U.S. May Not Wait Thieu OK
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Todays Our All-County Football Team SEE PAGES 22,23 The Wegther THEDMLY Partly cloudy today and tonight, lows in the 30s. Mostly ) Red Bank, Freehold Cf~ FINAL cloudy tomorrow. ( LongBranch !• J EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 30 PAGES VOL.95 NO. 107 ..•;..• KEDBANK,NJ.FRIDAY,DECEMBER 1,1972 mmiiiiiiiiuiiimmiiiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIHIIIIIII n inn mm nnitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiininiitiiniiiHiiiumiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiniiitH U.S. May Not Wait Thieu OK WASHINGTON (AP) - Underlying the conflicting fore flying off to Key Bis- The White House and the reached, the White House protect a ceasefire. South,,Vietnam's special en- reports were indications, that cayne, Fla., yesterday, is re- Pentagon said, meanwhile, said. Looking forward to the re- voy Nguyen Phu Due today the United States is growing ported as determined as ever there will be no formal an- U.S. officials say Due has sumption of the Paris talks on sought a fourth meeting with impatient and may not wait to settle the Vietnam war on nouncement in the future of continued to insist in his meet- large troop withdrawals from Monday, authoritative U.S. of- national security adviser Hen- for its South Vietnamese ally honorable terms as quickly as ings here on the major re- ficials made these points: ry A. Kissinger on the final to approve before signing a fi- possible. Vietnam, although the Penta- maining demand of the South shape of a Vietnam peace set- nal peace agreement with the • Before his meeting with gon said small withdrawals Vietnamese, which is for a — Though differences re- tlement. .North Vietnamese. Due yesterday, Nixon also would continue. written commitment from the main which may not be ironed Vietnamese diplomatic Informed sources said Sai- called in the joint chiefs of North Vietnamese to with- out with Saigon, they are opti- sources said Due would again gon is not now ready to initial staff for what deputy press By ending the formal an- draw their troops from the mistic that a ceasefire agree- see Kissinger at the White the modified draft agreement secretary Gerald L. Warren nouncements, the Pentagon South. ment is near. House before returning to Sai- worked out between Kissinger called "a review of the entire said negotiators in .Paris Sources said Nixon has — The present draft, agree- gon, but a White House and, the North Vietnamese in situation in South Vietnam." would be given additional fle- probably advised Due that no ment does not require the re- spokesman said after yes- secret Paris talks. Kissinger is scheduled to xibility in discussing troop such pledge could be obtain- moval <if President Thieu terday's discussions "nothing Nixon, who along with Kissi- join the President in Florida levels. A 27,000-troop ceiling ed, but that enough from office,as Hanoi had so is set at this time." > nger, met with Due twice be- today: set for today has been safeguards were available to' long demanded. Rogers Stays; Status A POKE IN A PIG — Dr. Vaughn Morrison, an Agriculture Department Veterinarian, takes a ton- sil biopsy to test for hog_ cholera at an Indiana farm. Recent outbreaks of hog cholera In gar-' bage-fed swine In New Jersey brought urging by the USDA that pork producers Increase com- issinger inDoubtpliance with garbage cooking regulations. KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. Some members of Congress' i Kissinger, who is heading nouncement that— Kenneth •if ' > ' (AP) — President Nixon says have suggested publicly that back, to Paris for a second Rush, former ambassador to William P. Rogers will remain Kissinger fulfills the historic session with Hanoi's Le Due West Germany and more re- as his second-term secretary role of secretary of state, yet Tho- cently deputy secretary of de- of state but questions remain is not called upon to testify The President flew to his fense, will be nominated to be Non-Public about the future plans of the • before Senate or House com Florida home after holding an No. 2 man to Rogers as depu- . administration's No. 1 glam- mittees because he is a mem- unexpected second meeting ty secretary of state. our diplomat — Henry A. Kis- ber of the President's person- with Nguyen Phu Due, special - William Casey, now singer. al staff. representative of South Viet- chairman of the Securities •Until yesterday when Nixon Nixon flew here yesterday namese President Nguyen and Exchange Commission, School Aid announced that Rogers would for a mostly relaxed weekend, Van Thieu. will be nominated to be under- remain as a holdover in his to b$ interrupted Saturday Before meeting Due, how- secretary of state for economic second-term Cabinet, there morning by a meeting with ever, Nixon coupled an an- affiars. had been muted speculation Test Aired about the intentions of Kissi- nger, Nixon's assistant for na- THENTON (AP) - A three- The panel took. un8ef, ad+ tional security affairs. judge federal court heard ar- visement a request to issue a ' Many still wonder what Kis- Newark Asks Court guments yesterday challeng- preliminary injunctl6n halting « singer, fresh from opening ing the constitutionality of tho aid program while it de- J new doors to Peking and Mos- New Jersey's program of aid elded the merits of the con- .,- APWIr«t*ot» to non-public schools. WILL STAY AT STATE - William P. Rogers cow will do after, peace is stitutional challenge. flashes a broad smile at the State Department af- achieved. Mrs. Ellen B. Kulka, at- • Asked about this, Kissinger To Limit Picketing tomey for the American Civil ter President Nixon announced Rogers would stay jected an interim injunction on as secretary of state \n the.reshuffied Cabinet. said only that he plans to go NEWARK (AP) ~ Superior Frank Magaro, a state as- Liberties Union and 10 other to .Mexico for a two-week va- Court Judge Irwin Klmmel- limiting picketing at the con- semblyman who sponsored a Wetlands Ad groups challenging the 1971 cation; man was scheduled today to struction site after police and tax abatement for the su.4 law; told the three judges the A Kissinger associate of- hear a request by the city ad- protesters clashed briefly. At million state-funded project in suit "involves the First fered odds recently of 6 to 4 ministration for an injunction the time, Kimmelman said po- the city council last year but A 1 /^ * Amendment," whli'h is ex- Issue Warrant that the Vietnam peace ne- limiting picketing at Kawaida lice had not proved the picket- has since opposed It, Issued a illipCttl LiOUlT tremely special and Is desefy- gotiator and former Harvard Towers. ing was illegally disruptive. ^statement saying, "Newark ing of special protection." University professor would The request has been chal- The controversy has turned cannot afford to lose Director TRENTON (AP) - New The amendment prohibits exit the governmant scene af- lenged by attorneys for the into the most explosive/ Situ- Redden" and calling for Red- Jersoy's second highest court establishment of religion and ter helping to fulfill the Presi- North Ward Citizens Com- ation in Newark since the 1971 den to stay on the job. has, In effect, upheld the con- guarantees freedom of reli- For Suspect dent's promise to end Amer- mittee, which is leading the teachers strike. Police Direc- stitutionality of the state Wet- gion. -.•-.•. The Temple of Rnwalda, ica's, military involvement in opposition to the' project. tor Hohn Redden resigned had no immediate comment lands Act, according to-a She said the plaintiffs did Southeast Asia. Kawa^da Towers, a 16-story yesterday, effective Jan. 1, on Reddcn's resignation. Spokesman for the state De- not need to show economic Another Nixon aide, prob- develo°pment for low and saying the city administration But the temple Issued a partment of Environmental loss In order (or the court to In Rape Case ably closer to the President, middle income families, is and the pressure groups in- statement disavowing the Protection. act. made light of any talk about being built by a black nation- volved had made statements Progressive Labor Party and The Appellate Division or MIDDLETOWN - A tele- of cooperation we need from Kissinger departing. Jokingly, list religious group in New- that "serve only to further in- the Students for a Democratic Superior Court ruled earlier Mrs. Kulka argued that the phone tip from an anonymous the public. he said, "Did you ever try to ark's predominantly white flame emotions and may rc- Society, which plan to de- this week that the legislation, state program would "lead to local truck driver has led po- "All he told us on the phone pry a size 10 foot out of a size Northward. sult in a violent con- monstrate the site tomorrow designed to regulate devel- an impermissible estab-' lice to issue a warrant for the is that he had read of the rape 9'shoe?" '' On Monday, Kimmelman re- frontation." at noon. opment of 350,000 acres of lishment of religion" by In- arrest of a Connecticut man and assault and robberies and coastal lands to avoid environ- volving the state education for questioning in connection thought the description of the mental pollution, docs' not department In the operations with a rape and armed rob- car matched," the captain amount to confiscation of wet- of parochial schools. beries in the Lincroft area. added. lands properties. Detective Capt. Robert M. The suspect fits the descrip- Marlboro Lloyd Road Project The spokesman said yes- She also argued that the Letts reported that "our first tion of the assailant per- terday that the ruling means program would lead to a "po- big break in the case" came fectly," Capt.,Letts contin- the regulation's have been up-, litical entanglement" between Tuesday night.