Marius Daraškevičius

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Marius Daraškevičius LITHUANIAN CULTURE RESEARCH INSTITUTE VILNIUS ACADEMY OF ARTS LITHUANIAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND THEATRE Marius Daraškevičius MODERNIZATION OF THE DINING ROOMS IN LITHUANIAN MANORS FROM MID-1700S TO EARLY 1900S Summary of Doctoral Dissertation The Humanities, Art Criticism (H 003) Vilnius 2021 Doctoral dissertation was prepared at Lithuanian Culture Research Institute in 2016–2020. Scientific Supervisor – Assoc. Prof. Dr. RASA BUTVILAITĖ – Vilnius Academy of Arts, Humanities, Art Criticism (H 003). The dissertation will be defended at a Joint Board consisting of the members from the Vilnius Academy of Arts, the Lithuanian Cultural Research Institute and the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre: Chairman – Prof. Dr. HELMUTAS ŠABASEVIČIUS – Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Humanities, Art Criticism (H 003). Members: – Dr. REDA GRIŠKAITĖ – Lithuanian Institute of History, Humanities, History (H 005); – Dr. (hp) RŪTA JANONIENĖ – Vilnius Academy of Arts, Institute of Art Research, Humanities, Art Criticism (H 003); – Dr. DALĖ PUODŽIUKIENĖ – National Commission for Cultural Heritage, Member, Humanities, Art Criticism (H 003); – Prof. Dr. AXEL CHRISTOPH GAMPP – University of Basel, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Humanities, Art Criticism (H 003). The dissertation will be defended at public meeting of the Academic Board of Art Research in the Conference Hall of the Lithuanian Cultural Research Institute on June 30, 2021, 2:00 pm. Address: Saltoniškių St. 58, LT-08105, Vilnius, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 2751898 The summary of the dissertation was distributed on May 31, 2021. The dissertation is available at Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, the Libraries of Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre and Lithuanian Cultural Research Institute. LIETUVOS KULTŪROS TYRIMŲ INSTITUTAS VILNIAUS DAILĖS AKADEMIJA LIETUVOS MUZIKOS IR TEATRO AKADEMIJA Marius Daraškevičius VALGOMOJO MODERNĖJIMAS LIETUVOS DVARUOSE XVIII A. VIDURYJE–XX A. PRADŽIOJE Daktaro disertacijos santrauka Humanitariniai mokslai, Menotyra (H 003) Vilnius 2021 Disertacija parengta 2016–2020 metais Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institute. Mokslinė vadovė – Doc. dr. RASA BUTVILAITĖ – Vilniaus dailės akademija, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra (H 003). Disertacija ginama Vilniaus dailės akademijos, Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų instituto ir Lietuvos teatro ir muzikos akademijos jungtinėje Menotyros mokslo krypties taryboje: Pirmininkas – vyresnysis m. d., prof. dr. HELMUTAS ŠABASEVIČIUS – Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra (H 003). Nariai: – vyresnioji m. d., dr. REDA GRIŠKAITĖ – Lietuvos istorijos institutas, huma- nitariniai mokslai, istorija (H 005); – vyriausioji m. d., dr. (hp) RŪTA JANONIENĖ – Vilniaus dailės akademijos Dailėtyros institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra (H 003); – dr. DALĖ PUODŽIUKIENĖ – LR valstybinės kultūros paveldo komisijos narė, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra (H 003); – prof. dr. AXEL CHRISTOPH GAMPP – Bazelio universitetas (Šveicarija), humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra (H 003). Disertacija bus ginama viešame Vilniaus dailės akademijos, Lietuvos kultūros tyri- mų instituto ir Lietuvos teatro ir muzikos akademijos jungtinės Menotyros mokslo krypties tarybos posėdyje 2021 m. birželio 30 d., 14 val., Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų instituto salėje. Adresas: Saltoniškių g. 58, LT-08105, Vilnius Tel. (8-5) 275 18 98 Daktaro disertacijos santrauka išsiųsta 2021 m. gegužės 31 d. Su disertacija galima susipažinti Lietuvos nacionalinėje Martyno Mažvydo bibliote- koje, Vilniaus dailės akademijos, Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademijos ir Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų instituto bibliotekose. INTRODUCTION The twentieth century was merciless to the Lithuanian manors. They were heavily devastated during the First World War. In the interwar period, however, some of it tried to recover, but the Second World War and the consequences that followed led to the confiscation of manors. The manor houses were particularly damaged by adjusting them to the new needs: the planned structure was dismantled, and their function was changed. The most affected part of the architectural heritage of manor houses was the interior. In post-war years, the manor culture was overlooked and not researched much. In the 1980s and 1990s, interest in the most significant objects commenced to grow. In recent decades, attention to manor heritage has grown significantly and the historical, cultural, and architectural aspects have been explored. Except for some of the most outstanding ensembles of manors, the particularities of planning of manor houses, interiors and their decoration have been less examined by art historians. There is still a shortage of research on everyday life, customs and traditions of the nobility and there is no detailed examination on the historical development of the interiors of manor houses. Therefore, there is no formal solid scientific basis that would create preconditions to research the specific aspects of the culture of the nobility. The need for this research arising from the author’s personal experience and professional interests formed the research project of the doctoral thesis, the aim of which is to present a study of the dining room of the elite of the nobility, which could be applied practically in restoring the interiors of manor houses. There are no in-depth studies on European residential planning, but the main aspects of its development were discussed by the museologist Peter Thornton. The planning of British mansions was reviewed by Jill Franklin, the French by Michael Dennis, Alexandre Gady and other authors. Cultural and architectural researchers Murray Bailie, Mark Girouard and Patricia Waddy have studied the planning of the European palace of nobility. Cécile Lestienne examined an exclusive aspect in her doctoral thesis (2017): the development, typology, and decoration of only one room – the French dining room. 5 Recently, the wooden manor houses of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (hereinafter – GDL) was examined by the architectural historian Dalė Puodžiukienė and the historian Neringa Dambrauskaitė. Polish and Belarusian researchers are interested in the planning matters of the GDL as well. The planning of the manor house in the context of Polish-Lithuania Commonwealth (hereinafter – Commonwealth) was discussed by such architectural historians as Adam Miłobędzki, Andrzej Rottermund, Tadeusz Bernatowicz, Anatolijus Kulaginas and Mikola Volkau. These studies focus on the particularities of manor planning from the 1500s to the early 1800s. Therefore, second half of the 19th century remains less known. No interest was paid to the development and specificity of any room of the manor house. Consequently, the doctoral thesis continues, extends, and complements the research on manor architecture. Manor houses today experience a revival. Therefore, it is hoped that this thesis will also serve as a practical guide for the new managers of manor houses and all those interested in manor culture, who are restoring, adapting buildings to new purposes (or bringing back to the actual form) and trying to establish manor houses as regional cultural centres. The object of the doctoral thesis research is the dining room of the noble elite‘s manor house. The manor house is an expression of social status and power. The concept of a ‘manor’ (Lithuanian – dvaras) can be understood not only as a land holding (manor estate) or its centre (manor house), but also as court society (in Lithuanian also dvaras) both in domestic, political and cultural aspects. According to historian Zigmantas Kiaupa, every nobleman of high rank who sought to be visible in society and participate in the life of the state had to maintain a large court. By the end of the 18th century the court of the magnates (Polish: magnateria, the aristocracy of Commonwealth nobility) could also consist of about 100 people. The magnates of the whole noble class stood out not only for their duties, wealth, but also for their way of life. Their residences were the focal points of the gathering of relatives, their supporters and society. Of course, the less wealthy nobles of high status were content with a smaller number of household staff. However, these nobles of high status, who were acting as senators, tried to behave like magnates: they built magnificent residences, accumulated collections of art and other 6 valuables, archives, and libraries, maintained orchestras, theatres, they took care of representation – organized receptions and baronial feasts. Thus, in the manor houses of the magnates and the nobles of high rank, there was a house planned in the highest, state level, which also provided for another instrument of communication of power – the dining room. The importance of the dining room in the society of the noble’s elite is well described in Napoleon I’s saying: C’est principalement par le table que l’on gouverne (It is mainly through the table that we govern). The importance of the dining room was emphasized by its spaciousness: it was one of the largest and most decorated rooms in the house, not only for state dinners or receptions, but also to represent and visualize the family’s origins and social status, ancestry, and chivalry traditions. Chronological boundaries. The selected chronological boundaries are related to the appearance, genesis, dissemination, and modernization of the dining room in the GDL. The whole dining room development research period is divided into two stages. The first stage (the period from mid- 1700s to mid-1800s)
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