Camp Project 2012 Making Improvements to the Covenant Camp in Ecuador Covenant World Mission 8303 W Higgins Ave Chicago, IL 60631 under “Projects”
[email protected] 773/907-3321 IPEE (pronounced “ ee-pay -ay”) stands for “Iglesia del Pacto Evangélico del Ecuador” which literally translates as the Evangelical Covenant Church of Ecuador. IPEE is a well established national church with 82 churches nationwide. It has one campground located in Santo Domingo, which serves as a vital part of the “glue” that holds the church together because of everything that takes place there throughout the year. In one year, the campground serves the national church by hosting the Annual Meeting, the annual retreats for pastors, women, young adults, and adolescents, as well as, a variety of other training seminars and smaller gatherings. In addition to these events, the campground functions as a meeting place for many other retreats, seminars and groups from other Christian churches. The camp is also serving as a light to the growing city of Santo Domingo, which is nearby. IPEE strongly desires to improve the camp. The current structures and facilities are outdated and insufficient. To improve the camp, the national church has created an in-depth, well thought out plan. Though IPEE is large and well-structured, financial resources are limited for developing the camp. This year’s camp project comes alongside of IPEE to help provide some needed upgrades and renovations to the camp. By providing a pool for the children to swim in, renovating the kitchen and beginning to construct family cabins, this project will help the camp make huge strides in what it is seeking to become.