Load-Shedding Schedule

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Load-Shedding Schedule REVISED LOAD - SHEDDING SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 14 JUNE 2018 New requirements by Eskom, technical reliability and feedback from our customers have necessitated a revision of the existing schedule. The new schedule entails switching off widespread areas at our High Voltage Substations and seeks to minimise interruptions and introduce more fairness in the allocation of Blocks. It will also reduce the incidence of customer Block changes due to network faults. Each High Voltage Substation is categorised as largely Residential, largely Commercial or largely Industrial. A point to note is that some Residential or Commercial customers may be categorised as Industrial and fall within these Blocks and vice versa. It is difficult to correctly categorise each individual customer owing to the nature of the electrical network i.e. interconnectivity, hence we can expect some discrepancies. The new schedule consists of four stages with the rotation in the most likely period of load-shedding (06:00 - 22:00, Monday to Saturday) as follows :- Stage 1 : Residential/Commercial Blocks - load-shed once every second day Stage 2 : Residential/Commercial Blocks - load-shed once every day Stage 3 : Residential/Commercial/Industrial Blocks - load-shed once every day Stage 4 : Residential/Commercial/Industrial Blocks - load-shed once every day. Residential and Commercial will be shed for an additional block on alternate days All Blocks are scheduled for a 2 hour outage with an additional 30 minutes contingency to cater for switching. Sometimes, technical difficulties in restoring electricity may occur and should a customer remain off for a substantial amount of time after the Block has been scheduled to be restored, then that incident must be treated as a fault and reported to the Electricity Contact Centre on 080 1313 111. During load-shedding, customers are urged to switch off appliances to prevent overload trips which may result in extended outages. Switching off sensitive electrical appliances before power is restored also prevents the risk of voltage spikes and subsequent damage to equipment when power returns. BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Adams Rural 23 Clair Hills 10 Glen Anil 3 Manors 11 Ottawa South 16 Springfield North 18 Westridge 14 Adams Mission 23 Clairwood North 20 Glen Ashley 3 Margaret Mncadi Avenue 12 Overport Central 10 Springfield South 14 Westville 10 Albany 8 Clairwood South 20 Glen Hills 3 Marianheights 24 Overport South 14 St Helier 8 Westway Office Park 10 Albert Park 12 Clare Estate 10 Glenmore East 11 Marianhill Park 19 Palmiet 2 St Windfreds 11 Whetstone North 1 Albert Park East 15 Clayfield 1 Glenwood 14 Marianhill Ind Park 19 Palmview 1 St Windolins Ridge East 19 Whetstone South 17 Albert Park South 21 Clermont 2 Glenwood North 12 Marianhill 24 Paradise Valley 19 St Windolins Ridge West 24 Wiggins 14 Albina 8 Clifton Park 8 Grangetown 5 Marianridge 24 Parkhill 18 Stamford Hill 13 Windermere 13 Alexander Park 19 Coedmore 2 Grayleigh 10 Marine Parade 13 Parlock 5 Stamford Hill North 16 Windermere North 16 Alverstone 8 Coffee Farm 24 Greenbury East 17 Maxmead 19 Peter Road 18 Stanmore 1 WIndermere West 10 Amanzimtoti 23 Congela 21 Greenbury West 1 Maydon Wharf 12 Phoenix Ind Park 17 Stanvac 4 Winkelspruit 11 Amatikwe 3 Congela North 12 Greenwood Park 18 Maydon Wharf East 15 Phoenix Ind Park North 1 Starwood 1 Winston Park 8 Amawoti 1 Congella South 11 Greylands 16 Maydon Wharf North 21 Pinelands 4 Stockville 19 Woodhaven 6 Angola 24 Congo 3 Greyville 13 Maydon Wharf West 11 Pineside 24 Stonebridge 1 Woodhurst 6 Arena Park 6 Cordoba Gardens 16 Greyville South 12 Mayville 14 Pinetown East 24 Sunford 1 Woodlands 21 Ashely North 19 Corovoca Township 16 Grove End 1 Memorial Park 2 Pinetown NU 8 Sunningdale North 9 Woodside 10 Ashley 4 Cowies Hill 4 Hagart Road Ind 4 Merebank East 21 Pinetown South 19 Sunningdale South 3 Woodview 1 Assagay North 8 Crestholme 8 Hambanathi 16 Merewent 4 Pinetown West 11 Surprise Farm 19 Wyebank 2 Astra Park 11 Crestview 8 Hatton Estate 4 Mitchell Village 16 Pineview 24 Sydenham 10 Yellowood Park 6 Athlone 18 Croftdene 6 Havenside 6 Mithangar 16 Plantations 8 Sydenham South 14 Athlone Park 23 Crossmoor 6 Herrwood Park 9 Mobeni West 21 Point 15 Tea Estate 5 Atholl Heights 2 Dasainager 5 Hillary 2 Mobeni East 20 Prestondale 9 Temple Valley 5 Avoca 16 Dassenhoek 24 Hillcrest 8 Mobeni Heights 6 Prospect Hall 18 The Wolds 11 Avoca Hills 16 Dawncliffe 10 Hillcrest Park 8 Mobeni South 21 Prospecton 22 Thornwood 24 Bayhead 20 Dawncrest 5 Hilldene 8 Molweni 8 Queensburgh South 6 Tollgate 19 Bayhead North 11 Dawncrest West 10 Hillgrove 5 Montclair North 20 Queensburgh West 19 Tongaat Beach 5 Bayview 6 Dbn Valley View Ind Park 24 Hillhead 5 Montclair South 21 Rainham 1 Tongaat CBD 16 Bellair 2 Demat 6 Hilltop Gardens 2 Montford 6 Rainham East 17 Toyota 22 Belvedere (Tongaat) 16 Doonheights 4 Hippo Road 5 Moorton 6 Redcliffe 5 Treasure Beach 4 Belvedere (Hillcrest) 8 Doonside 4 Illovo Glen 11 Morningside East 16 Redcliffe North 23 Trenance Manor 1 Berea 14 Duffs Road 17 Illovo Township 11 Morningside South 10 Redfern North 1 Trenance Park 5 Berea West 10 Durban Beach 13 Impola 24 Moseley Park 19 Redhill North 3 Trurolands 16 Berkshire Downs 2 Durban Central 15 Inanda Glebe 3 Motalabad 2 Redhill South 18 Tshelimnyama 24 Besters 17 Durban Harbour North 12 Inanda Namibia 3 Mount Morelands North 23 Regency Park 24 Umbilo East 14 Bhambayi 17 Durban Harbour South 20 Inanda Newtown 3 Mount Morelands South 5 Reservoir Hills 2 Umbilo North 11 Bhekukutulu 24 Durban North 18 Isipingo Beach 22 Mount Moriah 17 Reunion 21 Umbogintwini 23 Bhekulwandle 11 Earlsfield 5 Isipingo Hills 22 Mount Vernon 2 Ridgeview 2 Umbumbulu 7 Birchwood 24 Eastbury 1 Isipingo Rail 22 Mount View 5 Rietriver 1 Umdloti 5 Blackburn 16 Ekuthuleni 17 Jacobs 4 Mountain Ridge North 24 Risecliff 6 Umdloti Beach 5 Bluff 4 Emachobeni 3 Jacobs North 20 Mountain Ridge West 11 Riverhorse Valley 16 Umdloti Heights 23 Bonela 14 Emakhosini 17 Kenville 18 Mshayazafe 3 Riverview Park 23 Umgeni Business Park 18 Bothas Hill 8 Emona 16 Kharwastan 6 Mt Edgecombe C.C.E. East 9 Riyadh 5 Umgeni Park 18 Bottlebrush 6 Emzomusha 17 Klaarwater 6 Mt Edgecombe C.C.E. West 17 Rockford East 17 Umhlanga Ridge 9 Briardene 18 Emzomusha North 3 Kloof 4 Mt Edgecombe East 9 Rockford West 1 Umhlanga Rocks 9 Brighton Beach 4 Epitoli 24 Kwa Makhutha 23 Mt Edgecombe West 17 Rossburgh 20 Umhlatuzana 6 Brindhaven 5 Escombe 2 Kwa Mashu 3 Musgrave 14 Rydalvale 1 Umhlatuzana North 2 Brookdale 1 Escombe West 19 Kwa Mashu West 17 Nagina North 24 Sandfields 16 Umkumbaan 2 Buffels Bosch North 19 Essenwood North 10 Kwa Ndengezi 24 Namibia 24 Sapreff 22 Umlazi 7 Buffelsdale 16 Essenwood South 14 Kwa Dabeka 2 Nazareth North 19 Sarnia 4 Umzinyathi 3 Buffelsdraai 5 Etafuleni 5 Kwa Dabeka Hostels 2 Nazareth South 19 Savanna Park 6 Valdin Heights 5 Bulwer 14 Everest Heights 5 La Lucia 9 Ndunduma 2 Sea Cow Lake East 18 Vanrova Gardens 16 Burlington Heights 6 Everton 8 La Lucia Ridge 9 New Dawn Park 5 Sea Cow Lake North 5 Verulam 23 Canelands 23 Everton East 4 La Lucia West 3 New Germany 2 Seaview 20 Verulam CBD 5 Canelands North 5 Ezikhalini 3 La Mercy 5 New Germany Ind Park 24 Selection Beach 5 Virginia North 3 Caneside 1 Ezimbokodweni 23 La Mercy North 16 Newlands 5 Shallcross 6 Virginia West 18 Carrington Hts 2 Fairbreeze 16 Lamontville 21 Newtown 3 Shastri Park 1 Warner Beach 4 Carrington Hts North 11 Falcon Ind Park North 24 Lamontville North 6 Nirvana Hills 19 Sherwood 10 Washington Heights 24 CastleHill 5 Falcon Ind Park South 11 Langalibalele 3 North Beach 13 Shongweni 24 Waterfall 8 Cato Crest 14 Farinham Ridge 4 Langefontein 8 North Beach South 15 Shulton Park 4 Waterloo 5 Caversham Glen 19 Fields Hill 11 Lenham 1 Northcroft 1 Silverglen 6 Watsonia 16 Centenary Park East 17 Flamingo Heights 16 Litchie Farm 5 Northdene 19 Sithundu Hill 24 Welbadacth 6 Cetenary Park North 1 Folweni 7 Longcroft 1 Nsizwakazi 24 Somerset Park 9 Welbadacth East 6 Chelmsford 8 Forest Hills South 4 Lotus Park 22 Ntuzuma 3 South Beach 15 Wentworth 4 Chesterville 10 Forest Hills West 8 Lotusville 5 Oaklands 24 Southgate North 1 Wentworth West 20 Chesterville East 14 Foresthaven 1 Luganda 24 Oaklands Central 5 Southgate East 17 West Riding 8 Chiltern Hills 2 Fynnlands South 20 Madundube 7 Ogunjini 23 Southgate Park 23 Westbrook 16 Chiltern Hills West 10 Gandhinagar 16 Mahogany Ridge 19 Ohlange 1 Soweto 3 Westclifff 6 Churchill Road 23 Gandhi's Hill 16 Malukazi 23 Orient Hill 22 Sparks 10 Westmead 19 City Central 12 Genazzano 5 Malvern 2 Osindisweni 23 Springfield 10 Westmead Ext 19 The Load-shedding Schedule can be found on http://www.durban.gov.za/City_Services/electricity/Load_Shedding/Pages/default.aspx MPUMALANGA AND MAGABENI FOUND IN ESKOM’S SCHEDULE LOAD - SHEDDING SCHEDULE V 2.02 Monday Tuesday TIME STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 TIME STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE3 STAGE 4 00:00-02:00 13 13,6 13,6,2 13,6,2,9 00:00-02:00 9 9,2 9,2,6 9,2,6,13 02:00-04:00 14 14,7 14,7,3 14,7,3,10 02:00-04:00 10 10,3 10,3,7 10,3,7,14 04:00-06:00 15 15,8 15,8,4 15,8,4,11 04:00-06:00 11 11,4 11,4,8 11,4,8,15 06:00-08:00 1 1,5 1,5,17 1,5,17,3 06:00-08:00 5 5,1 5,1,17 5,1,17,7 08:00-10:00 9 9,13 9,13,18 9,13,18,11 08:00-10:00 13 13,9 13,9,18 13,9,18,15 10:00-12:00 10 10,14 10,14,19 10,14,19,12 10:00-12:00 14 14,10 14,10,19 14,10,19,16 12:00-14:00 11 11,15 11,15,20 11,15,20,9 12:00-14:00 15 15,11 15,11,20 15,11,20,13 14:00-16:00 12 12,16 12,16,21 12,16,21,10 14:00-16:00 16
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