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Author: Chen Meiwen Title: Gendered ritual and performative : Yao Women, goddesses of fertility, and the Chinese imperial state Issue Date: 2016-06-29 Bibliography

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Glossary aiqing xinge Ao Yao Baidi Tianwang baihua baihua geyao Baimiaotu baitongnian baiyiren banbuzhan yuan 。 Ban Yao bangchang baodian Beifu Linggong beihangming の biao 、 biaozou 、 Bixia yuanjun Bolo caichan Cengcheng chaihuahuang chang Changnin Changsha chao chaotian baibai ke xiaozui chaqin xinge 》 Chashan Yao chenchiang chenci chengnianli Chen Jinggu Chen Shidao chouwu chuandu

215 chuanjiabao chuanjia guibao chushishou, lang zai Hunan wei zai zhou cunben yu erzisun da da chalang dadaolu dagongde daliao liaoguo guanxia liushiliu nian dingsi sui ba yue ershi’er ri Daluo tian Dao daode jiaohua lei de shu, yuyan jiaoke shu ji cidian daogong daogong jinshu yiben zainei daogongshu dashifu datengxia zhiyi dazhou Deng Wentong Deng Xuanhe di diaowutai diaoyuantai die dimu dimuke dimuyuan Dingcao, Zhao Chun Dong Yong du duige dujie duoyuan yiti dushen に dushui

216 Erhai Ershi si huaming fa faming fangkuai yaowen feng fenxiang Fujian furen gaitu guiliu Gaoshang yuhuang benxing jijingjuan ム zhong geben gehua gehua de daoci gelang gemu/geniang / genü geshi geshu getang getangyuan gexian gexian Liu Sanmei zhuan geyaoyu gu guajing guan Guangdong guangjue Guangnan Guangong Guangxi Guangxu gui guihua guijiaoke Guizimu

217 guniang guofa guoshan bangwen guoshan wenshu guoyou guyan geyao Hakka Hanshu hanyu He He Decai He Guangjuan Hejia Daxiao Benming Xingjun Helidi mu Helidi mu zhenjing Hezhou Hezhou, Guangxi honglou duren geshu honglouke Houshan Congtan housheng shaonian hua Huagen Fumu Huagenmu Huagong Huamu huahuan huahuang Huahuang Fumu huahun Hualan Yao Hualin hualong huaming Huang Daoping Huang Guiquan Huang Jingui Huang Sanmei huangetang liangyuan

218 Huangmuniang huangtaihou Huang Tiao Sha huanyuan huanyuan getang huapo huashan huashen xiangyi huatangke huawang Huawang Fumu Huawang Shengmu Huawang Shengmu zhi shenwei huawenhuaquan Hubei Hunan hunheyu jiang お Jiangsu jiao jiapu Jiawu jiaxian jiaxiandan jibing shangbing jielaotong jieyi jieyi niangzi jihui jilu wenjian jimi jin jindian Jing jingshu Jinhua Furen Jinping

219 Jinxiu jizu jundie kaitan huanyuan ke keju zhidu kumingge kuqing xinge Kuomintang Laibin lang langbing lanlunü と Lanshan Laojun laojunchang Laojun shi’er jiemen leifa Li Caiyou Li Decai Li Jing Linshui Li Xuanlian Li Yongxiang lianguanke Lianzhou lijia ling Lingbao Linggong Linshui Pingyao Chuan Liu Daning Liu San Liu Sanjie Liu Sanmei liuguan liushu liyi

220 long longhushan Longmen Lu Daode Luoxiang Luoyun lüshan Mashan Maguan man mei min Meishan jiao Meishan daojiao Meishandong Meishan sanshiliu dong meishan sanshiliudong ke Meishan wenhua miao Miao Mile Pusa Milü Min Min Yao minzu shibie yundong miyu mu nage nan nan nanci Nanzhao Dali nei niang niangjie niangniang niangzi Nong Zhigao ム

221 nü Nuogong Nuomu nüshu Pan Chaozheng Pan Dalan Pan Gu Pan Simei Pan Yuanji Panhu Panhuang shenchang panwang dage panwang ge Panwang yan panwangyuan piaoxue piaoyao guohai Pingle Pingdi Yao pinhuang juandie po Pojie powang Powang Huagen Fumu poyuke pwang ko Qianjiadong qianxi xinge Qin Qixian qing huahuang guanshen jie xiaoguan 」 duhua duanshan qingsheng daotan Qirenqu Qiubei qiuliange qiyan yunwen qiyueshu Quanzhen

222 richangyu rou rulu Sanlang sanmiao wang baishensheng ge sanmiaoshen Sanqing sanwen sanyuan menxia xinen/xiuzhen dizi / shang Shanggong Dongdou Huahuang Fumu Taibai Tianniang Shanggong Donghuanggong Dadao Shanggong Xiguo Huangmu Furen Shanglou Huagen Fumu shangqing tianshi menxia chuzhen dizi She Sheminshi shen shentoudai sheng shengmu shengmuke shenhua shishi lei wenben ji geben shenshu shi Shier Youshen shifu shigong shigongshu Shijiamoni Shijing shipai zhidu shipaiwen shiren Shiwan Dashan shizhu

223 shoufa shu shu shuji shuming sishu jiaoyu song Taishan niangniang Taishang Laojun taishang fengxing beiji quxieyuan chuantong lümei erjiao sanjie shengming jiazhi dizi Taishang she zhushengmu huawang miaojing taishang shuo huawang miaojing taishang shuo shengmu miaojing Taishang shuoxie huawang liuhai miaojing Tangwang Wupo tanxiao tao Taoyao taoyuandong tiandidong tiangan dizhi tianniang Tianxin Zhengfa tianzi tiaofen tongnan tongnian tongnü tusi tusuzi waishen Wang Meigui Wang Shizhen wang

224 wangbing weigetang weiji wen Wenshan wenyan wenyan geyao wu wu Wuchang Wudang wufomao Wuying wuzhou hua xia Xialou Gudu Xianpo Xianfeng xianfeng shi’er nian xianyouyao houyouchao xiao xiaofa xiaoming xiaoniang xiaoshun xiaoyao kuaile xie Xihuangmu xinge Xinning xinku xianpo xiong Xinsi Xiuzhai jiexun 」 Xiwangmu Xuan Xuande Xuanzang

225 xuetang Xundu xx dao xx fu zhengren zhifu zhiguan tianxia guishen changsheng leileng lingying wuzi weihao yangnai yangnaiqian Yangshuo yao yao yaochuan daojiao yaoguan yao qiu Yaosuzi yiben shoujie miyu jiedushi Jiang Xuanhong geifu dizi Deng Xian/Xuan-Cai yongying shifang shangdao yiliao xing wenben yindian Yindu Ying Yinghuajiaqiao yinyangju yinzhang yixueshu yizhang Yongzheng Yongzhou You Ling youdao shentoudai ge zhi touhua yong youdao taoyuan ge yiduanci youshen yuanguge yuanpenyuan Yuanshi tianzun Yuesu Haoge Yuhuang zhongjuanjing

226 Yunnan Yunnan sheng shehui kexue yuan zanbu wenben zaojiu zashu zhaidao zhandao Zhang Daogui Zhang Wulang Zhang Youjun Zhang Zehong Zhang Zhenzhen Zhang-Zhao Erlang zhaoshu Zhengyi zhengyi zhenjie zhenyi chuzhen shoujie ke Zhengyi dao Zhengyi jiao Zhengyi pai zhongguo daojiao Zhonglou Liuguo Huawang zhouqing shuben Zhou Yingmei Zhuang Zhupinjing zongjiao jingshu zongjiaoyu zongzibu zu zuogetang zuojiao zuzongyuan