Report on S-4 Starts Storm of Protests Saves Woman

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Report on S-4 Starts Storm of Protests Saves Woman ’.^“.•'V'^ •*4n '-p £ ' HM'"*" _ C,--V ■, , ’ ',V >X5',V' PBBSH BUX fSieiihst hr V. 8. <WejaSer Bhrem, AVBRAGB DAltiY CIHCVLATIOX Mew Have* ; for the month of January, 1€ J8 'Increasing cloudineea and warm* er, followed by rain late ton i^ t 5 , 0 8 7 and Tlinradaf; ^ ateMher -of tke Aadlt Baroaa of !t.-« ' CIrcalatlooa State Library •'^- (FOUiSiM«-. -1 AGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHEStER; CONN., WEDNESDAY,- FEBRUARY 22, 1928. VO L. XUl„ NO. 122. Classified Advertising on Page 12. CATFISH GROWS IN REPORT ON S-4 COAST BEAN PATCH. West Palm Beach, Fla., Feb. 22.— Farmer Jake Gray swears STARTS STORM to this fish story from the Everglades. He was plowing his Bean patch, he says, when he turned OF PROTESTS up a live catfish. If true, there is no telling what might have happened if the fish had remained in the Multi-Millionaire Oil M apaU Congressmen, Admirals and soil and become crossed with a snap Bean. The glades might With H. Mason Day and have reproduced a stew that Treasury Officials Indig­ would Be the envy of the now infamous army “ slumgullion.’ Celebrates The Day William J. Bnms Heat nant Over Results of Conrt’s Verdict on Con­ Alexandria, Va FeB, 22— Liter-<s»Alexandria had a Birthday fete for Naval ProBe. ^Washington which he attended per­ ally buried beneath flags and bunt­ SAVES WOMAN sonally. The 'date, however, was tempt Charges— Day Gets ing, .and inordinately proud of Its FeBruary 11, that Being the date Washington, FeB. 22.— Stormr. or distinction, this plaOT -Jittle .^Afir. upon which he actually was Born, Fonr Months and Noted protest ana indignation gathered FROMSHARKS ginla town led the uhtiq^. today In and the switch from the Julian to on Capitol Hill today as members | honoring the memory of George the Gregorian calendar account for ot Congress received the Inconclu-; Washington. ' ' ' , , the 11 days difference. Detective; 15 Days. As recorded In the Alexandria sive report of the Naval Board of , IN BERMUDAS Under -the day’s schedule, the nation’s highest, headed By Presi­ Gazette, oldest paper In Virginia, Inquiry on the sinking of the Sub-i the hero of the revolution made the dent Coolidge, and the flrst fam­ Washington, Feb. 22-^Harry F. marjne S-4 in Provir.cotown harbor rounds that day "drinking toasts” ilies of Virginia, led by Governor Sinclair, the multi-millionaire lessor tv.o months ago. and Mrs. Harry , F. Byrd, -will join everywhere. Forty lives were lost when the Unusual Story of Heroism in a flttlng ceremony incident to President Coolidge will make the of Teapot Dome, faced the prospect damaged submersible went .o the the 196th anniversary of ,the’birth journey £rom> Washington aboard today of spending nine months In bottom v/ith her full crew following of the Father of tfie Country, Bring­ the-Mayflower. Jail because of his “ contempt” for Told By Passengers of Because of her recent illness it a collision with the Coast Guard ing to Alexandria,,the most distin­ the Judicial processes of Washing­ Destroyer 1 auiding on Decembe ' guished gathering'it has entertain­ was thought advisable that Mrs. .17. ■ I Steamer When They Ar­ ed in some years. Coolidge not risk the trip. ton. Although the formal report: The homes and streets of Alex­ Governor and Mrs. Byrd, aided Already under sentence of three! places technical responsibility | andria were well known to Wash­ by officers of the Washington Birth­ months for contempt of the Senate rive in New York. day Association, will act as hosts equally upon the submarine com -! ington and everywhere today places in refusing to answer questions in riander and Lieutenant Coniman-' of historic interest revolving around at the reception. Invitations have der John C. Eaylis. commander of I his activities were focal j>ointu for gone out to 1,200 including all of the oil investigation, Sinclair had the Pauling, supplementary com- New York. Feb. 22.— A tale of the crowds. Just- 129 years ago, Congress and the State Legislature. six months more tacked on today . inents By ranhing naval autlioritie.? for hiring Burns detectives to sha­ place virtually entire blame upon e.\traordinary heroism, of the res­ Lieutenant Commander R. 1' cue of a woman from mountainous dow the jurors "during the progress of his trial for conspiracy in the Jones, who went down with h shark-infested seas, while 450 pas­ HARTFORD BURGLAR M E . PAPER CALLS leasing of Teapot Dome from ex- craft. sengers watched, was told with the Congressional circles express .n- Secretary of the Interior Albert B, arrival here today of the Anchor j dignation at the tendency of the Back over his old familiar route from St. Louis to Chicasro by way of Springfield and Peoria Fall. liner California from Bermuda. PARLEY A FIASCO Another Trial ' report to pass resp' riBility from flew Colonel Charles A. LindBergh Monday and yesterday, carrying the largest load of air mail MUCH WANTED MAN tlic navy as a whole to the dead The battle to save the woman, And that is not all. Oh April 2,- commander of the ill-fated craft. .Mrs. Luther Z. Rosser, wife of an ever dispatched from a flying field. This NEA telephoto picture shows LindBergh in his plane Sinclair will go qn trial again, Be­ To Reconvene Atlanta, Ga., supreme court judge, just Before the take-off. Assistant Postmaster General Irving S. Glover is shown handing up fore a jury here, charged with con­ spiracy. He was to have Been tried Dissatisfaction on the part uf lasted 45 minutes, the latter part the first sack of mail to “Lindy”, who is in the cockpit. Five other planes took part in the & ys y . .S., Won All Points at of being fought in semi-darkness with Police Think Wounded Thief again Jan. 16, but the illness of his naval authorities with cliarges 1 commemorative flight, each carrying part of the 125,000 letters. - co-defendant. Fall, moved the court incompetency and inefficiency on ' the ship’s spotlight p'.aying on the LaSn Conference; Others to grant a postponement. However, the part of Rear Admiral Frank -N. Sv.ene. Escaped Maine JaQ and the court announced that if Fall Brumby, director of rescue i pera- The rescue took place in Grassy is still unable to appear in April tions, has resulted in the return of Bay. three miles off Hamilton, Ber­ Hundreds Killed^ Wounded Returned Empty-Ifanded. the trial of the oil magnata will the Board's report By Secretary Wil­ muda. Mrs. Rosser was left in a POUCE CLOSE Killed PoGceman. Bur with instructions to reconvene proceed anyhow. hospital there for treatment. Convicted with Sinclair la the “ for the purpose ot setting forth Hurled Into Sea with completeness” the reasons In Tax Riots In Ukrania Mexico city, FeB. 22.— ^The news­ latest contempt citation were H.. Mrs. Rosser was hurled into the ON HEE|S OF Hartford, Conn., FeB. 22.— In the Mason Day, an official of one of his upon which its opinions and rec­ sea by a giant comber. R. C. Hig- paper Excelsior, commenting today ommendations were Based. person of George F. Bersig, who companies, vho was sentenced' to •r'.ns cruise conductor of the vessel upon the Pan-American conference four months; William J. Bums,; Congressional inquiry into ihe in Poltava Gubernia, where ar­ was shot by a policeman' on Mon­ tore oft his coat and shoes and Bucharest, Feb. 22— Hundreds.^ at Havana, declared it was “ a fias­ widely known detective, given flf- v.hole question of submarin econ- dived in after her. Judge Rosser ran tillery surrounded and destroyed TORCH SLAYER day while trying to es.ap-. possible struction and operation received havq Been killed and wounded and co” for all the participating nations teen days, and W. Shean Burns, to the rail to follow Higgins But the reBellious village of Novoianjer, arrest, local police believe they was fined tremendous impetus from the thousands have been arrested dur-^ hundreds were reported killed. except the United States. the latter’s son, who Board’s citation of Admiral Brum­ was prevented. have a much-wanted criminal. Ber­ $1,000. Meanwhile Higgins was swim­ ing a serious peasant revolt in the At Nejln, 26 peasants were exe­ “ The United States emerged tri­ by, whose record of a quarter cen­ cuted. They were charged with the sig is suspected, police say, of Being Bonds Posted ming strongly tovrarjfls Mrs. Rosser. Ukraine, reports' from Kishinev Woman Burned to Death umphant,” said the newspaper. Bonda-w«r«.-po6ted- today, pre- tury of active service was without murders of more .tdan 100 tax copa- Stephen H. Hoppe, who escaped His flght had gained the attention stated today. mitting the men freedom pending blemish. As commander of control miBsars.' ■ trom»" the Maine state prison In "The United States delegates return force, in charge of all submarine of the California, an Yored half a The revolt flared as a resuU of home laden with privileges while the outcome of the appeal they will mile away, and its rails were Ujaed oppressive-'tax measures. staled that there • have 1925 while servinr tWhe as » bur­ operations in the Atlantic, he is moTe than 1,000 arrests dur­ glar. Bersig Is also susi>ected of Be- the Latin Americans are empty take from Justice Frederic L. Sid- now in Panama, with the seduting J?y hundreds of passenger ig^vefament, the report saia^'eS^tf-^' handed.’* dons’ decision. Sinclair’s appeal Higgins overtook Mrs. Rosser., A ially the practice of confiscating ing the week at Kiev, Odessa, and lUfi the man who late in 1925, shot fleet.
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