KIWI 2017 Patrol Information Booklet

Host District: D’Aguilar Range Scout District Location: Woodford Showgrounds Theme: “Town & Country” Dates: 14th – 17th April 2017

KIWI WOGGLE is a Scout Patrol Competition Camp judged on Scout Section Camping Standards and the Scouts Code. Different Scout Districts annually host this annual event over the Easter 4 Day Long Weekend.

Patrols from all areas are invited to compete for the Kiwi Woggle (1st Place) and the Kiwi Trophy (2nd Place).

Inexperienced patrols are welcome to attend without the pressures of being a competition Patrol.


· Kiwi Woggle Registration Form must be submitted for each patrol attending Kiwi Woggle

· All Registration forms and payments need to be submitted by email or mail by 31/3/2017. No late registrations will be accepted.

· No Refund for non-attendance or early departure unless there is a medical certificate or extenuating circumstances. The Camp Chief will make the final decision.

· Patrol members must be fully paid members of .

· Inexperienced Patrols who require Leader assistance in the Kiwi Woggle Competition MUST note this on their Patrol Registration Form.

· Ad Hoc (blended) Patrols are permitted but MUST be noted on registration forms. Registered Ad Hoc Patrols will not be penalised. Unregistered Ad Hoc Patrols will be penalised. This helps in eliminating the practice of handpicked competition patrols.

· Any changes to the Patrol member’s names must be advised prior or at camp check-in.

· Additional Ice, Milk & Bread can be ordered for the Patrol and paid for via the Registration Form, these items can be collected from the QM Store at designated times.


$50.00 per Scout - this price includes camp fees, activity costs and a Kiwi Woggle badge.

Please note this camp cost does not include cost of food for individuals/patrol. Please ensure you add food cost to your C4 form.

· Inclusive in the Patrol Camp Registration– Patrols will receive 1 x bag of ice on Saturday and Sunday – this will be collected by the Patrol at designated times from the QM store.

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ARRIVAL: From 7:30am Friday 14/4/2017. A Parking Marshal will direct all cars on entering the Kiwi Woggle site – Woodford Showgrounds · Vehicle with Patrol Camp Equipment will be directed to a designated area · Vehicles camping (no Patrol Equipment) will be directed to the camping parking area · Vehicles dropping of Youth members will be directed to a Drop and Go parking area


On arrival Patrol Leaders are required to check-intheir Patrols at the Main Activities Centre (The Hub)

The Patrol Leader is required to bring the following to check-in

ü 2 copies of the Patrols C4’s - C4’s must have Parents initials for each adventurous activity & signature/s on the bottom of the Form (1 x copy for the PL to keep, 1 x for administration)

ü A73 (Signed Publicity Authorisation Form) for all patrol members

ü 1 x Campfire Skit form

Patrol Leaders will receive the following on check-in

· Arm Bands for each member of their patrol to wear throughout the camp · Medical Alert Armbands for any patrol member that has a medical condition · Highlighted Sub Camp Map with Camp Site Number Allocation · Kiwi Woggle Site Map · Invitation to attend the Kiwi Woggle Patrol Leaders Meeting · Overview of Fridays Program

Once Patrol’s and Leaders are checked in - vehicles with Patrol Camp Equipment will be directed to a Sub Camp unloading area. Please be quick when unloading so traffic can flow.Once all gear is unloaded Patrols are to start setting up camp in allocated Sub Camp.

PATROL LEADERS MEETING: PL’s will receive their Patrol Activity Program for the weekend and an overview of activities. Welcome and discussion on competition.

SUB-CAMPS: At Kiwi Woggle 2017 there will be a number of Scout Sub Camps. Each Sub-Camp will be allocated a Sub Camp Leader and assistants:

· Sub Camp Leaders role is to work with Patrol Leaders to identify risks, issues and problems and help rectify at the earliest opportunity. · Inexperienced Patrols will receive assistance and guidance when necessary by the Sub Camp Leader. · Sub Camp Leaders will run Sub Camp Parades morning and afternoon at designated times – this is where Patrol Leaders and Scouts will receive any notices. · Sub Camp Leaders will organise Sub Camp Activities as per Kiwi Woggle Scout Camp Program · Sub Camp Leaders will also be distributing medication as required on C4 Permission Forms · Scout Leaders are requested not to assist any patrol in any way during the competition. SL’s are required to check-in with the Sub-Camp Leader prior to entering any Patrol Camps.


For more information about camping standards for this competition review the Scout Section Camping Standards 2014 Booklet from the Scouts Queensland Website – ask your SL for a copy.

CONSTRUCTION · No pre-assembly of camp gateway or site gadgets is allowed. · Any pre-assembled items will need to be disassembled and started again on site. · Scout Patrol Tents are recommended (Dome tents are acceptable) · Each Patrol is required to erect a Dining/Kitchen Fly · 1 x Prefab table is allowed for food preparation and cooking · Patrol Dining table frame must be constructed on site – prefab dining table tops are acceptable

GATEWAY · Each patrol shall construct on site a themed gateway for their patrol campsite · This Gateway WILL be judged during the weekend · All scout safe policies are to be adhered to, please ensure structures are within height limitations. · Gateway maintenance is allowed during the camp, requests or suggestions made by the Judges should also be followed through by the patrols.

PATROL FLAG · Each Patrol is to design a Patrol Flag to incorporate their patrol name. This flag is to be flown at your campsite and WILL be judged during the weekend.

COOKING/FIRES: · Gas cooking only - No fires allowed

PATROL FOOD / MENU · Patrols are required to create a menu and purchase food for their patrol prior to the camp.

· Cost of food is NOT ALLOCATED in camp Fees

· Patrols can collect from the QM store at designated times their 1 x bag of ice allocation per Patrol for their esky’s on Saturday and Sunday plus any additional Ice, Milk and Bread ordered and paid for on their Registration Form.

· Be Prepared : Menu Planning – due to on and off site activities on Saturday and Sunday, it may not always be possible to return to your Patrol Camp to prepare and eat morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Therefore depending on your Patrol Program your patrol may need to carry these meals in their day pack over the weekend, please choose food that does not require cold packs or refrigeration.


· Patrols need to plan prior to camp a ‘Town & Country’ themed menu for Saturday Evenings dinner

· Patrols need to design and create a SPECIAL INVITATION to their Patrol Dinner for a Leader

· Patrols will need to give their SPECIAL INVITATION to a leader of their choice on Friday or Saturday of camp. The invited Leader must not be from your Group or District

· The Patrol WILL be judged by their special guest leader on the Patrol’s menu choice, meal preparation, presentation, quality, grace and clean up.

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A café will be available onsite to purchase snacks – please do not rely on being able to purchase snacks for morning tea/afternoon tea due to time constraints in some programing allocations.

· Cash Only – No Eftpos · Opening hours will be for morning tea & afternoon tea only and will be displayed. · Available for purchase will be Variety of snacks and drinks (No caffeine drinks will be sold to Scouts age youth). · Kiwi Woggle Souvenirs will also be available – limited stock

CAMP DRESS STANDARDS: Patrols risk the chance that Patrol Points may be lost if these standards are not followed or the patrol may miss out on an activity due to being sent back to camp to change.

ü Broad Brimmed Hat ü Sleeved and collared shirts only ü Scout Uniform (Shirt & Scarf) to ü Caps only at night ü NO inappropriate slogans on be worn to the Opening & shirts Closing Parade This includes all ü Long shorts/pants/shorts ü Scout Scarf & Woggle is to be Youth/Leaders/Adults/Rovers ü No short-shorts or leggings worn with a collared shirt for ü Sunglasses (optional) Offsite activity ü Enclosed Shoes

CAMP BEHAVIOUR: We expect all Scouts to follow the Scout Law whilst on camp at Kiwi Woggle

A Scout is Trustworthy, a Scout is Loyal, A Scout is Helpful, A Scout is Friendly, A Scout is Cheerful, A Scout is Considerate, A Scout is Thrifty, A Scout is Courageous, A Scout is Respectful and a Scout Cares for the Environment. Any Youth Member found not following the Scout Law whilst on camp may be reported to Welfare or the Camp Chief for further action.

FIRST AID: (as per Camping Standards) · All members of the patrol must carry a Personal First Aid Kit · Each patrol must have a Patrol First Aid Kit

First Aid Treatment Centre will also be available next to the Main Activities Centre (The Hub) · All accidents/injuries must be reported to Sub Camp Leader, Activity Leader, Administration or Camp Chief immediately · If an emergency call 000 then advise Sub Camp Leader, Administration or Camp Chief · All first aid given MUST be documented · Incident Report Forms F18 will be available at the Main Activities Centre and Admin

WELFARE: A Welfare Leader will be available at the First Aid building for any youth requiring support.

WATER: Water is available from designated taps – see site map.

GARBAGE: · All campsites must have enclosed garbage bins. Garbage collection points will be shown on the Site map.

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SHOWERS/TOILETS: · Toilet / hot and cold showers will be available to all youth · Please conserve water when showering – thongs/water shoes when showering · Please keep toilets and showers clean. Any concerns please see Sub Camp Leader or Admin

RESTRICTED AREAS: Areas will be nominated on the Kiwi Woggle Campsite Map

SECURITY: Woodford is a safe town but there will be camp security at Kiwi Woggle including onsite CCTV

· Security will be present on the Woodford Showgrounds throughout the camp · All youth members must follow the directions of security staff at all times · Any difficulties/problems in Sub Camps need to be reported to the Sub Camp Leader · Parents or Laypersons wishing to visit youth members must sign in on arrival with Administration. · All movements on and off site by youth must be part of an activity. · No youth member may leave the site (unless part of an activity) without special permission by Camp Chief and a leave pass.


· All Youth Members are to follow the directions of Sub Camp/Activity Leaders if there is an emergency. · Evacuation meeting points will be allocated on the site map. · If a parent needs to contact a Youth Member due to an emergency at home, the youth member will be notified by the Leader in Charge of the Activity / Sub Camp Leader or .

Competition Judging: The Judge’s decision is final.

Scouts are also asked to follow the “The Scouts Code” - Good Standards, Friendship, Good Sportsmanship, Teamwork, Camping Expertise and Patrol Participation.

Each Patrol will be judged on the following over Saturday and Sunday of Camp

· Overall Presentation: · Hygiene: ü Layouts, ü Cleanliness – Camp and Personal ü Facilities and workability ü Catering, Menus, Meal Presentation ü First Aid ü Cooking Facilities ü Spare Time and Wet Weather Provisions

· Camp Safety: · Morale and Activities: ü Facilities ü Patrolmanship, Sportsmanship ü Construction ü Patrol Identification ü Fire Prevention ü Good Turns, Friendliness, Attitude ü Equipment, Storage and Maintenance ü Mandatory Activities, Other Activities.

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BASIC KIWI WOGGLE SCOUT CAMP PROGRAM Please note this program may change prior to Kiwi Woggle

All PL’s will be invited to attend the PL’s meeting on the Friday 14th – here the PL’s will receive their patrol’s program for the weekend.

· Friday - Patrol Camp Setup + Opening Parade + PL meeting + Sub Camp Skit Try Outs · Saturday - Sub Camp Parade + Onsite & Offsite Activities + Themed Patrol Dinner · Sunday - Camp Scouts Own + Onsite Activities + Camp Variety show + Bush Dance Patrols are welcome to celebrate Easter in their Patrol Camp…chocolate eggs with breakfast is an idea!!! All youth members are to attend the Camp Scouts Own. · Monday - Closing Parade + Awards Presentations + Pack down Patrol Camp + Goodbyes

Activities include Town Exploration, Geocaching, Ropes, Fun Activities and Country Skills


· Opening Parade: 9:00am Friday 14/04/2017 · Kiwi Woggle Patrol Leaders Meeting: 9:30am Friday 14/4/2017 · Sub Camp Skit Try Outs: 7:30pm Friday 14/4/2017 · Themed Patrol Dinner with guest Leader: 6:30pm Saturday 15/4/2017 · Camp Variety show (instead of Campfire): 6:30pm Sunday 16/4/2017 · Bush Dance (after Cabaret): 8:00pm Sunday 16/4/2017 · Scouts Own (whole camp): 7:30amEaster Sunday 16/4/2017 · Closing Parade: 9:00 am Monday 17/4/2017 · Sub Camp Parades: AM&PM Parades to be held Saturday & Sunday

Departure: Transport will be permitted into the Patrol Sub Camps to collect camp equipment after 10:30am Monday 17/4/2017. OFFSITE/ONSITE ACTIVITIES

· Patrols are required to be ON TIME at all activities. Being late can cause your Patrol to miss out on that rotation or not complete the activity. PL’s are required to check-in their patrols at the start of the activity. · Each Scout is required to carry a day pack large enough to hold a water bottle, morning/afternoon tea, lunch (if required), hat, notebook & pen, sunscreen, insect repellent and personal medications i.e. Asthma Puffers, Epi-pens and personal first aid kit. · Patrols will be participating in an offsite activity. We must ensure that the public sees Scouting as a responsible Movement which cares for people, their property and their Environment. (QBSI 2.9.4)


· One Compass per Patrol · Pen & Notebook

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We look forward to receiving your Scout Patrol registration to attend KIWI WOGGLE 2017 D’Aguilar Range District

Please email your Patrol Registration Form to

[email protected]

Or Post to Kiwi Woggle 2017 c/- Ann McHenry 1576 Gympie Road, Carseldine QLD 4034

Camp Fee Payments can be made by Cheque or Direct Deposit BSB 034-036 Account No. 35-5829

Remember to LIKE our Kiwi Woggle 2017 Facebook Page for regular updates and the opportunity to place orders for Kiwi Woggle 2017 Souvenirs!!

We look forward to seeing you there! Any questions please email our admin team

[email protected]

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