia. Mr. Presi­ ranted su1rering. duty to promote just and progressive dent, if there be no further business to However, Dr. Jean Mayer o! Harvard domestic programs. Now that the vote come before the Senate, I move, in ac­ University, now a Presidential consul­ has been taken, let us all move "forward cordance with the previous order, that tant, and Dr. Victor Sidel, his colleague together" to the many urgent tasks still the Senate stand in adjournment until on this report, have disclosed: at hand. 11 a.m. tomorrow. It is not that innocent bystanders will be I ask unanimous consent that a state­ The motion was agreed to; and (at hurt by such measures, but that only inno­ I cent bystanders will be hurt. ment which issued yesterday following 7 o'clock and 20 n:inutes p.m.) the Senate the voting on amendments to President adjourned until tomorrow, August 8, In the case of defoliants which de­ Nixon's Safeguard proposal be printed 1969, at 11 o'clock a.m. stroy food, it is the women and children, in the RECORD. the sick and the elderly, not the soldiers, There being no objection, the state­ who :first succumb to starvation. ment was ordered to be printed in the NOMINATION To begin to harness this potentially RECORD, as follows: Executive nomination received by the destructive force, to halt the prolifera­ STATEMENT BY SENATOR SCOTT Senate August 7 (legislative day of Au­ tion of CBW weapons to small countries, The defeat -of the Hart-Cooper amend­ gust 5). 1969: and reestablish our International credi­ ment indicates that the President's Safe­ COMMISSIONER 'OF INDIAN AFFAJBS bility, we must act with all speed. guard System wlll be approved finally by Louis R. Bruce, 'Of New York, to be Com­ Congress. I do not believe the division in the We must impose control on the further missioner of Indian A1fairs, vice Robert La­ production of chemical and biological Senate on this issue Is as sharp as some Follette Bennett, resigned. warfare. might thlnk. This is not a black-white issue, although the public debate hastened to por­ We must ratify the 1925 Geneva tray it as .such. ProtocoL The .contending opinions are aetually not WITHDRAWAL We must act to impose a ban on open .so far apart. Everyone agrees that the Presi­ Executive nomination withdrawn from air testing. dent must provide for our Nation's defense. the Senate August 7 (legislative day of We must require the Pentagon to dis­ The question on ABM was whether we should August 5), 1969: -close Its total CBW expenditures to have 'Continued research and development only, or limited deployment of a protoitype u.s. ATI'ORNEY Congress. system at two sites only. George E. Woods, Jr., o! Michigan to be The time for secrecy and decision­ I opposed the Sentinel Sy.stem proposed by U.S. attorney for the eastern district of making independent of Congress must the previous Administration because I be­ Michigan, vice Lawrence Gubow, resigned, come to an end. Congress must reassert lieved it would magnetize our cities. Presi- sent to the Senate May 16, 1969~ EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DUNES TORPEDO FIZZLES DUNES TORPEDO FIZZLES Landgrebe bill aimed at curtailing the di­ The attempt by Rep. Earl F. Landgrebe, mensions of the park will never get out of .R-Valparaiso, to torpedo the development of committee. HON. JOHN BRADEMAS the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore along Had Mr. Landgrebe sueceeded in destroy­ the lines approved by Congress two years ago ing the compromise under which both the OF INDIANA apparently has been blocked. Burns Harbor .and park projects were au­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Landgrebe torpedo was in the form of thorized, it most certainly would have re­ turned the issue to the hot coals of Thur:sday, August 7, 1969 1m amendment to an appropriation blll car­ rying $10 million in funds and contract au­ .controversy. Controversy over the park proposal and Mr. BRADEMAS. .Mr. Speaker, under thority for land acquisition. In effect. it port-industrial development ra.ged for y-ears unanimous consent~ insert in the Exten­ would have whittled the size of the lake­ before the sensible compromise reached sions of Remarks of the REcoRD the fol­ shore recreation area by approximately 6,000 to permit both. acres. 1969, Rep. .John Bra.dema.s, D-South Bend, lowing editorial dated July 26, from Fortunately, the amend.Inent went down to the South Bend. :Ind., Tribune entitled ~ought the Landgrebe attack on the park defeat in a voice vote in the House this week. plans. .Alter the appropriation bill amend­ ~·nunes Torpedo Fizzles••: Moreover, there are indications that another ment was beaten, he hailed the action as 22940 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Augu_st 7, 1969 "clear evidence that Congress won't stand $57 million on the remaining appropriation (From the Evening Star, Washington (D.C.), for any further land-grab assaults on the investment in the TVA power system. July 15, 1969) is The rate of return paid to the Treasury Indiana dunes." We hope he correct. SOVIET NAVAL MOVES DAMPEN PEACE More than 500 acres already have been ac­ by TVA is based by law on the interest cost quired by the federal government for ex­ of the U.S. Government marketable debt as (By David Lawrence) pansion of the park to an envisioned 8,~00 of the start of the fiscal year. That rate was The cause of world peace is not helped acres. Mr. Landgrebe might better apply his 5.232 percent on July 1 this year, compared by the presence of a Soviet naval :fleet in energies in seeing that none of the federal to 4.757 percent a year ago. the Gulf of Mexico just a few miles from the money is wasted, rather than seeking to rip Rising interest rates on Treasury secu­ territory of the United States. The task up the plans. rities have boosted the dividends paid by force is capable of firing missiles. It consists TVA by $21 million a year since 1962, even of eight ships--a guided-mlssile cruiser, two though the Federal investment on which guided-missile destroyers, a submarine tend­ they are paid was whittled down by repay­ er, two diesel submarines and two oilers. ments of $100 million during that time. Some reports say that the Moscow govern­ TVA PAYMENT EXCEEDS APPRO­ This appropriation investment in TVA power ment has sent the ships to this area because PRIATIONS REQUEST facilities now stands at about $1,102 million.
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