Local Development Framework Cambridge East Area Action Plan Development Plan Document Habitats Directive Assessment Prepared jointly by South Cambridgeshire District Council & Cambridge City Council May 2007 08450 450 500 www.scambs.gov.uk May 2007 Local Development Framework Cambridge East Area Action Plan Development Plan Document Habitats Directive Assessment Prepared jointly by South Cambridgeshire District Council & Cambridge City Council ISBN: 0906016630 © May 2007 Gareth Jones, BSc. (Hons) MRTPI Corporate Manager (Planning & Sustainable Communities) Simon Payne, DipTP MSc MRTPI MCMI – Director of Environment & Planning CCC If you would like a copy of this document in large print or another format please contact South Cambridgeshire District Council on 08450 450 500 or email
[email protected] May 2007 CONTENTS Page Executive Summary 1 Outcome of Assessment 1 Introduction 3 The Requirement For Habitats Directive Assessment 3 What are Natura 2000 Sites? 3 What is Habitats Directive Assessment? 4 What is a Significant Effect on a Natura 2000 Site? 5 Structure of the HDA Report 5 SECTION 1: Description of the Cambridge East AAP 6 SECTION 2: Description of the Relevant Plans and Strategies to be 11 Considered “In Combination” SECTION 3: HDA Screening Methodology, Sets Out the Approach Used 13 and Specific Tasks Undertaken SECTION 4: Natura 2000 and Ramsar Sites Potentially Affected by the 14 Cambridge East AAP SECTION 5: Screening Assessment of the Cambridge East AAP 16 SECTION 6: Consultations 17 SECTION 7: Conclusions 18 APPENDIX 1: Summary of Other Relevant Plans and Strategies 19 APPENDIX 2: Information on the Natura 2000 Sites 25 APPENDIX 3: Maps 49 APPENDIX 4: Habitats Directive Assessment Screening Matrix 85 May 2007 Habitats Directive Assessment i Habitats Directive Assessment May 2007 ii May 2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is an Assessment of the Cambridge East Area Action Plan Development Plan Document, to meet the requirements of the Habitats Directive.