A Day I Will Never Forget

By: Matthew Ablaza

Splash! I was playing in the pool with my cousin Sophie. We decided to do I trick that I thought was scary but I agreed anyways. Sophie went first she got out the pool to get a tube. She flipped over and went back out. After watching here a couple times I tried myself. I swam out of the water and tried it for my self. I got a floating tube and went back in the water. I was nervous but I had to do it.

I flipped half way so I was facing the water, keeping my balance. I flipped the tube all the way over. Then there was a problem I had my feet stuck on top of tube. So I was stuck with my head under water. I started to panic because in my whole life I did want to drown. I made a mistake because if did not panic I would just loosen up feet and get them out of tube and just go back up. But I just panicked.

So I rapidly moved my feet to try and loosen them to get my feet the right way and balance my way up. But even though I was moving my feet they were only getting loose a tiny bit. But I managed to get my feet off the tube and know I was just normally under water. But I felt my breath run out I could only hold for a few more seconds before I would drown so I jumped which brought me back up were there was fresh oxygen.

When I was up I starting laughing because if people thought I almost drowned they would be doing CPR on me. I got myself back together got out of the water a sat on a chair to catch my breath a cough out the huge load of water I swallowed. After a while I went to the water and played water guns with my cousin.

The experience was scary, I thought I would drown. After that day I was brave because I just experienced that I almost drowned and survived. I told many of friends and talked about it when in these camps/clubs in the summer you share something about yourself. Still to this day I will never forget that one time I almost drowned.

When I Went to Six Flags

By: Jamal Adan

When we drove to Six Flags we first walked to three rides, but I`m not going to talk about the rides now. I`m going to talk about the waterpark.

I walked to the giant pool and I swam. My dad didn`t let me go past the lifeguard tower and because of that there was such a little space. It was really boring not being able to swim beyond the life guard. My dad found a seat when we got to the pool.

After the lifeguard called break at the pool we ran to the waterslide. The waterslide looked super high. There were so many people it looked like it was going to take all day. But finally, I was at the front of the line and I got a float and I ran up the stairs. I finally, went up the high tower and I soon got in front of the line and I got the float on the water and I slid on. Then, I floated down the water and I screamed "ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

When I was done with that I went on another ride and it was so scary that I don`t want to go on it again. Other people rode on it and screamed the heck out! I forgot what the name of the ride was and I apologize.

Well that was the great waterpark that I drove to and it was awesome. Six Flags is a great water park and I hope that you enjoy it if you go there.

THE Day I Will Never Forget

By Yash Agrawal

As I went up the roller coaster. The entire coaster was white. I felt my nervous feelings were inflicting me with so much pain by punching me in my stomach that feelings were telling me to stop and get out but it was too late. we reached the top of the roller coaster. I had butterflies in my stomach. My life flashed before my eyes.I saw my mom and half of the park.I went down with great velocity and gained momentum. I screamed with everything I got. The butterflies turned into dragons and then they died.This was my day at Kings Dominion 2014 riding Rebel Yell with dad.

On 2014 at Kings Dominion, I suggested to my dad for us to jump on Rebel Yell. Unknowingly of the great danger ahead, my dad decided to go with me. I sprinted to Rebel Yell and saw the actual coaster and thought: It will be awesome. After the cars raced back, I and my dad went on and strapped ourselves in. The cars were filled with red, white and blue.Then it started moving and then the real danger happened. We were still on the ground and made a slight U-turn at a slow pace. Then we went straight up, at that angle it made me frightened. My nerves propelled me to get out of Rebel Yell, but it was too late. We reached the top of the roller coaster. My dad had second thoughts but took it out on me. I Held on tight for life.

We zoomed down, It felt like I just went into 6,000 mph like a rocket ship. I was now screaming like I never screamed before, you could have heard it a mile away. We passed 30 feet in ten seconds. But that wasn't it, we drove back up but higher and faster. This time I screamed my heart out of my chest, but the roller coaster kept up and every time it got higher and faster than the last. My dad regretted my suggestion, I did too. The roller coaster went up for the final time as I thought, but we did not go down just yet.

Instead it just made a gigantic U-turn like a car chase. Now I was leaning to my side and I could see the other half of the park from up there and more. Then we finally went down just to go back up and down. Once we raced down I saw a tunnel that I knew we were going to race through. I was right we raced inside the tunnel. The tunnel was almost pitch black, but had a few little lights. We finally came out the other end of the tunnel and raced out to where we began. My dad and I were still breathing for life.

My dad and I jumped off the ride because of the sign of relief but we were still vibrating and trying get adjusted back into regular life walking. We tip-toed back to mom. She asked, "How was the ride?" We worriedly said awesome because we were too chicken to admit the truth. She asked if she could ride with one of us. Our next response was no! This was my time at Kings Dominion 2014 riding Rebel Yell making this experience a day I will never forget.

My Transformers toys

by Andre' Dawson

I would like to tell you about a day I will never forget.On February 15,2012,I had my 8th birthday.One of my favorite parts of my 8th was unwrapping my presents.

Later that day at 5:00pm my party started and I received my gifts.Two out of 3 gifts I liked the most the third one was okay.My mom and dad gave me the Optimus Prime and Bumblebee toys.

While I was opening the gifts, I felt happy because I have been waiting for these toys a long time.The Optimus Prime and Bumblebee toys both made lighting effects when pull down a lever also it activated guns that come out when do that.

After unwrapping my gifts my friend and I played with them for a few hours.After playing with them, we wanted to know how to transform I so we read the instructions on how to transform them.We played with them using our imagination.

My 8th birthday was really fun especially when I was unwrapping my gifts along with playing wit my friend.Those are the reasons why this is a day I will never forget.

The Best Sleepover Ever by Kirti Dhinakaran

This is the day I will NEVER forget. It was probably 10:00 PM when we started making the cookie dough. We got out all the ingredients and started mixing them together. "Wait!" I screamed, 'We forgot the M&M's!"

We checked all the cabinets just to make sure. We walked to Harris Teeter and bought the M&M's. Before we walked out of Harris Teeter my friend's mom asked us if we needed anything else. We all said together "Um...no?" We walked back to her house and continued baking our delicious M&M cookies.

"Oh, come on!" Maithiri said, "We forgot the vanilla!" We walked back to Harris Teeter. AGAIN! We got the vanilla and made sure we dot everything we needed. We walked back to their house and my friend said, "I am not going back to Harris Teeter!"

"Seriously, we had to forget the parchment paper", my friend said. So Maithiri and my friend walked to Harris Teeter while literally dragged myself there, bought the parchment paper, and came back home. We put the parchment paper on the cookie tray, put the cookie dough on the parchment paper, and put them in the oven.

Finally around 11:30 PM we took the cookies out of the oven and let them cool for 15 minutes. We tasted them and the tasted so good! I'm so tired", I finally said, "Good night guys."

My New Friend!

by: Lahari Gadde

A day I will never forget is the day when I got my guinea pig named Caramel. The date when I got her was July 27, 2014 on a Sunday. The most memorable part I mostly remember was she was scattering in the box we brought her home in. I could never forget that happened. When I opened the box to check on her , she peed in the box cause she was scared.

On Sunday afternoon, my dad and I drove to Pet Smart at around 2:30 PM to get a guinea pig! The person at the pet store gave us two choices of guinea pigs. We picked a brown and white one. She was only three weeks old when I adopted her. Then we picked up a bunch of food and a cage. When we brought her home in the car she was scattering around the box that we got her home in. I kept on telling at my dad to slow down because he was driving too fast.

When we drove back home, we surprised my mom and brother with a guinea pig! Their face lit up when they saw the guinea pig. When we got home, first this we did was to set up her cage. At first, we put her cage in two different places. Finally, we found a place to put her cage forever. After that, we had lunch in our kitchen where we could see her from. While we were eating lunch we were thinking of a name. My brother thought of the name Caramel. We all loved the name because she has caramel colored fur on her face and has a big spot on her back.

After lunch, I got up to go play with Caramel. I kept on calling her by name so she can get used to her name. I wanted a dog and so did my dad, but my mom said no. After all, I got a guinea pig which I am so happy about now. A guinea pig is much more fun than a dog and less work!

I was so happy when I brought Caramel home. I play with her everyday when I come back from school. It is so much fun having a pet, but it is a lot work and responsibility at the same time. I wanted a pet and I got one, now I am so happy! That is the day I will never forget!

The Spine-chilling Rollercoaster Ride

By: Tejas Hariharan

This is a day I will never ever forget. Aaaaaaah! I screamed as the Hurler zoomed down the tracks at incredible speed! I was praying that I wouldn't die. My heart punched my chest trying to get out. With all the anxiety in my body, I braced myself throughout the life-threatening rollercoaster. I yelled so much that it felt like my throat died. Suddenly, part of my body stuck out of the enormous rollercoaster cart.

The cart slowly rolled up the tracks. I clasped my crying friend who was as fearful as I was. I felt as frightened as a gazelle being chased by a cheetah. Rumble! The rollercoaster neared the top of the tracks. My buddy and I tried our best to get out of the cart, but there was no use.

Swoosh! The cart zoomed down the tracks! I gripped the handle on our cart and prayed. The breezy wind attacked my face. The Hurler soared up, down, and sideways. My cart shook madly. Suddenly, my body stuck out of the cart. I tried jerking myself back into the cart, but I couldn't. My friend tugged at my feet and pulled me back into the cart.

The horrifying ride finally came to an end. I was bewildered and mesmerized as I stumbled out of the cart. I acknowledged my friend a million times since he saved my life. "I'm just happy that you're alive," he replied. We laughed about what had happened and promised each other to never sit the incorrect way in a rollercoaster.

I was terrified after that ride and I knew better than to sit near the edge of a rollercoaster cart. I had so much fun, though. I knew I had to ride it again. I definitely learned my lesson. I went back on the ride, got on the cart, and braced myself. The cart started to move. Oh no! Here we go again.

A Day Ill Never Forget

DS Thunder vs Chantilly Giants

By: Ethan Hebert

It was a cold and windy morning. We had to travel to Centerville for a playoff game. My family got there early so we could watch the game before ours.Pheeeewwwww!!!! It looked like the football would fly away. It was the SYA Wildcats vs American Pride. The winner of this game would verse the winner of our game for the championship. SYA was the favorite for the game but as we learned this season, miracles can happen. SYA was undefeated and only one touchdown was scored on them. We were the ones who scored on them.Wheeeewww!!! The whistle blew so loud I think the players ears fell off. SYA won in orderly fashion to come back for the championship.

While I was warming up my arm, we saw our head coach jumping in the air behind us. I thought he cold or really had to use the bathroom but he was just really excited. Our coach said defensively we have to shut down #22 their running back. Offensively he have to give it to other people besides Shoaf, our best running back. Cosenke (other running back) got lots of yards that game because they stuck 3 or 4 players on Shoaf. Mentally, we were focused and prepared, physically we would find out.

As soon as I stepped on that field I was determined to win.At this point in the season we were rivals. We butt heads with each other earlier in the season which we won by 2 or 3 points. A lot of our kids and their kids didn't like other. The Giants elected to receive. On the third play of the game their quarterback scored a 70+ yard touchdown. We took the ball all the way to the one yard line and I forcefully dove over top of my center to score the touchdown. At halftime, the score was 20-12.

On the kickoff of the second half we scored. After that, we scored three more touchdowns and held them to none. On one of the last couple plays, one kids on the other team got his leg stuck in a pile of defenders and the ball carrier. After watching the replay many times I personally think his leg was broken. It was not a pretty site. As the clock ran out we walked to the 50 yard line and took a knee while the coach's checked out the players leg. Inside, I felt like screaming because I was so excited. I'm sure many kids felt the same and especially the coach's. We waited a couple of minutes while they made sure the player was OK. We ran across the 50 yard line to say "good game". I saw a lot of kids crying which I understand because they worked so hard this season and for it to just end in one game must be devastating.

After the game I saw my coach with a smile as big as a hyena. A lot of my teammates were excited and couldn’t go to sleep. Me on the other hand, I was exhausted. I ran for two touchdowns and never stepped off the field except at halftime and after the game was over. I played on offense, defense, and special teams. After the game (8:30PM) we went to Sweet Water Tavern. Right as the waiter put down my delicious steak on the table my face fell right on to it. Again, I was exhausted. We left the field with a BOOM to come back in two weeks and hopefully win the championship.

I Survived Skyrush

By: Arnav Jain

"Aaaaaah!" I screamed as I bolted down toward the earth at 200 miles per hour. I prayed that I wouldn’t die. my heart felt like a hammer banging against my chest, trying to escape. This speedy, scary, thrilling roller coaster called Skyrush dashed up and down and zoomed around huge loops, scaring me so much that I could hardly get air in my lungs. my scream was so loud, that it woke every animal in the jungle surrounding me.

This all started after I rode three other roller coasters and threw up five times. My brother was as excited as a dolphin to ride the scary Skyrush.

"Do I have to", I asked Mom," I'm getting airsick."

I gazed up at the cloud-touching Skyrush. It looked like a train to heaven, but after one second of seeing heaven you zoom back to earth.

"You can go after you eat lunch and get some rest," Mom suggested.

"Sure", I said as my stomach turned into Godzilla.

After that, I ate Eggplant Parmesan and slept like a sloth for an hour. My family and I then walked over to the ticket booth. For the first time today, the line was short.

"Please put on your seatbelt," the announcer announced," You will be on a two hundred feet drop."

My stomach had pigeons as the roller coaster creeped up the slant. When I reached the top, I could see the whole Hershey Park, and finally, the pigeons stopped flying.

"Aaaaaaah!" Everybody was screaming. My lungs couldn’t grab air, as the pigeons started to die. I whirled through spinning loops, through rolling tracks, and down ramps. I almost flew out of my seat until my brother pulled me back into he cart. Bugs and dust flew into my eyes and mouth as I darted down another hill and a terrifying loop. I thought it was over until I sped down one last hill that totally surprised me. I then finally saw people in line waiting to go on.i checked my photo that the took while I was speeding down, and it looked awesome. After the ride, I felt thrilled. I was so excited that I bought a "I survived Skyrush" shirt with the money I saved over the summer. I rode the roller coaster again and again until dark, when I was throwing up like a non-stop car. This ride thrilled me and the rest of my summer was fantastic.

Bus Trip To Jamestown By : Gurkirat Kaur

OMG , this is awesome I saw the coolest bus ever. It had T V's in it with other cool stuff. Plus my BFF Reya was with me. My tall tale of amazement to Jamestown with my BFF full of joy ,excitement ,& entertainment. Let's begin The Day I'll Never Forget.

On November seventh, 2014. It was dark pitch black road at 5:30 when I woke up to get ready. I was jumping up & down with Reya when I got to school. When we got on the bus Reya and me got front seats on the bus. We were talking non-stop. There was so much energy going through us at the moment. I saw my uncle when we were passing by. I started eating my bagel. We made an anniversary card for my mom's sisters' anniversary that day.

Later on, we watched wall.e. and Tarzan. There were islands we saw. We played Tetris, Rainbow Loom, & Scrabble. I gave some of my candy to Reya to enjoy some . Got to see a bridge. Finally, we got to Jamestown. Had lunch later on the day. Went to Yorktown also.

We played chefs. Watched Tom & Jerry. We saw hotels / motels. Saw Crocker Barrels. It was MAJOR darkness at around 6:30. We played with a flashlight to find things. Told spooky stories with the front of the bus. Got Rainbow Loom creations. Reya got a tuxedo & I got a root beer float. Lastly, we went home.

This day has been a BLAST. All the excitement is still rushing through my blood about this day I'll never forget with my friends. This is one day I'll surely never forget. :).

The Bahamas By: Erica Kim

When we started packing to ride the airport, I had no idea what was going on. My parents told me that we were going to Bahamas but I had no idea what it will be like. Bahamas was very far from Virginia so, we had to ride a plane to get there. After we rode the plane that felt like forever, we went into the airport so they could check our luggage. We saw a lot of people that also looked like they were going to Bahamas too. It takes a long time to be called, but lucky for me, I brought my tablet with me. My six- year- old cousin, Abbigail and my three- year- cousin, Elizabeth looked side to side to look at my tablet with me.

From there, we rode a car to get to our hotel. We also did a lot of walking, that I could lose my legs or something. The next morning, the parents told me that we were going to the beach. We found out that there was also a swimming pool that had little waterfalls that could pour on your head. I tried the beach first. I thought my eyes were going to explode! I saw fishes underwater. The water was clear enough for me to look through the water. But there was only one problem.The water was so salty for my body. Next, I tried the pool. The pool was so great I could stay there all day because I was melting from all the walking. Soon my parents joined us. We had a great time there, that my aunt told me and the others we would come again. The next morning, we went on a cruise. There, we saw fishes and sharks! When we got off the cruise I was starting to whine all over again because this place was always hot all year round.

The next morning had come and we decided to go to the pool but a different place. It was the one that had stools that you could sit on and drink something in the water. I remember that I had swimming races against each other. If you walk a little more, then you would see a building. There is also a waterpark there that little kids might like.

At night we went to a Japanese restaurant to eat some snacks and appetizers. We were about to leave when these merchants were wearing these funny looking costumes. My six- year old cousin decided to follow them. The rest of the family agreed. We followed them until they lead us to a concert. All they did was dance around. My cousins fell asleep and I was tired. We left before the concert because they were also growing tired.

This morning guess what we are doing today? I am going home. I am so glad that I am going home because I like Virginia way better than Bahamas because this place has only summer as their season. But I also had fun and learning more about Bahamas. We started packing up and get ready to leave. The van carried our belongings and luggage. It took like more than one hour to get to our house. My cousins were fast asleep. When we got to my cousins house, I decided that I would have a sleep over because I was too exhausted to ride another car and go back home and they agreed.

A Day I Will Never Forget By: Sarah Koltisko

I wok up one morning and I could not wait see my brothers dorm.I was probably more exited than anyone especially my parents.My brother's room was empty.It was so weird.We bought so much stuff for him I don’t Know what else he needed.I said, "it wasn’t fair "but my mom told me I will het even more stuff when I go to collage.

We finally got there and his dorm room was tiny.It was like a rat would be squished inside of it.We unpacked it took so many trips to the car and back to the dorm.It was very exiting at first ,but after awhile it got kind of boring. My parents talked a lot to my brother's roomate.My moms eyes were already getting watery.

We were almost done unpacking all his stuff ,and then realized he forgot his posters.We looked everywhere in his bags and we could not find them anywhere.I was lauging because who forgets there posters.It looked really weird at first because my brothers roommate's side was all colorful and my brothers side was plain because it had no posters yet.

Then my mom went to the car. It was useless there was nothing of his stuff left in the car.The next day we found the posters by the front door.My mom brought them to him, and it wasn’t that bad because George mason university was only 45 minuets away.

In the end, my brother finally got his posters to his room.After we got them in his room ,it looked a lot better with posters than no posters at all.When I go to collage I am almost positive I wont forget any thing because, I am a lot more organized.

When Ibrahim Was Born by: Umar Luqman

It had been more than eight months of work, and last night was the due date. I checked my iPad for a picture, and it was there. The first newborn baby I have ever seen was right there on my iPad. And it was a boy, and his name was Ibrahim. He looked like the cutest baby in the whole world! I could not wait until I could see him. After all, he is my brother. I have an older brother, and now a younger one as well.

I woke up. First, I had cereal which were Coco Puffs, which were a fine way to start my day. After that, I walked upstairs to the room. Then I turned on my iPad. At first, I did not notice the notification, because I was dying to check my games. Then confused, I checked iMessage, and it read," Dad shared a picture." I clicked on the group, and saw the picture. Immediately after, I woke all the others up. After all their "Why did you wake me up?!"and "get lost!" probably because they were as mad and cranky as a dad getting late for work. After about a million hours, I finally got their attention. "Look at this!" I said, showing them the picture. Then, they started saying how cute he was. Then, not paying attention because of looking at the picture, I ran (walked) into the wall. After that, I showed everyone the picture, about a billion times.

Finally, their mom woke up, and we drove to IHop. I had strawberry and banana pancakes with two sides of cinnamon apples, a hot chocolate, and French toast. After that we drove back to their house and played NBA2K13 and some Clash of Clans. Finally, we were able to go the hospital and see Ibrahim, and my parents for the first time in three days.

When we walked in there(the hospital), we had to wait for about an hour. Then we found out which room they were in, and we walked there. We got lost on the way to the room, and found an employee and he led us there. Then we saw Ibrahim in his bucket with his information, and we talked with Mama and Daddy. Then we went home, with cute, little Ibrahim.

The end of my day I will never forget!

The Philadelphia Parade By: Jeet Mangrulkar

WHAT!!! I said as my parents were trying to wake me up. "Today is the day Jeet", mom said. I jumped out of my cozy warm bed and I remembered that I was going the Independence day parade in Pennsylvania. I looked at my phone and it started to ring, so I switched the alarm off. I thought about the long day ahead as I put my Colgate toothpaste on my shiny green toothbrush.

I got into the fresh, clean bathtub and took a quick two minute shower and sprinted down the stairs , I heard a CRACK!!! Right when it, I fell down the stairs and hurt my foot OWWW! I screamed. I got up and my whole family and some other friends were waiting down stairs. So we got in the car and drove for three hours. We ate breakfast on the way, and I fell asleep for about thirty minutes.

When I was waking up I looked around, and saw crowd full of people wearing colorful clothes. We still had about ten minutes before the parade starts. I play Cymbals in the band. The Cymbals are used to control the beats of the music. My brother who plays Drums, was holding a big Drum in his hands. I was wondering how can he hold such a large Drum for an hour, so I asked him. "Yes, definitely" he mumbled.

Ohh man, I couldn’t believe that my very own family had our own band, which we started three years ago. Today we are 30 members in the group. We all were wearing Band uniforms ready to 'Rock N Roll' with our instruments. We felt very proud standing in front of Historic Independence hall. There were thousands of people around me, cheering and curiously watching out band. There we go, I heard my Dad whistle, and we finally started. After that moment, we all were focused on playing the instruments. I never felt more proud of my self. Forty minutes later it started raining, while we were walking in the parade. It was a very different experience. Adults and kids were dancing on our unique beats.

When we reached to the end of the parade I saw everybody's face shining with pride. It is a big achievement to get invited in this famous parade in this historic parade. Finally, when the parade was finished everyone was tired. My uncle explained to all the kids what is the importance and what is our big achievement. And the best part was that we left with the one and only Philadelphia with another honorable invitation for the next years parade. Hoooray!!!!!!!!! The Stinky Hotel by Olivia Mayer

''EWW''! I screamed as we walked in.We had just entered the stinkiest hotel in the universe! It was 4:00 PM and we were in South Carolina coming back from Fort Myers, Floridia . At the front desk there was a big lady eating a Mc Donalds Big Mac with ketchup dripping out the back of it. I don’t know if anyone else saw it , but there was green smoke that filled the air.

As me and my mom were checking in I finally felt my nose faint it was the weirdest feeling. After we got settled in we vanished to the dollar store bought a Fabreze bottle, wrapped it up and gave it to the lady. She laughed. The lady at the front desk finally told us, '' No it was not me we are having A sewage problem.

Later that day, we had gone to Cracker Barrel for dinner. We could not stop laughing about what had happened earlier.

As soon as we walked into the hotel we smelt a gust of freshness (mmmmmmmhaaaaaaaaa) it was a miracle it actually smelled fresh! After that experience we for now on learned to always bring air freshener to hotels.�

A Day I Will Never Forget: My Puppy By: Jaydin Murillo

For ten years I've always wanted a puppy until one Saturday afternoon that moment was the beginning of a new generation to my life. It opened doors to a brand new puppy! That day was the best day of my life it was uninspected day of getting a brand new puppy and last listen to my story.

One Saturday afternoon, we were doing something I don't like: shopping. I just had gone to the bathroom and I slipped and fell in the bathroom. I thought this day couldn't get any worse.I found my family in the store, and my mom told me some really good news.My mom was on Facebook, and she found a basset hound at Dreamy Puppy. Basset hounds are my dads favorite breed. At the store we decided to get a puppy. We raced to the and payed for our stuff. Then, we raced to our car and my parents were taking forever.Next, we put our bags in the car then me and my sister were waiting for my parents to unlock the car.

On our way to Dreamy Puppy we drove to the gas station. While we were at the gas station we were thinking of names for our puppy and we narrowed it down to Abigail, Punkin, and Copper. After a very long, long trip, we finally made it to Dreamy Puppy. Then when I walked in, I saw a lot of puppies. I to pet a few of them. I sneezed five times in a row because I'm allergic to dogs. After a few minutes, my mom brought my new puppy to me and my sister. Our puppy looked super sad but she was really happy. Basset hounds always looks sad. I felt really excited about getting my new puppy. We named her Punkin.

Punkin was a little bigger than the other puppies, but she was still small. The first thing I saw was her big paws.She also had big floppy ears, an extra rib, extra skin, and a white strip on her butt. She had a dot on her head. Her fur color was white and brown. An other family wanted the basset hound, but they got a husky named Bolt. My sister and I played with Punkin and Bolt while my family and the other were signing the papers. I couldn't believe we got a puppy! Before we left, the people at Dreamy Puppy showed us how to take care of a dog, and then we took her home.

After we left Dreamy Puppy we drove to Pet Smart. At Pet Smart we bought toys, a bed, and treats. Punkin was so happy that we got her toys. She was so happy that she came running to us. I was so happy because we finally got a puppy on a unexpected day. I learned this was the best day ever! Also that its super hard to take care of a puppy. That was definitely a day I will never forget.

The Day I Will Never Forget by Ashley Newman

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I screamed as the roller-coaster/water park zoomed down the eighty foot drop down to our death.

I was so excited to go on the roller-coaster/water park.My parents said I can't go by my self. So I asked my brother Jack if he could go with me, He said no. So I had to bribe him. His weakness is chocolate, so I asked my mom if she can buy me some and she said yes after my mom bought me some I made a agreement with my brother I give him chocolate he goes on the ride with me he agreed.

When I got in line I was so board. At last when it was our turn to go on I had a fifty foot beard. Once I got there I did not want to wait for the other kids to get on. After I grew a seventy foot long nails we started moving at first it was really boring I thought it was a waist of money until This happened...

Oh no something is wrong we are going faster and faster! I want to get OFF! AHHHH! we zoomed down the eighty foot drop (It wasn't so bad) until... AHHHHHH! another drop is coming! Nooooooo! I thought it was over then out of no ware a T-rex's head swung over as it was about to eat me. AHHHHHH everyone was screaming I wanted to, but all I got out of is was bugs in my teeth.

There was water splashing all over the place. Once we got off the ride and saw Mom and Dad I gave them a great big hug and said thank you so much my brother was so happy the Agni was over he kissed the ground we all started laughing we all drove back to the hotel.

A Day I Will Never Forget by Olivia Piper

In 2012, I flew to Disney World and saw my friend Zoey, I was so excited to see her. We ran towards each other and actually ran into each other, Like a bird flying into a plane. Zoey and I got breakfast together and we both got pancakes. I got chocolate chip and she got blueberry, Which I thought was disgusting! When we were having breakfast Snow White came and joined us! We got pictures with her, But Zoey was kind of scared to be around her.

Zoey and I rode some rides and wanted some ice cream. Also, we saw Dopey who was at the top of the stairs and fell down. I asked Dopey, " Are you ok?" I think Zoey was scared again because I always knew she was scared of mascots. Dopey didn’t say anything and Zoey ran away so I followed her. I asked her, "What's wrong?."

She said, "Lets jus go get some ice cream." We ran to the arcade and I played Pac Man and Zoey played Donkey Kong and kept losing. Also, we finally got ice cream and brought it to the arcade. I got chocolate chip and Zoey got chocolate crunch and of course my brother got double chocolate chip. It was so good I felt like I was in heaven. We ran outside to see Sponge Bob. I gave him a big hug! It was 90 degrees outside. Even though it didn’t feel like it.

As we walked outside, We saw some puppies for adoption. Zoey and I spent a good fifteen minutes around the puppies. The lady said, "One is sugar, the other one is Georgia, and I think the last one is Bobby. Zoey fell asleep, and her dad ended up carrying her.Then, I knew she wasn’t actually asleep because slowly she was eating popcorn.

Finally, we had to go home it was really sad. Even though I had such an amazing time, I still was upset. Zoey started to cry. When we got to the parking lot, I actually fell asleep while I was walking! I really had a fun time with my friend. But sadly, it was time to go. And before I knew it I was in my bed at my house.

A Day I will Never Forget Family Reunion By: Reya Prakash

Crack!!! Went a painting as it fell from the wall. For the one second I stopped my task to glance at the shattered masterpiece, moments later it felt like a wasted second of my time to prepare for our oncoming family reunion. I hurriedly returned to my task of tiding up our rooms , while my cousins mom practically tore through the phonebook looking for a number to call for the food. I was actually a little worried ,but I pushed my worries aside, and consoled myself. Suddenly "ding dong" I heard and hoped it was them, my heart pounding.

In summer 2014 me and my family had taken a trip to India to visit our relatives. Now, halfway through our trip, we were visiting my dads sisters house, and staying with them for a couple of weeks. We were having a family reunion, on my dads side of the family at least. Anyway, soon after I was feeling a little ill, so I laydown. Then the doorbell rang but presto! I was not well enough to get up and see who it was! I heard voices, and footsteps. Soon my parents came into the room and hugged me, and luckily I felt well enough to get out of bed and change into my indian outfit.

Soon all of our extended family arrived, as well as the food. All of the grownups sat down and began to talk and talk and talk!!! Us kids wandered away and began to prepare for the talent show, we had been talking about previously for many weeks, until alas it was time! I was supposed to go first so I stepped up and quickly glanced around at my audience and froze!! I tried to shake my fears but they stubbornly refused to leave!!!! Slowly, I took a deep breath and began to sing.

LA!!! echoed the first note of love story, the song I was singing ,by Taylor Swift. Careful not to make a mistake, I finished the song, and as I sat down to enjoy the others performance's I felt relaxed. I watched my cousin sing a song called mighty mountain man, and then it was time for food. We all dined on chicken wings and other scrumptious foods. I ate some food, but soon I began to feel sick, so I stopped eating.

Soon it was late and all our guests got up and left. We said our good byes, with solemn, but heavy hearts. I even shed a few tears. Inside I felt upset, for I would not be seeing my cousins for a long time, maybe even years. Soon the good byes were over, and I went to bed with a heavy heart. For me that day was very fun, but also very sad. It is truly a day I will never forget.

The Day I Will Never Forget Date:2-22-15

By: Ananya Raghunath

Zroom! I was on aboard the plane Delta waiting for lift off! I couldn't wait to hit the air.My heart pounded with excitement.But just then, the, captain came on the speakers and said ''Welcome ladies and gentleman, thank you for riding with us in Delta airlines. ''Before we hit the air lets go over some safety rules''.'' Blah, blah, blah, blah''! Millions of words came out of the captain's mouth! But then the plane started to moving! Finally!

I glanced with joy! After five minutes the plane started moving as fast as lightning speed!'' Hawaii Here I Come''!!! After 30 minutes ,I kept on asking are we there yet! I kept on saying that until my parents ear fell of.Finally the snack and drink cart came .''I am starving''. I grabbed a pack of pretzels and a pack of cookies, with that I got a some apple-cranberry juice.That lasted for an hour!

After another twenty minutes I got bored again. before the flight started they gave me a coloring book that lasted 30 minutes of my time. Too me that coloring book was so totally lame. When I got to the last page of my coloring book I looked outside at the cloud through my window and fell asleep on my mom's lap.She was as warm as a pillow and top with a blanket. With a warm smile I slept so peacefully and cozy!

I woke up! After five minutes the captain came on the speakers and said, '' we will land in a few minutes please fasten your seat belts''. Then suddenly the plane started to land. My ears were pounding because of pressure! I tried not to cry so I looked at the view from my tiny window it was gorgeous! I saw a lot of green stuff that looked like big green patches of a blanket that was make by a person.Has we started getting closer to the runaway my ear started to hurt more. But suddenly the wheels of the airplane hit the runway really fast! I screamed in my brother's ear! ''Hawaii Here We Come ''.As soon the plane landed. We got our luggage and climbed down the stairs. I just noticed that the airport was a huge hut.Once we got outside we greeted with a nice brown beads garland and they handed us each a huge coconut drink.I was excited that it was not freezing like it is back home.We got on our bus which took us to our beach front hotel.

So that was the day I will never forget...'' That was amazing''. Now you know about mine. So what about yours?

A Day I Will Never Forget by: Mats Raman

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed as the Rebel Yell zoomed down the hill and we made our way through twist and turns and through a tunnel. This is a day I will never forget at king's Dominion.

My family and I were waiting in line to get on the Rebel Yell and I was nervous like a baby. When we were on the Rebel Yell we started climbing a hill that looked like 4 stories tall I got really nervous like a guy who is going to throw up. Once we were on the roller coaster and halfway up I started to fell like I should have never went on this roller coaster. By the time we reached the top of the hill my heart felt like it was going to explode out of my throat.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed as the Rebel Yell zoomed down the hill. I couldn't even say a word, my throat felt like it was locked in jail. We made our way through twists and turns and ups and downs, even through a tunnel. The roller coaster finally came to a screeching stop which nearly threw me over the seat.

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. As we got off the Rebel Yell, I said, "let's do it again"! My family and I ran around like bullets to the front of the ride. We were all so excited to ride it again and I did not feel nervous this time around.

In conclusion I will never forget this thrilling and exciting day at King's Dominion on the Rebel Yell. I've been back to King's Dominion several times just because I love the Rebel Yell. I highly recommend it over any other ride!


As I woke up one crisp morning, I was thinking to myself I need a new game.So then I looked up medieval stuff on my computer, then there was one that stood out from the others.Its name was called Skyrim, and in Skyrim there were a group of people called the companions.They had a special,unike power of using a spell called beast form, and changes you to a aggressive, terrifying werewolf.So if you join them you can become one with the beast.When I found this out, I was in a state of shock that my brain was melting. The model was so beast

After that I looked up its perks right away, faster than the speed of light.Then once it loaded up, I saw two rings one as the ring of hercine, and the other the ring of bloodlust.Then there were the totems of hercine.how to achieve them is to go to skjor and ask if there is any jobs to be done.Then he sends you to collect them.Ther are three different totems that help you.The totem of brotherhood, the totem of fear, and the totem of the hunt.They all help you achieve better werewolf skills.

The totems have different effects on you.The totem of fear emits a roar that creates a fear glow to creatures around you, and makes them run silly as long as there passive.The totem of brotherhood creates a roar that summons to spirit werewolfs,they do exactly what you do and have the same stats as you.And last but not least is the totem of the hunt, this also emits a roar that emits a glow that’s red for aggressive creatures, and a blue aura around passive creatures.They help a lot when in danger.I ended my exiting trip on a tiring day, THE END


The Day I Will Never Forget By: Allison Tran

"Pew! Pew!" this is what I heard as the enemy team came into view and I rushed away. I was at laser tag on August 2,2015 for my friends birthday, I was with my BFF Tara, as we were running from the red team. We were looking for our team, the green team

We were at a fun park for a birthday. We had to wait for a hundred years to go to laser tag, but we missed our chance. So we had to wait until midnight to play. When it was finally time to play laser tag, we came into the room where we had to watch the super long video. After we wore on our jackets ,it was time to play laser tag.

When I rushed in I stayed with my BFF, Tara, we shot enemy bases and shot other players. But, after awhile the red team started targeting us. So we looked for our team, the green team. When we found them the blue team was closing in.

We ran away as fast as we could and shot as many people as we could. The bases were easy to get to because no one was guarding them.. Then , the game master said "Everyone please WALK to the exit.". It was hard to get to the exit, it felt as if the walls were moving and blocking the exit. When we found the exit we left the laser tag room.

After we took off the jackets, I ran to the score board to see the scores. The blue team won because they were older than us. Our team was in 2nd place, and that was good enough. It turned out that I had a lot of fun at laser tag!

The Horrific shopping experience of my life! by Mia Tran

" I would rather do six long worksheets". It was 9:30AM. I was in my family van with my two sisters and my mom. We were driving for thirty minutes on the highway just because of my older sister. We had to go to the mall because it was homecoming week and my sister had to find "the perfect" dress. By the end of the day, we tip toed to six different dress shops and one restaurant to eat at.

(9:30Am driving on the highway with my mom, my two sisters , and I.) A lot of normal things happened in the car. For example, my mom was talking to one of her co-workers on her phone. My oldest sister was texting on her phone, obviously. My little sister was playing with her American Girl Doll. And I was playing Clash of Clans on my iPad. This happened for thirty minutes because the trip to Fair Oaks mall was thirty minutes on this long highway that never ends.

After all that weirdness, we arrived at Fair Oaks mall with all the time to spare. Millie, my older sister, was so excited that she was like a starving dog trying to find food. But when we were in the parking lot, the doors were closed so we had to wait for ten minutes. The ten minutes felt so long that it felt like hours you are in bed waiting for the sun to rise. After the doors open, our fist shop was Lord and Taylors. In my opinion, the dresses that were there looked like clothes from cavemen times. My older sister also hated the clothes there so we wondered around the mall to look for other clothes Shops.

So her final decision was at Macy's but I was starving to death that we had to stop at an eatery. However, there was only one restaurant open so we had to go there. It was so dirty in there that it smelt like mildew and it was so loud in there that it sounded like a bear growling.

Now I know that whenever it is homecoming week and I have to go to the mall with my sister, I will say "NO" or else I will be tired as a sloth if I stay there.

The Day I Will Never Forget By: Renata Wolf

I screamed when I found out that I could adopt Dixie the dog who I fell in love with, that one fateful day. She was the dog I wanted to adopt. But the day I met her I found out the dog who was at the adoption center for one whole year had someone else who wanted to adopt her to. This was the day I will never forget.

My dad and I had gotten an email from a nice lady named, River, who had been trying to help my dad and me find a dog. It started that the nice man who wanted to adopt Dixie never showed up. So that means if me and my dad still wanted to adopt her. So we left at 12:15 to show up at the Middleburg Humane Foundation around 1:00. In the car I could'nt stop smiling because I could not wait!

When we got there we saw River and we walked straight to Dixie's crate and put a leash on her and took her to a play area. She sniffed around for a while and then we played with the tennis balls that were there. So then it was the choice if we were going to adopt Dixie or not. But in the end my dad and I decided to adopt her. So my dad and I went to this special area with like one million forms to read, fill out and, sign! It felt like it took years! But during that there were two really cute baby kittens having a kitty fight! When my dad and River were done we got a new leash and collar from River.

So then it was time for that long half an hour car ride back. I sat in the front seat and then Dixie came to the front of the car and stepped on me with her razor sharp claws! It was so sharp that it left a couple red marks on my legs. So when we finally got home, me and dad went outside to teach Dixie a few tricks like sit and stay. With all the trouble you go through, getting a dog is worth it! This was a day I will never forget!

A Day I will Never Forget by Nicholas Wong

It was like any normal kids playdate my excitement grew as I entered My friend Lucas's house. my brother tagged along to. Lucas has a brother his name was Deigo That’s why he tagged along.

Anyways when we entered. The first thing I wanted Was go to the pool. So I asked Lucas's mom. She said yes, So we went to the pool I forgot how to swim so I asked for a pool noodle.

When we got to the pool I went to the low side by accident and I lost grip of the pool noodle I knew what to do SCREAM HELP!!! I knew that Deigo was in the pool so I figured he would save me But it was too late my head was under water I thought it was the end my eyesight became dark I didn't know what to do....

But then I saw a dark figure in the pool it grabbed me and pulled me back to the surface! it was Deigo! I thought it was the end but he saved me I couldn't stop thanking him. we got out of the pool and I told my mom and brother about how Deigo saved me and how I almost drowned we ate dinner and drove home.

Now I know not to forget that a cant swim. and from that day onward I vowed to try swimming lesson every day.