Military Postal History Society SALE 209 – for Fall 2015 - Vol 54 No 3 Closing date = September 26, 2015 All bids to: Thierry Delespesse PO Box 32225 TUCSON, AZ 85751-2225 email:
[email protected] Description Key at End of This Document Auction Rules online at: Anyone may bid in this auction, you do not have to be a member of MPHS. All bids and payments in US dollars. Minimum Bid $2.50 PRE-WORLD WAR I 1. Newport RI Naval Training St Mint Postcard showing misc ships incl receiving ship and sail ships. F. MB $5.00 (1412) 2. Spanish-American War. Subsistence check for sick in Hospital - Fort Wingate, NM. Dated Dec 10, 1898 and made to Lieut Berkeley Francis, Exchange Officer. Back Handstamp "Capt. 9th Cavalry" with MS Ex. Officer and signature + bank handstamp. The 9th Cavalry were the Buffalo Soldiers! VF. (1416) PICT 3. Naval. Danish West Indies 3c. P/C cancel St. Thomas - 18-2- 1896. Sender dateline USS ALLIANCE {Screw Gunboat} St Thomas WI Febry 17 - 1896. To his son in Portland, Maine. VF. MB $15.00 (1410) 4. Naval. PC 1c stp cancel USS DUBUQUE – FEB 24, 1910 (VF – Ty.1). VF. MB $12.00 (1412) 5. Naval. PC (Boat drill, Naval Training Station, Norfolk, VA) 1c stp cancel USS FRANKLIN – DEC 2, 1910 (VF – Ty.2). VF. MB $15.00 (1412) 6. Naval. PC (Shipping scene, Old Dominion Wharf, Norfolk, VA) 1c stp cancel USS FRANKLIN – MAR 15, 1909 (VF – Ty.1 {R-1}). VF. MB $15.00 (1412) 7.