Ruthenica, 2009, vol. 19, No. 1: 19-26, ©Ruthenica, 2009 Published August 28, 2009. On the identity of “Gari californica” (Bivalvia: Psammobiidae) from the North-Western Pacific K.A. LUTAENKO A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, 690041, Palchevskogo Str., 17, RUSSIA, e-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT. The validity of the north-western Pacific et al. [2000] synonimized G. kazusensis with G. Gari (Gobraeus) kazusensis (Yokoyama, 1922) (Psam- californica, thereby, extending the geographic range mobiidae) previously synonymized with Gari (Gob- of the latter species into the western Pacific and raeus) californica (Conrad, 1849) from the eastern establishing a new example of an amphi-Pacific Pacific is established with a re-description of the former species. The synonymy was followed by Lutaenko species provided with a detailed synonymy. Records [2003, 2005]. In light of a number of such synoni- of G. kazusensis from Kamchatka Peninsula and Kurile mizations in a comprehensive monograph by Coan Islands are doubtful, and the geographical distribution of this species is limited to northern China, Korea, et al. [2000], the problem of amphi-Pacific mollus- Japan and southern Primorye (north-western Sea of can distributions, their proportion in the entire North Japan). Pacific fauna, and origins gain a wide biogeographic interest. A comparative study on G. californica (52 lots, more than 60 specimens) and G. kazusensis under- taken here based on the collections of the California Introduction Academy of Sciences (San Francisco; hereafter First discovered in the Possjet Bay [Golikov and CAS) and Zoological Museum, Far East National Scarlato, 1967], Gari kazusensis (Yokoyama, 1922) University (Vladivostok; ZMFU) revealed signifi- is the only species of the genus Gari Schumacher, cant morphological differences between the two spe- 1817 (Bivavia: Psammobiidae) inhabiting Russian cies and confirmed that there are two separate spe- waters of the Sea of Japan (East Sea).