510-657-4070 Ext. 352
[email protected] in number to us Millennials, the simple “don’t“For care, the unlessstudents it’s byThough the students.” questions of how Springand ployees2011 on howVol. to2 No.better 3 under- Millenial also known as Generation Y. We me.” We are a generation, as a when we, as a generation, are to stand Me and My Friends” (An- remain larger, more connected, whole, facing global warming, the combat these problems still linger, drew Jenks, Host of MTV’s World Generation and more self-oriented than any aftermaths of an economic crisis, what remains intact and undoubt- of Jenks). The entertainment and generation that was before us. We and increased worldly tensions, ed is our strength, not only in our media business would go broke By Neeth Sangary are shaped by social networks, ad- all of which have been passed numbers but in our essence. without our money, without each vanced technology, open commu- down to us by our predecessors. Our power in numbers penny and nickel spent of cloth- The Millennial Generation nication, and access to unfathom- We are expected to do well and often times is overlooked. “The ing, music, shows and movies. is characterized by those roughly able amounts of knowledge at our surpass our parents, despite the business world takes our num- Jenks further brings to light that born between 1978 and 1998; it fingertips. Yet, despite our pent up bogs of neoliberalism. More and bers seriously. In order to better “My Friends and I will be a criti- is about 50 million strong.